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1<?xml version="1.0"?>
3    <assembly>
4        <name>libdb_dotnet48</name>
5    </assembly>
6    <members>
7        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.LSN">
8            <summary>
9            A log sequence number, which specifies a unique location in a log file.
10            </summary>
11        </member>
12        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.LSN.LogFileNumber">
13            <summary>
14            The log file number.
15            </summary>
16        </member>
17        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.LSN.Offset">
18            <summary>
19            The offset in the log file. 
20            </summary>
21        </member>
22        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.LSN.#ctor(System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
23            <summary>
24            Instantiate a new LSN object
25            </summary>
26            <param name="file">The log file number.</param>
27            <param name="off">The offset in the log file.</param>
28        </member>
29        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.LSN.Compare(BerkeleyDB.LSN,BerkeleyDB.LSN)">
30            <summary>
31            Compare two LSNs.
32            </summary>
33            <param name="lsn1">The first LSN to compare</param>
34            <param name="lsn2">The second LSN to compare</param>
35            <returns>
36            0 if they are equal, 1 if lsn1 is greater than lsn2, and -1 if lsn1
37            is less than lsn2.
38            </returns>
39        </member>
40        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase">
41            <summary>
42            A class representing a HashDatabase. The Hash format is an extensible,
43            dynamic hashing scheme.
44            </summary>
45        </member>
46        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.Database">
47            <summary>
48            A class representing a Berkeley DB database, a base class for access
49            method specific classes.
50            </summary>
51        </member>
52        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase">
53            <summary>
54            The base class from which all database classes inherit
55            </summary>
56        </member>
57        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.#ctor(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment,System.UInt32)">
58            <summary>
59            Protected constructor
60            </summary>
61            <param name="envp">
62            The environment in which to create this database
63            </param>
64            <param name="flags">Flags to pass to the DB->create() method</param>
65        </member>
66        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.#ctor(BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase)">
67            <summary>
68            Create a new database object with the same underlying DB handle as
69            <paramref name="clone"/>.  Used during Database.Open to get an
70            object of the correct DBTYPE.
71            </summary>
72            <param name="clone">Database to clone</param>
73        </member>
74        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Open(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
75            <summary>
76            Protected factory method to create and open a new database object.
77            </summary>
78            <param name="Filename">The database's filename</param>
79            <param name="DatabaseName">The subdatabase's name</param>
80            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
81            <param name="txn">
82            The transaction in which to open the database
83            </param>
84            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
85        </member>
86        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Close">
87            <summary>
88            Flush any cached database information to disk, close any open
89            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Cursor"/> objects, free any
90            allocated resources, and close any underlying files.
91            </summary>
92            <overloads>
93            <para>
94            Although closing a database will close any open cursors, it is
95            recommended that applications explicitly close all their Cursor
96            objects before closing the database. The reason why is that when the
97            cursor is explicitly closed, the memory allocated for it is
98            reclaimed; however, this will not happen if you close a database
99            while cursors are still opened.
100            </para>
101            <para>
102            The same rule, for the same reasons, hold true for
103            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.Transaction"/> objects. Simply make sure you resolve
104            all your transaction objects before closing your database handle.
105            </para>
106            <para>
107            Because key/data pairs are cached in memory, applications should
108            make a point to always either close database handles or sync their
109            data to disk (using <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Sync"/> before exiting, to
110            ensure that any data cached in main memory are reflected in the
111            underlying file system.
112            </para>
113            <para>
114            When called on a database that is the primary database for a
115            secondary index, the primary database should be closed only after
116            all secondary indices referencing it have been closed.
117            </para>
118            <para>
119            When multiple threads are using the object concurrently, only a
120            single thread may call the Close method.
121            </para>
122            <para>
123            The object may not be accessed again after Close is called,
124            regardless of its outcome.
125            </para>
126            </overloads>
127        </member>
128        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Close(System.Boolean)">
129            <summary>
130            Optionally flush any cached database information to disk, close any
131            open <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Cursor"/> objects, free
132            any allocated resources, and close any underlying files.
133            </summary>
134            <param name="sync">
135            If false, do not flush cached information to disk.
136            </param>
137            <remarks>
138            <para>
139            The sync parameter is a dangerous option. It should be set to false 
140            only if the application is doing logging (with transactions) so that
141            the database is recoverable after a system or application crash, or
142            if the database is always generated from scratch after any system or
143            application crash.
144            </para>
145            <para>
146            It is important to understand that flushing cached information to
147            disk only minimizes the window of opportunity for corrupted data.
148            Although unlikely, it is possible for database corruption to happen
149            if a system or application crash occurs while writing data to the
150            database. To ensure that database corruption never occurs,
151            applications must either use transactions and logging with automatic
152            recovery or edit a copy of the database, and once all applications
153            using the database have successfully called Close, atomically
154            replace the original database with the updated copy.
155            </para>
156            <para>
157            Note that this parameter only works when the database has been
158            opened using an environment. 
159            </para>
160            </remarks>
161        </member>
162        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Cursor">
163            <summary>
164            Create a database cursor.
165            </summary>
166            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
167        </member>
168        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Cursor(BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig)">
169            <summary>
170            Create a database cursor with the given configuration.
171            </summary>
172            <param name="cfg">
173            The configuration properties for the cursor.
174            </param>
175            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
176        </member>
177        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Cursor(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
178            <summary>
179            Create a transactionally protected database cursor.
180            </summary>
181            <param name="txn">
182            The transaction context in which the cursor may be used.
183            </param>
184            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
185        </member>
186        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Cursor(BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
187            <summary>
188            Create a transactionally protected database cursor with the given
189            configuration.
190            </summary>
191            <param name="cfg">
192            The configuration properties for the cursor.
193            </param>
194            <param name="txn">
195            The transaction context in which the cursor may be used.
196            </param>
197            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
198        </member>
199        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Delete(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)">
200            <summary>
201            Remove key/data pairs from the database. The key/data pair
202            associated with <paramref name="key"/> is discarded from the
203            database. In the presence of duplicate key values, all records
204            associated with the designated key will be discarded.
205            </summary>
206            <remarks>
207            <para>
208            When called on a secondary database, remove the key/data pair from
209            the primary database and all secondary indices.
210            </para>
211            <para>
212            If the operation occurs in a transactional database, the operation
213            will be implicitly transaction protected.
214            </para>
215            </remarks>
216            <param name="key">
217            Discard the key/data pair associated with <paramref name="key"/>.
218            </param>
219            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
220            A NotFoundException is thrown if <paramref name="key"/> is not in
221            the database. 
222            </exception>
223            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
224            A KeyEmptyException is thrown if the database is a
225            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/> or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> 
226            database and <paramref name="key"/> exists, but was never explicitly
227            created by the application or was later deleted.
228            </exception>
229        </member>
230        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Delete(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
231            <summary>
232            Remove key/data pairs from the database. The key/data pair
233            associated with <paramref name="key"/> is discarded from the
234            database. In the presence of duplicate key values, all records
235            associated with the designated key will be discarded.
236            </summary>
237            <remarks>
238            <para>
239            When called on a secondary database, remove the key/data pair from
240            the primary database and all secondary indices.
241            </para>
242            <para>
243            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null and the operation occurs in a
244            transactional database, the operation will be implicitly transaction
245            protected.
246            </para>
247            </remarks>
248            <param name="key">
249            Discard the key/data pair associated with <paramref name="key"/>.
250            </param>
251            <param name="txn">
252            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
253            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
254            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
255            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
256            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
257            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
258            </param>
259            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
260            A NotFoundException is thrown if <paramref name="key"/> is not in
261            the database. 
262            </exception>
263            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
264            A KeyEmptyException is thrown if the database is a
265            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/> or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> 
266            database and <paramref name="key"/> exists, but was never explicitly
267            created by the application or was later deleted.
268            </exception>
269        </member>
270        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Exists(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)">
271            <summary>
272            Check whether <paramref name="key"/> appears in the database.
273            </summary>
274            <remarks>
275            If the operation occurs in a transactional database, the operation
276            will be implicitly transaction protected.
277            </remarks>
278            <param name="key">The key to search for.</param>
279            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
280            A NotFoundException is thrown if <paramref name="key"/> is not in
281            the database. 
282            </exception>
283            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
284            A KeyEmptyException is thrown if the database is a
285            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/> or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> 
286            database and <paramref name="key"/> exists, but was never explicitly
287            created by the application or was later deleted.
288            </exception>
289            <returns>
290            True if <paramref name="key"/> appears in the database, false
291            otherwise.
292            </returns>
293        </member>
294        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Exists(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
295            <summary>
296            Check whether <paramref name="key"/> appears in the database.
297            </summary>
298            <remarks>
299            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null and the operation occurs in a
300            transactional database, the operation will be implicitly transaction
301            protected.
302            </remarks>
303            <param name="key">The key to search for.</param>
304            <param name="txn">
305            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
306            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
307            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
308            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
309            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
310            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
311            </param>
312            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
313            A NotFoundException is thrown if <paramref name="key"/> is not in
314            the database. 
315            </exception>
316            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
317            A KeyEmptyException is thrown if the database is a
318            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/> or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> 
319            database and <paramref name="key"/> exists, but was never explicitly
320            created by the application or was later deleted.
321            </exception>
322            <returns>
323            True if <paramref name="key"/> appears in the database, false
324            otherwise.
325            </returns>
326        </member>
327        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Exists(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Transaction,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
328            <summary>
329            Check whether <paramref name="key"/> appears in the database.
330            </summary>
331            <remarks>
332            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null and the operation occurs in a
333            transactional database, the operation will be implicitly transaction
334            protected.
335            </remarks>
336            <param name="key">The key to search for.</param>
337            <param name="txn">
338            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
339            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
340            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
341            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
342            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
343            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
344            </param>
345            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
346            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
347            A NotFoundException is thrown if <paramref name="key"/> is not in
348            the database. 
349            </exception>
350            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
351            A KeyEmptyException is thrown if the database is a
352            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/> or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> 
353            database and <paramref name="key"/> exists, but was never explicitly
354            created by the application or was later deleted.
355            </exception>
356            <returns>
357            True if <paramref name="key"/> appears in the database, false
358            otherwise.
359            </returns>
360        </member>
361        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Get(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)">
362            <summary>
363            Retrieve a key/data pair from the database.  In the presence of
364            duplicate key values, Get will return the first data item for 
365            <paramref name="key"/>.
366            </summary>
367            <remarks>
368            If the operation occurs in a transactional database, the operation
369            will be implicitly transaction protected.
370            </remarks>
371            <param name="key">The key to search for</param>
372            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
373            A NotFoundException is thrown if <paramref name="key"/> is not in
374            the database. 
375            </exception>
376            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
377            A KeyEmptyException is thrown if the database is a
378            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/> or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> 
379            database and <paramref name="key"/> exists, but was never explicitly
380            created by the application or was later deleted.
381            </exception>
382            <returns>
383            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/> whose Key
384            parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value parameter is the
385            retrieved data.
386            </returns>
387        </member>
388        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Get(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
389            <summary>
390            Retrieve a key/data pair from the database.  In the presence of
391            duplicate key values, Get will return the first data item for 
392            <paramref name="key"/>.
393            </summary>
394            <remarks>
395            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null and the operation occurs in a
396            transactional database, the operation will be implicitly transaction
397            protected.
398            </remarks>
399            <param name="key">The key to search for</param>
400            <param name="txn">
401            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
402            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
403            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
404            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
405            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
406            </param>
407            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
408            A NotFoundException is thrown if <paramref name="key"/> is not in
409            the database. 
410            </exception>
411            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
412            A KeyEmptyException is thrown if the database is a
413            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/> or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> 
414            database and <paramref name="key"/> exists, but was never explicitly
415            created by the application or was later deleted.
416            </exception>
417            <returns>
418            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/> whose Key
419            parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value parameter is the
420            retrieved data.
421            </returns>
422        </member>
423        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Get(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Transaction,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
424            <summary>
425            Retrieve a key/data pair from the database.  In the presence of
426            duplicate key values, Get will return the first data item for 
427            <paramref name="key"/>.
428            </summary>
429            <remarks>
430            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null and the operation occurs in a
431            transactional database, the operation will be implicitly transaction
432            protected.
433            </remarks>
434            <param name="key">The key to search for</param>
435            <param name="txn">
436            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
437            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
438            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
439            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
440            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
441            </param>
442            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
443            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
444            A NotFoundException is thrown if <paramref name="key"/> is not in
445            the database. 
446            </exception>
447            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
448            A KeyEmptyException is thrown if the database is a
449            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/> or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> 
450            database and <paramref name="key"/> exists, but was never explicitly
451            created by the application or was later deleted.
452            </exception>
453            <returns>
454            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/> whose Key
455            parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value parameter is the
456            retrieved data.
457            </returns>
458        </member>
459        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Get(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Transaction,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo,System.UInt32)">
460            <summary>
461            Protected method to retrieve data from the underlying DB handle.
462            </summary>
463            <param name="key">
464            The key to search for.  If null a new DatabaseEntry is created.
465            </param>
466            <param name="data">
467            The data to search for.  If null a new DatabaseEntry is created.
468            </param>
469            <param name="txn">The txn for this operation.</param>
470            <param name="info">Locking info for this operation.</param>
471            <param name="flags">
472            Flags value specifying which type of get to perform.  Passed
473            directly to DB-&gt;get().
474            </param>
475            <returns>
476            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/> whose Key
477            parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value parameter is the
478            retrieved data.
479            </returns>
480        </member>
481        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.GetBoth(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)">
482            <summary>
483            Retrieve a key/data pair from the database which matches
484            <paramref name="key"/> and <paramref name="data"/>.
485            </summary>
486            <remarks>
487            If the operation occurs in a transactional database, the operation
488            will be implicitly transaction protected.
489            </remarks>
490            <param name="key">The key to search for</param>
491            <param name="data">The data to search for</param>
492            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
493            A NotFoundException is thrown if <paramref name="key"/> and
494            <paramref name="data"/> are not in the database. 
495            </exception>
496            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
497            A KeyEmptyException is thrown if the database is a
498            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/> or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> 
499            database and <paramref name="key"/> exists, but was never explicitly
500            created by the application or was later deleted.
501            </exception>
502            <returns>
503            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/> whose Key
504            parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value parameter is
505            <paramref name="data"/>.
506            </returns>
507        </member>
508        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.GetBoth(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
509            <summary>
510            Retrieve a key/data pair from the database which matches
511            <paramref name="key"/> and <paramref name="data"/>.
512            </summary>
513            <remarks>
514            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null and the operation occurs in a
515            transactional database, the operation will be implicitly transaction
516            protected.
517            </remarks>
518            <param name="key">The key to search for</param>
519            <param name="data">The data to search for</param>
520            <param name="txn">
521            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
522            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
523            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
524            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
525            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
526            </param>
527            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
528            A NotFoundException is thrown if <paramref name="key"/> and
529            <paramref name="data"/> are not in the database. 
530            </exception>
531            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
532            A KeyEmptyException is thrown if the database is a
533            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/> or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> 
534            database and <paramref name="key"/> exists, but was never explicitly
535            created by the application or was later deleted.
536            </exception>
537            <returns>
538            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/> whose Key
539            parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value parameter is
540            <paramref name="data"/>.
541            </returns>
542        </member>
543        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.GetBoth(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Transaction,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
544            <summary>
545            Retrieve a key/data pair from the database which matches
546            <paramref name="key"/> and <paramref name="data"/>.
547            </summary>
548            <remarks>
549            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null and the operation occurs in a
550            transactional database, the operation will be implicitly transaction
551            protected.
552            </remarks>
553            <param name="key">The key to search for</param>
554            <param name="data">The data to search for</param>
555            <param name="txn">
556            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
557            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
558            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
559            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
560            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
561            </param>
562            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
563            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
564            A NotFoundException is thrown if <paramref name="key"/> and
565            <paramref name="data"/> are not in the database. 
566            </exception>
567            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
568            A KeyEmptyException is thrown if the database is a
569            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/> or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> 
570            database and <paramref name="key"/> exists, but was never explicitly
571            created by the application or was later deleted.
572            </exception>
573            <returns>
574            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/> whose Key
575            parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value parameter is
576            <paramref name="data"/>.
577            </returns>
578        </member>
579        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.PrintFastStats">
580            <summary>
581            Display the database statistical information which does not require
582            traversal of the database. 
583            </summary>
584            <remarks>
585            Among other things, this method makes it possible for applications
586            to request key and record counts without incurring the performance
587            penalty of traversing the entire database. 
588            </remarks>
589            <overloads>
590            The statistical information is described by the
591            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats"/>, <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.HashStats"/>,
592            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats"/>, and <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats"/> classes. 
593            </overloads>
594        </member>
595        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.PrintFastStats(System.Boolean)">
596            <summary>
597            Display the database statistical information which does not require
598            traversal of the database. 
599            </summary>
600            <remarks>
601            Among other things, this method makes it possible for applications
602            to request key and record counts without incurring the performance
603            penalty of traversing the entire database. 
604            </remarks>
605            <param name="PrintAll">
606            If true, display all available information.
607            </param>
608        </member>
609        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.PrintStats">
610            <summary>
611            Display the database statistical information.
612            </summary>
613            <overloads>
614            The statistical information is described by the
615            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats"/>, <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.HashStats"/>,
616            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats"/>, and <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats"/> classes. 
617            </overloads>
618        </member>
619        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.PrintStats(System.Boolean)">
620            <summary>
621            Display the database statistical information.
622            </summary>
623            <param name="PrintAll">
624            If true, display all available information.
625            </param>
626        </member>
627        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Remove(System.String)">
628            <summary>
629            Remove the underlying file represented by
630            <paramref name="Filename"/>, incidentally removing all of the
631            databases it contained.
632            </summary>
633            <param name="Filename">The file to remove</param>
634        </member>
635        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Remove(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment)">
636            <summary>
637            Remove the underlying file represented by
638            <paramref name="Filename"/>, incidentally removing all of the
639            databases it contained.
640            </summary>
641            <param name="Filename">The file to remove</param>
642            <param name="DbEnv">
643            The DatabaseEnvironment the database belongs to
644            </param>
645        </member>
646        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Remove(System.String,System.String)">
647            <summary>
648            Remove the database specified by <paramref name="Filename"/> and
649            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/>.
650            </summary>
651            <param name="Filename">The file to remove</param>
652            <param name="DatabaseName">The database to remove</param>
653        </member>
654        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Remove(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment)">
655            <summary>
656            Remove the database specified by <paramref name="Filename"/> and
657            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/>.
658            </summary>
659            <overloads>
660            <para>
661            Applications should never remove databases with open DB handles, or
662            in the case of removing a file, when any database in the file has an
663            open handle. For example, some architectures do not permit the
664            removal of files with open system handles. On these architectures,
665            attempts to remove databases currently in use by any thread of
666            control in the system may fail.
667            </para>
668            <para>
669            Remove should not be called if the remove is intended to be
670            transactionally safe;
671            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RemoveDB(System.String,System.Boolean)"/> should be
672            used instead. 
673            </para>
674            </overloads>
675            <param name="Filename">The file to remove</param>
676            <param name="DatabaseName">The database to remove</param>
677            <param name="DbEnv">
678            The DatabaseEnvironment the database belongs to
679            </param>
680        </member>
681        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Rename(System.String,System.String)">
682            <summary>
683            Rename the underlying file represented by
684            <paramref name="Filename"/>, incidentally renaming all of the
685            databases it contained.
686            </summary>
687            <param name="Filename">The file to rename</param>
688            <param name="NewName">The new filename</param>
689        </member>
690        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Rename(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment)">
691            <summary>
692            Rename the underlying file represented by
693            <paramref name="Filename"/>, incidentally renaming all of the
694            databases it contained.
695            </summary>
696            <param name="Filename">The file to rename</param>
697            <param name="NewName">The new filename</param>
698            <param name="DbEnv">
699            The DatabaseEnvironment the database belongs to
700            </param>
701        </member>
702        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Rename(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
703            <summary>
704            Rename the database specified by <paramref name="Filename"/> and
705            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/>.
706            </summary>
707            <param name="Filename">The file to rename</param>
708            <param name="DatabaseName">The database to rename</param>
709            <param name="NewName">The new database name</param>
710        </member>
711        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Rename(System.String,System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment)">
712            <summary>
713            Rename the database specified by <paramref name="Filename"/> and
714            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/>.
715            </summary>
716            <overloads>
717            <para>
718            Applications should not rename databases that are currently in use.
719            If an underlying file is being renamed and logging is currently
720            enabled in the database environment, no database in the file may be
721            open when Rename is called. In particular, some architectures do not
722            permit renaming files with open handles. On these architectures,
723            attempts to rename databases that are currently in use by any thread
724            of control in the system may fail. 
725            </para>
726            <para>
727            Rename should not be called if the rename is intended to be
728            transactionally safe;
729            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RenameDB(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)"/> should be
730            used instead. 
731            </para>
732            </overloads>
733            <param name="Filename">The file to rename</param>
734            <param name="DatabaseName">The database to rename</param>
735            <param name="NewName">The new database name</param>
736            <param name="DbEnv">
737            The DatabaseEnvironment the database belongs to
738            </param>
739        </member>
740        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Sync">
741            <summary>
742            Flush any cached information to disk.
743            </summary>
744            <remarks>
745            <para>
746            If the database is in memory only, Sync has no effect and will
747            always succeed.
748            </para>
749            <para>
750            It is important to understand that flushing cached information to
751            disk only minimizes the window of opportunity for corrupted data.
752            Although unlikely, it is possible for database corruption to happen
753            if a system or application crash occurs while writing data to the
754            database. To ensure that database corruption never occurs, 
755            applications must either: use transactions and logging with
756            automatic recovery or edit a copy of the database, and once all
757            applications using the database have successfully called
758            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Close"/>, atomically replace
759            the original database with the updated copy.
760            </para>
761            </remarks>
762        </member>
763        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Truncate">
764             <summary>
765             Empty the database, discarding all records it contains.
766             </summary>
767             <remarks>
768             If the operation occurs in a transactional database, the operation
769             will be implicitly transaction protected.
770             </remarks>
771             <overloads>
772             When called on a database configured with secondary indices, 
773             Truncate will truncate the primary database and all secondary
774             indices. A count of the records discarded from the primary database
775             is returned. 
776             </overloads>
777             <returns>
778             The number of records discarded from the database.
779            </returns>
780        </member>
781        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Truncate(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
782             <summary>
783             Empty the database, discarding all records it contains.
784             </summary>
785             <remarks>
786             If <paramref name="txn"/> is null and the operation occurs in a
787             transactional database, the operation will be implicitly transaction
788             protected.
789             </remarks>
790             <param name="txn">
791             <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
792             <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
793             the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
794             <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
795             <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
796             </param>
797             <returns>
798             The number of records discarded from the database.
799            </returns>
800        </member>
801        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Dispose">
802            <summary>
803            Release the resources held by this object, and close the database if
804            it's still open.
805            </summary>
806        </member>
807        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.AutoCommit">
808            <summary>
809            If true, all database modification operations based on this object
810            will be transactionally protected.
811            </summary>
812        </member>
813        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.CacheSize">
814            <summary>
815            The size of the shared memory buffer pool -- that is, the cache.
816            </summary>
817        </member>
818        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Creation">
819            <summary>
820            The CreatePolicy with which this database was opened.
821            </summary>
822        </member>
823        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.DatabaseName">
824            <summary>
825            The name of this database, if it has one.
826            </summary>
827        </member>
828        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.DoChecksum">
829            <summary>
830            If true, do checksum verification of pages read into the cache from
831            the backing filestore.
832            </summary>
833            <remarks>
834            Berkeley DB uses the SHA1 Secure Hash Algorithm if encryption is
835            configured and a general hash algorithm if it is not.
836            </remarks>
837        </member>
838        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.EncryptAlgorithm">
839            <summary>
840            The algorithm used by the Berkeley DB library to perform encryption
841            and decryption. 
842            </summary>
843        </member>
844        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Encrypted">
845            <summary>
846            If true, encrypt all data stored in the database.
847            </summary>
848        </member>
849        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Endianness">
850            <summary>
851            The database byte order.
852            </summary>
853        </member>
854        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.ErrorFeedback">
855            <summary>
856            The mechanism for reporting detailed error messages to the
857            application.
858            </summary>
859            <remarks>
860            <para>
861            When an error occurs in the Berkeley DB library, a
862            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseException"/>, or subclass of DatabaseException,
863            is thrown. In some cases, however, the exception may be insufficient
864            to completely describe the cause of the error, especially during
865            initial application debugging.
866            </para>
867            <para>
868            In some cases, when an error occurs, Berkeley DB will call the given
869            delegate with additional error information. It is up to the delegate
870            to display the error message in an appropriate manner.
871            </para>
872            <para>
873            Setting ErrorFeedback to NULL unconfigures the callback interface.
874            </para>
875            <para>
876            This error-logging enhancement does not slow performance or
877            significantly increase application size, and may be run during
878            normal operation as well as during application debugging.
879            </para>
880            <para>
881            For databases opened inside of a DatabaseEnvironment, setting
882            ErrorFeedback affects the entire environment and is equivalent to
883            setting DatabaseEnvironment.ErrorFeedback.
884            </para>
885            <para>
886            For databases not opened in an environment, setting ErrorFeedback
887            configures operations performed using the specified object, not all
888            operations performed on the underlying database. 
889            </para>
890            </remarks>
891        </member>
892        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.ErrorPrefix">
893            <summary>
894            The prefix string that appears before error messages issued by
895            Berkeley DB.
896            </summary>
897            <remarks>
898            <para>
899            For databases opened inside of a DatabaseEnvironment, setting
900            ErrorPrefix affects the entire environment and is equivalent to
901            setting <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ErrorPrefix"/>.
902            </para>
903            <para>
904            Setting ErrorPrefix configures operations performed using the
905            specified object, not all operations performed on the underlying
906            database. 
907            </para>
908            </remarks>
909        </member>
910        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Feedback">
911            <summary>
912            Monitor progress within long running operations.
913            </summary>
914            <remarks>
915            <para>
916            Some operations performed by the Berkeley DB library can take
917            non-trivial amounts of time. The Feedback delegate can be used by
918            applications to monitor progress within these operations. When an
919            operation is likely to take a long time, Berkeley DB will call the
920            specified delegate with progress information.
921            </para>
922            <para>
923            It is up to the delegate to display this information in an
924            appropriate manner. 
925            </para>
926            </remarks>
927        </member>
928        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.FileName">
929            <summary>
930            The filename of this database, if it has one.
931            </summary>
932        </member>
933        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.FreeThreaded">
934            <summary>
935            If true, the object is free-threaded; that is, concurrently usable
936            by multiple threads in the address space. 
937            </summary>
938        </member>
939        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.HasMultiple">
940            <summary>
941            If true, the object references a physical file supporting multiple
942            databases.
943            </summary>
944            <remarks>
945            If true, the object is a handle on a database whose key values are
946            the names of the databases stored in the physical file and whose
947            data values are opaque objects. No keys or data values may be
948            modified or stored using the database handle. 
949            </remarks>
950        </member>
951        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.InHostOrder">
952            <summary>
953            If true, the underlying database files were created on an
954            architecture of the same byte order as the current one.  This
955            information may be used to determine whether application data needs
956            to be adjusted for this architecture or not. 
957            </summary>
958        </member>
959        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.NoMMap">
960            <summary>
961            <para>
962            If true, this database is not mapped into process memory.
963            </para>
964            <para>
965            See <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MMapSize"/> for further
966            information. 
967            </para>
968            </summary>
969        </member>
970        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.NonDurableTxns">
971            <summary>
972            If true, Berkeley DB will not write log records for this database.
973            </summary>
974        </member>
975        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Pagesize">
976            <summary>
977            The database's current page size.
978            </summary>
979            <remarks>  If <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.PageSize"/> was not set by
980            your application, then the default pagesize is selected based on the
981            underlying filesystem I/O block size.
982            </remarks>
983        </member>
984        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Priority">
985            <summary>
986            The cache priority for pages referenced by this object.
987            </summary>
988        </member>
989        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.ReadOnly">
990            <summary>
991            If true, this database has been opened for reading only. Any attempt
992            to modify items in the database will fail, regardless of the actual
993            permissions of any underlying files. 
994            </summary>
995        </member>
996        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.ReadUncommitted">
997            <summary>
998            If true, this database supports transactional read operations with
999            degree 1 isolation. Read operations on the database may request the
1000            return of modified but not yet committed data.
1001            </summary>
1002        </member>
1003        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Transactional">
1004            <summary>
1005            If true, this database has been opened in a transactional mode.
1006            </summary>
1007        </member>
1008        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Truncated">
1009            <summary>
1010            If true, the underlying file was physically truncated upon open,
1011            discarding all previous databases it might have held.
1012            </summary>
1013        </member>
1014        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Type">
1015            <summary>
1016            The type of the underlying access method (and file format). This
1017            value may be used to determine the type of the database after an
1018            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig)"/>. 
1019            </summary>
1020        </member>
1021        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.UseMVCC">
1022            <summary>
1023            If true, the database was opened with support for multiversion
1024            concurrency control.
1025            </summary>
1026        </member>
1027        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.#ctor(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment,System.UInt32)">
1028            <summary>
1029            Protected constructor
1030            </summary>
1031            <param name="env">
1032            The environment in which to create this database
1033            </param>
1034            <param name="flags">Flags to pass to the DB->create() method</param>
1035        </member>
1036        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.#ctor(BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase)">
1037            <summary>
1038            Create a new database object with the same underlying DB handle as
1039            <paramref name="clone"/>.  Used during Database.Open to get an
1040            object of the correct DBTYPE.
1041            </summary>
1042            <param name="clone">Database to clone</param>
1043        </member>
1044        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig)">
1045            <summary>
1046            Instantiate a new Database object and open the database represented
1047            by <paramref name="Filename"/>. The file specified by
1048            <paramref name="Filename"/> must exist.
1049            </summary>
1050            <remarks>
1051            <para>
1052            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
1053            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
1054            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
1055            be transactionally protected during its open.
1056            </para>
1057            </remarks>
1058            <param name="Filename">
1059            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
1060            database.
1061            </param>
1062            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
1063            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
1064        </member>
1065        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Open(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig)">
1066            <summary>
1067            Instantiate a new Database object and open the database represented
1068            by <paramref name="Filename"/> and <paramref name="DatabaseName"/>.
1069            The file specified by <paramref name="Filename"/> must exist.
1070            </summary>
1071            <remarks>
1072            <para>
1073            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null and 
1074            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> is non-null, the database can be
1075            opened by other threads of control and will be replicated to client
1076            sites in any replication group.
1077            </para>
1078            <para>
1079            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
1080            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
1081            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
1082            be transactionally protected during its open.
1083            </para>
1084            </remarks>
1085            <param name="Filename">
1086            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
1087            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
1088            may be created by setting this parameter to null.</param>
1089            <param name="DatabaseName">
1090            This parameter allows applications to have multiple databases in a
1091            single file. Although no DatabaseName needs to be specified, it is
1092            an error to attempt to open a second database in a file that was not
1093            initially created using a database name.
1094            </param>
1095            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
1096            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
1097        </member>
1098        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
1099            <summary>
1100            Instantiate a new Database object and open the database represented
1101            by <paramref name="Filename"/>. The file specified by
1102            <paramref name="Filename"/> must exist.
1103            </summary>
1104            <remarks>
1105            <para>
1106            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null, the database is strictly
1107            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
1108            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database
1109            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe.
1110            </para>
1111            <para>
1112            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but
1113            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation will
1114            be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
1115            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
1116            be transactionally protected during its open. Also note that the
1117            transaction must be committed before the object is closed.
1118            </para>
1119            </remarks>
1120            <param name="Filename">
1121            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
1122            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
1123            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
1124            </param>
1125            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
1126            <param name="txn">
1127            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
1128            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
1129            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
1130            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
1131            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
1132            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
1133            </param>
1134            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
1135        </member>
1136        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Open(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
1137            <summary>
1138            Instantiate a new Database object and open the database represented
1139            by <paramref name="Filename"/> and <paramref name="DatabaseName"/>. 
1140            The file specified by <paramref name="Filename"/> must exist.
1141            </summary>
1142            <remarks>
1143            <para>
1144            If both <paramref name="Filename"/> and
1145            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> are null, the database is strictly
1146            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
1147            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database 
1148            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe. If
1149            <paramref name="Filename"/> is null and
1150            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> is non-null, the database can be
1151            opened by other threads of control and will be replicated to client
1152            sites in any replication group.
1153            </para>
1154            <para>
1155            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but
1156            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation will
1157            be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
1158            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
1159            be transactionally protected during its open. Also note that the
1160            transaction must be committed before the object is closed.
1161            </para>
1162            </remarks>
1163            <param name="Filename">
1164            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
1165            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
1166            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
1167            </param>
1168            <param name="DatabaseName">
1169            This parameter allows applications to have multiple databases in a
1170            single file. Although no DatabaseName needs to be specified, it is
1171            an error to attempt to open a second database in a file that was not
1172            initially created using a database name.
1173            </param>
1174            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
1175            <param name="txn">
1176            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
1177            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
1178            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
1179            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
1180            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
1181            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
1182            </param>
1183            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
1184        </member>
1185        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.GetBothMultiple(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)">
1186            <summary>
1187            If a key/data pair in the database matches <paramref name="key"/>
1188            and <paramref name="data"/>, return the key and all duplicate data
1189            items.
1190            </summary>
1191            <param name="key">The key to search for</param>
1192            <param name="data">The data to search for</param>
1193            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
1194            A NotFoundException is thrown if <paramref name="key"/> and
1195            <paramref name="data"/> are not in the database. 
1196            </exception>
1197            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
1198            A KeyEmptyException is thrown if the database is a
1199            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/> or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> 
1200            database and <paramref name="key"/> exists, but was never explicitly
1201            created by the application or was later deleted.
1202            </exception>
1203            <returns>
1204            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>
1205            whose Key parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value
1206            parameter is the retrieved data items.
1207            </returns>
1208        </member>
1209        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.GetBothMultiple(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32)">
1210            <summary>
1211            If a key/data pair in the database matches <paramref name="key"/>
1212            and <paramref name="data"/>, return the key and all duplicate data
1213            items.
1214            </summary>
1215            <param name="key">The key to search for</param>
1216            <param name="data">The data to search for</param>
1217            <param name="BufferSize">
1218            The initial size of the buffer to fill with duplicate data items. If
1219            the buffer is not large enough, it will be automatically resized.
1220            </param>
1221            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
1222            A NotFoundException is thrown if <paramref name="key"/> and
1223            <paramref name="data"/> are not in the database. 
1224            </exception>
1225            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
1226            A KeyEmptyException is thrown if the database is a
1227            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/> or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> 
1228            database and <paramref name="key"/> exists, but was never explicitly
1229            created by the application or was later deleted.
1230            </exception>
1231            <returns>
1232            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>
1233            whose Key parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value
1234            parameter is the retrieved data items.
1235            </returns>
1236        </member>
1237        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.GetBothMultiple(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
1238            <summary>
1239            If a key/data pair in the database matches <paramref name="key"/>
1240            and <paramref name="data"/>, return the key and all duplicate data
1241            items.
1242            </summary>
1243            <param name="key">The key to search for</param>
1244            <param name="data">The data to search for</param>
1245            <param name="BufferSize">
1246            The initial size of the buffer to fill with duplicate data items. If
1247            the buffer is not large enough, it will be automatically resized.
1248            </param>
1249            <param name="txn">
1250            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
1251            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
1252            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
1253            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
1254            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
1255            </param>
1256            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
1257            A NotFoundException is thrown if <paramref name="key"/> and
1258            <paramref name="data"/> are not in the database. 
1259            </exception>
1260            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
1261            A KeyEmptyException is thrown if the database is a
1262            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/> or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> 
1263            database and <paramref name="key"/> exists, but was never explicitly
1264            created by the application or was later deleted.
1265            </exception>
1266            <returns>
1267            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>
1268            whose Key parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value
1269            parameter is the retrieved data items.
1270            </returns>
1271        </member>
1272        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.GetBothMultiple(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.Transaction,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
1273            <summary>
1274            If a key/data pair in the database matches <paramref name="key"/>
1275            and <paramref name="data"/>, return the key and all duplicate data
1276            items.
1277            </summary>
1278            <param name="key">The key to search for</param>
1279            <param name="data">The data to search for</param>
1280            <param name="BufferSize">
1281            The initial size of the buffer to fill with duplicate data items. If
1282            the buffer is not large enough, it will be automatically resized.
1283            </param>
1284            <param name="txn">
1285            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
1286            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
1287            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
1288            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
1289            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
1290            </param>
1291            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
1292            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
1293            A NotFoundException is thrown if <paramref name="key"/> and
1294            <paramref name="data"/> are not in the database. 
1295            </exception>
1296            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
1297            A KeyEmptyException is thrown if the database is a
1298            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/> or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> 
1299            database and <paramref name="key"/> exists, but was never explicitly
1300            created by the application or was later deleted.
1301            </exception>
1302            <returns>
1303            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>
1304            whose Key parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value
1305            parameter is the retrieved data items.
1306            </returns>
1307        </member>
1308        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.GetMultiple(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)">
1309            <summary>
1310            Retrieve a key and all duplicate data items from the database.
1311            </summary>
1312            <param name="key">The key to search for</param>
1313            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
1314            A NotFoundException is thrown if <paramref name="key"/> is not in
1315            the database. 
1316            </exception>
1317            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
1318            A KeyEmptyException is thrown if the database is a
1319            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/> or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> 
1320            database and <paramref name="key"/> exists, but was never explicitly
1321            created by the application or was later deleted.
1322            </exception>
1323            <returns>
1324            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>
1325            whose Key parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value
1326            parameter is the retrieved data items.
1327            </returns>
1328        </member>
1329        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.GetMultiple(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32)">
1330            <summary>
1331            Retrieve a key and all duplicate data items from the database.
1332            </summary>
1333            <param name="key">The key to search for</param>
1334            <param name="BufferSize">
1335            The initial size of the buffer to fill with duplicate data items. If
1336            the buffer is not large enough, it will be automatically resized.
1337            </param>
1338            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
1339            A NotFoundException is thrown if <paramref name="key"/> is not in
1340            the database. 
1341            </exception>
1342            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
1343            A KeyEmptyException is thrown if the database is a
1344            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/> or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> 
1345            database and <paramref name="key"/> exists, but was never explicitly
1346            created by the application or was later deleted.
1347            </exception>
1348            <returns>
1349            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>
1350            whose Key parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value
1351            parameter is the retrieved data items.
1352            </returns>
1353        </member>
1354        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.GetMultiple(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
1355            <summary>
1356            Retrieve a key and all duplicate data items from the database.
1357            </summary>
1358            <param name="key">The key to search for</param>
1359            <param name="BufferSize">
1360            The initial size of the buffer to fill with duplicate data items. If
1361            the buffer is not large enough, it will be automatically resized.
1362            </param>
1363            <param name="txn">
1364            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
1365            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
1366            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
1367            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
1368            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
1369            </param>
1370            <returns>
1371            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>
1372            whose Key parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value
1373            parameter is the retrieved data items.
1374            </returns>
1375        </member>
1376        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.GetMultiple(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.Transaction,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
1377            <summary>
1378            Retrieve a key and all duplicate data items from the database.
1379            </summary>
1380            <param name="key">The key to search for</param>
1381            <param name="BufferSize">
1382            The initial size of the buffer to fill with duplicate data items. If
1383            the buffer is not large enough, it will be automatically resized.
1384            </param>
1385            <param name="txn">
1386            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
1387            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
1388            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
1389            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
1390            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
1391            </param>
1392            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
1393            <returns>
1394            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>
1395            whose Key parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value
1396            parameter is the retrieved data items.
1397            </returns>
1398        </member>
1399        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Join(BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor[],System.Boolean)">
1400            <summary>
1401            Create a specialized join cursor for use in performing equality or
1402            natural joins on secondary indices.
1403            </summary>
1404            <remarks>
1405            <para>
1406            Once the cursors have been passed as part of <paramref name="lst"/>,
1407            they should not be accessed or modified until the newly created
1408            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor"/>has been closed, or else inconsistent
1409            results may be returned.
1410            </para>
1411            <para>
1412            Joined values are retrieved by doing a sequential iteration over the
1413            first cursor in <paramref name="lst"/>, and a nested iteration over
1414            each secondary cursor in the order they are specified in the
1415            curslist parameter. This requires database traversals to search for
1416            the current datum in all the cursors after the first. For this
1417            reason, the best join performance normally results from sorting the
1418            cursors from the one that refers to the least number of data items
1419            to the one that refers to the most.
1420            </para>
1421            </remarks>
1422            <param name="lst">
1423            An array of SecondaryCursors. Each cursor must have been initialized
1424            to refer to the key on which the underlying database should be
1425            joined.
1426            </param>
1427            <param name="sortCursors">
1428            If true, sort the cursors from the one that refers to the least
1429            number of data items to the one that refers to the most.  If the
1430            data are structured so that cursors with many data items also share
1431            many common elements, higher performance will result from listing
1432            those cursors before cursors with fewer data items; that is, a sort
1433            order other than the default. A setting of false permits
1434            applications to perform join optimization prior to calling Join.
1435            </param>
1436            <returns>
1437            A specialized join cursor for use in performing equality or natural
1438            joins on secondary indices.
1439            </returns>
1440        </member>
1441        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Put(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)">
1442            <summary>
1443            Store the key/data pair in the database, replacing any previously
1444            existing key if duplicates are disallowed, or adding a duplicate
1445            data item if duplicates are allowed.
1446            </summary>
1447            <overloads>
1448            <para>
1449            If the database supports duplicates, add the new data value at the
1450            end of the duplicate set. If the database supports sorted
1451            duplicates, the new data value is inserted at the correct sorted
1452            location.
1453            </para>
1454            </overloads>
1455            <param name="key">The key to store in the database</param>
1456            <param name="data">The data item to store in the database</param>
1457        </member>
1458        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Put(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
1459            <summary>
1460            Store the key/data pair in the database, replacing any previously
1461            existing key if duplicates are disallowed, or adding a duplicate
1462            data item if duplicates are allowed.
1463            </summary>
1464            <param name="key">The key to store in the database</param>
1465            <param name="data">The data item to store in the database</param>
1466            <param name="txn">
1467            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
1468            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
1469            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
1470            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
1471            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
1472            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
1473            </param>
1474        </member>
1475        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.PutNoOverwrite(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)">
1476            <summary>
1477            Store the key/data pair in the database, only if the key does not
1478            already appear in the database.
1479            </summary>
1480            <remarks>
1481            This enforcement of uniqueness of keys applies only to the primary
1482            key, the behavior of insertions into secondary databases is not
1483            affected. In particular, the insertion of a record that would result
1484            in the creation of a duplicate key in a secondary database that
1485            allows duplicates would not be prevented by the use of this flag.
1486            </remarks>
1487            <param name="key">The key to store in the database</param>
1488            <param name="data">The data item to store in the database</param>
1489        </member>
1490        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.PutNoOverwrite(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
1491            <summary>
1492            Store the key/data pair in the database, only if the key does not
1493            already appear in the database.
1494            </summary>
1495            <remarks>
1496            This enforcement of uniqueness of keys applies only to the primary
1497            key, the behavior of insertions into secondary databases is not
1498            affected. In particular, the insertion of a record that would result
1499            in the creation of a duplicate key in a secondary database that
1500            allows duplicates would not be prevented by the use of this flag.
1501            </remarks>
1502            <param name="key">The key to store in the database</param>
1503            <param name="data">The data item to store in the database</param>
1504            <param name="txn">
1505            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
1506            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
1507            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
1508            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
1509            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
1510            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
1511            </param>
1512        </member>
1513        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Put(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Transaction,System.UInt32)">
1514            <summary>
1515            Protected wrapper for DB->put.  Used by subclasses for access method
1516            specific operations.
1517            </summary>
1518            <param name="key">The key to store in the database</param>
1519            <param name="data">The data item to store in the database</param>
1520            <param name="txn">Transaction with which to protect the put</param>
1521            <param name="flags">Flags to pass to DB->put</param>
1522        </member>
1523        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Salvage(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig)">
1524            <summary>
1525            Write the key/data pairs from all databases in the file to 
1526            <see cref="P:System.Console.Out"/>. Key values are written for Btree, Hash
1527            and Queue databases, but not for Recno databases.
1528            </summary>
1529            <param name="file">
1530            The physical file in which the databases to be salvaged are found.
1531            </param>
1532            <param name="cfg">
1533            Configuration parameters for the databases to be salvaged.
1534            </param>
1535        </member>
1536        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Salvage(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig,System.Boolean)">
1537            <summary>
1538            Write the key/data pairs from all databases in the file to 
1539            <see cref="P:System.Console.Out"/>. Key values are written for Btree, Hash
1540            and Queue databases, but not for Recno databases.
1541            </summary>
1542            <param name="file">
1543            The physical file in which the databases to be salvaged are found.
1544            </param>
1545            <param name="cfg">
1546            Configuration parameters for the databases to be salvaged.
1547            </param>
1548            <param name="Printable">
1549            If true and characters in either the key or data items are printing
1550            characters (as defined by isprint(3)), use printing characters to
1551            represent them. This setting permits users to use standard text
1552            editors and tools to modify the contents of databases or selectively
1553            remove data from salvager output. 
1554            </param>
1555        </member>
1556        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Salvage(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig,System.IO.TextWriter)">
1557            <summary>
1558            Write the key/data pairs from all databases in the file to 
1559            <paramref name="OutputStream"/>. Key values are written for Btree,
1560            Hash and Queue databases, but not for Recno databases.
1561            </summary>
1562            <param name="file">
1563            The physical file in which the databases to be salvaged are found.
1564            </param>
1565            <param name="cfg">
1566            Configuration parameters for the databases to be salvaged.
1567            </param>
1568            <param name="OutputStream">
1569            The TextWriter to which the databases' key/data pairs are written.
1570            If null, <see cref="P:System.Console.Out"/> will be used.
1571            </param>
1572        </member>
1573        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Salvage(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig,System.Boolean,System.IO.TextWriter)">
1574            <summary>
1575            Write the key/data pairs from all databases in the file to 
1576            <paramref name="OutputStream"/>. Key values are written for Btree,
1577            Hash and Queue databases, but not for Recno databases.
1578            </summary>
1579            <param name="file">
1580            The physical file in which the databases to be salvaged are found.
1581            </param>
1582            <param name="cfg">
1583            Configuration parameters for the databases to be salvaged.
1584            </param>
1585            <param name="Printable">
1586            If true and characters in either the key or data items are printing
1587            characters (as defined by isprint(3)), use printing characters to
1588            represent them. This setting permits users to use standard text
1589            editors and tools to modify the contents of databases or selectively
1590            remove data from salvager output. 
1591            </param>
1592            <param name="OutputStream">
1593            The TextWriter to which the databases' key/data pairs are written.
1594            If null, <see cref="P:System.Console.Out"/> will be used.
1595            </param>
1596        </member>
1597        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Salvage(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
1598            <summary>
1599            Write the key/data pairs from all databases in the file to 
1600            <see cref="P:System.Console.Out"/>. Key values are written for Btree, Hash
1601            and Queue databases, but not for Recno databases.
1602            </summary>
1603            <param name="file">
1604            The physical file in which the databases to be salvaged are found.
1605            </param>
1606            <param name="cfg">
1607            Configuration parameters for the databases to be salvaged.
1608            </param>
1609            <param name="Printable">
1610            If true and characters in either the key or data items are printing
1611            characters (as defined by isprint(3)), use printing characters to
1612            represent them. This setting permits users to use standard text
1613            editors and tools to modify the contents of databases or selectively
1614            remove data from salvager output. 
1615            </param>
1616            <param name="Aggressive">
1617            If true, output all the key/data pairs in the file that can be
1618            found.  Corruption will be assumed and key/data pairs that are
1619            corrupted or have been deleted may appear in the output (even if the
1620            file being salvaged is in no way corrupt), and the output will
1621            almost certainly require editing before being loaded into a
1622            database.
1623            </param>
1624        </member>
1625        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Salvage(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.IO.TextWriter)">
1626            <summary>
1627            Write the key/data pairs from all databases in the file to 
1628            <paramref name="OutputStream"/>. Key values are written for Btree,
1629            Hash and Queue databases, but not for Recno databases.
1630            </summary>
1631            <param name="file">
1632            The physical file in which the databases to be salvaged are found.
1633            </param>
1634            <param name="cfg">
1635            Configuration parameters for the databases to be salvaged.
1636            </param>
1637            <param name="Printable">
1638            If true and characters in either the key or data items are printing
1639            characters (as defined by isprint(3)), use printing characters to
1640            represent them. This setting permits users to use standard text
1641            editors and tools to modify the contents of databases or selectively
1642            remove data from salvager output. 
1643            </param>
1644            <param name="Aggressive">
1645            If true, output all the key/data pairs in the file that can be
1646            found.  Corruption will be assumed and key/data pairs that are
1647            corrupted or have been deleted may appear in the output (even if the
1648            file being salvaged is in no way corrupt), and the output will
1649            almost certainly require editing before being loaded into a
1650            database.
1651            </param>
1652            <param name="OutputStream">
1653            The TextWriter to which the databases' key/data pairs are written.
1654            If null, <see cref="P:System.Console.Out"/> will be used.
1655            </param>
1656        </member>
1657        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Upgrade(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig)">
1658            <summary>
1659            Upgrade all of the databases included in the file
1660            <paramref name="file"/>, if necessary. If no upgrade is necessary,
1661            Upgrade always returns successfully.
1662            </summary>
1663            <param name="file">
1664            The physical file containing the databases to be upgraded.
1665            </param>
1666            <param name="cfg">
1667            Configuration parameters for the databases to be upgraded.
1668            </param>
1669        </member>
1670        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Upgrade(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig,System.Boolean)">
1671            <summary>
1672            Upgrade all of the databases included in the file
1673            <paramref name="file"/>, if necessary. If no upgrade is necessary,
1674            Upgrade always returns successfully.
1675            </summary>
1676            <overloads>
1677            Database upgrades are done in place and are destructive. For
1678            example, if pages need to be allocated and no disk space is
1679            available, the database may be left corrupted. Backups should be
1680            made before databases are upgraded. See Upgrading databases in the
1681            Programmer's Reference Guide for more information.
1682            </overloads>
1683            <remarks>
1684            <para>
1685            As part of the upgrade from the Berkeley DB 3.0 release to the 3.1
1686            release, the on-disk format of duplicate data items changed. To
1687            correctly upgrade the format requires applications to specify
1688            whether duplicate data items in the database are sorted or not.
1689            Specifying <paramref name="dupSortUpgraded"/> informs Upgrade that
1690            the duplicates are sorted; otherwise they are assumed to be
1691            unsorted. Incorrectly specifying the value of this flag may lead to
1692            database corruption.
1693            </para>
1694            <para>
1695            Further, because this method upgrades a physical file (including all
1696            the databases it contains), it is not possible to use Upgrade to
1697            upgrade files in which some of the databases it includes have sorted
1698            duplicate data items, and some of the databases it includes have
1699            unsorted duplicate data items. If the file does not have more than a
1700            single database, if the databases do not support duplicate data
1701            items, or if all of the databases that support duplicate data items
1702            support the same style of duplicates (either sorted or unsorted), 
1703            Upgrade will work correctly as long as
1704            <paramref name="dupSortUpgraded"/> is correctly specified.
1705            Otherwise, the file cannot be upgraded using Upgrade it must be
1706            upgraded manually by dumping and reloading the databases.
1707            </para>
1708            </remarks>
1709            <param name="file">
1710            The physical file containing the databases to be upgraded.
1711            </param>
1712            <param name="cfg">
1713            Configuration parameters for the databases to be upgraded.
1714            </param>
1715            <param name="dupSortUpgraded">
1716            If true, the duplicates in the upgraded database are sorted;
1717            otherwise they are assumed to be unsorted.  This setting is only 
1718            meaningful when upgrading databases from releases before the
1719            Berkeley DB 3.1 release.
1720            </param>
1721        </member>
1722        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Verify(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig)">
1723            <summary>
1724            Verify the integrity of all databases in the file specified by 
1725            <paramref name="file"/>.
1726            </summary>
1727            <overloads>
1728            Verify does not perform any locking, even in Berkeley DB
1729            environments that are configured with a locking subsystem. As such,
1730            it should only be used on files that are not being modified by
1731            another thread of control.
1732            </overloads>
1733            <param name="file">
1734            The physical file in which the databases to be verified are found.
1735            </param>
1736            <param name="cfg">
1737            Configuration parameters for the databases to be verified.
1738            </param>
1739        </member>
1740        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Verify(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Database.VerifyOperation)">
1741            <summary>
1742            Verify the integrity of all databases in the file specified by 
1743            <paramref name="file"/>.
1744            </summary>
1745            <remarks>
1746            <para>
1747            Berkeley DB normally verifies that btree keys and duplicate items
1748            are correctly sorted, and hash keys are correctly hashed. If the
1749            file being verified contains multiple databases using differing
1750            sorting or hashing algorithms, some of them must necessarily fail
1751            database verification because only one sort order or hash function
1752            can be specified in <paramref name="cfg"/>. To verify files with
1753            multiple databases having differing sorting orders or hashing
1754            functions, first perform verification of the file as a whole by
1755            using <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.Database.VerifyOperation.NO_ORDER_CHECK"/>, and then
1756            individually verify the sort order and hashing function for each
1757            database in the file using
1758            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.Database.VerifyOperation.ORDER_CHECK_ONLY"/>.
1759            </para>
1760            </remarks>
1761            <param name="file">
1762            The physical file in which the databases to be verified are found.
1763            </param>
1764            <param name="cfg">
1765            Configuration parameters for the databases to be verified.
1766            </param>
1767            <param name="op">The extent of verification</param>
1768        </member>
1769        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Verify(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Database.VerifyOperation)">
1770            <summary>
1771            Verify the integrity of the database specified by 
1772            <paramref name="file"/> and <paramref name="database"/>.
1773            </summary>
1774            <remarks>
1775            <para>
1776            Berkeley DB normally verifies that btree keys and duplicate items
1777            are correctly sorted, and hash keys are correctly hashed. If the
1778            file being verified contains multiple databases using differing
1779            sorting or hashing algorithms, some of them must necessarily fail
1780            database verification because only one sort order or hash function
1781            can be specified in <paramref name="cfg"/>. To verify files with
1782            multiple databases having differing sorting orders or hashing
1783            functions, first perform verification of the file as a whole by
1784            using <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.Database.VerifyOperation.NO_ORDER_CHECK"/>, and then
1785            individually verify the sort order and hashing function for each
1786            database in the file using
1787            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.Database.VerifyOperation.ORDER_CHECK_ONLY"/>.
1788            </para>
1789            </remarks>
1790            <param name="file">
1791            The physical file in which the databases to be verified are found.
1792            </param>
1793            <param name="database">
1794            The database in <paramref name="file"/> on which the database checks
1795            for btree and duplicate sort order and for hashing are to be
1796            performed.  A non-null value for database is only allowed with
1797            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.Database.VerifyOperation.ORDER_CHECK_ONLY"/>.
1798            </param>
1799            <param name="cfg">
1800            Configuration parameters for the databases to be verified.
1801            </param>
1802            <param name="op">The extent of verification</param>
1803        </member>
1804        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.Database.VerifyOperation">
1805            <summary>
1806            Specifies the type of verification to perform
1807            </summary>
1808        </member>
1809        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.Database.VerifyOperation.DEFAULT">
1810            <summary>
1811            Perform database checks and check sort order
1812            </summary>
1813        </member>
1814        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.Database.VerifyOperation.ORDER_CHECK_ONLY">
1815            <summary>
1816            Perform the database checks for btree and duplicate sort order
1817            and for hashing
1818            </summary>
1819        </member>
1820        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.Database.VerifyOperation.NO_ORDER_CHECK">
1821            <summary>
1822            Skip the database checks for btree and duplicate sort order and
1823            for hashing. 
1824            </summary>
1825        </member>
1826        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig)">
1827            <summary>
1828            Instantiate a new HashDatabase object and open the database
1829            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/>.
1830            </summary>
1831            <remarks>
1832            <para>
1833            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null, the database is strictly
1834            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
1835            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database
1836            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe.
1837            </para>
1838            <para>
1839            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
1840            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
1841            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
1842            be transactionally protected during its open.
1843            </para>
1844            </remarks>
1845            <param name="Filename">
1846            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
1847            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
1848            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
1849            </param>
1850            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
1851            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
1852        </member>
1853        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.Open(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig)">
1854            <summary>
1855            Instantiate a new HashDatabase object and open the database
1856            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and
1857            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/>.
1858            </summary>
1859            <remarks>
1860            <para>
1861            If both <paramref name="Filename"/> and
1862            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> are null, the database is strictly
1863            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
1864            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database 
1865            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe. If
1866            <paramref name="Filename"/> is null and
1867            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> is non-null, the database can be
1868            opened by other threads of control and will be replicated to client
1869            sites in any replication group.
1870            </para>
1871            <para>
1872            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
1873            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
1874            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
1875            be transactionally protected during its open.
1876            </para>
1877            </remarks>
1878            <param name="Filename">
1879            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
1880            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
1881            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
1882            </param>
1883            <param name="DatabaseName">
1884            This parameter allows applications to have multiple databases in a
1885            single file. Although no DatabaseName needs to be specified, it is
1886            an error to attempt to open a second database in a file that was not
1887            initially created using a database name.
1888            </param>
1889            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
1890            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
1891        </member>
1892        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
1893            <summary>
1894            Instantiate a new HashDatabase object and open the database
1895            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/>.
1896            </summary>
1897            <remarks>
1898            <para>
1899            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null, the database is strictly
1900            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
1901            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database
1902            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe.
1903            </para>
1904            <para>
1905            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but
1906            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation will
1907            be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
1908            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
1909            be transactionally protected during its open. Also note that the
1910            transaction must be committed before the object is closed.
1911            </para>
1912            </remarks>
1913            <param name="Filename">
1914            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
1915            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
1916            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
1917            </param>
1918            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
1919            <param name="txn">
1920            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
1921            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
1922            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
1923            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
1924            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
1925            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
1926            </param>
1927            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
1928        </member>
1929        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.Open(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
1930            <summary>
1931            Instantiate a new HashDatabase object and open the database
1932            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and
1933            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/>.
1934            </summary>
1935            <remarks>
1936            <para>
1937            If both <paramref name="Filename"/> and
1938            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> are null, the database is strictly
1939            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
1940            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database 
1941            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe. If
1942            <paramref name="Filename"/> is null and
1943            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> is non-null, the database can be
1944            opened by other threads of control and will be replicated to client
1945            sites in any replication group.
1946            </para>
1947            <para>
1948            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but
1949            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation will
1950            be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
1951            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
1952            be transactionally protected during its open. Also note that the
1953            transaction must be committed before the object is closed.
1954            </para>
1955            </remarks>
1956            <param name="Filename">
1957            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
1958            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
1959            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
1960            </param>
1961            <param name="DatabaseName">
1962            This parameter allows applications to have multiple databases in a
1963            single file. Although no DatabaseName needs to be specified, it is
1964            an error to attempt to open a second database in a file that was not
1965            initially created using a database name.
