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56<h3 class="section">6.49 Using Vector Instructions through Built-in Functions</h3>
58<p>On some targets, the instruction set contains SIMD vector instructions which
59operate on multiple values contained in one large register at the same time. 
60For example, on the i386 the MMX, 3DNow! and SSE extensions can be used
61this way.
63 <p>The first step in using these extensions is to provide the necessary data
64types.  This should be done using an appropriate <code>typedef</code>:
66<pre class="smallexample">     typedef int v4si __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
68 <p class="noindent">The <code>int</code> type specifies the base type, while the attribute specifies
69the vector size for the variable, measured in bytes.  For example, the
70declaration above causes the compiler to set the mode for the <code>v4si</code>
71type to be 16 bytes wide and divided into <code>int</code> sized units.  For
72a 32-bit <code>int</code> this means a vector of 4 units of 4 bytes, and the
73corresponding mode of <code>foo</code> is <acronym>V4SI</acronym>.
75 <p>The <code>vector_size</code> attribute is only applicable to integral and
76float scalars, although arrays, pointers, and function return values
77are allowed in conjunction with this construct. Only sizes that are
78a power of two are currently allowed.
80 <p>All the basic integer types can be used as base types, both as signed
81and as unsigned: <code>char</code>, <code>short</code>, <code>int</code>, <code>long</code>,
82<code>long long</code>.  In addition, <code>float</code> and <code>double</code> can be
83used to build floating-point vector types.
85 <p>Specifying a combination that is not valid for the current architecture
86causes GCC to synthesize the instructions using a narrower mode. 
87For example, if you specify a variable of type <code>V4SI</code> and your
88architecture does not allow for this specific SIMD type, GCC
89produces code that uses 4 <code>SIs</code>.
91 <p>The types defined in this manner can be used with a subset of normal C
92operations.  Currently, GCC allows using the following operators
93on these types: <code>+, -, *, /, unary minus, ^, |, &amp;, ~, %</code>.
95 <p>The operations behave like C++ <code>valarrays</code>.  Addition is defined as
96the addition of the corresponding elements of the operands.  For
97example, in the code below, each of the 4 elements in <var>a</var> is
98added to the corresponding 4 elements in <var>b</var> and the resulting
99vector is stored in <var>c</var>.
101<pre class="smallexample">     typedef int v4si __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
103     v4si a, b, c;
105     c = a + b;
107 <p>Subtraction, multiplication, division, and the logical operations
108operate in a similar manner.  Likewise, the result of using the unary
109minus or complement operators on a vector type is a vector whose
110elements are the negative or complemented values of the corresponding
111elements in the operand.
113 <p>It is possible to use shifting operators <code>&lt;&lt;</code>, <code>&gt;&gt;</code> on
114integer-type vectors. The operation is defined as following: <code>{a0,
115a1, ..., an} &gt;&gt; {b0, b1, ..., bn} == {a0 &gt;&gt; b0, a1 &gt;&gt; b1,
116..., an &gt;&gt; bn}</code>. Vector operands must have the same number of
119 <p>For convenience, it is allowed to use a binary vector operation
120where one operand is a scalar. In that case the compiler transforms
121the scalar operand into a vector where each element is the scalar from
122the operation. The transformation happens only if the scalar could be
123safely converted to the vector-element type. 
124Consider the following code.
126<pre class="smallexample">     typedef int v4si __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
128     v4si a, b, c;
129     long l;
131     a = b + 1;    /* a = b + {1,1,1,1}; */
132     a = 2 * b;    /* a = {2,2,2,2} * b; */
134     a = l + a;    /* Error, cannot convert long to int. */
136 <p>Vectors can be subscripted as if the vector were an array with
137the same number of elements and base type.  Out of bound accesses
138invoke undefined behavior at run time.  Warnings for out of bound
139accesses for vector subscription can be enabled with
140<samp><span class="option">-Warray-bounds</span></samp>.
142 <p>Vector comparison is supported with standard comparison
143operators: <code>==, !=, &lt;, &lt;=, &gt;, &gt;=</code>. Comparison operands can be
144vector expressions of integer-type or real-type. Comparison between
145integer-type vectors and real-type vectors are not supported.  The
146result of the comparison is a vector of the same width and number of
147elements as the comparison operands with a signed integral element
150 <p>Vectors are compared element-wise producing 0 when comparison is false
151and -1 (constant of the appropriate type where all bits are set)
152otherwise. Consider the following example.
154<pre class="smallexample">     typedef int v4si __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
156     v4si a = {1,2,3,4};
157     v4si b = {3,2,1,4};
158     v4si c;
160     c = a &gt;  b;     /* The result would be {0, 0,-1, 0}  */
161     c = a == b;     /* The result would be {0,-1, 0,-1}  */
163 <p>Vector shuffling is available using functions
164<code>__builtin_shuffle (vec, mask)</code> and
165<code>__builtin_shuffle (vec0, vec1, mask)</code>. 
166Both functions construct a permutation of elements from one or two
167vectors and return a vector of the same type as the input vector(s). 
168The <var>mask</var> is an integral vector with the same width (<var>W</var>)
169and element count (<var>N</var>) as the output vector.
171 <p>The elements of the input vectors are numbered in memory ordering of
172<var>vec0</var> beginning at 0 and <var>vec1</var> beginning at <var>N</var>.  The
173elements of <var>mask</var> are considered modulo <var>N</var> in the single-operand
174case and modulo 2*<var>N</var> in the two-operand case.
176 <p>Consider the following example,
178<pre class="smallexample">     typedef int v4si __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
180     v4si a = {1,2,3,4};
181     v4si b = {5,6,7,8};
182     v4si mask1 = {0,1,1,3};
183     v4si mask2 = {0,4,2,5};
184     v4si res;
186     res = __builtin_shuffle (a, mask1);       /* res is {1,2,2,4}  */
187     res = __builtin_shuffle (a, b, mask2);    /* res is {1,5,3,6}  */
189 <p>Note that <code>__builtin_shuffle</code> is intentionally semantically
190compatible with the OpenCL <code>shuffle</code> and <code>shuffle2</code> functions.
192 <p>You can declare variables and use them in function calls and returns, as
193well as in assignments and some casts.  You can specify a vector type as
194a return type for a function.  Vector types can also be used as function
195arguments.  It is possible to cast from one vector type to another,
196provided they are of the same size (in fact, you can also cast vectors
197to and from other datatypes of the same size).
199 <p>You cannot operate between vectors of different lengths or different
200signedness without a cast.
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