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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter��3.��Database Records</th>
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32            <h2 class="title"><a id="DBEntry"></a>Chapter��3.��Database Records</h2>
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36      <div class="toc">
37        <p>
38          <b>Table of Contents</b>
39        </p>
40        <dl>
41          <dt>
42            <span class="sect1">
43              <a href="DBEntry.html#usingDbEntry">Using Database Records</a>
44            </span>
45          </dt>
46          <dt>
47            <span class="sect1">
48              <a href="usingDbt.html">Reading and Writing Database Records</a>
49            </span>
50          </dt>
51          <dd>
52            <dl>
53              <dt>
54                <span class="sect2">
55                  <a href="usingDbt.html#databaseWrite">Writing Records to the Database</a>
56                </span>
57              </dt>
58              <dt>
59                <span class="sect2">
60                  <a href="usingDbt.html#CoreDatabaseRead">Getting Records from the Database</a>
61                </span>
62              </dt>
63              <dt>
64                <span class="sect2">
65                  <a href="usingDbt.html#recordDelete">Deleting Records</a>
66                </span>
67              </dt>
68              <dt>
69                <span class="sect2">
70                  <a href="usingDbt.html#datapersist">Data Persistence</a>
71                </span>
72              </dt>
73            </dl>
74          </dd>
75          <dt>
76            <span class="sect1">
77              <a href="DbCXXUsage.html">Database Usage Example</a>
78            </span>
79          </dt>
80        </dl>
81      </div>
82      <p>
83      DB records contain two parts ��� a key and some data. Both the key
84    and its corresponding data are 
85      encapsulated in
88          <span><code class="classname">Dbt</code> class objects.</span> 
89    Therefore, to access a DB record, you need two such
91        <span>objects,</span> one for the key and
92        one for the data.
93  </p>
94      <p>
95    <code class="classname">Dbt</code> objects provide a <code class="literal">void *</code>
96    data member that you use to point to your data, and another member that identifies
97    the data length.  They can therefore be used to store anything from simple
98    primitive data to complex class objects so long as the information you want to
99    store resides in a single contiguous block of memory.
100  </p>
101      <p>
102    This chapter describes 
104    <code class="classname">Dbt</code> 
105    usage. It also 
106    introduces storing and retrieving key/value pairs from a database. 
107  </p>
108      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
109        <div class="titlepage">
110          <div>
111            <div>
112              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="usingDbEntry"></a>Using Database Records</h2>
113            </div>
114          </div>
115        </div>
116        <p>
117        Each database record is comprised of two 
120        <span><code class="classname">Dbt</code> objects</span>
121        ��� one for the key and another for the data. 
124    </p>
125        <a id="cxx_dbt1"></a>
126        <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
127#include &lt;string.h&gt;
131float money = 122.45;
132char *description = "Grocery bill.";
134Dbt key(&amp;money, sizeof(float));
135Dbt data(description, strlen(description)+1); </pre>
136        <p>
137    Note that in the following example we do not allow DB to assign the
138    memory for the retrieval of the money value. The reason why is that some
139    systems may require float values to have a specific alignment, and the
140    memory as returned by DB
141    may not be properly aligned (the same problem may exist for structures
142    on some systems). We tell DB to use our memory instead of its
143    own by specifying the <code class="literal">DB_DBT_USERMEM</code> flag. Be aware that
144    when we do this, we must also identify how much user memory is available 
145    through the use of the <code class="literal">ulen</code> field.
147        <a id="cxx_dbt2"></a>
148        <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
149#include &lt;string.h&gt;
153Dbt key, data;
154float money;
155char *description;
161// Database retrieval code goes here
163// Money is set into the memory that we supplied.
164description = (char *)data.get_data();</pre>
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