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51<h5 class="subsubsection"> Commands In Python</h5>
53<p><a name="index-commands-in-python-1723"></a><a name="index-python-commands-1724"></a>You can implement new <span class="sc">gdb</span> CLI commands in Python.  A CLI
54command is implemented using an instance of the <code>gdb.Command</code>
55class, most commonly using a subclass.
57<div class="defun">
58&mdash; Method on Command: <b>__init__</b><var> name command_class </var><span class="roman">[</span><var>completer_class</var><span class="roman">]</span> <span class="roman">[</span><var>prefix</var><span class="roman">]</span><var><a name="index-g_t_005f_005finit_005f_005f-on-Command-1725"></a></var><br>
59<blockquote><p>The object initializer for <code>Command</code> registers the new command
60with <span class="sc">gdb</span>.  This initializer is normally invoked from the
61subclass' own <code>__init__</code> method.
63        <p><var>name</var> is the name of the command.  If <var>name</var> consists of
64multiple words, then the initial words are looked for as prefix
65commands.  In this case, if one of the prefix commands does not exist,
66an exception is raised.
68        <p>There is no support for multi-line commands.
70        <p><var>command_class</var> should be one of the &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">COMMAND_</span></samp>&rsquo; constants
71defined below.  This argument tells <span class="sc">gdb</span> how to categorize the
72new command in the help system.
74        <p><var>completer_class</var> is an optional argument.  If given, it should be
75one of the &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">COMPLETE_</span></samp>&rsquo; constants defined below.  This argument
76tells <span class="sc">gdb</span> how to perform completion for this command.  If not
77given, <span class="sc">gdb</span> will attempt to complete using the object's
78<code>complete</code> method (see below); if no such method is found, an
79error will occur when completion is attempted.
81        <p><var>prefix</var> is an optional argument.  If <code>True</code>, then the new
82command is a prefix command; sub-commands of this command may be
85        <p>The help text for the new command is taken from the Python
86documentation string for the command's class, if there is one.  If no
87documentation string is provided, the default value &ldquo;This command is
88not documented.&rdquo; is used. 
91   <p><a name="index-don_0027t-repeat-Python-command-1726"></a>
93<div class="defun">
94&mdash; Method on Command: <b>dont_repeat</b><var><a name="index-dont_005frepeat-on-Command-1727"></a></var><br>
95<blockquote><p>By default, a <span class="sc">gdb</span> command is repeated when the user enters a
96blank line at the command prompt.  A command can suppress this
97behavior by invoking the <code>dont_repeat</code> method.  This is similar
98to the user command <code>dont-repeat</code>, see <a href="Define.html#Define">dont-repeat</a>. 
101<div class="defun">
102&mdash; Method on Command: <b>invoke</b><var> argument from_tty<a name="index-invoke-on-Command-1728"></a></var><br>
103<blockquote><p>This method is called by <span class="sc">gdb</span> when this command is invoked.
105        <p><var>argument</var> is a string.  It is the argument to the command, after
106leading and trailing whitespace has been stripped.
108        <p><var>from_tty</var> is a boolean argument.  When true, this means that the
109command was entered by the user at the terminal; when false it means
110that the command came from elsewhere.
112        <p>If this method throws an exception, it is turned into a <span class="sc">gdb</span>
113<code>error</code> call.  Otherwise, the return value is ignored.
115        <p><a name="index-gdb_002estring_005fto_005fargv-1729"></a>To break <var>argument</var> up into an argv-like string use
116<code>gdb.string_to_argv</code>.  This function behaves identically to
117<span class="sc">gdb</span>'s internal argument lexer <code>buildargv</code>. 
118It is recommended to use this for consistency. 
119Arguments are separated by spaces and may be quoted. 
122     <pre class="smallexample">          print gdb.string_to_argv ("1 2\ \\\"3 '4 \"5' \"6 '7\"")
123          ['1', '2 "3', '4 "5', "6 '7"]
125        </blockquote></div>
127   <p><a name="index-completion-of-Python-commands-1730"></a>
129<div class="defun">
130&mdash; Method on Command: <b>complete</b><var> text word<a name="index-complete-on-Command-1731"></a></var><br>
131<blockquote><p>This method is called by <span class="sc">gdb</span> when the user attempts
132completion on this command.  All forms of completion are handled by
133this method, that is, the &lt;TAB&gt; and &lt;M-?&gt; key bindings
134(see <a href="Completion.html#Completion">Completion</a>), and the <code>complete</code> command (see <a href="Help.html#Help">complete</a>).
