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48<h5 class="subsubsection"> Python representation of architectures</h5>
50<p><a name="index-Python-architectures-2193"></a>
51<span class="sc">gdb</span> uses architecture specific parameters and artifacts in a
52number of its various computations.  An architecture is represented
53by an instance of the <code>gdb.Architecture</code> class.
55   <p>A <code>gdb.Architecture</code> class has the following methods:
57<div class="defun">
58&mdash; Function: <b>Architecture.name</b> ()<var><a name="index-Architecture_002ename-2194"></a></var><br>
59<blockquote><p>Return the name (string value) of the architecture. 
62<div class="defun">
63&mdash; Function: <b>Architecture.disassemble</b> (<var>start_pc </var><span class="roman">[</span><var>, end_pc </var><span class="roman">[</span><var>, count</var><span class="roman">]]</span>)<var><a name="index-Architecture_002edisassemble-2195"></a></var><br>
64<blockquote><p>Return a list of disassembled instructions starting from the memory
65address <var>start_pc</var>.  The optional arguments <var>end_pc</var> and
66<var>count</var> determine the number of instructions in the returned list. 
67If both the optional arguments <var>end_pc</var> and <var>count</var> are
68specified, then a list of at most <var>count</var> disassembled instructions
69whose start address falls in the closed memory address interval from
70<var>start_pc</var> to <var>end_pc</var> are returned.  If <var>end_pc</var> is not
71specified, but <var>count</var> is specified, then <var>count</var> number of
72instructions starting from the address <var>start_pc</var> are returned.  If
73<var>count</var> is not specified but <var>end_pc</var> is specified, then all
74instructions whose start address falls in the closed memory address
75interval from <var>start_pc</var> to <var>end_pc</var> are returned.  If neither
76<var>end_pc</var> nor <var>count</var> are specified, then a single instruction at
77<var>start_pc</var> is returned.  For all of these cases, each element of the
78returned list is a Python <code>dict</code> with the following string keys:
80          <dl>
81<dt><code>addr</code><dd>The value corresponding to this key is a Python long integer capturing
82the memory address of the instruction.
84          <br><dt><code>asm</code><dd>The value corresponding to this key is a string value which represents
85the instruction with assembly language mnemonics.  The assembly
86language flavor used is the same as that specified by the current CLI
87variable <code>disassembly-flavor</code>.  See <a href="Machine-Code.html#Machine-Code">Machine Code</a>.
89          <br><dt><code>length</code><dd>The value corresponding to this key is the length (integer value) of the
90instruction in bytes.
92        </dl>
93        </p></blockquote></div>
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