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36<h3 class="section">4.16 <code>fmemopen</code>&mdash;open a stream around a fixed-length string</h3>
38<p><a name="index-fmemopen-177"></a><strong>Synopsis</strong>
39<pre class="example">     #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
40     FILE *fmemopen(void *restrict <var>buf</var>, size_t <var>size</var>,
41         const char *restrict <var>mode</var>);
44   <p><strong>Description</strong><br>
45<code>fmemopen</code> creates a seekable <code>FILE</code> stream that wraps a
46fixed-length buffer of <var>size</var> bytes starting at <var>buf</var>.  The stream
47is opened with <var>mode</var> treated as in <code>fopen</code>, where append mode
48starts writing at the first NUL byte.  If <var>buf</var> is NULL, then
49<var>size</var> bytes are automatically provided as if by <code>malloc</code>, with
50the initial size of 0, and <var>mode</var> must contain <code>+</code> so that data
51can be read after it is written.
53   <p>The stream maintains a current position, which moves according to
54bytes read or written, and which can be one past the end of the array. 
55The stream also maintains a current file size, which is never greater
56than <var>size</var>.  If <var>mode</var> starts with <code>r</code>, the position starts at
57<code>0</code>, and file size starts at <var>size</var> if <var>buf</var> was provided.  If
58<var>mode</var> starts with <code>w</code>, the position and file size start at <code>0</code>,
59and if <var>buf</var> was provided, the first byte is set to NUL.  If
60<var>mode</var> starts with <code>a</code>, the position and file size start at the
61location of the first NUL byte, or else <var>size</var> if <var>buf</var> was
64   <p>When reading, NUL bytes have no significance, and reads cannot exceed
65the current file size.  When writing, the file size can increase up to
66<var>size</var> as needed, and NUL bytes may be embedded in the stream (see
67<code>open_memstream</code> for an alternative that automatically enlarges the
68buffer).  When the stream is flushed or closed after a write that
69changed the file size, a NUL byte is written at the current position
70if there is still room; if the stream is not also open for reading, a
71NUL byte is additionally written at the last byte of <var>buf</var> when the
72stream has exceeded <var>size</var>, so that a write-only <var>buf</var> is always
73NUL-terminated when the stream is flushed or closed (and the initial
74<var>size</var> should take this into account).  It is not possible to seek
75outside the bounds of <var>size</var>.  A NUL byte written during a flush is
76restored to its previous value when seeking elsewhere in the string.
78   <p><br>
80The return value is an open FILE pointer on success.  On error,
81<code>NULL</code> is returned, and <code>errno</code> will be set to EINVAL if <var>size</var>
82is zero or <var>mode</var> is invalid, ENOMEM if <var>buf</var> was NULL and memory
83could not be allocated, or EMFILE if too many streams are already
86   <p><br>
88This function is being added to POSIX 200x, but is not in POSIX 2001.
90   <p>Supporting OS subroutines required: <code>sbrk</code>.
92   <p><br>
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