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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">Db::set_bt_compress()</th>
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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="dbset_bt_compress"></a>Db::set_bt_compress()</h2>
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38      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
40extern "C" {
41    typedef int (*bt_compress_fcn_type)(DB *db, const DBT *prevKey, 
42        const DBT *prevData, const DBT *key, const DBT *data, DBT *dest);
43    typedef int (*bt_decompress_fcn_typ)(DB *db, const DBT *prevKey, 
44        const DBT *prevData, DBT *compressed, DBT *destKey, 
45        DBT *destData);
48Db::set_bt_compress(bt_compress_fcn_type bt_compress_fcn, 
49    bt_decompress_fcn_type bt_decompress_fcn);</pre>
50      <p>
51        Set the Btree compression and decompression functions.  The
52        compression function is called whenever a key/data pair is added to
53        the tree and the decompression function is called whenever data is
54        requested from the tree.
55   </p>
56      <p>
57        If NULL function pointers are specified, then default compression
58        and decompression functions are used.  Berkeley DB's default
59        compression function performs prefix compression on all keys and
60        prefix compression on data values for duplicate keys.  If using
61        default compression, both the default compression and decompression
62        functions must be used.
63   </p>
64      <p>
65        The <code class="methodname">Db::set_bt_compress()</code> method
66        configures operations performed using the specified <a class="link" href="db.html" title="Chapter��2.�� The Db Handle">Db</a>  handle, not all operations
67        performed on the underlying database.
68   </p>
69      <p>
70        The <code class="methodname">Db::set_bt_compress()</code> method may not be called after the 
71        <a class="xref" href="dbopen.html" title="Db::open()">Db::open()</a>  method is called. If
72        the database already exists when <a class="xref" href="dbopen.html" title="Db::open()">Db::open()</a>  
73        is called, the information specified to <code class="methodname">Db::set_bt_compress()</code> must be the same as
74        that historically used to create the database or corruption can occur.
75   </p>
76      <p>
77        The <code class="methodname">Db::set_bt_compress()</code> <span>
79            <span>
80                method either returns a non-zero error value or throws an
81                exception that encapsulates a non-zero error value on
82                failure, and returns 0 on success.
83            </span>
84        </span>
85   </p>
86      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
87        <div class="titlepage">
88          <div>
89            <div>
90              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1643586"></a>Parameters</h3>
91            </div>
92          </div>
93        </div>
94        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
95          <div class="titlepage">
96            <div>
97              <div>
98                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1643592"></a>bt_compress_fcn</h4>
99              </div>
100            </div>
101          </div>
102          <p>
103                         The <span class="bold"><strong>bt_compress_fcn</strong></span> function is the
104                         application-specified Btree compression function.  The compression
105                         function takes six parameters:
106                    </p>
107          <div class="itemizedlist">
108            <ul type="disc">
109              <li>
110                <p>
111                               <code class="literal">db</code>
112                           </p>
113                <p>
114                                The <span class="bold"><strong>db</strong></span> parameter is the enclosing
115                                database handle.
116                           </p>
117              </li>
118              <li>
119                <p>
120                               <code class="literal">prevKey</code>
121                            </p>
122                <p>
123                                The <span class="bold"><strong>prevKey</strong></span>
124                                parameter is the <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a>
125                                representing the key immediately preceding
126                                the application supplied key.
127                           </p>
128              </li>
129              <li>
130                <p>
131                               <code class="literal">prevData</code>
132                            </p>
133                <p>
134                                The <span class="bold"><strong>prevData</strong></span>
135                                parameter is the <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a>
136                                representing the data associated with
137                                <span class="bold"><strong>prevKey</strong></span>.
138                           </p>
139              </li>
140              <li>
141                <p>
142                               <code class="literal">key</code>
143                           </p>
144                <p>
145                                The <span class="bold"><strong>key</strong></span>
146                                parameter is the 
147                                <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a>
148                                representing the application supplied key.
149                           </p>
150              </li>
151              <li>
152                <p>
153                               <code class="literal">data</code>
154                           </p>
155                <p>
156                                The <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> parameter is the 
157                                <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a>  representing the application
158                                supplied data.
159                           </p>
160              </li>
161              <li>
162                <p>
163                               <code class="literal">dest</code>
164                           </p>
165                <p>
166                                The <span class="bold"><strong>dest</strong></span>
167                                parameter is the 
168                                <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a>
169                                representing the data stored in the tree,
170                                where the function should write the
171                                compressed data.
172                           </p>
173              </li>
174            </ul>
175          </div>
176          <p>
177                   The <span class="bold"><strong>bt_compress_fcn</strong></span>
178                   function must return 0 on success and a non-zero value
179                   on failure.  If the compressed data cannot fit in
181                   <span class="bold"><strong>dest-&gt;set_data()</strong></span> 
182                   (the size of which is
184                   <span>
185                        returned by
186                        <span class="bold"><strong>dest-&gt;get_ulen()</strong></span>),
187                    </span>
188                   the function should identify the required buffer size in 
190                   <span class="bold"><strong>dest-&gt;set_size()</strong></span> 
191                   and return <code class="literal">DB_BUFFER_SMALL</code>.
