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15          <th colspan="3" align="center">Writing In-Memory Berkeley DB Applications</th>
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24            <h1 class="title"><a id="id387251"></a>Writing In-Memory Berkeley DB Applications</h1>
25          </div>
26          <div>
27            <div class="legalnotice">
28              <p class="legalnotice-title">
29                <b>Legal Notice</b>
30              </p>
31              <p>
32        This documentation is distributed under an open source license.
33        You may review the terms of this license at:
34        <a href="http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/berkeley-db/htdocs/oslicense.html" target="_top">http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/berkeley-db/htdocs/oslicense.html</a>
37    </p>
38              <p>
39            Oracle, Berkeley DB,
42            and
43            Sleepycat are trademarks or registered trademarks of
44            Oracle. All rights to these marks are reserved.
45            No third-party use is permitted without the
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47    </p>
48              <p>
49        To obtain a copy of this document's original source code, please
50        submit a request to the Oracle Technology Network forum at:
51        <a href="http://forums.oracle.com/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=271" target="_top">http://forums.oracle.com/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=271</a>
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58            <p class="pubdate">4/12/2010</p>
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64      <div class="toc">
65        <p>
66          <b>Table of Contents</b>
67        </p>
68        <dl>
69          <dt>
70            <span class="sect1">
71              <a href="index.html#intro">Introduction</a>
72            </span>
73          </dt>
74          <dt>
75            <span class="sect1">
76              <a href="index.html#resources">Resources to be Managed</a>
77            </span>
78          </dt>
79          <dt>
80            <span class="sect1">
81              <a href="index.html#strategies">Strategies</a>
82            </span>
83          </dt>
84          <dt>
85            <span class="sect1">
86              <a href="index.html#dbfiles">Keeping the Database in Memory</a>
87            </span>
88          </dt>
89          <dt>
90            <span class="sect1">
91              <a href="index.html#env">Keeping Environments in Memory</a>
92            </span>
93          </dt>
94          <dt>
95            <span class="sect1">
96              <a href="index.html#cachesize">Sizing the Cache</a>
97            </span>
98          </dt>
99          <dd>
100            <dl>
101              <dt>
102                <span class="sect2">
103                  <a href="index.html#dbcachesize-db">Specifying a Cache Size using the
104                                Database Handle</a>
105                </span>
106              </dt>
107              <dt>
108                <span class="sect2">
109                  <a href="index.html#dbcachesize-env">Specifying a Cache Size using the
110                                Environment Handle</a>
111                </span>
112              </dt>
113            </dl>
114          </dd>
115          <dt>
116            <span class="sect1">
117              <a href="index.html#mpool-nofile">Keeping Temporary Overflow Pages in Memory</a>
118            </span>
119          </dt>
120          <dt>
121            <span class="sect1">
122              <a href="index.html#logs">Keeping Logs in Memory</a>
123            </span>
124          </dt>
125          <dt>
126            <span class="sect1">
127              <a href="index.html#in-mem-rep">In-Memory Replicated Applications</a>
128            </span>
129          </dt>
130          <dt>
131            <span class="sect1">
132              <a href="index.html#example_in-mem">Example In-Memory Application</a>
133            </span>
134          </dt>
135        </dl>
136      </div>
137      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
138        <div class="titlepage">
139          <div>
140            <div>
141              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="intro"></a>Introduction</h2>
142            </div>
143          </div>
144          <div></div>
145        </div>
146        <p>
147                This document describes how to write a DB application
148                that keeps its data entirely in memory. That is, the
149                application writes no data to disk. For this reason,
150                in-memory only applications typically discard all 
151                data durability guarantees.
152        </p>
153        <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
154          <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
155          <p>
156                        This document assume familiarity with the
157                        <i class="citetitle">Getting Started with Berkeley DB</i> guide. If
158                        you are using environments or transactions, then
159                        you should also have an understanding of the
160                        concepts in <i class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Getting Started with Transaction Processing</i>
161                        guide.
162                </p>
163        </div>
164        <p>
165                There are several reasons why you might want to write an
166                in-memory only DB application. For platforms on which a
167                disk drive is available to back your data, an in-memory
168                application might be desirable from a performance
169                perspective. In this case, the data that your application
170                manages might be generated during run-time and so is of no
171                interest across application startups.
172        </p>
173        <p>
174                Other platforms are disk-less. In this case, an in-memory only
175                configuration is the only possible choice. Note that this
176                document's primary focus is disk-less systems for which an
177                on-disk filesystem is not available. 
178        </p>
179      </div>
180      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
181        <div class="titlepage">
182          <div>
183            <div>
184              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="resources"></a>Resources to be Managed</h2>
185            </div>
186          </div>
187          <div></div>
188        </div>
189        <p>
190                        Before continuing, it is worthwhile to briefly
191                        describe the DB resources that must be managed
192                        if you are going to configure an in-memory only
193                        DB application. These are resources that are by
194                        default persisted on disk, or backed by a
195                        filesystem on disk. Some configuration is therefore
196                        required to keep these resources in-memory only.
