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50<a name="Type-Attributes"></a>
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58<h3 class="section">6.37 Specifying Attributes of Types</h3>
60<p><a name="index-attribute-of-types-2594"></a><a name="index-type-attributes-2595"></a>
61The keyword <code>__attribute__</code> allows you to specify special
62attributes of <code>struct</code> and <code>union</code> types when you define
63such types.  This keyword is followed by an attribute specification
64inside double parentheses.  Seven attributes are currently defined for
65types: <code>aligned</code>, <code>packed</code>, <code>transparent_union</code>,
66<code>unused</code>, <code>deprecated</code>, <code>visibility</code>, and
67<code>may_alias</code>.  Other attributes are defined for functions
68(see <a href="Function-Attributes.html#Function-Attributes">Function Attributes</a>) and for variables (see <a href="Variable-Attributes.html#Variable-Attributes">Variable Attributes</a>).
70 <p>You may also specify any one of these attributes with &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">__</span></samp>&rsquo;
71preceding and following its keyword.  This allows you to use these
72attributes in header files without being concerned about a possible
73macro of the same name.  For example, you may use <code>__aligned__</code>
74instead of <code>aligned</code>.
76 <p>You may specify type attributes in an enum, struct or union type
77declaration or definition, or for other types in a <code>typedef</code>
80 <p>For an enum, struct or union type, you may specify attributes either
81between the enum, struct or union tag and the name of the type, or
82just past the closing curly brace of the <em>definition</em>.  The
83former syntax is preferred.
85 <p>See <a href="Attribute-Syntax.html#Attribute-Syntax">Attribute Syntax</a>, for details of the exact syntax for using
89<a name="index-g_t_0040code_007baligned_007d-attribute-2596"></a>
90<dl><dt><code>aligned (</code><var>alignment</var><code>)</code><dd>This attribute specifies a minimum alignment (in bytes) for variables
91of the specified type.  For example, the declarations:
93     <pre class="smallexample">          struct S { short f[3]; } __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
94          typedef int more_aligned_int __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
96     <p class="noindent">force the compiler to insure (as far as it can) that each variable whose
97type is <code>struct S</code> or <code>more_aligned_int</code> will be allocated and
98aligned <em>at least</em> on a 8-byte boundary.  On a SPARC, having all
99variables of type <code>struct S</code> aligned to 8-byte boundaries allows
100the compiler to use the <code>ldd</code> and <code>std</code> (doubleword load and
101store) instructions when copying one variable of type <code>struct S</code> to
102another, thus improving run-time efficiency.
104     <p>Note that the alignment of any given <code>struct</code> or <code>union</code> type
105is required by the ISO C standard to be at least a perfect multiple of
106the lowest common multiple of the alignments of all of the members of
107the <code>struct</code> or <code>union</code> in question.  This means that you <em>can</em>
108effectively adjust the alignment of a <code>struct</code> or <code>union</code>
109type by attaching an <code>aligned</code> attribute to any one of the members
110of such a type, but the notation illustrated in the example above is a
111more obvious, intuitive, and readable way to request the compiler to
112adjust the alignment of an entire <code>struct</code> or <code>union</code> type.
114     <p>As in the preceding example, you can explicitly specify the alignment
115(in bytes) that you wish the compiler to use for a given <code>struct</code>
116or <code>union</code> type.  Alternatively, you can leave out the alignment factor
117and just ask the compiler to align a type to the maximum
118useful alignment for the target machine you are compiling for.  For
119example, you could write:
121     <pre class="smallexample">          struct S { short f[3]; } __attribute__ ((aligned));
123     <p>Whenever you leave out the alignment factor in an <code>aligned</code>
124attribute specification, the compiler automatically sets the alignment
125for the type to the largest alignment which is ever used for any data
126type on the target machine you are compiling for.  Doing this can often
127make copy operations more efficient, because the compiler can use
128whatever instructions copy the biggest chunks of memory when performing
129copies to or from the variables which have types that you have aligned
130this way.