1966            </param>
1967            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
1968            <param name="txn">
1969            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
1970            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
1971            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
1972            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
1973            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
1974            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
1975            </param>
1976            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
1977        </member>
1978        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.Cursor">
1979            <summary>
1980            Create a database cursor.
1981            </summary>
1982            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
1983        </member>
1984        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.Cursor(BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig)">
1985            <summary>
1986            Create a database cursor with the given configuration.
1987            </summary>
1988            <param name="cfg">
1989            The configuration properties for the cursor.
1990            </param>
1991            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
1992        </member>
1993        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.Cursor(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
1994            <summary>
1995            Create a transactionally protected database cursor.
1996            </summary>
1997            <param name="txn">
1998            The transaction context in which the cursor may be used.
1999            </param>
2000            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
2001        </member>
2002        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.Cursor(BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
2003            <summary>
2004            Create a transactionally protected database cursor with the given
2005            configuration.
2006            </summary>
2007            <param name="cfg">
2008            The configuration properties for the cursor.
2009            </param>
2010            <param name="txn">
2011            The transaction context in which the cursor may be used.
2012            </param>
2013            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
2014        </member>
2015        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.FastStats">
2016            <summary>
2017            Return the database statistical information which does not require
2018            traversal of the database.
2019            </summary>
2020            <returns>
2021            The database statistical information which does not require
2022            traversal of the database.
2023            </returns>
2024        </member>
2025        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.FastStats(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
2026            <summary>
2027            Return the database statistical information which does not require
2028            traversal of the database.
2029            </summary>
2030            <param name="txn">
2031            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
2032            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
2033            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
2034            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
2035            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
2036            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
2037            </param>
2038            <returns>
2039            The database statistical information which does not require
2040            traversal of the database.
2041            </returns>
2042        </member>
2043        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.FastStats(BerkeleyDB.Transaction,BerkeleyDB.Isolation)">
2044            <summary>
2045            Return the database statistical information which does not require
2046            traversal of the database.
2047            </summary>
2048            <overloads>
2049            <para>
2050            Among other things, this method makes it possible for applications
2051            to request key and record counts without incurring the performance
2052            penalty of traversing the entire database. 
2053            </para>
2054            <para>
2055            The statistical information is described by the
2056            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats"/>, <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.HashStats"/>,
2057            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats"/>, and <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats"/> classes. 
2058            </para>
2059            </overloads>
2060            <param name="txn">
2061            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
2062            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
2063            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
2064            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
2065            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
2066            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
2067            </param>
2068            <param name="isoDegree">
2069            The level of isolation for database reads.
2070            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.Isolation.DEGREE_ONE"/> will be silently ignored for 
2071            databases which did not specify
2072            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.ReadUncommitted"/>.
2073            </param>
2074            <returns>
2075            The database statistical information which does not require
2076            traversal of the database.
2077            </returns>
2078        </member>
2079        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.TruncateUnusedPages">
2080            <summary>
2081            Return pages to the filesystem that are already free and at the end
2082            of the file.
2083            </summary>
2084            <returns>
2085            The number of database pages returned to the filesystem
2086            </returns>
2087        </member>
2088        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.TruncateUnusedPages(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
2089            <summary>
2090            Return pages to the filesystem that are already free and at the end
2091            of the file.
2092            </summary>
2093            <param name="txn">
2094            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
2095            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
2096            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
2097            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
2098            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
2099            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
2100            </param>
2101            <returns>
2102            The number of database pages returned to the filesystem
2103            </returns>
2104        </member>
2105        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.PutNoDuplicate(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)">
2106            <summary>
2107            Store the key/data pair in the database only if it does not already
2108            appear in the database. 
2109            </summary>
2110            <param name="key">The key to store in the database</param>
2111            <param name="data">The data item to store in the database</param>
2112        </member>
2113        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.PutNoDuplicate(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
2114            <summary>
2115            Store the key/data pair in the database only if it does not already
2116            appear in the database. 
2117            </summary>
2118            <param name="key">The key to store in the database</param>
2119            <param name="data">The data item to store in the database</param>
2120            <param name="txn">
2121            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
2122            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
2123            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
2124            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
2125            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
2126            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
2127            </param>
2128        </member>
2129        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.Stats">
2130            <summary>
2131            Return the database statistical information for this database.
2132            </summary>
2133            <returns>Database statistical information.</returns>
2134        </member>
2135        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.Stats(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
2136            <summary>
2137            Return the database statistical information for this database.
2138            </summary>
2139            <param name="txn">
2140            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
2141            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
2142            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
2143            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
2144            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
2145            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
2146            </param>
2147            <returns>Database statistical information.</returns>
2148        </member>
2149        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.Stats(BerkeleyDB.Transaction,BerkeleyDB.Isolation)">
2150            <summary>
2151            Return the database statistical information for this database.
2152            </summary>
2153            <overloads>
2154            The statistical information is described by
2155            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats"/>. 
2156            </overloads>
2157            <param name="txn">
2158            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
2159            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
2160            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
2161            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
2162            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
2163            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
2164            </param>
2165            <param name="isoDegree">
2166            The level of isolation for database reads.
2167            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.Isolation.DEGREE_ONE"/> will be silently ignored for 
2168            databases which did not specify
2169            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.ReadUncommitted"/>.
2170            </param>
2171            <returns>Database statistical information.</returns>
2172        </member>
2173        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.Compare">
2174            <summary>
2175            The Hash key comparison function. The comparison function is called
2176            whenever it is necessary to compare a key specified by the
2177            application with a key currently stored in the tree. 
2178            </summary>
2179        </member>
2180        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.DupCompare">
2181            <summary>
2182            The duplicate data item comparison function.
2183            </summary>
2184        </member>
2185        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.Duplicates">
2186            <summary>
2187            Whether the insertion of duplicate data items in the database is
2188            permitted, and whether duplicates items are sorted.
2189            </summary>
2190        </member>
2191        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.FillFactor">
2192            <summary>
2193            The desired density within the hash table.
2194            </summary>
2195        </member>
2196        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.HashFunction">
2197            <summary>
2198            A user-defined hash function; if no hash function is specified, a
2199            default hash function is used. 
2200            </summary>
2201        </member>
2202        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.TableSize">
2203            <summary>
2204            An estimate of the final size of the hash table.
2205            </summary>
2206        </member>
2207        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment">
2208            <summary>
2209            A class representing a Berkeley DB database environment - a collection
2210            including support for some or all of caching, locking, logging and
2211            transaction subsystems, as well as databases and log files.
2212            </summary>
2213        </member>
2214        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepSetClockskew(System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
2215            <summary>
2216            Set the clock skew ratio among replication group members based on
2217            the fastest and slowest measurements among the group for use with
2218            master leases.
2219            </summary>
2220            <remarks>
2221            <para>
2222            Calling this method is optional, the default values for clock skew
2223            assume no skew. The user must also configure leases via
2224            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepUseMasterLeases"/>. Additionally, the user must also
2225            set the master lease timeout via <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepLeaseTimeout"/> and
2226            the number of sites in the replication group via
2227            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepNSites"/>. These settings may be configured in any
2228            order. For a description of the clock skew values, see Clock skew 
2229            in the Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide. For a description
2230            of master leases, see Master leases in the Berkeley DB Programmer's
2231            Reference Guide.
2232            </para>
2233            <para>
2234            These arguments can be used to express either raw measurements of a
2235            clock timing experiment or a percentage across machines. For
2236            instance a group of sites have a 2% variance, then
2237            <paramref name="fast"/> should be set to 102, and
2238            <paramref name="slow"/> should be set to 100. Or, for a 0.03%
2239            difference, you can use 10003 and 10000 respectively.
2240            </para>
2241            </remarks>
2242            <param name="fast">
2243            The value, relative to <paramref name="slow"/>, of the fastest clock
2244            in the group of sites.
2245            </param>
2246            <param name="slow">
2247            The value of the slowest clock in the group of sites.
2248            </param>
2249        </member>
2250        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepSetRetransmissionRequest(System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
2251            <summary>
2252            Set a threshold for the minimum and maximum time that a client waits
2253            before requesting retransmission of a missing message.
2254            </summary>
2255            <remarks>
2256            <para>
2257            If the client detects a gap in the sequence of incoming log records
2258            or database pages, Berkeley DB will wait for at least
2259            <paramref name="min"/> microseconds before requesting retransmission
2260            of the missing record. Berkeley DB will double that amount before
2261            requesting the same missing record again, and so on, up to a
2262            maximum threshold of <paramref name="max"/> microseconds.
2263            </para>
2264            <para>
2265            These values are thresholds only. Since Berkeley DB has no thread
2266            available in the library as a timer, the threshold is only checked
2267            when a thread enters the Berkeley DB library to process an incoming
2268            replication message. Any amount of time may have passed since the
2269            last message arrived and Berkeley DB only checks whether the amount
2270            of time since a request was made is beyond the threshold value or
2271            not.
2272            </para>
2273            <para>
2274            By default the minimum is 40000 and the maximum is 1280000 (1.28
2275            seconds). These defaults are fairly arbitrary and the application
2276            likely needs to adjust these. The values should be based on expected
2277            load and performance characteristics of the master and client host
2278            platforms and transport infrastructure as well as round-trip message
2279            time.
2280            </para></remarks>
2281            <param name="min">
2282            The minimum number of microseconds a client waits before requesting
2283            retransmission.
2284            </param>
2285            <param name="max">
2286            The maximum number of microseconds a client waits before requesting
2287            retransmission.
2288            </param>
2289        </member>
2290        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepSetTransmitLimit(System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
2291            <summary>
2292            Set a byte-count limit on the amount of data that will be
2293            transmitted from a site in response to a single message processed by
2294            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32)"/>. The limit is not a hard limit, and
2295            the record that exceeds the limit is the last record to be sent. 
2296            </summary>
2297            <remarks>
2298            <para>
2299            Record transmission throttling is turned on by default with a limit
2300            of 10MB.
2301            </para>
2302            <para>
2303            If both <paramref name="GBytes"/> and <paramref name="Bytes"/> are
2304            zero, then the transmission limit is turned off.
2305            </para>
2306            </remarks>
2307            <param name="GBytes">
2308            The number of gigabytes which, when added to
2309            <paramref name="Bytes"/>, specifies the maximum number of bytes that
2310            will be sent in a single call to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32)"/>.
2311            </param>
2312            <param name="Bytes">
2313            The number of bytes which, when added to 
2314            <paramref name="GBytes"/>, specifies the maximum number of bytes
2315            that will be sent in a single call to
2316            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32)"/>.
2317            </param>
2318        </member>
2319        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepSetTransport(System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.ReplicationTransportDelegate)">
2320            <summary>
2321            Initialize the communication infrastructure for a database
2322            environment participating in a replicated application.
2323            </summary>
2324            <remarks>
2325            RepSetTransport is not called by most replication applications. It
2326            should only be called by applications implementing their own network
2327            transport layer, explicitly holding replication group elections and
2328            handling replication messages outside of the replication manager
2329            framework.
2330            </remarks>
2331            <param name="envid">
2332            The local environment's ID. It must be a non-negative integer and
2333            uniquely identify this Berkeley DB database environment (see
2334            Replication environment IDs in the Programmer's Reference Guide for
2335            more information).
2336            </param>
2337            <param name="transport">
2338            The delegate used to transmit data using the replication
2339            application's communication infrastructure.
2340            </param>
2341        </member>
2342        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig)">
2343            <summary>
2344            Instantiate a new DatabaseEnvironment object and open the Berkeley
2345            DB environment represented by <paramref name="home"/>.
2346            </summary>
2347            <param name="home">
2348            The database environment's home directory.  For more information on
2349            home, and filename resolution in general, see Berkeley DB File
2350            Naming in the Programmer's Reference Guide.
2351            </param>
2352            <param name="cfg">The environment's configuration</param>
2353            <returns>A new, open DatabaseEnvironment object</returns>
2354        </member>
2355        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Remove(System.String)">
2356            <summary>
2357            Destroy a Berkeley DB environment if it is not currently in use.
2358            </summary>
2359            <overloads>
2360            <para>
2361            The environment regions, including any backing files, are removed.
2362            Any log or database files and the environment directory are not
2363            removed.
2364            </para>
2365            <para>
2366            If there are processes that have called <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig)"/> without
2367            calling <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Close"/> (that is, there are processes currently
2368            using the environment), Remove will fail without further action.
2369            </para>
2370            <para>
2371            Calling Remove should not be necessary for most applications because
2372            the Berkeley DB environment is cleaned up as part of normal database
2373            recovery procedures. However, applications may want to call Remove
2374            as part of application shut down to free up system resources. For
2375            example, if <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.SystemMemory"/> was
2376            specified to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig)"/>, it may be useful to call Remove in
2377            order to release system shared memory segments that have been
2378            allocated. Or, on architectures in which mutexes require allocation
2379            of underlying system resources, it may be useful to call Remove in
2380            order to release those resources. Alternatively, if recovery is not
2381            required because no database state is maintained across failures,
2382            and no system resources need to be released, it is possible to clean
2383            up an environment by simply removing all the Berkeley DB files in
2384            the database environment's directories.
2385            </para>
2386            <para>
2387            In multithreaded applications, only a single thread may call Remove.
2388            </para>
2389            </overloads>
2390            <param name="db_home">
2391            The database environment to be removed.
2392            </param>
2393        </member>
2394        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Remove(System.String,System.Boolean)">
2395            <summary>
2396            Destroy a Berkeley DB environment if it is not currently in use.
2397            </summary>
2398            <remarks>
2399            <para>
2400            Generally, <paramref name="force"/> is specified only when
2401            applications were unable to shut down cleanly, and there is a risk
2402            that an application may have died holding a Berkeley DB lock.)
2403            </para>
2404            <para>
2405            The result of attempting to forcibly destroy the environment when it
2406            is in use is unspecified. Processes using an environment often
2407            maintain open file descriptors for shared regions within it. On UNIX
2408            systems, the environment removal will usually succeed, and processes
2409            that have already joined the region will continue to run in that
2410            region without change. However, processes attempting to join the
2411            environment will either fail or create new regions. On other systems
2412            in which the unlink(2) system call will fail if any process has an
2413            open file descriptor for the file (for example Windows/NT), the
2414            region removal will fail.
2415            </para>
2416            </remarks>
2417            <param name="db_home">
2418            The database environment to be removed.
2419            </param>
2420            <param name="force">
2421            If true, the environment is removed, regardless of any processes
2422            that may still using it, and no locks are acquired during this
2423            process.
2424            </param>
2425        </member>
2426        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepHoldElection">
2427            <summary>
2428            Hold an election for the master of a replication group.
2429            </summary>
2430        </member>
2431        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepHoldElection(System.UInt32)">
2432            <summary>
2433            Hold an election for the master of a replication group.
2434            </summary>
2435            <param name="nsites">
2436            The number of replication sites expected to participate in the
2437            election. Once the current site has election information from that
2438            many sites, it will short-circuit the election and immediately cast
2439            its vote for a new master. This parameter must be no less than
2440            <paramref name="nvotes"/>, or 0 if the election should use
2441            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepNSites"/>. If an application is using master leases,
2442            then the value must be 0 and <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepNSites"/> must be used.
2443            </param>
2444        </member>
2445        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepHoldElection(System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
2446            <summary>
2447            Hold an election for the master of a replication group.
2448            </summary>
2449            <overloads>
2450            <para>
2451            RepHoldElection is not called by most replication applications. It
2452            should only be called by applications implementing their own network
2453            transport layer, explicitly holding replication group elections and
2454            handling replication messages outside of the replication manager
2455            framework.
2456            </para>
2457            <para>
2458            If the election is successful, Berkeley DB will notify the
2459            application of the results of the election by means of either the 
2460            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.NotificationEvent.REP_ELECTED"/> or 
2461            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.NotificationEvent.REP_NEWMASTER"/> events (see 
2462            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.EventNotify"/>for more information). The application is
2463            responsible for adjusting its relationship to the other database
2464            environments in the replication group, including directing all
2465            database updates to the newly selected master, in accordance with
2466            the results of the election.
2467            </para>
2468            <para>
2469            The thread of control that calls RepHoldElection must not be the
2470            thread of control that processes incoming messages; processing the
2471            incoming messages is necessary to successfully complete an election.
2472            </para>
2473            <para>
2474            Before calling this method, the <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepTransport"/> delegate 
2475            must already have been configured to send replication messages.
2476            </para>
2477            </overloads>
2478            <param name="nsites">
2479            The number of replication sites expected to participate in the
2480            election. Once the current site has election information from that
2481            many sites, it will short-circuit the election and immediately cast
2482            its vote for a new master. This parameter must be no less than
2483            <paramref name="nvotes"/>, or 0 if the election should use
2484            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepNSites"/>. If an application is using master leases,
2485            then the value must be 0 and <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepNSites"/> must be used.
2486            </param>
2487            <param name="nvotes">
2488            The minimum number of replication sites from which the current site
2489            must have election information, before the current site will cast a
2490            vote for a new master. This parameter must be no greater than
2491            <paramref name="nsites"/>, or 0 if the election should use the value
2492            ((<paramref name="nsites"/> / 2) + 1).
2493            </param>
2494        </member>
2495        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrAddRemoteSite(BerkeleyDB.ReplicationHostAddress)">
2496            <summary>
2497            Add a new replication site to the replication manager's list of
2498            known sites. It is not necessary for all sites in a replication
2499            group to know about all other sites in the group. 
2500            </summary>
2501            <param name="Host">The remote site's address</param>
2502            <returns>The environment ID assigned to the remote site</returns>
2503        </member>
2504        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrAddRemoteSite(BerkeleyDB.ReplicationHostAddress,System.Boolean)">
2505            <summary>
2506            Add a new replication site to the replication manager's list of
2507            known sites. It is not necessary for all sites in a replication
2508            group to know about all other sites in the group. 
2509            </summary>
2510            <remarks>
2511            Currently, the replication manager framework only supports a single
2512            client peer, and the last specified peer is used.
2513            </remarks>
2514            <param name="Host">The remote site's address</param>
2515            <param name="isPeer">
2516            If true, configure client-to-client synchronization with the
2517            specified remote site.
2518            </param>
2519            <returns>The environment ID assigned to the remote site</returns>
2520        </member>
2521        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrStartClient(System.Int32)">
2522            <summary>
2523            Start the replication manager as a client site, and do not call for
2524            an election.
2525            </summary>
2526            <overloads>
2527            <para>
2528            There are two ways to build Berkeley DB replication applications:
2529            the most common approach is to use the Berkeley DB library
2530            "replication manager" support, where the Berkeley DB library manages
2531            the replication group, including network transport, all replication
2532            message processing and acknowledgment, and group elections.
2533            Applications using the replication manager support generally make
2534            the following calls:
2535            </para>
2536            <list type="number">
2537            <item>
2538            Configure the local site in the replication group,
2539            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrLocalSite"/>.
2540            </item>
2541            <item>
2542            Call <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrAddRemoteSite(BerkeleyDB.ReplicationHostAddress)"/> to configure the remote
2543            site(s) in the replication group.
2544            </item>
2545            <item>Configure the message acknowledgment policy
2546            (<see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrAckPolicy"/>) which provides the replication group's
2547            transactional needs.
2548            </item>
2549            <item>
2550            Configure the local site's election priority,
2551            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepPriority"/>.
2552            </item>
2553            <item>
2554            Call <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrStartClient(System.Int32)"/> or
2555            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrStartMaster(System.Int32)"/> to start the replication
2556            application.
2557            </item>
2558            </list>
2559            <para>
2560            For more information on building replication manager applications,
2561            please see the Replication Getting Started Guide included in the
2562            Berkeley DB documentation.
2563            </para>
2564            <para>
2565            Applications with special needs (for example, applications using
2566            network protocols not supported by the Berkeley DB replication
2567            manager), must perform additional configuration and call other
2568            Berkeley DB replication methods. For more information on building
2569            advanced replication applications, please see the Base Replication
2570            API section in the Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide for more
2571            information.
2572            </para>
2573            <para>
2574            Starting the replication manager consists of opening the TCP/IP
2575            listening socket to accept incoming connections, and starting all
2576            necessary background threads. When multiple processes share a
2577            database environment, only one process can open the listening
2578            socket; <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrStartClient(System.Int32)"/> (and
2579            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrStartMaster(System.Int32)"/>) automatically open the socket in
2580            the first process to call it, and skips this step in the later calls
2581            from other processes.
2582            </para>
2583            </overloads>
2584            <param name="nthreads">
2585            Specify the number of threads of control created and dedicated to
2586            processing replication messages. In addition to these message
2587            processing threads, the replication manager creates and manages a
2588            few of its own threads of control.
2589            </param>
2590        </member>
2591        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrStartClient(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
2592            <summary>
2593            Start the replication manager as a client site, and optionally call
2594            for an election.
2595            </summary>
2596            <param name="nthreads">
2597            Specify the number of threads of control created and dedicated to
2598            processing replication messages. In addition to these message
2599            processing threads, the replication manager creates and manages a
2600            few of its own threads of control.
2601            </param>
2602            <param name="holdElection">
2603            If true, start as a client, and call for an election if no master is
2604            found.
2605            </param>
2606        </member>
2607        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrStartMaster(System.Int32)">
2608            <summary>
2609            Start the replication manager as a master site, and do not call for
2610            an election.
2611            </summary>
2612            <remarks>
2613            <para>
2614            There are two ways to build Berkeley DB replication applications:
2615            the most common approach is to use the Berkeley DB library
2616            "replication manager" support, where the Berkeley DB library manages
2617            the replication group, including network transport, all replication
2618            message processing and acknowledgment, and group elections.
2619            Applications using the replication manager support generally make
2620            the following calls:
2621            </para>
2622            <list type="number">
2623            <item>
2624            Configure the local site in the replication group,
2625            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrLocalSite"/>.
2626            </item>
2627            <item>
2628            Call <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrAddRemoteSite(BerkeleyDB.ReplicationHostAddress)"/> to configure the remote
2629            site(s) in the replication group.
2630            </item>
2631            <item>Configure the message acknowledgment policy
2632            (<see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrAckPolicy"/>) which provides the replication group's
2633            transactional needs.
2634            </item>
2635            <item>
2636            Configure the local site's election priority,
2637            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepPriority"/>.
2638            </item>
2639            <item>
2640            Call <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrStartClient(System.Int32)"/> or
2641            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrStartMaster(System.Int32)"/> to start the replication
2642            application.
2643            </item>
2644            </list>
2645            <para>
2646            For more information on building replication manager applications,
2647            please see the Replication Getting Started Guide included in the
2648            Berkeley DB documentation.
2649            </para>
2650            <para>
2651            Applications with special needs (for example, applications using
2652            network protocols not supported by the Berkeley DB replication
2653            manager), must perform additional configuration and call other
2654            Berkeley DB replication methods. For more information on building
2655            advanced replication applications, please see the Base Replication
2656            API section in the Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide for more
2657            information.
2658            </para>
2659            <para>
2660            Starting the replication manager consists of opening the TCP/IP
2661            listening socket to accept incoming connections, and starting all
2662            necessary background threads. When multiple processes share a
2663            database environment, only one process can open the listening
2664            socket; <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrStartMaster(System.Int32)"/> (and
2665            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrStartClient(System.Int32)"/>) automatically open the socket in
2666            the first process to call it, and skips this step in the later calls
2667            from other processes.
2668            </para>
2669            </remarks>
2670            <param name="nthreads">
2671            Specify the number of threads of control created and dedicated to
2672            processing replication messages. In addition to these message
2673            processing threads, the replication manager creates and manages a
2674            few of its own threads of control.
2675            </param>
2676        </member>
2677        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32)">
2678            <summary>
2679            Process an incoming replication message sent by a member of the
2680            replication group to the local database environment. 
2681            </summary>
2682            <remarks>
2683            <para>
2684            RepProcessMessage is not called by most replication applications. It
2685            should only be called by applications implementing their own network
2686            transport layer, explicitly holding replication group elections and
2687            handling replication messages outside of the replication manager
2688            framework.
2689            </para>
2690            <para>
2691            For implementation reasons, all incoming replication messages must
2692            be processed using the same <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment"/>
2693            object. It is not required that a single thread of control process
2694            all messages, only that all threads of control processing messages
2695            use the same object.
2696            </para>
2697            <para>
2698            Before calling this method, the <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepTransport"/> delegate 
2699            must already have been configured to send replication messages.
2700            </para>
2701            </remarks>
2702            <param name="control">
2703            A copy of the control parameter specified by Berkeley DB on the
2704            sending environment.
2705            </param>
2706            <param name="rec">
2707            A copy of the rec parameter specified by Berkeley DB on the sending
2708            environment.
2709            </param>
2710            <param name="envid">
2711            The local identifier that corresponds to the environment that sent
2712            the message to be processed (see Replication environment IDs in the
2713            Programmer's Reference Guide for more information)..
2714            </param>
2715            <returns>The result of processing a message</returns>
2716        </member>
2717        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepStartClient">
2718            <summary>
2719            Configure the database environment as a client in a group of
2720            replicated database environments.
2721            </summary>
2722        </member>
2723        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepStartClient(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)">
2724            <summary>
2725            Configure the database environment as a client in a group of
2726            replicated database environments.
2727            </summary>
2728            <overloads>
2729            <para>
2730            RepStartClient is not called by most replication applications. It
2731            should only be called by applications implementing their own network
2732            transport layer, explicitly holding replication group elections and
2733            handling replication messages outside of the replication manager
2734            framework.
2735            </para>
2736            <para>
2737            Replication master environments are the only database environments
2738            where replicated databases may be modified. Replication client
2739            environments are read-only as long as they are clients. Replication
2740            client environments may be upgraded to be replication master
2741            environments in the case that the current master fails or there is
2742            no master present. If master leases are in use, this method cannot
2743            be used to appoint a master, and should only be used to configure a
2744            database environment as a master as the result of an election.
2745            </para>
2746            <para>
2747            Before calling this method, the <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepTransport"/> delegate 
2748            must already have been configured to send replication messages.
2749            </para>
2750            </overloads>
2751            <param name="cdata">
2752            An opaque data item that is sent over the communication
2753            infrastructure when the client comes online (see Connecting to a new
2754            site in the Programmer's Reference Guide for more information). If
2755            no such information is useful, cdata should be null.
2756            </param>
2757        </member>
2758        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepStartMaster">
2759            <summary>
2760            Configure the database environment as a master in a group of
2761            replicated database environments.
2762            </summary>
2763        </member>
2764        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepStartMaster(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)">
2765            <summary>
2766            Configure the database environment as a master in a group of
2767            replicated database environments.
2768            </summary>
2769            <overloads>
2770            <para>
2771            RepStartMaster is not called by most replication applications. It
2772            should only be called by applications implementing their own network
2773            transport layer, explicitly holding replication group elections and
2774            handling replication messages outside of the replication manager
2775            framework.
2776            </para>
2777            <para>
2778            Replication master environments are the only database environments
2779            where replicated databases may be modified. Replication client
2780            environments are read-only as long as they are clients. Replication
2781            client environments may be upgraded to be replication master
2782            environments in the case that the current master fails or there is
2783            no master present. If master leases are in use, this method cannot
2784            be used to appoint a master, and should only be used to configure a
2785            database environment as a master as the result of an election.
2786            </para>
2787            <para>
2788            Before calling this method, the <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepTransport"/> delegate 
2789            must already have been configured to send replication messages.
2790            </para>
2791            </overloads>
2792            <param name="cdata">
2793            An opaque data item that is sent over the communication
2794            infrastructure when the client comes online (see Connecting to a new
2795            site in the Programmer's Reference Guide for more information). If
2796            no such information is useful, cdata should be null.
2797            </param>
2798        </member>
2799        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepSync">
2800            <summary>
2801            Force master synchronization to begin for this client.
2802            </summary>
2803            <remarks>
2804            <para>
2805            This method is the other half of setting
2806            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepDelayClientSync"/>.
2807            </para>
2808            <para>
2809            If an application has configured delayed master synchronization, the
2810            application must synchronize explicitly (otherwise the client will
2811            remain out-of-date and will ignore all database changes forwarded
2812            from the replication group master). RepSync may be called any time
2813            after the client application learns that the new master has been
2814            established (by receiving
2815            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.NotificationEvent.REP_NEWMASTER"/>).
2816            </para>
2817            <para>
2818            Before calling this method, the <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepTransport"/> delegate 
2819            must already have been configured to send replication messages.
2820            </para>
2821            </remarks>
2822        </member>
2823        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ArchivableLogFiles(System.Boolean)">
2824            <summary>
2825            The names of all of the log files that are no longer in use (for
2826            example, that are no longer involved in active transactions), and
2827            that may safely be archived for catastrophic recovery and then
2828            removed from the system.
2829            </summary>
2830            <remarks>
2831            <para>
2832            The Berkeley DB interfaces to the database environment logging
2833            subsystem (for example, <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.Abort"/>) may
2834            allocate log cursors and have open file descriptors for log files
2835            as well. On operating systems where filesystem related system calls
2836            (for example, rename and unlink on Windows/NT) can fail if a process
2837            has an open file descriptor for the affected file, attempting to
2838            move or remove the log files listed by ArchivableLogFiles may fail.
2839            All Berkeley DB internal use of log cursors operates on active log
2840            files only and furthermore, is short-lived in nature. So, an
2841            application seeing such a failure should be restructured to retry
2842            the operation until it succeeds. (Although this is not likely to be
2843            necessary; it is hard to imagine a reason to move or rename a log
2844            file in which transactions are being logged or aborted.)
2845            </para>
2846            <para>
2847            See the db_archive utility for more information on database archival
2848            procedures.
2849            </para>
2850            </remarks>
2851            <param name="AbsolutePaths">
2852            If true, all pathnames are returned as absolute pathnames, instead 
2853            of relative to the database home directory.
2854            </param>
2855            <returns>
2856            The names of all of the log files that are no longer in use
2857            </returns>
2858        </member>
2859        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ArchivableDatabaseFiles(System.Boolean)">
2860            <summary>
2861            The database files that need to be archived in order to recover the
2862            database from catastrophic failure. If any of the database files
2863            have not been accessed during the lifetime of the current log files,
2864            they will not included in this list. It is also possible that some
2865            of the files referred to by the log have since been deleted from the
2866            system. 
2867            </summary>
2868            <remarks>
2869            <para>
2870            See the db_archive utility for more information on database archival
2871            procedures.
2872            </para>
2873            </remarks>
2874            <param name="AbsolutePaths">
2875            If true, all pathnames are returned as absolute pathnames, instead 
2876            of relative to the database home directory.
2877            </param>
2878            <returns>
2879            The database files that need to be archived in order to recover the
2880            database from catastrophic failure.
2881            </returns>
2882        </member>
2883        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LogFiles(System.Boolean)">
2884            <summary>
2885            The names of all of the log files
2886            </summary>
2887            <remarks>
2888            <para>
2889            The Berkeley DB interfaces to the database environment logging
2890            subsystem (for example, <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.Abort"/>) may
2891            allocate log cursors and have open file descriptors for log files
2892            as well. On operating systems where filesystem related system calls
2893            (for example, rename and unlink on Windows/NT) can fail if a process
2894            has an open file descriptor for the affected file, attempting to
2895            move or remove the log files listed by LogFiles may fail. All
2896            Berkeley DB internal use of log cursors operates on active log files
2897            only and furthermore, is short-lived in nature. So, an application
2898            seeing such a failure should be restructured to retry the operation
2899            until it succeeds. (Although this is not likely to be necessary; it
2900            is hard to imagine a reason to move or rename a log file in which
2901            transactions are being logged or aborted.)
2902            </para>
2903            <para>
2904            See the db_archive utility for more information on database archival
2905            procedures.
2906            </para>
2907            </remarks>
2908            <param name="AbsolutePaths">
2909            If true, all pathnames are returned as absolute pathnames, instead 
2910            of relative to the database home directory.
2911            </param>
2912            <returns>
2913            All the log filenames, regardless of whether or not they are in use.
2914            </returns>
2915        </member>
2916        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RemoveUnusedLogFiles">
2917            <summary>
2918            Remove log files that are no longer needed. Automatic log file
2919            removal is likely to make catastrophic recovery impossible. 
2920            </summary>
2921        </member>
2922        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup">
2923            <summary>
2924            Allocate a locker ID in an environment configured for Berkeley DB
2925            Concurrent Data Store applications.
2926            </summary>
2927            <remarks>
2928            <para>
2929            Calling <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.Commit"/> will discard the allocated
2930            locker ID.
2931            </para>
2932            <para>
2933            See Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store applications in the
2934            Programmer's Reference Guide for more information about when this is
2935            required.
2936            </para>
2937            </remarks>
2938            <returns>
2939            A Transaction object that uniquely identifies the locker ID
2940            </returns>
2941        </member>
2942        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction">
2943            <summary>
2944            Create a new transaction in the environment, with the default 
2945            configuration.
2946            </summary>
2947            <returns>A new transaction object</returns>
2948        </member>
2949        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction(BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig)">
2950            <summary>
2951            Create a new transaction in the environment.
2952            </summary>
2953            <param name="cfg">
2954            The configuration properties for the transaction
2955            </param>
2956            <returns>A new transaction object</returns>
2957        </member>
2958        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction(BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
2959            <summary>
2960            Create a new transaction in the environment.
2961            </summary>
2962            <remarks>
2963            In the presence of distributed transactions and two-phase commit,
2964            only the parental transaction, that is a transaction without a
2965            parent specified, should be passed as an parameter to 
2966            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.Prepare(System.Byte[])"/>.
2967            </remarks>
2968            <param name="cfg">
2969            The configuration properties for the transaction
2970            </param>
2971            <param name="parent">
2972            If the non-null, the new transaction will be a nested transaction,
2973            with <paramref name="parent"/> as the new transaction's parent.
2974            Transactions may be nested to any level.
2975            </param>
2976            <returns>A new transaction object</returns>
2977        </member>
2978        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Checkpoint">
2979            <summary>
2980            Flush the underlying memory pool, write a checkpoint record to the
2981            log, and then flush the log, even if there has been no activity
2982            since the last checkpoint.
2983            </summary>
2984        </member>
2985        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Checkpoint(System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
2986            <summary>
2987            If there has been any logging activity in the database environment
2988            since the last checkpoint, flush the underlying memory pool, write a
2989            checkpoint record to the log, and then flush the log.
2990            </summary>
2991            <param name="kbytesWritten">
2992            A checkpoint will be done if more than kbytesWritten kilobytes of
2993            log data have been written since the last checkpoint.
2994            </param>
2995            <param name="minutesElapsed">
2996            A checkpoint will be done if more than minutesElapsed minutes have
2997            passed since the last checkpoint.
2998            </param>
2999        </member>
3000        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Close">
3001            <summary>
3002            Close the Berkeley DB environment, freeing any allocated resources
3003            and closing any underlying subsystems. 
3004            </summary>
3005            <remarks>
3006            <para>
3007            The object should not be closed while any other handle that refers
3008            to it is not yet closed; for example, database environment handles
3009            must not be closed while database objects remain open, or
3010            transactions in the environment have not yet been committed or
3011            aborted.
3012            </para>
3013            <para>
3014            Where the environment was configured with
3015            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.UseTxns"/>, calling Close
3016            aborts any unresolved transactions. Applications should not depend
3017            on this behavior for transactions involving Berkeley DB databases;
3018            all such transactions should be explicitly resolved. The problem
3019            with depending on this semantic is that aborting an unresolved
3020            transaction involving database operations requires a database
3021            handle. Because the database handles should have been closed before
3022            calling Close, it will not be possible to abort the transaction, and
3023            recovery will have to be run on the Berkeley DB environment before
3024            further operations are done.
3025            </para>
3026            <para>
3027            In multithreaded applications, only a single thread may call Close.
3028            </para>
3029            </remarks>
3030        </member>
3031        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.DetectDeadlocks(BerkeleyDB.DeadlockPolicy)">
3032            <summary>
3033            Run one iteration of the deadlock detector. The deadlock detector
3034            traverses the lock table and marks one of the participating lock
3035            requesters for rejection in each deadlock it finds.
3036            </summary>
3037            <param name="atype">Specify which lock request(s) to reject</param>
3038            <returns>The number of lock requests that were rejected.</returns>
3039        </member>
3040        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.FailCheck">
3041            <summary>
3042            Check for threads of control (either a true thread or a process)
3043            that have exited while manipulating Berkeley DB library data
3044            structures, while holding a logical database lock, or with an
3045            unresolved transaction (that is, a transaction that was never
3046            aborted or committed).
3047            </summary>
3048            <remarks>
3049            <para>
3050            For more information, see Architecting Data Store and Concurrent
3051            Data Store applications, and Architecting Transactional Data Store
3052            applications, both in the Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide.
3053            </para>
3054            <para>
3055            FailCheck is based on the <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.SetThreadID"/> and
3056            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ThreadIsAlive"/> delegates. Applications calling
3057            FailCheck must have already set <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ThreadIsAlive"/>, and
3058            must have configured <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ThreadCount"/>.
3059            </para>
3060            <para>
3061            If FailCheck determines a thread of control exited while holding
3062            database read locks, it will release those locks. If FailCheck
3063            determines a thread of control exited with an unresolved
3064            transaction, the transaction will be aborted. In either of these
3065            cases, FailCheck will return successfully and the application may
3066            continue to use the database environment.
3067            </para>
3068            <para>
3069            In either of these cases, FailCheck will also report the process and
3070            thread IDs associated with any released locks or aborted
3071            transactions. The information is printed to a specified output
3072            channel (see <see cref="!:MessageFile"/> for more information), or
3073            passed to an application delegate (see <see cref="!:MessageCall"/> for
3074            more information).
3075            </para>
3076            <para>
3077            If FailCheck determines a thread of control has exited such that
3078            database environment recovery is required, it will throw
3079            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RunRecoveryException"/>. In this case, the application
3080            should not continue to use the database environment. For a further
3081            description as to the actions the application should take when this
3082            failure occurs, see Handling failure in Data Store and Concurrent
3083            Data Store applications, and Handling failure in Transactional Data
3084            Store applications, both in the Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference
3085            Guide.
3086            </para>
3087            </remarks>
3088        </member>
3089        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LogFile(BerkeleyDB.LSN)">
3090            <summary>
3091            Map an LSN object to a log filename
3092            </summary>
3093            <param name="logSeqNum">
3094            The DB_LSN structure for which a filename is wanted.
3095            </param>
3096            <returns>
3097            The name of the file containing the record named by
3098            <paramref name="logSeqNum"/>.
3099            </returns>
3100        </member>
3101        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LogFlush">
3102            <summary>
3103            Write all log records to disk.
3104            </summary>
3105        </member>
3106        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LogFlush(BerkeleyDB.LSN)">
3107            <summary>
3108            Write log records to disk.
3109            </summary>
3110            <param name="logSeqNum">
3111            All log records with LSN values less than or equal to
3112            <paramref name="logSeqNum"/> are written to disk. If null, all
3113            records in the log are flushed.
3114            </param>
3115        </member>
3116        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LogWrite(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Boolean)">
3117            <summary>
3118            Append a record to the log
3119            </summary>
3120            <param name="dbt">The record to write to the log.</param>
3121            <param name="flush">
3122            If true, the log is forced to disk after this record is written,
3123            guaranteeing that all records with LSN values less than or equal to
3124            the one being "put" are on disk before LogWrite returns.
3125            </param>
3126            <returns>The LSN of the written record</returns>
3127        </member>
3128        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Panic">
3129            <summary>
3130            Set the panic state for the database environment. (Database
3131            environments in a panic state normally refuse all attempts to call
3132            Berkeley DB functions, throwing <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RunRecoveryException"/>.)
3133            </summary>
3134        </member>
3135        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Recover(System.UInt32,System.Boolean)">
3136            <summary>
3137            Restore transactions that were prepared, but not yet resolved at the
3138            time of the system shut down or crash, to their state prior to the
3139            shut down or crash, including any locks previously held.
3140            </summary>
3141            <remarks>
3142            Calls to Recover from different threads of control should not be
3143            intermixed in the same environment.
3144            </remarks>
3145            <param name="count">
3146            The maximum number of <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.PreparedTransaction"/> objects
3147            to return.
3148            </param>
3149            <param name="resume">
3150            If true, continue returning a list of prepared, but not yet resolved
3151            transactions, starting where the last call to Recover left off.  If 
3152            false, begins a new pass over all prepared, but not yet completed
3153            transactions, regardless of whether they have already been returned
3154            in previous calls to Recover.
3155            </param>
3156            <returns>A list of the prepared transactions</returns>
3157        </member>
3158        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RemoveDB(System.String,System.Boolean)">
3159            <summary>
3160            Remove the underlying file represented by <paramref name="file"/>,
3161            incidentally removing all of the databases it contained.
3162            </summary>
3163            <param name="file">The physical file to be removed.</param>
3164            <param name="autoCommit">
3165            If true, enclose RemoveDB within a transaction. If the call
3166            succeeds, changes made by the operation will be recoverable. If the
3167            call fails, the operation will have made no changes.
3168            </param>
3169        </member>
3170        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RemoveDB(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
3171            <summary>
3172            Remove the database specified by <paramref name="file"/> and
3173            <paramref name="database"/>.  If no database is specified, the
3174            underlying file represented by <paramref name="file"/> is removed,
3175            incidentally removing all of the databases it contained.
3176            </summary>
3177            <param name="file">
3178            The physical file which contains the database(s) to be removed.
3179            </param>
3180            <param name="database">The database to be removed.</param>
3181            <param name="autoCommit">
3182            If true, enclose RemoveDB within a transaction. If the call
3183            succeeds, changes made by the operation will be recoverable. If the
3184            call fails, the operation will have made no changes.
3185            </param>
3186        </member>
3187        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RemoveDB(System.String,System.Boolean,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
3188            <summary>
3189            Remove the underlying file represented by <paramref name="file"/>,
3190            incidentally removing all of the databases it contained.
3191            </summary>
3192            <param name="file">The physical file to be removed.</param>
3193            <param name="autoCommit">
3194            If true, enclose RemoveDB within a transaction. If the call
3195            succeeds, changes made by the operation will be recoverable. If the
3196            call fails, the operation will have made no changes.
3197            </param>
3198            <param name="txn">
3199            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
3200            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
3201            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
3202            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
3203            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
3204            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.  If
3205            null, but <paramref name="autoCommit"/> or <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.AutoCommit"/>
3206            is true, the operation will be implicitly transaction protected. 
3207            </param>
3208        </member>
3209        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RemoveDB(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
3210            <summary>
3211            Remove the database specified by <paramref name="file"/> and
3212            <paramref name="database"/>.  If no database is specified, the
3213            underlying file represented by <paramref name="file"/> is removed,
3214            incidentally removing all of the databases it contained.
3215            </summary>
3216            <param name="file">
3217            The physical file which contains the database(s) to be removed.
3218            </param>
3219            <param name="database">The database to be removed.</param>
3220            <param name="autoCommit">
3221            If true, enclose RemoveDB within a transaction. If the call
3222            succeeds, changes made by the operation will be recoverable. If the
3223            call fails, the operation will have made no changes.
3224            </param>
3225            <param name="txn">
3226            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
3227            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
3228            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
3229            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
3230            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
3231            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.  If
3232            null, but <paramref name="autoCommit"/> or <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.AutoCommit"/>
3233            is true, the operation will be implicitly transaction protected. 
3234            </param>
3235        </member>
3236        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RenameDB(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
3237            <summary>
3238            Rename the underlying file represented by <paramref name="file"/>
3239            using the value supplied to <paramref name="newname"/>, incidentally
3240            renaming all of the databases it contained.
3241            </summary>
3242            <param name="file">The physical file to be renamed.</param>
3243            <param name="newname">The new name of the database or file.</param>
3244            <param name="autoCommit">
3245            If true, enclose RenameDB within a transaction. If the call
3246            succeeds, changes made by the operation will be recoverable. If the
3247            call fails, the operation will have made no changes.
3248            </param>
3249        </member>
3250        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RenameDB(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
3251            <summary>
3252            Rename the database specified by <paramref name="file"/> and
3253            <paramref name="database"/> to <paramref name="newname"/>. If no
3254            database is specified, the underlying file represented by
3255            <paramref name="file"/> is renamed using the value supplied to
3256            <paramref name="newname"/>, incidentally renaming all of the
3257            databases it contained.
3258            </summary>
3259            <param name="file">
3260            The physical file which contains the database(s) to be renamed.
3261            </param>
3262            <param name="database">The database to be renamed.</param>
3263            <param name="newname">The new name of the database or file.</param>
3264            <param name="autoCommit">
3265            If true, enclose RenameDB within a transaction. If the call
3266            succeeds, changes made by the operation will be recoverable. If the
3267            call fails, the operation will have made no changes.
3268            </param>
3269        </member>
3270        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RenameDB(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
3271            <summary>
3272            Rename the underlying file represented by <paramref name="file"/>
3273            using the value supplied to <paramref name="newname"/>, incidentally
3274            renaming all of the databases it contained.
3275            </summary>
3276            <param name="file">The physical file to be renamed.</param>
3277            <param name="newname">The new name of the database or file.</param>
3278            <param name="autoCommit">
3279            If true, enclose RenameDB within a transaction. If the call
3280            succeeds, changes made by the operation will be recoverable. If the
3281            call fails, the operation will have made no changes.
3282            </param>
3283            <param name="txn">
3284            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
3285            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
3286            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
3287            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
3288            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
3289            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.  If
3290            null, but <paramref name="autoCommit"/> or <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.AutoCommit"/>
3291            is true, the operation will be implicitly transaction protected. 
3292            </param>
3293        </member>
3294        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RenameDB(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
3295            <summary>
3296            Rename the database specified by <paramref name="file"/> and
3297            <paramref name="database"/> to <paramref name="newname"/>. If no
3298            database is specified, the underlying file represented by
3299            <paramref name="file"/> is renamed using the value supplied to
3300            <paramref name="newname"/>, incidentally renaming all of the
3301            databases it contained.
3302            </summary>
3303            <param name="file">
3304            The physical file which contains the database(s) to be renamed.
3305            </param>
3306            <param name="database">The database to be renamed.</param>
3307            <param name="newname">The new name of the database or file.</param>
3308            <param name="autoCommit">
3309            If true, enclose RenameDB within a transaction. If the call
3310            succeeds, changes made by the operation will be recoverable. If the
3311            call fails, the operation will have made no changes.
3312            </param>
3313            <param name="txn">
3314            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
3315            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
3316            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
3317            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
3318            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
3319            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.  If
3320            null, but <paramref name="autoCommit"/> or <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.AutoCommit"/>
3321            is true, the operation will be implicitly transaction protected. 
3322            </param>
3323        </member>
3324        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ResetFileID(System.String,System.Boolean)">
3325            <summary>
3326            Allow database files to be copied, and then the copy used in the
3327            same database environment as the original.
3328            </summary>
3329            <remarks>
3330            <para>
3331            All databases contain an ID string used to identify the database in
3332            the database environment cache. If a physical database file is
3333            copied, and used in the same environment as another file with the
3334            same ID strings, corruption can occur. ResetFileID creates new ID
3335            strings for all of the databases in the physical file.
3336            </para>
3337            <para>
3338            ResetFileID modifies the physical file, in-place. Applications
3339            should not reset IDs in files that are currently in use.
3340            </para>
3341            </remarks>
3342            <param name="file">
3343            The name of the physical file in which new file IDs are to be created.
3344            </param>
3345            <param name="encrypted">
3346            If true, he file contains encrypted databases.
3347            </param>
3348        </member>
3349        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ResetLSN(System.String,System.Boolean)">
3350            <summary>
3351            Allow database files to be moved from one transactional database
3352            environment to another. 
3353            </summary>
3354            <remarks>
3355            <para>
3356            Database pages in transactional database environments contain
3357            references to the environment's log files (that is, log sequence
3358            numbers, or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LSN"/>s). Copying or moving a database file
3359            from one database environment to another, and then modifying it, can
3360            result in data corruption if the LSNs are not first cleared.
3361            </para>
3362            <para>
3363            Note that LSNs should be reset before moving or copying the database
3364            file into a new database environment, rather than moving or copying
3365            the database file and then resetting the LSNs. Berkeley DB has
3366            consistency checks that may be triggered if an application calls 
3367            ResetLSN on a database in a new environment when the database LSNs
3368            still reflect the old environment.
3369            </para>
3370            <para>
3371            The ResetLSN method modifies the physical file, in-place.
3372            Applications should not reset LSNs in files that are currently in
3373            use.
3374            </para>
3375            </remarks>
3376            <param name="file"></param>
3377            <param name="encrypted"></param>
3378        </member>
3379        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.SetMaxSequentialWrites(System.Int32,System.UInt32)">
3380            <summary>
3381            Limit the number of sequential write operations scheduled by the
3382            library when flushing dirty pages from the cache.
3383            </summary>
3384            <param name="maxWrites">
3385            The maximum number of sequential write operations scheduled by the
3386            library when flushing dirty pages from the cache, or 0 if there is
3387            no limitation on the number of sequential write operations.
3388            </param>
3389            <param name="pause">
3390            The number of microseconds the thread of control should pause before
3391            scheduling further write operations. It must be specified as an
3392            unsigned 32-bit number of microseconds, limiting the maximum pause
3393            to roughly 71 minutes.
3394            </param>
3395        </member>
3396        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.SyncMemPool">
3397            <summary>
3398            Flush all modified pages in the cache to their backing files. 
3399            </summary>
3400            <remarks>
3401            Pages in the cache that cannot be immediately written back to disk
3402            (for example, pages that are currently in use by another thread of
3403            control) are waited for and written to disk as soon as it is
3404            possible to do so.
3405            </remarks>
3406        </member>
3407        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.SyncMemPool(BerkeleyDB.LSN)">
3408            <summary>
3409            Flush modified pages in the cache with log sequence numbers less 
3410            than <paramref name="minLSN"/> to their backing files. 
3411            </summary>
3412            <remarks>
3413            Pages in the cache that cannot be immediately written back to disk
3414            (for example, pages that are currently in use by another thread of
3415            control) are waited for and written to disk as soon as it is
3416            possible to do so.
3417            </remarks>
3418            <param name="minLSN">
3419            All modified pages with a log sequence number less than the minLSN
3420            parameter are written to disk. If null, all modified pages in the
3421            cache are written to disk.
3422            </param>
3423        </member>
3424        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.TrickleCleanMemPool(System.Int32)">
3425            <summary>
3426            Ensure that a specified percent of the pages in the cache are clean,
3427            by writing dirty pages to their backing files. 
3428            </summary>
3429            <param name="pctClean">
3430            The percent of the pages in the cache that should be clean.
3431            </param>
3432            <returns>
3433            The number of pages written to reach the specified percentage is
3434            copied.
3435            </returns>
3436        </member>
3437        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.WriteToLog(System.String)">
3438            <summary>
3439            Append an informational message to the Berkeley DB database
3440            environment log files. 
3441            </summary>
3442            <overloads>
3443            WriteToLog allows applications to include information in the
3444            database environment log files, for later review using the
3445            db_printlog  utility. This method is intended for debugging and
3446            performance tuning.
3447            </overloads>
3448            <param name="str">The message to append to the log files</param>
3449        </member>
3450        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.WriteToLog(System.String,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
3451            <summary>
3452            Append an informational message to the Berkeley DB database
3453            environment log files. 
3454            </summary>
3455            <overloads>
3456            WriteToLog allows applications to include information in the
3457            database environment log files, for later review using the
3458            db_printlog  utility. This method is intended for debugging and
3459            performance tuning.
3460            </overloads>
3461            <param name="str">The message to append to the log files</param>
3462            <param name="txn">
3463            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
3464            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
3465            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; 
3466            otherwise null.
3467            </param>
3468        </member>
3469        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LockingSystemStats">
3470            <summary>
3471            The locking subsystem statistics
3472            </summary>
3473            <returns>The locking subsystem statistics</returns>
3474        </member>
3475        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LockingSystemStats(System.Boolean)">
3476            <summary>
3477            The locking subsystem statistics
3478            </summary>
3479            <param name="clearStats">
3480            If true, reset statistics after returning their values.
3481            </param>
3482            <returns>The locking subsystem statistics</returns>
3483        </member>
3484        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LoggingSystemStats">
3485            <summary>
3486            The logging subsystem statistics
3487            </summary>
3488            <returns>The logging subsystem statistics</returns>
3489        </member>
3490        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LoggingSystemStats(System.Boolean)">
3491            <summary>
3492            The logging subsystem statistics
3493            </summary>
3494            <param name="clearStats">
3495            If true, reset statistics after returning their values.
3496            </param>
3497            <returns>The logging subsystem statistics</returns>
3498        </member>
3499        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MPoolSystemStats">
3500            <summary>
3501            The memory pool (that is, the buffer cache) subsystem statistics
3502            </summary>
3503            <returns>The memory pool subsystem statistics</returns>
3504        </member>
3505        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MPoolSystemStats(System.Boolean)">
3506            <summary>
3507            The memory pool (that is, the buffer cache) subsystem statistics
3508            </summary>
3509            <param name="clearStats">
3510            If true, reset statistics after returning their values.
3511            </param>
3512            <returns>The memory pool subsystem statistics</returns>
3513        </member>
3514        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MutexSystemStats">
3515            <summary>
3516            The mutex subsystem statistics
3517            </summary>
3518            <returns>The mutex subsystem statistics</returns>
3519        </member>
3520        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MutexSystemStats(System.Boolean)">
3521            <summary>
3522            The mutex subsystem statistics
3523            </summary>
3524            <param name="clearStats">
3525            If true, reset statistics after returning their values.
3526            </param>
3527            <returns>The mutex subsystem statistics</returns>
3528        </member>
3529        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrSystemStats">
3530            <summary>
3531            The replication manager statistics
3532            </summary>
3533            <returns>The replication manager statistics</returns>
3534        </member>
3535        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrSystemStats(System.Boolean)">
3536            <summary>
3537            The replication manager statistics
3538            </summary>
3539            <param name="clearStats">
3540            If true, reset statistics after returning their values.
3541            </param>
3542            <returns>The replication manager statistics</returns>
3543        </member>
3544        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ReplicationSystemStats">
3545            <summary>
3546            The replication subsystem statistics
3547            </summary>
3548            <returns>The replication subsystem statistics</returns>
3549        </member>
3550        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ReplicationSystemStats(System.Boolean)">
3551            <summary>
3552            The replication subsystem statistics
3553            </summary>
3554            <param name="clearStats">
3555            If true, reset statistics after returning their values.
3556            </param>
3557            <returns>The replication subsystem statistics</returns>
3558        </member>
3559        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.TransactionSystemStats">
3560            <summary>
3561            The transaction subsystem statistics
3562            </summary>
3563            <returns>The transaction subsystem statistics</returns>
3564        </member>
3565        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.TransactionSystemStats(System.Boolean)">
3566            <summary>
3567            The transaction subsystem statistics
3568            </summary>
3569            <param name="clearStats">
3570            If true, reset statistics after returning their values.
3571            </param>
3572            <returns>The transaction subsystem statistics</returns>
3573        </member>
3574        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintLockingSystemStats">
3575            <summary>
3576            Display the locking subsystem statistical information, as described
3577            by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockStats"/>.
3578            </summary>
3579        </member>
3580        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintLockingSystemStats(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
3581            <summary>
3582            Display the locking subsystem statistical information, as described
3583            by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockStats"/>.
3584            </summary>
3585            <param name="PrintAll">
3586            If true, display all available information.
3587            </param>
3588            <param name="ClearStats">
3589            If true, reset statistics after displaying their values.
3590            </param>
3591        </member>
3592        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintLockingSystemStats(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
3593            <summary>
3594            Display the locking subsystem statistical information, as described
3595            by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockStats"/>.
3596            </summary>
3597            <param name="PrintAll">
3598            If true, display all available information.
3599            </param>
3600            <param name="ClearStats">
3601            If true, reset statistics after displaying their values.
3602            </param>
3603            <param name="ConflictMatrix">
3604            If true, display the lock conflict matrix.
3605            </param>
3606            <param name="Lockers">
3607            If true, Display the lockers within hash chains.
3608            </param>
3609            <param name="Objects">
3610            If true, display the lock objects within hash chains.
3611            </param>
3612            <param name="Parameters">
3613            If true, display the locking subsystem parameters.
3614            </param>
3615        </member>
3616        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintLoggingSystemStats">
3617            <summary>
3618            Display the logging subsystem statistical information, as described
3619            by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LogStats"/>.
3620            </summary>
3621        </member>
3622        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintLoggingSystemStats(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
3623            <summary>
3624            Display the logging subsystem statistical information, as described
3625            by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LogStats"/>.
3626            </summary>
3627            <param name="PrintAll">
3628            If true, display all available information.
3629            </param>
3630            <param name="ClearStats">
3631            If true, reset statistics after displaying their values.
3632            </param>
3633        </member>
3634        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintMPoolSystemStats">
3635            <summary>
3636            Display the memory pool (that is, buffer cache) subsystem
3637            statistical information, as described by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats"/>.
3638            </summary>
3639        </member>
3640        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintMPoolSystemStats(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
3641            <summary>
3642            Display the memory pool (that is, buffer cache) subsystem
3643            statistical information, as described by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats"/>.
3644            </summary>
3645            <param name="PrintAll">
3646            If true, display all available information.
3647            </param>
3648            <param name="ClearStats">
3649            If true, reset statistics after displaying their values.
3650            </param>
3651        </member>
3652        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintMPoolSystemStats(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
3653            <summary>
3654            Display the memory pool (that is, buffer cache) subsystem
3655            statistical information, as described by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats"/>.
3656            </summary>
3657            <param name="PrintAll">
3658            If true, display all available information.
3659            </param>
3660            <param name="ClearStats">
3661            If true, reset statistics after displaying their values.
3662            </param>
3663            <param name="HashChains">
3664            If true, display the buffers with hash chains.
3665            </param>
3666        </member>
3667        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintMutexSystemStats">
3668            <summary>
3669            Display the mutex subsystem statistical information, as described
3670            by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.MutexStats"/>.
3671            </summary>
3672        </member>
3673        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintMutexSystemStats(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
3674            <summary>
3675            Display the mutex subsystem statistical information, as described
3676            by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.MutexStats"/>.
3677            </summary>
3678            <param name="PrintAll">
3679            If true, display all available information.
3680            </param>
3681            <param name="ClearStats">
3682            If true, reset statistics after displaying their values.
3683            </param>
3684        </member>
3685        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintRepMgrSystemStats">
3686            <summary>
3687            Display the replication manager statistical information, as
3688            described by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RepMgrStats"/>.
3689            </summary>
3690        </member>
3691        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintRepMgrSystemStats(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
3692            <summary>
3693            Display the replication manager statistical information, as
3694            described by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RepMgrStats"/>.
3695            </summary>
3696            <param name="PrintAll">
3697            If true, display all available information.
3698            </param>
3699            <param name="ClearStats">
3700            If true, reset statistics after displaying their values.
3701            </param>
3702        </member>
3703        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintReplicationSystemStats">
3704            <summary>
3705            Display the replication subsystem statistical information, as
3706            described by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats"/>.