197                </p>
198        <p>
199                        Note that you can configure only some of these
200                        resources to be held in-memory, and allow others to
201                        be backed by disk. This might be desireable for
202                        some applications that wish to improve application
203                        performance by, for example, eliminating disk I/O
204                        for some, but not all, of these resources. However,
205                        for the purpose of this document, we assume you
206                        want to configure all of these resources to be held
207                        in memory.
208                </p>
209        <p>
210                        Managing these resources for an in-memory
211                        application is described in detail later in this
212                        article.
213                </p>
214        <div class="itemizedlist">
215          <ul type="disc">
216            <li>
217              <p>
218                                        Database files
219                                </p>
220              <p>
221                                        Normally, DB stores your
222                                        database data within on-disk files.
223                                        For an entirely in-memory
224                                        application, you are required to turn
225                                        off this behavior.
226                                </p>
227            </li>
228            <li>
229              <p>
230                                        Environment region files
231                                </p>
232              <p>
233                                        DB environments manage region
234                                        files for a variety of purposes.
235                                        Normally these are backed by the
236                                        filesystem, but by using the
237                                        appropriate configuration option
238                                        you can cause region files to
239                                        reside in memory only.
240                                </p>
241            </li>
242            <li>
243              <p>
244                                        Database cache
245                                </p>
246              <p>
247                                        The DB cache must be configured
248                                        large enough to hold all your data
249                                        in memory. If you do not size your
250                                        cache large enough, then DB
251                                        will attempt to write pages to
252                                        disk. In a disk-less system, this
253                                        will result in an abnormal
254                                        termination of your program.
255                                </p>
256            </li>
257            <li>
258              <p>
259                                        Logs
260                                </p>
261              <p>
262                                        DB logs describe the write activity
263                                        that has occurred in your application.
264                                        They are used for a number of purposes,
265                                        such as recovery operations for
266                                        applications that are seeking data
267                                        durability guarantees.
268                                </p>
269              <p>
270                                        For in-memory applications that do not
271                                        care about durability guarantees, logs
272                                        are still required if you want
273                                        transactional benefits other than
274                                        durability (such as isolation
275                                        and atomicity). This is because DB's
276                                        transactional subsystem requires logs,
277                                        even if you want to discard all data
278                                        durability guarantees.
279                                </p>
280              <p>
281                                        If this describes your application, you
282                                        must enable logs but configure them to
283                                        reside only within memory.
284                                </p>
285            </li>
286            <li>
287              <p>
288                                        Temporary overflow pages
289                                </p>
290              <p>
291                                        You must disallow backing temporary
292                                        database files with the
293                                        filesystem. This is mostly a
294                                        configuration option, but it is
295                                        also dependent upon sizing your
296                                        cache correctly.
297                                </p>
298            </li>
299          </ul>
300        </div>
301        <p>
302                    In addition to these, if you are writing a replicated application (see
303                    <i class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Getting Started with Replicated Applications</i> for an introduction to writing replicated
304                    applications), there is internal replication information that is normally kept
305                    on-disk.  You can cause this information to be kept in-memory if you are
306                    willing to accept some limitations in how your replicated application operates.
307                    See <a href="index.html#in-mem-rep">In-Memory Replicated Applications</a> for more information.
308                </p>
309      </div>
310      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
311        <div class="titlepage">
312          <div>
313            <div>
314              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="strategies"></a>Strategies</h2>
315            </div>
316          </div>
317          <div></div>
318        </div>
319        <p>
320                        DB is an extremely flexible product that can be
321                        adapted to suit almost any data management
322                        requirements. This means that you can configure
323                        DB to operate entirely within memory, but still
324                        retain some data durability guarantees or even
325                        throw away all durability guarantees.
326                </p>
327        <p>
328                        Data durability guarantees describe how persistent
329                        your data is. That is, once you have made a change
330                        to the data stored in your database, how much of a
331                        guarantee do you require that that modification
332                        will persist (not be lost)? There are a great many
333                        options here. For the absolute best durability guarantee, you
334                        should fully transaction-protect your data and
335                        allow your data to be written to disk upon each
336                        transaction commit. Of course, this guarantee is
337                        not available for disk-less systems.
338                </p>
339        <p>
340                        At the opposite end of the spectrum, you can throw
341                        away all your data once your application is done
342                        with it (for example, at application shutdown).
343                        This is a good option if you are using DB only
344                        as a kind of caching mechanism. In this case, you
345                        obviously must either generate your data entirely
346                        during runtime, or obtain it from some remote
347                        location during application startup.
348                </p>
349        <p>
350                        There are also durability options that exist somewhere in
351                        between these two extremes. For example, disk-less
352                        systems are sometimes backed by some kind of flash
353                        memory (e.g. compact flash cards). These
354                        platforms may want to limit the number of writes 
355                        applied to the backing media because it is capable 
356                        of accepting only a limited number of writes before it must
357                        be replaced.  For this reason, you might want to 
358                        limit data writes to the flash media only during
359                        specific moments during your application's
360                        runtime; for example, only at application shutdown.
