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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter��4.��Working with Indices</th>
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22          <th width="60%" align="center">Part��I.��Programming with the Direct Persistence Layer</th>
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32            <h2 class="title"><a id="persist_index"></a>Chapter��4.��Working with Indices</h2>
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36      <div class="toc">
37        <p>
38          <b>Table of Contents</b>
39        </p>
40        <dl>
41          <dt>
42            <span class="sect1">
43              <a href="persist_index.html#dplindexaccess">Accessing Indexes</a>
44            </span>
45          </dt>
46          <dd>
47            <dl>
48              <dt>
49                <span class="sect2">
50                  <a href="persist_index.html#primaryindexaccess">Accessing Primary Indices</a>
51                </span>
52              </dt>
53              <dt>
54                <span class="sect2">
55                  <a href="persist_index.html#secondaryindexaccess">Accessing Secondary Indices</a>
56                </span>
57              </dt>
58            </dl>
59          </dd>
60          <dt>
61            <span class="sect1">
62              <a href="dplindexcreate.html">Creating Indexes</a>
63            </span>
64          </dt>
65          <dd>
66            <dl>
67              <dt>
68                <span class="sect2">
69                  <a href="dplindexcreate.html#dplprimaryidxdecl">Declaring a Primary Indexes</a>
70                </span>
71              </dt>
72              <dt>
73                <span class="sect2">
74                  <a href="dplindexcreate.html#dplsecondaryidxdecl">Declaring Secondary Indexes</a>
75                </span>
76              </dt>
77              <dt>
78                <span class="sect2">
79                  <a href="dplindexcreate.html#foreignkey">Foreign Key Constraints</a>
80                </span>
81              </dt>
82            </dl>
83          </dd>
84        </dl>
85      </div>
86      <p>
87          All entity classes stored in DB using the DPL must have a
88          primary index, or key, identified for them. All such classes may
89          also have one or more secondary keys declared for them. This
90          chapter describes primary and secondary indexes in detail, and
91          shows how to access the indexes created for a given entity class.
92  </p>
93      <p>
94            One way to organize access to your primary and secondary
95            indexes is to create a <span class="emphasis"><em>data accessor</em></span>
96            class. We show an implementation of a data accessor class in 
97            <a class="xref" href="simpleda.html" title="SimpleDA.class">SimpleDA.class</a>.
98    </p>
99      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
100        <div class="titlepage">
101          <div>
102            <div>
103              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="dplindexaccess"></a>Accessing Indexes</h2>
104            </div>
105          </div>
106        </div>
107        <div class="toc">
108          <dl>
109            <dt>
110              <span class="sect2">
111                <a href="persist_index.html#primaryindexaccess">Accessing Primary Indices</a>
112              </span>
113            </dt>
114            <dt>
115              <span class="sect2">
116                <a href="persist_index.html#secondaryindexaccess">Accessing Secondary Indices</a>
117              </span>
118            </dt>
119          </dl>
120        </div>
121        <p>
122                  In order to retrieve any object from an entity store, you
123                  must access at least the primary index for that object.
124                  Different entity classes stored in an entity store can have
125                  different primary indexes, but all entity classes must have a
126                  primary index declared for it. The primary index is just
127                  the default index used for the class. (That is, it is the
128                  data's primary <span class="emphasis"><em>key</em></span> for the underlying database.)
129          </p>
130        <p>
131                  Entity classes can optionally have secondary indexes
132                  declared for them. In order to access these secondary
133                  indexes, you must first access the primary index. 
134          </p>
135        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
136          <div class="titlepage">
137            <div>
138              <div>
139                <h3 class="title"><a id="primaryindexaccess"></a>Accessing Primary Indices</h3>
140              </div>
141            </div>
142          </div>
143          <p>
144                            You retrieve a primary index using the
145                            <code class="methodname">EntityStore.getPrimaryIndex()</code>
146                            method. To do this, you indicate the index key type
147                            (that is, whether it is a String, Integer, and
148                            so forth) and the class of the entities stored
149                            in the index.
150                    </p>
151          <p>
152                        For example, the following retrieves the
153                        primary index for an <code class="classname">Inventory</code>
154                        class (we provide an implementation of this class in
155                        <a class="xref" href="inventoryclass.html" title="Inventory.java">Inventory.java</a>). 
156                        These index keys are of type <code class="classname">String</code>.
157                    </p>
158          <pre class="programlisting">PrimaryIndex&lt;String,Inventory&gt; inventoryBySku = 
159    store.getPrimaryIndex(String.class, Inventory.class); </pre>
160        </div>
161        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
162          <div class="titlepage">
163            <div>
164              <div>
165                <h3 class="title"><a id="secondaryindexaccess"></a>Accessing Secondary Indices</h3>
166              </div>
167            </div>
168          </div>
169          <p>
170                            You retrieve a secondary index using the
171                            <code class="methodname">EntityStore.getSecondaryIndex()</code>
172                            method. Because secondary indices actually
173                            refer to a primary index somewhere in your data
174                            store, to access a secondary index you:
175                    </p>
176          <div class="orderedlist">
177            <ol type="1">
178              <li>
179                <p>
180                                            Provide the primary index as
181                                            returned by
182                                            <code class="methodname">EntityStore.getPrimaryIndex()</code>.
183                                    </p>
184              </li>
185              <li>
186                <p>
187                                            Identify the key data type used by
188                                            the secondary index
189                                            (<code class="classname">String</code>,
190                                            <code class="classname">Long</code>,
191                                            and so forth).
192                                    </p>
193              </li>
194              <li>
195                <p>
196                                            Identify the name of the
197                                            secondary key field.
198                                            When you declare the
199                                            <code class="classname">SecondaryIndex</code>
200                                            object, you identify the entity class
201                                            to which the secondary index
202                                            must refer.
203                                    </p>
204              </li>
205            </ol>
206          </div>
207          <p>
208                        For example, the following first retrieves the
209                        primary index, and then uses that to retrieve a secondary
210                        index. The secondary key is held by the
211                        <code class="literal">itemName</code> field of the
212                        <code class="classname">Inventory</code> class.
213                    </p>
214          <pre class="programlisting">PrimaryIndex&lt;String,Inventory&gt; inventoryBySku = 
215store.getPrimaryIndex(String.class, Inventory.class); 
217SecondaryIndex&lt;String,String,Inventory&gt; inventoryByName = 
218    store.getSecondaryIndex(inventoryBySku, String.class, "itemName"); </pre>
219        </div>
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