192           </p>
193        </div>
194        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
195          <div class="titlepage">
196            <div>
197              <div>
198                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1643834"></a>bt_decompress_fcn</h4>
199              </div>
200            </div>
201          </div>
202          <p>
203                         The <span class="bold"><strong>bt_decompress_fcn</strong></span> function is the
204                         application-specified Btree decompression function.  The decompression
205                         function takes six parameters:
206                    </p>
207          <div class="itemizedlist">
208            <ul type="disc">
209              <li>
210                <p>
211                               <code class="literal">db</code>
212                           </p>
213                <p>
214                                The <span class="bold"><strong>db</strong></span> parameter is the enclosing
215                                database handle.
216                           </p>
217              </li>
218              <li>
219                <p>
220                               <code class="literal">prevKey</code>
221                            </p>
222                <p>
223                                The <span class="bold"><strong>prevKey</strong></span>
224                                parameter is the 
225                                <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a>
226                                representing the key immediately preceding
227                                the key being decompressed.
228                           </p>
229              </li>
230              <li>
231                <p>
232                               <code class="literal">prevData</code>
233                            </p>
234                <p>
235                                The <span class="bold"><strong>prevData</strong></span>
236                                parameter is the 
237                                <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a>
238                                representing the data associated with
239                                <span class="bold"><strong>prevKey</strong></span>.
240                           </p>
241              </li>
242              <li>
243                <p>
244                               <code class="literal">compressed</code>
245                           </p>
246                <p>
247                                The 
248                                <span class="bold"><strong>compressed</strong></span>
249                                parameter is the 
250                                <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a>
251                                representing the data stored in the tree,
252                                that is, the compressed data.
253                           </p>
254              </li>
255              <li>
256                <p>
257                               <code class="literal">key</code>
258                           </p>
259                <p>
260                                The <span class="bold"><strong>key</strong></span>
261                                parameter is the <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a> where
262                                the decompression function should store the
263                                decompressed key.
264                           </p>
265              </li>
266              <li>
267                <p>
268                               <code class="literal">data</code>
269                           </p>
270                <p>
271                                The <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span>
272                                parameter is the
273                                <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a> where
274                                the decompression function should store the
275                                decompressed key.
276                           </p>
277              </li>
278            </ul>
279          </div>
280          <p>
281                   The <span class="bold"><strong>bt_decompress_fcn</strong></span>
282                   function must return 0 on success and a non-zero value
283                   on failure.
284                   If the decompressed data cannot fit in
286                   <span class="bold"><strong>key-&gt;set_data()</strong></span> 
287                   or
289                   <span class="bold"><strong>data-&gt;set_data()</strong></span> 
290                   (the size of which is
292                   <span>
293                       returned by the <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a>'s
294                        <span class="bold"><strong>get_ulen()</strong></span> method),
295                    </span>
296                   the function should identify the required buffer size 
298                   <span>
299                       using the <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a>'s
300                        <span class="bold"><strong>set_size()</strong></span> 
301                        method
302                    </span>
303                   and return <code class="literal">DB_BUFFER_SMALL</code>.
304           </p>
305        </div>
306      </div>
307      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
308        <div class="titlepage">
309          <div>
310            <div>
311              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1644248"></a>Errors</h3>
312            </div>
313          </div>
314        </div>
315        <p>
316                        The <code class="methodname">Db::set_bt_compress()</code> <span>
318            <span>
319                method may fail and throw a <a class="link" href="dbexception.html" title="Chapter��6.��The DbException Class">DbException</a> 
320                exception, encapsulating one of the following non-zero errors, or return one
321                of the following non-zero errors:
322            </span>
323        </span>
324                   </p>
325        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
326          <div class="titlepage">
327            <div>
328              <div>
329                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1643784"></a>EINVAL</h4>
330              </div>
331            </div>
332          </div>
333          <p>
334                If the method was called after <a class="xref" href="dbopen.html" title="Db::open()">Db::open()</a> 
335                was called; or if an invalid flag value or parameter was specified.
336            </p>
337        </div>
338      </div>
339      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
340        <div class="titlepage">
341          <div>
342            <div>
343              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1643995"></a>Class</h3>
344            </div>
345          </div>
346        </div>
347        <p>
348               <a class="link" href="db.html" title="Chapter��2.�� The Db Handle">Db</a>  
349           </p>
350      </div>
351      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
352        <div class="titlepage">
353          <div>
354            <div>
355              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1643895"></a>See Also</h3>
356            </div>
357          </div>
358        </div>
359        <p>
360                    <a class="xref" href="db.html#dblist" title="Database and Related Methods">Database and Related Methods</a> 
361               </p>
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