361                </p>
362        <p>
363                        Another way to obtain a data durability guarantee
364                        for in-memory configurations is to use DB
365                        replication to commit data to the network. To support this
366                        strategy, the disk-less system is required to
367                        be the master server.  The use of replication in this 
368                        way actually results
369                        in a fairly high durability guarantee for your
370                        data while providing the benefit of avoiding disk
371                        I/O on transaction commit.
372                </p>
373        <p>
374                        The point here is to be aware that a great many
375                        options are available to you when writing an
376                        in-memory only application. That said, the focus of
377                        this document is strictly disk-less systems; that
378                        is, systems that provide no means by which 
379                        data can be written to persistent media. 
380                 </p>
381        <p>
382                        For an introductory description of 
383                        DB replication, please see the 
384                        <i class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Getting Started with Replicated Applications</i> guide.
385                </p>
386      </div>
387      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
388        <div class="titlepage">
389          <div>
390            <div>
391              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="dbfiles"></a>Keeping the Database in Memory</h2>
392            </div>
393          </div>
394          <div></div>
395        </div>
396        <p>
397                        Normally DB databases are backed by the
398                        filesystem. For in-memory applications, such as
399                        is required on disk-less systems, you can cause your
400                        database to only reside in-memory. That is,
401                        their contents are stored entirely within DB's
402                        cache.
403                </p>
404        <p>
405                        There are two requirements for keeping your
406                        database(s) in-memory.
407                        The first is to size your cache such that it is big
408                        enough to hold all your data in-memory. If your
409                        cache fills up, then DB will return
410                        <tt class="literal">ENOMEM</tt> on the next operation
411                        that requests additional pages in the cache. As with all errors while
412                        updating a database, the current transaction must be aborted. If the update
413                        was being done without a transaction, then the application must close its
414                        environment and database handles, reopen them, and then refresh the database
415                        from some backup data source.
416                </p>
417        <p>
418                        For information on setting the cache size, see
419                        <a href="index.html#cachesize">Sizing the Cache</a>.
420                </p>
421        <p>
422                        Beyond cache sizing, you also must tell DB not
423                        to back your database with an on-disk file. You do
424                        this by NOT providing a database file name
425                        when you open the database. Note that the database
426                        file name is different from the database name; you
427                        can name your in-memory databases even if you
428                        are not storing them in an on-disk file.
429                </p>
430        <p>
431                        For example:
432                </p>
433        <pre class="programlisting">#include "db.h"
437    int ret, ret_c;
438    const char *db_name = "in_mem_db1";
439    u_int32_t db_flags;  /* For open flags */
440    DB *dbp;             /* Database handle */
444   /* Initialize the DB handle */
445    ret = db_create(&amp;dbp, NULL, 0);
446    if (ret != 0) {
447        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating database handle: %s\n",
448                    db_strerror(ret));
449        goto err;
450    }
452    db_flags = DB_CREATE;       /* If it doesn't exist, create it */
454    /* 
455     * Open the database. Note that the file name is NULL. 
456     * This forces the database to be stored in the cache only.
457     * Also note that the database has a name, even though its
458     * file name is NULL.
459     */
460    ret = dbp-&gt;open(dbp,        /* Pointer to the database */
461                    NULL,       /* Txn pointer */
462                    <b class="userinput"><tt>NULL,</tt></b>       /* File name is not specified on purpose */
463                    db_name,    /* Logical db name. */
464                    DB_BTREE,   /* Database type (using btree) */
465                    db_flags,   /* Open flags */
466                    0);         /* File mode. Using defaults */
467    if (ret != 0) {
468        dbp-&gt;err(dbp, ret, "Database open failed");
469        goto err;
470    }
473    /* Close the database */
474    if (dbp != NULL) {
475        ret_c = dbp-&gt;close(dbp, 0);
476        if (ret_c != 0) {
477            fprintf(stderr, "%s database close failed.\n",
478                 db_strerror(ret_c));
479            ret = ret_c
480        }
481    } </pre>
482      </div>
483      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
484        <div class="titlepage">
485          <div>
486            <div>
487              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="env"></a>Keeping Environments in Memory</h2>
488            </div>
489          </div>
490          <div></div>
491        </div>
492        <p>
493                        Like databases, DB environments are usually backed by the filesystem. In
494                        fact, a big part of what environments do is identify the location on disk
495                        where resources (such as log and database files) are kept.
496                </p>
497        <p>
498                        However, environments are also used for managing resources, such as
499                        obtaining new transactions, so they are useful even when building an
500                        in-memory application. Therefore, if you are going to use an environment for
501                        your in-memory DB application, you must configure it such that it does
502                        not want to use the filesystem. There are two things you need to do here.
503                </p>
504        <p>
505                        First, when you open your environment, do NOT identify a home directory. To
506                        accomplish this, you must:
507                </p>
508        <div class="itemizedlist">
509          <ul type="disc">
510            <li>
511              <p>
512                                        NOT provide a value for the <tt class="literal">db_home</tt>
513                                        parameter on the
514                                        <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;open()</tt>
515                                        method.
516                                </p>
517            </li>
518            <li>
519              <p>
520                                        NOT have a DB_HOME environment variable set.
521                                </p>
522            </li>
523            <li>
524              <p>
525                                        NOT call any of the methods that affect file naming
526                                        (<tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_data_dir()</tt>,
527                                        <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_lg_dir()</tt>, or
528                                        <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_tmp_dir()</tt>).