3707            </summary>
3708        </member>
3709        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintReplicationSystemStats(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
3710            <summary>
3711            Display the replication subsystem statistical information, as
3712            described by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats"/>.
3713            </summary>
3714            <param name="PrintAll">
3715            If true, display all available information.
3716            </param>
3717            <param name="ClearStats">
3718            If true, reset statistics after displaying their values.
3719            </param>
3720        </member>
3721        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintStats">
3722            <summary>
3723            Display the locking subsystem statistical information, as described
3724            by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockStats"/>.
3725            </summary>
3726        </member>
3727        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintStats(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
3728            <summary>
3729            Display the locking subsystem statistical information, as described
3730            by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockStats"/>.
3731            </summary>
3732            <param name="PrintAll">
3733            If true, display all available information.
3734            </param>
3735            <param name="ClearStats">
3736            If true, reset statistics after displaying their values.
3737            </param>
3738        </member>
3739        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintSubsystemStats">
3740            <summary>
3741            Display the locking subsystem statistical information, as described
3742            by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockStats"/>.
3743            </summary>
3744        </member>
3745        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintSubsystemStats(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
3746            <summary>
3747            Display the locking subsystem statistical information, as described
3748            by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockStats"/>.
3749            </summary>
3750            <param name="PrintAll">
3751            If true, display all available information.
3752            </param>
3753            <param name="ClearStats">
3754            If true, reset statistics after displaying their values.
3755            </param>
3756        </member>
3757        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintStats(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
3758            <summary>
3759            Display the locking subsystem statistical information, as described
3760            by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockStats"/>.
3761            </summary>
3762        </member>
3763        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintTransactionSystemStats">
3764            <summary>
3765            Display the transaction subsystem statistical information, as
3766            described by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats"/>.
3767            </summary>
3768        </member>
3769        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintTransactionSystemStats(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
3770            <summary>
3771            Display the transaction subsystem statistical information, as
3772            described by <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats"/>.
3773            </summary>
3774            <param name="PrintAll">
3775            If true, display all available information.
3776            </param>
3777            <param name="ClearStats">
3778            If true, reset statistics after displaying their values.
3779            </param>
3780        </member>
3781        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.AutoCommit">
3782            <summary>
3783            If true, database operations for which no explicit transaction
3784            handle was specified, and which modify databases in the database
3785            environment, will be automatically enclosed within a transaction.
3786            </summary>
3787        </member>
3788        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.CacheSize">
3789            <summary>
3790            The size of the shared memory buffer pool -- that is, the cache.
3791            </summary>
3792            <remarks>
3793            <para>
3794            The cache should be the size of the normal working data set of the
3795            application, with some small amount of additional memory for unusual
3796            situations. (Note: the working set is not the same as the number of
3797            pages accessed simultaneously, and is usually much larger.)
3798            </para>
3799            <para>
3800            The default cache size is 256KB, and may not be specified as less
3801            than 20KB. Any cache size less than 500MB is automatically increased
3802            by 25% to account for buffer pool overhead; cache sizes larger than
3803            500MB are used as specified. The maximum size of a single cache is
3804            4GB on 32-bit systems and 10TB on 64-bit systems. (All sizes are in
3805            powers-of-two, that is, 256KB is 2^18 not 256,000.) For information
3806            on tuning the Berkeley DB cache size, see Selecting a cache size in
3807            the Programmer's Reference Guide.
3808            </para>
3809            </remarks>
3810        </member>
3811        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.CDB_ALLDB">
3812            <summary>
3813            If true, Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store applications will perform
3814            locking on an environment-wide basis rather than on a per-database
3815            basis. 
3816            </summary>
3817        </member>
3818        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Create">
3819            <summary>
3820            If true, Berkeley DB subsystems will create any underlying files, as
3821            necessary.
3822            </summary>
3823        </member>
3824        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.DataDirs">
3825            <summary>
3826            The array of directories where database files are stored.
3827            </summary>
3828        </member>
3829        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.DeadlockResolution">
3830            <summary>
3831            The deadlock detector configuration, specifying what lock request(s)
3832            should be rejected. As transactions acquire locks on behalf of a
3833            single locker ID, rejecting a lock request associated with a
3834            transaction normally requires the transaction be aborted.
3835            </summary>
3836        </member>
3837        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.EncryptAlgorithm">
3838            <summary>
3839            The algorithm used by the Berkeley DB library to perform encryption
3840            and decryption. 
3841            </summary>
3842        </member>
3843        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ErrorFeedback">
3844            <summary>
3845            The mechanism for reporting detailed error messages to the
3846            application.
3847            </summary>
3848            <remarks>
3849            <para>
3850            When an error occurs in the Berkeley DB library, a
3851            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseException"/>, or subclass of DatabaseException,
3852            is thrown. In some cases, however, the exception may be insufficient
3853            to completely describe the cause of the error, especially during
3854            initial application debugging.
3855            </para>
3856            <para>
3857            In some cases, when an error occurs, Berkeley DB will call the given
3858            delegate with additional error information. It is up to the delegate
3859            to display the error message in an appropriate manner.
3860            </para>
3861            <para>
3862            Setting ErrorFeedback to NULL unconfigures the callback interface.
3863            </para>
3864            <para>
3865            This error-logging enhancement does not slow performance or
3866            significantly increase application size, and may be run during
3867            normal operation as well as during application debugging.
3868            </para>
3869            </remarks>
3870        </member>
3871        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ErrorPrefix">
3872            <summary>
3873            The prefix string that appears before error messages issued by
3874            Berkeley DB.
3875            </summary>
3876            <remarks>
3877            <para>
3878            For databases opened inside of a DatabaseEnvironment, setting
3879            ErrorPrefix affects the entire environment and is equivalent to
3880            setting <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ErrorPrefix"/>.
3881            </para>
3882            <para>
3883            Setting ErrorPrefix configures operations performed using the
3884            specified object, not all operations performed on the underlying
3885            database. 
3886            </para>
3887            </remarks>
3888        </member>
3889        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.EventNotify">
3890            <summary>
3891            A delegate which is called to notify the process of specific
3892            Berkeley DB events. 
3893            </summary>
3894        </member>
3895        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Feedback">
3896            <summary>
3897            Monitor progress within long running operations.
3898            </summary>
3899            <remarks>
3900            <para>
3901            Some operations performed by the Berkeley DB library can take
3902            non-trivial amounts of time. The Feedback delegate can be used by
3903            applications to monitor progress within these operations. When an
3904            operation is likely to take a long time, Berkeley DB will call the
3905            specified delegate with progress information.
3906            </para>
3907            <para>
3908            It is up to the delegate to display this information in an
3909            appropriate manner. 
3910            </para>
3911            </remarks>
3912        </member>
3913        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ForceFlush">
3914            <summary>
3915            If true, flush database writes to the backing disk before returning
3916            from the write system call, rather than flushing database writes
3917            explicitly in a separate system call, as necessary.
3918            </summary>
3919            <remarks>
3920            This flag may result in inaccurate file modification times and other
3921            file-level information for Berkeley DB database files. This flag
3922            will almost certainly result in a performance decrease on most
3923            systems.
3924            </remarks>
3925        </member>
3926        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.FreeThreaded">
3927            <summary>
3928            If true, the object is free-threaded; that is, concurrently usable
3929            by multiple threads in the address space.
3930            </summary>
3931        </member>
3932        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Home">
3933            <summary>
3934            The database environment home directory.
3935            </summary>
3936        </member>
3937        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.InitRegions">
3938            <summary>
3939            If true, Berkeley DB will page-fault shared regions into memory when
3940            initially creating or joining a Berkeley DB environment.
3941            </summary>
3942            <remarks>
3943            <para>
3944            In some applications, the expense of page-faulting the underlying
3945            shared memory regions can affect performance. (For example, if the
3946            page-fault occurs while holding a lock, other lock requests can
3947            convoy, and overall throughput may decrease.)
3948            </para>
3949            <para>
3950            In addition to page-faulting, Berkeley DB will write the shared
3951            regions when creating an environment, forcing the underlying virtual
3952            memory and filesystems to instantiate both the necessary memory and
3953            the necessary disk space. This can also avoid out-of-disk space
3954            failures later on.
3955            </para>
3956            </remarks>
3957        </member>
3958        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.IntermediateDirMode">
3959            <summary>
3960            The intermediate directory permissions. 
3961            </summary>
3962        </member>
3963        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LockConflictMatrix">
3964            <summary>
3965            The current lock conflicts array.
3966            </summary>
3967        </member>
3968        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Lockdown">
3969            <summary>
3970            If true, lock shared Berkeley DB environment files and memory-mapped
3971            databases into memory.
3972            </summary>
3973        </member>
3974        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LockPartitions">
3975            <summary>
3976            The number of lock table partitions used in the Berkeley DB
3977            environment.
3978            </summary>
3979        </member>
3980        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LockTimeout">
3981            <summary>
3982            A value, in microseconds, representing lock timeouts.
3983            </summary>
3984            <remarks>
3985            <para>
3986            All timeouts are checked whenever a thread of control blocks on a
3987            lock or when deadlock detection is performed. As timeouts are only
3988            checked when the lock request first blocks or when deadlock
3989            detection is performed, the accuracy of the timeout depends on how
3990            often deadlock detection is performed.
3991            </para>
3992            <para>
3993            Timeout values specified for the database environment may be
3994            overridden on a per-transaction basis, see
3995            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.SetLockTimeout(System.UInt32)"/>.
3996            </para>
3997            </remarks>
3998        </member>
3999        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LogBufferSize">
4000            <summary>
4001            The size of the in-memory log buffer, in bytes
4002            </summary>
4003        </member>
4004        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LogDir">
4005            <summary>
4006            The path of a directory to be used as the location of logging files.
4007            Log files created by the Log Manager subsystem will be created in
4008            this directory. 
4009            </summary>
4010        </member>
4011        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LogFileMode">
4012            <summary>
4013            The absolute file mode for created log files. This property is only
4014            useful for the rare Berkeley DB application that does not control
4015            its umask value.
4016            </summary>
4017            <remarks>
4018            Normally, if Berkeley DB applications set their umask appropriately,
4019            all processes in the application suite will have read permission on
4020            the log files created by any process in the application suite.
4021            However, if the Berkeley DB application is a library, a process
4022            using the library might set its umask to a value preventing other
4023            processes in the application suite from reading the log files it
4024            creates. In this rare case, this property can be used to set the
4025            mode of created log files to an absolute value.
4026            </remarks>
4027        </member>
4028        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LogNoBuffer">
4029            <summary>
4030            If true, system buffering is turned off for Berkeley DB log files to
4031            avoid double caching. 
4032            </summary>
4033        </member>
4034        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LogForceSync">
4035            <summary>
4036            If true, Berkeley DB will flush log writes to the backing disk
4037            before returning from the write system call, rather than flushing
4038            log writes explicitly in a separate system call, as necessary.
4039            </summary>
4040        </member>
4041        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LogAutoRemove">
4042            <summary>
4043            If true, Berkeley DB will automatically remove log files that are no
4044            longer needed.
4045            </summary>
4046        </member>
4047        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LogInMemory">
4048            <summary>
4049            If true, transaction logs are maintained in memory rather than on
4050            disk. This means that transactions exhibit the ACI (atomicity,
4051            consistency, and isolation) properties, but not D (durability).
4052            </summary>
4053        </member>
4054        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LogZeroOnCreate">
4055            <summary>
4056            If true, all pages of a log file are zeroed when that log file is
4057            created.
4058            </summary>
4059        </member>
4060        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LogRegionSize">
4061            <summary>
4062            The size of the underlying logging area of the Berkeley DB
4063            environment, in bytes.
4064            </summary>
4065        </member>
4066        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MaxCacheSize">
4067            <summary>
4068            The maximum cache size
4069            </summary>
4070        </member>
4071        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MaxLogFileSize">
4072            <summary>
4073            The maximum size of a single file in the log, in bytes. Because
4074            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.LSN.Offset">LSN Offsets</see> are unsigned four-byte
4075            values, the size may not be larger than the maximum unsigned
4076            four-byte value.
4077            </summary>
4078            <remarks>
4079            <para>
4080            When the logging subsystem is configured for on-disk logging, the
4081            default size of a log file is 10MB.
4082            </para>
4083            <para>
4084            When the logging subsystem is configured for in-memory logging, the
4085            default size of a log file is 256KB. In addition, the configured log
4086            buffer size must be larger than the log file size. (The logging
4087            subsystem divides memory configured for in-memory log records into
4088            "files", as database environments configured for in-memory log
4089            records may exchange log records with other members of a replication
4090            group, and those members may be configured to store log records
4091            on-disk.) When choosing log buffer and file sizes for in-memory
4092            logs, applications should ensure the in-memory log buffer size is
4093            large enough that no transaction will ever span the entire buffer,
4094            and avoid a state where the in-memory buffer is full and no space
4095            can be freed because a transaction that started in the first log
4096            "file" is still active.
4097            </para>
4098            <para>
4099            See Log File Limits in the Programmer's Reference Guide for more
4100            information.
4101            </para>
4102            <para>
4103            If no size is specified by the application, the size last specified
4104            for the database region will be used, or if no database region
4105            previously existed, the default will be used.
4106            </para>
4107            </remarks>
4108        </member>
4109        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MaxLockers">
4110            <summary>
4111            The maximum number of locking entities supported by the Berkeley DB
4112            environment.
4113            </summary>
4114        </member>
4115        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MaxLocks">
4116            <summary>
4117            The maximum number of locks supported by the Berkeley DB
4118            environment.
4119            </summary>
4120        </member>
4121        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MaxMutexes">
4122            <summary>
4123            The total number of mutexes allocated
4124            </summary>
4125        </member>
4126        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MaxObjects">
4127            <summary>
4128            The maximum number of locked objects
4129            </summary>
4130        </member>
4131        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MaxOpenFiles">
4132            <summary>
4133            The number of file descriptors the library will open concurrently
4134            when flushing dirty pages from the cache.
4135            </summary>
4136        </member>
4137        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MaxSequentialWrites">
4138            <summary>
4139            The number of sequential write operations scheduled by the library
4140            when flushing dirty pages from the cache. 
4141            </summary>
4142        </member>
4143        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MaxTransactions">
4144            <summary>
4145            The number of active transactions supported by the environment. This
4146            value bounds the size of the memory allocated for transactions.
4147            Child transactions are counted as active until they either commit or
4148            abort.
4149            </summary>
4150            <remarks>
4151            <para>
4152            Transactions that update multiversion databases are not freed until
4153            the last page version that the transaction created is flushed from
4154            cache. This means that applications using multi-version concurrency
4155            control may need a transaction for each page in cache, in the
4156            extreme case.
4157            </para>
4158            <para>
4159            When all of the memory available in the database environment for
4160            transactions is in use, calls to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/> will
4161            fail (until some active transactions complete). If MaxTransactions
4162            is never set, the database environment is configured to support at
4163            least 100 active transactions.
4164            </para>
4165            </remarks>
4166        </member>
4167        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MMapSize">
4168            <summary>
4169            The maximum file size, in bytes, for a file to be mapped into the
4170            process address space. If no value is specified, it defaults to
4171            10MB. 
4172            </summary>
4173            <remarks>
4174            Files that are opened read-only in the cache (and that satisfy a few
4175            other criteria) are, by default, mapped into the process address
4176            space instead of being copied into the local cache. This can result
4177            in better-than-usual performance because available virtual memory is
4178            normally much larger than the local cache, and page faults are
4179            faster than page copying on many systems. However, it can cause
4180            resource starvation in the presence of limited virtual memory, and
4181            it can result in immense process sizes in the presence of large
4182            databases.
4183            </remarks>
4184        </member>
4185        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MutexAlignment">
4186            <summary>
4187            The mutex alignment, in bytes.
4188            </summary>
4189        </member>
4190        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MutexIncrement">
4191            <summary>
4192            The number of additional mutexes allocated.
4193            </summary>
4194        </member>
4195        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.NoBuffer">
4196            <summary>
4197            If true, turn off system buffering of Berkeley DB database files to
4198            avoid double caching. 
4199            </summary>
4200        </member>
4201        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.NoLocking">
4202            <summary>
4203            If true, Berkeley DB will grant all requested mutual exclusion
4204            mutexes and database locks without regard for their actual
4205            availability. This functionality should never be used for purposes
4206            other than debugging. 
4207            </summary>
4208        </member>
4209        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.NoMMap">
4210            <summary>
4211            If true, Berkeley DB will copy read-only database files into the
4212            local cache instead of potentially mapping them into process memory.
4213            </summary>
4214            <seealso cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.MMapSize"/>
4215        </member>
4216        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.NoPanic">
4217            <summary>
4218            If true, Berkeley DB will ignore any panic state in the database
4219            environment. (Database environments in a panic state normally refuse
4220            all attempts to call Berkeley DB functions, throwing 
4221            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RunRecoveryException"/>.) This functionality should never
4222            be used for purposes other than debugging.
4223            </summary>
4224        </member>
4225        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.NumTestAndSetSpins">
4226            <summary>
4227            The number of times that test-and-set mutexes should spin without
4228            blocking. The value defaults to 1 on uniprocessor systems and to 50
4229            times the number of processors on multiprocessor systems. 
4230            </summary>
4231        </member>
4232        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Overwrite">
4233            <summary>
4234            If true, overwrite files stored in encrypted formats before deleting
4235            them.
4236            </summary>
4237            <remarks>
4238            Berkeley DB overwrites files using alternating 0xff, 0x00 and 0xff
4239            byte patterns. For file overwriting to be effective, the underlying
4240            file must be stored on a fixed-block filesystem. Systems with
4241            journaling or logging filesystems will require operating system
4242            support and probably modification of the Berkeley DB sources.
4243            </remarks>
4244        </member>
4245        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Private">
4246            <summary>
4247            If true, allocate region memory from the heap instead of from memory
4248            backed by the filesystem or system shared memory. 
4249            </summary>
4250        </member>
4251        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Register">
4252            <summary>
4253            If true, Berkeley DB will have checked to see if recovery needed to
4254            be performed before opening the database environment.
4255            </summary>
4256        </member>
4257        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepAckTimeout">
4258            <summary>
4259            The amount of time the replication manager's transport function
4260            waits to collect enough acknowledgments from replication group
4261            clients, before giving up and returning a failure indication. The
4262            default wait time is 1 second.
4263            </summary>
4264        </member>
4265        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepBulkTransfer">
4266            <summary>
4267            If true, the replication master sends groups of records to the
4268            clients in a single network transfer
4269            </summary>
4270        </member>
4271        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepCheckpointDelay">
4272            <summary>
4273            The amount of time a master site will delay between completing a
4274            checkpoint and writing a checkpoint record into the log.
4275            </summary>
4276            <remarks>
4277            This delay allows clients to complete their own checkpoints before
4278            the master requires completion of them. The default is 30 seconds.
4279            If all databases in the environment, and the environment's
4280            transaction log, are configured to reside in memory (never preserved
4281            to disk), then, although checkpoints are still necessary, the delay
4282            is not useful and should be set to 0.
4283            </remarks>
4284        </member>
4285        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepClockskewFast">
4286            <summary>
4287            The value, relative to <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepClockskewSlow"/>, of the
4288            fastest clock in the group of sites.
4289            </summary>
4290        </member>
4291        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepClockskewSlow">
4292            <summary>
4293            The value of the slowest clock in the group of sites.
4294            </summary>
4295        </member>
4296        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepConnectionRetry">
4297            <summary>
4298            The amount of time the replication manager will wait before trying
4299            to re-establish a connection to another site after a communication
4300            failure. The default wait time is 30 seconds.
4301            </summary>
4302        </member>
4303        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepDelayClientSync">
4304            <summary>
4305            If true, the client should delay synchronizing to a newly declared
4306            master (defaults to false). Clients configured in this way will remain
4307            unsynchronized until the application calls <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepSync"/>. 
4308            </summary>
4309        </member>
4310        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepElectionRetry">
4311            <summary>
4312            Configure the amount of time the replication manager will wait
4313            before retrying a failed election. The default wait time is 10
4314            seconds. 
4315            </summary>
4316        </member>
4317        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepElectionTimeout">
4318            <summary>
4319            The timeout period for an election. The default timeout is 2
4320            seconds.
4321            </summary>
4322        </member>
4323        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepFullElectionTimeout">
4324            <summary>
4325            An optional configuration timeout period to wait for full election
4326            participation the first time the replication group finds a master.
4327            By default this option is turned off and normal election timeouts
4328            are used. (See the Elections section in the Berkeley DB Reference
4329            Guide for more information.) 
4330            </summary>
4331        </member>
4332        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepHeartbeatMonitor">
4333            <summary>
4334            The amount of time the replication manager, running at a client
4335            site, waits for some message activity on the connection from the
4336            master (heartbeats or other messages) before concluding that the
4337            connection has been lost. When 0 (the default), no monitoring is
4338            performed.
4339            </summary>
4340        </member>
4341        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepHeartbeatSend">
4342            <summary>
4343            The frequency at which the replication manager, running at a master
4344            site, broadcasts a heartbeat message in an otherwise idle system.
4345            When 0 (the default), no heartbeat messages will be sent. 
4346            </summary>
4347        </member>
4348        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepLeaseTimeout">
4349            <summary>
4350            The amount of time a client grants its master lease to a master.
4351            When using master leases all sites in a replication group must use
4352            the same lease timeout value. There is no default value. If leases
4353            are desired, this method must be called prior to calling
4354            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepStartClient"/> or <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepStartMaster"/>.
4355            </summary>
4356        </member>
4357        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrAckPolicy">
4358            <summary>
4359            Specify how master and client sites will handle acknowledgment of
4360            replication messages which are necessary for "permanent" records.
4361            The current implementation requires all sites in a replication group
4362            configure the same acknowledgement policy. 
4363            </summary>
4364            <seealso cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepAckTimeout"/>
4365        </member>
4366        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrLocalSite">
4367            <summary>
4368            The host information for the local system. 
4369            </summary>
4370        </member>
4371        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepMgrRemoteSites">
4372            <summary>
4373            The status of the sites currently known by the replication manager. 
4374            </summary>
4375        </member>
4376        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepNoAutoInit">
4377            <summary>
4378            If true, the replication master will not automatically re-initialize
4379            outdated clients (defaults to false). 
4380            </summary>
4381        </member>
4382        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepNoBlocking">
4383            <summary>
4384            If true, Berkeley DB method calls that would normally block while
4385            clients are in recovery will return errors immediately (defaults to
4386            false).
4387            </summary>
4388        </member>
4389        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepNSites">
4390            <summary>
4391            The total number of sites in the replication group.
4392            </summary>
4393            <remarks>
4394            <para>
4395            This setting is typically used by applications which use the
4396            Berkeley DB library "replication manager" support. (However, see
4397            also <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepHoldElection"/>, the description of the nsites
4398            parameter.)
4399            </para>
4400            </remarks>
4401        </member>
4402        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepPriority">
4403            <summary>
4404            The database environment's priority in replication group elections.
4405            A special value of 0 indicates that this environment cannot be a
4406            replication group master. If not configured, then a default value
4407            of 100 is used.
4408            </summary>
4409        </member>
4410        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepRetransmissionRequestMin">
4411            <summary>
4412            The minimum number of microseconds a client waits before requesting
4413            retransmission.
4414            </summary>
4415        </member>
4416        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepRetransmissionRequestMax">
4417            <summary>
4418            The maximum number of microseconds a client waits before requesting
4419            retransmission.
4420            </summary>
4421        </member>
4422        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepStrict2Site">
4423            <summary>
4424            Replication Manager observes the strict "majority" rule in managing
4425            elections, even in a group with only 2 sites. This means the client
4426            in a 2-site group will be unable to take over as master if the
4427            original master fails or becomes disconnected. (See the Elections
4428            section in the Berkeley DB Reference Guide for more information.)
4429            Both sites in the replication group should have the same value for
4430            this parameter.
4431            </summary>
4432        </member>
4433        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepTransmitLimitGBytes">
4434            <summary>
4435            The gigabytes component of the byte-count limit on the amount of
4436            data that will be transmitted from a site in response to a single
4437            message processed by <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32)"/>.
4438            </summary>
4439        </member>
4440        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepTransmitLimitBytes">
4441            <summary>
4442            The bytes component of the byte-count limit on the amount of data
4443            that will be transmitted from a site in response to a single
4444            message processed by <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32)"/>.
4445            </summary>
4446        </member>
4447        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepTransport">
4448            <summary>
4449            The delegate used to transmit data using the replication
4450            application's communication infrastructure.
4451            </summary>
4452        </member>
4453        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepUseMasterLeases">
4454            <summary>
4455            If true, master leases will be used for this site (defaults to
4456            false). 
4457            </summary>
4458            <remarks>
4459            Configuring this option may result in a 
4460            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LeaseExpiredException"/> when attempting to read entries
4461            from a database after the site's master lease has expired.
4462            </remarks>
4463        </member>
4464        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RunFatalRecovery">
4465            <summary>
4466            If true, catastrophic recovery was run on this environment before
4467            opening it for normal use.
4468            </summary>
4469        </member>
4470        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RunRecovery">
4471            <summary>
4472            If true, normal recovery was run on this environment before opening
4473            it for normal use.
4474            </summary>
4475        </member>
4476        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.SequentialWritePause">
4477            <summary>
4478            The number of microseconds the thread of control will pause before
4479            scheduling further write operations.
4480            </summary>
4481        </member>
4482        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.SetThreadID">
4483            <summary>
4484            A delegate that returns a unique identifier pair for the current 
4485            thread of control.
4486            </summary>
4487            <remarks>
4488            This delegate supports <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.FailCheck"/>. For more
4489            information, see Architecting Data Store and Concurrent Data Store
4490            applications, and Architecting Transactional Data Store
4491            applications, both in the Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide.
4492            </remarks>
4493        </member>
4494        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.SetThreadName">
4495            <summary>
4496            A delegate that formats a process ID and thread ID identifier pair. 
4497            </summary>
4498        </member>
4499        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.SystemMemory">
4500            <summary>
4501            If true, allocate region memory from system shared memory instead of
4502            from heap memory or memory backed by the filesystem. 
4503            </summary>
4504        </member>
4505        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.TempDir">
4506            <summary>
4507            The path of a directory to be used as the location of temporary
4508            files.
4509            </summary>
4510            <remarks>
4511            <para>
4512            The files created to back in-memory access method databases will be
4513            created relative to this path. These temporary files can be quite
4514            large, depending on the size of the database.
4515            </para>
4516            <para>
4517            If no directories are specified, the following alternatives are
4518            checked in the specified order. The first existing directory path is
4519            used for all temporary files.
4520            </para>
4521            <list type="number">
4522            <item>The value of the environment variable TMPDIR.</item>
4523            <item>The value of the environment variable TEMP.</item>
4524            <item>The value of the environment variable TMP.</item>
4525            <item>The value of the environment variable TempFolder.</item>
4526            <item>The value returned by the GetTempPath interface.</item>
4527            <item>The directory /var/tmp.</item>
4528            <item>The directory /usr/tmp.</item>
4529            <item>The directory /temp.</item>
4530            <item>The directory /tmp.</item>
4531            <item>The directory C:/temp.</item>
4532            <item>The directory C:/tmp.</item>
4533            </list>
4534            <para>
4535            Environment variables are only checked if
4536            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.UseEnvironmentVars"/> is true.
4537            </para>
4538            </remarks>
4539        </member>
4540        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ThreadCount">
4541            <summary>
4542            An approximate number of threads in the database environment.
4543            </summary>
4544        </member>
4545        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ThreadIsAlive">
4546            <summary>
4547            A delegate that returns if a thread of control (either a true thread
4548            or a process) is still running.
4549            </summary>
4550        </member>
4551        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.TimeNotGranted">
4552            <summary>
4553            If true, database calls timing out based on lock or transaction
4554            timeout values will throw <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockNotGrantedException"/>
4555            instead of <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockException"/>.
4556            </summary>
4557            <remarks>
4558            If true, this allows applications to distinguish between operations
4559            which have deadlocked and operations which have exceeded their time
4560            limits.
4561            </remarks>
4562        </member>
4563        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.TxnNoSync">
4564            <summary>
4565            If true, Berkeley DB will not write or synchronously flush the log
4566            on transaction commit.
4567            </summary>
4568            <remarks>
4569            This means that transactions exhibit the ACI (atomicity,
4570            consistency, and isolation) properties, but not D (durability); that
4571            is, database integrity will be maintained, but if the application or
4572            system fails, it is possible some number of the most recently
4573            committed transactions may be undone during recovery. The number of
4574            transactions at risk is governed by how many log updates can fit
4575            into the log buffer, how often the operating system flushes dirty
4576            buffers to disk, and how often the log is checkpointed.
4577            </remarks>
4578        </member>
4579        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.TxnNoWait">
4580            <summary>
4581            If true and a lock is unavailable for any Berkeley DB operation
4582            performed in the context of a transaction, cause the operation to 
4583            throw <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockException"/> (or
4584            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockNotGrantedException"/> if configured with
4585            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.TimeNotGranted"/>).
4586            </summary>
4587        </member>
4588        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.TxnSnapshot">
4589            <summary>
4590            If true, all transactions in the environment will be started as if
4591            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig.Snapshot"/> was passed to
4592            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>, and all non-transactional cursors
4593            will be opened as if <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig.SnapshotIsolation"/>
4594            was passed to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Cursor"/>.
4595            </summary>
4596        </member>
4597        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.TxnTimeout">
4598            <summary>
4599            A value, in microseconds, representing transaction timeouts.
4600            </summary>
4601            <remarks>
4602            <para>
4603            All timeouts are checked whenever a thread of control blocks on a
4604            lock or when deadlock detection is performed. As timeouts are only
4605            checked when the lock request first blocks or when deadlock
4606            detection is performed, the accuracy of the timeout depends on how
4607            often deadlock detection is performed.
4608            </para>
4609            <para>
4610            Timeout values specified for the database environment may be
4611            overridden on a per-transaction basis, see
4612            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.SetTxnTimeout(System.UInt32)"/>.
4613            </para>
4614            </remarks>
4615        </member>
4616        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.TxnTimestamp">
4617            <summary>
4618            The recovery timestamp
4619            </summary>
4620        </member>
4621        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.TxnWriteNoSync">
4622            <summary>
4623            If true, Berkeley DB will write, but will not synchronously flush,
4624            the log on transaction commit. 
4625            </summary>
4626            <remarks>
4627            This means that transactions exhibit the ACI (atomicity,
4628            consistency, and isolation) properties, but not D (durability); that
4629            is, database integrity will be maintained, but if the system fails, 
4630            it is possible some number of the most recently committed
4631            transactions may be undone during recovery. The number of
4632            transactions at risk is governed by how often the system flushes
4633            dirty buffers to disk and how often the log is checkpointed.
4634            </remarks>
4635        </member>
4636        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.UseMVCC">
4637            <summary>
4638            If true, all databases in the environment will be opened as if
4639            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.UseMVCC"/> was set.
4640            </summary>
4641            <remarks>
4642            This flag will be ignored for queue databases for which MVCC is not
4643            supported.
4644            </remarks>
4645        </member>
4646        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.UsingCDB">
4647            <summary>
4648            If true, locking for the Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store product
4649            was initialized.
4650            </summary>
4651        </member>
4652        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.UsingLocking">
4653            <summary>
4654            If true, the locking subsystem was initialized.
4655            </summary>
4656        </member>
4657        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.UsingLogging">
4658            <summary>
4659            If true, the logging subsystem was initialized.
4660            </summary>
4661        </member>
4662        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.UsingMPool">
4663            <summary>
4664            If true, the shared memory buffer pool subsystem was initialized.
4665            </summary>
4666        </member>
4667        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.UsingReplication">
4668            <summary>
4669            If true, the replication subsystem was initialized.
4670            </summary>
4671        </member>
4672        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.UsingTxns">
4673            <summary>
4674            If true, the transaction subsystem was initialized.
4675            </summary>
4676        </member>
4677        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Verbosity">
4678            <summary>
4679            Specific additional informational and debugging messages in the
4680            Berkeley DB message output.
4681            </summary>
4682        </member>
4683        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.YieldCPU">
4684            <summary>
4685            If true, Berkeley DB will yield the processor immediately after each
4686            page or mutex acquisition.
4687            </summary>
4688            <remarks>
4689            This functionality should never be used for purposes other than
4690            stress testing.
4691            </remarks>
4692        </member>
4693        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.UseEnvironmentVars">
4694            <summary>
4695            The Berkeley DB process' environment may be permitted to specify
4696            information to be used when naming files; see Berkeley DB File
4697            Naming in the Programmer's Reference Guide for more information.
4698            </summary>
4699        </member>
4700        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats">
4701            <summary>
4702            Statistical information about the replication subsystem
4703            </summary>
4704        </member>
4705        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.CurrentQueuedLogRecords">
4706            <summary>
4707            Log records currently queued. 
4708            </summary>
4709        </member>
4710        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.ClientStartupComplete">
4711            <summary>
4712            Site completed client sync-up. 
4713            </summary>
4714        </member>
4715        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.Status">
4716            <summary>
4717            Current replication status. 
4718            </summary>
4719        </member>
4720        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.NextLSN">
4721            <summary>
4722            Next LSN to use or expect. 
4723            </summary>
4724        </member>
4725        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.AwaitedLSN">
4726            <summary>
4727            LSN we're awaiting, if any. 
4728            </summary>
4729        </member>
4730        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.MaxPermanentLSN">
4731            <summary>
4732            Maximum permanent LSN. 
4733            </summary>
4734        </member>
4735        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.NextPage">
4736            <summary>
4737            Next pg we expect. 
4738            </summary>
4739        </member>
4740        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.AwaitedPage">
4741            <summary>
4742            pg we're awaiting, if any. 
4743            </summary>
4744        </member>
4745        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.DupMasters">
4746            <summary>
4747            # of times a duplicate master condition was detected.
4748            </summary>
4749        </member>
4750        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.EnvID">
4751            <summary>
4752            Current environment ID. 
4753            </summary>
4754        </member>
4755        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.EnvPriority">
4756            <summary>
4757            Current environment priority. 
4758            </summary>
4759        </member>
4760        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.BulkBufferFills">
4761            <summary>
4762            Bulk buffer fills. 
4763            </summary>
4764        </member>
4765        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.BulkBufferOverflows">
4766            <summary>
4767            Bulk buffer overflows. 
4768            </summary>
4769        </member>
4770        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.BulkRecordsStored">
4771            <summary>
4772            Bulk records stored. 
4773            </summary>
4774        </member>
4775        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.BulkBufferTransfers">
4776            <summary>
4777            Transfers of bulk buffers. 
4778            </summary>
4779        </member>
4780        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.ForcedRerequests">
4781            <summary>
4782            Number of forced rerequests. 
4783            </summary>
4784        </member>
4785        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.ClientServiceRequests">
4786            <summary>
4787            Number of client service requests received by this client.
4788            </summary>
4789        </member>
4790        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.ClientServiceRequestsMissing">
4791            <summary>
4792            Number of client service requests missing on this client.
4793            </summary>
4794        </member>
4795        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.CurrentGenerationNumber">
4796            <summary>
4797            Current generation number. 
4798            </summary>
4799        </member>
4800        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.CurrentElectionGenerationNumber">
4801            <summary>
4802            Current election gen number. 
4803            </summary>
4804        </member>
4805        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.DuplicateLogRecords">
4806            <summary>
4807            Log records received multiply. 
4808            </summary>
4809        </member>
4810        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.MaxQueuedLogRecords">
4811            <summary>
4812            Max. log records queued at once. 
4813            </summary>
4814        </member>
4815        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.QueuedLogRecords">
4816            <summary>
4817            Total # of log recs. ever queued. 
4818            </summary>
4819        </member>
4820        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.ReceivedLogRecords">
4821            <summary>
4822            Log records received and put. 
4823            </summary>
4824        </member>
4825        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.MissedLogRecords">
4826            <summary>
4827            Log recs. missed and requested. 
4828            </summary>
4829        </member>
4830        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.MasterEnvID">
4831            <summary>
4832            Env. ID of the current master. 
4833            </summary>
4834        </member>
4835        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.MasterChanges">
4836            <summary>
4837            # of times we've switched masters. 
4838            </summary>
4839        </member>
4840        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.BadGenerationMessages">
4841            <summary>
4842            Messages with a bad generation #. 
4843            </summary>
4844        </member>
4845        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.ReceivedMessages">
4846            <summary>
4847            Messages received and processed. 
4848            </summary>
4849        </member>
4850        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.IgnoredMessages">
4851            <summary>
4852            Messages ignored because this site was a client in recovery.
4853            </summary>
4854        </member>
4855        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.FailedMessageSends">
4856            <summary>
4857            # of failed message sends. 
4858            </summary>
4859        </member>
4860        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.MessagesSent">
4861            <summary>
4862            # of successful message sends. 
4863            </summary>
4864        </member>
4865        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.NewSiteMessages">
4866            <summary>
4867            # of NEWSITE msgs. received. 
4868            </summary>
4869        </member>
4870        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.Sites">
4871            <summary>
4872            Current number of sites we will assume during elections.
4873            </summary>        
4874        </member>
4875        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.Throttled">
4876            <summary>
4877            # of times we were throttled. 
4878            </summary>
4879        </member>
4880        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.Outdated">
4881            <summary>
4882            # of times we detected and returned an OUTDATED condition.
4883            </summary>
4884        </member>
4885        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.DuplicatePages">
4886            <summary>
4887            Pages received multiply. 
4888            </summary>
4889        </member>
4890        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.ReceivedPages">
4891            <summary>
4892            Pages received and stored. 
4893            </summary>
4894        </member>
4895        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.MissedPages">
4896            <summary>
4897            Pages missed and requested. 
4898            </summary>
4899        </member>
4900        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.AppliedTransactions">
4901            <summary>
4902            # of transactions applied. 
4903            </summary>
4904        </member>
4905        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.StartSyncMessagesDelayed">
4906            <summary>
4907            # of STARTSYNC msgs delayed. 
4908            </summary>
4909        </member>
4910        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.Elections">
4911            <summary>
4912            # of elections held. 
4913            </summary>
4914        </member>
4915        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.ElectionsWon">
4916            <summary>
4917            # of elections won by this site. 
4918            </summary>
4919        </member>
4920        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.CurrentWinner">
4921            <summary>
4922            Current front-runner. 
4923            </summary>
4924        </member>
4925        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.ElectionGenerationNumber">
4926            <summary>
4927            Election generation number. 
4928            </summary>
4929        </member>
4930        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.CurrentWinnerMaxLSN">
4931            <summary>
4932            Max. LSN of current winner. 
4933            </summary>
4934        </member>
4935        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.RegisteredSites">
4936            <summary>
4937            # of "registered voters". 
4938            </summary>
4939        </member>
4940        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.RegisteredSitesNeeded">
4941            <summary>
4942            # of "registered voters" needed. 
4943            </summary>
4944        </member>
4945        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.ElectionPriority">
4946            <summary>
4947            Current election priority. 
4948            </summary>
4949        </member>
4950        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.ElectionStatus">
4951            <summary>
4952            Current election status. 
4953            </summary>
4954        </member>
4955        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.ElectionTiebreaker">
4956            <summary>
4957            Election tiebreaker value. 
4958            </summary>
4959        </member>
4960        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.Votes">
4961            <summary>
4962            Votes received in this round. 
4963            </summary>
4964        </member>
4965        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.ElectionTimeSec">
4966            <summary>
4967            Last election time seconds. 
4968            </summary>
4969        </member>
4970        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.ElectionTimeUSec">
4971            <summary>
4972            Last election time useconds. 
4973            </summary>
4974        </member>
4975        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.MaxLeaseSec">
4976            <summary>
4977            Maximum lease timestamp seconds. 
4978            </summary>
4979        </member>
4980        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationStats.MaxLeaseUSec">
4981            <summary>
4982            Maximum lease timestamp useconds. 
4983            </summary>
4984        </member>
4985        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes">
4986            <summary>
4987            Constants representing error codes returned by the Berkeley DB library.
4988            </summary>
4989        </member>
4990        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_BUFFER_SMALL">
4991            <summary>
4992             User memory too small for return. 
4993            </summary>
4994        </member>
4995        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_DONOTINDEX">
4996            <summary>
4997             "Null" return from 2ndary callbk. 
4998            </summary>
4999        </member>
5000        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_FOREIGN_CONFLICT">
5001            <summary>
5002             A foreign db constraint triggered. 
5003            </summary>
5004        </member>
5005        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_KEYEMPTY">
5006            <summary>
5007             Key/data deleted or never created. 
5008            </summary>
5009        </member>
5010        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_KEYEXIST">
5011            <summary>
5012             The key/data pair already exists. 
5013            </summary>
5014        </member>
5015        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK">
5016            <summary>
5017             Deadlock. 
5018            </summary>
5019        </member>
5020        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED">
5021            <summary>
5022             Lock unavailable. 
5023            </summary>
5024        </member>
5025        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_LOG_BUFFER_FULL">
5026            <summary>
5027             In-memory log buffer full. 
5028            </summary>
5029        </member>
5030        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_NOSERVER">
5031            <summary>
5032             Server panic return. 
5033            </summary>
5034        </member>
5035        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_NOSERVER_HOME">
5036            <summary>
5037             Bad home sent to server. 
5038            </summary>
5039        </member>
5040        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_NOSERVER_ID">
5041            <summary>
5042             Bad ID sent to server. 
5043            </summary>
5044        </member>
5045        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_NOTFOUND">
5046            <summary>
5047             Key/data pair not found (EOF). 
5048            </summary>
5049        </member>
5050        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_OLD_VERSION">
5051            <summary>
5052             Out-of-date version. 
5053            </summary>
5054        </member>
5055        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND">
5056            <summary>
5057             Requested page not found. 
5058            </summary>
5059        </member>
5060        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_REP_DUPMASTER">
5061            <summary>
5062             There are two masters. 
5063            </summary>
5064        </member>
5065        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_REP_HANDLE_DEAD">
5066            <summary>
5067             Rolled back a commit. 
5068            </summary>
5069        </member>
5070        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_REP_HOLDELECTION">
5071            <summary>
5072             Time to hold an election. 
5073            </summary>
5074        </member>
5075        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_REP_IGNORE">
5076            <summary>
5077             This msg should be ignored.
5078            </summary>
5079        </member>
5080        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_REP_ISPERM">
5081            <summary>
5082             Cached not written perm written.
5083            </summary>
5084        </member>
5085        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_REP_JOIN_FAILURE">
5086            <summary>
5087             Unable to join replication group. 
5088            </summary>
5089        </member>
5090        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_REP_LEASE_EXPIRED">
5091            <summary>
5092             Master lease has expired. 
5093            </summary>
5094        </member>
5095        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_REP_LOCKOUT">
5096            <summary>
5097             API/Replication lockout now. 
5098            </summary>
5099        </member>
5100        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_REP_NEWSITE">
5101            <summary>
5102             New site entered system. 
5103            </summary>
5104        </member>
5105        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_REP_NOTPERM">
5106            <summary>
5107             Permanent log record not written. 
5108            </summary>
5109        </member>
5110        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_REP_UNAVAIL">
5111            <summary>
5112             Site cannot currently be reached. 
5113            </summary>
5114        </member>
5115        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_RUNRECOVERY">
5116            <summary>
5117             Panic return. 
5118            </summary>
5119        </member>
5120        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_SECONDARY_BAD">
5121            <summary>
5122             Secondary index corrupt. 
5123            </summary>
5124        </member>
5125        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_VERIFY_BAD">
5126            <summary>
5127             Verify failed; bad format. 
5128            </summary>
5129        </member>
5130        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ErrorCodes.DB_VERSION_MISMATCH">
5131            <summary>
5132             Environment version mismatch. 
5133            </summary>
5134        </member>
5135        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.ActiveTransaction">
5136            <summary>
5137            The ActiveTransaction class describes a currently active transaction.
5138            </summary>
5139        </member>
5140        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ActiveTransaction.ID">
5141            <summary>
5142            The transaction ID of the transaction.
5143            </summary>
5144        </member>
5145        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ActiveTransaction.ParentID">
5146            <summary>
5147            The transaction ID of the parent transaction (or 0, if no parent). 
5148            </summary>
5149        </member>
5150        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ActiveTransaction.ProcessID">
5151            <summary>
5152            The process ID of the originator of the transaction.
5153            </summary>
5154        </member>
5155        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ActiveTransaction.ThreadID">
5156            <summary>
5157            The thread of control ID of the originator of the transaction.
5158            </summary>
5159        </member>
5160        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ActiveTransaction.Begun">
5161            <summary>
5162            The current log sequence number when the transaction was begun.
5163            </summary>
5164        </member>
5165        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ActiveTransaction.SnapshotReads">
5166            <summary>
5167            The log sequence number of reads for snapshot transactions. 
5168            </summary>
5169        </member>
5170        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ActiveTransaction.BufferCopiesInCache">
5171            <summary>
5172            The number of MVCC buffer copies created by this transaction that
5173            remain in cache.
5174            </summary>
5175        </member>
5176        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ActiveTransaction.Status">
5177            <summary>
5178            Status of the transaction.
5179            </summary>
5180        </member>
5181        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ActiveTransaction.GlobalID">
5182            <summary>
5183            If the transaction is a prepare transaction, the transaction's
5184            Global ID. Otherwise, the GlobalID contents are undefined. 
5185            </summary>
5186        </member>
5187        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ActiveTransaction.Name">
5188            <summary>
5189            If a name was specified for the transaction, up to the first 50
5190            bytes of that name. 
5191            </summary>
5192        </member>
5193        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.ActiveTransaction.TransactionStatus">
5194            <summary>
5195            The status of an active transaction.
5196            </summary>
5197        </member>
5198        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ActiveTransaction.TransactionStatus.ABORTED">
5199            <summary>
5200            The transaction has been aborted
5201            </summary>
5202        </member>
5203        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ActiveTransaction.TransactionStatus.COMMITTED">
5204            <summary>
5205            The transaction has been committed
5206            </summary>
5207        </member>
5208        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ActiveTransaction.TransactionStatus.PREPARED">
5209            <summary>
5210            The transaction has been prepared
5211            </summary>
5212        </member>
5213        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ActiveTransaction.TransactionStatus.RUNNING">
5214            <summary>
5215            The transaction is running
5216            </summary>
5217        </member>
5218        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig">
5219            <summary>
5220            A class representing configuration parameters for
5221            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/>
5222            </summary>
5223        </member>
5224        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig">
5225            <summary>
5226            A class representing configuration parameters for
5227            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabase"/>
5228            </summary>
5229        </member>
5230        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig">
5231            <summary>
5232            A class representing configuration parameters for <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.Database"/>
5233            </summary>
5234        </member>
5235        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.Env">
5236            <summary>
5237            The Berkeley DB environment within which to create a database.  If 
5238            null, the database will be created stand-alone; that is, it is not
5239            part of any Berkeley DB environment. 
5240            </summary>
5241            <remarks>
5242            The database access methods automatically make calls to the other
5243            subsystems in Berkeley DB, based on the enclosing environment. For
5244            example, if the environment has been configured to use locking, the
5245            access methods will automatically acquire the correct locks when
5246            reading and writing pages of the database.
5247            </remarks>
5248        </member>
5249        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.Priority">
5250            <summary>
5251            The cache priority for pages referenced by the database.
5252            </summary>
5253            <remarks>
5254            The priority of a page biases the replacement algorithm to be more
5255            or less likely to discard a page when space is needed in the buffer
5256            pool. The bias is temporary, and pages will eventually be discarded
5257            if they are not referenced again. This priority is only advisory,
5258            and does not guarantee pages will be treated in a specific way.
5259            </remarks>
5260        </member>
5261        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.CacheSize">
5262            <summary>
5263            The size of the shared memory buffer pool -- that is, the cache.
5264            </summary>
5265            <remarks>
5266            <para>
5267            The cache should be the size of the normal working data set of the
5268            application, with some small amount of additional memory for unusual
5269            situations. (Note: the working set is not the same as the number of
5270            pages accessed simultaneously, and is usually much larger.)
5271            </para>
5272            <para>
5273            The default cache size is 256KB, and may not be specified as less
5274            than 20KB. Any cache size less than 500MB is automatically increased
5275            by 25% to account for buffer pool overhead; cache sizes larger than
5276            500MB are used as specified. The maximum size of a single cache is
5277            4GB on 32-bit systems and 10TB on 64-bit systems. (All sizes are in
5278            powers-of-two, that is, 256KB is 2^18 not 256,000.) For information
5279            on tuning the Berkeley DB cache size, see Selecting a cache size in
5280            the Programmer's Reference Guide.
5281            </para>
5282            </remarks>
5283        </member>
5284        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.ByteOrder">
5285            <summary>
5286            The byte order for integers in the stored database metadata.  The
5287            host byte order of the machine where the Berkeley DB library was
5288            compiled is the default value.
5289            </summary>
5290            <remarks>
5291            <para>
5292            The access methods provide no guarantees about the byte ordering of
5293            the application data stored in the database, and applications are
5294            responsible for maintaining any necessary ordering.
5295            </para>
5296            <para>
5297            If creating additional databases in a single physical file, this
5298            parameter will be ignored and the byte order of the existing
5299            databases will be used.
5300            </para>
5301            </remarks>
5302        </member>
5303        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.SetEncryption(System.String,BerkeleyDB.EncryptionAlgorithm)">
5304            <summary>
5305            Set the password and algorithm used by the Berkeley DB library to
5306            perform encryption and decryption. 
5307            </summary>
5308            <param name="password">
5309            The password used to perform encryption and decryption.
5310            </param>
5311            <param name="alg">
5312            The algorithm used to perform encryption and decryption.
5313            </param>
5314        </member>
5315        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.ErrorPrefix">
5316            <summary>
5317            The prefix string that appears before error messages issued by
5318            Berkeley DB.
5319            </summary>
5320        </member>
5321        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.ErrorFeedback">
5322            <summary>
5323            The mechanism for reporting error messages to the application.
5324            </summary>
5325            <remarks>
5326            <para>
5327            In some cases, when an error occurs, Berkeley DB will call
5328            ErrorFeedback with additional error information. It is up to the
5329            delegate function to display the error message in an appropriate
5330            manner.
5331            </para>
5332            <para>
5333            This error-logging enhancement does not slow performance or
5334            significantly increase application size, and may be run during
5335            normal operation as well as during application debugging.
5336            </para>
5337            <para>
5338            For databases opened inside of Berkeley DB environments, setting
5339            ErrorFeedback affects the entire environment and is equivalent to 
5340            setting <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ErrorFeedback"/>.
5341            </para>
5342            </remarks>
5343        </member>
5344        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.Feedback">
5345            <summary>
5347            </summary>
5348        </member>
5349        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.DoChecksum">
5350            <summary>
5351            If true, do checksum verification of pages read into the cache from
5352            the backing filestore.
5353            </summary>
5354            <remarks>
5355            <para>
5356            Berkeley DB uses the SHA1 Secure Hash Algorithm if encryption is
5357            configured and a general hash algorithm if it is not.
5358            </para>
5359            <para>
5360            If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
5361            </para>
5362            </remarks>
5363        </member>
5364        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.NonDurableTxns">
5365            <summary>
5366            If true, Berkeley DB will not write log records for this database.
5367            </summary>
5368            <remarks>
5369            If Berkeley DB does not write log records, updates of this database
5370            will exhibit the ACI (atomicity, consistency, and isolation)
5371            properties, but not D (durability); that is, database integrity will
5372            be maintained, but if the application or system fails, integrity
5373            will not persist. The database file must be verified and/or restored
5374            from backup after a failure. In order to ensure integrity after
5375            application shut down, the database must be synced when closed, or
5376            all database changes must be flushed from the database environment
5377            cache using either
5378            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Checkpoint"/> or
5379            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.SyncMemPool"/>. All database objects
5380            for a single physical file must set NonDurableTxns, including
5381            database objects for different databases in a physical file.
5382            </remarks>
5383        </member>
5384        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit">
5385            <summary>
5386            Enclose the open call within a transaction. If the call succeeds,
5387            the open operation will be recoverable and all subsequent database
5388            modification operations based on this handle will be transactionally
5389            protected. If the call fails, no database will have been created. 
5390            </summary>
5391        </member>
5392        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.FreeThreaded">
5393            <summary>
5394            Cause the database object to be free-threaded; that is, concurrently
5395            usable by multiple threads in the address space.
5396            </summary>
5397        </member>
5398        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.NoMMap">
5399            <summary>
5400            Do not map this database into process memory.
5401            </summary>
5402        </member>
5403        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.ReadOnly">
5404            <summary>
5405            Open the database for reading only. Any attempt to modify items in
5406            the database will fail, regardless of the actual permissions of any
5407            underlying files. 
5408            </summary>
5409        </member>
5410        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.ReadUncommitted">
5411            <summary>
5412            Support transactional read operations with degree 1 isolation.
5413            </summary>
5414            <remarks>
5415            Read operations on the database may request the return of modified
5416            but not yet committed data. This flag must be specified on all
5417            database objects used to perform dirty reads or database updates,
5418            otherwise requests for dirty reads may not be honored and the read
5419            may block.
5420            </remarks>
5421        </member>
5422        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.Truncate">
5423            <summary>
5424            Physically truncate the underlying file, discarding all previous databases it might have held.
5425            </summary>
5426            <remarks>
5427            <para>
5428            Underlying filesystem primitives are used to implement this flag.
5429            For this reason, it is applicable only to the file and cannot be
5430            used to discard databases within a file.
5431            </para>
5432            <para>
5433            This setting cannot be lock or transaction-protected, and it is an
5434            error to specify it in a locking or transaction-protected
5435            environment.
5436            </para>
5437            </remarks>
5438        </member>
5439        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.UseMVCC">
5440            <summary>
5441            Open the database with support for multiversion concurrency control.
5442            </summary>
5443            <remarks>
5444            This will cause updates to the database to follow a copy-on-write
5445            protocol, which is required to support snapshot isolation. This
5446            settting requires that the database be transactionally protected
5447            during its open and is not supported by the queue format.
5448            </remarks>
5449        </member>
5450        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.#ctor">
5451            <summary>
5452            Instantiate a new DatabaseConfig object
5453            </summary>
5454        </member>
5455        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.PageSize">
5456            <summary>
5457            The size of the pages used to hold items in the database, in bytes.
5458            </summary>
5459            <remarks>
5460            <para>
5461            The minimum page size is 512 bytes, the maximum page size is 64K
5462            bytes, and the page size must be a power-of-two. If the page size is
5463            not explicitly set, one is selected based on the underlying
5464            filesystem I/O block size. The automatically selected size has a
5465            lower limit of 512 bytes and an upper limit of 16K bytes.
5466            </para>
5467            <para>
5468            For information on tuning the Berkeley DB page size, see Selecting a
5469            page size in the Programmer's Reference Guide.
5470            </para>
5471            <para>
5472            If creating additional databases in a single physical file, this
5473            parameter will be ignored and the page size of the existing
5474            databases will be used.
5475            </para>
5476            </remarks>
5477        </member>
5478        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.EncryptionPassword">
5479            <summary>
5480            The password used to perform encryption and decryption.
5481            </summary>
5482        </member>
5483        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.EncryptAlgorithm">
5484            <summary>
5485            The algorithm used to perform encryption and decryption.
5486            </summary>
5487        </member>
5488        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Populate">
5489            <summary>
5490            If true and the secondary database is empty, walk through Primary
5491            and create an index to it in the empty secondary. This operation is
5492            potentially very expensive.
5493            </summary>
5494            <remarks>
5495            <para>
5496            If the secondary database has been opened in an environment
5497            configured with transactions, the entire secondary index creation is
5498            performed in the context of a single transaction.
5499            </para>
5500            <para>
5501            Care should be taken not to use a newly-populated secondary database
5502            in another thread of control until
5503            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig)"/> has returned successfully in
5504            the first thread.
5505            </para>
5506            <para>
5507            If transactions are not being used, care should be taken not to
5508            modify a primary database being used to populate a secondary
5509            database, in another thread of control, until
5510            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig)"/> has returned successfully in
5511            the first thread. If transactions are being used, Berkeley DB will
5512            perform appropriate locking and the application need not do any
5513            special operation ordering.
5514            </para>
5515            </remarks>
5516        </member>
5517        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.ImmutableKey">
5518            <summary>
5519            If true, the secondary key is immutable.
5520            </summary>
5521            <remarks>
5522            <para>
5523            This setting can be used to optimize updates when the secondary key
5524            in a primary record will never be changed after the primary record
5525            is inserted. For immutable secondary keys, a best effort is made to
5526            avoid calling the secondary callback function when primary records
5527            are updated. This optimization may reduce the overhead of update
5528            operations significantly if the callback function is expensive.
5529            </para>
5530            <para>
5531            Be sure to specify this setting only if the secondary key in the
5532            primary record is never changed. If this rule is violated, the
5533            secondary index will become corrupted, that is, it will become out
5534            of sync with the primary.
5535            </para>
5536            </remarks>
5537        </member>
5538        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.#ctor(BerkeleyDB.Database,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryKeyGenDelegate)">
5539            <summary>
5540            Instantiate a new SecondaryDatabaseConfig object, with the default
5541            configuration settings.
5542            </summary>
5543        </member>
5544        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">
5545            <summary>
5546            All updates to Primary will be automatically reflected in the
5547            secondary and all reads from the secondary will return corresponding
5548            data from Primary.
5549            </summary>
5550            <remarks>
5551            Note that as primary keys must be unique for secondary indices to
5552            work, Primary must have been configured with
5553            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.NONE"/>.
5554            </remarks>
5555        </member>
5556        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.KeyGen">
5557            <summary>
5558            The delegate that creates the set of secondary keys corresponding to
5559            a given primary key and data pair. 
5560            </summary>
5561            <remarks>
5562            KeyGen may be null if both
5563            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.ReadOnly">Primary.ReadOnly</see> and
5564            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.ReadOnly"/> are true.
5565            </remarks>
5566        </member>
5567        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig.Renumber">
5568            <summary>
5569            Cause the logical record numbers to be mutable, and change as
5570            records are added to and deleted from the database.
5571            </summary>
5572            <remarks>
5573            <para>
5574            For example, the deletion of record number 4 causes records numbered
5575            5 and greater to be renumbered downward by one. If a cursor was
5576            positioned to record number 4 before the deletion, it will refer to
5577            the new record number 4, if any such record exists, after the
5578            deletion. If a cursor was positioned after record number 4 before
5579            the deletion, it will be shifted downward one logical record,
5580            continuing to refer to the same record as it did before.
5581            </para>
5582            <para>
5583            Using <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Put(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)"/> or <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Put(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.UInt32)"/> to
5584            create new records will cause the creation of multiple records if
5585            the record number is more than one greater than the largest record
5586            currently in the database. For example, creating record 28, when
5587            record 25 was previously the last record in the database, will
5588            create records 26 and 27 as well as 28. Attempts to retrieve records
5589            that were created in this manner will throw a
5590            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException"/>.
