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58<h3 class="section">8.3 Type encoding</h3>
60<p>This is an advanced section.  Type encodings are used extensively by
61the compiler and by the runtime, but you generally do not need to know
62about them to use Objective-C.
64 <p>The Objective-C compiler generates type encodings for all the types. 
65These type encodings are used at runtime to find out information about
66selectors and methods and about objects and classes.
68 <p>The types are encoded in the following way:
70<!-- @sp 1 -->
71 <p><table summary=""><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>_Bool</code>
72</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>B</code>
73<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>char</code>
74</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>c</code>
75<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>unsigned char</code>
76</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>C</code>
77<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>short</code>
78</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>s</code>
79<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>unsigned short</code>
80</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>S</code>
81<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>int</code>
82</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>i</code>
83<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>unsigned int</code>
84</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>I</code>
85<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>long</code>
86</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>l</code>
87<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>unsigned long</code>
88</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>L</code>
89<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>long long</code>
90</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>q</code>
91<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>unsigned long long</code>
92</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>Q</code>
93<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>float</code>
94</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>f</code>
95<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>double</code>
96</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>d</code>
97<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>long double</code>
98</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>D</code>
99<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>void</code>
100</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>v</code>
101<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>id</code>
102</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>@</code>
103<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>Class</code>
104</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>#</code>
105<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>SEL</code>
106</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>:</code>
107<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>char*</code>
108</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>*</code>
109<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>enum</code>
110</td><td valign="top" width="75%">an <code>enum</code> is encoded exactly as the integer type that the compiler uses for it, which depends on the enumeration
111values.  Often the compiler users <code>unsigned int</code>, which is then encoded as <code>I</code>. 
112<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%">unknown type
113</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>?</code>
114<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%">Complex types
115</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>j</code> followed by the inner type.  For example <code>_Complex double</code> is encoded as "jd". 
116<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%">bit-fields
117</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>b</code> followed by the starting position of the bit-field, the type of the bit-field and the size of the bit-field (the bit-fields encoding was changed from the NeXT's compiler encoding, see below)
118 <br></td></tr></table>
120<!-- @sp 1 -->
121 <p>The encoding of bit-fields has changed to allow bit-fields to be
122properly handled by the runtime functions that compute sizes and
123alignments of types that contain bit-fields.  The previous encoding
124contained only the size of the bit-field.  Using only this information
125it is not possible to reliably compute the size occupied by the
126bit-field.  This is very important in the presence of the Boehm's
127garbage collector because the objects are allocated using the typed
128memory facility available in this collector.  The typed memory
129allocation requires information about where the pointers are located
130inside the object.
132 <p>The position in the bit-field is the position, counting in bits, of the
133bit closest to the beginning of the structure.
135 <p>The non-atomic types are encoded as follows:
137<!-- @sp 1 -->
138 <p><table summary=""><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="20%">pointers
139</td><td valign="top" width="80%">&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">^</span></samp>&rsquo; followed by the pointed type. 
140<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="20%">arrays
141</td><td valign="top" width="80%">&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">[</span></samp>&rsquo; followed by the number of elements in the array followed by the type of the elements followed by &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">]</span></samp>&rsquo;
142<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="20%">structures
143</td><td valign="top" width="80%">&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">{</span></samp>&rsquo; followed by the name of the structure (or &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">?</span></samp>&rsquo; if the structure is unnamed), the &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">=</span></samp>&rsquo; sign, the type of the members and by &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">}</span></samp>&rsquo;
144<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="20%">unions
145</td><td valign="top" width="80%">&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">(</span></samp>&rsquo; followed by the name of the structure (or &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">?</span></samp>&rsquo; if the union is unnamed), the &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">=</span></samp>&rsquo; sign, the type of the members followed by &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">)</span></samp>&rsquo;
146<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="20%">vectors
147</td><td valign="top" width="80%">&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">![</span></samp>&rsquo; followed by the vector_size (the number of bytes composing the vector) followed by a comma, followed by the alignment (in bytes) of the vector, followed by the type of the elements followed by &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">]</span></samp>&rsquo;
148 <br></td></tr></table>
150 <p>Here are some types and their encodings, as they are generated by the
151compiler on an i386 machine:
153 <pre class="sp">
156 <p><table summary=""><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%">Objective-C type
157</td><td valign="top" width="75%">Compiler encoding
158<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%">
159<pre class="smallexample">     int a[10];
161 <p></td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>[10i]</code>
162<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%">
163<pre class="smallexample">     struct {
164       int i;
165       float f[3];
166       int a:3;
167       int b:2;
168       char c;
169     }
171 <p></td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>{?=i[3f]b128i3b131i2c}</code>
172<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%">
173<pre class="smallexample">     int a __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
175 <p></td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>![16,16i]</code> (alignment would depend on the machine)
176 <br></td></tr></table>
178 <pre class="sp">
182In addition to the types the compiler also encodes the type
183specifiers.  The table below describes the encoding of the current
184Objective-C type specifiers:
186 <pre class="sp">
189 <p><table summary=""><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%">Specifier
190</td><td valign="top" width="75%">Encoding
191<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>const</code>
192</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>r</code>
193<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>in</code>
194</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>n</code>
195<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>inout</code>
196</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>N</code>
197<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>out</code>
198</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>o</code>
199<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>bycopy</code>
200</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>O</code>
201<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>byref</code>
202</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>R</code>
203<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%"><code>oneway</code>
204</td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>V</code>
205 <br></td></tr></table>
207 <pre class="sp">
211The type specifiers are encoded just before the type.  Unlike types
212however, the type specifiers are only encoded when they appear in method
213argument types.
215 <p>Note how <code>const</code> interacts with pointers:
217 <pre class="sp">
220 <p><table summary=""><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%">Objective-C type
221</td><td valign="top" width="75%">Compiler encoding
222<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%">
223<pre class="smallexample">     const int
225 <p></td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>ri</code>
226<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%">
227<pre class="smallexample">     const int*
229 <p></td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>^ri</code>
230<br></td></tr><tr align="left"><td valign="top" width="25%">
231<pre class="smallexample">     int *const
233 <p></td><td valign="top" width="75%"><code>r^i</code>
234 <br></td></tr></table>
236 <pre class="sp">
240<code>const int*</code> is a pointer to a <code>const int</code>, and so is
241encoded as <code>^ri</code>.  <code>int* const</code>, instead, is a <code>const</code>
242pointer to an <code>int</code>, and so is encoded as <code>r^i</code>.
244 <p>Finally, there is a complication when encoding <code>const char *</code>
245versus <code>char * const</code>.  Because <code>char *</code> is encoded as
246<code>*</code> and not as <code>^c</code>, there is no way to express the fact
247that <code>r</code> applies to the pointer or to the pointee.
249 <p>Hence, it is assumed as a convention that <code>r*</code> means <code>const
250char *</code> (since it is what is most often meant), and there is no way to
251encode <code>char *const</code>.  <code>char *const</code> would simply be encoded
252as <code>*</code>, and the <code>const</code> is lost.
254<ul class="menu">
255<li><a accesskey="1" href="Legacy-type-encoding.html#Legacy-type-encoding">Legacy type encoding</a>
256<li><a accesskey="2" href="_0040encode.html#g_t_0040encode">@encode</a>
257<li><a accesskey="3" href="Method-signatures.html#Method-signatures">Method signatures</a>
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