132     <p>In the example above, if the size of each <code>short</code> is 2 bytes, then
133the size of the entire <code>struct S</code> type is 6 bytes.  The smallest
134power of two which is greater than or equal to that is 8, so the
135compiler sets the alignment for the entire <code>struct S</code> type to 8
138     <p>Note that although you can ask the compiler to select a time-efficient
139alignment for a given type and then declare only individual stand-alone
140objects of that type, the compiler's ability to select a time-efficient
141alignment is primarily useful only when you plan to create arrays of
142variables having the relevant (efficiently aligned) type.  If you
143declare or use arrays of variables of an efficiently-aligned type, then
144it is likely that your program will also be doing pointer arithmetic (or
145subscripting, which amounts to the same thing) on pointers to the
146relevant type, and the code that the compiler generates for these
147pointer arithmetic operations will often be more efficient for
148efficiently-aligned types than for other types.
150     <p>The <code>aligned</code> attribute can only increase the alignment; but you
151can decrease it by specifying <code>packed</code> as well.  See below.
153     <p>Note that the effectiveness of <code>aligned</code> attributes may be limited
154by inherent limitations in your linker.  On many systems, the linker is
155only able to arrange for variables to be aligned up to a certain maximum
156alignment.  (For some linkers, the maximum supported alignment may
157be very very small.)  If your linker is only able to align variables
158up to a maximum of 8 byte alignment, then specifying <code>aligned(16)</code>
159in an <code>__attribute__</code> will still only provide you with 8 byte
160alignment.  See your linker documentation for further information.
162     <br><dt><code>packed</code><dd>This attribute, attached to <code>struct</code> or <code>union</code> type
163definition, specifies that each member (other than zero-width bitfields)
164of the structure or union is placed to minimize the memory required.  When
165attached to an <code>enum</code> definition, it indicates that the smallest
166integral type should be used.
168     <p><a name="index-fshort_002denums-2597"></a>Specifying this attribute for <code>struct</code> and <code>union</code> types is
169equivalent to specifying the <code>packed</code> attribute on each of the
170structure or union members.  Specifying the <samp><span class="option">-fshort-enums</span></samp>
171flag on the line is equivalent to specifying the <code>packed</code>
172attribute on all <code>enum</code> definitions.
174     <p>In the following example <code>struct my_packed_struct</code>'s members are
175packed closely together, but the internal layout of its <code>s</code> member
176is not packed&mdash;to do that, <code>struct my_unpacked_struct</code> would need to
177be packed too.
179     <pre class="smallexample">          struct my_unpacked_struct
180           {
181              char c;
182              int i;
183           };
185          struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) my_packed_struct
186            {
187               char c;
188               int  i;
189               struct my_unpacked_struct s;
190            };
192     <p>You may only specify this attribute on the definition of an <code>enum</code>,
193<code>struct</code> or <code>union</code>, not on a <code>typedef</code> which does not
194also define the enumerated type, structure or union.
196     <br><dt><code>transparent_union</code><dd>This attribute, attached to a <code>union</code> type definition, indicates
197that any function parameter having that union type causes calls to that
198function to be treated in a special way.
200     <p>First, the argument corresponding to a transparent union type can be of
201any type in the union; no cast is required.  Also, if the union contains
202a pointer type, the corresponding argument can be a null pointer
203constant or a void pointer expression; and if the union contains a void
204pointer type, the corresponding argument can be any pointer expression. 
205If the union member type is a pointer, qualifiers like <code>const</code> on
206the referenced type must be respected, just as with normal pointer
209     <p>Second, the argument is passed to the function using the calling
210conventions of the first member of the transparent union, not the calling
211conventions of the union itself.  All members of the union must have the
212same machine representation; this is necessary for this argument passing
213to work properly.
215     <p>Transparent unions are designed for library functions that have multiple
216interfaces for compatibility reasons.  For example, suppose the
217<code>wait</code> function must accept either a value of type <code>int *</code> to
218comply with Posix, or a value of type <code>union wait *</code> to comply with
219the 4.1BSD interface.  If <code>wait</code>'s parameter were <code>void *</code>,
220<code>wait</code> would accept both kinds of arguments, but it would also
221accept any other pointer type and this would make argument type checking
222less useful.  Instead, <code>&lt;sys/wait.h&gt;</code> might define the interface
223as follows:
225     <pre class="smallexample">          typedef union __attribute__ ((__transparent_union__))
226            {
227              int *__ip;
228              union wait *__up;
229            } wait_status_ptr_t;
231          pid_t wait (wait_status_ptr_t);
233     <p>This interface allows either <code>int *</code> or <code>union wait *</code>
234arguments to be passed, using the <code>int *</code> calling convention. 