5591            </para>
5592            <para>
5593            If a created record is not at the end of the database, all records
5594            following the new record will be automatically renumbered upward by
5595            one. For example, the creation of a new record numbered 8 causes
5596            records numbered 8 and greater to be renumbered upward by one. If a
5597            cursor was positioned to record number 8 or greater before the
5598            insertion, it will be shifted upward one logical record, continuing
5599            to refer to the same record as it did before.
5600            </para>
5601            <para>
5602            For these reasons, concurrent access to a
5603            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase"/> with this setting specified may
5604            be largely meaningless, although it is supported.
5605            </para>
5606            <para>
5607            If the database already exists, this setting must be the same as the
5608            existing database or an exception will be thrown.
5609            </para>
5610            </remarks>
5611        </member>
5612        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig.Snapshot">
5613            <summary>
5614            If true, any <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig.BackingFile"/> file will be read in its
5615            entirety when <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig)"/> is called.
5616            If false, <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig.BackingFile"/> may be read lazily. 
5617            </summary>
5618        </member>
5619        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig.Creation">
5620            <summary>
5621            The policy for how to handle database creation.
5622            </summary>
5623            <remarks>
5624            If the database does not already exist and
5625            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.CreatePolicy.NEVER"/> is set,
5626            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig)"/> will fail.
5627            </remarks>
5628        </member>
5629        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig.BackingFile">
5630            <summary>
5631            The underlying source file for the Recno access method.
5632            </summary>
5633            <remarks>
5634            <para>
5635            The purpose of the source file is to provide fast access and
5636            modification to databases that are normally stored as flat text
5637            files.
5638            </para>
5639            <para>
5640            The source parameter specifies an underlying flat text database file
5641            that is read to initialize a transient record number index. In the
5642            case of variable length records, the records are separated, as
5643            specified by <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig.Delimiter"/>. For example, standard UNIX
5644            byte stream files can be interpreted as a sequence of variable
5645            length records separated by newline characters.
5646            </para>
5647            <para>
5648            In addition, when cached data would normally be written back to the
5649            underlying database file (for example,
5650            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Close"/> or
5651            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Sync"/>), the in-memory copy of the
5652            database will be written back to the source file.
5653            </para>
5654            <para>
5655            By default, the backing source file is read lazily; that is, records
5656            are not read from the file until they are requested by the
5657            application. If multiple processes (not threads) are accessing a
5658            Recno database concurrently, and are either inserting or deleting
5659            records, the backing source file must be read in its entirety before
5660            more than a single process accesses the database, and only that
5661            process should specify the backing source file as part of the
5662            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig)"/> call. See
5663            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig.Snapshot"/> for more information.
5664            </para>
5665            <para>
5666            Reading and writing the backing source file specified by source
5667            cannot be transaction-protected because it involves filesystem
5668            operations that are not part of the Db transaction methodology. For
5669            this reason, if a temporary database is used to hold the records, it
5670            is possible to lose the contents of the source file, for example, if
5671            the system crashes at the right instant. If a file is used to hold
5672            the database, normal database recovery on that file can be used to
5673            prevent information loss, although it is still possible that the
5674            contents of source will be lost if the system crashes.
5675            </para>
5676            <para>
5677            The source file must already exist (but may be zero-length) when 
5678            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig)"/> is called.
5679            </para>
5680            <para>
5681            It is not an error to specify a read-only source file when creating
5682            a database, nor is it an error to modify the resulting database.
5683            However, any attempt to write the changes to the backing source file
5684            using either the <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Sync"/> or
5685            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Close"/> methods will fail, of course.
5686            Use <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Close(System.Boolean)"/> to stop it from
5687            attempting to write the changes to the backing file; instead, they
5688            will be silently discarded.
5689            </para>
5690            <para>
5691            For all of the previous reasons, the source file is generally used
5692            to specify databases that are read-only for Berkeley DB
5693            applications; and that are either generated on the fly by software
5694            tools or modified using a different mechanism ��� for example, a text
5695            editor.
5696            </para>
5697            <para>
5698            If the database already exists, BackingFile must be the same as that
5699            historically used to create the database or corruption can occur.
5700            </para>
5701            </remarks>
5702        </member>
5703        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig.#ctor(BerkeleyDB.Database,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryKeyGenDelegate)">
5704            <summary>
5705            Instantiate a new SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig object
5706            </summary>
5707        </member>
5708        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig.Delimiter">
5709            <summary>
5710            The delimiting byte used to mark the end of a record in
5711            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig.BackingFile"/>.
5712            </summary>
5713            <remarks>
5714            <para>
5715            This byte is used for variable length records if
5716            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig.BackingFile"/> is set. If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig.BackingFile"/> is
5717            specified and no delimiting byte was specified, newline characters
5718            (that is, ASCII 0x0a) are interpreted as end-of-record markers.
5719            </para>
5720            <para>
5721            If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
5722            </para>
5723            </remarks>
5724        </member>
5725        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig.Length">
5726            <summary>
5727            Specify that the records are fixed-length, not byte-delimited, and
5728            are of length Length. 
5729            </summary>
5730            <remarks>
5731            <para>
5732            Any records added to the database that are less than Length bytes
5733            long are automatically padded (see <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig.PadByte"/> for more
5734            information).
5735            </para>
5736            <para>
5737            Any attempt to insert records into the database that are greater
5738            than Length bytes long will cause the call to fail immediately and
5739            return an error. 
5740            </para>
5741            <para>
5742            If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
5743            </para>
5744            </remarks>
5745        </member>
5746        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig.PadByte">
5747            <summary>
5748            The padding character for short, fixed-length records.
5749            </summary>
5750            <remarks>
5751            <para>
5752            If no pad character is specified, space characters (that is, ASCII
5753            0x20) are used for padding.
5754            </para>
5755            <para>
5756            If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
5757            </para>
5758            </remarks>
5759        </member>
5760        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.MultipleDatabaseEntry">
5761            <summary>
5762            A class providing access to multiple <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry"/>
5763            objects.
5764            </summary>
5765        </member>
5766        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.MultipleDatabaseEntry.GetEnumerator">
5767            <summary>
5768            Return an enumerator which iterates over all
5769            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry"/> objects represented by the 
5770            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.MultipleDatabaseEntry"/>.
5771            </summary>
5772            <returns>
5773            An enumerator for the <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.MultipleDatabaseEntry"/>
5774            </returns>
5775        </member>
5776        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.CachePriority">
5777            <summary>
5778            A class to represent cache priority for database pages
5779            </summary>
5780        </member>
5781        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CachePriority.VERY_LOW">
5782            <summary>
5783            The lowest priority: pages are the most likely to be discarded. 
5784            </summary>
5785        </member>
5786        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CachePriority.LOW">
5787            <summary>
5788            The next lowest priority.
5789            </summary>
5790        </member>
5791        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CachePriority.DEFAULT">
5792            <summary>
5793            The default priority.
5794            </summary>
5795        </member>
5796        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CachePriority.HIGH">
5797            <summary>
5798            The next highest priority. 
5799            </summary>
5800        </member>
5801        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CachePriority.VERY_HIGH">
5802            <summary>
5803            The highest priority: pages are the least likely to be discarded.
5804            </summary>
5805        </member>
5806        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.SequenceStats">
5807            <summary>
5808            Statistical information about a Sequence
5809            </summary>
5810        </member>
5811        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SequenceStats.CacheSize">
5812            <summary>
5813            Cache size. 
5814            </summary>
5815        </member>
5816        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SequenceStats.CachedValue">
5817            <summary>
5818            Current cached value. 
5819            </summary>
5820        </member>
5821        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SequenceStats.Flags">
5822            <summary>
5823            Flag value. 
5824            </summary>
5825        </member>
5826        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SequenceStats.LastCachedValue">
5827            <summary>
5828            Last cached value. 
5829            </summary>
5830        </member>
5831        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SequenceStats.LockWait">
5832            <summary>
5833            Sequence lock granted w/o wait. 
5834            </summary>
5835        </member>
5836        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SequenceStats.LockNoWait">
5837            <summary>
5838            Sequence lock granted after wait. 
5839            </summary>
5840        </member>
5841        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SequenceStats.Max">
5842            <summary>
5843            Maximum value. 
5844            </summary>
5845        </member>
5846        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SequenceStats.Min">
5847            <summary>
5848            Minimum value. 
5849            </summary>
5850        </member>
5851        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SequenceStats.StoredValue">
5852            <summary>
5853            Current value in db. 
5854            </summary>
5855        </member>
5856        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabaseConfig">
5857            <summary>
5858            A class representing configuration parameters for
5859            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/>
5860            </summary>
5861        </member>
5862        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabaseConfig.ConsumeInOrder">
5863            <summary>
5864            If true, modify the operation of <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Consume(System.Boolean)"/>
5865            to return key/data pairs in order. That is, they will always return
5866            the key/data item from the head of the queue. 
5867            </summary>
5868            <remarks>
5869            <para>
5870            The default behavior of queue databases is optimized for multiple
5871            readers, and does not guarantee that record will be retrieved in the
5872            order they are added to the queue. Specifically, if a writing thread
5873            adds multiple records to an empty queue, reading threads may skip
5874            some of the initial records when the next
5875            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Consume(System.Boolean)"/> call returns.
5876            </para>
5877            <para>
5878            This setting modifies <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Consume(System.Boolean)"/> to verify
5879            that the record being returned is in fact the head of the queue.
5880            This will increase contention and reduce concurrency when there are
5881            many reading threads.
5882            </para>
5883            </remarks>
5884        </member>
5885        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabaseConfig.Creation">
5886            <summary>
5887            The policy for how to handle database creation.
5888            </summary>
5889            <remarks>
5890            If the database does not already exist and
5891            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.CreatePolicy.NEVER"/> is set,
5892            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabaseConfig)"/> will fail.
5893            </remarks>
5894        </member>
5895        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabaseConfig.Append">
5896            <summary>
5897            A function to call after the record number has been selected but
5898            before the data has been stored into the database.
5899            </summary>
5900            <remarks>
5901            <para>
5902            When using <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Append(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)"/>, it may be useful to
5903            modify the stored data based on the generated key. If a delegate is
5904            specified, it will be called after the record number has been
5905            selected, but before the data has been stored.
5906            </para>
5907            </remarks>
5908        </member>
5909        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabaseConfig.#ctor">
5910            <summary>
5911            Instantiate a new QueueDatabaseConfig object
5912            </summary>
5913        </member>
5914        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabaseConfig.Length">
5915            <summary>
5916            Specify the length of records in the database.
5917            </summary>
5918            <remarks>
5919            <para>
5920            The record length must be enough smaller than
5921            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.PageSize"/> that at least one record plus
5922            the database page's metadata information can fit on each database
5923            page.
5924            </para>
5925            <para>
5926            Any records added to the database that are less than Length bytes
5927            long are automatically padded (see <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabaseConfig.PadByte"/> for more
5928            information).
5929            </para>
5930            <para>
5931            Any attempt to insert records into the database that are greater
5932            than Length bytes long will cause the call to fail immediately and
5933            return an error. 
5934            </para>
5935            <para>
5936            If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
5937            </para>
5938            </remarks>
5939        </member>
5940        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabaseConfig.PadByte">
5941            <summary>
5942            The padding character for short, fixed-length records.
5943            </summary>
5944            <remarks>
5945            <para>
5946            If no pad character is specified, space characters (that is, ASCII
5947            0x20) are used for padding.
5948            </para>
5949            <para>
5950            If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
5951            </para>
5952            </remarks>
5953        </member>
5954        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabaseConfig.ExtentSize">
5955            <summary>
5956            The size of the extents used to hold pages in a
5957            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/>, specified as a number of pages. 
5958            </summary>
5959            <remarks>
5960            <para>
5961            Each extent is created as a separate physical file. If no extent
5962            size is set, the default behavior is to create only a single
5963            underlying database file.
5964            </para>
5965            <para>
5966            For information on tuning the extent size, see Selecting a extent
5967            size in the Programmer's Reference Guide.
5968            </para>
5969            <para>
5970            If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
5971            </para>
5972            </remarks>
5973        </member>
5974        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig">
5975            <summary>
5976            A class representing configuration parameters for
5977            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase"/>
5978            </summary>
5979        </member>
5980        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig.Duplicates">
5981            <summary>
5982            Policy for duplicate data items in the database; that is, insertion
5983            when the key of the key/data pair being inserted already exists in
5984            the database will be successful.
5985            </summary>
5986            <remarks>
5987            <para>
5988            The ordering of duplicates in the database for
5989            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED"/> is determined by the order
5990            of insertion, unless the ordering is otherwise specified by use of a
5991            cursor operation or a duplicate sort function. The ordering of
5992            duplicates in the database for
5993            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED"/> is determined by the
5994            duplicate comparison function. If the application does not specify a
5995            comparison function using 
5996            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig.DuplicateCompare"/>, a default lexical
5997            comparison will be used.
5998            </para>
5999            <para>
6000            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED"/> is preferred to 
6001            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED"/> for performance reasons.
6002            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED"/> should only be used by
6003            applications wanting to order duplicate data items manually.
6004            </para>
6005            <para>
6006            If the database already exists, the value of Duplicates must be the
6007            same as the existing database or an error will be returned.
6008            </para>
6009            </remarks>
6010        </member>
6011        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig.Creation">
6012            <summary>
6013            The policy for how to handle database creation.
6014            </summary>
6015            <remarks>
6016            If the database does not already exist and
6017            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.CreatePolicy.NEVER"/> is set,
6018            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig)"/> will fail.
6019            </remarks>
6020        </member>
6021        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig.HashComparison">
6022            <summary>
6023            The Hash key comparison function.
6024            </summary>
6025            <remarks>
6026            <para>
6027            The comparison function is called whenever it is necessary to
6028            compare a key specified by the application with a key currently
6029            stored in the tree.
6030            </para>
6031            <para>
6032            If no comparison function is specified, the keys are compared
6033            lexically, with shorter keys collating before longer keys.
6034            </para>
6035            <para>
6036            If the database already exists, the comparison function must be the
6037            same as that historically used to create the database or corruption
6038            can occur. 
6039            </para>
6040            </remarks>
6041        </member>
6042        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig.HashFunction">
6043            <summary>
6044            A user-defined hash function; if no hash function is specified, a
6045            default hash function is used. 
6046            </summary>
6047            <remarks>
6048            <para>
6049            Because no hash function performs equally well on all possible data,
6050            the user may find that the built-in hash function performs poorly
6051            with a particular data set.
6052            </para>
6053            <para>
6054            If the database already exists, HashFunction must be the same as
6055            that historically used to create the database or corruption can
6056            occur.
6057            </para>
6058            </remarks>
6059        </member>
6060        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig.DuplicateCompare">
6061            <summary>
6062            The duplicate data item comparison function.
6063            </summary>
6064            <remarks>
6065            <para>
6066            The comparison function is called whenever it is necessary to
6067            compare a data item specified by the application with a data item
6068            currently stored in the database. Setting DuplicateCompare implies 
6069            setting <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig.Duplicates"/> to
6070            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED"/>.
6071            </para>
6072            <para>
6073            If no comparison function is specified, the data items are compared
6074            lexically, with shorter data items collating before longer data
6075            items.
6076            </para>
6077            <para>
6078            If the database already exists when <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig)"/>
6079            is called, the delegate must be the same as that historically used
6080            to create the database or corruption can occur.
6081            </para>
6082            </remarks>
6083        </member>
6084        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig.#ctor">
6085            <summary>
6086            Instantiate a new HashDatabaseConfig object
6087            </summary>
6088        </member>
6089        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig.FillFactor">
6090            <summary>
6091            The desired density within the hash table. If no value is specified,
6092            the fill factor will be selected dynamically as pages are filled. 
6093            </summary>
6094            <remarks>
6095            <para>
6096            The density is an approximation of the number of keys allowed to
6097            accumulate in any one bucket, determining when the hash table grows
6098            or shrinks. If you know the average sizes of the keys and data in
6099            your data set, setting the fill factor can enhance performance. A
6100            reasonable rule computing fill factor is to set it to the following:
6101            </para>
6102            <para>
6103            (pagesize - 32) / (average_key_size + average_data_size + 8)
6104            </para>
6105            <para>
6106            If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
6107            </para>
6108            </remarks>
6109        </member>
6110        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig.TableSize">
6111            <summary>
6112            An estimate of the final size of the hash table.
6113            </summary>
6114            <remarks>
6115            <para>
6116            In order for the estimate to be used when creating the database,
6117            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig.FillFactor"/> must also be set. If the estimate or fill
6118            factor are not set or are set too low, hash tables will still expand
6119            gracefully as keys are entered, although a slight performance
6120            degradation may be noticed.
6121            </para>
6122            <para>
6123            If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
6124            </para>
6125            </remarks>
6126        </member>
6127        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase">
6128            <summary>
6129            A class representing a RecnoDatabase. The Recno format supports fixed-
6130            or variable-length records, accessed sequentially or by logical record
6131            number, and optionally backed by a flat text file. 
6132            </summary>
6133        </member>
6134        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabase">
6135            <summary>
6136            A class representing a secondary Berkeley DB database, a base class for
6137            access method specific classes.
6138            </summary>
6139        </member>
6140        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabase.#ctor(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment,System.UInt32)">
6141            <summary>
6142            Protected construtor
6143            </summary>
6144            <param name="env">The environment in which to open the DB</param>
6145            <param name="flags">Flags to pass to DB->create</param>
6146        </member>
6147        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabase.Config(BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig)">
6148            <summary>
6149            Protected method to configure the DB.  Only valid before DB->open.
6150            </summary>
6151            <param name="cfg">Configuration parameters.</param>
6152        </member>
6153        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig)">
6154            <summary>
6155            Instantiate a new SecondaryDatabase object, open the database
6156            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate the
6157            database with the <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">
6158            primary index</see>. The file specified by
6159            <paramref name="Filename"/> must exist.
6160            </summary>
6161            <remarks>
6162            <para>
6163            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
6164            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
6165            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
6166            be transactionally protected during its open.
6167            </para>
6168            </remarks>
6169            <param name="Filename">
6170            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
6171            database.
6172            </param>
6173            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
6174            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
6175        </member>
6176        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabase.Open(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig)">
6177            <summary>
6178            Instantiate a new SecondaryDatabase object, open the database
6179            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate the
6180            database with the <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">
6181            primary index</see>. The file specified by
6182            <paramref name="Filename"/> must exist.
6183            </summary>
6184            <remarks>
6185            <para>
6186            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null and 
6187            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> is non-null, the database can be
6188            opened by other threads of control and will be replicated to client
6189            sites in any replication group.
6190            </para>
6191            <para>
6192            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
6193            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
6194            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
6195            be transactionally protected during its open.
6196            </para>
6197            </remarks>
6198            <param name="Filename">
6199            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
6200            database.
6201            </param>
6202            <param name="DatabaseName">
6203            This parameter allows applications to have multiple databases in a
6204            single file. Although no DatabaseName needs to be specified, it is
6205            an error to attempt to open a second database in a file that was not
6206            initially created using a database name.
6207            </param>
6208            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
6209            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
6210        </member>
6211        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
6212            <summary>
6213            Instantiate a new SecondaryDatabase object, open the database
6214            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate the
6215            database with the <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">
6216            primary index</see>. The file specified by
6217            <paramref name="Filename"/> must exist.
6218            </summary>
6219            <remarks>
6220            <para>
6221            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
6222            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
6223            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
6224            be transactionally protected during its open.
6225            </para>
6226            </remarks>
6227            <param name="Filename">
6228            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
6229            database.
6230            </param>
6231            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
6232            <param name="txn">
6233            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
6234            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
6235            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
6236            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
6237            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
6238            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
6239            </param>
6240            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
6241        </member>
6242        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabase.Open(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
6243            <summary>
6244            Instantiate a new SecondaryDatabase object, open the database
6245            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate the
6246            database with the <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">
6247            primary index</see>. The file specified by
6248            <paramref name="Filename"/> must exist.
6249            </summary>
6250            <remarks>
6251            <para>
6252            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null and 
6253            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> is non-null, the database can be
6254            opened by other threads of control and will be replicated to client
6255            sites in any replication group.
6256            </para>
6257            <para>
6258            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
6259            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
6260            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
6261            be transactionally protected during its open.
6262            </para>
6263            </remarks>
6264            <param name="Filename">
6265            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
6266            database.
6267            </param>
6268            <param name="DatabaseName">
6269            This parameter allows applications to have multiple databases in a
6270            single file. Although no DatabaseName needs to be specified, it is
6271            an error to attempt to open a second database in a file that was not
6272            initially created using a database name.
6273            </param>
6274            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
6275            <param name="txn">
6276            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
6277            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
6278            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
6279            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
6280            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
6281            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
6282            </param>
6283            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
6284        </member>
6285        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabase.doAssociate(System.IntPtr,System.IntPtr,System.IntPtr,System.IntPtr)">
6286            <summary>
6287            Protected method to call the key generation function.
6288            </summary>
6289            <param name="dbp">Secondary DB Handle</param>
6290            <param name="keyp">Primary Key</param>
6291            <param name="datap">Primary Data</param>
6292            <param name="skeyp">Scondary Key</param>
6293            <returns>0 on success, !0 on failure</returns>
6294        </member>
6295        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabase.doNullify(System.IntPtr,System.IntPtr,System.IntPtr,System.IntPtr,System.Int32@)">
6296            <summary>
6297            Protected method to nullify a foreign key
6298            </summary>
6299            <param name="dbp">Secondary DB Handle</param>
6300            <param name="keyp">Primary Key</param>
6301            <param name="datap">Primary Data</param>
6302            <param name="fkeyp">Foreign Key</param>
6303            <param name="changed">Whether the foreign key has changed</param>
6304            <returns>0 on success, !0 on failure</returns>
6305        </member>
6306        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabase.SecondaryCursor">
6307            <summary>
6308            Create a secondary database cursor.
6309            </summary>
6310            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
6311        </member>
6312        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabase.SecondaryCursor(BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig)">
6313            <summary>
6314            Create a secondary database cursor with the given configuration.
6315            </summary>
6316            <param name="cfg">
6317            The configuration properties for the cursor.
6318            </param>
6319            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
6320        </member>
6321        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabase.SecondaryCursor(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
6322            <summary>
6323            Create a transactionally protected secondary database cursor.
6324            </summary>
6325            <param name="txn">
6326            The transaction context in which the cursor may be used.
6327            </param>
6328            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
6329        </member>
6330        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabase.SecondaryCursor(BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
6331            <summary>
6332            Create a transactionally protected secondary database cursor with
6333            the given configuration.
6334            </summary>
6335            <param name="cfg">
6336            The configuration properties for the cursor.
6337            </param>
6338            <param name="txn">
6339            The transaction context in which the cursor may be used.
6340            </param>
6341            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
6342        </member>
6343        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabase.KeyGen">
6344            <summary>
6345            The delegate that creates the set of secondary keys corresponding to
6346            a given primary key and data pair. 
6347            </summary>
6348        </member>
6349        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig)">
6350            <summary>
6351            Instantiate a new SecondaryRecnoDatabase object, open the
6352            database represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate 
6353            the database with the
6354            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">primary index</see>.
6355            </summary>
6356            <remarks>
6357            <para>
6358            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null, the database is strictly
6359            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
6360            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database
6361            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe.
6362            </para>
6363            <para>
6364            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
6365            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
6366            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
6367            be transactionally protected during its open.
6368            </para>
6369            </remarks>
6370            <param name="Filename">
6371            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
6372            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
6373            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
6374            </param>
6375            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
6376            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
6377        </member>
6378        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig)">
6379            <summary>
6380            Instantiate a new SecondaryRecnoDatabase object, open the
6381            database represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate 
6382            the database with the
6383            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">primary index</see>.
6384            </summary>
6385            <remarks>
6386            <para>
6387            If both <paramref name="Filename"/> and
6388            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> are null, the database is strictly
6389            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
6390            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database 
6391            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe. If
6392            <paramref name="Filename"/> is null and
6393            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> is non-null, the database can be
6394            opened by other threads of control and will be replicated to client
6395            sites in any replication group.
6396            </para>
6397            <para>
6398            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
6399            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
6400            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
6401            be transactionally protected during its open.
6402            </para>
6403            </remarks>
6404            <param name="Filename">
6405            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
6406            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
6407            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
6408            </param>
6409            <param name="DatabaseName">
6410            This parameter allows applications to have multiple databases in a
6411            single file. Although no DatabaseName needs to be specified, it is
6412            an error to attempt to open a second database in a file that was not
6413            initially created using a database name.
6414            </param>
6415            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
6416            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
6417        </member>
6418        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
6419            <summary>
6420            Instantiate a new SecondaryRecnoDatabase object, open the
6421            database represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate 
6422            the database with the
6423            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">primary index</see>.
6424            </summary>
6425            <remarks>
6426            <para>
6427            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null, the database is strictly
6428            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
6429            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database
6430            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe.
6431            </para>
6432            <para>
6433            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but
6434            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation will
6435            be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
6436            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
6437            be transactionally protected during its open. Also note that the
6438            transaction must be committed before the object is closed.
6439            </para>
6440            </remarks>
6441            <param name="Filename">
6442            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
6443            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
6444            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
6445            </param>
6446            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
6447            <param name="txn">
6448            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
6449            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
6450            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
6451            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
6452            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
6453            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
6454            </param>
6455            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
6456        </member>
6457        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
6458            <summary>
6459            Instantiate a new SecondaryRecnoDatabase object, open the
6460            database represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate 
6461            the database with the
6462            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">primary index</see>.
6463            </summary>
6464            <remarks>
6465            <para>
6466            If both <paramref name="Filename"/> and
6467            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> are null, the database is strictly
6468            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
6469            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database 
6470            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe. If
6471            <paramref name="Filename"/> is null and
6472            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> is non-null, the database can be
6473            opened by other threads of control and will be replicated to client
6474            sites in any replication group.
6475            </para>
6476            <para>
6477            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but
6478            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation will
6479            be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
6480            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
6481            be transactionally protected during its open. Also note that the
6482            transaction must be committed before the object is closed.
6483            </para>
6484            </remarks>
6485            <param name="Filename">
6486            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
6487            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
6488            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
6489            </param>
6490            <param name="DatabaseName">
6491            This parameter allows applications to have multiple databases in a
6492            single file. Although no DatabaseName needs to be specified, it is
6493            an error to attempt to open a second database in a file that was not
6494            initially created using a database name.
6495            </param>
6496            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
6497            <param name="txn">
6498            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
6499            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
6500            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
6501            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
6502            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
6503            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
6504            </param>
6505            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
6506        </member>
6507        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.Renumber">
6508            <summary>
6509            If true, the logical record numbers are mutable, and change as
6510            records are added to and deleted from the database.
6511            </summary>
6512        </member>
6513        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.Snapshot">
6514            <summary>
6515            If true, any <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.BackingFile"/> file will be read in its
6516            entirety when <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabaseConfig)"/> is called. If false,
6517            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.BackingFile"/> may be read lazily. 
6518            </summary>
6519        </member>
6520        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.Delimiter">
6521            <summary>
6522            The delimiting byte used to mark the end of a record in
6523            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.BackingFile"/>.
6524            </summary>
6525        </member>
6526        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.Length">
6527            <summary>
6528            If using fixed-length, not byte-delimited records, the length of the
6529            records. 
6530            </summary>
6531        </member>
6532        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.PadByte">
6533            <summary>
6534            The padding character for short, fixed-length records.
6535            </summary>
6536        </member>
6537        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryRecnoDatabase.BackingFile">
6538            <summary>
6539            The underlying source file for the Recno access method.
6540            </summary>
6541        </member>
6542        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats">
6543            <summary>
6544            Statistical information about the transaction subsystem
6545            </summary>
6546        </member>
6547        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats.Aborted">
6548            <summary>
6549            Number of aborted transactions 
6550            </summary>
6551        </member>
6552        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats.Active">
6553            <summary>
6554            Number of active transactions 
6555            </summary>
6556        </member>
6557        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats.Begun">
6558            <summary>
6559            Number of begun transactions 
6560            </summary>
6561        </member>
6562        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats.Committed">
6563            <summary>
6564            Number of committed transactions 
6565            </summary>
6566        </member>
6567        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats.LastCheckpoint">
6568            <summary>
6569            LSN of the last checkpoint 
6570            </summary>
6571        </member>
6572        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats.LastCheckpointTime">
6573            <summary>
6574            Time of last checkpoint 
6575            </summary>
6576        </member>
6577        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats.LastID">
6578            <summary>
6579            Last transaction id given out 
6580            </summary>
6581        </member>
6582        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats.MaxActive">
6583            <summary>
6584            Maximum active transactions 
6585            </summary>
6586        </member>
6587        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats.MaxSnapshot">
6588            <summary>
6589            Maximum snapshot transactions 
6590            </summary>
6591        </member>
6592        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats.MaxTransactions">
6593            <summary>
6594            Maximum txns possible 
6595            </summary>
6596        </member>
6597        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats.RegionLockNoWait">
6598            <summary>
6599            Region lock granted without wait. 
6600            </summary>
6601        </member>
6602        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats.RegionSize">
6603            <summary>
6604            Region size. 
6605            </summary>
6606        </member>
6607        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats.RegionLockWait">
6608            <summary>
6609            Region lock granted after wait. 
6610            </summary>
6611        </member>
6612        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats.Restored">
6613            <summary>
6614            Number of restored transactions after recovery.
6615            </summary>
6616        </member>
6617        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats.Snapshot">
6618            <summary>
6619            Number of snapshot transactions 
6620            </summary>
6621        </member>
6622        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionStats.Transactions">
6623            <summary>
6624            List of active transactions
6625            </summary>
6626        </member>
6627        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.HashCursor">
6628            <summary>
6629            A class for traversing the records of a <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase"/>
6630            </summary>
6631        </member>
6632        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.Cursor">
6633            <summary>
6634            A class representing database cursors, which allow for traversal of 
6635            database records.
6636            </summary>
6637        </member>
6638        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.BaseCursor">
6639            <summary>
6640            <para>
6641            The abstract base class from which all cursor classes inherit.
6642            </para>
6643            <para>
6644            Cursors may span threads, but only serially, that is, the application
6645            must serialize access to the cursor handle.
6646            </para>
6647            </summary>
6648        </member>
6649        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.BaseCursor.dbc">
6650            <summary>
6651            The underlying DBC handle
6652            </summary>
6653        </member>
6654        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseCursor.Compare(BerkeleyDB.Cursor)">
6655            <summary>
6656            Compare this cursor's position to another's.
6657            </summary>
6658            <param name="compareTo">The cursor with which to compare.</param>
6659            <returns>
6660            True if both cursors point to the same item, false otherwise.
6661            </returns>
6662        </member>
6663        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseCursor.Count">
6664            <summary>
6665            Returns a count of the number of data items for the key to which the
6666            cursor refers. 
6667            </summary>
6668            <returns>
6669            A count of the number of data items for the key to which the cursor
6670            refers.
6671            </returns>
6672        </member>
6673        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseCursor.Close">
6674            <summary>
6675            <para>
6676            Discard the cursor.
6677            </para>
6678            <para>
6679            It is possible for the Close() method to throw a
6680            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockException"/>, signaling that any enclosing
6681            transaction should be aborted. If the application is already
6682            intending to abort the transaction, this error should be ignored,
6683            and the application should proceed.
6684            </para>
6685            <para>
6686            After Close has been called, regardless of its result, the object
6687            may not be used again. 
6688            </para>
6689            </summary>
6690            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockException"></exception>
6691        </member>
6692        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseCursor.Dispose">
6693            <summary>
6694            Release the resources held by this object, and close the cursor if
6695            it's still open.
6696            </summary>
6697        </member>
6698        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseCursor.Delete">
6699            <summary>
6700            <para>
6701            Delete the key/data pair to which the cursor refers.
6702            </para>
6703            <para>
6704            When called on a SecondaryCursor, delete the key/data pair from the
6705            primary database and all secondary indices.
6706            </para>
6707            <para>
6708            The cursor position is unchanged after a delete, and subsequent
6709            calls to cursor functions expecting the cursor to refer to an
6710            existing key will fail.
6711            </para>
6712            </summary>
6713            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
6714            Thrown if the element has already been deleted.
6715            </exception>
6716        </member>
6717        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseCursor.GetEnumerator">
6718            <summary>
6719            Returns an enumerator that iterates through the cursor.
6720            </summary>
6721            <returns>An enumerator for the cursor.</returns>
6722        </member>
6723        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.pgsz">
6724            <summary>
6725            Protected member, storing the pagesize of the underlying database.
6726            Used during bulk get (i.e. Move*Multiple).
6727            </summary>
6728        </member>
6729        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Add(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry},BerkeleyDB.Cursor.InsertLocation)">
6730            <summary>
6731            Protected method for BTree and Hash to insert with KEYFIRST and
6732            KEYLAST.
6733            </summary>
6734            <param name="pair">The key/data pair to add</param>
6735            <param name="loc">Where to add, if adding duplicate data</param>
6736        </member>
6737        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.AddUnique(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry})">
6738            <summary>
6739            Protected method for BTree and Hash to insert with NODUPDATA.
6740            </summary>
6741            <param name="pair">The key/data pair to add</param>
6742        </member>
6743        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Insert(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Cursor.InsertLocation)">
6744            <summary>
6745            Protected method for BTree, Hash and Recno to insert with AFTER and
6746            BEFORE.
6747            </summary>
6748            <param name="data">The duplicate data item to add</param>
6749            <param name="loc">
6750            Whether to add the dup data before or after the current cursor
6751            position
6752            </param>
6753        </member>
6754        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Get(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.UInt32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
6755            <summary>
6756            Protected method wrapping DBC->get.
6757            </summary>
6758            <param name="key">The key to retrieve</param>
6759            <param name="data">The data to retrieve</param>
6760            <param name="flags">Modify the behavior of get</param>
6761            <param name="info">The locking configuration to use</param>
6762            <returns>
6763            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
6764            </returns>
6765        </member>
6766        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.GetMultiple(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32,System.UInt32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo,System.Boolean)">
6767            <summary>
6768            Protected method wrapping DBC->get for bulk get.
6769            </summary>
6770            <param name="key">The key to retrieve</param>
6771            <param name="data">The data to retrieve</param>
6772            <param name="BufferSize">Size of the bulk buffer</param>
6773            <param name="flags">Modify the behavior of get</param>
6774            <param name="info">The locking configuration to use</param>
6775            <param name="isMultKey">
6776            If true, use DB_MULTIPLE_KEY instead of DB_MULTIPLE
6777            </param>
6778            <returns>
6779            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
6780            </returns>
6781        </member>
6782        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Put(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.UInt32)">
6783            <summary>
6784            Protected method wrapping DBC->put.
6785            </summary>
6786            <param name="key">The key to store</param>
6787            <param name="data">The data to store</param>
6788            <param name="flags">Modify the behavior of put</param>
6789        </member>
6790        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Add(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry})">
6791            <summary>
6792            Stores the key/data pair in the database.  
6793            </summary>
6794            <remarks>
6795            If the underlying database supports duplicate data items, and if the
6796            key already exists in the database and a duplicate sort function has
6797            been specified, the inserted data item is added in its sorted
6798            location. If the key already exists in the database and no duplicate
6799            sort function has been specified, the inserted data item is added as
6800            the first of the data items for that key. 
6801            </remarks>
6802            <param name="pair">
6803            The key/data pair to be stored in the database.
6804            </param>
6805        </member>
6806        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Delete">
6807            <summary>
6808            Delete the key/data pair to which the cursor refers.
6809            </summary>
6810            <remarks>
6811            <para>
6812            The cursor position is unchanged after a delete, and subsequent
6813            calls to cursor functions expecting the cursor to refer to an
6814            existing key will fail.
6815            </para>
6816            </remarks>
6817            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
6818            The element has already been deleted.
6819            </exception>
6820        </member>
6821        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Duplicate(System.Boolean)">
6822            <summary>
6823            Create a new cursor that uses the same transaction and locker ID as
6824            the original cursor.
6825            </summary>
6826            <remarks>
6827            This is useful when an application is using locking and requires two
6828            or more cursors in the same thread of control.
6829            </remarks>
6830            <param name="keepPosition">
6831            If true, the newly created cursor is initialized to refer to the
6832            same position in the database as the original cursor (if any) and
6833            hold the same locks (if any). If false, or the original cursor does
6834            not hold a database position and locks, the created cursor is
6835            uninitialized and will behave like a cursor newly created by
6836            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Cursor"/>.</param>
6837            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
6838        </member>
6839        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.GetEnumerator">
6840            <summary>
6841            Returns an enumerator that iterates through the
6842            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.Cursor"/>.
6843            </summary>
6844            <remarks>
6845            The enumerator will begin at the cursor's current position (or the
6846            first record if the cursor has not yet been positioned) and iterate 
6847            forwards (i.e. in the direction of <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNext"/>) over the
6848            remaining records.
6849            </remarks>
6850            <returns>An enumerator for the Cursor.</returns>
6851        </member>
6852        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirst">
6853            <summary>
6854            Set the cursor to refer to the first key/data pair of the database, 
6855            and store that pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>. If the first key has
6856            duplicate values, the first data item in the set of duplicates is
6857            stored in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>.
6858            </summary>
6859            <remarks>
6860            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
6861            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
6862            </remarks>
6863            <returns>
6864            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
6865            </returns>
6866        </member>
6867        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirst(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
6868            <summary>
6869            Set the cursor to refer to the first key/data pair of the database, 
6870            and store that pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>. If the first key has
6871            duplicate values, the first data item in the set of duplicates is
6872            stored in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>.
6873            </summary>
6874            <remarks>
6875            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
6876            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
6877            </remarks>
6878            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
6879            <returns>
6880            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
6881            </returns>
6882        </member>
6883        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultiple">
6884            <summary>
6885            Set the cursor to refer to the first key/data pair of the database, 
6886            and store that key and as many duplicate data items that can fit in
6887            a buffer the size of one database page in
6888            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
6889            </summary>
6890            <overloads>
6891            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/> will
6892            contain an empty
6893            <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
6894            </overloads>
6895            <returns>
6896            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
6897            </returns>
6898        </member>
6899        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultiple(System.Int32)">
6900            <summary>
6901            Set the cursor to refer to the first key/data pair of the database, 
6902            and store that key and as many duplicate data items that can fit in
6903            a buffer the size of <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in
6904            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
6905            </summary>
6906            <param name="BufferSize">
6907            The size of a buffer to fill with duplicate data items.  Must be at
6908            least the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of
6909            1024.
6910            </param>
6911            <returns>
6912            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
6913            </returns>
6914        </member>
6915        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultiple(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
6916            <summary>
6917            Set the cursor to refer to the first key/data pair of the database, 
6918            and store that key and as many duplicate data items that can fit in
6919            a buffer the size of one database page in
6920            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
6921            </summary>
6922            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
6923            <returns>
6924            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
6925            </returns>
6926        </member>
6927        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultiple(System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
6928            <summary>
6929            Set the cursor to refer to the first key/data pair of the database, 
6930            and store that key and as many duplicate data items that can fit in
6931            a buffer the size of <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in
6932            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
6933            </summary>
6934            <param name="BufferSize">
6935            The size of a buffer to fill with duplicate data items.  Must be at
6936            least the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of
6937            1024.
6938            </param>
6939            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
6940            <returns>
6941            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
6942            </returns>
6943        </member>
6944        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultipleKey">
6945            <summary>
6946            Set the cursor to refer to the first key/data pair of the database, 
6947            and store that pair and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can fit
6948            in a buffer the size of one database page in
6949            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
6950            </summary>
6951            <returns>
6952            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
6953            </returns>
6954        </member>
6955        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultipleKey(System.Int32)">
6956            <summary>
6957            Set the cursor to refer to the first key/data pair of the database, 
6958            and store that pair and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can fit
6959            in a buffer the size of <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in
6960            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
6961            </summary>
6962            <param name="BufferSize">
6963            The size of a buffer to fill with key/data pairs.  Must be at least
6964            the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of 1024.
6965            </param>
6966            <returns>
6967            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
6968            </returns>
6969        </member>
6970        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultipleKey(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
6971            <summary>
6972            Set the cursor to refer to the first key/data pair of the database, 
6973            and store that pair and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can fit
6974            in a buffer the size of one database page in
6975            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
6976            </summary>
6977            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
6978            <returns>
6979            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
6980            </returns>
6981        </member>
6982        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultipleKey(System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
6983            <summary>
6984            Set the cursor to refer to the first key/data pair of the database, 
6985            and store that pair and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can fit
6986            in a buffer the size of <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in
6987            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
6988            </summary>
6989            <param name="BufferSize">
6990            The size of a buffer to fill with key/data pairs.  Must be at least
6991            the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of 1024.
6992            </param>
6993            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
6994            <returns>
6995            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
6996            </returns>
6997        </member>
6998        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Move(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Boolean)">
6999            <summary>
7000            Set the cursor to refer to <paramref name="key"/>, and store the
7001            datum associated with the given key in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>. In the
7002            presence of duplicate key values, the first data item in the set of
7003            duplicates is stored in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>.
7004            </summary>
7005            <remarks>
7006            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
7007            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
7008            </remarks>
7009            <param name="key">The key at which to position the cursor</param>
7010            <param name="exact">
7011            If true, require the given key to match the key in the database
7012            exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the smallest key greater
7013            than or equal to the specified key, permitting partial key matches
7014            and range searches.
7015            </param>
7016            <returns>
7017            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7018            </returns>
7019        </member>
7020        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Move(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Boolean,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7021            <summary>
7022            Set the cursor to refer to <paramref name="key"/>, and store the
7023            datum associated with the given key in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>. In the
7024            presence of duplicate key values, the first data item in the set of
7025            duplicates is stored in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>.
7026            </summary>
7027            <remarks>
7028            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
7029            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
7030            </remarks>
7031            <param name="key">The key at which to position the cursor</param>
7032            <param name="exact">
7033            If true, require the given key to match the key in the database
7034            exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the smallest key greater
7035            than or equal to the specified key, permitting partial key matches
7036            and range searches.
7037            </param>
7038            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7039            <returns>
7040            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7041            </returns>
7042        </member>
7043        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Move(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry},System.Boolean)">
7044            <summary>
7045            Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair of the database. The
7046            cursor is positioned to a key/data pair if both the key and data
7047            match the values provided on the key and data parameters. 
7048            </summary>
7049            <remarks>
7050            <para>
7051            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
7052            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
7053            </para>
7054            <para>
7055            If this flag is specified on a database configured without sorted
7056            duplicate support, the value of <paramref name="exact"/> is ignored.
7057            </para>
7058            </remarks>
7059            <param name="pair">
7060            The key/data pair at which to position the cursor.
7061            </param>
7062            <param name="exact">
7063            If true, require the given key and data to match the key and data
7064            in the database exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the
7065            smallest data value which is greater than or equal to the value
7066            provided by <paramref name="pair.Value"/> (as determined by the
7067            comparison function).
7068            </param>
7069            <returns>
7070            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7071            </returns>
7072        </member>
7073        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Move(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry},System.Boolean,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7074            <summary>
7075            Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair of the database. The
7076            cursor is positioned to a key/data pair if both the key and data
7077            match the values provided on the key and data parameters. 
7078            </summary>
7079            <remarks>
7080            <para>
7081            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
7082            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
7083            </para>
7084            <para>
7085            If this flag is specified on a database configured without sorted
7086            duplicate support, the value of <paramref name="exact"/> is ignored.
7087            </para>
7088            </remarks>
7089            <param name="pair">
7090            The key/data pair at which to position the cursor.
7091            </param>
7092            <param name="exact">
7093            If true, require the given key and data to match the key and data
7094            in the database exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the
7095            smallest data value which is greater than or equal to the value
7096            provided by <paramref name="pair.Value"/> (as determined by the
7097            comparison function).
7098            </param>
7099            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7100            <returns>
7101            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7102            </returns>
7103        </member>
7104        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveLast">
7105            <summary>
7106            Set the cursor to refer to the last key/data pair of the database, 
7107            and store that pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>. If the last key has
7108            duplicate values, the last data item in the set of duplicates is
7109            stored in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>.
7110            </summary>
7111            <remarks>
7112            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
7113            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
7114            </remarks>
7115            <returns>
7116            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7117            </returns>
7118        </member>
7119        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveLast(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7120            <summary>
7121            Set the cursor to refer to the last key/data pair of the database, 
7122            and store that pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>. If the last key has
7123            duplicate values, the last data item in the set of duplicates is
7124            stored in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>.
7125            </summary>
7126            <remarks>
7127            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
7128            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
7129            </remarks>
7130            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7131            <returns>
7132            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7133            </returns>
7134        </member>
7135        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveMultiple(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Boolean)">
7136            <summary>
7137            Set the cursor to refer to <paramref name="key"/>, and store that 
7138            key and as many duplicate data items associated with the given key that
7139            can fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
7140            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
7141            </summary>
7142            <param name="key">The key at which to position the cursor</param>
7143            <param name="exact">
7144            If true, require the given key to match the key in the database
7145            exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the smallest key greater
7146            than or equal to the specified key, permitting partial key matches
7147            and range searches.
7148            </param>
7149            <returns>
7150            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7151            </returns>
7152        </member>
7153        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveMultiple(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
7154            <summary>
7155            Set the cursor to refer to <paramref name="key"/>, and store that 
7156            key and as many duplicate data items associated with the given key that
7157            can fit in a buffer the size of <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in
7158            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
7159            </summary>
7160            <param name="key">The key at which to position the cursor</param>
7161            <param name="exact">
7162            If true, require the given key to match the key in the database
7163            exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the smallest key greater
7164            than or equal to the specified key, permitting partial key matches
7165            and range searches.
7166            </param>
7167            <param name="BufferSize">
7168            The size of a buffer to fill with duplicate data items.  Must be at
7169            least the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of
7170            1024.
7171            </param>
7172            <returns>
7173            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7174            </returns>
7175        </member>
7176        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveMultiple(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Boolean,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7177            <summary>
7178            Set the cursor to refer to <paramref name="key"/>, and store that 
7179            key and as many duplicate data items associated with the given key that
7180            can fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
7181            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
7182            </summary>
7183            <param name="key">The key at which to position the cursor</param>
7184            <param name="exact">
7185            If true, require the given key to match the key in the database
7186            exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the smallest key greater
7187            than or equal to the specified key, permitting partial key matches
7188            and range searches.
7189            </param>
7190            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7191            <returns>
7192            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7193            </returns>
7194        </member>
7195        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveMultiple(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Boolean,System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7196            <summary>
7197            Set the cursor to refer to <paramref name="key"/>, and store that 
7198            key and as many duplicate data items associated with the given key that
7199            can fit in a buffer the size of <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in
7200            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
7201            </summary>
7202            <param name="key">The key at which to position the cursor</param>
7203            <param name="exact">
7204            If true, require the given key to match the key in the database
7205            exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the smallest key greater
7206            than or equal to the specified key, permitting partial key matches
7207            and range searches.
7208            </param>
7209            <param name="BufferSize">
7210            The size of a buffer to fill with duplicate data items.  Must be at
7211            least the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of
7212            1024.
7213            </param>
7214            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7215            <returns>
7216            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7217            </returns>
7218        </member>
7219        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveMultiple(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry},System.Boolean)">
7220            <summary>
7221            Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair of the database, and
7222            store that key/data pair and as many duplicate data items associated
7223            with the given key that can fit in a buffer the size of one database
7224            page in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>. The cursor is positioned to a
7225            key/data pair if both the key and data match the values provided on
7226            the key and data parameters. 
7227            </summary>
7228            <param name="pair">
7229            The key/data pair at which to position the cursor.
7230            </param>
7231            <param name="exact">
7232            If true, require the given key and data to match the key and data
7233            in the database exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the
7234            smallest data value which is greater than or equal to the value
7235            provided by <paramref name="pair.Value"/> (as determined by the
7236            comparison function).
7237            </param>
7238            <returns>
7239            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7240            </returns>
7241        </member>
7242        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveMultiple(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry},System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
7243            <summary>
7244            Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair of the database, and
7245            store that key/data pair and as many duplicate data items associated
7246            with the given key that can fit in a buffer the size of
7247            <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>. The
7248            cursor is positioned to a key/data pair if both the key and data
7249            match the values provided on the key and data parameters. 
7250            </summary>
7251            <param name="pair">
7252            The key/data pair at which to position the cursor.
7253            </param>
7254            <param name="exact">
7255            If true, require the given key and data to match the key and data
7256            in the database exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the
7257            smallest data value which is greater than or equal to the value
7258            provided by <paramref name="pair.Value"/> (as determined by the
7259            comparison function).
7260            </param>
7261            <param name="BufferSize">
7262            The size of a buffer to fill with duplicate data items.  Must be at
7263            least the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of
7264            1024.
7265            </param>
7266            <returns>
7267            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7268            </returns>
7269        </member>
7270        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveMultiple(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry},System.Boolean,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7271            <summary>
7272            Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair of the database, and
7273            store that key/data pair and as many duplicate data items associated
7274            with the given key that can fit in a buffer the size of one database
7275            page in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>. The cursor is positioned to a
7276            key/data pair if both the key and data match the values provided on
7277            the key and data parameters. 
7278            </summary>
7279            <param name="pair">
7280            The key/data pair at which to position the cursor.
7281            </param>
7282            <param name="exact">
7283            If true, require the given key and data to match the key and data
7284            in the database exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the
7285            smallest data value which is greater than or equal to the value
7286            provided by <paramref name="pair.Value"/> (as determined by the
7287            comparison function).
7288            </param>
7289            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7290            <returns>
7291            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7292            </returns>
7293        </member>
7294        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveMultiple(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry},System.Boolean,System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7295            <summary>
7296            Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair of the database, and
7297            store that key/data pair and as many duplicate data items associated
7298            with the given key that can fit in a buffer the size of
7299            <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>. The
7300            cursor is positioned to a key/data pair if both the key and data
7301            match the values provided on the key and data parameters. 
7302            </summary>
7303            <param name="pair">
7304            The key/data pair at which to position the cursor.
7305            </param>
7306            <param name="exact">
7307            If true, require the given key and data to match the key and data
7308            in the database exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the
7309            smallest data value which is greater than or equal to the value
7310            provided by <paramref name="pair.Value"/> (as determined by the
7311            comparison function).
7312            </param>
7313            <param name="BufferSize">
7314            The size of a buffer to fill with duplicate data items.  Must be at
7315            least the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of
7316            1024.
7317            </param>
7318            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7319            <returns>
7320            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7321            </returns>
7322        </member>
7323        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveMultipleKey(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Boolean)">
7324            <summary>
7325            Set the cursor to refer to <paramref name="key"/>, and store that 
7326            key and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can fit in a buffer the
7327            size of one database page in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
7328            </summary>
7329            <param name="key">The key at which to position the cursor</param>
7330            <param name="exact">
7331            If true, require the given key to match the key in the database
7332            exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the smallest key greater
7333            than or equal to the specified key, permitting partial key matches
7334            and range searches.
7335            </param>
7336            <returns>
7337            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7338            </returns>
7339        </member>
7340        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveMultipleKey(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
7341            <summary>
7342            Set the cursor to refer to <paramref name="key"/>, and store that 
7343            key and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can fit in a buffer the
7344            size of <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in
7345            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
7346            </summary>
7347            <param name="key">The key at which to position the cursor</param>
7348            <param name="exact">
7349            If true, require the given key to match the key in the database
7350            exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the smallest key greater
7351            than or equal to the specified key, permitting partial key matches
7352            and range searches.
7353            </param>
7354            <param name="BufferSize">
7355            The size of a buffer to fill with key/data pairs.  Must be at least
7356            the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of 1024.
7357            </param>
7358            <returns>
7359            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7360            </returns>
7361        </member>
7362        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveMultipleKey(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Boolean,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7363            <summary>
7364            Set the cursor to refer to <paramref name="key"/>, and store that 
7365            key and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can fit in a buffer the
7366            size of one database page in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
7367            </summary>
7368            <param name="key">The key at which to position the cursor</param>
7369            <param name="exact">
7370            If true, require the given key to match the key in the database
7371            exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the smallest key greater
7372            than or equal to the specified key, permitting partial key matches
7373            and range searches.
7374            </param>
7375            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7376            <returns>
7377            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7378            </returns>
7379        </member>
7380        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveMultipleKey(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Boolean,System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7381            <summary>
7382            Set the cursor to refer to <paramref name="key"/>, and store that 
7383            key and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can fit in a buffer the
7384            size of <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in
7385            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
7386            </summary>
7387            <param name="key">The key at which to position the cursor</param>
7388            <param name="exact">
7389            If true, require the given key to match the key in the database
7390            exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the smallest key greater
7391            than or equal to the specified key, permitting partial key matches
7392            and range searches.
7393            </param>
7394            <param name="BufferSize">
7395            The size of a buffer to fill with key/data pairs.  Must be at least
7396            the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of 1024.
7397            </param>
7398            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7399            <returns>
7400            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7401            </returns>
7402        </member>
7403        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveMultipleKey(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry},System.Boolean)">
7404            <summary>
7405            Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair of the database, and
7406            store that key/data pair and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can
7407            fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
7408            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>. The cursor is positioned to a
7409            key/data pair if both the key and data match the values provided on
7410            the key and data parameters. 
7411            </summary>
7412            <param name="pair">
7413            The key/data pair at which to position the cursor.
7414            </param>
7415            <param name="exact">
7416            If true, require the given key and data to match the key and data
7417            in the database exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the
7418            smallest data value which is greater than or equal to the value
7419            provided by <paramref name="pair.Value"/> (as determined by the
7420            comparison function).
7421            </param>
7422            <returns>
7423            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7424            </returns>
7425        </member>
7426        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveMultipleKey(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry},System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
7427            <summary>
7428            Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair of the database, and
7429            store that key/data pair and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can
7430            fit in a buffer the size of <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in
7431            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>. The cursor is positioned to a
7432            key/data pair if both the key and data match the values provided on
7433            the key and data parameters. 
7434            </summary>
7435            <param name="pair">
7436            The key/data pair at which to position the cursor.
7437            </param>
7438            <param name="exact">
7439            If true, require the given key and data to match the key and data
7440            in the database exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the
7441            smallest data value which is greater than or equal to the value
7442            provided by <paramref name="pair.Value"/> (as determined by the
7443            comparison function).
7444            </param>
7445            <param name="BufferSize">
7446            The size of a buffer to fill with key/data pairs.  Must be at least
7447            the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of 1024.
7448            </param>
7449            <returns>
7450            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7451            </returns>
7452        </member>
7453        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveMultipleKey(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry},System.Boolean,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7454            <summary>
7455            Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair of the database, and
7456            store that key/data pair and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can
7457            fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
7458            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>. The cursor is positioned to a
7459            key/data pair if both the key and data match the values provided on
7460            the key and data parameters. 
7461            </summary>
7462            <param name="pair">
7463            The key/data pair at which to position the cursor.
7464            </param>
7465            <param name="exact">
7466            If true, require the given key and data to match the key and data
7467            in the database exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the
7468            smallest data value which is greater than or equal to the value
7469            provided by <paramref name="pair.Value"/> (as determined by the
7470            comparison function).
7471            </param>
7472            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7473            <returns>
7474            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7475            </returns>
7476        </member>
7477        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveMultipleKey(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry},System.Boolean,System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7478            <summary>
7479            Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair of the database, and
7480            store that key/data pair and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can
7481            fit in a buffer the size of <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in
7482            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>. The cursor is positioned to a
7483            key/data pair if both the key and data match the values provided on
7484            the key and data parameters. 
7485            </summary>
7486            <param name="pair">
7487            The key/data pair at which to position the cursor.
7488            </param>
7489            <param name="exact">
7490            If true, require the given key and data to match the key and data
7491            in the database exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the
7492            smallest data value which is greater than or equal to the value
7493            provided by <paramref name="pair.Value"/> (as determined by the
7494            comparison function).
7495            </param>
7496            <param name="BufferSize">
7497            The size of a buffer to fill with key/data pairs.  Must be at least
7498            the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of 1024.
7499            </param>
7500            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7501            <returns>
7502            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7503            </returns>
7504        </member>
7505        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNext">
7506            <summary>
7507            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNext is identical to 
7508            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirst"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor to the next
7509            key/data pair of the database, and store that pair in
7510            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>. In the presence of duplicate key values, the
7511            value of <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current">Current.Key</see> may not change. 
7512            </summary>
7513            <remarks>
7514            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
7515            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
7516            </remarks>
7517            <returns>
7518            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7519            </returns>
7520        </member>
7521        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNext(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7522            <summary>
7523            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNext is identical to 
7524            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirst(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor to
7525            the next key/data pair of the database, and store that pair in
7526            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>. In the presence of duplicate key values, the
7527            value of <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current">Current.Key</see> may not change. 
7528            </summary>
7529            <remarks>
7530            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
7531            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
7532            </remarks>
7533            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7534            <returns>
7535            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7536            </returns>
7537        </member>
7538        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextMultiple">
7539            <summary>
7540            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextMultiple is identical
7541            to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultiple"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor to
7542            the next key/data pair of the database, and store that pair and as
7543            many duplicate data items that can fit in a buffer the size of one
7544            database page in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>. In the presence of
7545            duplicate key values, the value of
7546            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple">CurrentMultiple.Key</see> may not
7547            change. 
7548            </summary>
7549            <returns>
7550            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7551            </returns>
7552        </member>
7553        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextMultiple(System.Int32)">
7554            <summary>
7555            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextMultiple is identical
7556            to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultiple(System.Int32)"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor
7557            to the next key/data pair of the database, and store that pair and
7558            as many duplicate data items that can fit in a buffer the size of
7559            <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>. In
7560            the presence of duplicate key values, the value of
7561            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple">CurrentMultiple.Key</see> may not
7562            change. 
7563            </summary>
7564            <param name="BufferSize">
7565            The size of a buffer to fill with duplicate data items.  Must be at
7566            least the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of
7567            1024.
7568            </param>
7569            <returns>
7570            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7571            </returns>
7572        </member>
7573        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextMultiple(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7574            <summary>
7575            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextMultiple is identical
7576            to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultiple(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)"/>. Otherwise, move the
7577            cursor to the next key/data pair of the database, and store that
7578            pair and as many duplicate data items that can fit in a buffer the
7579            size of one database page in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>. In the
7580            presence of duplicate key values, the value of
7581            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple">CurrentMultiple.Key</see> may not
7582            change. 
7583            </summary>
7584            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7585            <returns>
7586            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7587            </returns>
7588        </member>
7589        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextMultiple(System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7590            <summary>
7591            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextMultiple is identical
7592            to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultiple(System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)"/>. Otherwise,
7593            move the cursor to the next key/data pair of the database, and store
7594            that pair and as many duplicate data items that can fit in a buffer
7595            the size of <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in
7596            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>. In the presence of duplicate key
7597            values, the value of
7598            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple">CurrentMultiple.Key</see> may not
7599            change. 