529                                </p>
530            </li>
531          </ul>
532        </div>
533        <p>
534                        Beyond this, you must also ensure that regions are
535                        backed by heap memory
536                        instead of by the filesystem or system shared memory. You do this when you
537                        open your environment by specifying the <tt class="literal">DB_PRIVATE</tt> flag.
538                        Note that the use of <tt class="literal">DB_PRIVATE</tt> means that other processes
539                        cannot share the environment. Consequently, your in-memory only application
540                        must be a single-process, although it can be multi-threaded.
541                </p>
542        <p>
543                        For example:
544                </p>
545        <pre class="programlisting">#include "db.h"
549    int ret, ret_c;
550    u_int32_t env_flags;  /* For open flags */
551    DB_ENV *envp;         /* Environment handle */
555   /* Initialize the ENV handle */
556    ret = db_env_create(&amp;envp, 0);
557    if (ret != 0) {
558        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating environment handle: %s\n",
559                    db_strerror(ret));
560        goto err;
561    }
564    /* 
565     * Environment flags. These are for a non-threaded
566     * in-memory application.
567     */
568    env_flags =
569      DB_CREATE     |  /* Create the environment if it does not exist */ 
570      DB_INIT_LOCK  |  /* Initialize the locking subsystem */
571      DB_INIT_LOG   |  /* Initialize the logging subsystem */
572      DB_INIT_TXN   |  /* Initialize the transactional subsystem. This
573                        * also turns on logging. */
574      DB_INIT_MPOOL |  /* Initialize the memory pool (in-memory cache) */
575      <b class="userinput"><tt>DB_PRIVATE    |  /* Region files are not backed by the filesystem. 
576                        * Instead, they are backed by heap memory.  */</tt></b>
578   /* 
579    * Now open the environment. Notice that we do not provide a location 
580    * for the environment's home directory. This is required for an 
581    * in-memory only application.
582    */
583    ret = envp-&gt;open(envp, <b class="userinput"><tt>NULL</tt></b>, env_flags, 0);
584    if (ret != 0) {
585        fprintf(stderr, "Error opening environment: %s\n",
586            db_strerror(ret));
587        goto err;
588    } 
591    /* Close the environment */
592    if (envp != NULL) {
593        ret_c = envp-&gt;close(envp, 0);
594        if (ret_c != 0) {
595            fprintf(stderr, "environment close failed: %s\n",
596                 db_strerror(ret_c));
597            ret = ret_c
598        }
599    }</pre>
600      </div>
601      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
602        <div class="titlepage">
603          <div>
604            <div>
605              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="cachesize"></a>Sizing the Cache</h2>
606            </div>
607          </div>
608          <div></div>
609        </div>
610        <p>
611                        One of the most important considerations for an
612                        in-memory application is to ensure that your
613                        database cache is large enough. In a normal
614                        application that is not in-memory, the cache
615                        provides a mechanism by which frequently-used
616                        data can be accessed without resorting to disk I/O.
617                        For an in-memory application, the cache is the only
618                        location your data can exist so it is critical that
619                        you make the cache large enough for your data set.
620                </p>
621        <p>
622                        You specify the size of your cache at application
623                        startup. Obviously you should not specify a size
624                        that is larger than available memory. Note that the
625                        size you specify for your cache is actually a
626                        <span class="emphasis"><em>maximum</em></span> size; DB will only 
627                        use memory as required so if you specify a cache
628                        size of 1 GB but your data set is only ever 10 MB
629                        in size, then 10 MB is what DB will use.
630                </p>
631        <p>
632                        Note that if you specify a cache size less than
633                        500 MB, then the cache size is automatically
634                        increased by 25% to account for internal overhead
635                        purposes.
636                </p>
637        <p>
638                        There are two ways to specify a cache size,
639                        depending on whether you are using a database
640                        environment.
641                </p>
642        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
643          <div class="titlepage">
644            <div>
645              <div>
646                <h3 class="title"><a id="dbcachesize-db"></a>Specifying a Cache Size using the
647                                Database Handle</h3>
648              </div>
649            </div>
650            <div></div>
651          </div>
652          <p>
653                                To select a cache size using the database
654                                handle, use the
655                                <tt class="methodname">DB-&gt;set_cachesize()</tt>
656                                method. Note that you cannot use this
657                                method after the database has been opened.
658                        </p>
659          <p>
660                                Also, if you are using a database environment,
661                                it is an error to use this method. See
662                                the next section for details on
663                                selecting your cache size.