235The program can call <code>wait</code> with arguments of either type:
237     <pre class="smallexample">          int w1 () { int w; return wait (&amp;w); }
238          int w2 () { union wait w; return wait (&amp;w); }
240     <p>With this interface, <code>wait</code>'s implementation might look like this:
242     <pre class="smallexample">          pid_t wait (wait_status_ptr_t p)
243          {
244            return waitpid (-1, p.__ip, 0);
245          }
247     <br><dt><code>unused</code><dd>When attached to a type (including a <code>union</code> or a <code>struct</code>),
248this attribute means that variables of that type are meant to appear
249possibly unused.  GCC will not produce a warning for any variables of
250that type, even if the variable appears to do nothing.  This is often
251the case with lock or thread classes, which are usually defined and then
252not referenced, but contain constructors and destructors that have
253nontrivial bookkeeping functions.
255     <br><dt><code>deprecated</code><dt><code>deprecated (</code><var>msg</var><code>)</code><dd>The <code>deprecated</code> attribute results in a warning if the type
256is used anywhere in the source file.  This is useful when identifying
257types that are expected to be removed in a future version of a program. 
258If possible, the warning also includes the location of the declaration
259of the deprecated type, to enable users to easily find further
260information about why the type is deprecated, or what they should do
261instead.  Note that the warnings only occur for uses and then only
262if the type is being applied to an identifier that itself is not being
263declared as deprecated.
265     <pre class="smallexample">          typedef int T1 __attribute__ ((deprecated));
266          T1 x;
267          typedef T1 T2;
268          T2 y;
269          typedef T1 T3 __attribute__ ((deprecated));
270          T3 z __attribute__ ((deprecated));
272     <p>results in a warning on line 2 and 3 but not lines 4, 5, or 6.  No
273warning is issued for line 4 because T2 is not explicitly
274deprecated.  Line 5 has no warning because T3 is explicitly
275deprecated.  Similarly for line 6.  The optional msg
276argument, which must be a string, will be printed in the warning if
279     <p>The <code>deprecated</code> attribute can also be used for functions and
280variables (see <a href="Function-Attributes.html#Function-Attributes">Function Attributes</a>, see <a href="Variable-Attributes.html#Variable-Attributes">Variable Attributes</a>.)
282     <br><dt><code>may_alias</code><dd>Accesses through pointers to types with this attribute are not subject
283to type-based alias analysis, but are instead assumed to be able to alias
284any other type of objects.  In the context of 6.5/7 an lvalue expression
285dereferencing such a pointer is treated like having a character type. 
286See <samp><span class="option">-fstrict-aliasing</span></samp> for more information on aliasing issues. 
287This extension exists to support some vector APIs, in which pointers to
288one vector type are permitted to alias pointers to a different vector type.
290     <p>Note that an object of a type with this attribute does not have any
291special semantics.
293     <p>Example of use:
295     <pre class="smallexample">          typedef short __attribute__((__may_alias__)) short_a;
297          int
298          main (void)
299          {
300            int a = 0x12345678;
301            short_a *b = (short_a *) &amp;a;
303            b[1] = 0;
305            if (a == 0x12345678)
306              abort();
308            exit(0);
309          }
311     <p>If you replaced <code>short_a</code> with <code>short</code> in the variable
312declaration, the above program would abort when compiled with
313<samp><span class="option">-fstrict-aliasing</span></samp>, which is on by default at <samp><span class="option">-O2</span></samp> or
314above in recent GCC versions.
316     <br><dt><code>visibility</code><dd>In C++, attribute visibility (see <a href="Function-Attributes.html#Function-Attributes">Function Attributes</a>) can also be
317applied to class, struct, union and enum types.  Unlike other type
318attributes, the attribute must appear between the initial keyword and
319the name of the type; it cannot appear after the body of the type.
