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2 * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
3 *
4 * Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
5 *
6 * $Id$
7 */
9// NOTE: This example is a simplified version of the RepQuoteExample.java
10// example that can be found in the db/examples_java/src/db/repquote directory.
12// This example is intended only as an aid in learning Replication Manager
13// concepts. It is not complete in that many features are not exercised
14// in it, nor are many error conditions properly handled.
16package db.repquote_gsg;
18import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
19import java.io.BufferedReader;
20import java.io.InputStreamReader;
21import java.io.IOException;
22import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
23import java.lang.Thread;
24import java.lang.InterruptedException;
26import com.sleepycat.db.Cursor;
27import com.sleepycat.db.Database;
28import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseConfig;
29import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseEntry;
30import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException;
31import com.sleepycat.db.DeadlockException;
32import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseType;
33import com.sleepycat.db.EnvironmentConfig;
34import com.sleepycat.db.EventHandler;
35import com.sleepycat.db.LockMode;
36import com.sleepycat.db.OperationStatus;
37import com.sleepycat.db.ReplicationHandleDeadException;
38import com.sleepycat.db.ReplicationHostAddress;
39import com.sleepycat.db.ReplicationManagerStartPolicy;
40import com.sleepycat.db.ReplicationManagerAckPolicy;
41import db.repquote_gsg.RepConfig;
43public class RepQuoteExampleGSG implements EventHandler
45    private RepConfig repConfig;
46    private RepQuoteEnvironment dbenv;
48    public static void usage()
49    {
50        System.err.println("usage: " + RepConfig.progname);
51        System.err.println("-h home -l host:port [-r host:port]" +
52            "[-n nsites][-p priority]");
54        System.err.println("\t -h home directory (required)\n" +
55             "\t -l host:port (required; l stands for local)\n" +
56             "\t -r host:port (optional; r stands for remote; any " +
57             "number of these\n" +
58             "\t    may be specified)\n" +
59             "\t -n nsites (optional; number of sites in replication " +
60             "group; defaults\n" +
61             "\t    to 0 to try to dynamically compute nsites)\n" +
62             "\t -p priority (optional; defaults to 100)\n");
64        System.exit(1);
65    }
67    public static void main(String[] argv)
68        throws Exception
69    {
70        RepConfig config = new RepConfig();
71        String tmpHost;
72        int tmpPort = 0;
73        // Extract the command line parameters.
74        for (int i = 0; i < argv.length; i++)
75        {
76            if (argv[i].compareTo("-h") == 0) {
77                // home is a string arg.
78                i++;
79                config.home = argv[i];
80            } else if (argv[i].compareTo("-l") == 0) {
81                // "local" should be host:port.
82                i++;
83                String[] words = argv[i].split(":");
84                if (words.length != 2) {
85                    System.err.println(
86                        "Invalid host specification host:port needed.");
87                    usage();
88                }
89                try {
90                    tmpPort = Integer.parseInt(words[1]);
91                } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
92                    System.err.println("Invalid host specification, " +
93                        "could not parse port number.");
94                    usage();
95                }
96                config.setThisHost(words[0], tmpPort);
97            } else if (argv[i].compareTo("-n") == 0) {
98                i++;
99                config.totalSites = Integer.parseInt(argv[i]);
100            } else if (argv[i].compareTo("-p") == 0) {
101                i++;
102                config.priority = Integer.parseInt(argv[i]);
103            } else if (argv[i].compareTo("-r") == 0) {
104                i++;
105                String[] words = argv[i].split(":");
106                if (words.length != 2) {
107                    System.err.println(
108                        "Invalid host specification host:port needed.");
109                    usage();
110                }
111                try {
112                    tmpPort = Integer.parseInt(words[1]);
113                } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
114                    System.err.println("Invalid host specification, " +
115                        "could not parse port number.");
116                    usage();
117                }
118                config.addOtherHost(words[0], tmpPort);
119            } else {
120                System.err.println("Unrecognized option: " + argv[i]);
121                usage();
122            }
124        }
126        // Error check command line.