136        <p>The arguments <var>text</var> and <var>word</var> are both strings.  <var>text</var>
137holds the complete command line up to the cursor's location. 
138<var>word</var> holds the last word of the command line; this is computed
139using a word-breaking heuristic.
141        <p>The <code>complete</code> method can return several values:
142          <ul>
143<li>If the return value is a sequence, the contents of the sequence are
144used as the completions.  It is up to <code>complete</code> to ensure that the
145contents actually do complete the word.  A zero-length sequence is
146allowed, it means that there were no completions available.  Only
147string elements of the sequence are used; other elements in the
148sequence are ignored.
150          <li>If the return value is one of the &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">COMPLETE_</span></samp>&rsquo; constants defined
151below, then the corresponding <span class="sc">gdb</span>-internal completion
152function is invoked, and its result is used.
154          <li>All other results are treated as though there were no available
157        </p></blockquote></div>
159   <p>When a new command is registered, it must be declared as a member of
160some general class of commands.  This is used to classify top-level
161commands in the on-line help system; note that prefix commands are not
162listed under their own category but rather that of their top-level
163command.  The available classifications are represented by constants
164defined in the <code>gdb</code> module:
167<a name="index-COMMAND_005fNONE-1732"></a>
168<a name="index-gdb_002eCOMMAND_005fNONE-1733"></a>
169<dl><dt><code>COMMAND_NONE</code><dd>The command does not belong to any particular class.  A command in
170this category will not be displayed in any of the help categories.
172     <p><a name="index-COMMAND_005fRUNNING-1734"></a><a name="index-gdb_002eCOMMAND_005fRUNNING-1735"></a><br><dt><code>COMMAND_RUNNING</code><dd>The command is related to running the inferior.  For example,
173<code>start</code>, <code>step</code>, and <code>continue</code> are in this category. 
174Type <kbd>help running</kbd> at the <span class="sc">gdb</span> prompt to see a list of
175commands in this category.
177     <p><a name="index-COMMAND_005fDATA-1736"></a><a name="index-gdb_002eCOMMAND_005fDATA-1737"></a><br><dt><code>COMMAND_DATA</code><dd>The command is related to data or variables.  For example,
178<code>call</code>, <code>find</code>, and <code>print</code> are in this category.  Type
179<kbd>help data</kbd> at the <span class="sc">gdb</span> prompt to see a list of commands
180in this category.
182     <p><a name="index-COMMAND_005fSTACK-1738"></a><a name="index-gdb_002eCOMMAND_005fSTACK-1739"></a><br><dt><code>COMMAND_STACK</code><dd>The command has to do with manipulation of the stack.  For example,
183<code>backtrace</code>, <code>frame</code>, and <code>return</code> are in this
184category.  Type <kbd>help stack</kbd> at the <span class="sc">gdb</span> prompt to see a
185list of commands in this category.
187     <p><a name="index-COMMAND_005fFILES-1740"></a><a name="index-gdb_002eCOMMAND_005fFILES-1741"></a><br><dt><code>COMMAND_FILES</code><dd>This class is used for file-related commands.  For example,
188<code>file</code>, <code>list</code> and <code>section</code> are in this category. 
189Type <kbd>help files</kbd> at the <span class="sc">gdb</span> prompt to see a list of
190commands in this category.
192     <p><a name="index-COMMAND_005fSUPPORT-1742"></a><a name="index-gdb_002eCOMMAND_005fSUPPORT-1743"></a><br><dt><code>COMMAND_SUPPORT</code><dd>This should be used for &ldquo;support facilities&rdquo;, generally meaning
193things that are useful to the user when interacting with <span class="sc">gdb</span>,
194but not related to the state of the inferior.  For example,
195<code>help</code>, <code>make</code>, and <code>shell</code> are in this category.  Type
196<kbd>help support</kbd> at the <span class="sc">gdb</span> prompt to see a list of
197commands in this category.
199     <p><a name="index-COMMAND_005fSTATUS-1744"></a><a name="index-gdb_002eCOMMAND_005fSTATUS-1745"></a><br><dt><code>COMMAND_STATUS</code><dd>The command is an &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">info</span></samp>&rsquo;-related command, that is, related to the
200state of <span class="sc">gdb</span> itself.  For example, <code>info</code>, <code>macro</code>,
201and <code>show</code> are in this category.  Type <kbd>help status</kbd> at the
202<span class="sc">gdb</span> prompt to see a list of commands in this category.