7600            </summary>
7601            <param name="BufferSize">
7602            The size of a buffer to fill with duplicate data items.  Must be at
7603            least the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of
7604            1024.
7605            </param>
7606            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7607            <returns>
7608            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7609            </returns>
7610        </member>
7611        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextMultipleKey">
7612            <summary>
7613            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextMultipleKey is
7614            identical to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultipleKey"/>. Otherwise, move
7615            the cursor to the next key/data pair of the database, and store that
7616            pair and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can fit in a buffer the
7617            size of one database page in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>. In
7618            the presence of duplicate key values, the keys of
7619            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/> may not change. 
7620            </summary>
7621            <returns>
7622            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7623            </returns>
7624        </member>
7625        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextMultipleKey(System.Int32)">
7626            <summary>
7627            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextMultipleKey is
7628            identical to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultipleKey(System.Int32)"/>. Otherwise,
7629            move the cursor to the next key/data pair of the database, and store
7630            that pair and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can fit in a
7631            buffer the size of <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in
7632            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>. In the presence of duplicate key
7633            values, the keys of <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/> may not change. 
7634            </summary>
7635            <param name="BufferSize">
7636            The size of a buffer to fill with key/data pairs.  Must be at least
7637            the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of 1024.
7638            </param>
7639            <returns>
7640            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7641            </returns>
7642        </member>
7643        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextMultipleKey(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7644            <summary>
7645            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextMultipleKey is
7646            identical to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultipleKey(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)"/>.
7647            Otherwise, move the cursor to the next key/data pair of the
7648            database, and store that pair and as many ensuing key/data pairs
7649            that can fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
7650            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>. In the presence of duplicate key
7651            values, the keys of <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/> may not change. 
7652            </summary>
7653            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7654            <returns>
7655            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7656            </returns>
7657        </member>
7658        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextMultipleKey(System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7659            <summary>
7660            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextMultipleKey is
7661            identical to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultipleKey(System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)"/>.
7662            Otherwise, move the cursor to the next key/data pair of the
7663            database, and store that pair and as many ensuing key/data pairs
7664            that can fit in a buffer the size of <paramref name="BufferSize"/>
7665            in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>. In the presence of duplicate
7666            key values, the keys of <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/> may not
7667            change. 
7668            </summary>
7669            <param name="BufferSize">
7670            The size of a buffer to fill with key/data pairs.  Must be at least
7671            the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of 1024.
7672            </param>
7673            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7674            <returns>
7675            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7676            </returns>
7677        </member>
7678        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextDuplicate">
7679            <summary>
7680            If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record
7681            for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data
7682            pair in the database, and store that pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>.
7683            MoveNextDuplicate will return false if the next key/data pair of the
7684            database is not a duplicate data record for the current key/data
7685            pair.
7686            </summary>
7687            <remarks>
7688            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
7689            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
7690            </remarks>
7691            <returns>
7692            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7693            </returns>
7694        </member>
7695        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextDuplicate(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7696            <summary>
7697            If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record
7698            for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data
7699            pair in the database, and store that pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>.
7700            MoveNextDuplicate will return false if the next key/data pair of the
7701            database is not a duplicate data record for the current key/data
7702            pair.
7703            </summary>
7704            <remarks>
7705            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
7706            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
7707            </remarks>
7708            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7709            <returns>
7710            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7711            </returns>
7712        </member>
7713        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextDuplicateMultiple">
7714            <summary>
7715            If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record
7716            for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data
7717            pair in the database, and store that pair and as many duplicate data
7718            items that can fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
7719            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>. MoveNextDuplicateMultiple will return
7720            false if the next key/data pair of the database is not a duplicate
7721            data record for the current key/data pair.
7722            </summary>
7723            <returns>
7724            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7725            </returns>
7726        </member>
7727        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextDuplicateMultiple(System.Int32)">
7728            <summary>
7729            If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record
7730            for the current key/data pair, then move cursor to the next key/data
7731            pair in the database, and store that pair and as many duplicate data
7732            items that can fit in a buffer the size of
7733            <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
7734            MoveNextDuplicateMultiple will return false if the next key/data
7735            pair of the database is not a duplicate data record for the current
7736            key/data pair.
7737            </summary>
7738            <param name="BufferSize">
7739            The size of a buffer to fill with duplicate data items.  Must be at
7740            least the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of
7741            1024.
7742            </param>
7743            <returns>
7744            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7745            </returns>
7746        </member>
7747        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextDuplicateMultiple(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7748            <summary>
7749            If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record
7750            for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data
7751            pair in the database, and store that pair and as many duplicate data
7752            items that can fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
7753            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>. MoveNextDuplicateMultiple will return
7754            false if the next key/data pair of the database is not a duplicate
7755            data record for the current key/data pair.
7756            </summary>
7757            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7758            <returns>
7759            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7760            </returns>
7761        </member>
7762        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextDuplicateMultiple(System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7763            <summary>
7764            If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record
7765            for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data
7766            pair in the database, and store that pair and as many duplicate data
7767            items that can fit in a buffer the size of
7768            <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
7769            MoveNextDuplicateMultiple will return false if the next key/data
7770            pair of the database is not a duplicate data record for the current
7771            key/data pair.
7772            </summary>
7773            <param name="BufferSize">
7774            The size of a buffer to fill with duplicate data items.  Must be at
7775            least the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of
7776            1024.
7777            </param>
7778            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7779            <returns>
7780            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7781            </returns>
7782        </member>
7783        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextDuplicateMultipleKey">
7784            <summary>
7785            If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record
7786            for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data
7787            pair in the database, and store that pair and as many duplicate data
7788            items that can fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
7789            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>. MoveNextDuplicateMultipleKey will
7790            return false if the next key/data pair of the database is not a
7791            duplicate data record for the current key/data pair.
7792            </summary>
7793            <returns>
7794            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7795            </returns>
7796        </member>
7797        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextDuplicateMultipleKey(System.Int32)">
7798            <summary>
7799            If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record
7800            for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data
7801            pair in the database, and store that pair and as many duplicate data
7802            items that can fit in a buffer the size of
7803            <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
7804            MoveNextDuplicateMultipleKey will return false if the next key/data
7805            pair of the database is not a duplicate data record for the current
7806            key/data pair.
7807            </summary>
7808            <param name="BufferSize">
7809            The size of a buffer to fill with key/data pairs.  Must be at least
7810            the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of 1024.
7811            </param>
7812            <returns>
7813            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7814            </returns>
7815        </member>
7816        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextDuplicateMultipleKey(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7817            <summary>
7818            If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record
7819            for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data
7820            pair in the database, and store that pair and as many duplicate data
7821            items that can fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
7822            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>. MoveNextDuplicateMultipleKey will
7823            return false if the next key/data pair of the database is not a
7824            duplicate data record for the current key/data pair.
7825            </summary>
7826            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7827            <returns>
7828            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7829            </returns>
7830        </member>
7831        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextDuplicateMultipleKey(System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7832            <summary>
7833            If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record
7834            for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data
7835            pair in the database, and store that pair and as many duplicate data
7836            items that can fit in a buffer the size of
7837            <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
7838            MoveNextDuplicateMultipleKey will return false if the next key/data
7839            pair of the database is not a duplicate data record for the current
7840            key/data pair.
7841            </summary>
7842            <param name="BufferSize">
7843            The size of a buffer to fill with key/data pairs.  Must be at least
7844            the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of 1024.
7845            </param>
7846            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7847            <returns>
7848            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7849            </returns>
7850        </member>
7851        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextUnique">
7852            <summary>
7853            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextUnique is identical to 
7854            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirst"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor to the next
7855            non-duplicate key in the database, and store that key and associated
7856            datum in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>. MoveNextUnique will return false if
7857            no non-duplicate key/data pairs exist after the cursor position in
7858            the database. 
7859            </summary>
7860            <remarks>
7861            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
7862            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
7863            </remarks>
7864            <returns>
7865            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7866            </returns>
7867        </member>
7868        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextUnique(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7869            <summary>
7870            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextUnique is identical to 
7871            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirst(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor to
7872            the next non-duplicate key in the database, and store that key and 
7873            associated datum in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>. MoveNextUnique will
7874            return false if no non-duplicate key/data pairs exist after the
7875            cursor position in the database. 
7876            </summary>
7877            <remarks>
7878            <para>
7879            If the database is a Queue or Recno database, MoveNextUnique will
7880            ignore any keys that exist but were never explicitly created by the
7881            application, or those that were created and later deleted.
7882            </para>
7883            <para>
7884            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
7885            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
7886            </para>
7887            </remarks>
7888            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7889            <returns>
7890            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7891            </returns>
7892        </member>
7893        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextUniqueMultiple">
7894            <summary>
7895            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextUniqueMultiple is
7896            identical to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultiple"/>. Otherwise, move the
7897            cursor to the next non-duplicate key in the database, and store that
7898            key and associated datum and as many duplicate data items that can
7899            fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
7900            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>. MoveNextUniqueMultiple will return
7901            false if no non-duplicate key/data pairs exist after the cursor
7902            position in the database. 
7903            </summary>
7904            <returns>
7905            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7906            </returns>
7907        </member>
7908        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextUniqueMultiple(System.Int32)">
7909            <summary>
7910            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextUniqueMultiple is
7911            identical to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultiple(System.Int32)"/>. Otherwise, move
7912            the cursor to the next non-duplicate key in the database, and store
7913            that key and associated datum and as many duplicate data items that
7914            can fit in a buffer the size of <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in
7915            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>. MoveNextUniqueMultiple will return
7916            false if no non-duplicate key/data pairs exist after the cursor
7917            position in the database. 
7918            </summary>
7919            <param name="BufferSize">
7920            The size of a buffer to fill with duplicate data items.  Must be at
7921            least the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of
7922            1024.
7923            </param>
7924            <returns>
7925            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7926            </returns>
7927        </member>
7928        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextUniqueMultiple(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7929            <summary>
7930            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextUniqueMultiple is
7931            identical to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultiple(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)"/>.
7932            Otherwise, move the cursor to the next non-duplicate key in the
7933            database, and store that key and associated datum and as many
7934            duplicate data items that can fit in a buffer the size of one
7935            database page in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
7936            MoveNextUniqueMultiple will return false if no non-duplicate
7937            key/data pairs exist after the cursor position in the database. 
7938            </summary>
7939            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7940            <returns>
7941            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7942            </returns>
7943        </member>
7944        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextUniqueMultiple(System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
7945            <summary>
7946            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextUniqueMultiple is
7947            identical to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultiple(System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)"/>.
7948            Otherwise, move the cursor to the next non-duplicate key in the
7949            database, and store that key and associated datum and as many
7950            duplicate data items that can fit in a buffer the size of
7951            <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
7952            MoveNextUniqueMultiple will return false if no non-duplicate
7953            key/data pairs exist after the cursor position in the database. 
7954            </summary>
7955            <param name="BufferSize">
7956            The size of a buffer to fill with duplicate data items.  Must be at
7957            least the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of
7958            1024.
7959            </param>
7960            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
7961            <returns>
7962            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7963            </returns>
7964        </member>
7965        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextUniqueMultipleKey">
7966            <summary>
7967            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextUniqueMultipleKey is
7968            identical to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultipleKey"/>. Otherwise, move
7969            the cursor to the next non-duplicate key in the database, and store
7970            that key and associated datum and as many ensuing key/data pairs
7971            that can fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
7972            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>. MoveNextUniqueMultipleKey will
7973            return false if no non-duplicate key/data pairs exist after the
7974            cursor position in the database. 
7975            </summary>
7976            <returns>
7977            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7978            </returns>
7979        </member>
7980        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextUniqueMultipleKey(System.Int32)">
7981            <summary>
7982            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextUniqueMultipleKey is
7983            identical to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultipleKey(System.Int32)"/>. Otherwise,
7984            move the cursor to the next non-duplicate key in the database, and
7985            store that key and associated datum and as many ensuing key/data
7986            pairs that can fit in a buffer the size of
7987            <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
7988            MoveNextUniqueMultipleKey will return false if no non-duplicate
7989            key/data pairs exist after the cursor position in the database. 
7990            </summary>
7991            <param name="BufferSize">
7992            The size of a buffer to fill with key/data pairs.  Must be at least
7993            the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of 1024.
7994            </param>
7995            <returns>
7996            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
7997            </returns>
7998        </member>
7999        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextUniqueMultipleKey(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
8000            <summary>
8001            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextUniqueMultipleKey is
8002            identical to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultipleKey(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)"/>.
8003            Otherwise, move the cursor to the next non-duplicate key in the
8004            database, and store that key and associated datum and as many
8005            ensuing key/data pairs that can fit in a buffer the size of one
8006            database page in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
8007            MoveNextUniqueMultipleKey will return false if no non-duplicate
8008            key/data pairs exist after the cursor position in the database. 
8009            </summary>
8010            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
8011            <returns>
8012            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8013            </returns>
8014        </member>
8015        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNextUniqueMultipleKey(System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
8016            <summary>
8017            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextUniqueMultipleKey is
8018            identical to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveFirstMultipleKey(System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)"/>.
8019            Otherwise, move the cursor to the next non-duplicate key in the
8020            database, and store that key and associated datum and as many
8021            ensuing key/data pairs that can fit in a buffer the size of
8022            <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
8023            MoveNextUniqueMultipleKey will return false if no non-duplicate
8024            key/data pairs exist after the cursor position in the database. 
8025            </summary>
8026            <param name="BufferSize">
8027            The size of a buffer to fill with key/data pairs.  Must be at least
8028            the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of 1024.
8029            </param>
8030            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
8031            <returns>
8032            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8033            </returns>
8034        </member>
8035        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MovePrev">
8036            <summary>
8037            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MovePrev is identical to 
8038            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveLast"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor to the previous
8039            key/data pair of the database, and store that pair in
8040            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>. In the presence of duplicate key values, the
8041            value of <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current">Current.Key</see> may not change. 
8042            </summary>
8043            <remarks>
8044            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
8045            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
8046            </remarks>
8047            <returns>
8048            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8049            </returns>
8050        </member>
8051        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MovePrev(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
8052            <summary>
8053            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MovePrev is identical to 
8054            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveLast(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor to
8055            the previous key/data pair of the database, and store that pair in
8056            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>. In the presence of duplicate key values, the
8057            value of <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current">Current.Key</see> may not change. 
8058            </summary>
8059            <remarks>
8060            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
8061            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
8062            </remarks>
8063            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
8064            <returns>
8065            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8066            </returns>
8067        </member>
8068        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MovePrevDuplicate">
8069            <summary>
8070            If the previous key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data
8071            record for the current key/data pair, the cursor is moved to the
8072            previous key/data pair of the database, and that pair is stored in
8073            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>. MovePrevDuplicate will return false if the
8074            previous key/data pair of the database is not a duplicate data
8075            record for the current key/data pair.
8076            </summary>
8077            <remarks>
8078            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
8079            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
8080            </remarks>
8081            <returns>
8082            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8083            </returns>
8084        </member>
8085        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MovePrevDuplicate(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
8086            <summary>
8087            If the previous key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data
8088            record for the current key/data pair, the cursor is moved to the
8089            previous key/data pair of the database, and that pair is stored in
8090            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>. MovePrevDuplicate will return false if the
8091            previous key/data pair of the database is not a duplicate data
8092            record for the current key/data pair.
8093            </summary>
8094            <remarks>
8095            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
8096            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
8097            </remarks>
8098            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
8099            <returns>
8100            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8101            </returns>
8102        </member>
8103        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MovePrevUnique">
8104            <summary>
8105            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MovePrevUnique is identical to 
8106            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveLast"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor to the previous
8107            non-duplicate key in the database, and store that key and associated
8108            datum in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>. MovePrevUnique will return false if
8109            no non-duplicate key/data pairs exist after the cursor position in
8110            the database. 
8111            </summary>
8112            <remarks>
8113            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
8114            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
8115            </remarks>
8116            <returns>
8117            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8118            </returns>
8119        </member>
8120        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MovePrevUnique(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
8121            <summary>
8122            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MovePrevUnique is identical to 
8123            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveLast(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor to
8124            the previous non-duplicate key in the database, and store that key
8125            and associated datum in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>. MovePrevUnique will
8126            return false if no non-duplicate key/data pairs exist after the
8127            cursor position in the database. 
8128            </summary>
8129            <remarks>
8130            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
8131            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
8132            </remarks>
8133            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
8134            <returns>
8135            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8136            </returns>
8137        </member>
8138        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Overwrite(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)">
8139            <summary>
8140            Overwrite the data of the key/data pair to which the cursor refers
8141            with the specified data item.
8142            </summary>
8143            <param name="data"></param>
8144        </member>
8145        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Refresh">
8146            <summary>
8147            Store the key/data pair to which the cursor refers in
8148            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>.
8149            </summary>
8150            <remarks>
8151            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
8152            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
8153            </remarks>
8154            <returns>
8155            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8156            </returns>
8157        </member>
8158        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Refresh(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
8159            <summary>
8160            Store the key/data pair to which the cursor refers in
8161            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>.
8162            </summary>
8163            <remarks>
8164            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/> will contain
8165            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
8166            </remarks>
8167            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
8168            <returns>
8169            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8170            </returns>
8171        </member>
8172        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.RefreshMultiple">
8173            <summary>
8174            Store the key/data pair to which the cursor refers and as many
8175            duplicate data items that can fit in a buffer the size of one
8176            database page in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
8177            </summary>
8178            <returns>
8179            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8180            </returns>
8181        </member>
8182        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.RefreshMultiple(System.Int32)">
8183            <summary>
8184            Store the key/data pair to which the cursor refers and as many
8185            duplicate data items that can fit in a buffer the size of
8186            <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
8187            </summary>
8188            <param name="BufferSize">
8189            The size of a buffer to fill with duplicate data items.  Must be at
8190            least the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of
8191            1024.
8192            </param>
8193            <returns>
8194            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8195            </returns>
8196        </member>
8197        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.RefreshMultiple(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
8198            <summary>
8199            Store the key/data pair to which the cursor refers and as many
8200            duplicate data items that can fit in a buffer the size of one
8201            database page in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
8202            </summary>
8203            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
8204            <returns>
8205            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8206            </returns>
8207        </member>
8208        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.RefreshMultiple(System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
8209            <summary>
8210            Store the key/data pair to which the cursor refers and as many
8211            duplicate data items that can fit in a buffer the size of
8212            <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
8213            </summary>
8214            <param name="BufferSize">
8215            The size of a buffer to fill with duplicate data items.  Must be at
8216            least the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of
8217            1024.
8218            </param>
8219            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
8220            <returns>
8221            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8222            </returns>
8223        </member>
8224        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.RefreshMultipleKey">
8225            <summary>
8226            Store the key/data pair to which the cursor refers and as many
8227            ensuing key/data pairs that can fit in a buffer the size of one
8228            database page in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
8229            </summary>
8230            <returns>
8231            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8232            </returns>
8233        </member>
8234        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.RefreshMultipleKey(System.Int32)">
8235            <summary>
8236            Store the key/data pair to which the cursor refers and as many
8237            ensuing key/data pairs that can fit in a buffer the size of
8238            <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
8239            </summary>
8240            <param name="BufferSize">
8241            The size of a buffer to fill with key/data pairs.  Must be at least
8242            the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of 1024.
8243            </param>
8244            <returns>
8245            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8246            </returns>
8247        </member>
8248        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.RefreshMultipleKey(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
8249            <summary>
8250            Store the key/data pair to which the cursor refers and as many
8251            ensuing key/data pairs that can fit in a buffer the size of one
8252            database page in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
8253            </summary>
8254            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
8255            <returns>
8256            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8257            </returns>
8258        </member>
8259        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.RefreshMultipleKey(System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
8260            <summary>
8261            Store the key/data pair to which the cursor refers and as many
8262            ensuing key/data pairs that can fit in a buffer the size of
8263            <paramref name="BufferSize"/> in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
8264            </summary>
8265            <param name="BufferSize">
8266            The size of a buffer to fill with key/data pairs.  Must be at least
8267            the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of 1024.
8268            </param>
8269            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
8270            <returns>
8271            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
8272            </returns>
8273        </member>
8274        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current">
8275            <summary>
8276            The key/data pair at which the cursor currently points.
8277            </summary>
8278            <remarks>
8279            Only one of <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/> and
8280            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/> will ever be non-empty.
8281            </remarks>
8282        </member>
8283        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple">
8284            <summary>
8285            The key and multiple data items at which the cursor currently
8286            points.
8287            </summary>
8288            <remarks>
8289            Only one of <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/> and
8290            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/> will ever be non-empty.
8291            </remarks>
8292        </member>
8293        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey">
8294            <summary>
8295            The multiple key and data items at which the cursor currently
8296            points.
8297            </summary>
8298            <remarks>
8299            Only one of <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/> and
8300            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/> will ever be non-empty.
8301            </remarks>
8302        </member>
8303        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Priority">
8304            <summary>
8305            The cache priority for pages referenced by the cursor.
8306            </summary>
8307            <remarks>
8308            The priority of a page biases the replacement algorithm to be more
8309            or less likely to discard a page when space is needed in the buffer
8310            pool. The bias is temporary, and pages will eventually be discarded
8311            if they are not referenced again. The setting is only advisory, and
8312            does not guarantee pages will be treated in a specific way.
8313            </remarks>
8314        </member>
8315        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.InsertLocation">
8316            <summary>
8317            Specifies where to place duplicate data elements of the key to which
8318            the cursor refers.
8319            </summary>
8320        </member>
8321        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.InsertLocation.AFTER">
8322            <summary>
8323            The new element appears immediately after the current cursor
8324            position.
8325            </summary>
8326        </member>
8327        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.InsertLocation.BEFORE">
8328            <summary>
8329            The new element appears immediately before the current cursor
8330            position.
8331            </summary>
8332        </member>
8333        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.InsertLocation.FIRST">
8334            <summary>
8335            The new element appears as the first of the data items for the 
8336            given key
8337            </summary>
8338        </member>
8339        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.InsertLocation.LAST">
8340            <summary>
8341            The new element appears as the last of the data items for the 
8342            given key
8343            </summary>
8344        </member>
8345        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashCursor.Duplicate(System.Boolean)">
8346            <summary>
8347            Create a new cursor that uses the same transaction and locker ID as
8348            the original cursor.
8349            </summary>
8350            <remarks>
8351            This is useful when an application is using locking and requires two
8352            or more cursors in the same thread of control.
8353            </remarks>
8354            <param name="keepPosition">
8355            If true, the newly created cursor is initialized to refer to the
8356            same position in the database as the original cursor (if any) and
8357            hold the same locks (if any). If false, or the original cursor does
8358            not hold a database position and locks, the created cursor is
8359            uninitialized and will behave like a cursor newly created by
8360            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.Cursor"/>.</param>
8361            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
8362        </member>
8363        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashCursor.Insert(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Cursor.InsertLocation)">
8364            <summary>
8365            Insert the data element as a duplicate element of the key to which
8366            the cursor refers.
8367            </summary>
8368            <param name="data">The data element to insert</param>
8369            <param name="loc">
8370            Specify whether to insert the data item immediately before or
8371            immediately after the cursor's current position.
8372            </param>
8373        </member>
8374        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashCursor.AddUnique(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry})">
8375            <summary>
8376            Insert the specified key/data pair into the database, unless a
8377            key/data pair comparing equally to it already exists in the
8378            database.
8379            </summary>
8380            <param name="pair">The key/data pair to be inserted</param>
8381            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyExistException">
8382            Thrown if a matching key/data pair already exists in the database.
8383            </exception>
8384        </member>
8385        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.HashCursor.Add(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry},BerkeleyDB.Cursor.InsertLocation)">
8386            <summary>
8387            Insert the specified key/data pair into the database.
8388            </summary>
8389            <param name="pair">The key/data pair to be inserted</param>
8390            <param name="loc">
8391            If the key already exists in the database and no duplicate sort
8392            function has been specified, specify whether the inserted data item
8393            is added as the first or the last of the data items for that key. 
8394            </param>
8395        </member>
8396        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.Transaction">
8397            <summary>
8398            A class representing Berkeley DB transactions
8399            </summary>
8400            <remarks>
8401            <para>
8402            Calling <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.Abort"/>,
8403            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.Commit"/> or
8404            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.Discard"/> will release the resources held by
8405            the created object.
8406            </para>
8407            <para>
8408            Transactions may only span threads if they do so serially; that is,
8409            each transaction must be active in only a single thread of control
8410            at a time. This restriction holds for parents of nested transactions
8411            as well; no two children may be concurrently active in more than one
8412            thread of control at any one time.
8413            </para>
8414            <para>
8415            Cursors may not span transactions; that is, each cursor must be
8416            opened and closed within a single transaction.
8417            </para>
8418            <para>
8419            A parent transaction may not issue any Berkeley DB operations ���
8420            except for <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>, 
8421            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.Abort"/>and <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.Commit"/>
8422            ��� while it has active child transactions (child transactions that
8423            have not yet been committed or aborted).
8424            </para>
8425            </remarks>
8426        </member>
8427        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.GlobalIdLength">
8428            <summary>
8429            The size of the global transaction ID
8430            </summary>
8431        </member>
8432        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.Abort">
8433            <summary>
8434            Cause an abnormal termination of the transaction.
8435            </summary>
8436            <remarks>
8437            <para>
8438            Before Abort returns, any locks held by the transaction will have
8439            been released.
8440            </para>
8441            <para>
8442            In the case of nested transactions, aborting a parent transaction
8443            causes all children (unresolved or not) of the parent transaction to
8444            be aborted.
8445            </para>
8446            <para>
8447            All cursors opened within the transaction must be closed before the
8448            transaction is aborted.
8449            </para>
8450            </remarks>
8451        </member>
8452        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.Commit">
8453            <summary>
8454            End the transaction.
8455            </summary>
8456            <overloads>
8457            <para>
8458            In the case of nested transactions, if the transaction is a parent
8459            transaction, committing the parent transaction causes all unresolved
8460            children of the parent to be committed. In the case of nested
8461            transactions, if the transaction is a child transaction, its locks
8462            are not released, but are acquired by its parent. Although the
8463            commit of the child transaction will succeed, the actual resolution
8464            of the child transaction is postponed until the parent transaction
8465            is committed or aborted; that is, if its parent transaction commits,
8466            it will be committed; and if its parent transaction aborts, it will
8467            be aborted.
8468            </para>
8469            <para>
8470            All cursors opened within the transaction must be closed before the
8471            transaction is committed.
8472            </para>
8473            </overloads>
8474        </member>
8475        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.Commit(System.Boolean)">
8476            <summary>
8477            End the transaction.
8478            </summary>
8479            <remarks>
8480            Synchronously flushing the log is the default for Berkeley DB
8481            environments unless
8482            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.TxnNoSync"/> was specified.
8483            Synchronous log flushing may also be set or unset for a single
8484            transaction using
8485            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>. The
8486            value of <paramref name="syncLog"/> overrides both of those
8487            settings.
8488            </remarks>
8489            <param name="syncLog">If true, synchronously flush the log.</param>
8490        </member>
8491        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.Discard">
8492            <summary>
8493            Free up all the per-process resources associated with the specified
8494            Transaction instance, neither committing nor aborting the
8495            transaction.
8496            </summary>
8497            <remarks>
8498            This call may be used only after calls to
8499            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Recover(System.UInt32,System.Boolean)"/> when there are multiple
8500            global transaction managers recovering transactions in a single
8501            Berkeley DB environment. Any transactions returned by 
8502            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Recover(System.UInt32,System.Boolean)"/> that are not handled by
8503            the current global transaction manager should be discarded using 
8504            Discard.
8505            </remarks>
8506        </member>
8507        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.Prepare(System.Byte[])">
8508            <summary>
8509            Initiate the beginning of a two-phase commit.
8510            </summary>
8511            <remarks>
8512            <para>
8513            In a distributed transaction environment, Berkeley DB can be used as
8514            a local transaction manager. In this case, the distributed
8515            transaction manager must send prepare messages to each local
8516            manager. The local manager must then call Prepare and await its
8517            successful return before responding to the distributed transaction
8518            manager. Only after the distributed transaction manager receives
8519            successful responses from all of its prepare messages should it
8520            issue any commit messages.
8521            </para>
8522            <para>
8523            In the case of nested transactions, preparing the parent causes all
8524            unresolved children of the parent transaction to be committed. Child
8525            transactions should never be explicitly prepared. Their fate will be
8526            resolved along with their parent's during global recovery.
8527            </para>
8528            </remarks>
8529            <param name="globalId">
8530            The global transaction ID by which this transaction will be known.
8531            This global transaction ID will be returned in calls to 
8532            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Recover(System.UInt32,System.Boolean)"/> telling the
8533            application which global transactions must be resolved.
8534            </param>
8535        </member>
8536        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.SetLockTimeout(System.UInt32)">
8537            <summary>
8538            Set the timeout value for locks for this transaction. 
8539            </summary>
8540            <remarks>
8541            <para>
8542            Timeouts are checked whenever a thread of control blocks on a lock
8543            or when deadlock detection is performed. This timeout is for any
8544            single lock request. As timeouts are only checked when the lock
8545            request first blocks or when deadlock detection is performed, the
8546            accuracy of the timeout depends on how often deadlock detection is
8547            performed.
8548            </para>
8549            <para>
8550            Timeout values may be specified for the database environment as a
8551            whole. See <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.LockTimeout"/> for more
8552            information. 
8553            </para>
8554            </remarks>
8555            <param name="timeout">
8556            An unsigned 32-bit number of microseconds, limiting the maximum
8557            timeout to roughly 71 minutes. A value of 0 disables timeouts for
8558            the transaction.
8559            </param>
8560        </member>
8561        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.SetTxnTimeout(System.UInt32)">
8562            <summary>
8563            Set the timeout value for transactions for this transaction. 
8564            </summary>
8565            <remarks>
8566            <para>
8567            Timeouts are checked whenever a thread of control blocks on a lock
8568            or when deadlock detection is performed. This timeout is for the
8569            life of the transaction. As timeouts are only checked when the lock
8570            request first blocks or when deadlock detection is performed, the
8571            accuracy of the timeout depends on how often deadlock detection is
8572            performed. 
8573            </para>
8574            <para>
8575            Timeout values may be specified for the database environment as a
8576            whole. See <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.TxnTimeout"/> for more
8577            information. 
8578            </para>
8579            </remarks>
8580            <param name="timeout">
8581            An unsigned 32-bit number of microseconds, limiting the maximum
8582            timeout to roughly 71 minutes. A value of 0 disables timeouts for
8583            the transaction.
8584            </param>
8585        </member>
8586        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.Id">
8587            <summary>
8588            The unique transaction id associated with this transaction.
8589            </summary>
8590        </member>
8591        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.Name">
8592            <summary>
8593            The transaction's name. The name is returned by
8594            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.TransactionSystemStats"/>
8595            and displayed by
8596            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintTransactionSystemStats"/>.
8597            </summary>
8598            <remarks>
8599            If the database environment has been configured for logging and the
8600            Berkeley DB library was built in Debug mode (or with DIAGNOSTIC
8601            defined), a debugging log record is written including the
8602            transaction ID and the name.
8603            </remarks>
8604        </member>
8605        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase">
8606            <summary>
8607            A class representing a QueueDatabase. The Queue format supports fast
8608            access to fixed-length records accessed sequentially or by logical
8609            record number.
8610            </summary>
8611        </member>
8612        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabaseConfig)">
8613            <summary>
8614            Instantiate a new QueueDatabase object and open the database
8615            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/>.
8616            </summary>
8617            <remarks>
8618            <para>
8619            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null, the database is strictly
8620            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
8621            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database
8622            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe.
8623            </para>
8624            <para>
8625            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
8626            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
8627            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
8628            be transactionally protected during its open.
8629            </para>
8630            </remarks>
8631            <param name="Filename">
8632            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
8633            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
8634            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
8635            </param>
8636            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
8637            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
8638        </member>
8639        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
8640            <summary>
8641            Instantiate a new QueueDatabase object and open the database
8642            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/>.
8643            </summary>
8644            <remarks>
8645            <para>
8646            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null, the database is strictly
8647            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
8648            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database
8649            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe.
8650            </para>
8651            <para>
8652            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but
8653            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation will
8654            be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
8655            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
8656            be transactionally protected during its open. Also note that the
8657            transaction must be committed before the object is closed.
8658            </para>
8659            </remarks>
8660            <param name="Filename">
8661            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
8662            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
8663            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
8664            </param>
8665            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
8666            <param name="txn">
8667            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
8668            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
8669            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
8670            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
8671            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
8672            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
8673            </param>
8674            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
8675        </member>
8676        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Append(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)">
8677            <summary>
8678            Append the data item to the end of the database.
8679            </summary>
8680            <param name="data">The data item to store in the database</param>
8681            <returns>The record number allocated to the record</returns>
8682        </member>
8683        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Append(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
8684            <summary>
8685            Append the data item to the end of the database.
8686            </summary>
8687            <remarks>
8688            There is a minor behavioral difference between
8689            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Append(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)"/> and
8690            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Append(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)"/>. If a transaction enclosing an
8691            Append operation aborts, the record number may be reallocated in a
8692            subsequent <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Append(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)"/> operation, but it will
8693            not be reallocated in a subsequent
8694            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Append(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)"/> operation.
8695            </remarks>
8696            <param name="data">The data item to store in the database</param>
8697            <param name="txn">
8698            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
8699            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
8700            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
8701            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
8702            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
8703            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
8704            </param>
8705            <returns>The record number allocated to the record</returns>
8706        </member>
8707        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Consume(System.Boolean)">
8708            <summary>
8709            Return the record number and data from the available record closest
8710            to the head of the queue, and delete the record.
8711            </summary>
8712            <param name="wait">
8713            If true and the Queue database is empty, the thread of control will
8714            wait until there is data in the queue before returning.
8715            </param>
8716            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockNotGrantedException">
8717            If lock or transaction timeouts have been specified, a
8718            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockNotGrantedException"/> may be thrown. This failure,
8719            by itself, does not require the enclosing transaction be aborted.
8720            </exception>
8721            <returns>
8722            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/> whose Key
8723            parameter is the record number and whose Value parameter is the
8724            retrieved data.
8725            </returns>
8726        </member>
8727        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Consume(System.Boolean,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
8728            <summary>
8729            Return the record number and data from the available record closest
8730            to the head of the queue, and delete the record.
8731            </summary>
8732            <param name="wait">
8733            If true and the Queue database is empty, the thread of control will
8734            wait until there is data in the queue before returning.
8735            </param>
8736            <param name="txn">
8737            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
8738            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
8739            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
8740            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
8741            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
8742            </param>
8743            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockNotGrantedException">
8744            If lock or transaction timeouts have been specified, a
8745            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockNotGrantedException"/> may be thrown. This failure,
8746            by itself, does not require the enclosing transaction be aborted.
8747            </exception>
8748            <returns>
8749            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/> whose Key
8750            parameter is the record number and whose Value parameter is the
8751            retrieved data.
8752            </returns>
8753        </member>
8754        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Consume(System.Boolean,BerkeleyDB.Transaction,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
8755            <summary>
8756            Return the record number and data from the available record closest
8757            to the head of the queue, and delete the record.
8758            </summary>
8759            <param name="wait">
8760            If true and the Queue database is empty, the thread of control will
8761            wait until there is data in the queue before returning.
8762            </param>
8763            <param name="txn">
8764            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
8765            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
8766            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
8767            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
8768            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
8769            </param>
8770            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
8771            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockNotGrantedException">
8772            If lock or transaction timeouts have been specified, a
8773            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockNotGrantedException"/> may be thrown. This failure,
8774            by itself, does not require the enclosing transaction be aborted.
8775            </exception>
8776            <returns>
8777            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/> whose Key
8778            parameter is the record number and whose Value parameter is the
8779            retrieved data.
8780            </returns>
8781        </member>
8782        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.FastStats">
8783            <summary>
8784            Return the database statistical information which does not require
8785            traversal of the database.
8786            </summary>
8787            <returns>
8788            The database statistical information which does not require
8789            traversal of the database.
8790            </returns>
8791        </member>
8792        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.FastStats(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
8793            <summary>
8794            Return the database statistical information which does not require
8795            traversal of the database.
8796            </summary>
8797            <param name="txn">
8798            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
8799            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
8800            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
8801            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
8802            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
8803            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
8804            </param>
8805            <returns>
8806            The database statistical information which does not require
8807            traversal of the database.
8808            </returns>
8809        </member>
8810        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.FastStats(BerkeleyDB.Transaction,BerkeleyDB.Isolation)">
8811            <summary>
8812            Return the database statistical information which does not require
8813            traversal of the database.
8814            </summary>
8815            <overloads>
8816            <para>
8817            Among other things, this method makes it possible for applications
8818            to request key and record counts without incurring the performance
8819            penalty of traversing the entire database. 
8820            </para>
8821            <para>
8822            The statistical information is described by the
8823            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats"/>, <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.HashStats"/>,
8824            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats"/>, and <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats"/> classes. 
8825            </para>
8826            </overloads>
8827            <param name="txn">
8828            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
8829            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
8830            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
8831            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
8832            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
8833            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
8834            </param>
8835            <param name="isoDegree">
8836            The level of isolation for database reads.
8837            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.Isolation.DEGREE_ONE"/> will be silently ignored for 
8838            databases which did not specify
8839            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.ReadUncommitted"/>.
8840            </param>
8841            <returns>
8842            The database statistical information which does not require
8843            traversal of the database.
8844            </returns>
8845        </member>
8846        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Stats">
8847            <summary>
8848            Return the database statistical information for this database.
8849            </summary>
8850            <returns>Database statistical information.</returns>
8851        </member>
8852        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Stats(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
8853            <summary>
8854            Return the database statistical information for this database.
8855            </summary>
8856            <param name="txn">
8857            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
8858            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
8859            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
8860            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
8861            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
8862            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
8863            </param>
8864            <returns>Database statistical information.</returns>
8865        </member>
8866        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Stats(BerkeleyDB.Transaction,BerkeleyDB.Isolation)">
8867            <summary>
8868            Return the database statistical information for this database.
8869            </summary>
8870            <overloads>
8871            The statistical information is described by
8872            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats"/>. 
8873            </overloads>
8874            <param name="txn">
8875            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
8876            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
8877            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
8878            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
8879            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
8880            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
8881            </param>
8882            <param name="isoDegree">
8883            The level of isolation for database reads.
8884            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.Isolation.DEGREE_ONE"/> will be silently ignored for 
8885            databases which did not specify
8886            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.ReadUncommitted"/>.
8887            </param>
8888            <returns>Database statistical information.</returns>
8889        </member>
8890        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.ExtentSize">
8891            <summary>
8892            The size of the extents used to hold pages in a
8893            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/>, specified as a number of pages. 
8894            </summary>
8895        </member>
8896        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.InOrder">
8897            <summary>
8898            If true, modify the operation of <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Consume(System.Boolean)"/>
8899            to return key/data pairs in order. That is, they will always return
8900            the key/data item from the head of the queue. 
8901            </summary>
8902        </member>
8903        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Length">
8904            <summary>
8905            The length of records in the database.
8906            </summary>
8907        </member>
8908        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.PadByte">
8909            <summary>
8910            The padding character for short, fixed-length records.
8911            </summary>
8912        </member>
8913        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.PreparedTransaction">
8914            <summary>
8915            A class representing a transaction that must be resolved by the
8916            application following <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Recover(System.UInt32,System.Boolean)"/>.
8917            </summary>
8918        </member>
8919        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.PreparedTransaction.Txn">
8920            <summary>
8921            The transaction which must be committed, aborted or discarded.
8922            </summary>
8923        </member>
8924        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.PreparedTransaction.GlobalID">
8925            <summary>
8926            The global transaction ID for the transaction. The global
8927            transaction ID is the one specified when the transaction was
8928            prepared. The application is responsible for ensuring uniqueness
8929            among global transaction IDs.
8930            </summary>
8931        </member>
8932        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.MPoolFileStats">
8933            <summary>
8934            Statistical information about a file in the memory pool
8935            </summary>
8936        </member>
8937        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolFileStats.FileName">
8938            <summary>
8939            File name.
8940            </summary>
8941        </member>
8942        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolFileStats.MappedPages">
8943            <summary>
8944            Pages from mapped files. 
8945            </summary>
8946        </member>
8947        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolFileStats.PagesCreatedInCache">
8948            <summary>
8949            Pages created in the cache. 
8950            </summary>
8951        </member>
8952        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolFileStats.PagesInCache">
8953            <summary>
8954            Pages found in the cache. 
8955            </summary>
8956        </member>
8957        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolFileStats.PagesNotInCache">
8958            <summary>
8959            Pages not found in the cache. 
8960            </summary>
8961        </member>
8962        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolFileStats.PagesRead">
8963            <summary>
8964            Pages read in. 
8965            </summary>
8966        </member>
8967        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolFileStats.PageSize">
8968            <summary>
8969            Page size. 
8970            </summary>
8971        </member>
8972        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolFileStats.PagesWritten">
8973            <summary>
8974            Pages written out. 
8975            </summary>
8976        </member>
8977        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.LockingConfig">
8978            <summary>
8979            A class representing configuration parameters for a
8980            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment"/>'s locking subsystem.
8981            </summary>
8982        </member>
8983        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.LockingConfig.DeadlockResolution">
8984            <summary>
8985            If non-null, the deadlock detector is to be run whenever a lock
8986            conflict occurs, lock request(s) should be rejected according to the
8987            specified policy.
8988            </summary>
8989            <remarks>
8990            <para>
8991            As transactions acquire locks on behalf of a single locker ID,
8992            rejecting a lock request associated with a transaction normally
8993            requires the transaction be aborted.
8994            </para>
8995            </remarks>
8996        </member>
8997        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockingConfig.Conflicts">
8998            <summary>
8999            The locking conflicts matrix. 
9000            </summary>
9001            <remarks>
9002            <para>
9003            If Conflicts is never set, a standard conflicts array is used; see
9004            Standard Lock Modes in the Programmer's Reference Guide for more
9005            information.
9006            </para>
9007            <para>
9008            Conflicts parameter is an nmodes by nmodes array. A non-0 value for
9009            the array element indicates that requested_mode and held_mode
9010            conflict:
9011            <code>
9012            conflicts[requested_mode][held_mode] 
9013            </code>
9014            </para>
9015            <para>The not-granted mode must be represented by 0.</para>
9016            <para>
9017            If the database environment already exists when
9018            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig)"/> is called, the value of
9019            Conflicts will be ignored.
9020            </para>
9021            </remarks>
9022        </member>
9023        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockingConfig.MaxLockers">
9024            <summary>
9025            The maximum number of simultaneous locking entities supported by the
9026            Berkeley DB environment
9027            </summary>
9028            <remarks>
9029            <para>
9030            This value is used by <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig)"/> to
9031            estimate how much space to allocate for various lock-table data
9032            structures. The default value is 1000 lockers. For specific
9033            information on configuring the size of the lock subsystem, see
9034            Configuring locking: sizing the system in the Programmer's Reference
9035            Guide.
9036            </para>
9037            <para>
9038            If the database environment already exists when
9039            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig)"/> is called, the value of
9040            MaxLockers will be ignored.
9041            </para>
9042            </remarks>
9043        </member>
9044        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockingConfig.MaxLocks">
9045            <summary>
9046            The maximum number of locks supported by the Berkeley DB
9047            environment.
9048            </summary>
9049            <remarks>
9050            <para>
9051            This value is used by <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig)"/> to
9052            estimate how much space to allocate for various lock-table data
9053            structures. The default value is 1000 lockers. For specific
9054            information on configuring the size of the lock subsystem, see
9055            Configuring locking: sizing the system in the Programmer's Reference
9056            Guide.
9057            </para>
9058            <para>
9059            If the database environment already exists when
9060            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig)"/> is called, the value of
9061            MaxLocks will be ignored.
9062            </para>
9063            </remarks>
9064        </member>
9065        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockingConfig.MaxObjects">
9066            <summary>
9067            The maximum number of locked objects supported by the Berkeley DB
9068            environment.
9069            </summary>
9070            <remarks>
9071            <para>
9072            This value is used by <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig)"/> to
9073            estimate how much space to allocate for various lock-table data
9074            structures. The default value is 1000 lockers. For specific
9075            information on configuring the size of the lock subsystem, see
9076            Configuring locking: sizing the system in the Programmer's Reference
9077            Guide.
9078            </para>
9079            <para>
9080            If the database environment already exists when
9081            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig)"/> is called, the value of
9082            MaxObjects will be ignored.
9083            </para>
9084            </remarks>
9085        </member>
9086        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockingConfig.Partitions">
9087            <summary>
9088            The number of lock table partitions in the Berkeley DB environment.
9089            </summary>
9090            <remarks>
9091            <para>
9092            The default value is 10 times the number of CPUs on the system if
9093            there is more than one CPU. Increasing the number of partitions can
9094            provide for greater throughput on a system with multiple CPUs and
9095            more than one thread contending for the lock manager. On single
9096            processor systems more than one partition may increase the overhead
9097            of the lock manager. Systems often report threading contexts as
9098            CPUs. If your system does this, set the number of partitions to 1 to
9099            get optimal performance.
9100            </para>
9101            <para>
9102            If the database environment already exists when
9103            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig)"/> is called, the value of
9104            Partitions will be ignored.
9105            </para>
9106            </remarks>
9107        </member>
9108        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig">
9109            <summary>
9110            A class representing configuration parameters for
9111            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase"/>
9112            </summary>
9113        </member>
9114        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.Duplicates">
9115            <summary>
9116            Policy for duplicate data items in the database; that is, insertion
9117            when the key of the key/data pair being inserted already exists in
9118            the database will be successful.
9119            </summary>
9120            <remarks>
9121            <para>The ordering of duplicates in the database for
9122            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED"/> is determined by the order
9123            of insertion, unless the ordering is otherwise specified by use of a
9124            cursor operation or a duplicate sort function. The ordering of
9125            duplicates in the database for
9126            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED"/> is determined by the
9127            duplicate comparison function. If the application does not specify a
9128            comparison function using 
9129            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.DuplicateCompare"/>, a default lexical
9130            comparison will be used.
9131            </para>
9132            <para>
9133            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED"/> is preferred to 
9134            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED"/> for performance reasons.
9135            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED"/> should only be used by
9136            applications wanting to order duplicate data items manually.
9137            </para>
9138            <para>
9139            If the database already exists, the value of Duplicates must be the
9140            same as the existing database or an error will be returned.
9141            </para>
9142            <para>
9143            It is an error to specify <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.UseRecordNumbers"/> and
9144            anything other than <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.NONE"/>.
9145            </para>
9146            </remarks>
9147        </member>
9148        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.NoReverseSplitting">
9149            <summary>
9150            Turn reverse splitting in the Btree on or off.
9151            </summary>
9152            <remarks>
9153            As pages are emptied in a database, the Berkeley DB Btree
9154            implementation attempts to coalesce empty pages into higher-level
9155            pages in order to keep the database as small as possible and
9156            minimize search time. This can hurt performance in applications with
9157            cyclical data demands; that is, applications where the database
9158            grows and shrinks repeatedly. For example, because Berkeley DB does
9159            page-level locking, the maximum level of concurrency in a database
9160            of two pages is far smaller than that in a database of 100 pages, so
9161            a database that has shrunk to a minimal size can cause severe
9162            deadlocking when a new cycle of data insertion begins. 
9163            </remarks>
9164        </member>
9165        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.UseRecordNumbers">
9166            <summary>
9167            If true, support retrieval from the Btree using record numbers.
9168            </summary>
9169            <remarks>
9170            <para>
9171            Logical record numbers in Btree databases are mutable in the face of
9172            record insertion or deletion. See
9173            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.Renumber"/> for further discussion.
9174            </para>
9175            <para>
9176            Maintaining record counts within a Btree introduces a serious point
9177            of contention, namely the page locations where the record counts are
9178            stored. In addition, the entire database must be locked during both
9179            insertions and deletions, effectively single-threading the database
9180            for those operations. Specifying UseRecordNumbers can result in
9181            serious performance degradation for some applications and data sets.
9182            </para>
9183            <para>
9184            It is an error to specify <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.UseRecordNumbers"/> and
9185            anything other than <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.NONE"/>.
9186            </para>
9187            <para>
9188            If the database already exists, the value of UseRecordNumbers must
9189            be the same as the existing database or an error will be returned. 
9190            </para>
9191            </remarks>
9192        </member>
9193        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.Creation">
9194            <summary>
9195            The policy for how to handle database creation.
9196            </summary>
9197            <remarks>
9198            If the database does not already exist and
9199            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.CreatePolicy.NEVER"/> is set,
9200            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig)"/> will fail.
9201            </remarks>
9202        </member>
9203        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.BTreeCompare">
9204            <summary>
9205            The Btree key comparison function.
9206            </summary>
9207            <remarks>
9208            <para>
9209            The comparison function is called whenever it is necessary to
9210            compare a key specified by the application with a key currently
9211            stored in the tree.
9212            </para>
9213            <para>
9214            If no comparison function is specified, the keys are compared
9215            lexically, with shorter keys collating before longer keys.
9216            </para>
9217            <para>
9218            If the database already exists, the comparison function must be the
9219            same as that historically used to create the database or corruption
9220            can occur. 
9221            </para>
9222            </remarks>
9223        </member>
9224        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.BTreePrefixCompare">
9225            <summary>
9226            The Btree prefix function.
9227            </summary>
9228            <remarks>
9229            <para>
9230            The prefix function is used to determine the amount by which keys
9231            stored on the Btree internal pages can be safely truncated without
9232            losing their uniqueness. See the Btree prefix comparison section of
9233            the Berkeley DB Reference Guide for more details about how this
9234            works. The usefulness of this is data-dependent, but can produce
9235            significantly reduced tree sizes and search times in some data sets.
9236            </para>
9237            <para>
9238            If no prefix function or key comparison function is specified by the
9239            application, a default lexical comparison function is used as the
9240            prefix function. If no prefix function is specified and
9241            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.BTreeCompare"/> is specified, no prefix function is
9242            used. It is an error to specify a prefix function without also
9243            specifying <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.BTreeCompare"/>. 
9244            </para>
9245            <para>
9246            If the database already exists, the prefix function must be the
9247            same as that historically used to create the database or corruption
9248            can occur. 
9249            </para>
9250            </remarks>
9251        </member>
9252        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.DuplicateCompare">
9253            <summary>
9254            The duplicate data item comparison function.
9255            </summary>
9256            <remarks>
9257            <para>
9258            The comparison function is called whenever it is necessary to
9259            compare a data item specified by the application with a data item
9260            currently stored in the database. Setting DuplicateCompare implies 
9261            setting <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.Duplicates"/> to
9262            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED"/>.
9263            </para>
9264            <para>
9265            If no comparison function is specified, the data items are compared
9266            lexically, with shorter data items collating before longer data
9267            items.
9268            </para>
9269            <para>
9270            If the database already exists when
9271            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig)"/> is called, the
9272            delegate must be the same as that historically used to create the
9273            database or corruption can occur.
9274            </para>
9275            </remarks>
9276        </member>
9277        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.SetCompression">
9278            <summary>
9279            Enable compression of the key/data pairs stored in the database,
9280            using the default compression and decompression functions.
9281            </summary>
9282            <remarks>
9283            The default functions perform prefix compression on keys, and prefix
9284            compression on data items for duplicate keys.
9285            </remarks>
9286        </member>
9287        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.SetCompression(BerkeleyDB.BTreeCompressDelegate,BerkeleyDB.BTreeDecompressDelegate)">
9288            <summary>
9289            Enable compression of the key/data pairs stored in the database,
9290            using the specified compression and decompression functions.
9291            </summary>
9292            <param name="compression">The compression function</param>
9293            <param name="decompression">The decompression function</param>
9294        </member>
9295        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.#ctor">
9296            <summary>
9297            Create a new BTreeDatabaseConfig object
9298            </summary>
9299        </member>
9300        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.Compress">
9301            <summary>
9302            The compression function used to store key/data pairs in the
9303            database.
9304            </summary>
9305        </member>
9306        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.Decompress">
9307            <summary>
9308            The decompression function used to retrieve key/data pairs from the
9309            database.
9310            </summary>
9311        </member>
9312        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig.MinKeysPerPage">
9313            <summary>
9314            The minimum number of key/data pairs intended to be stored on any
9315            single Btree leaf page.
9316            </summary>
9317            <remarks>
9318            <para>
9319            This value is used to determine if key or data items will be stored
9320            on overflow pages instead of Btree leaf pages. For more information
9321            on the specific algorithm used, see the Berkeley DB Reference Guide.
9322            The value specified must be at least 2; if not explicitly set, a
9323            value of 2 is used. 
9324            </para>
9325            <para>
9326            If the database already exists, MinKeysPerPage will be ignored. 
9327            </para>
9328            </remarks>
9329        </member>
9330        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.SequenceConfig">
9331            <summary>
9332            Configuration properties for a Sequence
9333            </summary>
9334        </member>
9335        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SequenceConfig.Creation">
9336            <summary>
9337            The policy for how to handle sequence creation.
9338            </summary>
9339            <remarks>
9340            If the sequence does not already exist and
9341            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.CreatePolicy.NEVER"/> is set, the Sequence constructor
9342            will fail.
9343            </remarks>
9344        </member>
9345        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SequenceConfig.FreeThreaded">
9346            <summary>
9347            If true, the object returned by the Sequence constructor will be
9348            free-threaded; that is, usable by multiple threads within a single
9349            address space. Note that if multiple threads create multiple
9350            sequences using the same <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.SequenceConfig.BackingDatabase"/>, that
9351            database must have also been opened free-threaded.
9352            </summary>
9353        </member>
9354        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SequenceConfig.BackingDatabase">
9355            <summary>
9356            An open database which holds the persistent data for the sequence.
9357            </summary>
9358            <remarks>
9359            <para>
9360            The database may be of any type, but must not have been configured
9361            to support duplicate data items.
9362            </para>
9363            <para>
9364            If <paramref name="P:BackingDatabase"/> was opened in a transaction,
9365            calling Get may result in changes to the sequence object; these
9366            changes will be automatically committed in a transaction internal to
9367            the Berkeley DB library. If the thread of control calling Get has an
9368            active transaction, which holds locks on the same database as the
9369            one in which the sequence object is stored, it is possible for a
9370            thread of control calling Get to self-deadlock because the active
9371            transaction's locks conflict with the internal transaction's locks.
9372            For this reason, it is often preferable for sequence objects to be
9373            stored in their own database. 
9374            </para>
9375            </remarks>
9376        </member>
9377        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SequenceConfig.key">
9378            <summary>
9379            The record in the database that stores the persistent sequence data. 
9380            </summary>
9381        </member>
9382        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SequenceConfig.Wrap">
9383            <summary>
9384            If true, the sequence should wrap around when it is incremented
9385            (decremented) past the specified maximum (minimum) value. 
9386            </summary>
9387        </member>
9388        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SequenceConfig.SetRange(System.Int64,System.Int64)">
9389            <summary>
9390            Set the minimum and maximum values in the sequence.
9391            </summary>
9392            <param name="Max">The maximum value in the sequence.</param>
9393            <param name="Min">The minimum value in the sequence.</param>
9394        </member>
9395        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SequenceConfig.InitialValue">
9396            <summary>
9397            The initial value for a sequence.
9398            </summary>
9399        </member>
9400        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SequenceConfig.Decrement">
9401            <summary>
9402            If true, the sequence will be decremented.
9403            </summary>
9404        </member>
9405        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SequenceConfig.Increment">
9406            <summary>
9407            If true, the sequence will be incremented. This is the default. 
9408            </summary>
9409        </member>
9410        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SequenceConfig.CacheSize">
9411            <summary>
9412            The number of elements cached by a sequence handle.
9413            </summary>
9414        </member>
9415        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SequenceConfig.Min">
9416            <summary>
9417            The minimum value in the sequence.
9418            </summary>
9419        </member>
9420        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SequenceConfig.Max">
9421            <summary>
9422            The maximum value in the sequence.
9423            </summary>
9424        </member>
9425        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig">
9426            <summary>
9427            A class representing configuration parameters for
9428            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabase"/>
9429            </summary>
9430        </member>
9431        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig.Duplicates">
9432            <summary>
9433            Policy for duplicate data items in the database; that is, insertion
9434            when the key of the key/data pair being inserted already exists in
9435            the database will be successful.
9436            </summary>
9437            <remarks>
9438            <para>
9439            The ordering of duplicates in the database for
9440            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED"/> is determined by the order
9441            of insertion, unless the ordering is otherwise specified by use of a
9442            cursor operation or a duplicate sort function. The ordering of
9443            duplicates in the database for
9444            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED"/> is determined by the
9445            duplicate comparison function. If the application does not specify a
9446            comparison function using 
9447            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig.DuplicateCompare"/>, a default lexical
9448            comparison will be used.
9449            </para>
9450            <para>
9451            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED"/> is preferred to 
9452            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED"/> for performance reasons.
9453            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED"/> should only be used by
9454            applications wanting to order duplicate data items manually.
9455            </para>
9456            <para>
9457            If the database already exists, the value of Duplicates must be the
9458            same as the existing database or an error will be returned.
9459            </para>
9460            </remarks>
9461        </member>
9462        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig.Creation">
9463            <summary>
9464            The policy for how to handle database creation.
9465            </summary>
9466            <remarks>
9467            If the database does not already exist and
9468            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.CreatePolicy.NEVER"/> is set,
9469            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig)"/> will fail.
9470            </remarks>
9471        </member>
9472        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig.Compare">
9473            <summary>
9474            The Secondary Hash key comparison function.
9475            </summary>
9476            <remarks>
9477            <para>
9478            The comparison function is called whenever it is necessary to
9479            compare a key specified by the application with a key currently
9480            stored in the tree.
9481            </para>
9482            <para>
9483            If no comparison function is specified, the keys are compared
9484            lexically, with shorter keys collating before longer keys.
9485            </para>
9486            <para>
9487            If the database already exists, the comparison function must be the
9488            same as that historically used to create the database or corruption
9489            can occur. 
9490            </para>
9491            </remarks>
9492        </member>
9493        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig.HashFunction">
9494            <summary>
9495            A user-defined hash function; if no hash function is specified, a
9496            default hash function is used. 
9497            </summary>
9498            <remarks>
9499            <para>
9500            Because no hash function performs equally well on all possible data,
9501            the user may find that the built-in hash function performs poorly
9502            with a particular data set.
9503            </para>
9504            <para>
9505            If the database already exists, HashFunction must be the same as
9506            that historically used to create the database or corruption can
9507            occur.
9508            </para>
9509            </remarks>
9510        </member>
9511        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig.DuplicateCompare">
9512            <summary>
9513            The duplicate data item comparison function.
9514            </summary>
9515            <remarks>
9516            <para>
9517            The comparison function is called whenever it is necessary to
9518            compare a data item specified by the application with a data item
9519            currently stored in the database. Setting DuplicateCompare implies 
9520            setting <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig.Duplicates"/> to
9521            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED"/>.
