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61<h3 class="section">10.2 Traditional macros</h3>
63<p>The major difference between traditional and ISO macros is that the
64former expand to text rather than to a token sequence.  CPP removes
65all leading and trailing horizontal whitespace from a macro's
66replacement text before storing it, but preserves the form of internal
69   <p>One consequence is that it is legitimate for the replacement text to
70contain an unmatched quote (see <a href="Traditional-lexical-analysis.html#Traditional-lexical-analysis">Traditional lexical analysis</a>).  An
71unclosed string or character constant continues into the text
72following the macro call.  Similarly, the text at the end of a macro's
73expansion can run together with the text after the macro invocation to
74produce a single token.
76   <p>Normally comments are removed from the replacement text after the
77macro is expanded, but if the <samp><span class="option">-CC</span></samp> option is passed on the
78command line comments are preserved.  (In fact, the current
79implementation removes comments even before saving the macro
80replacement text, but it careful to do it in such a way that the
81observed effect is identical even in the function-like macro case.)
83   <p>The ISO stringification operator &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">#</span></samp>&rsquo; and token paste operator
84&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">##</span></samp>&rsquo; have no special meaning.  As explained later, an effect
85similar to these operators can be obtained in a different way.  Macro
86names that are embedded in quotes, either from the main file or after
87macro replacement, do not expand.
89   <p>CPP replaces an unquoted object-like macro name with its replacement
90text, and then rescans it for further macros to replace.  Unlike
91standard macro expansion, traditional macro expansion has no provision
92to prevent recursion.  If an object-like macro appears unquoted in its
93replacement text, it will be replaced again during the rescan pass,
94and so on <em>ad infinitum</em>.  GCC detects when it is expanding
95recursive macros, emits an error message, and continues after the
96offending macro invocation.
98<pre class="smallexample">     #define PLUS +
99     #define INC(x) PLUS+x
100     INC(foo);
101          ==&gt; ++foo;
103   <p>Function-like macros are similar in form but quite different in
104behavior to their ISO counterparts.  Their arguments are contained
105within parentheses, are comma-separated, and can cross physical lines. 
106Commas within nested parentheses are not treated as argument
107separators.  Similarly, a quote in an argument cannot be left
108unclosed; a following comma or parenthesis that comes before the
109closing quote is treated like any other character.  There is no
110facility for handling variadic macros.
112   <p>This implementation removes all comments from macro arguments, unless
113the <samp><span class="option">-C</span></samp> option is given.  The form of all other horizontal
114whitespace in arguments is preserved, including leading and trailing
115whitespace.  In particular
117<pre class="smallexample">     f( )
119   <p class="noindent">is treated as an invocation of the macro &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">f</span></samp>&rsquo; with a single
120argument consisting of a single space.  If you want to invoke a
121function-like macro that takes no arguments, you must not leave any
122whitespace between the parentheses.
124   <p>If a macro argument crosses a new line, the new line is replaced with
125a space when forming the argument.  If the previous line contained an
126unterminated quote, the following line inherits the quoted state.
128   <p>Traditional preprocessors replace parameters in the replacement text
129with their arguments regardless of whether the parameters are within
130quotes or not.  This provides a way to stringize arguments.  For
133<pre class="smallexample">     #define str(x) "x"
134     str(/* <span class="roman">A comment</span> */some text )
135          ==&gt; "some text "
137   <p class="noindent">Note that the comment is removed, but that the trailing space is
138preserved.  Here is an example of using a comment to effect token
141<pre class="smallexample">     #define suffix(x) foo_/**/x
142     suffix(bar)
143          ==&gt; foo_bar
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