664                        </p>
665          <p>
666                                The following code fragment creates a
667                                database handle, sets the cache size to
668                                10 MB and then opens the database:
669                        </p>
670          <pre class="programlisting">#include "db.h"
674    int ret, ret_c;
675    const char *db_name = "in_mem_db1";
676    u_int32_t db_flags;  /* For open flags */
677    DB *dbp;             /* Database handle */
681   /* Initialize the DB handle */
682    ret = db_create(&amp;dbp, NULL, 0);
683    if (ret != 0) {
684        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating database handle: %s\n",
685                    db_strerror(ret));
686        goto err;
687    }
689    <b class="userinput"><tt>/*************************************************************/
690    /*************************************************************/
691    /*************  Set the cache size here **********************/
692    /*************************************************************/
693    /*************************************************************/
695    ret = dbp-&gt;set_cachesize(dbp, 
696                             0,     /* 0 gigabytes */
697              10 * 1024 * 1024,     /* 10 megabytes */
698                            1);     /* Create 1 cache. All memory will 
699                                     * be allocated contiguously. */
700    if (ret != 0) {
701        dbp-&gt;err(dbp, ret, "Database open failed");
702        goto err;
703    }</tt></b>
706    db_flags = DB_CREATE;       /* If it doesn't exist, create it */
707    ret = dbp-&gt;open(dbp,        /* Pointer to the database */
708                    NULL,       /* Txn pointer */
709                    NULL,       /* File name is not specified on purpose */
710                    db_name,    /* Logical db name */
711                    DB_BTREE,   /* Database type (using btree) */
712                    db_flags,   /* Open flags */
713                    0);         /* File mode. Using defaults */
714    if (ret != 0) {
715        dbp-&gt;err(dbp, ret, "Database open failed");
716        goto err;
717    }
720    /* Close the database */
721    if (dbp != NULL) {
722        ret_c = dbp-&gt;close(dbp, 0);
723        if (ret_c != 0) {
724            fprintf(stderr, "%s database close failed.\n",
725                 db_strerror(ret_c));
726            ret = ret_c
727        }
728    } </pre>
729        </div>
730        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
731          <div class="titlepage">
732            <div>
733              <div>
734                <h3 class="title"><a id="dbcachesize-env"></a>Specifying a Cache Size using the
735                                Environment Handle</h3>
736              </div>
737            </div>
738            <div></div>
739          </div>
740          <p>
741                                To select a cache size using the
742                                environment handle, use the
743                                <tt class="methodname">ENV-&gt;set_cachesize()</tt>
744                                method. Note that you cannot use this
745                                method after the environment has been opened.
746                        </p>
747          <p>
748                                The following code fragment creates an
749                                environment handle, sets the cache size to
750                                10 MB and then opens the environment: Once
751                                opened, you can use the environment when
752                                you open your database(s). This means all
753                                your databases will use the same
754                                cache.
755                        </p>
756          <pre class="programlisting">#include "db.h"
760    int ret, ret_c;
761    u_int32_t env_flags;  /* For open flags */
762    DB_ENV *envp;         /* Environment handle */
766   /* Initialize the ENV handle */
767    ret = db_env_create(&amp;envp, 0);
768    if (ret != 0) {
769        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating environment handle: %s\n",
770                    db_strerror(ret));
771        goto err;
772    }
774    <b class="userinput"><tt>/*************************************************************/
775    /*************************************************************/
776    /*************  Set the cache size here **********************/
777    /*************************************************************/
778    /*************************************************************/
780    ret = 
781        envp-&gt;set_cachesize(envp, 
782                               0,    /* 0 gigabytes */
783                10 * 1024 * 1024,    /* 10 megabytes */
784                              1);    /* Create 1 cache. All memory will 
785                                      * be allocated contiguously. */
786    if (ret != 0) {
787        envp-&gt;err(envp, ret, "Environment open failed");
788        goto err;
789    }</tt></b>
791    /* 
792     * Environment flags. These are for a non-threaded
793     * in-memory application.
794     */
795    env_flags =
796      DB_CREATE     |  /* Create the environment if it does not exist */ 
797      DB_INIT_LOCK  |  /* Initialize the locking subsystem */
798      DB_INIT_LOG   |  /* Initialize the logging subsystem */
799      DB_INIT_TXN   |  /* Initialize the transactional subsystem. This
800                        * also turns on logging. */
801      DB_INIT_MPOOL |  /* Initialize the memory pool (in-memory cache) */
802      DB_PRIVATE    |  /* Region files are not backed by the filesystem. 
803                        * Instead, they are backed by heap memory.  */
805   /* 
806    * Now open the environment. Notice that we do not provide a location 
807    * for the environment's home directory. This is required for an 
808    * in-memory only application.
809    */
810    ret = envp-&gt;open(envp, NULL, env_flags, 0);
811    if (ret != 0) {
812        fprintf(stderr, "Error opening environment: %s\n",
813            db_strerror(ret));
814        goto err;
815    } 
818    /* Close the environment */
819    if (envp != NULL) {
820        ret_c = envp-&gt;close(envp, 0);
821        if (ret_c != 0) {
822            fprintf(stderr, "environment close failed: %s\n",
823                 db_strerror(ret_c));
824            ret = ret_c
825        }
826    } </pre>
827        </div>
828      </div>
829      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
830        <div class="titlepage">
831          <div>
832            <div>
833              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="mpool-nofile"></a>Keeping Temporary Overflow Pages in Memory</h2>
834            </div>
835          </div>
836          <div></div>
837        </div>
838        <p>
839                        Normally, when a database is opened, a temporary
840                        file is opened on-disk to back the database. This
841                        file is used if the database grows so large that it
842                        fills the entire cache. At that time, database
843                        pages that do not fit into the in-memory cache file
844                        are written temporarily to this file.