9522            </para>
9523            <para>
9524            If no comparison function is specified, the data items are compared
9525            lexically, with shorter data items collating before longer data
9526            items.
9527            </para>
9528            <para>
9529            If the database already exists when
9530            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig)"/> is called, the delegate
9531            must be the same as that historically used to create the database or
9532            corruption can occur.
9533            </para>
9534            </remarks>
9535        </member>
9536        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig.#ctor(BerkeleyDB.Database,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryKeyGenDelegate)">
9537            <summary>
9538            Instantiate a new SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig object
9539            </summary>
9540        </member>
9541        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig.FillFactor">
9542            <summary>
9543            The desired density within the hash table. If no value is specified,
9544            the fill factor will be selected dynamically as pages are filled. 
9545            </summary>
9546            <remarks>
9547            <para>
9548            The density is an approximation of the number of keys allowed to
9549            accumulate in any one bucket, determining when the hash table grows
9550            or shrinks. If you know the average sizes of the keys and data in
9551            your data set, setting the fill factor can enhance performance. A
9552            reasonable rule computing fill factor is to set it to the following:
9553            </para>
9554            <para>
9555            (pagesize - 32) / (average_key_size + average_data_size + 8)
9556            </para>
9557            <para>
9558            If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
9559            </para>
9560            </remarks>
9561        </member>
9562        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig.TableSize">
9563            <summary>
9564            An estimate of the final size of the hash table.
9565            </summary>
9566            <remarks>
9567            <para>
9568            In order for the estimate to be used when creating the database,
9569            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig.FillFactor"/> must also be set. If the estimate or fill
9570            factor are not set or are set too low, hash tables will still expand
9571            gracefully as keys are entered, although a slight performance
9572            degradation may be noticed.
9573            </para>
9574            <para>
9575            If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
9576            </para>
9577            </remarks>
9578        </member>
9579        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats">
9580            <summary>
9581            Statistical information about the memory pool subsystem
9582            </summary>
9583        </member>
9584        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.CacheSettings">
9585            <summary>
9586            Total cache size and number of regions
9587            </summary>
9588        </member>
9589        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.CacheRegions">
9590            <summary>
9591            Maximum number of regions. 
9592            </summary>
9593        </member>
9594        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.MaxMMapSize">
9595            <summary>
9596            Maximum file size for mmap. 
9597            </summary>
9598        </member>
9599        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.MaxOpenFileDescriptors">
9600            <summary>
9601            Maximum number of open fd's. 
9602            </summary>
9603        </member>
9604        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.MaxBufferWrites">
9605            <summary>
9606            Maximum buffers to write. 
9607            </summary>
9608        </member>
9609        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.MaxBufferWritesSleep">
9610            <summary>
9611            Sleep after writing max buffers. 
9612            </summary>
9613        </member>
9614        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.Pages">
9615            <summary>
9616            Total number of pages. 
9617            </summary>
9618        </member>
9619        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.MappedPages">
9620            <summary>
9621            Pages from mapped files. 
9622            </summary>
9623        </member>
9624        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.PagesInCache">
9625            <summary>
9626            Pages found in the cache. 
9627            </summary>
9628        </member>
9629        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.PagesNotInCache">
9630            <summary>
9631            Pages not found in the cache. 
9632            </summary>
9633        </member>
9634        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.PagesCreatedInCache">
9635            <summary>
9636            Pages created in the cache. 
9637            </summary>
9638        </member>
9639        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.PagesRead">
9640            <summary>
9641            Pages read in. 
9642            </summary>
9643        </member>
9644        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.PagesWritten">
9645            <summary>
9646            Pages written out. 
9647            </summary>
9648        </member>
9649        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.CleanPagesEvicted">
9650            <summary>
9651            Clean pages forced from the cache. 
9652            </summary>
9653        </member>
9654        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.DirtyPagesEvicted">
9655            <summary>
9656            Dirty pages forced from the cache. 
9657            </summary>
9658        </member>
9659        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.PagesTrickled">
9660            <summary>
9661            Pages written by memp_trickle. 
9662            </summary>
9663        </member>
9664        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.CleanPages">
9665            <summary>
9666            Clean pages. 
9667            </summary>
9668        </member>
9669        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.DirtyPages">
9670            <summary>
9671            Dirty pages. 
9672            </summary>
9673        </member>
9674        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.HashBuckets">
9675            <summary>
9676            Number of hash buckets. 
9677            </summary>
9678        </member>
9679        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.PageSize">
9680            <summary>
9681            Assumed page size.
9682            </summary>
9683        </member>
9684        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.HashChainSearches">
9685            <summary>
9686            Total hash chain searches. 
9687            </summary>
9688        </member>
9689        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.LongestHashChainSearch">
9690            <summary>
9691            Longest hash chain searched. 
9692            </summary>
9693        </member>
9694        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.HashEntriesSearched">
9695            <summary>
9696            Total hash entries searched. 
9697            </summary>
9698        </member>
9699        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.HashLockNoWait">
9700            <summary>
9701            Hash lock granted with nowait. 
9702            </summary>
9703        </member>
9704        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.HashLockWait">
9705            <summary>
9706            Hash lock granted after wait. 
9707            </summary>
9708        </member>
9709        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.MaxHashLockNoWait">
9710            <summary>
9711            Max hash lock granted with nowait. 
9712            </summary>
9713        </member>
9714        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.MaxHashLockWait">
9715            <summary>
9716            Max hash lock granted after wait. 
9717            </summary>
9718        </member>
9719        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.RegionLockNoWait">
9720            <summary>
9721            Region lock granted with nowait. 
9722            </summary>
9723        </member>
9724        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.RegionLockWait">
9725            <summary>
9726            Region lock granted after wait. 
9727            </summary>
9728        </member>
9729        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.FrozenBuffers">
9730            <summary>
9731            Buffers frozen. 
9732            </summary>
9733        </member>
9734        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.ThawedBuffers">
9735            <summary>
9736            Buffers thawed. 
9737            </summary>
9738        </member>
9739        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.FrozenBuffersFreed">
9740            <summary>
9741            Frozen buffers freed. 
9742            </summary>
9743        </member>
9744        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.PageAllocations">
9745            <summary>
9746            Number of page allocations. 
9747            </summary>
9748        </member>
9749        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.BucketsCheckedDuringAlloc">
9750            <summary>
9751            Buckets checked during allocation. 
9752            </summary>
9753        </member>
9754        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.MaxBucketsCheckedDuringAlloc">
9755            <summary>
9756            Max checked during allocation. 
9757            </summary>
9758        </member>
9759        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.PagesCheckedDuringAlloc">
9760            <summary>
9761            Pages checked during allocation. 
9762            </summary>
9763        </member>
9764        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.MaxPagesCheckedDuringAlloc">
9765            <summary>
9766            Max checked during allocation. 
9767            </summary>
9768        </member>
9769        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.BlockedOperations">
9770            <summary>
9771            Thread waited on buffer I/O. 
9772            </summary>
9773        </member>
9774        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.SyncInterrupted">
9775            <summary>
9776            Number of times sync interrupted.
9777            </summary>
9778        </member>
9779        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.RegionSize">
9780            <summary>
9781            Region size. 
9782            </summary>
9783        </member>
9784        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolStats.Files">
9785            <summary>
9786            Stats for files open in the memory pool
9787            </summary>
9788        </member>
9789        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats">
9790            <summary>
9791            Statistical information about a BTreeDatabase
9792            </summary>
9793        </member>
9794        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.DuplicatePages">
9795            <summary>
9796            Duplicate pages. 
9797            </summary>
9798        </member>
9799        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.DuplicatePagesFreeBytes">
9800            <summary>
9801            Bytes free in duplicate pages. 
9802            </summary>
9803        </member>
9804        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.EmptyPages">
9805            <summary>
9806            Empty pages. 
9807            </summary>
9808        </member>
9809        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.FreePages">
9810            <summary>
9811            Pages on the free list. 
9812            </summary>
9813        </member>
9814        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.InternalPages">
9815            <summary>
9816            Internal pages. 
9817            </summary>
9818        </member>
9819        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.InternalPagesFreeBytes">
9820            <summary>
9821            Bytes free in internal pages. 
9822            </summary>
9823        </member>
9824        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.LeafPages">
9825            <summary>
9826            Leaf pages. 
9827            </summary>
9828        </member>
9829        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.LeafPagesFreeBytes">
9830            <summary>
9831            Bytes free in leaf pages. 
9832            </summary>
9833        </member>
9834        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.Levels">
9835            <summary>
9836            Tree levels. 
9837            </summary>
9838        </member>
9839        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.MagicNumber">
9840            <summary>
9841            Magic number. 
9842            </summary>
9843        </member>
9844        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.MetadataFlags">
9845            <summary>
9846            Metadata flags. 
9847            </summary>
9848        </member>
9849        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.MinKey">
9850            <summary>
9851            Minkey value. 
9852            </summary>
9853        </member>
9854        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.nData">
9855            <summary>
9856            Number of data items. 
9857            </summary>
9858        </member>
9859        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.nKeys">
9860            <summary>
9861            Number of unique keys. 
9862            </summary>
9863        </member>
9864        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.nPages">
9865            <summary>
9866            Page count. 
9867            </summary>
9868        </member>
9869        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.OverflowPages">
9870            <summary>
9871            Overflow pages. 
9872            </summary>
9873        </member>
9874        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.OverflowPagesFreeBytes">
9875            <summary>
9876            Bytes free in overflow pages. 
9877            </summary>
9878        </member>
9879        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.PageSize">
9880            <summary>
9881            Page size. 
9882            </summary>
9883        </member>
9884        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats.Version">
9885            <summary>
9886            Version number. 
9887            </summary>
9888        </member>
9889        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoCursor">
9890            <summary>
9891            A class for traversing the records of a <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/>
9892            </summary>
9893        </member>
9894        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoCursor.Duplicate(System.Boolean)">
9895            <summary>
9896            Create a new cursor that uses the same transaction and locker ID as
9897            the original cursor.
9898            </summary>
9899            <remarks>
9900            This is useful when an application is using locking and requires two
9901            or more cursors in the same thread of control.
9902            </remarks>
9903            <param name="keepPosition">
9904            If true, the newly created cursor is initialized to refer to the
9905            same position in the database as the original cursor (if any) and
9906            hold the same locks (if any). If false, or the original cursor does
9907            not hold a database position and locks, the created cursor is
9908            uninitialized and will behave like a cursor newly created by
9909            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Cursor"/>.</param>
9910            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
9911        </member>
9912        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoCursor.Insert(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Cursor.InsertLocation)">
9913            <summary>
9914            Insert the data element as a duplicate element of the key to which
9915            the cursor refers.
9916            </summary>
9917            <param name="data">The data element to insert</param>
9918            <param name="loc">
9919            Specify whether to insert the data item immediately before or
9920            immediately after the cursor's current position.
9921            </param>
9922        </member>
9923        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabase">
9924            <summary>
9925            A class representing a SecondaryQueueDatabase. The Queue format supports
9926            fast access to fixed-length records accessed sequentially or by logical
9927            record number.
9928            </summary>
9929        </member>
9930        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabaseConfig)">
9931            <summary>
9932            Instantiate a new SecondaryQueueDatabase object, open the
9933            database represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate 
9934            the database with the
9935            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">primary index</see>.
9936            </summary>
9937            <remarks>
9938            <para>
9939            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null, the database is strictly
9940            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
9941            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database
9942            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe.
9943            </para>
9944            <para>
9945            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
9946            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
9947            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
9948            be transactionally protected during its open.
9949            </para>
9950            </remarks>
9951            <param name="Filename">
9952            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
9953            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
9954            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
9955            </param>
9956            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
9957            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
9958        </member>
9959        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
9960            <summary>
9961            Instantiate a new SecondaryQueueDatabase object, open the
9962            database represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate 
9963            the database with the
9964            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">primary index</see>.
9965            </summary>
9966            <remarks>
9967            <para>
9968            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null, the database is strictly
9969            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
9970            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database
9971            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe.
9972            </para>
9973            <para>
9974            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but
9975            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation will
9976            be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
9977            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
9978            be transactionally protected during its open. Also note that the
9979            transaction must be committed before the object is closed.
9980            </para>
9981            </remarks>
9982            <param name="Filename">
9983            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
9984            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
9985            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
9986            </param>
9987            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
9988            <param name="txn">
9989            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
9990            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
9991            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
9992            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
9993            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
9994            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
9995            </param>
9996            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
9997        </member>
9998        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabase.ExtentSize">
9999            <summary>
10000            The size of the extents used to hold pages in a
10001            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase"/>, specified as a number of pages. 
10002            </summary>
10003        </member>
10004        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabase.Length">
10005            <summary>
10006            The length of records in the database.
10007            </summary>
10008        </member>
10009        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabase.PadByte">
10010            <summary>
10011            The padding character for short, fixed-length records.
10012            </summary>
10013        </member>
10014        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry">
10015            <summary>
10016            A class representing a key or data item in a Berkeley DB database
10017            </summary>
10018        </member>
10019        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry.#ctor">
10020            <summary>
10021            Create a new, empty DatabaseEntry object.
10022            </summary>
10023        </member>
10024        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry.#ctor(System.Byte[])">
10025            <summary>
10026            Create a new DatabaseEntry object, with the specified data 
10027            </summary>
10028            <param name="data">The new object's <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry.Data"/></param>
10029        </member>
10030        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry.Dispose">
10031            <summary>
10032            Release the resources held by the underlying C library.
10033            </summary>
10034        </member>
10035        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry.Data">
10036            <summary>
10037            The byte string stored in or retrieved from a database
10038            </summary>
10039        </member>
10040        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.AckPolicy">
10041            <summary>
10042            The AckPolicy class specifies how master and client sites will handle
10043            acknowledgment of replication messages which are necessary for
10044            "permanent" records. The current implementation requires all sites in a
10045            replication group configure the same acknowledgement policy. 
10046            </summary>
10047        </member>
10048        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.AckPolicy.ALL">
10049            <summary>
10050            The master should wait until all replication clients have
10051            acknowledged each permanent replication message.
10052            </summary>
10053        </member>
10054        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.AckPolicy.ALL_PEERS">
10055            <summary>
10056            The master should wait until all electable peers have acknowledged
10057            each permanent replication message (where "electable peer" means a
10058            client capable of being subsequently elected master of the
10059            replication group).
10060            </summary>
10061        </member>
10062        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.AckPolicy.NONE">
10063            <summary>
10064            The master should not wait for any client replication message
10065            acknowledgments.
10066            </summary>
10067        </member>
10068        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.AckPolicy.ONE">
10069            <summary>
10070            The master should wait until at least one client site has
10071            acknowledged each permanent replication message. 
10072            </summary>
10073        </member>
10074        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.AckPolicy.ONE_PEER">
10075            <summary>
10076            The master should wait until at least one electable peer has
10077            acknowledged each permanent replication message (where "electable
10078            peer" means a client capable of being subsequently elected master of
10079            the replication group).
10080            </summary>
10081        </member>
10082        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.AckPolicy.QUORUM">
10083            <summary>
10084            The master should wait until it has received acknowledgements from
10085            the minimum number of electable peers sufficient to ensure that the
10086            effect of the permanent record remains durable if an election is
10087            held (where "electable peer" means a client capable of being
10088            subsequently elected master of the replication group). This is the
10089            default acknowledgement policy.
10090            </summary>
10091        </member>
10092        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig">
10093            <summary>
10094            A class representing configuration parameters for a
10095            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.Transaction"/>.
10096            </summary>
10097        </member>
10098        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig.IsolationDegree">
10099            <summary>
10100            The degree of isolation for this transaction
10101            </summary>
10102        </member>
10103        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig.NoWait">
10104            <summary>
10105            If true and a lock is unavailable for any Berkeley DB operation
10106            performed in the context of a transaction, cause the operation to
10107            throw a <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockException"/>
10108            (or <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockNotGrantedException"/> if configured with
10109            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.TimeNotGranted"/>).
10110            </summary>
10111            <remarks>
10112            <para>
10113            This setting overrides the behavior specified by
10114            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.TxnNoWait"/>.
10115            </para>
10116            </remarks>    
10117        </member>
10118        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig.Snapshot">
10119            <summary>
10120            If true, this transaction will execute with snapshot isolation.
10121            </summary>
10122            <remarks>
10123            <para>
10124            For databases with <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.UseMVCC"/> set, data
10125            values will be read as they are when the transaction begins, without
10126            taking read locks. Silently ignored for operations on databases with
10127            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.UseMVCC"/> not set on the underlying
10128            database (read locks are acquired).
10129            </para>
10130            <para>
10131            A <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockException"/> will be thrown from update
10132            operations if a snapshot transaction attempts to update data which
10133            was modified after the snapshot transaction read it.
10134            </para>
10135            </remarks>
10136        </member>
10137        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig.SyncAction">
10138            <summary>
10139            Log sync behavior on transaction commit or prepare.
10140            </summary>
10141            <remarks>
10142            <para>
10143            This setting overrides the behavior specified by
10144            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.TxnNoSync"/> and
10145            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.TxnWriteNoSync"/>.
10146            </para>
10147            </remarks>
10148        </member>
10149        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig.#ctor">
10150            <summary>
10151            Instantiate a new TransactionConfig object
10152            </summary>
10153        </member>
10154        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig.LockTimeout">
10155            <summary>
10156            The timeout value for locks for the transaction. 
10157            </summary>
10158            <remarks>
10159            <para>
10160            Timeouts are checked whenever a thread of control blocks on a lock
10161            or when deadlock detection is performed. This timeout is for any
10162            single lock request. As timeouts are only checked when the lock
10163            request first blocks or when deadlock detection is performed, the
10164            accuracy of the timeout depends on how often deadlock detection is
10165            performed.
10166            </para>
10167            <para>
10168            Timeout values may be specified for the database environment as a
10169            whole. See <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.LockTimeout"/> for
10170            more information.
10171            </para>
10172            </remarks>
10173        </member>
10174        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig.Name">
10175            <summary>
10176            The transaction's name. The name is returned by
10177            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.TransactionSystemStats"/>
10178            and displayed by
10179            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.PrintTransactionSystemStats"/>.
10180            </summary>
10181            <remarks>
10182            If the database environment has been configured for logging and the
10183            Berkeley DB library was built in Debug mode (or with DIAGNOSTIC
10184            defined), a debugging log record is written including the
10185            transaction ID and the name.
10186            </remarks>
10187        </member>
10188        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig.TxnTimeout">
10189            <summary>
10190            The timeout value for locks for the transaction. 
10191            </summary>
10192            <remarks>
10193            <para>
10194            Timeouts are checked whenever a thread of control blocks on a lock
10195            or when deadlock detection is performed. This timeout is for the
10196            life of the transaction. As timeouts are only checked when the lock
10197            request first blocks or when deadlock detection is performed, the
10198            accuracy of the timeout depends on how often deadlock detection is
10199            performed.
10200            </para>
10201            <para>
10202            Timeout values may be specified for the database environment as a
10203            whole. See <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.TxnTimeout"/> for
10204            more information.
10205            </para>
10206            </remarks>
10207        </member>
10208        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig.LogFlush">
10209            <summary>
10210            Specifies the log flushing behavior on transaction commit
10211            </summary>
10212        </member>
10213        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig.LogFlush.DEFAULT">
10214            <summary>
10215            Use Berkeley DB's default behavior of syncing the log on commit.
10216            </summary>
10217        </member>
10218        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig.LogFlush.NOSYNC">
10219            <summary>
10220            Berkeley DB will not write or synchronously flush the log on
10221            transaction commit or prepare.
10222            </summary>
10223            <remarks>
10224            <para>
10225            This means the transaction will exhibit the ACI (atomicity,
10226            consistency, and isolation) properties, but not D (durability);
10227            that is, database integrity will be maintained but it is
10228            possible that this transaction may be undone during recovery. 
10229            </para>
10230            </remarks>
10231        </member>
10232        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig.LogFlush.WRITE_NOSYNC">
10233            <summary>
10234            Berkeley DB will write, but will not synchronously flush, the
10235            log on transaction commit or prepare. 
10236            </summary>
10237            <remarks>
10238            <para>
10239            This means that transactions exhibit the ACI (atomicity,
10240            consistency, and isolation) properties, but not D (durability);
10241            that is, database integrity will be maintained, but if the
10242            system fails, it is possible some number of the most recently
10243            committed transactions may be undone during recovery. The number
10244            of transactions at risk is governed by how often the system
10245            flushes dirty buffers to disk and how often the log is
10246            checkpointed.
10247            </para>
10248            <para>
10249            For consistent behavior across the environment, all 
10250            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment"/> objects opened in the
10251            environment must either set WRITE_NOSYNC, or the
10252            DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC flag should be specified in the DB_CONFIG
10253            configuration file.
10254            </para>
10255            </remarks>
10256        </member>
10257        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig.LogFlush.SYNC">
10258            <summary>
10259            Berkeley DB will synchronously flush the log on transaction
10260            commit or prepare. 
10261            </summary>
10262            <remarks>
10263            This means the transaction will exhibit all of the ACID
10264            (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) properties.
10265            </remarks>
10266        </member>
10267        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult">
10268            <summary>
10269            A class representing the return value of
10270            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32)"/>.
10271            </summary>
10272        </member>
10273        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.Result">
10274            <summary>
10275            The result of processing an incoming replication message.
10276            </summary>
10277        </member>
10278        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.RetLsn">
10279            <summary>
10280            The log sequence number of the permanent log message that could not
10281            be written to disk if <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.Result"/> is
10282            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.ProcMsgResult.NOT_PERMANENT"/>. The largest log
10283            sequence number of the permanent records that are now written to
10284            disk as a result of processing the message, if
10285            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.Result"/> is
10286            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.ProcMsgResult.IS_PERMANENT"/>. In all other cases the
10287            value is undefined. 
10288            </summary>
10289        </member>
10290        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.ProcMsgResult">
10291            <summary>
10292            The result of processing an incoming replication message.
10293            </summary>
10294        </member>
10295        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.ProcMsgResult.DUPLICATE_MASTER">
10296            <summary>
10297            The replication group has more than one master.
10298            </summary>
10299            <remarks>
10300            The application should reconfigure itself as a client by calling
10301            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepStartClient"/>,
10302            and then call for an election using
10303            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepHoldElection"/>.
10304            </remarks>
10305        </member>
10306        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.ProcMsgResult.ERROR">
10307            <summary>
10308            An unspecified error occurred.
10309            </summary>
10310        </member>
10311        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.ProcMsgResult.HOLD_ELECTION">
10312            <summary>
10313            An election is needed.
10314            </summary>
10315            <remarks>
10316            The application should call for an election using
10317            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepHoldElection"/>. 
10318            </remarks>
10319        </member>
10320        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.ProcMsgResult.IGNORED">
10321            <summary>
10322            A message cannot be processed.
10323            </summary>
10324            <remarks>
10325            This is an indication that a message is irrelevant to the
10326            current replication state (for example, an old message from a
10327            previous generation arrives and is processed late).
10328            </remarks>
10329        </member>
10330        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.ProcMsgResult.IS_PERMANENT">
10331            <summary>
10332            Processing a message resulted in the processing of records that
10333            are permanent.
10334            </summary>
10335            <remarks>
10336            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.RetLsn"/> is the maximum LSN of the permanent
10337            records stored.
10338            </remarks>
10339        </member>
10340        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.ProcMsgResult.JOIN_FAILURE">
10341            <summary>
10342            A new master has been chosen but the client is unable to
10343            synchronize with the new master.
10344            </summary>
10345            <remarks>
10346            Possibly because the client has been configured with
10347            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.NoAutoInit"/> to turn off
10348            automatic internal initialization.
10349            </remarks>
10350        </member>
10351        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.ProcMsgResult.NEW_SITE">
10352            <summary>
10353            The system received contact information from a new environment.
10354            </summary>
10355            <remarks>
10356            The rec parameter to
10357            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32)"/> contains the
10358            opaque data specified in the cdata parameter to
10359            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepStartClient"/>. The
10360            application should take whatever action is needed to establish a
10361            communication channel with this new environment.
10362            </remarks>
10363        </member>
10364        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.ProcMsgResult.NOT_PERMANENT">
10365            <summary>
10366            A message carrying a DB_REP_PERMANENT flag was processed
10367            successfully, but was not written to disk.
10368            </summary>
10369            <remarks>
10370            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.RetLsn"/> is the LSN of this record. The application
10371            should take whatever action is deemed necessary to retain its
10372            recoverability characteristics. 
10373            </remarks>
10374        </member>
10375        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RepProcMsgResult.ProcMsgResult.SUCCESS">
10376            <summary>
10377            Processing a message succeded.
10378            </summary>
10379        </member>
10380        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig">
10381            <summary>
10382            A class to represent configuration settings for
10383            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Compact(BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig)"/> and
10384            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Compact(BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig)"/>.
10385            </summary>
10386        </member>
10387        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig.returnEnd">
10388            <summary>
10389            Return the database key marking the end of the compaction operation
10390            in a Btree or Recno database. This is generally the first key of the
10391            page where the operation stopped. 
10392            </summary>
10393        </member>
10394        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig.start">
10395            <summary>
10396            If non-null, the starting point for compaction. Compaction will
10397            start at the smallest key greater than or equal to
10398            <paramref name="start"/>. If null, compaction will start at the
10399            beginning of the database. 
10400            </summary>
10401        </member>
10402        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig.stop">
10403            <summary>
10404            If non-null, the stopping point for compaction. Compaction will stop
10405            at the page with the smallest key greater than
10406            <paramref name="stop"/>. If null, compaction will stop at the end of
10407            the database. 
10408            </summary>
10409        </member>
10410        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig.TruncatePages">
10411            <summary>
10412            If true, return pages to the filesystem when possible. If false,
10413            pages emptied as a result of compaction will be placed on the free
10414            list for re-use, but never returned to the filesystem.
10415            </summary>
10416            <remarks>
10417            Note that only pages at the end of a file can be returned to the
10418            filesystem. Because of the one-pass nature of the compaction
10419            algorithm, any unemptied page near the end of the file inhibits
10420            returning pages to the file system. A repeated call to
10421            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Compact(BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig)"/> or 
10422            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Compact(BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig)"/> with a low
10423            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig.FillPercentage"/> may be used to return pages in this
10424            case. 
10425            </remarks>
10426        </member>
10427        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig.#ctor">
10428            <summary>
10429            Create a new CompactConfig object
10430            </summary>
10431        </member>
10432        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig.FillPercentage">
10433            <summary>
10434            If non-zero, this provides the goal for filling pages, specified as
10435            a percentage between 1 and 100. Any page not at or above this
10436            percentage full will be considered for compaction. The default
10437            behavior is to consider every page for compaction, regardless of its
10438            page fill percentage. 
10439            </summary>
10440        </member>
10441        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig.Pages">
10442            <summary>
10443            If non-zero, compaction will complete after the specified number of
10444            pages have been freed.
10445            </summary>
10446        </member>
10447        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig.Timeout">
10448            <summary>
10449            If non-zero, and no <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.Transaction"/> is specified, this
10450            parameter identifies the lock timeout used for implicit
10451            transactions, in microseconds. 
10452            </summary>
10453        </member>
10454        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationHostAddress">
10455            <summary>
10456            A class representing the address of a replication site used by Berkeley
10457            DB HA.
10458            </summary>
10459        </member>
10460        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationHostAddress.Host">
10461            <summary>
10462            The site's host identification string, generally a TCP/IP host name. 
10463            </summary>
10464        </member>
10465        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationHostAddress.Port">
10466            <summary>
10467            The port number on which the site is receiving. 
10468            </summary>
10469        </member>
10470        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationHostAddress.#ctor">
10471            <summary>
10472            Instantiate a new, empty address
10473            </summary>
10474        </member>
10475        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationHostAddress.#ctor(System.String)">
10476            <summary>
10477            Instantiate a new address, parsing the host and port from the given
10478            string
10479            </summary>
10480            <param name="HostAndPort">A string in host:port format</param>
10481        </member>
10482        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationHostAddress.#ctor(System.String,System.UInt32)">
10483            <summary>
10484            Instantiate a new address
10485            </summary>
10486            <param name="Host">The site's host identification string</param>
10487            <param name="Port">
10488            The port number on which the site is receiving.
10489            </param>
10490        </member>
10491        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats">
10492            <summary>
10493            Statistical information about a QueueDatabase
10494            </summary>
10495        </member>
10496        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats.DataPages">
10497            <summary>
10498            Data pages. 
10499            </summary>
10500        </member>
10501        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats.DataPagesBytesFree">
10502            <summary>
10503            Bytes free in data pages. 
10504            </summary>
10505        </member>
10506        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats.FirstRecordNumber">
10507            <summary>
10508            First not deleted record. 
10509            </summary>
10510        </member>
10511        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats.MagicNumber">
10512            <summary>
10513            Magic number. 
10514            </summary>
10515        </member>
10516        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats.MetadataFlags">
10517            <summary>
10518            Metadata flags. 
10519            </summary>
10520        </member>
10521        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats.NextRecordNumber">
10522            <summary>
10523            Next available record number. 
10524            </summary>
10525        </member>
10526        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats.nData">
10527            <summary>
10528            Number of data items. 
10529            </summary>
10530        </member>
10531        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats.nKeys">
10532            <summary>
10533            Number of unique keys. 
10534            </summary>
10535        </member>
10536        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats.PageSize">
10537            <summary>
10538            Page size. 
10539            </summary>
10540        </member>
10541        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats.PagesPerExtent">
10542            <summary>
10543            Pages per extent. 
10544            </summary>
10545        </member>
10546        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats.RecordLength">
10547            <summary>
10548            Fixed-length record length. 
10549            </summary>
10550        </member>
10551        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats.RecordPadByte">
10552            <summary>
10553            Fixed-length record pad. 
10554            </summary>
10555        </member>
10556        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats.Version">
10557            <summary>
10558            Version number. 
10559            </summary>
10560        </member>
10561        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.CompactData">
10562            <summary>
10563            A class for representing compact operation statistics
10564            </summary>
10565        </member>
10566        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.CompactData.Deadlocks">
10567            <summary>
10568            If no <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.Transaction"/> parameter was specified, the
10569            number of deadlocks which occurred. 
10570            </summary>
10571        </member>
10572        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.CompactData.Levels">
10573            <summary>
10574            The number of levels removed from the Btree or Recno database during
10575            the compaction phase. 
10576            </summary>
10577        </member>
10578        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.CompactData.PagesExamined">
10579            <summary>
10580            The number of database pages reviewed during the compaction phase. 
10581            </summary>
10582        </member>
10583        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.CompactData.PagesFreed">
10584            <summary>
10585            The number of database pages freed during the compaction phase. 
10586            </summary>
10587        </member>
10588        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.CompactData.PagesTruncated">
10589            <summary>
10590            The number of database pages returned to the filesystem.
10591            </summary>
10592        </member>
10593        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.CompactData.End">
10594            <summary>
10595            The database key marking the end of the compaction operation.  This
10596            is generally the first key of the page where the operation stopped
10597            and is only non-null if <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig.returnEnd"/> was
10598            true.
10599            </summary>
10600        </member>
10601        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.ByteOrder">
10602            <summary>
10603            A class to represent the database byte order.
10604            </summary>
10605        </member>
10606        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ByteOrder.MACHINE">
10607            <summary>
10608            The host byte order of the machine where the Berkeley DB library was
10609            compiled.
10610            </summary>
10611        </member>
10612        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN">
10613            <summary>
10614            Little endian byte order
10615            </summary>
10616        </member>
10617        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN">
10618            <summary>
10619            Big endian byte order
10620            </summary>
10621        </member>
10622        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.ByteOrder.FromConst(System.Int32)">
10623            <summary>
10624            Convert from the integer constant used to represent byte order in 
10625            the C library to its corresponding ByteOrder object.
10626            </summary>
10627            <param name="order">The C library constant</param>
10628            <returns>
10629            The ByteOrder object corresponding to the given constant
10630            </returns>
10631        </member>
10632        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase">
10633            <summary>
10634            A class representing a BTreeDatabase.  The Btree format is a
10635            representation of a sorted, balanced tree structure. 
10636            </summary>
10637        </member>
10638        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig)">
10639            <summary>
10640            Instantiate a new BTreeDatabase object and open the database
10641            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/>.
10642            </summary>
10643            <remarks>
10644            <para>
10645            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null, the database is strictly
10646            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
10647            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database
10648            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe.
10649            </para>
10650            <para>
10651            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
10652            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
10653            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
10654            be transactionally protected during its open.
10655            </para>
10656            </remarks>
10657            <param name="Filename">
10658            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
10659            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
10660            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
10661            </param>
10662            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
10663            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
10664        </member>
10665        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Open(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig)">
10666            <summary>
10667            Instantiate a new BTreeDatabase object and open the database
10668            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and
10669            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/>.
10670            </summary>
10671            <remarks>
10672            <para>
10673            If both <paramref name="Filename"/> and
10674            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> are null, the database is strictly
10675            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
10676            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database 
10677            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe. If
10678            <paramref name="Filename"/> is null and
10679            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> is non-null, the database can be
10680            opened by other threads of control and will be replicated to client
10681            sites in any replication group.
10682            </para>
10683            <para>
10684            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
10685            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
10686            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
10687            be transactionally protected during its open.
10688            </para>
10689            </remarks>
10690            <param name="Filename">
10691            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
10692            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
10693            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
10694            </param>
10695            <param name="DatabaseName">
10696            This parameter allows applications to have multiple databases in a
10697            single file. Although no DatabaseName needs to be specified, it is
10698            an error to attempt to open a second database in a file that was not
10699            initially created using a database name.
10700            </param>
10701            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
10702            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
10703        </member>
10704        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
10705            <summary>
10706            Instantiate a new BTreeDatabase object and open the database
10707            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/>.
10708            </summary>
10709            <remarks>
10710            <para>
10711            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null, the database is strictly
10712            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
10713            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database
10714            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe.
10715            </para>
10716            <para>
10717            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but
10718            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation will
10719            be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
10720            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
10721            be transactionally protected during its open. Also note that the
10722            transaction must be committed before the object is closed.
10723            </para>
10724            </remarks>
10725            <param name="Filename">
10726            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
10727            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
10728            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
10729            </param>
10730            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
10731            <param name="txn">
10732            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
10733            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
10734            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
10735            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
10736            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
10737            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
10738            </param>
10739            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
10740        </member>
10741        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Open(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
10742            <summary>
10743            Instantiate a new BTreeDatabase object and open the database
10744            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and
10745            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/>.
10746            </summary>
10747            <remarks>
10748            <para>
10749            If both <paramref name="Filename"/> and
10750            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> are null, the database is strictly
10751            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
10752            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database 
10753            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe. If
10754            <paramref name="Filename"/> is null and
10755            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> is non-null, the database can be
10756            opened by other threads of control and will be replicated to client
10757            sites in any replication group.
10758            </para>
10759            <para>
10760            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but
10761            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation will
10762            be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
10763            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
10764            be transactionally protected during its open. Also note that the
10765            transaction must be committed before the object is closed.
10766            </para>
10767            </remarks>
10768            <param name="Filename">
10769            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
10770            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
10771            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
10772            </param>
10773            <param name="DatabaseName">
10774            This parameter allows applications to have multiple databases in a
10775            single file. Although no DatabaseName needs to be specified, it is
10776            an error to attempt to open a second database in a file that was not
10777            initially created using a database name.
10778            </param>
10779            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
10780            <param name="txn">
10781            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
10782            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
10783            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
10784            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
10785            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
10786            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
10787            </param>
10788            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
10789        </member>
10790        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Compact(BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig)">
10791            <summary>
10792            Compact the database, and optionally return unused database pages to
10793            the underlying filesystem. 
10794            </summary>
10795            <remarks>
10796            If the operation occurs in a transactional database, the operation
10797            will be implicitly transaction protected using multiple
10798            transactions. These transactions will be periodically committed to
10799            avoid locking large sections of the tree. Any deadlocks encountered
10800            cause the compaction operation to be retried from the point of the
10801            last transaction commit.
10802            </remarks>
10803            <param name="cdata">Compact configuration parameters</param>
10804            <returns>Compact operation statistics</returns>
10805        </member>
10806        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Compact(BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
10807            <summary>
10808            Compact the database, and optionally return unused database pages to
10809            the underlying filesystem. 
10810            </summary>
10811            <remarks>
10812            <para>
10813            If <paramref name="txn"/> is non-null, then the operation is
10814            performed using that transaction. In this event, large sections of
10815            the tree may be locked during the course of the transaction.
10816            </para>
10817            <para>
10818            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but the operation occurs in a
10819            transactional database, the operation will be implicitly transaction
10820            protected using multiple transactions. These transactions will be
10821            periodically committed to avoid locking large sections of the tree.
10822            Any deadlocks encountered cause the compaction operation to be
10823            retried from the point of the last transaction commit.
10824            </para>
10825            </remarks>
10826            <param name="cdata">Compact configuration parameters</param>
10827            <param name="txn">
10828            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
10829            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
10830            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
10831            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
10832            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
10833            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
10834            </param>
10835            <returns>Compact operation statistics</returns>
10836        </member>
10837        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Cursor">
10838            <summary>
10839            Create a database cursor.
10840            </summary>
10841            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
10842        </member>
10843        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Cursor(BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig)">
10844            <summary>
10845            Create a database cursor with the given configuration.
10846            </summary>
10847            <param name="cfg">
10848            The configuration properties for the cursor.
10849            </param>
10850            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
10851        </member>
10852        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Cursor(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
10853            <summary>
10854            Create a transactionally protected database cursor.
10855            </summary>
10856            <param name="txn">
10857            The transaction context in which the cursor may be used.
10858            </param>
10859            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
10860        </member>
10861        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Cursor(BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
10862            <summary>
10863            Create a transactionally protected database cursor with the given
10864            configuration.
10865            </summary>
10866            <param name="cfg">
10867            The configuration properties for the cursor.
10868            </param>
10869            <param name="txn">
10870            The transaction context in which the cursor may be used.
10871            </param>
10872            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
10873        </member>
10874        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.FastStats">
10875            <summary>
10876            Return the database statistical information which does not require
10877            traversal of the database.
10878            </summary>
10879            <returns>
10880            The database statistical information which does not require
10881            traversal of the database.
10882            </returns>
10883        </member>
10884        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.FastStats(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
10885            <summary>
10886            Return the database statistical information which does not require
10887            traversal of the database.
10888            </summary>
10889            <param name="txn">
10890            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
10891            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
10892            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
10893            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
10894            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
10895            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
10896            </param>
10897            <returns>
10898            The database statistical information which does not require
10899            traversal of the database.
10900            </returns>
10901        </member>
10902        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.FastStats(BerkeleyDB.Transaction,BerkeleyDB.Isolation)">
10903            <summary>
10904            Return the database statistical information which does not require
10905            traversal of the database.
10906            </summary>
10907            <overloads>
10908            <para>
10909            Among other things, this method makes it possible for applications
10910            to request key and record counts without incurring the performance
10911            penalty of traversing the entire database. 
10912            </para>
10913            <para>
10914            The statistical information is described by the
10915            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats"/>, <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.HashStats"/>,
10916            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats"/>, and <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats"/> classes. 
10917            </para>
10918            </overloads>
10919            <param name="txn">
10920            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
10921            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
10922            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
10923            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
10924            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
10925            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
10926            </param>
10927            <param name="isoDegree">
10928            The level of isolation for database reads.
10929            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.Isolation.DEGREE_ONE"/> will be silently ignored for 
10930            databases which did not specify
10931            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.ReadUncommitted"/>.
10932            </param>
10933            <returns>
10934            The database statistical information which does not require
10935            traversal of the database.
10936            </returns>
10937        </member>
10938        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Get(System.UInt32)">
10939            <summary>
10940            Retrieve a specific numbered key/data pair from the database.
10941            </summary>
10942            <param name="recno">
10943            The record number of the record to be retrieved.
10944            </param>
10945            <returns>
10946            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/> whose Key
10947            parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value parameter is the
10948            retrieved data.
10949            </returns>
10950        </member>
10951        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Get(System.UInt32,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
10952            <summary>
10953            Retrieve a specific numbered key/data pair from the database.
10954            </summary>
10955            <param name="recno">
10956            The record number of the record to be retrieved.
10957            </param>
10958            <param name="txn">
10959            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
10960            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
10961            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
10962            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
10963            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
10964            </param>
10965            <returns>
10966            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/> whose Key
10967            parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value parameter is the
10968            retrieved data.
10969            </returns>
10970        </member>
10971        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Get(System.UInt32,BerkeleyDB.Transaction,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
10972            <summary>
10973            Retrieve a specific numbered key/data pair from the database.
10974            </summary>
10975            <param name="recno">
10976            The record number of the record to be retrieved.
10977            </param>
10978            <param name="txn">
10979            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
10980            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
10981            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
10982            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
10983            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
10984            </param>
10985            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
10986            <returns>
10987            A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/> whose Key
10988            parameter is <paramref name="key"/> and whose Value parameter is the
10989            retrieved data.
10990            </returns>
10991        </member>
10992        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.KeyRange(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)">
10993            <summary>
10994            Return an estimate of the proportion of keys that are less than,
10995            equal to, and greater than the specified key.
10996            </summary>
10997            <param name="key">The key to search for</param>
10998            <returns>
10999            An estimate of the proportion of keys that are less than, equal to,
11000            and greater than the specified key.
11001            </returns>
11002        </member>
11003        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.KeyRange(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
11004            <summary>
11005            Return an estimate of the proportion of keys that are less than,
11006            equal to, and greater than the specified key.
11007            </summary>
11008            <param name="key">The key to search for</param>
11009            <param name="txn">
11010            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
11011            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
11012            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
11013            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
11014            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
11015            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
11016            </param>
11017            <returns>
11018            An estimate of the proportion of keys that are less than, equal to,
11019            and greater than the specified key.
11020            </returns>
11021        </member>
11022        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.PutNoDuplicate(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)">
11023            <summary>
11024            Store the key/data pair in the database only if it does not already
11025            appear in the database. 
11026            </summary>
11027            <param name="key">The key to store in the database</param>
11028            <param name="data">The data item to store in the database</param>
11029        </member>
11030        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.PutNoDuplicate(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
11031            <summary>
11032            Store the key/data pair in the database only if it does not already
11033            appear in the database. 
11034            </summary>
11035            <param name="key">The key to store in the database</param>
11036            <param name="data">The data item to store in the database</param>
11037            <param name="txn">
11038            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
11039            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
11040            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
11041            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
11042            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
11043            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
11044            </param>
11045        </member>
11046        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Stats">
11047            <summary>
11048            Return the database statistical information for this database.
11049            </summary>
11050            <returns>Database statistical information.</returns>
11051        </member>
11052        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Stats(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
11053            <summary>
11054            Return the database statistical information for this database.
11055            </summary>
11056            <param name="txn">
11057            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
11058            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
11059            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
11060            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
11061            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
11062            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
11063            </param>
11064            <returns>Database statistical information.</returns>
11065        </member>
11066        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Stats(BerkeleyDB.Transaction,BerkeleyDB.Isolation)">
11067            <summary>
11068            Return the database statistical information for this database.
11069            </summary>
11070            <overloads>
11071            The statistical information is described by
11072            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats"/>. 
11073            </overloads>
11074            <param name="txn">
11075            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
11076            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
11077            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
11078            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
11079            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
11080            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
11081            </param>
11082            <param name="isoDegree">
11083            The level of isolation for database reads.
11084            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.Isolation.DEGREE_ONE"/> will be silently ignored for 
11085            databases which did not specify
11086            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.ReadUncommitted"/>.
11087            </param>
11088            <returns>Database statistical information.</returns>
11089        </member>
11090        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.TruncateUnusedPages">
11091            <summary>
11092            Return pages to the filesystem that are already free and at the end
11093            of the file.
11094            </summary>
11095            <returns>
11096            The number of database pages returned to the filesystem
11097            </returns>
11098        </member>
11099        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.TruncateUnusedPages(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
11100            <summary>
11101            Return pages to the filesystem that are already free and at the end
11102            of the file.
11103            </summary>
11104            <param name="txn">
11105            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
11106            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
11107            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
11108            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
11109            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
11110            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
11111            </param>
11112            <returns>
11113            The number of database pages returned to the filesystem
11114            </returns>
11115        </member>
11116        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Compare">
11117            <summary>
11118            The Btree key comparison function. The comparison function is called
11119            whenever it is necessary to compare a key specified by the
11120            application with a key currently stored in the tree. 
11121            </summary>
11122        </member>
11123        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Compress">
11124            <summary>
11125            The compression function used to store key/data pairs in the
11126            database.
11127            </summary>
11128        </member>
11129        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Decompress">
11130            <summary>
11131            The decompression function used to retrieve key/data pairs from the
11132            database.
11133            </summary>
11134        </member>
11135        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.DupCompare">
11136            <summary>
11137            The duplicate data item comparison function.
11138            </summary>
11139        </member>
11140        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Duplicates">
11141            <summary>
11142            Whether the insertion of duplicate data items in the database is
11143            permitted, and whether duplicates items are sorted.
11144            </summary>
11145        </member>
11146        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.MinKeysPerPage">
11147            <summary>
11148            The minimum number of key/data pairs intended to be stored on any
11149            single Btree leaf page.
11150            </summary>
11151        </member>
11152        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.PrefixCompare">
11153            <summary>
11154            The Btree prefix function. The prefix function is used to determine
11155            the amount by which keys stored on the Btree internal pages can be
11156            safely truncated without losing their uniqueness.
11157            </summary>
11158        </member>
11159        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.RecordNumbers">
11160            <summary>
11161            If true, this object supports retrieval from the Btree using record
11162            numbers.
11163            </summary>
11164        </member>
11165        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.ReverseSplit">
11166            <summary>
11167            If false, empty pages will not be coalesced into higher-level pages.
11168            </summary>
11169        </member>
11170        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig">
11171            <summary>
11172            A class representing configuration parameters for
11173            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/>
11174            </summary>
11175        </member>
11176        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.Renumber">
11177            <summary>
11178            Cause the logical record numbers to be mutable, and change as
11179            records are added to and deleted from the database.
11180            </summary>
11181            <remarks>
11182            <para>
11183            Using <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Put(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)"/> or <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Put(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.UInt32)"/> to
11184            create new records will cause the creation of multiple records if
11185            the record number is more than one greater than the largest record
11186            currently in the database. For example, creating record 28, when
11187            record 25 was previously the last record in the database, will
11188            create records 26 and 27 as well as 28. Attempts to retrieve records
11189            that were created in this manner will throw a
11190            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException"/>.
11191            </para>
11192            <para>
11193            If a created record is not at the end of the database, all records
11194            following the new record will be automatically renumbered upward by
11195            one. For example, the creation of a new record numbered 8 causes
11196            records numbered 8 and greater to be renumbered upward by one. If a
11197            cursor was positioned to record number 8 or greater before the
11198            insertion, it will be shifted upward one logical record, continuing
11199            to refer to the same record as it did before.
11200            </para>
11201            <para>
11202            If a deleted record is not at the end of the database, all records
11203            following the removed record will be automatically renumbered
11204            downward by one. For example, deleting the record numbered 8 causes
11205            records numbered 9 and greater to be renumbered downward by one.  If
11206            a cursor was positioned to record number 9 or greater before the
11207            removal, it will be shifted downward one logical record, continuing
11208            to refer to the same record as it did before.
11209            </para>
11210            <para>
11211            If a record is deleted, all cursors that were positioned on that
11212            record prior to the removal will no longer be positioned on a valid
11213            entry. This includes cursors used to delete an item. For example, if
11214            a cursor was positioned to record number 8 before the removal of
11215            that record, subsequent calls to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Refresh"/>
11216            will return false until the cursor is moved to another record. A
11217            call to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.MoveNext"/> will return the new record
11218            numbered 8 - which is the record that was numbered 9 prior to the
11219            delete (if such a record existed).
11220            </para>
11221            <para>
11222            For these reasons, concurrent access to a
11223            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase"/> with this setting specified may be
11224            largely meaningless, although it is supported.
11225            </para>
11226            <para>
11227            If the database already exists, this setting must be the same as the
11228            existing database or an exception will be thrown.
11229            </para>
11230            </remarks>
11231        </member>
11232        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.Snapshot">
11233            <summary>
11234            If true, any <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.BackingFile"/> file will be read in its
11235            entirety when <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig)"/> is called. If false,
11236            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.BackingFile"/> may be read lazily. 
11237            </summary>
11238        </member>
11239        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.Creation">
11240            <summary>
11241            The policy for how to handle database creation.
11242            </summary>
11243            <remarks>
11244            If the database does not already exist and
11245            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.CreatePolicy.NEVER"/> is set,
11246            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig)"/> will fail.
11247            </remarks>
11248        </member>
11249        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.Append">
11250            <summary>
11251            A function to call after the record number has been selected but
11252            before the data has been stored into the database.
11253            </summary>
11254            <remarks>
11255            <para>
11256            When using <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Append(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)"/>, it may be useful to
11257            modify the stored data based on the generated key. If a delegate is
11258            specified, it will be called after the record number has been
11259            selected, but before the data has been stored.
11260            </para>
11261            </remarks>
11262        </member>
11263        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.BackingFile">
11264            <summary>
11265            The underlying source file for the Recno access method.
11266            </summary>
11267            <remarks>
11268            <para>
11269            The purpose of the source file is to provide fast access and
11270            modification to databases that are normally stored as flat text
11271            files.
11272            </para>
11273            <para>
11274            The source parameter specifies an underlying flat text database file
11275            that is read to initialize a transient record number index. In the
11276            case of variable length records, the records are separated, as
11277            specified by <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.Delimiter"/>. For example, standard UNIX
11278            byte stream files can be interpreted as a sequence of variable
11279            length records separated by newline characters.
11280            </para>
11281            <para>
11282            In addition, when cached data would normally be written back to the
11283            underlying database file (for example,
11284            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Close"/> or
11285            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Sync"/>), the in-memory copy of the
11286            database will be written back to the source file.
11287            </para>
11288            <para>
11289            By default, the backing source file is read lazily; that is, records
11290            are not read from the file until they are requested by the
11291            application. If multiple processes (not threads) are accessing a
11292            Recno database concurrently, and are either inserting or deleting
11293            records, the backing source file must be read in its entirety before
11294            more than a single process accesses the database, and only that
11295            process should specify the backing source file as part of the
11296            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig)"/> call. See <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.Snapshot"/>
11297            for more information.
11298            </para>
11299            <para>
11300            Reading and writing the backing source file specified by source
11301            cannot be transaction-protected because it involves filesystem
11302            operations that are not part of the Db transaction methodology. For
11303            this reason, if a temporary database is used to hold the records, it
11304            is possible to lose the contents of the source file, for example, if
11305            the system crashes at the right instant. If a file is used to hold
11306            the database, normal database recovery on that file can be used to
11307            prevent information loss, although it is still possible that the
11308            contents of source will be lost if the system crashes.
11309            </para>
11310            <para>
11311            The source file must already exist (but may be zero-length) when 
11312            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig)"/> is called.
11313            </para>
11314            <para>
11315            It is not an error to specify a read-only source file when creating
11316            a database, nor is it an error to modify the resulting database.
11317            However, any attempt to write the changes to the backing source file
11318            using either the <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Sync"/> or
11319            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Close"/> methods will fail, of course.
11320            Use <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Close(System.Boolean)"/> to stop it from
11321            attempting to write the changes to the backing file; instead, they
11322            will be silently discarded.
11323            </para>
11324            <para>
11325            For all of the previous reasons, the source file is generally used
11326            to specify databases that are read-only for Berkeley DB
11327            applications; and that are either generated on the fly by software
11328            tools or modified using a different mechanism ��� for example, a text
11329            editor.
11330            </para>
11331            <para>
11332            If the database already exists, BackingFile must be the same as that
11333            historically used to create the database or corruption can occur.
11334            </para>
11335            </remarks>
11336        </member>
11337        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.#ctor">
11338            <summary>
11339            Instantiate a new RecnoDatabaseConfig object
11340            </summary>
11341        </member>
11342        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.Delimiter">
11343            <summary>
11344            The delimiting byte used to mark the end of a record in
11345            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.BackingFile"/>.
11346            </summary>
11347            <remarks>
11348            <para>
11349            This byte is used for variable length records if
11350            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.BackingFile"/> is set. If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.BackingFile"/> is
11351            specified and no delimiting byte was specified, newline characters
11352            (that is, ASCII 0x0a) are interpreted as end-of-record markers.
11353            </para>
11354            <para>
11355            If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
11356            </para>
11357            </remarks>
11358        </member>
11359        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.Length">
11360            <summary>
11361            Specify that the records are fixed-length, not byte-delimited, and
11362            are of length Length. 
11363            </summary>
11364            <remarks>
11365            <para>
11366            Any records added to the database that are less than Length bytes
11367            long are automatically padded (see <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.PadByte"/> for more
11368            information).
11369            </para>
11370            <para>
11371            Any attempt to insert records into the database that are greater
11372            than Length bytes long will cause the call to fail immediately and
11373            return an error. 
11374            </para>
11375            <para>
11376            If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
11377            </para>
11378            </remarks>
11379        </member>
11380        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.PadByte">
11381            <summary>
11382            The padding character for short, fixed-length records.
11383            </summary>
11384            <remarks>
11385            <para>
11386            If no pad character is specified, space characters (that is, ASCII
11387            0x20) are used for padding.
11388            </para>
11389            <para>
11390            If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
11391            </para>
11392            </remarks>
11393        </member>
11394        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.HashStats">
11395            <summary>
11396            Statistical information about a HashDatabase
11397            </summary>
11398        </member>
11399        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashStats.BigPages">
11400            <summary>
11401            Number of big key/data pages. 
11402            </summary>
11403        </member>
11404        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashStats.BigPagesFreeBytes">
11405            <summary>
11406            Bytes free on big item pages. 
11407            </summary>
11408        </member>
11409        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashStats.BucketPagesFreeBytes">
11410            <summary>
11411            Bytes free on bucket pages. 
11412            </summary>
11413        </member>
11414        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashStats.DuplicatePages">
11415            <summary>
11416            Number of dup pages. 
11417            </summary>
11418        </member>
11419        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashStats.DuplicatePagesFreeBytes">
11420            <summary>
11421            Bytes free on duplicate pages. 
11422            </summary>
11423        </member>
11424        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashStats.FillFactor">
11425            <summary>
11426            Fill factor specified at create. 
11427            </summary>
11428        </member>
11429        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashStats.FreePages">
11430            <summary>
11431            Pages on the free list. 
11432            </summary>
11433        </member>
11434        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashStats.MetadataFlags">
11435            <summary>
11436            Metadata flags. 
11437            </summary>
11438        </member>
11439        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashStats.MagicNumber">
11440            <summary>
11441            Magic number. 
11442            </summary>
11443        </member>
11444        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashStats.nData">
11445            <summary>
11446            Number of data items. 
11447            </summary>
11448        </member>
11449        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashStats.nHashBuckets">
11450            <summary>
11451            Number of hash buckets. 
11452            </summary>
11453        </member>
11454        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashStats.nKeys">
11455            <summary>
11456            Number of unique keys. 
11457            </summary>
11458        </member>
11459        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashStats.OverflowPages">
11460            <summary>
11461            Number of overflow pages. 
11462            </summary>
11463        </member>
11464        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashStats.OverflowPagesFreeBytes">
11465            <summary>
11466            Bytes free on ovfl pages. 
11467            </summary>
11468        </member>
11469        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashStats.nPages">
11470            <summary>
11471            Page count. 
11472            </summary>
11473        </member>
11474        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashStats.PageSize">
11475            <summary>
11476            Page size. 
11477            </summary>
11478        </member>
11479        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.HashStats.Version">
11480            <summary>
11481            Version number. 
11482            </summary>
11483        </member>
11484        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig">
11485            <summary>
11486            A class representing configuration parameters for <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.Cursor"/>
11487            </summary>
11488        </member>
11489        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig.IsolationDegree">
11490            <summary>
11491            The isolation degree the cursor should use.
11492            </summary>
11493            <remarks>
11494            <para>
11495            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.Isolation.DEGREE_TWO"/> ensures the stability of the
11496            current data item read by this cursor but permits data read by this
11497            cursor to be modified or deleted prior to the commit of the
11498            transaction for this cursor. 
11499            </para>
11500            <para>
11501            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.Isolation.DEGREE_ONE"/> allows read operations performed
11502            by the cursor to return modified but not yet committed data.
11503            Silently ignored if the <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.ReadUncommitted"/>
11504            was not specified when the underlying database was opened. 
11505            </para>
11506            </remarks>
11507        </member>
11508        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig.WriteCursor">
11509            <summary>
11510            If true, specify that the cursor will be used to update the
11511            database. The underlying database environment must have been opened
11512            with <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.UseCDB"/> set. 
11513            </summary>
11514        </member>
11515        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig.SnapshotIsolation">
11516            <summary>
11517            <para>
11518            Configure a transactional cursor to operate with read-only snapshot
11519            isolation. For databases with <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.UseMVCC"/>
11520            set, data values will be read as they are when the cursor is opened,
11521            without taking read locks.
11522            </para>
11523            <para>
11524            This setting implicitly begins a transaction that is committed when
11525            the cursor is closed.
11526            </para>
11527            <para>
11528            This setting is silently ignored if
11529            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.UseMVCC"/> is not set on the underlying
11530            database or if a transaction is supplied to
11531            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Cursor"/>
11532            </para>
11533            </summary>
11534        </member>
11535        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig.Priority">
11536            <summary>
11537            The cache priority for pages referenced by the cursor.
11538            </summary>
11539            <remarks>
11540            The priority of a page biases the replacement algorithm to be more
11541            or less likely to discard a page when space is needed in the buffer
11542            pool. The bias is temporary, and pages will eventually be discarded
11543            if they are not referenced again. The setting is only advisory, and
11544            does not guarantee pages will be treated in a specific way.
11545            </remarks>
11546        </member>
11547        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig.#ctor">
11548            <summary>
11549            Instantiate a new CursorConfig object
11550            </summary>
11551        </member>
11552        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabaseConfig">
11553            <summary>
11554            A class representing configuration parameters for
11555            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabase"/>
11556            </summary>
11557        </member>
11558        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabaseConfig.Creation">
11559            <summary>
11560            The policy for how to handle database creation.
11561            </summary>
11562            <remarks>
11563            If the database does not already exist and
11564            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.CreatePolicy.NEVER"/> is set,
11565            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabaseConfig)"/> will fail.
11566            </remarks>
11567        </member>
11568        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabaseConfig.#ctor(BerkeleyDB.Database,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryKeyGenDelegate)">
11569            <summary>
11570            Instantiate a new SecondaryQueueDatabaseConfig object
11571            </summary>
11572        </member>
11573        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabaseConfig.Length">
11574            <summary>
11575            Specify the length of records in the database.
11576            </summary>
11577            <remarks>
11578            <para>
11579            The record length must be enough smaller than
11580            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.PageSize"/> that at least one record plus
11581            the database page's metadata information can fit on each database
11582            page.
