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55<h2 class="chapter">3 GCC Command Options</h2>
57<p><a name="index-GCC-command-options-67"></a><a name="index-command-options-68"></a><a name="index-options_002c-GCC-command-69"></a>
58<!-- man begin DESCRIPTION -->
59When you invoke GCC, it normally does preprocessing, compilation,
60assembly and linking.  The &ldquo;overall options&rdquo; allow you to stop this
61process at an intermediate stage.  For example, the <samp><span class="option">-c</span></samp> option
62says not to run the linker.  Then the output consists of object files
63output by the assembler.
65 <p>Other options are passed on to one stage of processing.  Some options
66control the preprocessor and others the compiler itself.  Yet other
67options control the assembler and linker; most of these are not
68documented here, since you rarely need to use any of them.
70 <p><a name="index-C-compilation-options-70"></a>Most of the command-line options that you can use with GCC are useful
71for C programs; when an option is only useful with another language
72(usually C++), the explanation says so explicitly.  If the description
73for a particular option does not mention a source language, you can use
74that option with all supported languages.
76 <p><a name="index-C_002b_002b-compilation-options-71"></a>See <a href="Invoking-G_002b_002b.html#Invoking-G_002b_002b">Compiling C++ Programs</a>, for a summary of special
77options for compiling C++ programs.
79 <p><a name="index-grouping-options-72"></a><a name="index-options_002c-grouping-73"></a>The <samp><span class="command">gcc</span></samp> program accepts options and file names as operands.  Many
80options have multi-letter names; therefore multiple single-letter options
81may <em>not</em> be grouped: <samp><span class="option">-dv</span></samp> is very different from &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">-d&nbsp;-v</span></samp>&rsquo;<!-- /@w -->.
83 <p><a name="index-order-of-options-74"></a><a name="index-options_002c-order-75"></a>You can mix options and other arguments.  For the most part, the order
84you use doesn't matter.  Order does matter when you use several
85options of the same kind; for example, if you specify <samp><span class="option">-L</span></samp> more
86than once, the directories are searched in the order specified.  Also,
87the placement of the <samp><span class="option">-l</span></samp> option is significant.
89 <p>Many options have long names starting with &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">-f</span></samp>&rsquo; or with
90&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">-W</span></samp>&rsquo;&mdash;for example,
91<samp><span class="option">-fmove-loop-invariants</span></samp>, <samp><span class="option">-Wformat</span></samp> and so on.  Most of
92these have both positive and negative forms; the negative form of
93<samp><span class="option">-ffoo</span></samp> is <samp><span class="option">-fno-foo</span></samp>.  This manual documents
94only one of these two forms, whichever one is not the default.
96<!-- man end -->
97 <p>See <a href="Option-Index.html#Option-Index">Option Index</a>, for an index to GCC's options.
99<ul class="menu">
100<li><a accesskey="1" href="Option-Summary.html#Option-Summary">Option Summary</a>:       Brief list of all options, without explanations. 
101<li><a accesskey="2" href="Overall-Options.html#Overall-Options">Overall Options</a>:      Controlling the kind of output:
102                        an executable, object files, assembler files,
103                        or preprocessed source. 
104<li><a accesskey="3" href="Invoking-G_002b_002b.html#Invoking-G_002b_002b">Invoking G++</a>:         Compiling C++ programs. 
105<li><a accesskey="4" href="C-Dialect-Options.html#C-Dialect-Options">C Dialect Options</a>:    Controlling the variant of C language compiled. 
106<li><a accesskey="5" href="C_002b_002b-Dialect-Options.html#C_002b_002b-Dialect-Options">C++ Dialect Options</a>:  Variations on C++. 
107<li><a accesskey="6" href="Objective_002dC-and-Objective_002dC_002b_002b-Dialect-Options.html#Objective_002dC-and-Objective_002dC_002b_002b-Dialect-Options">Objective-C and Objective-C++ Dialect Options</a>:  Variations on Objective-C
108                        and Objective-C++. 
109<li><a accesskey="7" href="Language-Independent-Options.html#Language-Independent-Options">Language Independent Options</a>:  Controlling how diagnostics should be
110                        formatted. 
111<li><a accesskey="8" href="Warning-Options.html#Warning-Options">Warning Options</a>:      How picky should the compiler be? 
112<li><a accesskey="9" href="Debugging-Options.html#Debugging-Options">Debugging Options</a>:    Symbol tables, measurements, and debugging dumps. 
113<li><a href="Optimize-Options.html#Optimize-Options">Optimize Options</a>:     How much optimization? 
114<li><a href="Preprocessor-Options.html#Preprocessor-Options">Preprocessor Options</a>:  Controlling header files and macro definitions. 
115                         Also, getting dependency information for Make. 
116<li><a href="Assembler-Options.html#Assembler-Options">Assembler Options</a>:    Passing options to the assembler. 
117<li><a href="Link-Options.html#Link-Options">Link Options</a>:         Specifying libraries and so on. 
118<li><a href="Directory-Options.html#Directory-Options">Directory Options</a>:    Where to find header files and libraries. 
119                        Where to find the compiler executable files. 
120<li><a href="Spec-Files.html#Spec-Files">Spec Files</a>:           How to pass switches to sub-processes. 
121<li><a href="Target-Options.html#Target-Options">Target Options</a>:       Running a cross-compiler, or an old version of GCC. 
122<li><a href="Submodel-Options.html#Submodel-Options">Submodel Options</a>:     Specifying minor hardware or convention variations,
123                        such as 68010 vs 68020. 
124<li><a href="Code-Gen-Options.html#Code-Gen-Options">Code Gen Options</a>:     Specifying conventions for function calls, data layout
125                        and register usage. 
126<li><a href="Environment-Variables.html#Environment-Variables">Environment Variables</a>:  Env vars that affect GCC. 
127<li><a href="Precompiled-Headers.html#Precompiled-Headers">Precompiled Headers</a>:  Compiling a header once, and using it many times. 
130<!-- man begin OPTIONS -->
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