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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="tcl_error"></a>Tcl error handling</h2>
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38      <p>The Tcl interfaces to Berkeley DB generally return TCL_OK on success and throw
39a Tcl error on failure, using the appropriate Tcl interfaces to provide
40the user with an informative error message.  There are some "expected"
41failures, however, for which no Tcl error will be thrown and for which
42Tcl commands will return TCL_OK.  These failures include times when a
43searched-for key is not found, a requested key/data pair was previously
44deleted, or a key/data pair cannot be written because the key already
46      <p>These failures can be detected by searching the Berkeley DB error message that
47is returned.  For example, use the following to detect that an attempt
48to put a record into the database failed because the key already
50      <pre class="programlisting">% berkdb open -create -btree a.db
52% db0 put dog cat
54% set ret [db0 put -nooverwrite dog newcat]
55DB_KEYEXIST: Key/data pair already exists
56% if { [string first DB_KEYEXIST $ret] != -1 } {
57	puts "This was an error; the key existed"
59This was an error; the key existed
60% db0 close
62% exit</pre>
63      <p>To simplify parsing, it is recommended that the initial Berkeley DB error name
64be checked; for example, <a href="../api_reference/C/dbcput.html#dbcput_DB_KEYEXIST" class="olink">DB_MULTIPLE</a> in the previous example.
65To ensure that Tcl scripts are not broken by upgrading to new releases
66of Berkeley DB, these values will not change in future releases of Berkeley DB.
67There are currently only three such "expected" error returns:</p>
68      <pre class="programlisting">DB_NOTFOUND: No matching key/data pair found
69DB_KEYEMPTY: Nonexistent key/data pair
70DB_KEYEXIST: Key/data pair already exists</pre>
71      <p>Finally, sometimes Berkeley DB will output additional error information when
72a Berkeley DB error occurs.  By default, all Berkeley DB error messages will be
73prefixed with the created command in whose context the error occurred
74(for example, "env0", "db2", and so on).  There are several ways to
75capture and access this information.</p>
76      <p>First, if Berkeley DB invokes the error callback function, the additional
77information will be placed in the error result returned from the command
78and in the errorInfo backtrace variable in Tcl.</p>
79      <p>Also, the two calls to open an environment and open a database take an
80option, <span class="bold"><strong>-errfile filename</strong></span>, which sets an output file to which
81these additional error messages should be written.</p>
82      <p>Additionally, the two calls to open an environment and open a database
83take an option, <span class="bold"><strong>-errpfx string</strong></span>, which sets the error prefix to
84the given string.  This option may be useful in circumstances where a
85more descriptive prefix is desired or where a constant prefix indicating
86an error is desired.</p>
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