11583            </para>
11584            <para>
11585            Any records added to the database that are less than Length bytes
11586            long are automatically padded (see <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabaseConfig.PadByte"/> for more
11587            information).
11588            </para>
11589            <para>
11590            Any attempt to insert records into the database that are greater
11591            than Length bytes long will cause the call to fail immediately and
11592            return an error. 
11593            </para>
11594            <para>
11595            If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
11596            </para>
11597            </remarks>
11598        </member>
11599        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabaseConfig.PadByte">
11600            <summary>
11601            The padding character for short, fixed-length records.
11602            </summary>
11603            <remarks>
11604            <para>
11605            If no pad character is specified, space characters (that is, ASCII
11606            0x20) are used for padding.
11607            </para>
11608            <para>
11609            If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
11610            </para>
11611            </remarks>
11612        </member>
11613        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabaseConfig.ExtentSize">
11614            <summary>
11615            The size of the extents used to hold pages in a
11616            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryQueueDatabase"/>, specified as a number of
11617            pages. 
11618            </summary>
11619            <remarks>
11620            <para>
11621            Each extent is created as a separate physical file. If no extent
11622            size is set, the default behavior is to create only a single
11623            underlying database file.
11624            </para>
11625            <para>
11626            For information on tuning the extent size, see Selecting a extent
11627            size in the Programmer's Reference Guide.
11628            </para>
11629            <para>
11630            If the database already exists, this setting will be ignored.
11631            </para>
11632            </remarks>
11633        </member>
11634        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabase">
11635            <summary>
11636            A class representing a SecondaryHashDatabase. The Hash format is an
11637            extensible, dynamic hashing scheme.
11638            </summary>
11639        </member>
11640        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig)">
11641            <summary>
11642            Instantiate a new SecondaryHashDatabase object, open the
11643            database represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate 
11644            the database with the
11645            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">primary index</see>.
11646            </summary>
11647            <remarks>
11648            <para>
11649            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null, the database is strictly
11650            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
11651            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database
11652            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe.
11653            </para>
11654            <para>
11655            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
11656            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
11657            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
11658            be transactionally protected during its open.
11659            </para>
11660            </remarks>
11661            <param name="Filename">
11662            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
11663            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
11664            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
11665            </param>
11666            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
11667            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
11668        </member>
11669        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabase.Open(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig)">
11670            <summary>
11671            Instantiate a new SecondaryHashDatabase object, open the
11672            database represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate 
11673            the database with the
11674            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">primary index</see>.
11675            </summary>
11676            <remarks>
11677            <para>
11678            If both <paramref name="Filename"/> and
11679            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> are null, the database is strictly
11680            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
11681            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database 
11682            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe. If
11683            <paramref name="Filename"/> is null and
11684            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> is non-null, the database can be
11685            opened by other threads of control and will be replicated to client
11686            sites in any replication group.
11687            </para>
11688            <para>
11689            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
11690            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
11691            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
11692            be transactionally protected during its open.
11693            </para>
11694            </remarks>
11695            <param name="Filename">
11696            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
11697            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
11698            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
11699            </param>
11700            <param name="DatabaseName">
11701            This parameter allows applications to have multiple databases in a
11702            single file. Although no DatabaseName needs to be specified, it is
11703            an error to attempt to open a second database in a file that was not
11704            initially created using a database name.
11705            </param>
11706            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
11707            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
11708        </member>
11709        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
11710            <summary>
11711            Instantiate a new SecondaryHashDatabase object, open the
11712            database represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate 
11713            the database with the
11714            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">primary index</see>.
11715            </summary>
11716            <remarks>
11717            <para>
11718            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null, the database is strictly
11719            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
11720            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database
11721            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe.
11722            </para>
11723            <para>
11724            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but
11725            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation will
11726            be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
11727            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
11728            be transactionally protected during its open. Also note that the
11729            transaction must be committed before the object is closed.
11730            </para>
11731            </remarks>
11732            <param name="Filename">
11733            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
11734            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
11735            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
11736            </param>
11737            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
11738            <param name="txn">
11739            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
11740            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
11741            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
11742            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
11743            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
11744            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
11745            </param>
11746            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
11747        </member>
11748        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabase.Open(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
11749            <summary>
11750            Instantiate a new SecondaryHashDatabase object, open the
11751            database represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate 
11752            the database with the
11753            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">primary index</see>.
11754            </summary>
11755            <remarks>
11756            <para>
11757            If both <paramref name="Filename"/> and
11758            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> are null, the database is strictly
11759            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
11760            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database 
11761            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe. If
11762            <paramref name="Filename"/> is null and
11763            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> is non-null, the database can be
11764            opened by other threads of control and will be replicated to client
11765            sites in any replication group.
11766            </para>
11767            <para>
11768            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but
11769            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation will
11770            be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
11771            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
11772            be transactionally protected during its open. Also note that the
11773            transaction must be committed before the object is closed.
11774            </para>
11775            </remarks>
11776            <param name="Filename">
11777            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
11778            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
11779            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
11780            </param>
11781            <param name="DatabaseName">
11782            This parameter allows applications to have multiple databases in a
11783            single file. Although no DatabaseName needs to be specified, it is
11784            an error to attempt to open a second database in a file that was not
11785            initially created using a database name.
11786            </param>
11787            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
11788            <param name="txn">
11789            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
11790            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
11791            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
11792            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
11793            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
11794            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
11795            </param>
11796            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
11797        </member>
11798        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabase.Compare">
11799            <summary>
11800            The secondary Hash key comparison function. The comparison function
11801            is called whenever it is necessary to compare a key specified by the
11802            application with a key currently stored in the tree. 
11803            </summary>
11804        </member>
11805        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabase.DupCompare">
11806            <summary>
11807            The duplicate data item comparison function.
11808            </summary>
11809        </member>
11810        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabase.Duplicates">
11811            <summary>
11812            Whether the insertion of duplicate data items in the database is
11813            permitted, and whether duplicates items are sorted.
11814            </summary>
11815        </member>
11816        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabase.FillFactor">
11817            <summary>
11818            The desired density within the hash table.
11819            </summary>
11820        </member>
11821        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabase.HashFunction">
11822            <summary>
11823            A user-defined hash function; if no hash function is specified, a
11824            default hash function is used. 
11825            </summary>
11826        </member>
11827        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryHashDatabase.TableSize">
11828            <summary>
11829            An estimate of the final size of the hash table.
11830            </summary>
11831        </member>
11832        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.RepMgrStats">
11833            <summary>
11834            Statistical information about the Replication Manager
11835            </summary>
11836        </member>
11837        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RepMgrStats.DroppedConnections">
11838            <summary>
11839            Existing connections dropped. 
11840            </summary>
11841        </member>
11842        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RepMgrStats.DroppedMessages">
11843            <summary>
11844            # msgs discarded due to excessive queue length.
11845            </summary>
11846        </member>
11847        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RepMgrStats.FailedConnections">
11848            <summary>
11849            Failed new connection attempts. 
11850            </summary>
11851        </member>
11852        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RepMgrStats.FailedMessages">
11853            <summary>
11854            # of insufficiently ack'ed msgs. 
11855            </summary>
11856        </member>
11857        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RepMgrStats.QueuedMessages">
11858            <summary>
11859            # msgs queued for network delay. 
11860            </summary>
11861        </member>
11862        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig">
11863            <summary>
11864            A class representing configuration parameters for a
11865            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment"/>'s replication subsystem.
11866            </summary>
11867        </member>
11868        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.#ctor">
11869            <summary>
11870            Instantiate a new ReplicationConfig object with default
11871            configuration values.
11872            </summary>
11873        </member>
11874        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.BulkTransfer">
11875            <summary>
11876            If true, the replication master will send groups of records to the
11877            clients in a single network transfer
11878            </summary>
11879        </member>
11880        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.DelayClientSync">
11881            <summary>
11882            If true, the client will delay synchronizing to a newly declared
11883            master (defaults to false). Clients configured in this way will
11884            remain unsynchronized until the application calls
11885            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepSync"/>. 
11886            </summary>
11887        </member>
11888        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.UseMasterLeases">
11889            <summary>
11890            If true, master leases will be used for this site (defaults to
11891            false). 
11892            </summary>
11893            <remarks>
11894            Configuring this option may result in a 
11895            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LeaseExpiredException"/> when attempting to read entries
11896            from a database after the site's master lease has expired.
11897            </remarks>
11898        </member>
11899        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.NoAutoInit">
11900            <summary>
11901            If true, the replication master will not automatically re-initialize
11902            outdated clients (defaults to false). 
11903            </summary>
11904        </member>
11905        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.NoBlocking">
11906            <summary>
11907            If true, Berkeley DB method calls that would normally block while
11908            clients are in recovery will return errors immediately (defaults to
11909            false).
11910            </summary>
11911        </member>
11912        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.Strict2Site">
11913            <summary>
11914            If true, the Replication Manager will observe the strict "majority"
11915            rule in managing elections, even in a group with only 2 sites. This
11916            means the client in a 2-site group will be unable to take over as
11917            master if the original master fails or becomes disconnected. (See
11918            the Elections section in the Berkeley DB Reference Guide for more
11919            information.) Both sites in the replication group should have the
11920            same value for this parameter.
11921            </summary>
11922        </member>
11923        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.Clockskew(System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
11924            <summary>
11925            Set the clock skew ratio among replication group members based on
11926            the fastest and slowest measurements among the group for use with
11927            master leases.
11928            </summary>
11929            <remarks>
11930            <para>
11931            Calling this method is optional, the default values for clock skew
11932            assume no skew. The user must also configure leases via
11933            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.UseMasterLeases"/>. Additionally, the user must also
11934            set the master lease timeout via <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.LeaseTimeout"/> and
11935            the number of sites in the replication group via
11936            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.NSites"/>. These settings may be configured in any
11937            order. For a description of the clock skew values, see Clock skew 
11938            in the Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide. For a description
11939            of master leases, see Master leases in the Berkeley DB Programmer's
11940            Reference Guide.
11941            </para>
11942            <para>
11943            These arguments can be used to express either raw measurements of a
11944            clock timing experiment or a percentage across machines. For
11945            instance a group of sites have a 2% variance, then
11946            <paramref name="fast"/> should be set to 102, and
11947            <paramref name="slow"/> should be set to 100. Or, for a 0.03%
11948            difference, you can use 10003 and 10000 respectively.
11949            </para>
11950            </remarks>
11951            <param name="fast">
11952            The value, relative to <paramref name="slow"/>, of the fastest clock
11953            in the group of sites.
11954            </param>
11955            <param name="slow">
11956            The value of the slowest clock in the group of sites.
11957            </param>
11958        </member>
11959        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.RetransmissionRequest(System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
11960            <summary>
11961            Set a threshold for the minimum and maximum time that a client waits
11962            before requesting retransmission of a missing message.
11963            </summary>
11964            <remarks>
11965            <para>
11966            If the client detects a gap in the sequence of incoming log records
11967            or database pages, Berkeley DB will wait for at least
11968            <paramref name="min"/> microseconds before requesting retransmission
11969            of the missing record. Berkeley DB will double that amount before
11970            requesting the same missing record again, and so on, up to a
11971            maximum threshold of <paramref name="max"/> microseconds.
11972            </para>
11973            <para>
11974            These values are thresholds only. Since Berkeley DB has no thread
11975            available in the library as a timer, the threshold is only checked
11976            when a thread enters the Berkeley DB library to process an incoming
11977            replication message. Any amount of time may have passed since the
11978            last message arrived and Berkeley DB only checks whether the amount
11979            of time since a request was made is beyond the threshold value or
11980            not.
11981            </para>
11982            <para>
11983            By default the minimum is 40000 and the maximum is 1280000 (1.28
11984            seconds). These defaults are fairly arbitrary and the application
11985            likely needs to adjust these. The values should be based on expected
11986            load and performance characteristics of the master and client host
11987            platforms and transport infrastructure as well as round-trip message
11988            time.
11989            </para></remarks>
11990            <param name="min">
11991            The minimum number of microseconds a client waits before requesting
11992            retransmission.
11993            </param>
11994            <param name="max">
11995            The maximum number of microseconds a client waits before requesting
11996            retransmission.
11997            </param>
11998        </member>
11999        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.TransmitLimit(System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
12000            <summary>
12001            Set a byte-count limit on the amount of data that will be
12002            transmitted from a site in response to a single message processed by
12003            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32)"/>. The limit is
12004            not a hard limit, and the record that exceeds the limit is the last
12005            record to be sent. 
12006            </summary>
12007            <remarks>
12008            <para>
12009            Record transmission throttling is turned on by default with a limit
12010            of 10MB.
12011            </para>
12012            <para>
12013            If both <paramref name="GBytes"/> and <paramref name="Bytes"/> are
12014            zero, then the transmission limit is turned off.
12015            </para>
12016            </remarks>
12017            <param name="GBytes">
12018            The number of gigabytes which, when added to
12019            <paramref name="Bytes"/>, specifies the maximum number of bytes that
12020            will be sent in a single call to 
12021            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32)"/>.
12022            </param>
12023            <param name="Bytes">
12024            The number of bytes which, when added to 
12025            <paramref name="GBytes"/>, specifies the maximum number of bytes
12026            that will be sent in a single call to
12027            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32)"/>.
12028            </param>
12029        </member>
12030        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.Transport">
12031            <summary>
12032            The delegate used to transmit data using the replication
12033            application's communication infrastructure.
12034            </summary>
12035        </member>
12036        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.RepMgrAckPolicy">
12037            <summary>
12038            Specify how master and client sites will handle acknowledgment of
12039            replication messages which are necessary for "permanent" records.
12040            The current implementation requires all sites in a replication group
12041            configure the same acknowledgement policy. 
12042            </summary>
12043            <seealso cref="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.AckTimeout"/>
12044        </member>
12045        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.RepMgrLocalSite">
12046            <summary>
12047            The host information for the local system. 
12048            </summary>
12049        </member>
12050        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.AddRemoteSite(BerkeleyDB.ReplicationHostAddress,System.Boolean)">
12051            <summary>
12052            Add a new replication site to the replication manager's list of
12053            known sites. It is not necessary for all sites in a replication
12054            group to know about all other sites in the group. 
12055            </summary>
12056            <remarks>
12057            Currently, the replication manager framework only supports a single
12058            client peer, and the last specified peer is used.
12059            </remarks>
12060            <param name="host">The remote site's address</param>
12061            <param name="isPeer">
12062            If true, configure client-to-client synchronization with the
12063            specified remote site.
12064            </param>
12065        </member>
12066        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.AckTimeout">
12067            <summary>
12068            The amount of time the replication manager's transport function
12069            waits to collect enough acknowledgments from replication group
12070            clients, before giving up and returning a failure indication. The
12071            default wait time is 1 second.
12072            </summary>
12073        </member>
12074        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.CheckpointDelay">
12075            <summary>
12076            The amount of time a master site will delay between completing a
12077            checkpoint and writing a checkpoint record into the log.
12078            </summary>
12079            <remarks>
12080            This delay allows clients to complete their own checkpoints before
12081            the master requires completion of them. The default is 30 seconds.
12082            If all databases in the environment, and the environment's
12083            transaction log, are configured to reside in memory (never preserved
12084            to disk), then, although checkpoints are still necessary, the delay
12085            is not useful and should be set to 0.
12086            </remarks>
12087        </member>
12088        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.ConnectionRetry">
12089            <summary>
12090            The amount of time the replication manager will wait before trying
12091            to re-establish a connection to another site after a communication
12092            failure. The default wait time is 30 seconds.
12093            </summary>
12094        </member>
12095        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.ElectionTimeout">
12096            <summary>
12097            The timeout period for an election. The default timeout is 2
12098            seconds.
12099            </summary>
12100        </member>
12101        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.ElectionRetry">
12102            <summary>
12103            Configure the amount of time the replication manager will wait
12104            before retrying a failed election. The default wait time is 10
12105            seconds. 
12106            </summary>
12107        </member>
12108        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.FullElectionTimeout">
12109            <summary>
12110            An optional configuration timeout period to wait for full election
12111            participation the first time the replication group finds a master.
12112            By default this option is turned off and normal election timeouts
12113            are used. (See the Elections section in the Berkeley DB Reference
12114            Guide for more information.) 
12115            </summary>
12116        </member>
12117        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.HeartbeatMonitor">
12118            <summary>
12119            The amount of time the replication manager, running at a client
12120            site, waits for some message activity on the connection from the
12121            master (heartbeats or other messages) before concluding that the
12122            connection has been lost. When 0 (the default), no monitoring is
12123            performed.
12124            </summary>
12125        </member>
12126        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.HeartbeatSend">
12127            <summary>
12128            The frequency at which the replication manager, running at a master
12129            site, broadcasts a heartbeat message in an otherwise idle system.
12130            When 0 (the default), no heartbeat messages will be sent. 
12131            </summary>
12132        </member>
12133        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.LeaseTimeout">
12134            <summary>
12135            The amount of time a client grants its master lease to a master.
12136            When using master leases all sites in a replication group must use
12137            the same lease timeout value. There is no default value. If leases
12138            are desired, this method must be called prior to calling
12139            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepStartClient"/> or
12140            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepStartMaster"/>.
12141            </summary>
12142        </member>
12143        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.ClockskewFast">
12144            <summary>
12145            The value, relative to <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.ClockskewSlow"/>, of the fastest
12146            clock in the group of sites.
12147            </summary>
12148        </member>
12149        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.ClockskewSlow">
12150            <summary>
12151            The value of the slowest clock in the group of sites.
12152            </summary>
12153        </member>
12154        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.NSites">
12155            <summary>
12156            The total number of sites in the replication group.
12157            </summary>
12158            <remarks>
12159            <para>
12160            This setting is typically used by applications which use the
12161            Berkeley DB library "replication manager" support. (However, see
12162            also <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepHoldElection"/>, the
12163            description of the nsites parameter.)
12164            </para>
12165            </remarks>
12166        </member>
12167        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.Priority">
12168            <summary>
12169            The database environment's priority in replication group elections.
12170            A special value of 0 indicates that this environment cannot be a
12171            replication group master. If not configured, then a default value
12172            of 100 is used.
12173            </summary>
12174        </member>
12175        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.RetransmissionRequestMin">
12176            <summary>
12177            The minimum number of microseconds a client waits before requesting
12178            retransmission.
12179            </summary>
12180        </member>
12181        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.RetransmissionRequestMax">
12182            <summary>
12183            The maximum number of microseconds a client waits before requesting
12184            retransmission.
12185            </summary>
12186        </member>
12187        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.TransmitLimitGBytes">
12188            <summary>
12189            The gigabytes component of the byte-count limit on the amount of
12190            data that will be transmitted from a site in response to a single
12191            message processed by
12192            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32)"/>.
12193            </summary>
12194        </member>
12195        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.TransmitLimitBytes">
12196            <summary>
12197            The bytes component of the byte-count limit on the amount of data
12198            that will be transmitted from a site in response to a single
12199            message processed by
12200            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Int32)"/>.
12201            </summary>
12202        </member>
12203        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.MutexConfig">
12204            <summary>
12205            A class representing configuration parameters for a
12206            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment"/>'s mutex subsystem.
12207            </summary>
12208        </member>
12209        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MutexConfig.Alignment">
12210            <summary>
12211            The mutex alignment, in bytes.
12212            </summary>
12213            <remarks>
12214            <para>
12215            It is sometimes advantageous to align mutexes on specific byte
12216            boundaries in order to minimize cache line collisions. Alignment
12217            specifies an alignment for mutexes allocated by Berkeley DB.
12218            </para>
12219            <para>
12220            If the database environment already exists when
12221            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig)"/> is called, the value of
12222            Alignment will be ignored.
12223            </para>
12224            </remarks>
12225        </member>
12226        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MutexConfig.Increment">
12227            <summary>
12228            Configure the number of additional mutexes to allocate.
12229            </summary>
12230            <remarks>
12231            <para>
12232            If both Increment and <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.MutexConfig.MaxMutexes"/> are set, the value of
12233            Increment will be silently ignored.
12234            </para>
12235            <para>
12236            If the database environment already exists when
12237            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig)"/> is called, the value of
12238            Increment will be ignored.
12239            </para>
12240            </remarks>
12241        </member>
12242        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MutexConfig.MaxMutexes">
12243            <summary>
12244            The total number of mutexes to allocate.
12245            </summary>
12246            <remarks>
12247            <para>
12248            Berkeley DB allocates a default number of mutexes based on the
12249            initial configuration of the database environment. That default
12250            calculation may be too small if the application has an unusual need
12251            for mutexes (for example, if the application opens an unexpectedly
12252            large number of databases) or too large (if the application is
12253            trying to minimize its memory footprint). MaxMutexes is used to
12254            specify an absolute number of mutexes to allocate.
12255            </para>
12256            <para>
12257            If both <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.MutexConfig.Increment"/> and MaxMutexes are set, the value of
12258            Increment will be silently ignored.
12259            </para>
12260            <para>
12261            If the database environment already exists when
12262            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig)"/> is called, the value of
12263            MaxMutexes will be ignored.
12264            </para>
12265            </remarks>
12266        </member>
12267        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MutexConfig.NumTestAndSetSpins">
12268            <summary>
12269            The number of spins test-and-set mutexes should execute before
12270            blocking. 
12271            </summary>
12272        </member>
12273        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.AppendRecordDelegate">
12274            <summary>
12275            A function to call after the record number has been selected but before
12276            the data has been stored into the database.
12277            </summary>
12278            <param name="data">The data to be stored.</param>
12279            <param name="recno">The generated record number.</param>
12280        </member>
12281        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCompressDelegate">
12282            <summary>
12283            A function to store a compressed key/data pair into a supplied buffer.
12284            </summary>
12285            <param name="prevKey">The key immediately preceding the application supplied key.</param>
12286            <param name="prevData">The data associated with prevKey.</param>
12287            <param name="key">The application supplied key.</param>
12288            <param name="data">The application supplied data. </param>
12289            <param name="dest">The compressed data to be stored in the
12290            database.</param>
12291            <param name="size">The number of compressed bytes written to
12292            <paramref name="dest"/>, or the required size of
12293            <paramref name="dest"/>, if too small.</param>
12294            <returns>True on success, false if dest is too small to contain the
12295            compressed data.  All other errors should throw an exception.</returns>
12296        </member>
12297        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDecompressDelegate">
12298            <summary>
12299            A function to decompress a key/data pair from a supplied buffer.
12300            </summary>
12301            <param name="prevKey">The key immediately preceding the key being decompressed.</param>
12302            <param name="prevData">The data associated with prevKey.</param>
12303            <param name="compressed">The data stored in the tree, that is, the compressed data.</param>
12304            <param name="bytesRead">The number of bytes read from <paramref name="compressed"/>.</param>
12305            <returns>Two new DatabaseEntry objects representing the decompressed
12306            key/data pair.</returns>
12307        </member>
12308        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseFeedbackDelegate">
12309            <summary>
12310            The application-specified feedback function called to report Berkeley DB
12311            operation progress.
12312            </summary>
12313            <param name="opcode">
12314            An operation code specifying the Berkley DB operation
12315            </param>
12316            <param name="percent">
12317            The percent of the operation that has been completed, specified as an
12318            integer value between 0 and 100.
12319            </param>
12320        </member>
12321        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.EntryComparisonDelegate">
12322            <summary>
12323            An application-specified comparison function.
12324            </summary>
12325            <param name="dbt1">The application supplied key.</param>
12326            <param name="dbt2">The current tree's key.</param>
12327            <returns>
12328            An integer value less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the first
12329            key parameter is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or
12330            greater than the second key parameter.
12331            </returns>
12332        </member>
12333        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.EnvironmentFeedbackDelegate">
12334            <summary>
12335            The application-specified feedback function called to report Berkeley DB
12336            operation progress.
12337            </summary>
12338            <param name="opcode">
12339            An operation code specifying the Berkley DB operation
12340            </param>
12341            <param name="percent">
12342            The percent of the operation that has been completed, specified as an
12343            integer value between 0 and 100.
12344            </param>
12345        </member>
12346        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.ErrorFeedbackDelegate">
12347            <summary>
12348            The application-specified error reporting function.
12349            </summary>
12350            <param name="errPrefix">The prefix string</param>
12351            <param name="errMessage">The error message string</param>
12352        </member>
12353        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.EventNotifyDelegate">
12354            <summary>
12355            The application's event notification function.
12356            </summary>
12357            <param name="eventcode">
12358            An even code specifying the Berkeley DB event
12359            </param>
12360            <param name="event_info">
12361            Additional information describing an event. By default, event_info is
12362            null; specific events may pass non-null values, in which case the event
12363            will also describe the information's structure.
12364            </param>
12365        </member>
12366        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.ForeignKeyNullifyDelegate">
12367            <summary>
12369            </summary>
12370            <param name="key"></param>
12371            <param name="data"></param>
12372            <param name="foreignkey"></param>
12373            <returns></returns>
12374        </member>
12375        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.HashFunctionDelegate">
12376            <summary>
12377            The application-specified hash function.
12378            </summary>
12379            <param name="data">
12380            A byte string representing a key in the database
12381            </param>
12382            <returns>The hashed value of <paramref name="data"/></returns>
12383        </member>
12384        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationTransportDelegate">
12385            <summary>
12386            The function used to transmit data using the replication application's
12387            communication infrastructure.
12388            </summary>
12389            <param name="control">
12390            The first of the two data elements to be transmitted by the send
12391            function.
12392            </param>
12393            <param name="rec">
12394            The second of the two data elements to be transmitted by the send
12395            function.
12396            </param>
12397            <param name="lsn">
12398            If the type of message to be sent has an LSN associated with it, then
12399            this is the LSN of the record being sent. This LSN can be used to
12400            determine that certain records have been processed successfully by
12401            clients.
12402            </param>
12403            <param name="envid">
12404            <para>
12405            A positive integer identifier that specifies the replication environment
12406            to which the message should be sent.
12407            </para>
12408            <para>
12409            The special identifier DB_EID_BROADCAST indicates that a message should
12410            be broadcast to every environment in the replication group. The
12411            application may use a true broadcast protocol or may send the message
12412            in sequence to each machine with which it is in communication. In both
12413            cases, the sending site should not be asked to process the message.
12414            </para>
12415            <para>
12416            The special identifier DB_EID_INVALID indicates an invalid environment
12417            ID. This may be used to initialize values that are subsequently checked
12418            for validity. 
12419            </para>
12420            </param>
12421            <param name="flags">XXX: TBD</param>
12422            <returns>0 on success and non-zero on failure</returns>
12423        </member>
12424        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryKeyGenDelegate">
12425            <summary>
12426            The function that creates the set of secondary keys corresponding to a
12427            given primary key and data pair. 
12428            </summary>
12429            <param name="key">The primary key</param>
12430            <param name="data">The primary data item</param>
12431            <returns>The secondary key(s)</returns>
12432        </member>
12433        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.SetThreadIDDelegate">
12434            <summary>
12435            A function which returns a unique identifier pair for a thread of
12436            control in a Berkeley DB application.
12437            </summary>
12438            <returns>
12439            A DbThreadID object describing the current thread of control
12440            </returns>
12441        </member>
12442        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.SetThreadNameDelegate">
12443            <summary>
12444            A function which returns an identifier pair for a thread of control
12445            formatted for display.
12446            </summary>
12447            <param name="info">The thread of control to format</param>
12448            <returns>The formatted identifier pair</returns>
12449        </member>
12450        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.ThreadIsAliveDelegate">
12451            <summary>
12452            A function which returns whether the thread of control, identified by
12453            <paramref name="info"/>, is still running.
12454            </summary>
12455            <param name="info">The thread of control to check</param>
12456            <param name="procOnly">
12457            If true, return only if the process is alive, and the
12458            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DbThreadID.threadID"/> portion of <paramref name="info"/>
12459            should be ignored.
12460            </param>
12461            <returns>True if the tread is alive, false otherwise.</returns>
12462        </member>
12463        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig">
12464            <summary>
12465            A class representing configuration parameters for
12466            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment"/>
12467            </summary>
12468        </member>
12469        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.#ctor">
12470            <summary>
12471            Create a new object, with default settings
12472            </summary>
12473        </member>
12474        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.LockSystemCfg">
12475            <summary>
12476            Configuration for the locking subsystem
12477            </summary>
12478        </member>
12479        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.LogSystemCfg">
12480            <summary>
12481            Configuration for the logging subsystem
12482            </summary>
12483        </member>
12484        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.MPoolSystemCfg">
12485            <summary>
12486            Configuration for the memory pool subsystem
12487            </summary>
12488        </member>
12489        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.MutexSystemCfg">
12490            <summary>
12491            Configuration for the mutex subsystem
12492            </summary>
12493        </member>
12494        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.RepSystemCfg">
12495            <summary>
12496            Configuration for the replication subsystem
12497            </summary>
12498        </member>
12499        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.ErrorFeedback">
12500            <summary>
12501            The mechanism for reporting detailed error messages to the
12502            application.
12503            </summary>
12504            <remarks>
12505            <para>
12506            When an error occurs in the Berkeley DB library, a
12507            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseException"/>, or subclass of DatabaseException,
12508            is thrown. In some cases, however, the exception may be insufficient
12509            to completely describe the cause of the error, especially during
12510            initial application debugging.
12511            </para>
12512            <para>
12513            In some cases, when an error occurs, Berkeley DB will call the given
12514            delegate with additional error information. It is up to the delegate
12515            to display the error message in an appropriate manner.
12516            </para>
12517            <para>
12518            Setting ErrorFeedback to NULL unconfigures the callback interface.
12519            </para>
12520            <para>
12521            This error-logging enhancement does not slow performance or
12522            significantly increase application size, and may be run during
12523            normal operation as well as during application debugging.
12524            </para>
12525            </remarks>
12526        </member>
12527        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.Feedback">
12528            <summary>
12529            Monitor progress within long running operations.
12530            </summary>
12531            <remarks>
12532            <para>
12533            Some operations performed by the Berkeley DB library can take
12534            non-trivial amounts of time. The Feedback delegate can be used by
12535            applications to monitor progress within these operations. When an
12536            operation is likely to take a long time, Berkeley DB will call the
12537            specified delegate with progress information.
12538            </para>
12539            <para>
12540            It is up to the delegate to display this information in an
12541            appropriate manner. 
12542            </para>
12543            </remarks>
12544        </member>
12545        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.EventNotify">
12546            <summary>
12547            A delegate which is called to notify the process of specific
12548            Berkeley DB events. 
12549            </summary>
12550        </member>
12551        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.SetThreadID">
12552            <summary>
12553            A delegate that returns a unique identifier pair for the current 
12554            thread of control.
12555            </summary>
12556            <remarks>
12557            This delegate supports <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.FailCheck"/>.
12558            For more information, see Architecting Data Store and Concurrent
12559            Data Store applications, and Architecting Transactional Data Store
12560            applications, both in the Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide.
12561            </remarks>
12562        </member>
12563        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.ThreadName">
12564            <summary>
12565            A delegate that formats a process ID and thread ID identifier pair. 
12566            </summary>
12567        </member>
12568        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.ThreadIsAlive">
12569            <summary>
12570            A delegate that returns if a thread of control (either a true thread
12571            or a process) is still running.
12572            </summary>
12573        </member>
12574        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.DataDirs">
12575            <summary>
12576            Paths of directories to be used as the location of the access method
12577            database files.
12578            </summary>
12579            <remarks>
12580            <para>
12581            Paths specified to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig)"/> will be searched
12582            relative to this path. Paths set using this method are additive, and
12583            specifying more than one will result in each specified directory
12584            being searched for database files.
12585            </para>
12586            <para>
12587            If no database directories are specified, database files must be
12588            named either by absolute paths or relative to the environment home
12589            directory. See Berkeley DB File Naming in the Programmer's Reference
12590            Guide for more information.
12591            </para>
12592            </remarks>
12593        </member>
12594        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.CreationDir">
12595            <summary>
12596            The path of a directory to be used as the location to create the
12597            access method database files. When <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabaseConfig)"/>,
12598            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.HashDatabaseConfig)"/>, <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabaseConfig)"/> or
12599            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig)"/> is used to create a file it will be
12600            created relative to this path.
12601            </summary>
12602            <remarks>
12603            <para>
12604            This path must also exist in <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.DataDirs"/>.
12605            </para>
12606            <para>
12607            If no database directory is specified, database files must be named
12608            either by absolute paths or relative to the environment home 
12609            directory. See Berkeley DB File Naming in the Programmer's Reference
12610            Guide for more information.
12611            </para>
12612            </remarks>
12613        </member>
12614        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.SetEncryption(System.String,BerkeleyDB.EncryptionAlgorithm)">
12615            <summary>
12616            Set the password and algorithm used by the Berkeley DB library to
12617            perform encryption and decryption. 
12618            </summary>
12619            <param name="password">
12620            The password used to perform encryption and decryption.
12621            </param>
12622            <param name="alg">
12623            The algorithm used to perform encryption and decryption.
12624            </param>
12625        </member>
12626        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.ErrorPrefix">
12627            <summary>
12628            The prefix string that appears before error messages issued by
12629            Berkeley DB.
12630            </summary>
12631            <remarks>
12632            <para>
12633            For databases opened inside of a DatabaseEnvironment, setting
12634            ErrorPrefix affects the entire environment and is equivalent to
12635            setting <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.ErrorPrefix"/>.
12636            </para>
12637            </remarks>
12638        </member>
12639        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.IntermediateDirMode">
12640            <summary>
12641            The permissions for any intermediate directories created by Berkeley
12642            DB.
12643            </summary>
12644            <remarks>
12645            <para>
12646            By default, Berkeley DB does not create intermediate directories
12647            needed for recovery, that is, if the file /a/b/c/mydatabase is being
12648            recovered, and the directory path b/c does not exist, recovery will
12649            fail. This default behavior is because Berkeley DB does not know
12650            what permissions are appropriate for intermediate directory
12651            creation, and creating the directory might result in a security
12652            problem.
12653            </para>
12654            <para>
12655            Directory permissions are interpreted as a string of nine
12656            characters, using the character set r (read), w (write), x (execute
12657            or search), and - (none). The first character is the read
12658            permissions for the directory owner (set to either r or -). The
12659            second character is the write permissions for the directory owner
12660            (set to either w or -). The third character is the execute
12661            permissions for the directory owner (set to either x or -).
12662            </para>
12663            <para>
12664            Similarly, the second set of three characters are the read, write
12665            and execute/search permissions for the directory group, and the
12666            third set of three characters are the read, write and execute/search
12667            permissions for all others. For example, the string rwx------ would
12668            configure read, write and execute/search access for the owner only.
12669            The string rwxrwx--- would configure read, write and execute/search
12670            access for both the owner and the group. The string rwxr----- would
12671            configure read, write and execute/search access for the directory
12672            owner and read-only access for the directory group.
12673            </para>
12674            </remarks>
12675        </member>
12676        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.TempDir">
12677            <summary>
12678            The path of a directory to be used as the location of temporary
12679            files.
12680            </summary>
12681            <remarks>
12682            <para>
12683            The files created to back in-memory access method databases will be
12684            created relative to this path. These temporary files can be quite
12685            large, depending on the size of the database.
12686            </para>
12687            <para>
12688            If no directories are specified, the following alternatives are
12689            checked in the specified order. The first existing directory path is
12690            used for all temporary files.
12691            </para>
12692            <list type="number">
12693            <item>The value of the environment variable TMPDIR.</item>
12694            <item>The value of the environment variable TEMP.</item>
12695            <item>The value of the environment variable TMP.</item>
12696            <item>The value of the environment variable TempFolder.</item>
12697            <item>The value returned by the GetTempPath interface.</item>
12698            <item>The directory /var/tmp.</item>
12699            <item>The directory /usr/tmp.</item>
12700            <item>The directory /temp.</item>
12701            <item>The directory /tmp.</item>
12702            <item>The directory C:/temp.</item>
12703            <item>The directory C:/tmp.</item>
12704            </list>
12705            <para>
12706            Environment variables are only checked if
12707            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.UseEnvironmentVars"/> is true.
12708            </para>
12709            </remarks>
12710        </member>
12711        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.Verbosity">
12712            <summary>
12713            Specific additional informational and debugging messages in the
12714            Berkeley DB message output.
12715            </summary>
12716        </member>
12717        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.AutoCommit">
12718            <summary>
12719            If true, database operations for which no explicit transaction
12720            handle was specified, and which modify databases in the database
12721            environment, will be automatically enclosed within a transaction.
12722            </summary>
12723        </member>
12724        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.CDB_ALLDB">
12725            <summary>
12726            If true, Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store applications will perform
12727            locking on an environment-wide basis rather than on a per-database
12728            basis. 
12729            </summary>
12730        </member>
12731        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.ForceFlush">
12732            <summary>
12733            If true, Berkeley DB will flush database writes to the backing disk
12734            before returning from the write system call, rather than flushing
12735            database writes explicitly in a separate system call, as necessary.
12736            </summary>
12737            <remarks>
12738            This is only available on some systems (for example, systems
12739            supporting the IEEE/ANSI Std 1003.1 (POSIX) standard O_DSYNC flag,
12740            or systems supporting the Windows FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH flag).
12741            This flag may result in inaccurate file modification times and other
12742            file-level information for Berkeley DB database files. This flag
12743            will almost certainly result in a performance decrease on most
12744            systems. This flag is only applicable to certain filesysystems (for
12745            example, the Veritas VxFS filesystem), where the filesystem's
12746            support for trickling writes back to stable storage behaves badly
12747            (or more likely, has been misconfigured).
12748            </remarks>
12749        </member>
12750        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.InitRegions">
12751            <summary>
12752            If true, Berkeley DB will page-fault shared regions into memory when
12753            initially creating or joining a Berkeley DB environment. In
12754            addition, Berkeley DB will write the shared regions when creating an
12755            environment, forcing the underlying virtual memory and filesystems
12756            to instantiate both the necessary memory and the necessary disk
12757            space. This can also avoid out-of-disk space failures later on.
12758            </summary>
12759            <remarks>
12760            <para>
12761            In some applications, the expense of page-faulting the underlying
12762            shared memory regions can affect performance. (For example, if the
12763            page-fault occurs while holding a lock, other lock requests can
12764            convoy, and overall throughput may decrease.)
12765            </para>
12766            </remarks>
12767        </member>
12768        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.NoBuffer">
12769            <summary>
12770            If true, turn off system buffering of Berkeley DB database files to
12771            avoid double caching. 
12772            </summary>
12773        </member>
12774        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.NoLocking">
12775            <summary>
12776            If true, Berkeley DB will grant all requested mutual exclusion
12777            mutexes and database locks without regard for their actual
12778            availability. This functionality should never be used for purposes
12779            other than debugging. 
12780            </summary>
12781        </member>
12782        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.NoMMap">
12783            <summary>
12784            If true, Berkeley DB will copy read-only database files into the
12785            local cache instead of potentially mapping them into process memory
12786            (see <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolConfig.MMapSize"/> for further information).
12787            </summary>
12788        </member>
12789        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.NoPanic">
12790            <summary>
12791            If true, Berkeley DB will ignore any panic state in the database
12792            environment. (Database environments in a panic state normally refuse
12793            all attempts to call Berkeley DB functions, throwing
12794            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RunRecoveryException"/>. This functionality should never
12795            be used for purposes other than debugging.
12796            </summary>
12797        </member>
12798        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.Overwrite">
12799            <summary>
12800            If true, overwrite files stored in encrypted formats before deleting
12801            them.
12802            </summary>
12803            <remarks>
12804            Berkeley DB overwrites files using alternating 0xff, 0x00 and 0xff
12805            byte patterns. For file overwriting to be effective, the underlying
12806            file must be stored on a fixed-block filesystem. Systems with
12807            journaling or logging filesystems will require operating system
12808            support and probably modification of the Berkeley DB sources.
12809            </remarks>
12810        </member>
12811        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.TimeNotGranted">
12812            <summary>
12813            If true, database calls timing out based on lock or transaction
12814            timeout values will throw <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockNotGrantedException"/>
12815            instead of <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockException"/>. This allows applications
12816            to distinguish between operations which have deadlocked and
12817            operations which have exceeded their time limits.
12818            </summary>
12819        </member>
12820        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.TxnNoSync">
12821            <summary>
12822            If true, Berkeley DB will not write or synchronously flush the log
12823            on transaction commit.
12824            </summary>
12825            <remarks>
12826            This means that transactions exhibit the ACI (atomicity,
12827            consistency, and isolation) properties, but not D (durability); that
12828            is, database integrity will be maintained, but if the application or
12829            system fails, it is possible some number of the most recently
12830            committed transactions may be undone during recovery. The number of
12831            transactions at risk is governed by how many log updates can fit
12832            into the log buffer, how often the operating system flushes dirty
12833            buffers to disk, and how often the log is checkpointed.
12834            </remarks>
12835        </member>
12836        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.TxnNoWait">
12837            <summary>
12838            If true and a lock is unavailable for any Berkeley DB operation
12839            performed in the context of a transaction, cause the operation to
12840            throw <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockException"/> (or
12841            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.LockNotGrantedException"/> if
12842            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.TimeNotGranted"/> is set.
12843            </summary>
12844        </member>
12845        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.TxnSnapshot">
12846            <summary>
12847            If true, all transactions in the environment will be started as if
12848            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.TransactionConfig.Snapshot"/> were passed to
12849            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>, and all
12850            non-transactional cursors will be opened as if
12851            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig.SnapshotIsolation"/> were passed to
12852            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Cursor"/>.
12853            </summary>
12854        </member>
12855        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.TxnWriteNoSync">
12856            <summary>
12857            If true, Berkeley DB will write, but will not synchronously flush,
12858            the log on transaction commit.
12859            </summary>
12860            <remarks>
12861            This means that transactions exhibit the ACI (atomicity,
12862            consistency, and isolation) properties, but not D (durability); that
12863            is, database integrity will be maintained, but if the system fails,
12864            it is possible some number of the most recently committed
12865            transactions may be undone during recovery. The number of
12866            transactions at risk is governed by how often the system flushes
12867            dirty buffers to disk and how often the log is checkpointed.
12868            </remarks>
12869        </member>
12870        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.UseMVCC">
12871            <summary>
12872            If true, all databases in the environment will be opened as if
12873            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.UseMVCC"/> is passed to
12874            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig)"/>. This flag will be ignored for queue
12875            databases for which MVCC is not supported. 
12876            </summary>
12877        </member>
12878        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.YieldCPU">
12879            <summary>
12880            If true, Berkeley DB will yield the processor immediately after each
12881            page or mutex acquisition. This functionality should never be used
12882            for purposes other than stress testing. 
12883            </summary>
12884        </member>
12885        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.Create">
12886            <summary>
12887            If true, Berkeley DB subsystems will create any underlying files, as
12888            necessary.
12889            </summary>
12890        </member>
12891        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.FreeThreaded">
12892            <summary>
12893            If true, the created <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment"/> object will
12894            be free-threaded; that is, concurrently usable by multiple threads
12895            in the address space.
12896            </summary>
12897            <remarks>
12898            <para>
12899            Required to be true if the created <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment"/>
12900            object will be concurrently used by more than one thread in the
12901            process, or if any <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.Database"/> objects opened in the
12902            scope of the <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment"/> object will be
12903            concurrently used by more than one thread in the process.
12904            </para>
12905            <para>Required to be true when using the Replication Manager.</para>
12906            </remarks>
12907        </member>
12908        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.Lockdown">
12909            <summary>
12910            If true, lock shared Berkeley DB environment files and memory-mapped
12911            databases into memory.
12912            </summary>
12913        </member>
12914        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.Private">
12915            <summary>
12916            If true, allocate region memory from the heap instead of from memory
12917            backed by the filesystem or system shared memory. 
12918            </summary>
12919            <remarks>
12920            <para>
12921            This setting implies the environment will only be accessed by a
12922            single process (although that process may be multithreaded). This
12923            flag has two effects on the Berkeley DB environment. First, all
12924            underlying data structures are allocated from per-process memory
12925            instead of from shared memory that is accessible to more than a
12926            single process. Second, mutexes are only configured to work between
12927            threads.
12928            </para>
12929            <para>
12930            This setting should be false if more than a single process is
12931            accessing the environment because it is likely to cause database
12932            corruption and unpredictable behavior. For example, if both a server
12933            application and Berkeley DB utilities (for example, db_archive,
12934            db_checkpoint or db_stat) are expected to access the environment,
12935            this setting should be false.
12936            </para>
12937            </remarks>
12938        </member>
12939        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.Register">
12940            <summary>
12941            If true, check to see if recovery needs to be performed before
12942            opening the database environment. (For this check to be accurate,
12943            all processes using the environment must specify it when opening the
12944            environment.)
12945            </summary>
12946            <remarks>
12947            If recovery needs to be performed for any reason (including the
12948            initial use of this setting), and <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.RunRecovery"/>is also
12949            specified, recovery will be performed and the open will proceed
12950            normally. If recovery needs to be performed and
12951            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.RunRecovery"/> is not specified,
12952            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RunRecoveryException"/> will be thrown. If recovery does
12953            not need to be performed, <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.RunRecovery"/> will be ignored.
12954            See Architecting Transactional Data Store applications in the 
12955            Programmer's Reference Guide for more information.
12956            </remarks>
12957        </member>
12958        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.RunFatalRecovery">
12959            <summary>
12960            If true, catastrophic recovery will be run on this environment
12961            before opening it for normal use.
12962            </summary>
12963            <remarks>
12964            If true, the <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.Create"/> and <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.UseTxns"/> must
12965            also be set, because the regions will be removed and re-created,
12966            and transactions are required for application recovery.
12967            </remarks>
12968        </member>
12969        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.RunRecovery">
12970            <summary>
12971            If true, normal recovery will be run on this environment before
12972            opening it for normal use.
12973            </summary>
12974            <remarks>
12975            If true, the <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.Create"/> and <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.UseTxns"/> must
12976            also be set, because the regions will be removed and re-created,
12977            and transactions are required for application recovery.
12978            </remarks>
12979        </member>
12980        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.SystemMemory">
12981            <summary>
12982            If true, allocate region memory from system shared memory instead of
12983            from heap memory or memory backed by the filesystem. 
12984            </summary>
12985            <remarks>
12986            See Shared Memory Regions in the Programmer's Reference Guide for
12987            more information.
12988            </remarks>
12989        </member>
12990        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.UseEnvironmentVars">
12991            <summary>
12992            If true, the Berkeley DB process' environment may be permitted to
12993            specify information to be used when naming files.
12994            </summary>
12995            <remarks>
12996            <para>
12997            See Berkeley DB File Naming in the Programmer's Reference Guide for 
12998            more information.
12999            </para>
13000            <para>
13001            Because permitting users to specify which files are used can create
13002            security problems, environment information will be used in file 
13003            naming for all users only if UseEnvironmentVars is true.
13004            </para>
13005            </remarks>
13006        </member>
13007        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.UseCDB">
13008            <summary>
13009            If true, initialize locking for the Berkeley DB Concurrent Data
13010            Store product.
13011            </summary>
13012            <remarks>
13013            In this mode, Berkeley DB provides multiple reader/single writer
13014            access. The only other subsystem that should be specified with
13015            UseCDB flag is <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.UseMPool"/>.
13016            </remarks>
13017        </member>
13018        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.UseLocking">
13019            <summary>
13020            If true, initialize the locking subsystem.
13021            </summary>
13022            <remarks>
13023            This subsystem should be used when multiple processes or threads are
13024            going to be reading and writing a Berkeley DB database, so that they
13025            do not interfere with each other. If all threads are accessing the
13026            database(s) read-only, locking is unnecessary. When UseLocking is
13027            specified, it is usually necessary to run a deadlock detector, as
13028            well. See <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.DetectDeadlocks(BerkeleyDB.DeadlockPolicy)"/> for more
13029            information.
13030            </remarks>
13031        </member>
13032        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.UseLogging">
13033            <summary>
13034            If true, initialize the logging subsystem.
13035            </summary>
13036            <remarks>
13037            This subsystem should be used when recovery from application or
13038            system failure is necessary. If the log region is being created and
13039            log files are already present, the log files are reviewed;
13040            subsequent log writes are appended to the end of the log, rather
13041            than overwriting current log entries.
13042            </remarks>
13043        </member>
13044        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.UseMPool">
13045            <summary>
13046            If true, initialize the shared memory buffer pool subsystem.
13047            </summary>
13048            <remarks>
13049            This subsystem should be used whenever an application is using any
13050            Berkeley DB access method.
13051            </remarks>
13052        </member>
13053        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.UseReplication">
13054            <summary>
13055            If true, initialize the replication subsystem.
13056            </summary>
13057            <remarks>
13058            This subsystem should be used whenever an application plans on using
13059            replication. UseReplication requires <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.UseTxns"/> and
13060            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.UseLocking"/> also be set.
13061            </remarks>
13062        </member>
13063        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.UseTxns">
13064            <summary>
13065            If true, initialize the transaction subsystem.
13066            </summary>
13067            <remarks>
13068            This subsystem should be used when recovery and atomicity of
13069            multiple operations are important. UseTxns implies
13070            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.UseLogging"/>.
13071            </remarks>
13072        </member>
13073        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.EncryptionPassword">
13074            <summary>
13075            The password used to perform encryption and decryption.
13076            </summary>
13077        </member>
13078        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.EncryptAlgorithm">
13079            <summary>
13080            The algorithm used to perform encryption and decryption.
13081            </summary>
13082        </member>
13083        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.LockTimeout">
13084            <summary>
13085            A value, in microseconds, representing lock timeouts.
13086            </summary>
13087            <remarks>
13088            <para>
13089            All timeouts are checked whenever a thread of control blocks on a
13090            lock or when deadlock detection is performed. As timeouts are only
13091            checked when the lock request first blocks or when deadlock
13092            detection is performed, the accuracy of the timeout depends on how
13093            often deadlock detection is performed.
13094            </para>
13095            <para>
13096            Timeout values specified for the database environment may be
13097            overridden on a per-transaction basis, see
13098            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.SetLockTimeout(System.UInt32)"/>.
13099            </para>
13100            </remarks>
13101        </member>
13102        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.MaxTransactions">
13103            <summary>
13104            The number of active transactions supported by the environment. This
13105            value bounds the size of the memory allocated for transactions.
13106            Child transactions are counted as active until they either commit or
13107            abort.
13108            </summary>
13109            <remarks>
13110            <para>
13111            Transactions that update multiversion databases are not freed until
13112            the last page version that the transaction created is flushed from
13113            cache. This means that applications using multi-version concurrency
13114            control may need a transaction for each page in cache, in the
13115            extreme case.
13116            </para>
13117            <para>
13118            When all of the memory available in the database environment for
13119            transactions is in use, calls to 
13120            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/> will fail (until
13121            some active transactions complete). If MaxTransactions is never set,
13122            the database environment is configured to support at least 100
13123            active transactions.
13124            </para>
13125            </remarks>
13126        </member>
13127        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.ThreadCount">
13128            <summary>
13129            An approximate number of threads in the database environment.
13130            </summary>
13131            <remarks>
13132            <para>
13133            ThreadCount must set if <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.FailCheck"/>
13134            will be used. ThreadCount does not set the maximum number of threads
13135            but is used to determine memory sizing and the thread control block
13136            reclamation policy.
13137            </para>
13138            <para>
13139            If a process has not configured <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.ThreadIsAlive"/>, and
13140            then attempts to join a database environment configured for failure
13141            checking with <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.FailCheck"/>,
13142            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.SetThreadID"/>, <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.ThreadIsAlive"/> and
13143            ThreadCount, the program may be unable to allocate a thread control
13144            block and fail to join the environment. This is true of the
13145            standalone Berkeley DB utility programs. To avoid problems when
13146            using the standalone Berkeley DB utility programs with environments
13147            configured for failure checking, incorporate the utility's
13148            functionality directly in the application, or call 
13149            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.FailCheck"/> before running the
13150            utility.
13151            </para>
13152            </remarks>
13153        </member>
13154        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.TxnTimeout">
13155            <summary>
13156            A value, in microseconds, representing transaction timeouts.
13157            </summary>
13158            <remarks>
13159            <para>
13160            All timeouts are checked whenever a thread of control blocks on a
13161            lock or when deadlock detection is performed. As timeouts are only
13162            checked when the lock request first blocks or when deadlock
13163            detection is performed, the accuracy of the timeout depends on how
13164            often deadlock detection is performed.
13165            </para>
13166            <para>
13167            Timeout values specified for the database environment may be
13168            overridden on a per-transaction basis, see
13169            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Transaction.SetTxnTimeout(System.UInt32)"/>.
13170            </para>
13171            </remarks>
13172        </member>
13173        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.TxnTimestamp">
13174            <summary>
13175            Recover to the time specified by timestamp rather than to the most
13176            current possible date.
13177            </summary>
13178            <remarks>
13179            <para>
13180            Once a database environment has been upgraded to a new version of
13181            Berkeley DB involving a log format change (see Upgrading Berkeley DB
13182            installations in the Programmer's Reference Guide), it is no longer
13183            possible to recover to a specific time before that upgrade.
13184            </para>
13185            </remarks>
13186        </member>
13187        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabase">
13188            <summary>
13189            A class representing a SecondaryBTreeDatabase.  The Btree format is a
13190            representation of a sorted, balanced tree structure. 
13191            </summary>
13192        </member>
13193        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig)">
13194            <summary>
13195            Instantiate a new SecondaryBTreeDatabase object, open the
13196            database represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate 
13197            the database with the
13198            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">primary index</see>.
13199            </summary>
13200            <remarks>
13201            <para>
13202            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null, the database is strictly
13203            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
13204            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database
13205            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe.
13206            </para>
13207            <para>
13208            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
13209            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
13210            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
13211            be transactionally protected during its open.
13212            </para>
13213            </remarks>
13214            <param name="Filename">
13215            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
13216            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
13217            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
13218            </param>
13219            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
13220            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
13221        </member>
13222        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabase.Open(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig)">
13223            <summary>
13224            Instantiate a new SecondaryBTreeDatabase object, open the
13225            database represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate 
13226            the database with the
13227            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">primary index</see>.
13228            </summary>
13229            <remarks>
13230            <para>
13231            If both <paramref name="Filename"/> and
13232            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> are null, the database is strictly
13233            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
13234            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database 
13235            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe. If
13236            <paramref name="Filename"/> is null and
13237            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> is non-null, the database can be
13238            opened by other threads of control and will be replicated to client
13239            sites in any replication group.
13240            </para>
13241            <para>
13242            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
13243            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
13244            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
13245            be transactionally protected during its open.
13246            </para>
13247            </remarks>
13248            <param name="Filename">
13249            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
13250            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
13251            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
13252            </param>
13253            <param name="DatabaseName">
13254            This parameter allows applications to have multiple databases in a
13255            single file. Although no DatabaseName needs to be specified, it is
13256            an error to attempt to open a second database in a file that was not
13257            initially created using a database name.
13258            </param>
13259            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
13260            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
13261        </member>
13262        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
13263            <summary>
13264            Instantiate a new SecondaryBTreeDatabase object, open the
13265            database represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate 
13266            the database with the
13267            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">primary index</see>.
13268            </summary>
13269            <remarks>
13270            <para>
13271            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null, the database is strictly
13272            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
13273            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database
13274            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe.
13275            </para>
13276            <para>
13277            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but
13278            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation will
13279            be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
13280            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
13281            be transactionally protected during its open. Also note that the
13282            transaction must be committed before the object is closed.
13283            </para>
13284            </remarks>
13285            <param name="Filename">
13286            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
13287            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
13288            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
13289            </param>
13290            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
13291            <param name="txn">
13292            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
13293            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
13294            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
13295            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
13296            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
13297            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
13298            </param>
13299            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
13300        </member>
13301        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabase.Open(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
13302            <summary>
13303            Instantiate a new SecondaryBTreeDatabase object, open the
13304            database represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and associate 
13305            the database with the
13306            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryDatabaseConfig.Primary">primary index</see>.
13307            </summary>
13308            <remarks>
13309            <para>
13310            If both <paramref name="Filename"/> and
13311            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> are null, the database is strictly
13312            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
13313            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database 
13314            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe. If
13315            <paramref name="Filename"/> is null and
13316            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> is non-null, the database can be
13317            opened by other threads of control and will be replicated to client
13318            sites in any replication group.
13319            </para>
13320            <para>
13321            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but
13322            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation will
13323            be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
13324            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
13325            be transactionally protected during its open. Also note that the
13326            transaction must be committed before the object is closed.
13327            </para>
13328            </remarks>
13329            <param name="Filename">
13330            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
13331            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
13332            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
13333            </param>
13334            <param name="DatabaseName">
13335            This parameter allows applications to have multiple databases in a
13336            single file. Although no DatabaseName needs to be specified, it is
13337            an error to attempt to open a second database in a file that was not
13338            initially created using a database name.
13339            </param>
13340            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
13341            <param name="txn">
13342            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
13343            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
13344            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
13345            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
13346            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
13347            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
13348            </param>
13349            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
13350        </member>
13351        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabase.Compare">
13352            <summary>
13353            The Btree key comparison function. The comparison function is called
13354            whenever it is necessary to compare a key specified by the
13355            application with a key currently stored in the tree. 
13356            </summary>
13357        </member>
13358        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabase.DupCompare">
13359            <summary>
13360            The duplicate data item comparison function.
13361            </summary>
13362        </member>
13363        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabase.Duplicates">
13364            <summary>
13365            Whether the insertion of duplicate data items in the database is
13366            permitted, and whether duplicates items are sorted.
13367            </summary>
13368        </member>
13369        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabase.MinKeysPerPage">
13370            <summary>
13371            The minimum number of key/data pairs intended to be stored on any
13372            single Btree leaf page.
13373            </summary>
13374        </member>
13375        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabase.ReverseSplit">
13376            <summary>
13377            If false, empty pages will not be coalesced into higher-level pages.
13378            </summary>
13379        </member>
13380        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabase.PrefixCompare">
13381            <summary>
13382            The Btree prefix function. The prefix function is used to determine
13383            the amount by which keys stored on the Btree internal pages can be
13384            safely truncated without losing their uniqueness.
13385            </summary>
13386        </member>
13387        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabase.RecordNumbers">
13388            <summary>
13389            If true, this object supports retrieval from the Btree using record
13390            numbers.
13391            </summary>
13392        </member>
13393        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.CreatePolicy">
13394            <summary>
13395            The policy for how to handle database creation.
13396            </summary>
13397        </member>
13398        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CreatePolicy.NEVER">
13399            <summary>
13400            Never create the database.
13401            </summary>
13402        </member>
13403        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CreatePolicy.IF_NEEDED">
13404            <summary>
13405            Create the database if it does not already exist.
13406            </summary>
13407        </member>
13408        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CreatePolicy.ALWAYS">
13409            <summary>
13410            Do not open the database and return an error if it already exists.
13411            </summary>
13412        </member>
13413        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseFeedbackEvent">
13414            <summary>
13415            Specifies the database operation whose progress is being reported
13416            </summary>
13417        </member>
13418        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseFeedbackEvent.UPGRADE">
13419            <summary>
13420            The underlying database is being upgraded.
13421            </summary>
13422        </member>
13423        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseFeedbackEvent.VERIFY">
13424            <summary>
13425            The underlying database is being verified.
13426            </summary>
13427        </member>
13428        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy">
13429            <summary>
13430            Policy for duplicate data items in the database; that is, whether insertion
13431            when the key of the key/data pair being inserted already exists in the
13432            database will be successful. 