321     <p>Note that the type visibility is applied to vague linkage entities
322associated with the class (vtable, typeinfo node, etc.).  In
323particular, if a class is thrown as an exception in one shared object
324and caught in another, the class must have default visibility. 
325Otherwise the two shared objects will be unable to use the same
326typeinfo node and exception handling will break.
328 </dl>
330<h4 class="subsection">6.37.1 ARM Type Attributes</h4>
332<p>On those ARM targets that support <code>dllimport</code> (such as Symbian
333OS), you can use the <code>notshared</code> attribute to indicate that the
334virtual table and other similar data for a class should not be
335exported from a DLL.  For example:
337<pre class="smallexample">     class __declspec(notshared) C {
338     public:
339       __declspec(dllimport) C();
340       virtual void f();
341     }
343     __declspec(dllexport)
344     C::C() {}
346 <p>In this code, <code>C::C</code> is exported from the current DLL, but the
347virtual table for <code>C</code> is not exported.  (You can use
348<code>__attribute__</code> instead of <code>__declspec</code> if you prefer, but
349most Symbian OS code uses <code>__declspec</code>.)
351 <p><a name="MeP-Type-Attributes"></a>
353<h4 class="subsection">6.37.2 MeP Type Attributes</h4>
355<p>Many of the MeP variable attributes may be applied to types as well. 
356Specifically, the <code>based</code>, <code>tiny</code>, <code>near</code>, and
357<code>far</code> attributes may be applied to either.  The <code>io</code> and
358<code>cb</code> attributes may not be applied to types.
360 <p><a name="i386-Type-Attributes"></a>
362<h4 class="subsection">6.37.3 i386 Type Attributes</h4>
364<p>Two attributes are currently defined for i386 configurations:
365<code>ms_struct</code> and <code>gcc_struct</code>.
367     <dl>
368<dt><code>ms_struct</code><dt><code>gcc_struct</code><dd><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bms_005fstruct_007d-2598"></a><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bgcc_005fstruct_007d-2599"></a>
369If <code>packed</code> is used on a structure, or if bit-fields are used
370it may be that the Microsoft ABI packs them differently
371than GCC would normally pack them.  Particularly when moving packed
372data between functions compiled with GCC and the native Microsoft compiler
373(either via function call or as data in a file), it may be necessary to access
374either format.
376     <p>Currently <samp><span class="option">-m[no-]ms-bitfields</span></samp> is provided for the Microsoft Windows X86
377compilers to match the native Microsoft compiler. 
380 <p>To specify multiple attributes, separate them by commas within the
381double parentheses: for example, &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">__attribute__ ((aligned (16),
384 <p><a name="PowerPC-Type-Attributes"></a>
386<h4 class="subsection">6.37.4 PowerPC Type Attributes</h4>
388<p>Three attributes currently are defined for PowerPC configurations:
389<code>altivec</code>, <code>ms_struct</code> and <code>gcc_struct</code>.
391 <p>For full documentation of the <code>ms_struct</code> and <code>gcc_struct</code>
392attributes please see the documentation in <a href="i386-Type-Attributes.html#i386-Type-Attributes">i386 Type Attributes</a>.
394 <p>The <code>altivec</code> attribute allows one to declare AltiVec vector data
395types supported by the AltiVec Programming Interface Manual.  The
396attribute requires an argument to specify one of three vector types:
397<code>vector__</code>, <code>pixel__</code> (always followed by unsigned short),
398and <code>bool__</code> (always followed by unsigned).
400<pre class="smallexample">     __attribute__((altivec(vector__)))
401     __attribute__((altivec(pixel__))) unsigned short
402     __attribute__((altivec(bool__))) unsigned
404 <p>These attributes mainly are intended to support the <code>__vector</code>,
405<code>__pixel</code>, and <code>__bool</code> AltiVec keywords.
407 <p><a name="SPU-Type-Attributes"></a>
409<h4 class="subsection">6.37.5 SPU Type Attributes</h4>
411<p>The SPU supports the <code>spu_vector</code> attribute for types.  This attribute
412allows one to declare vector data types supported by the Sony/Toshiba/IBM SPU
413Language Extensions Specification.  It is intended to support the
414<code>__vector</code> keyword.
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