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56<h3 class="section">11.6 Disappointments and Misunderstandings</h3>
58<p>These problems are perhaps regrettable, but we don't know any practical
59way around them.
61     <ul>
62<li>Certain local variables aren't recognized by debuggers when you compile
63with optimization.
65     <p>This occurs because sometimes GCC optimizes the variable out of
66existence.  There is no way to tell the debugger how to compute the
67value such a variable &ldquo;would have had&rdquo;, and it is not clear that would
68be desirable anyway.  So GCC simply does not mention the eliminated
69variable when it writes debugging information.
71     <p>You have to expect a certain amount of disagreement between the
72executable and your source code, when you use optimization.
74     <p><a name="index-conflicting-types-3570"></a><a name="index-scope-of-declaration-3571"></a><li>Users often think it is a bug when GCC reports an error for code
75like this:
77     <pre class="smallexample">          int foo (struct mumble *);
79          struct mumble { ... };
81          int foo (struct mumble *x)
82          { ... }
84     <p>This code really is erroneous, because the scope of <code>struct
85mumble</code> in the prototype is limited to the argument list containing it. 
86It does not refer to the <code>struct mumble</code> defined with file scope
87immediately below&mdash;they are two unrelated types with similar names in
88different scopes.
90     <p>But in the definition of <code>foo</code>, the file-scope type is used
91because that is available to be inherited.  Thus, the definition and
92the prototype do not match, and you get an error.
94     <p>This behavior may seem silly, but it's what the ISO standard specifies. 
95It is easy enough for you to make your code work by moving the
96definition of <code>struct mumble</code> above the prototype.  It's not worth
97being incompatible with ISO C just to avoid an error for the example
98shown above.
100     <li>Accesses to bit-fields even in volatile objects works by accessing larger
101objects, such as a byte or a word.  You cannot rely on what size of
102object is accessed in order to read or write the bit-field; it may even
103vary for a given bit-field according to the precise usage.
105     <p>If you care about controlling the amount of memory that is accessed, use
106volatile but do not use bit-fields.
108     <li>GCC comes with shell scripts to fix certain known problems in system
109header files.  They install corrected copies of various header files in
110a special directory where only GCC will normally look for them.  The
111scripts adapt to various systems by searching all the system header
112files for the problem cases that we know about.
114     <p>If new system header files are installed, nothing automatically arranges
115to update the corrected header files.  They can be updated using the
116<samp><span class="command">mkheaders</span></samp> script installed in
117<samp><var>libexecdir</var><span class="file">/gcc/</span><var>target</var><span class="file">/</span><var>version</var><span class="file">/install-tools/</span></samp>.
119     <li><a name="index-floating-point-precision-3572"></a>On 68000 and x86 systems, for instance, you can get paradoxical results
120if you test the precise values of floating point numbers.  For example,
121you can find that a floating point value which is not a NaN is not equal
122to itself.  This results from the fact that the floating point registers
123hold a few more bits of precision than fit in a <code>double</code> in memory. 
124Compiled code moves values between memory and floating point registers
125at its convenience, and moving them into memory truncates them.
127     <p><a name="index-ffloat_002dstore-3573"></a>You can partially avoid this problem by using the <samp><span class="option">-ffloat-store</span></samp>
128option (see <a href="Optimize-Options.html#Optimize-Options">Optimize Options</a>).
130     <li>On AIX and other platforms without weak symbol support, templates
131need to be instantiated explicitly and symbols for static members
132of templates will not be generated.
134     <li>On AIX, GCC scans object files and library archives for static
135constructors and destructors when linking an application before the
136linker prunes unreferenced symbols.  This is necessary to prevent the
137AIX linker from mistakenly assuming that static constructor or
138destructor are unused and removing them before the scanning can occur. 
139All static constructors and destructors found will be referenced even
140though the modules in which they occur may not be used by the program. 
141This may lead to both increased executable size and unexpected symbol
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