127        if ((!config.gotListenAddress()) || config.home.length() == 0)
128            usage();
130        RepQuoteExampleGSG runner = null;
131        try {
132            runner = new RepQuoteExampleGSG();
133            runner.init(config);
135            runner.doloop();
136            runner.terminate();
137        } catch (DatabaseException dbe) {
138            System.err.println("Caught an exception during " +
139                "initialization or processing: " + dbe.toString());
140            if (runner != null)
141                runner.terminate();
142        }
143            System.exit(0);
144    } // end main
146    public RepQuoteExampleGSG()
147        throws DatabaseException
148    {
149        repConfig = null;
150        dbenv = null;
151    }
153    public int init(RepConfig config)
154        throws DatabaseException
155    {
156        int ret = 0;
157        repConfig = config;
158        EnvironmentConfig envConfig = new EnvironmentConfig();
159        envConfig.setErrorStream(System.err);
160        envConfig.setErrorPrefix(RepConfig.progname);
162        envConfig.setReplicationManagerLocalSite(repConfig.getThisHost());
163        for (ReplicationHostAddress host = repConfig.getFirstOtherHost();
164            host != null; host = repConfig.getNextOtherHost())
165            envConfig.replicationManagerAddRemoteSite(host, false);
167        if (repConfig.totalSites > 0)
168            envConfig.setReplicationNumSites(repConfig.totalSites);
169        envConfig.setReplicationPriority(repConfig.priority);
171        envConfig.setReplicationManagerAckPolicy(
172            ReplicationManagerAckPolicy.ALL);
173        envConfig.setCacheSize(RepConfig.CACHESIZE);
174        envConfig.setTxnNoSync(true);
176        envConfig.setEventHandler(this);
178        envConfig.setAllowCreate(true);
179        envConfig.setRunRecovery(true);
180        envConfig.setThreaded(true);
181        envConfig.setInitializeReplication(true);
182        envConfig.setInitializeLocking(true);
183        envConfig.setInitializeLogging(true);
184        envConfig.setInitializeCache(true);
185        envConfig.setTransactional(true);
186        try {
187            dbenv = new RepQuoteEnvironment(repConfig.getHome(), envConfig);
188        } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
189            System.err.println("FileNotFound exception: " + e.toString());
190            System.err.println(
191                "Ensure that the environment directory is pre-created.");
192            ret = 1;
193        }
195        // Start Replication Manager.
196        dbenv.replicationManagerStart(3, repConfig.startPolicy);
197        return ret;
198    }
200    // Provides the main data processing function for our application.
201    // This function provides a command line prompt to which the user
202    // can provide a ticker string and a stock price.  Once a value is
203    // entered to the application, the application writes the value to
204    // the database and then displays the entire database.
205    public int doloop()
206        throws DatabaseException
207    {
208        Database db = null;
210        for (;;)
211        {
212            if (db == null) {
213                DatabaseConfig dbconf = new DatabaseConfig();
214                dbconf.setType(DatabaseType.BTREE);
215                if (dbenv.getIsMaster()) {
216                    dbconf.setAllowCreate(true);
217                }
218                dbconf.setTransactional(true);
220                try {
221                    db = dbenv.openDatabase
222                        (null, RepConfig.progname, null, dbconf);
223                } catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e) {
224                    System.err.println("No stock database available yet.");
225                    if (db != null) {
226                        db.close(true);
227                        db = null;
228                    }
229                    try {
230                        Thread.sleep(RepConfig.SLEEPTIME);
231                    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {}
232                    continue;
233                }
234            }
236            BufferedReader stdin =
237                new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
239            // Listen for input, and add it to the database.
