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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="am_misc_tune"></a>Access method tuning</h2>
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38      <p>There are a few different issues to consider when tuning the performance
39of Berkeley DB access method applications.</p>
40      <div class="variablelist">
41        <dl>
42          <dt>
43            <span class="term">access method</span>
44          </dt>
45          <dd>An application's choice of a database access method can significantly
46affect performance.  Applications using fixed-length records and integer
47keys are likely to get better performance from the Queue access method.
48Applications using variable-length records are likely to get better
49performance from the Btree access method, as it tends to be faster for
50most applications than either the Hash or Recno access methods.  Because
51the access method APIs are largely identical between the Berkeley DB access
52methods, it is easy for applications to benchmark the different access
53methods against each other.  See <a class="xref" href="am_conf_select.html" title="Selecting an access method">Selecting an access method</a> for more information.</dd>
54          <dt>
55            <span class="term">cache size</span>
56          </dt>
57          <dd>The Berkeley DB database cache defaults to a fairly small size, and most
58applications concerned with performance will want to set it explicitly.
59Using a too-small cache will result in horrible performance.  The first
60step in tuning the cache size is to use the db_stat utility (or the
61statistics returned by the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbstat.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;stat()</a> function) to measure the
62effectiveness of the cache.  The goal is to maximize the cache's hit
63rate.  Typically, increasing the size of the cache until the hit rate
64reaches 100% or levels off will yield the best performance.  However,
65if your working set is sufficiently large, you will be limited by the
66system's available physical memory.  Depending on the virtual memory
67and file system buffering policies of your system, and the requirements
68of other applications, the maximum cache size will be some amount
69smaller than the size of physical memory.  If you find that
70the <a href="../api_reference/C/db_stat.html" class="olink">db_stat utility</a> shows that increasing the cache size improves your hit
71rate, but performance is not improving (or is getting worse), then it's
72likely you've hit other system limitations.  At this point, you should
73review the system's swapping/paging activity and limit the size of the
74cache to the maximum size possible without triggering paging activity.
75Finally, always remember to make your measurements under conditions as
76close as possible to the conditions your deployed application will run
77under, and to test your final choices under worst-case conditions.</dd>
78          <dt>
79            <span class="term">shared memory</span>
80          </dt>
81          <dd>By default, Berkeley DB creates its database environment shared regions in
82filesystem backed memory.  Some systems do not distinguish between
83regular filesystem pages and memory-mapped pages backed by the
84filesystem, when selecting dirty pages to be flushed back to disk.  For
85this reason, dirtying pages in the Berkeley DB cache may cause intense
86filesystem activity, typically when the filesystem sync thread or
87process is run.  In some cases, this can dramatically affect application
88throughput.  The workaround to this problem is to create the shared
89regions in system shared memory (<a href="../api_reference/C/envopen.html#envopen_DB_SYSTEM_MEM" class="olink">DB_SYSTEM_MEM</a>) or application
90private memory (<a href="../api_reference/C/envopen.html#open_DB_PRIVATE" class="olink">DB_PRIVATE</a>), or, in cases where this behavior
91is configurable, to turn off the operating system's flushing of
92memory-mapped pages.</dd>
93          <dt>
94            <span class="term">large key/data items</span>
95          </dt>
96          <dd>Storing large key/data items in a database can alter the performance
97characteristics of Btree, Hash and Recno databases.  The first parameter
98to consider is the database page size.  When a key/data item is too
99large to be placed on a database page, it is stored on "overflow" pages
100that are maintained outside of the normal database structure (typically,
101items that are larger than one-quarter of the page size are deemed to
102be too large).  Accessing these overflow pages requires at least one
103additional page reference over a normal access, so it is usually better
104to increase the page size than to create a database with a large number
105of overflow pages.  Use the <a href="../api_reference/C/db_stat.html" class="olink">db_stat utility</a> (or the statistics
106returned by the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbstat.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;stat()</a> method) to review the number of overflow
107pages in the database.
108<p>The second issue is using large key/data items instead of duplicate data
109items.  While this can offer performance gains to some applications
110(because it is possible to retrieve several data items in a single get
111call), once the key/data items are large enough to be pushed off-page,
112they will slow the application down.  Using duplicate data items is
113usually the better choice in the long run.</p></dd>
114        </dl>
115      </div>
116      <p>A common question when tuning Berkeley DB applications is scalability.  For
117example, people will ask why, when adding additional threads or
118processes to an application, the overall database throughput decreases,
119even when all of the operations are read-only queries.</p>
120      <p>First, while read-only operations are logically concurrent, they still
121have to acquire mutexes on internal Berkeley DB data structures.  For example,
122when searching a linked list and looking for a database page, the linked
123list has to be locked against other threads of control attempting to add
124or remove pages from the linked list.  The more threads of control you
125add, the more contention there will be for those shared data structure
127      <p>Second, once contention starts happening, applications will also start
128to see threads of control convoy behind locks (especially on
129architectures supporting only test-and-set spin mutexes, rather than
130blocking mutexes).  On test-and-set architectures, threads of control
131waiting for locks must attempt to acquire the mutex, sleep, check the
132mutex again, and so on.  Each failed check of the mutex and subsequent
133sleep wastes CPU and decreases the overall throughput of the system.</p>
134      <p>Third, every time a thread acquires a shared mutex, it has to shoot down
135other references to that memory in every other CPU on the system.  Many
136modern snoopy cache architectures have slow shoot down characteristics.</p>
137      <p>Fourth, schedulers don't care what application-specific mutexes a thread
138of control might hold when de-scheduling a thread.  If a thread of
139control is descheduled while holding a shared data structure mutex,
140other threads of control will be blocked until the scheduler decides to
141run the blocking thread of control again.  The more threads of control
142that are running, the smaller their quanta of CPU time, and the more
143likely they will be descheduled while holding a Berkeley DB mutex.</p>
144      <p>The results of adding new threads of control to an application, on the
145application's throughput, is application and hardware specific and
146almost entirely dependent on the application's data access pattern and
147hardware.  In general, using operating systems that support blocking
148mutexes will often make a tremendous difference, and limiting threads
149of control to to some small multiple of the number of CPUs is usually
150the right choice to make.</p>
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