845                </p>
846        <p>
847                        For disk-less systems, you should configure your
848                        databases so that this temporary file is not
849                        created. When you do this, any attempt to create
850                        new database pages once the cache is full will
851                        fail.
852                </p>
853        <p>
854                        You configure this option on a per-database handle
855                        basis. That means you must configure this for every
856                        in-memory database that your application uses.
857                </p>
858        <p>
859                        To set this option, obtain the
860                        <tt class="literal">DB_MPOOLFILE</tt> field from you
861                        <tt class="literal">DB</tt> and then configure
862                        <tt class="literal">DB_MPOOL_NOFILE</tt> using the
863                        <tt class="methodname">DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;set_flags()</tt>
864                        method.
865                </p>
866        <p>
867                        For example:
868                </p>
869        <pre class="programlisting">#include "db.h"
873    int ret, ret_c;
874    u_int32_t env_flags;  /* For open flags */
875    DB_ENV *envp;         /* Environment handle */
879    /* 
880     * Configure the cache file. This can be done
881     * at any point in the application's life once the
882     * DB handle has been created.
883     */
884    mpf = dbp-&gt;get_mpf(dbp);
885    ret = mpf-&gt;set_flags(mpf, DB_MPOOL_NOFILE, 1);
887    if (ret != 0) {
888        fprintf(stderr, 
889          "Attempt failed to configure for no backing of temp files: %s\n",
890                    db_strerror(ret));
891        goto err;
892    } </pre>
893      </div>
894      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
895        <div class="titlepage">
896          <div>
897            <div>
898              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="logs"></a>Keeping Logs in Memory</h2>
899            </div>
900          </div>
901          <div></div>
902        </div>
903        <p>
904                    DB logs describe the write activity that has occurred in
905                    your application. For a purely in-memory application, logs
906                    should be used only if you wish to transaction-protect your
907                    database writes as logs are required by the DB
908                    transactional subsystem.
909                 </p>
910        <p>
911                    Note that transactions provide a number of guarantees. One
912                    of these is not interesting to a purely in-memory
913                    application (data durability). However, other transaction
914                    guarantees such as isolation and atomicity might be of
915                    interest to your application.
916                 </p>
917        <p>
918                        If this is the case for your application, then you must
919                        configure your logs to be kept entirely in-memory. You
920                        do this by setting a configuration option that prevents
921                        DB from writing log data to disk.
922                        Do this by setting the <tt class="literal">DB_LOG_IN_MEMORY</tt> flag using the
923                        <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;log_set_config()</tt> method.
924                </p>
925        <p>
926                        In addition, you must configure your log buffer size so that it is capable
927                        of holding all log information that can accumulate during your longest
928                        running transaction. That is, make sure the in-memory log buffer is large
929                        enough that no transaction will ever span the entire buffer. Also, avoid a
930                        state where the in-memory buffer is full and no space can be freed because a
931                        transaction that started the first log "file" is still active.
932                </p>
933        <p>
934                        How much log buffer space is required is a function of the number of
935                        transactions you have running concurrently, how long they last, and how much
936                        write activity occurs within them. When in-memory logging is configured, the
937                        default log buffer space is 1 MB. 
938                </p>
939        <p>
940                        You set your log buffer space using the
941                        <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_lg_bsize()</tt>.
942                </p>
943        <p>
944                        For example, the following code fragment configure in-memory log usage, and
945                        it configures the log buffer size to 10 MB:
946                </p>
947        <pre class="programlisting">#include "db.h"
951    int ret, ret_c;
952    u_int32_t env_flags;  /* For open flags */
953    DB_ENV *envp;         /* Environment handle */
957   /* Initialize the ENV handle */
958    ret = db_env_create(&amp;envp, 0);
959    if (ret != 0) {
960        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating environment handle: %s\n",
961                    db_strerror(ret));
962        goto err;
963    }
965    /* 
966     * Environment flags. These are for a non-threaded
967     * in-memory application.
968     */
969    env_flags =
970      DB_CREATE     |  /* Create the environment if it does not exist */ 
971      DB_INIT_LOCK  |  /* Initialize the locking subsystem */
972      DB_INIT_LOG   |  /* Initialize the logging subsystem */
973      DB_INIT_TXN   |  /* Initialize the transactional subsystem. This
974                        * also turns on logging. */
975      DB_INIT_MPOOL |  /* Initialize the memory pool (in-memory cache) */
976      DB_PRIVATE    |  /* Region files are not backed by the filesystem. 
977                        * Instead, they are backed by heap memory.  */
980    <b class="userinput"><tt>/* Specify in-memory logging */
981    ret = envp-&gt;log_set_config(envp, DB_LOG_IN_MEMORY, 1);
982    if (ret != 0) {
983        fprintf(stderr, "Error setting log subsystem to in-memory: %s\n",
984            db_strerror(ret));
985        goto err;
986    }
988    /* 
989     * Specify the size of the in-memory log buffer. 
