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52<h5 class="subsubsection"> Selecting Pretty-Printers</h5>
54<p>The Python list <code>gdb.pretty_printers</code> contains an array of
55functions or callable objects that have been registered via addition
56as a pretty-printer. 
57Each <code>gdb.Progspace</code> contains a <code>pretty_printers</code> attribute. 
58Each <code>gdb.Objfile</code> also contains a <code>pretty_printers</code>
61   <p>A function on one of these lists is passed a single <code>gdb.Value</code>
62argument and should return a pretty-printer object conforming to the
63interface definition above (see <a href="Pretty-Printing-API.html#Pretty-Printing-API">Pretty Printing API</a>).  If a function
64cannot create a pretty-printer for the value, it should return
67   <p><span class="sc">gdb</span> first checks the <code>pretty_printers</code> attribute of each
68<code>gdb.Objfile</code> in the current program space and iteratively calls
69each enabled function (see <a href="Disabling-Pretty_002dPrinters.html#Disabling-Pretty_002dPrinters">Disabling Pretty-Printers</a>)
70in the list for that <code>gdb.Objfile</code> until it receives
71a pretty-printer object. 
72If no pretty-printer is found in the objfile lists, <span class="sc">gdb</span> then
73searches the pretty-printer list of the current program space,
74calling each enabled function until an object is returned. 
75After these lists have been exhausted, it tries the global
76<code>gdb.pretty_printers</code> list, again calling each enabled function until an
77object is returned.
79   <p>The order in which the objfiles are searched is not specified.  For a
80given list, functions are always invoked from the head of the list,
81and iterated over sequentially until the end of the list, or a printer
82object is returned.
84   <p>Here is an example showing how a <code>std::string</code> printer might be
87<pre class="smallexample">     class StdStringPrinter:
88         "Print a std::string"
90         def __init__ (self, val):
91             self.val = val
93         def to_string (self):
94             return self.val['_M_dataplus']['_M_p']
96         def display_hint (self):
97             return 'string'
99   <p>And here is an example showing how a lookup function for the printer
100example above might be written.
102<pre class="smallexample">     def str_lookup_function (val):
104         lookup_tag = val.type.tag
105         regex = re.compile ("^std::basic_string&lt;char,.*&gt;$")
106         if lookup_tag == None:
107             return None
108         if regex.match (lookup_tag):
109             return StdStringPrinter (val)
111         return None
113   <p>The example lookup function extracts the value's type, and attempts to
114match it to a type that it can pretty-print.  If it is a type the
115printer can pretty-print, it will return a printer object.  If not, it
116returns <code>None</code>.
118   <p>We recommend that you put your core pretty-printers into a Python
119package.  If your pretty-printers are for use with a library, we
120further recommend embedding a version number into the package name. 
121This practice will enable <span class="sc">gdb</span> to load multiple versions of
122your pretty-printers at the same time, because they will have
123different names.
125   <p>You should write auto-loaded code (see <a href="Auto_002dloading.html#Auto_002dloading">Auto-loading</a>) such that it
126can be evaluated multiple times without changing its meaning.  An
127ideal auto-load file will consist solely of <code>import</code>s of your
128printer modules, followed by a call to a register pretty-printers with
129the current objfile.
131   <p>Taken as a whole, this approach will scale nicely to multiple
132inferiors, each potentially using a different library version. 
133Embedding a version number in the Python package name will ensure that
134<span class="sc">gdb</span> is able to load both sets of printers simultaneously. 
135Then, because the search for pretty-printers is done by objfile, and
136because your auto-loaded code took care to register your library's
137printers with a specific objfile, <span class="sc">gdb</span> will find the correct
138printers for the specific version of the library used by each
141   <p>To continue the <code>std::string</code> example (see <a href="Pretty-Printing-API.html#Pretty-Printing-API">Pretty Printing API</a>),
142this code might appear in <code>gdb.libstdcxx.v6</code>:
144<pre class="smallexample">     def register_printers (objfile):
145         objfile.pretty_printers.add (str_lookup_function)
147   <p class="noindent">And then the corresponding contents of the auto-load file would be:
149<pre class="smallexample">     import gdb.libstdcxx.v6
150     gdb.libstdcxx.v6.register_printers (gdb.current_objfile ())
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