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18          <th colspan="3" align="center"><span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span> get</th>
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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="db_get"></a><span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span> get</h2>
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38      <pre class="programlisting">db get
39	[-consume]
40	[-consume_wait]
41	[-glob]
42	[-partial {doff dlen}]
43	[-recno]
44	[-rmw]
45	[-txn txnid]
46	key
48db get
49	-get_both
50	[-partial {doff dlen}]
51	[-rmw]
52	[-txn txnid]
53	key data  </pre>
54      <p>
55         The <span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>get</strong></span>
56         command returns key/data pairs from the database.
57    </p>
58      <p>
59         In the presence of duplicate key values, <span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span>
60         <span class="bold"><strong>get</strong></span> will return all duplicate items. 
61         Duplicates are sorted by insert order except where this order has been
62         overridden by cursor operations.
63    </p>
64      <p>
65        The options are as follows:
66    </p>
67      <div class="itemizedlist">
68        <ul type="disc">
69          <li>
70            <p>
71                 <span class="bold"><strong>-consume</strong></span> 
72            </p>
73            <p>
74                 Return the record number and data from the available record closest to
75                 the head of the queue, and delete the record. The cursor will be
76                 positioned on the deleted record.  A record is available if it is not
77                 deleted and is not currently locked.  The underlying database must be
78                 of type Queue for <span class="bold"><strong>-consume</strong></span> to be
79                 specified.
80            </p>
81          </li>
82          <li>
83            <p>
84                  <span class="bold"><strong>-consume_wait</strong></span> 
85            </p>
86            <p>
87                 The same as the <span class="bold"><strong>-consume</strong></span> flag except
88                 that if the Queue database is empty, the thread of control will wait
89                 until there is data in the queue before returning.  The underlying
90                 database must be of type Queue for <span class="bold"><strong>-consume_wait</strong></span> to be specified.
91            </p>
92          </li>
93          <li>
94            <p>
95                  <span class="bold"><strong>-get_both key data</strong></span> 
96            </p>
97            <p>
98                 Retrieve the key/data pair only if both the key and data match the
99                 arguments.
100            </p>
101          </li>
102          <li>
103            <p>
104                  <span class="bold"><strong>-glob</strong></span> 
105            </p>
106            <p>
107                 Return all keys matching the given key, where the key is a simple
108                 wildcard pattern.  Where it is used, it replaces the use of the key
109                 with the given pattern of a set of keys.  Any characters after the
110                 wildcard character are ignored.  For example, in a database of last
111                 names, the command "db0 get Jones" will return all occurrences of
112                 "Jones" in the database, and the command "db0 get -glob Jo*" will
113                 return both "Jones" and "Johnson" from the database.  The command "db0
114                 get -glob *" will return all of the key/data pairs in the database.
115                 This option only works on databases using the Btree access method.
116            </p>
117          </li>
118          <li>
119            <p>
120                  <span class="bold"><strong>-partial {doff dlen}</strong></span> 
121            </p>
122            <p>
123                 The <span class="bold"><strong>dlen</strong></span> bytes starting <span class="bold"><strong>doff</strong></span> bytes from the beginning of the retrieved
124                 data record are returned as if they comprised the entire record. If
125                 any or all of the specified bytes do not exist in the record, the
126                 command is successful and any existing bytes are returned.
127            </p>
128          </li>
129          <li>
130            <p>
131                  <span class="bold"><strong>-recno</strong></span> 
132            </p>
133            <p>
134                 Retrieve the specified numbered key/data pair from a database.  For
135                 <span class="bold"><strong>-recno</strong></span> to be specified, the specified
136                 key must be a record number; and the underlying database must be of
137                 type Recno or Queue, or of type Btree that was created with the
138                 <span class="bold"><strong>-recnum</strong></span> option.
139            </p>
140          </li>
141          <li>
142            <p>
143                  <span class="bold"><strong>-rmw</strong></span> 
144            </p>
145            <p>
146                 Acquire write locks instead of read locks when doing the retrieval.
147                 Setting this flag may decrease the likelihood of deadlock during a
148                 read-modify-write cycle by immediately acquiring the write lock during
149                 the read part of the cycle so that another thread of control acquiring
150                 a read lock for the same item, in its own read-modify-write cycle,
151                 will not result in deadlock.     
152              </p>
153            <p>
154                 Because the <span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>get</strong></span> command will not hold locks across Berkeley
155                 DB interface calls in nontransactional environments, the <span class="bold"><strong>-rmw</strong></span> argument to the <span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span>
156                 <span class="bold"><strong>get</strong></span> call is only meaningful in the
157                 presence of transactions.
158            </p>
159          </li>
160          <li>
161            <p>
162                  <span class="bold"><strong>-txn txnid</strong></span> 
163             </p>
164            <p>
165                 If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction, the
166                 <span class="bold"><strong>txnid</strong></span> parameter is a transaction
167                 handle returned from <span class="emphasis"><em>env</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>txn</strong></span>.  If no transaction handle is specified,
168                 but the operation occurs in a transactional database, the operation
169                 will be implicitly transaction protected.
170             </p>
171          </li>
172        </ul>
173      </div>
174      <p>
175         If the underlying database is a Queue or Recno database, the given key
176         will be interpreted by Tcl as an integer.  For all other database
177         types, the key is interpreted by Tcl as a byte array, unless indicated
178         by a given option.
179    </p>
180      <p>
181         A list of key/data pairs is returned.  In the error case that no
182         matching key exists, an empty list is returned.  In all other cases, a
183         Tcl error is thrown.
184    </p>
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