990     */
991    ret = envp-&gt;set_lg_bsize(envp, 10 * 1024 * 1024);
992    if (ret != 0) {
993        fprintf(stderr, "Error increasing the log buffer size: %s\n",
994            db_strerror(ret));
995        goto err;
996    }</tt></b>
998   /* 
999    * Now open the environment. Notice that we do not provide a location 
1000    * for the environment's home directory. This is required for an 
1001    * in-memory only application.
1002    */
1003    ret = envp-&gt;open(envp, NULL, env_flags, 0);
1004    if (ret != 0) {
1005        fprintf(stderr, "Error opening environment: %s\n",
1006            db_strerror(ret));
1007        goto err;
1008    } 
1011    /* Close the environment */
1012    if (envp != NULL) {
1013        ret_c = envp-&gt;close(envp, 0);
1014        if (ret_c != 0) {
1015            fprintf(stderr, "environment close failed: %s\n",
1016                 db_strerror(ret_c));
1017            ret = ret_c
1018        }
1019    } </pre>
1020      </div>
1021      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
1022        <div class="titlepage">
1023          <div>
1024            <div>
1025              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="in-mem-rep"></a>In-Memory Replicated Applications</h2>
1026            </div>
1027          </div>
1028          <div></div>
1029        </div>
1030        <p>
1031                If you are unfamiliar with writing DB replicated applications, or if you are
1032                simply uninterested in this topic, you can skip this section.
1033            </p>
1034        <p>
1035                There are many internal resources used by the DB replication subsystem which are
1036                by default backed by disk.  These internal resources help the DB subsystem
1037                ensure election accuracy. While a complete description of these resources is beyond
1038                the scope of this article, you should know that you can cause all of these resources
1039                to be held entirely in-memory.  But you do so with some small chance of operational
1040                errors in your replicated application.
1041            </p>
1042        <p>
1043                If you cause a replicated application to keep its internal replication resources
1044                in-memory, you run a small risk that elections will fail or be unable to complete.
1045                However, calling additional elections should eventually yield a winner.
1046            </p>
1047        <p>
1048                In addition, there is a slight possibility that the wrong site might win an
1049                election, which could result in the loss of data. This can happen if you have a site
1050                that is repeatedly crashing and trying to come back up. A site like this  might be
1051                repeatedly sending out election information, and the repeated messages might confuse
1052                other sites.  For replication applications that are not in-memory, these extra
1053                messages would be ignored by other sites because they would also contain some state
1054                information that allows other sites to know which election messages are relevant.
1055                But strictly in-memory replicated applications cannot maintain this state
1056                information, and so some other sites might become confused. The result might be that
1057                the wrong site could be elected master due to the inconsistent information that is
1058                available to them.
1059            </p>
1060        <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
1061          <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
1062          <p>
1063                    This is very much a corner case that you probably will never see in your
1064                    production systems, especially if your sites are all stable and well-behaved.
1065                </p>
1066        </div>
1067        <p>
1068                If an election is won by the wrong site (site A), then some other site (site B) probably has
1069                more recent log files than the winner does. But since the wrong site A won the
1070                election, site B will sync with the new master. This will cause site B (and
1071                therefore, your entire replication group) to lose any log files it contains that are
1072                more recent than the files contained by site A.
1073            </p>
1074        <p>
1075                Also, when running an in-memory replicated application, it is often-times desireable for
1076                the master to run in-memory and the clients to commit data to disk. This helps to
1077                improve write through-put on the master by avoiding disk I/O. Instead, the master
1078                simply "commits to the network," and then eliminates its message ackowledgement
1079                expectations so that it is no longer waiting for clients to respond to the commit.
1080            </p>
1081        <p>
1082                If you are running a master that is configured to run with internal
1083                replication resources in-memory, you should never allow that site to
1084                appoint itself master again immediately after crashing or rebooting.
1085                Doing so results in a slightly higher risk of your client sites
1086                crashing. To determine your next master, you should either hold an
1087                election or appoint a different site to be master.
1088            </p>
1089        <p>
1090                In order to cause a replication site to run entire in-memory, do all of the things
1091                described previously in this document to place all other DB resources in-memory.
1092                Then, when configuring replication, specify <tt class="literal">DB_REP_CONF_INMEM</tt> to
1093                the <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_config()</tt> method.
1094            </p>
1095      </div>
1096      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
1097        <div class="titlepage">
1098          <div>
1099            <div>
1100              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="example_in-mem"></a>Example In-Memory Application</h2>
1101            </div>
1102          </div>
1103          <div></div>
1104        </div>
1105        <p>
1106                        The following brief example illustrates how to open
1107                        an application that is entirely in-memory. The
1108                        application opens an environment and a single
1109                        database, and does this in a way that the database
1110                        is transaction-protected.
1111                </p>
1112        <p>
1113                        Transactions can be
1114                        desirable for an in-memory application even though
1115                        you discard your durability guarantees, because of
1116                        the other things that transactions offer such as
1117                        atomicity and isolation.
1118                </p>
1119        <p>
1120                        Notice that the example does nothing other than
1121                        open and close the environment and database. DB
1122                        database reads and writes work identically between
1123                        in-memory-only and durable applications (that is,
1124                        applications that write database application to
1125                        durable storage). Consequently, there is no point
1126                        in illustrating those actions here.