240            System.out.print("QUOTESERVER");
241            if (!dbenv.getIsMaster())
242                System.out.print("(read-only)");
243            System.out.print("> ");
244            System.out.flush();
245            String nextline = null;
246            try {
247                nextline = stdin.readLine();
248            } catch (IOException ioe) {
249                System.err.println("Unable to get data from stdin");
250                break;
251            }
252            String[] words = nextline.split("\\s");
254            // A blank line causes the DB to be dumped to stdout.
255            if (words.length == 0 ||
256                (words.length == 1 && words[0].length() == 0)) {
257                try {
258                    printStocks(db);
259                } catch (DeadlockException de) {
260                    continue;
261                // Dead replication handles are cased by an election
262                // resulting in a previously committing read becoming
263                // invalid.  Close the db handle and reopen.
264                } catch (ReplicationHandleDeadException rhde) {
265                    db.close(true); // close no sync.
266                    db = null;
267                    continue;
268                } catch (DatabaseException e) {
269                    System.err.println("Got db exception reading replication" +
270                        "DB: " + e.toString());
271                    break;
272                }
273                continue;
274            }
276            if (words.length == 1 &&
277                (words[0].compareToIgnoreCase("quit") == 0 ||
278                words[0].compareToIgnoreCase("exit") == 0)) {
279                break;
280            } else if (words.length != 2) {
281                System.err.println("Format: TICKER VALUE");
282                continue;
283            }
285            if (!dbenv.getIsMaster()) {
286                System.err.println("Can't update client.");
287                continue;
288            }
290            DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry(words[0].getBytes());
291            DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(words[1].getBytes());
293            db.put(null, key, data);
294        }
295        if (db != null)
296            db.close(true);
297        return 0;
298    }
300    public void terminate()
301        throws DatabaseException
302    {
303            dbenv.close();
304    }
306    public void handleRepClientEvent()
307    {
308        dbenv.setIsMaster(false);
309    }
311    public void handleRepMasterEvent()
312    {
313        dbenv.setIsMaster(true);
314    }
316    public void handleRepNewMasterEvent(int envId)
317    {
318        // Ignored for now.
319    }
321    public void handleWriteFailedEvent(int errorCode)
322    {
323        System.err.println("Write to stable storage failed!" +
324            "Operating system error code:" + errorCode);
325        System.err.println("Continuing....");
326    }
328    public void handleRepStartupDoneEvent()
329    {
330        // Ignored for now.
331    }
333    public void handleRepPermFailedEvent()
334    {
335	// Ignored for now.
336    }
338    public void handleRepElectedEvent()
339    {
340        // Safely ignored for Replication Manager applications.
341    }
343    public void handlePanicEvent()
344    {
345        System.err.println("Panic encountered!");
346        System.err.println("Shutting down.");
347        System.err.println("You should restart, running recovery.");
348        try {
349            terminate();
350        } catch (DatabaseException dbe) {
351            System.err.println("Caught an exception during " +
352                "termination in handlePanicEvent: " + dbe.toString());
353        }
354        System.exit(-1);
355    }
357    // Display all the stock quote information in the database.
358    // Return type is void because error conditions are propagated
359    // via exceptions.
360    private void printStocks(Database db)
361        throws DeadlockException, DatabaseException
362    {
363        Cursor dbc = db.openCursor(null, null);
365        System.out.println("\tSymbol\tPrice");
366        System.out.println("\t======\t=====");
368        DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
369        DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry();
370        OperationStatus ret;
371        for (ret = dbc.getFirst(key, data, LockMode.DEFAULT);
372            ret == OperationStatus.SUCCESS;
373            ret = dbc.getNext(key, data, LockMode.DEFAULT)) {
374            String keystr = new String
375                (key.getData(), key.getOffset(), key.getSize());
376            String datastr = new String
377                (data.getData(), data.getOffset(), data.getSize());
378            System.out.println("\t"+keystr+"\t"+datastr);
379        }
380        dbc.close();
381    }
382} // end class