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50<a name="Variable-Length"></a>
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58<h3 class="section">6.19 Arrays of Variable Length</h3>
60<p><a name="index-variable_002dlength-arrays-2350"></a><a name="index-arrays-of-variable-length-2351"></a><a name="index-VLAs-2352"></a>
61Variable-length automatic arrays are allowed in ISO C99, and as an
62extension GCC accepts them in C90 mode and in C++.  These arrays are
63declared like any other automatic arrays, but with a length that is not
64a constant expression.  The storage is allocated at the point of
65declaration and deallocated when the brace-level is exited.  For
68<pre class="smallexample">     FILE *
69     concat_fopen (char *s1, char *s2, char *mode)
70     {
71       char str[strlen (s1) + strlen (s2) + 1];
72       strcpy (str, s1);
73       strcat (str, s2);
74       return fopen (str, mode);
75     }
77 <p><a name="index-scope-of-a-variable-length-array-2353"></a><a name="index-variable_002dlength-array-scope-2354"></a><a name="index-deallocating-variable-length-arrays-2355"></a>Jumping or breaking out of the scope of the array name deallocates the
78storage.  Jumping into the scope is not allowed; you get an error
79message for it.
81 <p><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007balloca_007d-vs-variable_002dlength-arrays-2356"></a>You can use the function <code>alloca</code> to get an effect much like
82variable-length arrays.  The function <code>alloca</code> is available in
83many other C implementations (but not in all).  On the other hand,
84variable-length arrays are more elegant.
86 <p>There are other differences between these two methods.  Space allocated
87with <code>alloca</code> exists until the containing <em>function</em> returns. 
88The space for a variable-length array is deallocated as soon as the array
89name's scope ends.  (If you use both variable-length arrays and
90<code>alloca</code> in the same function, deallocation of a variable-length array
91will also deallocate anything more recently allocated with <code>alloca</code>.)
93 <p>You can also use variable-length arrays as arguments to functions:
95<pre class="smallexample">     struct entry
96     tester (int len, char data[len][len])
97     {
98       /* <span class="roman">...</span> */
99     }
101 <p>The length of an array is computed once when the storage is allocated
102and is remembered for the scope of the array in case you access it with
105 <p>If you want to pass the array first and the length afterward, you can
106use a forward declaration in the parameter list&mdash;another GNU extension.
108<pre class="smallexample">     struct entry
109     tester (int len; char data[len][len], int len)
110     {
111       /* <span class="roman">...</span> */
112     }
114 <p><a name="index-parameter-forward-declaration-2357"></a>The &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">int len</span></samp>&rsquo; before the semicolon is a <dfn>parameter forward
115declaration</dfn>, and it serves the purpose of making the name <code>len</code>
116known when the declaration of <code>data</code> is parsed.
118 <p>You can write any number of such parameter forward declarations in the
119parameter list.  They can be separated by commas or semicolons, but the
120last one must end with a semicolon, which is followed by the &ldquo;real&rdquo;
121parameter declarations.  Each forward declaration must match a &ldquo;real&rdquo;
122declaration in parameter name and data type.  ISO C99 does not support
123parameter forward declarations.
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