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18          <th colspan="3" align="center"><span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span> put</th>
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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="db_put"></a><span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span> put</h2>
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38      <pre class="programlisting">db put
39	-append
40	[-partial {doff dlen}]
41	[-txn txnid]
42	data
44db put
45	[-nooverwrite]
46	[-partial {doff dlen}]
47	[-txn txnid]
48	key data  </pre>
49      <p>
50         The <span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span>
51         command stores the specified key/data pair into the database.
52    </p>
53      <p>
54        The options are as follows:
55    </p>
56      <div class="itemizedlist">
57        <ul type="disc">
58          <li>
59            <p>
60                 <span class="bold"><strong>-append</strong></span> 
61            </p>
62            <p>
63                 Append the data item to the end of the database. For the <span class="bold"><strong>-append</strong></span> option to be specified, the underlying
64                 database must be a Queue or Recno database.  The record number
65                 allocated to the record is returned on success.
66            </p>
67          </li>
68          <li>
69            <p>
70                  <span class="bold"><strong>-nooverwrite</strong></span> 
71            </p>
72            <p>
73                 Enter the new key/data pair only if the key does not already appear in
74                 the database.
75            </p>
76          </li>
77          <li>
78            <p>
79                  <span class="bold"><strong>-partial {doff dlen}</strong></span> 
80            </p>
81            <p>
82                 The <span class="bold"><strong>dlen</strong></span> bytes starting <span class="bold"><strong>doff</strong></span> bytes from the beginning of the specified
83                 key's data record are replaced by the data specified by the data and
84                 size structure elements.  If <span class="bold"><strong>dlen</strong></span> is
85                 smaller than the length of the supplied data, the record will grow; if
86                 <span class="bold"><strong>dlen</strong></span> is larger than the length of the
87                 supplied data, the record will shrink.  If the specified bytes do not
88                 exist, the record will be extended using nul bytes as necessary, and
89                 the <span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span> call
90                 will succeed.     
91             </p>
92            <p>
93                 It is an error to attempt a partial put using the
94                 <span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span> command
95                 in a database that supports duplicate records. Partial puts in
96                 databases supporting duplicate records must be done using a
97                 <span class="emphasis"><em>dbc</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span> command.
98            </p>
99            <p>
100                 It is an error to attempt a partial put with differing <span class="bold"><strong>dlen</strong></span> and supplied data length values in Queue
101                 or Recno databases with fixed-length records.
102            </p>
103          </li>
104          <li>
105            <p>
106                  <span class="bold"><strong>-txn txnid</strong></span> 
107            </p>
108            <p>
109                 If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction, the
110                 <span class="bold"><strong>txnid</strong></span> parameter is a transaction
111                 handle returned from <span class="emphasis"><em>env</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>txn</strong></span>.  If no transaction handle is specified,
112                 but the operation occurs in a transactional database, the operation
113                 will be implicitly transaction protected.
114            </p>
115          </li>
116        </ul>
117      </div>
118      <p>
119         The <span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span>
120         command returns either 0 or a record number for success (the record
121         number is returned if the <span class="bold"><strong>-append</strong></span>
122         option was specified). If an error occurs, a Berkeley DB error message
123         is returned or a Tcl error is thrown.
124    </p>
125      <p>
126         If the underlying database is a Queue or Recno database, then the
127         given key will be interpreted by Tcl as an integer.  For all other
128         database types, the key is interpreted by Tcl as a byte array.
129    </p>
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