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32            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="upgrade_4_2_java"></a>Release 4.2: Java</h2>
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36      <p>There are a number of major changes to the Java support in Berkeley DB in this
37release.  Despite that we have tried to make this a bridge release, a
38release where we don't require you to change anything.  We've done this
39using the standard approach to deprecation in Java.  If you do not
40compile with deprecation warnings on, your existing sources should work
41with this new release with only minor changes despite the large number
42of changes.  Expect that in a future release we will remove all the
43deprecated API and only support the new API names.</p>
44      <p>This is a list of areas where we have broken compatibility with the
454.1 release.  In most cases it is a name change in an interface class.
47      <div class="itemizedlist">
48        <ul type="disc">
49          <li>
50            <span class="bold">
51              <strong>DbAppDispatch.app_dispatch(DbEnv,Dbt,DbLsn,int)</strong>
52            </span>
53            <p>is now:
54<span class="bold"><strong>DbAppDispatch.appDispatch(DbEnv,Dbt,DbLsn,int)</strong></span></p>
55          </li>
56          <li>
57            <span class="bold">
58              <strong>DbAppendRecno.db_append_recno(Db,Dbt,int)</strong>
59            </span>
60            <p>is now:
61<span class="bold"><strong>DbAppendRecno.dbAppendRecno(Db,Dbt,int)</strong></span></p>
62          </li>
63          <li>
64            <span class="bold">
65              <strong>DbBtreeCompare.bt_compare(Db,Dbt,Dbt)</strong>
66            </span>
67            <p>is now:
68<span class="bold"><strong>DbBtreeCompare.compare(Db,Dbt,Dbt)</strong></span></p>
69          </li>
70          <li>
71            <span class="bold">
72              <strong>DbBtreeCompare.dup_compare(Db,Dbt,Dbt)</strong>
73            </span>
74            <p>is now:
75<span class="bold"><strong>DbBtreeCompare.compareDuplicates(Db,Dbt,Dbt)</strong></span></p>
76          </li>
77          <li>
78            <span class="bold">
79              <strong>DbBtreePrefix.bt_prefix(Db,Dbt,Dbt)</strong>
80            </span>
81            <p>is now:
82<span class="bold"><strong>DbBtreePrefix.prefix(Db,Dbt,Dbt)</strong></span></p>
83          </li>
84          <li>
85            <span class="bold">
86              <strong>DbSecondaryKeyCreate.secondary_key_create(Db,Dbt,Dbt,Dbt)</strong>
87            </span>
88            <p>is now:
89<span class="bold"><strong>DbSecondaryKeyCreate.secondaryKeyCreate(Db,Dbt,Dbt,Dbt)</strong></span></p>
90          </li>
91        </ul>
92      </div>
93      <p>The 4.2 release of Berkeley DB requires at minimum a J2SE 1.3.1 certified Java
94virtual machine and associated classes to properly build and execute.
95To determine what version virtual machine you are running, enter:</p>
96      <pre class="programlisting">java -version</pre>
97      <p>at a command line and look for the version number.  If you need to
98deploy to a version 1.1 or 1.0 Java environment, it may be possible to
99do so by not including the classes in the com.sleepycat.bdb package
100in the Java build process (however, that workaround has not been tested
101by us).</p>
102      <p>A few inconsistent methods have been cleaned up (for example, Db.close
103now returns void; previously, it returned an int which was always zero).
104The synchronized attributed has been toggled on some methods -- this is
105an attempt to prevent multithreaded applications from calling close or
106similar methods concurrently from multiple threads.</p>
107      <p>The Berkeley DB API has up until now been consistent across all language APIs.
108Although consistency has is benefits, it made our Java API look strange to
109Java programmers.  Many methods have been renamed in this release of the
110Java API to conform with Java naming conventions.  Sometimes this renaming
111was simply "camel casing", sometimes it required rewording.  The mapping
112file for these name changes is in <code class="filename">dist/camel.pm</code>.  The Perl script
113we use to convert code to the new names is called
114<code class="filename">dist/camelize.pl</code>, and may help with updating Java applications
115written for earlier versions of Berkeley DB.</p>
116      <p>Berkeley DB has a number of places where as a C library it uses function pointers
117to move into custom code for the purpose of notification of some event.  In
118Java the best parallel is the registration of some class which implements
119an interface.  In this version of Berkeley DB we have made an effort to make those
120interfaces more uniform and predictable.  Specifically, DbEnvFeedback is now
121DbEnvFeedbackHandler, DbErrcall is DbErrorHandler and DbFeedback is
122DbFeedbackHandler.  In every case we have kept the older interfaces and the
123older registration methods so as to allow for backward compatibility in this
124release.  Expect them to be removed in future releases.</p>
125      <p>As you upgrade to this release of Berkeley DB you will notice that we have
126added an entirely new layer inside the package com.sleepycat.bdb.  This
127was formerly the Greybird project by Mark Hayes.  Sleepycat Software and
128Mark worked together to incorporate his work.  We have done this in
129hopes of reducing the learning curve when using Berkeley DB in a Java project.
130When you upgrade you should consider switching to this layer as over
131time the historical classes and the new bdb package classes will be more
132and more integrated providing a simple yet powerful interface from Java
133into the Berkeley DB library.</p>
134      <p>Berkeley DB's Java API is now generated with <a class="ulink" href="http://www.swig.org" target="_top">SWIG</a>.
135The new Java API is significantly faster for many operations.</p>
136      <p>Some internal methods and constructors that were previously public have
137been hidden or removed.</p>
138      <p>Packages found under com.sleepycat are considered different APIs into
139the Berkeley DB system.  These include the core db api (com.sleepycat.db), the
140collections style access layer (com.sleepycat.bdb) and the now relocated XA
141system (com.sleepycat.xa).</p>
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