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32            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="dbErrorReporting"></a>Error Reporting Functions</h2>
33          </div>
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36      <p>
37        To simplify error reporting and handling, the
39        <span><code class="classname">Db</code> class</span>
41        offers several useful methods. 
46    </p>
47      <div class="itemizedlist">
48        <ul type="disc">
49          <li>
50            <p>
51                <code class="methodname">set_error_stream()</code>
53            </p>
54            <p>
55                Sets the 
56                    <span>C++ <code class="classname">ostream</code></span>
58                to be used for displaying error messages issued by the DB library. 
59            </p>
60          </li>
61          <li>
62            <p>
63                <code class="methodname">set_errcall()</code>
65            </p>
66            <p>
67                Defines the function that is called when an error message is
68                issued by DB. The error prefix and message are passed to
69                this callback. It is up to the application to display this
70                information correctly.
71            </p>
72          </li>
73          <li>
74            <p>
75                <code class="methodname">set_errfile()</code>
76            </p>
77            <p>
78                Sets the C library <code class="literal">FILE *</code> to be used for
79                displaying error messages issued by the DB library. 
80            </p>
81          </li>
82          <li>
83            <p>
84                <code class="methodname">set_errpfx()</code>
86            </p>
87            <p>
88                Sets the prefix used for any error messages issued by the
89                DB library.
90            </p>
91          </li>
92          <li>
93            <p>
94                <code class="methodname">err()</code>
95            </p>
96            <p>
97                Issues an error message. The error message is sent to the 
98                callback function as defined by <code class="methodname">set_errcall</code>. 
99                If that method has not been used, then the error message is sent to the 
100                file defined by 
102                    <span>
103                        <code class="methodname">set_errfile()</code> or <code class="methodname">set_error_stream()</code>.
104                    </span>
105                If none of these methods have been used, then the error message is sent to
106                standard error.
107            </p>
108            <p>
109                The error message consists of the prefix string
110                (as defined by <code class="methodname">set_errpfx()</code>), 
111                an optional <code class="literal">printf</code>-style formatted message, 
112                the error message, and a trailing newline.
113            </p>
114          </li>
115          <li>
116            <p>
117                <code class="methodname">errx()</code>
118            </p>
119            <p>
120                Behaves identically to <code class="methodname">err()</code> except
121                that the DB message text associated with the supplied error
122                value is not appended to the error string.
123            </p>
124          </li>
125        </ul>
126      </div>
127      <p>
128        In addition, you can use the <code class="methodname">db_strerror()</code>
129        function to directly return the error string that corresponds to a
130        particular error number.
131     </p>
132      <p>
133        For example, to send all error messages for a given database handle 
134		to a callback for handling, first create your callback. Do something like this:
135     </p>
136      <a id="c_db8"></a>
137      <pre class="programlisting">/* 
138 * Function called to handle any database error messages
139 * issued by DB. 
140 */
142my_error_handler(const char *error_prefix, char *msg)
144  /* 
145   * Put your code to handle the error prefix and error
146   * message here. Note that one or both of these parameters
147   * may be NULL depending on how the error message is issued
148   * and how the DB handle is configured.
149   */
150} </pre>
151      <p>
152		And then register the callback as follows:
153	</p>
154      <a id="cxx_db9"></a>
155      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
158Db db(NULL, 0);
159std::string dbFileName("my_db.db");
163    // Set up error handling for this database
164    db.set_errcall(my_error_handler);
165    db.set_errpfx("my_example_program"); </pre>
166      <p>
167        And to issue an error message:
168    </p>
169      <a id="cxx_db10"></a>
170      <pre class="programlisting">    // Open the database
171    db.open(NULL, dbFileName.c_str(), NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, 0);
173    // Must catch both DbException and std::exception
174    catch(DbException &amp;e)
175    {
176        db.err(e.get_errno(), "Database open failed %s", 
177            dbFileName.c_str());
178        throw e;
179    }
180    catch(std::exception &amp;e)
181    {
182        // No DB error number available, so use errx
183        db.errx("Error opening database: %s", e.what());
184        throw e;
185    } </pre>
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