204     <p><a name="index-COMMAND_005fBREAKPOINTS-1746"></a><a name="index-gdb_002eCOMMAND_005fBREAKPOINTS-1747"></a><br><dt><code>COMMAND_BREAKPOINTS</code><dd>The command has to do with breakpoints.  For example, <code>break</code>,
205<code>clear</code>, and <code>delete</code> are in this category.  Type <kbd>help
206breakpoints</kbd> at the <span class="sc">gdb</span> prompt to see a list of commands in
207this category.
209     <p><a name="index-COMMAND_005fTRACEPOINTS-1748"></a><a name="index-gdb_002eCOMMAND_005fTRACEPOINTS-1749"></a><br><dt><code>COMMAND_TRACEPOINTS</code><dd>The command has to do with tracepoints.  For example, <code>trace</code>,
210<code>actions</code>, and <code>tfind</code> are in this category.  Type
211<kbd>help tracepoints</kbd> at the <span class="sc">gdb</span> prompt to see a list of
212commands in this category.
214     <p><a name="index-COMMAND_005fOBSCURE-1750"></a><a name="index-gdb_002eCOMMAND_005fOBSCURE-1751"></a><br><dt><code>COMMAND_OBSCURE</code><dd>The command is only used in unusual circumstances, or is not of
215general interest to users.  For example, <code>checkpoint</code>,
216<code>fork</code>, and <code>stop</code> are in this category.  Type <kbd>help
217obscure</kbd> at the <span class="sc">gdb</span> prompt to see a list of commands in this
220     <p><a name="index-COMMAND_005fMAINTENANCE-1752"></a><a name="index-gdb_002eCOMMAND_005fMAINTENANCE-1753"></a><br><dt><code>COMMAND_MAINTENANCE</code><dd>The command is only useful to <span class="sc">gdb</span> maintainers.  The
221<code>maintenance</code> and <code>flushregs</code> commands are in this category. 
222Type <kbd>help internals</kbd> at the <span class="sc">gdb</span> prompt to see a list of
223commands in this category. 
226   <p>A new command can use a predefined completion function, either by
227specifying it via an argument at initialization, or by returning it
228from the <code>complete</code> method.  These predefined completion
229constants are all defined in the <code>gdb</code> module:
232<a name="index-COMPLETE_005fNONE-1754"></a>
233<a name="index-gdb_002eCOMPLETE_005fNONE-1755"></a>
234<dl><dt><code>COMPLETE_NONE</code><dd>This constant means that no completion should be done.
236     <p><a name="index-COMPLETE_005fFILENAME-1756"></a><a name="index-gdb_002eCOMPLETE_005fFILENAME-1757"></a><br><dt><code>COMPLETE_FILENAME</code><dd>This constant means that filename completion should be performed.
238     <p><a name="index-COMPLETE_005fLOCATION-1758"></a><a name="index-gdb_002eCOMPLETE_005fLOCATION-1759"></a><br><dt><code>COMPLETE_LOCATION</code><dd>This constant means that location completion should be done. 
239See <a href="Specify-Location.html#Specify-Location">Specify Location</a>.
241     <p><a name="index-COMPLETE_005fCOMMAND-1760"></a><a name="index-gdb_002eCOMPLETE_005fCOMMAND-1761"></a><br><dt><code>COMPLETE_COMMAND</code><dd>This constant means that completion should examine <span class="sc">gdb</span>
242command names.
244     <p><a name="index-COMPLETE_005fSYMBOL-1762"></a><a name="index-gdb_002eCOMPLETE_005fSYMBOL-1763"></a><br><dt><code>COMPLETE_SYMBOL</code><dd>This constant means that completion should be done using symbol names
245as the source. 
248   <p>The following code snippet shows how a trivial CLI command can be
249implemented in Python:
251<pre class="smallexample">     class HelloWorld (gdb.Command):
252       """Greet the whole world."""
254       def __init__ (self):
255         super (HelloWorld, self).__init__ ("hello-world", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE)
257       def invoke (self, arg, from_tty):
258         print "Hello, World!"
260     HelloWorld ()
262   <p>The last line instantiates the class, and is necessary to trigger the
263registration of the command with <span class="sc">gdb</span>.  Depending on how the
264Python code is read into <span class="sc">gdb</span>, you may need to import the
265<code>gdb</code> module explicitly.
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