1127                </p>
1128        <pre class="programlisting">/* We assume an ANSI-compatible compiler */
1129#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
1130#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
1131#include &lt;string.h&gt;
1132#include &lt;db.h&gt;
1138    /* Initialize our handles */
1139    DB *dbp = NULL;
1140    DB_ENV *envp = NULL;
1141    DB_MPOOLFILE *mpf = NULL;
1143    int ret, ret_t; 
1144    const char *db_name = "in_mem_db1";
1145    u_int32_t open_flags;
1147    /* Create the environment */
1148    ret = db_env_create(&amp;envp, 0);
1149    if (ret != 0) {
1150        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating environment handle: %s\n",
1151            db_strerror(ret));
1152        goto err;
1153    }
1155    open_flags =
1156      DB_CREATE     |  /* Create the environment if it does not exist */
1157      DB_INIT_LOCK  |  /* Initialize the locking subsystem */
1158      DB_INIT_LOG   |  /* Initialize the logging subsystem */
1159      DB_INIT_MPOOL |  /* Initialize the memory pool (in-memory cache) */
1160      DB_INIT_TXN   |
1161      DB_PRIVATE;      /* Region files are not backed by the filesystem. 
1162                        * Instead, they are backed by heap memory.  */
1164    /* Specify in-memory logging */
1165    ret = envp-&gt;log_set_config(envp, DB_LOG_IN_MEMORY, 1);
1166    if (ret != 0) {
1167        fprintf(stderr, "Error setting log subsystem to in-memory: %s\n",
1168            db_strerror(ret));
1169        goto err;
1170    }
1171    /* 
1172     * Specify the size of the in-memory log buffer. 
1173     */
1174    ret = envp-&gt;set_lg_bsize(envp, 10 * 1024 * 1024);
1175    if (ret != 0) {
1176        fprintf(stderr, "Error increasing the log buffer size: %s\n",
1177            db_strerror(ret));
1178        goto err;
1179    }
1181    /* 
1182     * Specify the size of the in-memory cache. 
1183     */
1184    ret = envp-&gt;set_cachesize(envp, 0, 10 * 1024 * 1024, 1);
1185    if (ret != 0) {
1186        fprintf(stderr, "Error increasing the cache size: %s\n",
1187            db_strerror(ret));
1188        goto err;
1189    }
1191    /* 
1192     * Now actually open the environment. Notice that the environment home
1193     * directory is NULL. This is required for an in-memory only
1194     * application. 
1195     */
1196    ret = envp-&gt;open(envp, NULL, open_flags, 0);
1197    if (ret != 0) {
1198        fprintf(stderr, "Error opening environment: %s\n",
1199            db_strerror(ret));
1200        goto err;
1201    }
1204   /* Initialize the DB handle */
1205    ret = db_create(&amp;dbp, envp, 0);
1206    if (ret != 0) {
1207         envp-&gt;err(envp, ret,
1208                "Attempt to create db handle failed.");
1209        goto err;
1210    }
1213    /* 
1214     * Set the database open flags. Autocommit is used because we are 
1215     * transactional. 
1216     */
1217    open_flags = DB_CREATE | DB_AUTO_COMMIT;
1218    ret = dbp-&gt;open(dbp,         /* Pointer to the database */
1219             NULL,        /* Txn pointer */
1220             NULL,        /* File name -- Must be NULL for inmemory! */
1221             db_name,     /* Logical db name */
1222             DB_BTREE,    /* Database type (using btree) */
1223             open_flags,  /* Open flags */
1224             0);          /* File mode. Using defaults */
1226    if (ret != 0) {
1227         envp-&gt;err(envp, ret,
1228                "Attempt to open db failed.");
1229        goto err;
1230    }
1232    /* Configure the cache file */
1233    mpf = dbp-&gt;get_mpf(dbp);
1234    ret = mpf-&gt;set_flags(mpf, DB_MPOOL_NOFILE, 1);
1236    if (ret != 0) {
1237         envp-&gt;err(envp, ret,
1238            "Attempt failed to configure for no backing of temp files.");
1239        goto err;
1240    }
1243    /* Close our database handle, if it was opened. */
1244    if (dbp != NULL) {
1245        ret_t = dbp-&gt;close(dbp, 0);
1246        if (ret_t != 0) {
1247            fprintf(stderr, "%s database close failed.\n",
1248                db_strerror(ret_t));
1249            ret = ret_t;
1250        }
1251    }
1253    /* Close our environment, if it was opened. */
1254    if (envp != NULL) {
1255        ret_t = envp-&gt;close(envp, 0);
1256        if (ret_t != 0) {
1257            fprintf(stderr, "environment close failed: %s\n",
1258                db_strerror(ret_t));
1259                ret = ret_t;
1260        }
1261    }
1263    /* Final status message and return. */
1264    printf("I'm all done.\n");
1265    return (ret == 0 ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);
1266} </pre>
1267      </div>
1268    </div>
1269    <div class="navfooter">
1270      <hr />
1271    </div>
1272  </body>