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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="transapp_read"></a>Degrees of isolation</h2>
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42              <a href="transapp_read.html#id1609658">Snapshot Isolation</a>
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47      <p>Transactions can be isolated from each other to different degrees.
48<span class="emphasis"><em>Serializable</em></span> provides the most isolation, and means that, for
49the life of the transaction, every time a thread of control reads a data
50item, it will be unchanged from its previous value (assuming, of course,
51the thread of control does not itself modify the item).  By default,
52Berkeley DB enforces serializability whenever database reads are wrapped in
53transactions.  This is also known as <span class="emphasis"><em>degree 3 isolation</em></span>.</p>
54      <p>Most applications do not need to enclose all reads in transactions, and
55when possible, transactionally protected reads at serializable isolation
56should be avoided as they can cause performance problems.  For example,
57a serializable cursor sequentially reading each key/data pair in a
58database, will acquire a read lock on most of the pages in the database
59and so will gradually block all write operations on the databases until
60the transaction commits or aborts.  Note, however, that if there are
61update transactions present in the application, the read operations must
62still use locking, and must be prepared to repeat any operation
63(possibly closing and reopening a cursor) that fails with a return value
64of <a class="link" href="program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK">DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK</a>.  
65Applications that need repeatable reads
66are ones that require the ability to repeatedly access a data item
67knowing that it will not have changed (for example, an operation
68modifying a data item based on its existing value).</p>
69      <p><span class="emphasis"><em>Snapshot isolation</em></span> also guarantees repeatable reads, but
70avoids read locks by using multiversion concurrency control (MVCC).
71This makes update operations more expensive, because they have to
72allocate space for new versions of pages in cache and make copies, but
73avoiding read locks can significantly increase throughput for many
74applications.  Snapshot isolation is discussed in detail below.</p>
75      <p>A transaction may only require 
76<span class="emphasis"><em>cursor stability</em></span>, that is only
77be guaranteed that cursors see committed data that does not change so
78long as it is addressed by the cursor, but may change before the reading
79transaction completes.  This is also called <span class="emphasis"><em>degree 2
80isolation</em></span>.  Berkeley DB provides this level of isolation when a transaction
81is started with the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbcget.html#dbcget_DB_READ_COMMITTED" class="olink">DB_READ_COMMITTED</a> flag.  This flag may also
82be specified when opening a cursor within a fully isolated
84      <p>Berkeley DB optionally supports reading uncommitted data; that is, read
85operations may request data which has been modified but not yet
86committed by another transaction.  This is also called <span class="emphasis"><em>degree
871 isolation</em></span>.  This is done by first specifying the
88<a href="../api_reference/C/dbopen.html#dbopen_DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED" class="olink">DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED</a> flag when opening the underlying database,
89and then specifying the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbopen.html#dbopen_DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED" class="olink">DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED</a> flag when beginning
90a transaction, opening a cursor, or performing a read operation.  The
91advantage of using <a href="../api_reference/C/dbopen.html#dbopen_DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED" class="olink">DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED</a> is that read operations
92will not block when another transaction holds a write lock on the
93requested data; the disadvantage is that read operations may return data
94that will disappear should the transaction holding the write lock
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100              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1609658"></a>Snapshot Isolation</h3>
101            </div>
102          </div>
103        </div>
104        <p>To make use of snapshot isolation, databases must first be configured
105for multiversion access by calling <a href="../api_reference/C/dbopen.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;open()</a> with the
106<a href="../api_reference/C/dbopen.html#dbopen_DB_MULTIVERSION" class="olink">DB_MULTIVERSION</a> flag.  Then transactions or cursors must be
107configured with the <a href="../api_reference/C/txnbegin.html#txnbegin_DB_TXN_SNAPSHOT" class="olink">DB_TXN_SNAPSHOT</a> flag.</p>
108        <p>When configuring an environment for snapshot isolation, it is important
109to realize that having multiple versions of pages in cache means that
110the working set will take up more of the cache.  As a result, snapshot
111isolation is best suited for use with larger cache sizes.</p>
112        <p>If the cache becomes full of page copies before the old copies can be
113discarded, additional I/O will occur as pages are written to temporary
114"freezer" files.  This can substantially reduce throughput, and should
115be avoided if possible by configuring a large cache and keeping snapshot
116isolation transactions short.  The amount of cache required to avoid
117freezing buffers can be estimated by taking a checkpoint followed by a
118call to <a href="../api_reference/C/logarchive.html" class="olink">DB_ENV-&gt;log_archive()</a>.  The amount of cache required is
119approximately double the size of logs that remains.</p>
120        <p>The environment should also be configured for sufficient transactions
121using <a href="../api_reference/C/envset_tx_max.html" class="olink">DB_ENV-&gt;set_tx_max()</a>.  The maximum number of transactions
122needs to include all transactions executed concurrently by the
123application plus all cursors configured for snapshot isolation.
124Further, the transactions are retained until the last page they created
125is evicted from cache, so in the extreme case, an additional transaction
126may be needed for each page in the cache.  Note that cache sizes under
127500MB are increased by 25%, so the calculation of number of pages needs
128to take this into account.</p>
129        <p>So when <span class="emphasis"><em>should</em></span> applications use snapshot isolation?</p>
130        <div class="itemizedlist">
131          <ul type="disc">
132            <li>There is a large cache relative to size of updates performed by
133concurrent transactions; and</li>
134            <li>Read/write contention is limiting the throughput of the application;
136            <li>The application is all or mostly read-only, and contention for the lock
137manager mutex is limiting throughput.</li>
138          </ul>
139        </div>
140        <p>The simplest way to take advantage of snapshot isolation is for queries:
141keep update transactions using full read/write locking and set
142<a href="../api_reference/C/txnbegin.html#txnbegin_DB_TXN_SNAPSHOT" class="olink">DB_TXN_SNAPSHOT</a> on read-only transactions or cursors.  This
143should minimize blocking of snapshot isolation transactions and will
144avoid introducing new 
145<a class="link" href="program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK">DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK</a> 
147        <p>If the application has update transactions which read many items and
148only update a small set (for example, scanning until a desired record is
149found, then modifying it), throughput may be improved by running some
150updates at snapshot isolation as well.</p>
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