13433            </summary>
13434        </member>
13435        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.NONE">
13436            <summary>
13437            Insertion when the key of the key/data pair being inserted already
13438            exists in the database will fail.
13439            </summary>
13440        </member>
13441        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED">
13442            <summary>
13443            Duplicates are allowed and mainted in sorted order, as determined by the
13444            duplicate comparison function.
13445            </summary>
13446        </member>
13447        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED">
13448            <summary>
13449            Duplicates are allowed and ordered in the database by the order of
13450            insertion, unless the ordering is otherwise specified by use of a cursor
13451            operation or a duplicate sort function. 
13452            </summary>
13453        </member>
13454        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.EncryptionAlgorithm">
13455            <summary>
13456            Specifies an algorithm used for encryption and decryption
13457            </summary>
13458        </member>
13459        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.EncryptionAlgorithm.DEFAULT">
13460            <summary>
13461            The default algorithm, or the algorithm previously used in an
13462            existing environment
13463            </summary>
13464        </member>
13465        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.EncryptionAlgorithm.AES">
13466            <summary>
13467            The Rijndael/AES algorithm
13468            </summary>
13469            <remarks>
13470            Also known as the Advanced Encryption Standard and Federal
13471            Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 197
13472            </remarks>
13473        </member>
13474        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.EnvironmentFeedbackEvent">
13475            <summary>
13476            Specifies the environment operation whose progress is being reported
13477            </summary>
13478        </member>
13479        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.EnvironmentFeedbackEvent.RECOVERY">
13480            <summary>
13481            The environment is being recovered.
13482            </summary>
13483        </member>
13484        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.ForeignKeyDeleteAction">
13485            <summary>
13486            Specifies the action to take when deleting a foreign key
13487            </summary>
13488        </member>
13489        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ForeignKeyDeleteAction.ABORT">
13490            <summary>
13491            Abort the deletion.
13492            </summary>
13493        </member>
13494        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ForeignKeyDeleteAction.CASCADE">
13495            <summary>
13496            Delete records that refer to the foreign key
13497            </summary>
13498        </member>
13499        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.ForeignKeyDeleteAction.NULLIFY">
13500            <summary>
13501            Nullify records that refer to the foreign key
13502            </summary>
13503        </member>
13504        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.Isolation">
13505            <summary>
13506            Specify the degree of isolation for transactional operations
13507            </summary>
13508        </member>
13509        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.Isolation.DEGREE_ONE">
13510            <summary>
13511            Read operations on the database may request the return of modified
13512            but not yet committed data.
13513            </summary>
13514        </member>
13515        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.Isolation.DEGREE_TWO">
13516            <summary>
13517            Provide for cursor stability but not repeatable reads. Data items
13518            which have been previously read by a transaction may be deleted or
13519            modified by other transactions before the original transaction
13520            completes.
13521            </summary>
13522        </member>
13523        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.Isolation.DEGREE_THREE">
13524            <summary>
13525            For the life of the transaction, every time a thread of control
13526            reads a data item, it will be unchanged from its previous value
13527            (assuming, of course, the thread of control does not itself modify
13528            the item).  This is Berkeley DB's default degree of isolation.
13529            </summary>
13530        </member>
13531        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.NotificationEvent">
13532            <summary>
13533            Specify a Berkeley DB event
13534            </summary>
13535        </member>
13536        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.NotificationEvent.PANIC">
13537            <summary>
13538            The database environment has failed.
13539            </summary>
13540            <remarks>
13541            All threads of control in the database environment should exit the
13542            environment, and recovery should be run.
13543            </remarks>
13544        </member>
13545        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.NotificationEvent.REP_CLIENT">
13546            <summary>
13547            The local site is now a replication client.
13548            </summary>
13549        </member>
13550        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.NotificationEvent.REP_ELECTED">
13551            <summary>
13552            The local replication site has just won an election.
13553            </summary>
13554            <remarks>
13555            <para>
13556            An application using the Base replication API should arrange for a
13557            call to
13558            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepStartMaster"/> after
13559            receiving this event, to reconfigure the local environment as a
13560            replication master.
13561            </para>
13562            <para>
13563            Replication Manager applications may safely ignore this event. The
13564            Replication Manager calls
13565            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.RepStartMaster"/>
13566            automatically on behalf of the application when appropriate
13567            (resulting in firing of the <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.NotificationEvent.REP_MASTER"/> event).
13568            </para>
13569            </remarks>
13570        </member>
13571        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.NotificationEvent.REP_MASTER">
13572            <summary>
13573            The local site is now the master site of its replication group. It
13574            is the application's responsibility to begin acting as the master
13575            environment.
13576            </summary>
13577        </member>
13578        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.NotificationEvent.REP_NEWMASTER">
13579            <summary>
13580            The replication group of which this site is a member has just
13581            established a new master; the local site is not the new master. The
13582            event_info parameter to the <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.EventNotifyDelegate"/>
13583            stores an integer containing the environment ID of the new master. 
13584            </summary>
13585        </member>
13586        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.NotificationEvent.REP_PERM_FAILED">
13587            <summary>
13588            The replication manager did not receive enough acknowledgements
13589            (based on the acknowledgement policy configured with
13590            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.ReplicationConfig.RepMgrAckPolicy"/>) to ensure a
13591            transaction's durability within the replication group. The
13592            transaction will be flushed to the master's local disk storage for
13593            durability.
13594            </summary>
13595            <remarks>
13596            This event is provided only to applications configured for the
13597            replication manager. 
13598            </remarks>
13599        </member>
13600        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.NotificationEvent.REP_STARTUPDONE">
13601            <summary>
13602            The client has completed startup synchronization and is now
13603            processing live log records received from the master. 
13604            </summary>
13605        </member>
13606        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.NotificationEvent.WRITE_FAILED">
13607            <summary>
13608            A Berkeley DB write to stable storage failed. 
13609            </summary>
13610        </member>
13611        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockPolicy">
13612            <summary>
13613            A class to represent what lock request(s) should be rejected during
13614            deadlock resolution.
13615            </summary>
13616        </member>
13617        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockPolicy.DEFAULT">
13618            <summary>
13619            If no DeadlockPolicy has yet been specified, use
13620            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockPolicy.RANDOM"/>.
13621            </summary>
13622        </member>
13623        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockPolicy.EXPIRE">
13624            <summary>
13625            Reject lock requests which have timed out. No other deadlock
13626            detection is performed.
13627            </summary>
13628        </member>
13629        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockPolicy.MAX_LOCKS">
13630            <summary>
13631            Reject the lock request for the locker ID with the most locks.
13632            </summary>
13633        </member>
13634        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockPolicy.MAX_WRITE">
13635            <summary>
13636            Reject the lock request for the locker ID with the most write locks.
13637            </summary>
13638        </member>
13639        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockPolicy.MIN_LOCKS">
13640            <summary>
13641            Reject the lock request for the locker ID with the fewest locks.
13642            </summary>
13643        </member>
13644        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockPolicy.MIN_WRITE">
13645            <summary>
13646            Reject the lock request for the locker ID with the fewest write
13647            locks.
13648            </summary>
13649        </member>
13650        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockPolicy.OLDEST">
13651            <summary>
13652            Reject the lock request for the locker ID with the oldest lock.
13653            </summary>
13654        </member>
13655        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockPolicy.RANDOM">
13656            <summary>
13657            Reject the lock request for a random locker ID.
13658            </summary>
13659        </member>
13660        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockPolicy.YOUNGEST">
13661            <summary>
13662            Reject the lock request for the locker ID with the youngest lock.
13663            </summary>
13664        </member>
13665        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.CacheInfo">
13666            <summary>
13667            A class to represent information about the Berkeley DB cache
13668            </summary>
13669        </member>
13670        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CacheInfo.Gigabytes">
13671            <summary>
13672            The number of gigabytes in the cache
13673            </summary>
13674        </member>
13675        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CacheInfo.Bytes">
13676            <summary>
13677            The number of bytes in the cache
13678            </summary>
13679        </member>
13680        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.CacheInfo.NCaches">
13681            <summary>
13682            The number of caches
13683            </summary>
13684        </member>
13685        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.CacheInfo.#ctor(System.UInt32,System.UInt32,System.Int32)">
13686            <summary>
13687            Create a new CacheInfo object.  The size of the cache is set to 
13688            gbytes gigabytes plus bytes and spread over numCaches separate
13689            caches.
13690            </summary>
13691            <param name="gbytes">The number of gigabytes in the cache</param>
13692            <param name="bytes">The number of bytes in the cache</param>
13693            <param name="numCaches">The number of caches</param>
13694        </member>
13695        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.Sequence">
13696            <summary>
13697            A class that provides an arbitrary number of persistent objects that
13698            return an increasing or decreasing sequence of integers.
13699            </summary>
13700        </member>
13701        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.#ctor(BerkeleyDB.SequenceConfig)">
13702            <summary>
13703            Instantiate a new Sequence object.
13704            </summary>
13705            <remarks>
13706            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null and the operation occurs in a
13707            transactional database, the operation will be implicitly transaction
13708            protected.
13709            </remarks>
13710            <param name="cfg">Configuration parameters for the Sequence</param>
13711        </member>
13712        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.#ctor(BerkeleyDB.SequenceConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
13713            <summary>
13714            Instantiate a new Sequence object.
13715            </summary>
13716            <remarks>
13717            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null and the operation occurs in a
13718            transactional database, the operation will be implicitly transaction
13719            protected.
13720            </remarks>
13721            <param name="cfg">Configuration parameters for the Sequence</param>
13722            <param name="txn">
13723            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
13724            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
13725            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
13726            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
13727            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
13728            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
13729            </param>
13730        </member>
13731        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.Close">
13732            <summary>
13733            Close the sequence handle. Any unused cached values are lost. 
13734            </summary>
13735        </member>
13736        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.Get(System.Int32)">
13737            <summary>
13738            Return the next available element in the sequence and change the
13739            sequence value by <paramref name="Delta"/>.
13740            </summary>
13741            <overloads>
13742            <para>
13743            If there are enough cached values in the sequence handle then they
13744            will be returned. Otherwise the next value will be fetched from the
13745            database and incremented (decremented) by enough to cover the delta
13746            and the next batch of cached values. 
13747            </para>
13748            <para>
13749            For maximum concurrency a non-zero cache size should be specified
13750            prior to opening the sequence handle and <paramref name="NoSync"/>
13751            should be specified for each Get method call.
13752            </para>
13753            <para>
13754            By default, sequence ranges do not wrap; to cause the sequence to
13755            wrap around the beginning or end of its range, set
13756            <paramref name="SequenceConfig.Wrap"/> to true.
13757            </para>
13758            <para>
13759            If <paramref name="P:BackingDatabase"/> was opened in a transaction,
13760            calling Get may result in changes to the sequence object; these
13761            changes will be automatically committed in a transaction internal to
13762            the Berkeley DB library. If the thread of control calling Get has an
13763            active transaction, which holds locks on the same database as the
13764            one in which the sequence object is stored, it is possible for a
13765            thread of control calling Get to self-deadlock because the active
13766            transaction's locks conflict with the internal transaction's locks.
13767            For this reason, it is often preferable for sequence objects to be
13768            stored in their own database. 
13769            </para>
13770            </overloads>
13771            <param name="Delta">
13772            The amount by which to increment the sequence value.  Must be
13773            greater than 0.
13774            </param>
13775            <returns>The next available element in the sequence.</returns>
13776        </member>
13777        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.Get(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
13778            <summary>
13779            Return the next available element in the sequence and change the
13780            sequence value by <paramref name="Delta"/>.
13781            </summary>
13782            <param name="Delta">
13783            The amount by which to increment the sequence value.  Must be
13784            greater than 0.
13785            </param>
13786            <param name="NoSync">
13787            If true, and if the operation is implicitly transaction protected,
13788            do not synchronously flush the log when the transaction commits.
13789            </param>
13790            <returns>The next available element in the sequence.</returns>
13791        </member>
13792        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.Get(System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
13793            <summary>
13794            Return the next available element in the sequence and change the
13795            sequence value by <paramref name="Delta"/>.
13796            </summary>
13797            <param name="Delta">
13798            The amount by which to increment the sequence value.  Must be
13799            greater than 0.
13800            </param>
13801            <param name="txn">
13802            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
13803            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
13804            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
13805            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
13806            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
13807            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.  
13808            Must be null if the sequence was opened with a non-zero cache size. 
13809            </param>
13810            <returns>The next available element in the sequence.</returns>
13811        </member>
13812        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.PrintStats">
13813            <summary>
13814            Print diagnostic information.
13815            </summary>
13816        </member>
13817        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.PrintStats(System.Boolean)">
13818            <summary>
13819            Print diagnostic information.
13820            </summary>
13821            <overloads>
13822            The diagnostic information is described by
13823            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.SequenceStats"/>. 
13824            </overloads>
13825            <param name="ClearStats">
13826            If true, reset statistics after printing.
13827            </param>
13828        </member>
13829        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.Remove">
13830            <summary>
13831            Remove the sequence from the database.
13832            </summary>
13833        </member>
13834        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.Remove(System.Boolean)">
13835            <summary>
13836            Remove the sequence from the database.
13837            </summary>
13838            <param name="NoSync">
13839            If true, and if the operation is implicitly transaction protected,
13840            do not synchronously flush the log when the transaction commits.
13841            </param>
13842        </member>
13843        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.Remove(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
13844            <summary>
13845            Remove the sequence from the database.
13846            </summary>
13847            <param name="txn">
13848            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
13849            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
13850            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
13851            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
13852            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
13853            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
13854            </param>
13855        </member>
13856        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.Stats">
13857            <summary>
13858            Return statistical information for this sequence.
13859            </summary>
13860            <returns>Statistical information for this sequence.</returns>
13861        </member>
13862        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.Stats(System.Boolean)">
13863            <summary>
13864            Return statistical information for this sequence.
13865            </summary>
13866            <overloads>
13867            <para>
13868            In the presence of multiple threads or processes accessing an active
13869            sequence, the information returned by DB_SEQUENCE->stat() may be
13870            out-of-date.
13871            </para>
13872            <para>
13873            The DB_SEQUENCE->stat() method cannot be transaction-protected. For
13874            this reason, it should be called in a thread of control that has no
13875            open cursors or active transactions. 
13876            </para>
13877            </overloads>
13878            <param name="clear">If true, reset statistics.</param>
13879            <returns>Statistical information for this sequence.</returns>
13880        </member>
13881        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.Dispose">
13882            <summary>
13883            Release the resources held by this object, and close the sequence if
13884            it's still open.
13885            </summary>
13886        </member>
13887        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.BackingDatabase">
13888            <summary>
13889            The database used by the sequence.
13890            </summary>
13891        </member>
13892        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.Key">
13893            <summary>
13894            The key for the sequence.
13895            </summary>
13896        </member>
13897        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.Cachesize">
13898            <summary>
13899            The current cache size. 
13900            </summary>
13901        </member>
13902        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.Min">
13903            <summary>
13904            The minimum value in the sequence.
13905            </summary>
13906        </member>
13907        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.Max">
13908            <summary>
13909            The maximum value in the sequence.
13910            </summary>
13911        </member>
13912        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.Wrap">
13913            <summary>
13914            If true, the sequence should wrap around when it is incremented
13915            (decremented) past the specified maximum (minimum) value. 
13916            </summary>
13917        </member>
13918        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.Increment">
13919            <summary>
13920            If true, the sequence will be incremented. This is the default. 
13921            </summary>
13922        </member>
13923        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.Sequence.Decrement">
13924            <summary>
13925            If true, the sequence will be decremented.
13926            </summary>
13927        </member>
13928        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyRange">
13929            <summary>
13930            <para>
13931            A class representing an estimate of the proportion of keys that are less
13932            than, equal to, and greater than a given key.
13933            </para>
13934            <para>
13935            Values are in the range of 0 to 1; for example, if the field less is
13936            0.05, 5% of the keys in the database are less than the key parameter.
13937            The value for equal will be zero if there is no matching key, and will
13938            be non-zero otherwise. 
13939            </para>
13940            </summary>
13941        </member>
13942        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.KeyRange.Less">
13943            <summary>
13944            A value between 0 and 1, the proportion of keys less than the
13945            specified key. 
13946            </summary>
13947        </member>
13948        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.KeyRange.Equal">
13949            <summary>
13950            A value between 0 and 1, the proportion of keys equal to the
13951            specified key. 
13952            </summary>
13953        </member>
13954        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.KeyRange.Greater">
13955            <summary>
13956            A value between 0 and 1, the proportion of keys greater than the
13957            specified key.
13958            </summary>
13959        </member>
13960        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.MutexStats">
13961            <summary>
13962            Statistical information about the mutex subsystem
13963            </summary>
13964        </member>
13965        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MutexStats.Alignment">
13966            <summary>
13967            Mutex alignment 
13968            </summary>
13969        </member>
13970        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MutexStats.Available">
13971            <summary>
13972            Available mutexes 
13973            </summary>
13974        </member>
13975        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MutexStats.Count">
13976            <summary>
13977            Mutex count 
13978            </summary>
13979        </member>
13980        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MutexStats.InUse">
13981            <summary>
13982            Mutexes in use 
13983            </summary>
13984        </member>
13985        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MutexStats.MaxInUse">
13986            <summary>
13987            Maximum mutexes ever in use 
13988            </summary>
13989        </member>
13990        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MutexStats.RegionNoWait">
13991            <summary>
13992            Region lock granted without wait. 
13993            </summary>
13994        </member>
13995        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MutexStats.RegionSize">
13996            <summary>
13997            Region size. 
13998            </summary>
13999        </member>
14000        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MutexStats.RegionWait">
14001            <summary>
14002            Region lock granted after wait. 
14003            </summary>
14004        </member>
14005        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MutexStats.TASSpins">
14006            <summary>
14007            Mutex test-and-set spins 
14008            </summary>
14009        </member>
14010        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.MPoolConfig">
14011            <summary>
14012            A class representing configuration parameters for a
14013            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment"/>'s memory pool subsystem.
14014            </summary>
14015        </member>
14016        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.MPoolConfig.CacheSize">
14017            <summary>
14018            The size of the shared memory buffer pool ��� that is, the cache.
14019            </summary>
14020            <remarks>
14021            <para>
14022            The cache should be the size of the normal working data set of the
14023            application, with some small amount of additional memory for unusual
14024            situations. (Note: the working set is not the same as the number of
14025            pages accessed simultaneously, and is usually much larger.)
14026            </para>
14027            <para>
14028            The default cache size is 256KB, and may not be specified as less
14029            than 20KB. Any cache size less than 500MB is automatically increased
14030            by 25% to account for buffer pool overhead; cache sizes larger than
14031            500MB are used as specified. The maximum size of a single cache is
14032            4GB on 32-bit systems and 10TB on 64-bit systems. (All sizes are in
14033            powers-of-two, that is, 256KB is 2^18 not 256,000.) For information
14034            on tuning the Berkeley DB cache size, see Selecting a cache size in
14035            the Programmer's Reference Guide.
14036            </para>
14037            </remarks>
14038        </member>
14039        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.MPoolConfig.MaxCacheSize">
14040            <summary>
14041            The maximum cache size.
14042            </summary>
14043            <remarks>
14044            <para>
14045            The specified size is rounded to the nearest multiple of the cache
14046            region size, which is the initial cache size divided by
14047            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.CacheInfo.NCaches">CacheSize.NCaches</see>. If no value
14048            is specified, it defaults to the initial cache size.
14049            </para>
14050            </remarks>
14051        </member>
14052        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.MPoolConfig.SetMaxSequentialWrites(System.Int32,System.UInt32)">
14053            <summary>
14054            Limit the number of sequential write operations scheduled by the
14055            library when flushing dirty pages from the cache.
14056            </summary>
14057            <param name="maxWrites">
14058            The maximum number of sequential write operations scheduled by the
14059            library when flushing dirty pages from the cache, or 0 if there is
14060            no limitation on the number of sequential write operations.
14061            </param>
14062            <param name="pause">
14063            The number of microseconds the thread of control should pause before
14064            scheduling further write operations. It must be specified as an
14065            unsigned 32-bit number of microseconds, limiting the maximum pause
14066            to roughly 71 minutes.
14067            </param>
14068        </member>
14069        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolConfig.MaxOpenFiles">
14070            <summary>
14071            The number of file descriptors the library will open concurrently
14072            when flushing dirty pages from the cache.
14073            </summary>
14074        </member>
14075        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolConfig.SequentialWritePause">
14076            <summary>
14077            The number of microseconds the thread of control should pause before
14078            scheduling further write operations.
14079            </summary>
14080        </member>
14081        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolConfig.MaxSequentialWrites">
14082            <summary>
14083            The number of sequential write operations scheduled by the library
14084            when flushing dirty pages from the cache. 
14085            </summary>
14086        </member>
14087        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.MPoolConfig.MMapSize">
14088            <summary>
14089            The maximum file size, in bytes, for a file to be mapped into the
14090            process address space. If no value is specified, it defaults to
14091            10MB. 
14092            </summary>
14093            <remarks>
14094            Files that are opened read-only in the cache (and that satisfy a few
14095            other criteria) are, by default, mapped into the process address
14096            space instead of being copied into the local cache. This can result
14097            in better-than-usual performance because available virtual memory is
14098            normally much larger than the local cache, and page faults are
14099            faster than page copying on many systems. However, it can cause
14100            resource starvation in the presence of limited virtual memory, and
14101            it can result in immense process sizes in the presence of large
14102            databases.
14103            </remarks>
14104        </member>
14105        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.LogConfig">
14106            <summary>
14107            A class representing configuration parameters for a
14108            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment"/>'s logging subsystem.
14109            </summary>
14110        </member>
14111        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.LogConfig.AutoRemove">
14112            <summary>
14113            If true, Berkeley DB will automatically remove log files that are no
14114            longer needed.
14115            </summary>
14116            <remarks>
14117            <para>
14118            Automatic log file removal is likely to make catastrophic recovery
14119            impossible.
14120            </para>
14121            <para>
14122            Replication applications will rarely want to configure automatic log
14123            file removal as it increases the likelihood a master will be unable
14124            to satisfy a client's request for a recent log record.
14125            </para>
14126            </remarks>
14127        </member>
14128        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.LogConfig.ForceSync">
14129            <summary>
14130            If true, Berkeley DB will flush log writes to the backing disk
14131            before returning from the write system call, rather than flushing
14132            log writes explicitly in a separate system call, as necessary. 
14133            </summary>
14134            <remarks>
14135            <para>
14136            This is only available on some systems (for example, systems
14137            supporting the IEEE/ANSI Std 1003.1 (POSIX) standard O_DSYNC flag,
14138            or systems supporting the Windows FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH flag).
14139            This flag may result in inaccurate file modification times and other
14140            file-level information for Berkeley DB log files. This flag may
14141            offer a performance increase on some systems and a performance
14142            decrease on others.
14143            </para>
14144            </remarks>
14145        </member>
14146        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.LogConfig.InMemory">
14147            <summary>
14148            If true, maintain transaction logs in memory rather than on disk.
14149            </summary>
14150            <remarks>
14151            <para>
14152            This means that transactions exhibit the ACI (atomicity,
14153            consistency, and isolation) properties, but not D (durability); that
14154            is, database integrity will be maintained, but if the application or
14155            system fails, integrity will not persist. All database files must be
14156            verified and/or restored from a replication group master or archival
14157            backup after application or system failure.
14158            </para> 
14159            <para>
14160            When in-memory logs are configured and no more log buffer space is
14161            available, Berkeley DB methods may throw
14162            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.FullLogBufferException"/>. When choosing log buffer and
14163            file sizes for in-memory logs, applications should ensure the
14164            in-memory log buffer size is large enough that no transaction will
14165            ever span the entire buffer, and avoid a state where the in-memory
14166            buffer is full and no space can be freed because a transaction that
14167            started in the first log "file" is still active.
14168            </para>
14169            </remarks>
14170        </member>
14171        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.LogConfig.NoBuffer">
14172            <summary>
14173            If true, turn off system buffering of Berkeley DB log files to avoid
14174            double caching.
14175            </summary>
14176        </member>
14177        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.LogConfig.ZeroOnCreate">
14178            <summary>
14179            If true, zero all pages of a log file when that log file is created.
14180            </summary>
14181            <remarks>
14182            <para>
14183            This has shown to provide greater transaction throughput in some
14184            environments. The log file will be zeroed by the thread which needs
14185            to re-create the new log file. Other threads may not write to the
14186            log file while this is happening.
14187            </para>
14188            </remarks>
14189        </member>
14190        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.LogConfig.Dir">
14191            <summary>
14192            The path of a directory to be used as the location of logging files.
14193            Log files created by the Log Manager subsystem will be created in
14194            this directory. 
14195            </summary>
14196            <remarks>
14197            <para>
14198            If no logging directory is specified, log files are created in the
14199            environment home directory. See Berkeley DB File Naming in the
14200            Programmer's Reference Guide for more information.
14201            </para>
14202            <para>
14203            For the greatest degree of recoverability from system or application
14204            failure, database files and log files should be located on separate
14205            physical devices.
14206            </para>
14207            <para>
14208            If the database environment already exists when
14209            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig)"/> is called, the value of
14210            Dir must be consistent with the existing environment or corruption
14211            can occur.
14212            </para>
14213            </remarks>
14214        </member>
14215        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogConfig.BufferSize">
14216            <summary>
14217            The size of the in-memory log buffer, in bytes.
14218            </summary>
14219            <remarks>
14220            <para>
14221            When the logging subsystem is configured for on-disk logging, the
14222            default size of the in-memory log buffer is approximately 32KB. Log
14223            information is stored in-memory until the storage space fills up or
14224            transaction commit forces the information to be flushed to stable
14225            storage. In the presence of long-running transactions or
14226            transactions producing large amounts of data, larger buffer sizes
14227            can increase throughput.
14228            </para>
14229            <para>
14230            When the logging subsystem is configured for in-memory logging, the
14231            default size of the in-memory log buffer is 1MB. Log information is
14232            stored in-memory until the storage space fills up or transaction
14233            abort or commit frees up the memory for new transactions. In the
14234            presence of long-running transactions or transactions producing
14235            large amounts of data, the buffer size must be sufficient to hold
14236            all log information that can accumulate during the longest running
14237            transaction. When choosing log buffer and file sizes for in-memory
14238            logs, applications should ensure the in-memory log buffer size is
14239            large enough that no transaction will ever span the entire buffer,
14240            and avoid a state where the in-memory buffer is full and no space
14241            can be freed because a transaction that started in the first log
14242            "file" is still active.
14243            </para>
14244            <para>
14245            If the database environment already exists when
14246            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig)"/> is called, the value of
14247            BufferSize will be ignored.
14248            </para>
14249            </remarks>
14250        </member>
14251        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogConfig.FileMode">
14252            <summary>
14253            The absolute file mode for created log files.
14254            </summary>
14255            <remarks>
14256            <para>
14257            This method is only useful for the rare Berkeley DB application that
14258            does not control its umask value.
14259            </para>
14260            <para>
14261            Normally, if Berkeley DB applications set their umask appropriately,
14262            all processes in the application suite will have read permission on
14263            the log files created by any process in the application suite.
14264            However, if the Berkeley DB application is a library, a process
14265            using the library might set its umask to a value preventing other
14266            processes in the application suite from reading the log files it
14267            creates. In this rare case, the DB_ENV->set_lg_filemode() method can
14268            be used to set the mode of created log files to an absolute value.
14269            </para>
14270            </remarks>
14271        </member>
14272        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogConfig.MaxFileSize">
14273            <summary>
14274            The maximum size of a single file in the log, in bytes. Because 
14275            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.LSN.Offset"/> is an unsigned four-byte value, MaxFileSize
14276            may not be larger than the maximum unsigned four-byte value.
14277            </summary>
14278            <remarks>
14279            <para>
14280            When the logging subsystem is configured for on-disk logging, the
14281            default size of a log file is 10MB.
14282            </para>
14283            <para>
14284            When the logging subsystem is configured for in-memory logging, the
14285            default size of a log file is 256KB. In addition, the
14286            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.LogConfig.BufferSize">configured log buffer size</see> must be
14287            larger than the log file size. (The logging subsystem divides memory
14288            configured for in-memory log records into "files", as database
14289            environments configured for in-memory log records may exchange log
14290            records with other members of a replication group, and those members
14291            may be configured to store log records on-disk.) When choosing log
14292            buffer and file sizes for in-memory logs, applications should ensure
14293            the in-memory log buffer size is large enough that no transaction
14294            will ever span the entire buffer, and avoid a state where the
14295            in-memory buffer is full and no space can be freed because a
14296            transaction that started in the first log "file" is still active.
14297            </para>
14298            <para>
14299            See Log File Limits in the Programmer's Reference Guide for more
14300            information.
14301            </para>
14302            <para>
14303            If no size is specified by the application, the size last specified
14304            for the database region will be used, or if no database region
14305            previously existed, the default will be used.
14306            </para></remarks>
14307        </member>
14308        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogConfig.RegionSize">
14309            <summary>
14310            Te size of the underlying logging area of the Berkeley DB
14311            environment, in bytes.
14312            </summary>
14313            <remarks>
14314            <para>
14315            By default, or if the value is set to 0, the default size is
14316            approximately 60KB. The log region is used to store filenames, and
14317            so may need to be increased in size if a large number of files will
14318            be opened and registered with the specified Berkeley DB
14319            environment's log manager.
14320            </para>
14321            <para>
14322            If the database environment already exists when
14323            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig)"/> is called, the value of
14324            RegionSize will be ignored.
14325            </para>
14326            </remarks>
14327        </member>
14328        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseException">
14329            <summary>
14330            Represents errors that occur during Berkley DB operations.
14331            </summary>
14332        </member>
14333        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseException.ErrorCode">
14334            <summary>
14335            The underlying error code from the Berkeley DB C library.
14336            </summary>
14337        </member>
14338        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseException.ThrowException(System.Int32)">
14339            <summary>
14340            Throw an exception which corresponds to the specified Berkeley DB
14341            error code.
14342            </summary>
14343            <param name="err">The Berkeley DB error code</param>
14344        </member>
14345        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseException.#ctor(System.Int32)">
14346            <summary>
14347            Create a new DatabaseException, encapsulating a specific error code.
14348            </summary>
14349            <param name="err">The error code to encapsulate.</param>
14350        </member>
14351        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.BadSecondaryException">
14352            <summary>
14353            A secondary index has been corrupted. This is likely the result of an
14354            application operating on related databases without first associating
14355            them.
14356            </summary>
14357        </member>
14358        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BadSecondaryException.#ctor">
14359            <summary>
14360            Initialize a new instance of the BadSecondaryException
14361            </summary>
14362        </member>
14363        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.ForeignConflictException">
14364            <summary>
14366            </summary>
14367        </member>
14368        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.ForeignConflictException.#ctor">
14369            <summary>
14370            Initialize a new instance of the ForeignConflictException
14371            </summary>
14372        </member>
14373        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.FullLogBufferException">
14374            <summary>
14375            In-memory logs are configured and no more log buffer space is available.
14376            </summary>
14377        </member>
14378        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.FullLogBufferException.#ctor">
14379            <summary>
14380            Initialize a new instance of the FullLogBufferException
14381            </summary>
14382        </member>
14383        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
14384            <summary>
14385            The requested key/data pair logically exists but was never explicitly
14386            created by the application, or that the requested key/data pair was
14387            deleted and never re-created. In addition, the Queue access method will
14388            throw a KeyEmptyException for records that were created as part of a
14389            transaction that was later aborted and never re-created.
14390            </summary>
14391            <remarks>
14392            The Recno and Queue access methods will automatically create key/data
14393            pairs under some circumstances.
14394            </remarks>
14395        </member>
14396        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException.#ctor">
14397            <summary>
14398            Initialize a new instance of the KeyEmptyException
14399            </summary>
14400        </member>
14401        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyExistException">
14402            <summary>
14403            A key/data pair was inserted into the database using
14404            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.PutNoOverwrite(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)"/> and the key already
14405            exists in the database, or using
14406            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.PutNoDuplicate(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)"/> or
14407            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.HashDatabase.PutNoDuplicate(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)"/> and the key/data
14408            pair already exists in the database.
14409            </summary>
14410        </member>
14411        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.KeyExistException.#ctor">
14412            <summary>
14413            Initialize a new instance of the KeyExistException
14414            </summary>
14415        </member>
14416        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockException">
14417            <summary>
14418            When multiple threads of control are modifying the database, there is
14419            normally the potential for deadlock. In Berkeley DB, deadlock is
14420            signified by a DeadlockException thrown from the Berkeley DB function.
14421            Whenever a Berkeley DB function throws a DeadlockException, the
14422            enclosing transaction should be aborted.
14423            </summary>
14424        </member>
14425        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockException.#ctor">
14426            <summary>
14427            Initialize a new instance of the DeadlockException
14428            </summary>
14429        </member>
14430        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.LeaseExpiredException">
14431            <summary>
14432            The site's replication master lease has expired.
14433            </summary>
14434        </member>
14435        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.LeaseExpiredException.#ctor">
14436            <summary>
14437            Initialize a new instance of the LeaseExpiredException
14438            </summary>
14439        </member>
14440        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.LockNotGrantedException">
14441            <summary>
14442            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironmentConfig.TimeNotGranted"/> is true,
14443            database calls timing out based on lock or transaction timeout values
14444            will throw a LockNotGrantedException, instead of a DeadlockException.
14445            </summary>
14446        </member>
14447        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.LockNotGrantedException.#ctor">
14448            <summary>
14449            Initialize a new instance of the LockNotGrantedException
14450            </summary>
14451        </member>
14452        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.MemoryException.#ctor">
14453            <summary>
14454            Initialize a new instance of the MemoryException
14455            </summary>
14456        </member>
14457        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException">
14458            <summary>
14459            The requested key/data pair did not exist in the database or that
14460            start-of- or end-of-file has been reached by a cursor.
14461            </summary>
14462        </member>
14463        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.NotFoundException.#ctor">
14464            <summary>
14465            Initialize a new instance of the NotFoundException
14466            </summary>
14467        </member>
14468        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.OldVersionException">
14469            <summary>
14470            This version of Berkeley DB is unable to upgrade a given database.
14471            </summary>
14472        </member>
14473        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.OldVersionException.#ctor">
14474            <summary>
14475            Initialize a new instance of the OldVersionException
14476            </summary>
14477        </member>
14478        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.PageNotFoundException">
14479            <summary>
14481            </summary>
14482        </member>
14483        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.PageNotFoundException.#ctor">
14484            <summary>
14486            </summary>
14487        </member>
14488        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.RunRecoveryException">
14489            <summary>
14490            Berkeley DB has encountered an error it considers fatal to an entire
14491            environment. Once a RunRecoveryException has been thrown by any
14492            interface, it will be returned from all subsequent Berkeley DB calls
14493            made by any threads of control participating in the environment.
14494            </summary>
14495            <remarks>
14496            An example of this type of fatal error is a corrupted database page. The
14497            only way to recover from this type of error is to have all threads of
14498            control exit the Berkeley DB environment, run recovery of the
14499            environment, and re-enter Berkeley DB. (It is not strictly necessary
14500            that the processes exit, although that is the only way to recover system
14501            resources, such as file descriptors and memory, allocated by
14502            Berkeley DB.)
14503            </remarks>
14504        </member>
14505        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RunRecoveryException.#ctor">
14506            <summary>
14507            Initialize a new instance of the RunRecoveryException
14508            </summary>
14509        </member>
14510        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.VerificationException">
14511            <summary>
14512            Thrown by <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Verify(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig)"/> if a database is
14513            corrupted, and by <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Salvage(System.String,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig)"/> if all
14514            key/data pairs in the file may not have been successfully output.
14515            </summary>
14516        </member>
14517        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.VerificationException.#ctor">
14518            <summary>
14519            Initialize a new instance of the VerificationException
14520            </summary>
14521        </member>
14522        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.VersionMismatchException">
14523            <summary>
14524            The version of the Berkeley DB library doesn't match the version that
14525            created the database environment.
14526            </summary>
14527        </member>
14528        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.VersionMismatchException.#ctor">
14529            <summary>
14530            Initialize a new instance of the VersionMismatchException
14531            </summary>
14532        </member>
14533        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.DbThreadID">
14534            <summary>
14535            A class representing a unique identifier for a thread of control in a
14536            Berkeley DB application.
14537            </summary>
14538        </member>
14539        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DbThreadID.processID">
14540            <summary>
14541            The Process ID of the thread of control
14542            </summary>
14543        </member>
14544        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DbThreadID.threadID">
14545            <summary>
14546            The Thread ID of the thread of control
14547            </summary>
14548        </member>
14549        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DbThreadID.#ctor(System.Int32,System.UInt32)">
14550            <summary>
14551            Instantiate a new DbThreadID object
14552            </summary>
14553            <param name="pid">The Process ID of the thread of control</param>
14554            <param name="tid">The Thread ID of the thread of control</param>
14555        </member>
14556        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.MultipleKeyDatabaseEntry">
14557            <summary>
14558            A class providing access to multiple key/data pairs.
14559            </summary>
14560        </member>
14561        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.MultipleKeyDatabaseEntry.GetEnumerator">
14562            <summary>
14563            Return an enumerator which iterates over all
14564            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry"/> pairs represented by the 
14565            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.MultipleKeyDatabaseEntry"/>.
14566            </summary>
14567            <returns>
14568            An enumerator for the <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.MultipleDatabaseEntry"/>
14569            </returns>
14570        </member>
14571        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig">
14572            <summary>
14573            A class representing configuration parameters for
14574            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabase"/>
14575            </summary>
14576        </member>
14577        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig.Duplicates">
14578            <summary>
14579            Policy for duplicate data items in the database; that is, insertion
14580            when the key of the key/data pair being inserted already exists in
14581            the database will be successful.
14582            </summary>
14583            <remarks>
14584            <para>The ordering of duplicates in the database for
14585            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED"/> is determined by the order
14586            of insertion, unless the ordering is otherwise specified by use of a
14587            cursor operation or a duplicate sort function. The ordering of
14588            duplicates in the database for
14589            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED"/> is determined by the
14590            duplicate comparison function. If the application does not specify a
14591            comparison function using 
14592            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig.DuplicateCompare"/>, a default lexical
14593            comparison will be used.
14594            </para>
14595            <para>
14596            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED"/> is preferred to 
14597            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED"/> for performance reasons.
14598            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED"/> should only be used by
14599            applications wanting to order duplicate data items manually.
14600            </para>
14601            <para>
14602            If the database already exists, the value of Duplicates must be the
14603            same as the existing database or an error will be returned.
14604            </para>
14605            <para>
14606            It is an error to specify <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig.UseRecordNumbers"/> and
14607            anything other than <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.NONE"/>.
14608            </para>
14609            </remarks>
14610        </member>
14611        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig.NoReverseSplitting">
14612            <summary>
14613            Turn reverse splitting in the Btree on or off.
14614            </summary>
14615            <remarks>
14616            As pages are emptied in a database, the Berkeley DB Btree
14617            implementation attempts to coalesce empty pages into higher-level
14618            pages in order to keep the database as small as possible and
14619            minimize search time. This can hurt performance in applications with
14620            cyclical data demands; that is, applications where the database
14621            grows and shrinks repeatedly. For example, because Berkeley DB does
14622            page-level locking, the maximum level of concurrency in a database
14623            of two pages is far smaller than that in a database of 100 pages, so
14624            a database that has shrunk to a minimal size can cause severe
14625            deadlocking when a new cycle of data insertion begins. 
14626            </remarks>
14627        </member>
14628        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig.UseRecordNumbers">
14629            <summary>
14630            If true, support retrieval from the Btree using record numbers.
14631            </summary>
14632            <remarks>
14633            <para>
14634            Logical record numbers in Btree databases are mutable in the face of
14635            record insertion or deletion. See
14636            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig.Renumber"/> for further discussion.
14637            </para>
14638            <para>
14639            Maintaining record counts within a Btree introduces a serious point
14640            of contention, namely the page locations where the record counts are
14641            stored. In addition, the entire database must be locked during both
14642            insertions and deletions, effectively single-threading the database
14643            for those operations. Specifying UseRecordNumbers can result in
14644            serious performance degradation for some applications and data sets.
14645            </para>
14646            <para>
14647            It is an error to specify <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig.UseRecordNumbers"/> and
14648            anything other than <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.NONE"/>.
14649            </para>
14650            <para>
14651            If the database already exists, the value of UseRecordNumbers must
14652            be the same as the existing database or an error will be returned. 
14653            </para>
14654            </remarks>
14655        </member>
14656        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig.Creation">
14657            <summary>
14658            The policy for how to handle database creation.
14659            </summary>
14660            <remarks>
14661            If the database does not already exist and
14662            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.CreatePolicy.NEVER"/> is set,
14663            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig)"/> will fail.
14664            </remarks>
14665        </member>
14666        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig.Compare">
14667            <summary>
14668            The Btree key comparison function.
14669            </summary>
14670            <remarks>
14671            <para>
14672            The comparison function is called whenever it is necessary to
14673            compare a key specified by the application with a key currently
14674            stored in the tree.
14675            </para>
14676            <para>
14677            If no comparison function is specified, the keys are compared
14678            lexically, with shorter keys collating before longer keys.
14679            </para>
14680            <para>
14681            If the database already exists, the comparison function must be the
14682            same as that historically used to create the database or corruption
14683            can occur. 
14684            </para>
14685            </remarks>
14686        </member>
14687        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig.PrefixCompare">
14688            <summary>
14689            The Btree prefix function.
14690            </summary>
14691            <remarks>
14692            <para>
14693            The prefix function is used to determine the amount by which keys
14694            stored on the Btree internal pages can be safely truncated without
14695            losing their uniqueness. See the Btree prefix comparison section of
14696            the Berkeley DB Reference Guide for more details about how this
14697            works. The usefulness of this is data-dependent, but can produce
14698            significantly reduced tree sizes and search times in some data sets.
14699            </para>
14700            <para>
14701            If no prefix function or key comparison function is specified by the
14702            application, a default lexical comparison function is used as the
14703            prefix function. If no prefix function is specified and
14704            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig.Compare"/> is specified, no prefix function is
14705            used. It is an error to specify a prefix function without also
14706            specifying <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig.Compare"/>. 
14707            </para>
14708            <para>
14709            If the database already exists, the prefix function must be the
14710            same as that historically used to create the database or corruption
14711            can occur. 
14712            </para>
14713            </remarks>
14714        </member>
14715        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig.DuplicateCompare">
14716            <summary>
14717            The duplicate data item comparison function.
14718            </summary>
14719            <remarks>
14720            <para>
14721            The comparison function is called whenever it is necessary to
14722            compare a data item specified by the application with a data item
14723            currently stored in the database. Setting DuplicateCompare implies 
14724            setting <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig.Duplicates"/> to
14725            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED"/>.
14726            </para>
14727            <para>
14728            If no comparison function is specified, the data items are compared
14729            lexically, with shorter data items collating before longer data
14730            items.
14731            </para>
14732            <para>
14733            If the database already exists when
14734            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig)"/> is called, the delegate
14735            must be the same as that historically used to create the database or
14736            corruption can occur.
14737            </para>
14738            </remarks>
14739        </member>
14740        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig.#ctor(BerkeleyDB.Database,BerkeleyDB.SecondaryKeyGenDelegate)">
14741            <summary>
14742            Create a new SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig object
14743            </summary>
14744        </member>
14745        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryBTreeDatabaseConfig.MinKeysPerPage">
14746            <summary>
14747            The minimum number of key/data pairs intended to be stored on any
14748            single Btree leaf page.
14749            </summary>
14750            <remarks>
14751            <para>
14752            This value is used to determine if key or data items will be stored
14753            on overflow pages instead of Btree leaf pages. For more information
14754            on the specific algorithm used, see the Berkeley DB Reference Guide.
14755            The value specified must be at least 2; if not explicitly set, a
14756            value of 2 is used. 
14757            </para>
14758            <para>
14759            If the database already exists, MinKeysPerPage will be ignored. 
14760            </para>
14761            </remarks>
14762        </member>
14763        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.LogStats">
14764            <summary>
14765            Statistical information about the logging subsystem
14766            </summary>
14767        </member>
14768        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.BufferSize">
14769            <summary>
14770            Log buffer size. 
14771            </summary>
14772        </member>
14773        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.Bytes">
14774            <summary>
14775            Bytes to log. 
14776            </summary>
14777        </member>
14778        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.BytesSinceCheckpoint">
14779            <summary>
14780            Bytes to log since checkpoint. 
14781            </summary>
14782        </member>
14783        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.CurrentFile">
14784            <summary>
14785            Current log file number. 
14786            </summary>
14787        </member>
14788        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.CurrentOffset">
14789            <summary>
14790            Current log file offset. 
14791            </summary>
14792        </member>
14793        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.DiskFileNumber">
14794            <summary>
14795            Known on disk log file number. 
14796            </summary>
14797        </member>
14798        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.DiskOffset">
14799            <summary>
14800            Known on disk log file offset. 
14801            </summary>
14802        </member>
14803        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.FileSize">
14804            <summary>
14805            Log file size. 
14806            </summary>
14807        </member>
14808        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.MBytes">
14809            <summary>
14810            Megabytes to log. 
14811            </summary>
14812        </member>
14813        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.MBytesSinceCheckpoint">
14814            <summary>
14815            Megabytes to log since checkpoint. 
14816            </summary>
14817        </member>
14818        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.MagicNumber">
14819            <summary>
14820            Log file magic number. 
14821            </summary>
14822        </member>
14823        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.MaxCommitsPerFlush">
14824            <summary>
14825            Max number of commits in a flush. 
14826            </summary>
14827        </member>
14828        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.MinCommitsPerFlush">
14829            <summary>
14830            Min number of commits in a flush. 
14831            </summary>
14832        </member>
14833        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.OverflowWrites">
14834            <summary>
14835            Overflow writes to the log. 
14836            </summary>
14837        </member>
14838        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.PermissionsMode">
14839            <summary>
14840            Log file permissions mode. 
14841            </summary>
14842        </member>
14843        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.Reads">
14844            <summary>
14845            Total I/O reads from the log. 
14846            </summary>
14847        </member>
14848        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.Records">
14849            <summary>
14850            Records entered into the log. 
14851            </summary>
14852        </member>
14853        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.RegionLockNoWait">
14854            <summary>
14855            Region lock granted without wait. 
14856            </summary>
14857        </member>
14858        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.RegionLockWait">
14859            <summary>
14860            Region lock granted after wait. 
14861            </summary>
14862        </member>
14863        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.RegionSize">
14864            <summary>
14865            Region size. 
14866            </summary>
14867        </member>
14868        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.Syncs">
14869            <summary>
14870            Total syncs to the log. 
14871            </summary>
14872        </member>
14873        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.Writes">
14874            <summary>
14875            Total I/O writes to the log. 
14876            </summary>
14877        </member>
14878        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LogStats.Version">
14879            <summary>
14880            Log file version number. 
14881            </summary>
14882        </member>
14883        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor">
14884            <summary>
14885            A class representing a join cursor, for use in performing equality or
14886            natural joins on secondary indices.  For information on how to organize
14887            your data to use this functionality, see Equality join in the
14888            Programmer's Reference Guide. 
14889            </summary>
14890            <remarks>
14891            JoinCursor does not support many of the operations offered by
14892            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.Cursor"/> and is not a subclass of <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.Cursor"/>.
14893            </remarks>
14894            <seealso cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Join(BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor[],System.Boolean)"/>
14895        </member>
14896        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor.Close">
14897            <summary>
14898            <para>
14899            Discard the cursor.
14900            </para>
14901            <para>
14902            It is possible for the Close() method to throw a
14903            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockException"/>, signaling that any enclosing
14904            transaction should be aborted. If the application is already
14905            intending to abort the transaction, this error should be ignored,
14906            and the application should proceed.
14907            </para>
14908            <para>
14909            After Close has been called, regardless of its result, the object
14910            may not be used again. 
14911            </para>
14912            </summary>
14913            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DeadlockException"></exception>
14914        </member>
14915        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor.Dispose">
14916            <summary>
14917            Release the resources held by this object, and close the cursor if
14918            it's still open.
14919            </summary>
14920        </member>
14921        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor.GetEnumerator">
14922            <summary>
14923            Returns an enumerator that iterates through the
14924            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor"/>.
14925            </summary>
14926            <remarks>
14927            The enumerator will begin at the cursor's current position (or the
14928            first record if the cursor has not yet been positioned) and iterate 
14929            forwards (i.e. in the direction of <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor.MoveNext"/>) over the
14930            remaining records.
14931            </remarks>
14932            <returns>An enumerator for the Cursor.</returns>
14933        </member>
14934        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor.MoveNext">
14935            <summary>
14936            Iterate over the values associated with the keys to which each 
14937            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor"/> passed to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Join(BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor[],System.Boolean)"/>
14938            was initialized. Any data value that appears in all
14939            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor"/>s is then used as a key into the
14940            primary, and the key/data pair found in the primary is stored in 
14941            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor.Current"/>.
14942            </summary>
14943            <returns>
14944            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
14945            </returns>
14946        </member>
14947        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor.MoveNext(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
14948            <summary>
14949            Iterate over the values associated with the keys to which each 
14950            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor"/> passed to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Join(BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor[],System.Boolean)"/>
14951            was initialized. Any data value that appears in all
14952            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor"/>s is then used as a key into the
14953            primary, and the key/data pair found in the primary is stored in 
14954            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor.Current"/>.
14955            </summary>
14956            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
14957            <returns>
14958            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
14959            </returns>
14960        </member>
14961        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor.MoveNextItem">
14962            <summary>
14963            Iterate over the values associated with the keys to which each 
14964            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor"/> passed to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Join(BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor[],System.Boolean)"/>
14965            was initialized. Any data value that appears in all
14966            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor"/>s is then stored in 
14967            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor.Current">Current.Key</see>.
14968            </summary>
14969            <remarks>
14970            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor.Current">Current.Value</see> will contain an empty
14971            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry"/>.
14972            </remarks>
14973            <returns>
14974            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
14975            </returns>
14976        </member>
14977        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor.MoveNextItem(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
14978            <summary>
14979            Iterate over the values associated with the keys to which each 
14980            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor"/> passed to <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.Database.Join(BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor[],System.Boolean)"/>
14981            was initialized. Any data value that appears in all
14982            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor"/>s is then stored in 
14983            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor.Current">Current.Key</see>.
14984            </summary>
14985            <remarks>
14986            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor.Current">Current.Value</see> will contain an empty
14987            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry"/>.
14988            </remarks>
14989            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
14990            <returns>
14991            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
14992            </returns>
14993        </member>
14994        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.JoinCursor.Current">
14995            <summary>
14996            The key/data pair at which the cursor currently points.
14997            </summary>
14998        </member>
14999        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseType">
15000            <summary>
15001            A class representing the supported Berkeley DB access methods.
15002            </summary>
15003        </member>
15004        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseType.BTREE">
15005            <summary>
15006            BTree access method
15007            </summary>
15008        </member>
15009        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseType.HASH">
15010            <summary>
15011            Hash access method
15012            </summary>
15013        </member>
15014        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseType.RECNO">
15015            <summary>
15016            Recno access method
15017            </summary>
15018        </member>
15019        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseType.QUEUE">
15020            <summary>
15021            Queue access method
15022            </summary>
15023        </member>
15024        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseType.UNKNOWN">
15025            <summary>
15026            Unknown access method
15027            </summary>
15028        </member>
15029        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseType.ToString">
15030            <summary>
15031            Convert this instance of DatabaseType to its string representation.
15032            </summary>
15033            <returns>A string representation of this instance.</returns>
15034        </member>
15035        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.LockStats">
15036            <summary>
15037            Statistical information about the locking subsystem
15038            </summary>
15039        </member>
15040        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.LastAllocatedLockerID">
15041            <summary>
15042            Last allocated locker ID. 
15043            </summary>
15044        </member>
15045        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.LockConflictsWait">
15046            <summary>
15047            Lock conflicts w/ subsequent wait 
15048            </summary>
15049        </member>
15050        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.LockConflictsNoWait">
15051            <summary>
15052            Lock conflicts w/o subsequent wait 
15053            </summary>
15054        </member>
15055        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.LockDeadlocks">
15056            <summary>
15057            Number of lock deadlocks. 
15058            </summary>
15059        </member>
15060        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.LockDowngrades">
15061            <summary>
15062            Number of lock downgrades. 
15063            </summary>
15064        </member>
15065        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.LockModes">
15066            <summary>
15067            Number of lock modes. 
15068            </summary>
15069        </member>
15070        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.LockPuts">
15071            <summary>
15072            Number of lock puts. 
15073            </summary>
15074        </member>
15075        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.LockRequests">
15076            <summary>
15077            Number of lock gets. 
15078            </summary>
15079        </member>
15080        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.LockSteals">
15081            <summary>
15082            Number of lock steals so far. 
15083            </summary>
15084        </member>
15085        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.LockTimeoutLength">
15086            <summary>
15087            Lock timeout. 
15088            </summary>
15089        </member>
15090        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.LockTimeouts">
15091            <summary>
15092            Number of lock timeouts. 
15093            </summary>
15094        </member>
15095        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.LockUpgrades">
15096            <summary>
15097            Number of lock upgrades. 
15098            </summary>
15099        </member>
15100        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.LockerNoWait">
15101            <summary>
15102            Locker lock granted without wait. 
15103            </summary>
15104        </member>
15105        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.LockerWait">
15106            <summary>
15107            Locker lock granted after wait. 
15108            </summary>
15109        </member>
15110        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.Lockers">
15111            <summary>
15112            Current number of lockers. 
15113            </summary>
15114        </member>
15115        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.Locks">
15116            <summary>
15117            Current number of locks. 
15118            </summary>
15119        </member>
15120        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.MaxBucketLength">
15121            <summary>
15122            Max length of bucket. 
15123            </summary>
15124        </member>
15125        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.MaxLockSteals">
15126            <summary>
15127            Maximum number steals in any partition. 
15128            </summary>
15129        </member>
15130        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.MaxLockers">
15131            <summary>
15132            Maximum number of lockers so far. 
15133            </summary>
15134        </member>
15135        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.MaxLockersInTable">
15136            <summary>
15137            Maximum num of lockers in table. 
15138            </summary>
15139        </member>
15140        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.MaxLocks">
15141            <summary>
15142            Maximum number of locks so far. 
15143            </summary>
15144        </member>
15145        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.MaxLocksInBucket">
15146            <summary>
15147            Maximum number of locks in any bucket. 
15148            </summary>
15149        </member>
15150        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.MaxLocksInTable">
15151            <summary>
15152            Maximum number of locks in table. 
15153            </summary>
15154        </member>
15155        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.MaxObjectSteals">
15156            <summary>
15157            Maximum number of steals in any partition. 
15158            </summary>
15159        </member>
15160        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.MaxObjects">
15161            <summary>
15162            Maximum number of objects so far. 
15163            </summary>
15164        </member>
15165        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.MaxObjectsInBucket">
15166            <summary>
15167            Maximum number of objectsin any bucket. 
15168            </summary>
15169        </member>
15170        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.MaxPartitionLockNoWait">
15171            <summary>
15172            Max partition lock granted without wait. 
15173            </summary>
15174        </member>
15175        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.MaxPartitionLockWait">
15176            <summary>
15177            Max partition lock granted after wait. 
15178            </summary>
15179        </member>
15180        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.MaxUnusedID">
15181            <summary>
15182            Current maximum unused ID. 
15183            </summary>
15184        </member>
15185        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.MaxObjectsInTable">
15186            <summary>
15187            Maximum num of objects in table. 
15188            </summary>
15189        </member>
15190        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.nPartitions">
15191            <summary>
15192            number of partitions. 
15193            </summary>
15194        </member>
15195        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.ObjectNoWait">
15196            <summary>
15197            Object lock granted without wait. 
15198            </summary>
15199        </member>
15200        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.ObjectSteals">
15201            <summary>
15202            Number of objects steals so far. 
15203            </summary>
15204        </member>
15205        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.ObjectWait">
15206            <summary>
15207            Object lock granted after wait. 
15208            </summary>
15209        </member>
15210        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.Objects">
15211            <summary>
15212            Current number of objects. 
15213            </summary>
15214        </member>
15215        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.PartitionLockNoWait">
15216            <summary>
15217            Partition lock granted without wait. 
15218            </summary>
15219        </member>
15220        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.PartitionLockWait">
15221            <summary>
15222            Partition lock granted after wait. 
15223            </summary>
15224        </member>
15225        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.RegionNoWait">
15226            <summary>
15227            Region lock granted without wait. 
15228            </summary>
15229        </member>
15230        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.RegionSize">
15231            <summary>
15232            Region size. 
15233            </summary>
15234        </member>
15235        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.RegionWait">
15236            <summary>
15237            Region lock granted after wait. 
15238            </summary>
15239        </member>
15240        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.TxnTimeoutLength">
15241            <summary>
15242            Transaction timeout. 
15243            </summary>
15244        </member>
15245        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.LockStats.TxnTimeouts">
15246            <summary>
15247            Number of transaction timeouts. 
15248            </summary>
15249        </member>
15250        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.VerboseMessages">
15251            <summary>
15252            Enable specific additional informational and debugging messages.
15253            </summary>
15254        </member>
15255        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.VerboseMessages.Deadlock">
15256            <summary>
15257            Display additional information when doing deadlock detection.
15258            </summary>
15259        </member>
15260        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.VerboseMessages.FileOps">
15261            <summary>
15262            Display additional information when performing filesystem operations
15263            such as open, close or rename. May not be available on all
15264            platforms. 
15265            </summary>
15266        </member>
15267        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.VerboseMessages.AllFileOps">
15268            <summary>
15269            Display additional information when performing all filesystem
15270            operations, including read and write. May not be available on all
15271            platforms. 
15272            </summary>
15273        </member>
15274        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.VerboseMessages.Recovery">
15275            <summary>
15276            Display additional information when performing recovery.
15277            </summary>
15278        </member>
15279        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.VerboseMessages.Register">
15280            <summary>
15281            Display additional information concerning support for
15282            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.Register"/>
15283            </summary>
15284        </member>
15285        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.VerboseMessages.Replication">
15286            <summary>
15287            Display all detailed information about replication. This includes
15288            the information displayed by all of the other Replication* and
15289            RepMgr* values. 
15290            </summary>
15291        </member>
15292        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.VerboseMessages.RepMgrConnectionFailure">
15293            <summary>
15294            Display detailed information about Replication Manager connection
15295            failures. 
15296            </summary>
15297        </member>
15298        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.VerboseMessages.RepMgrMisc">
15299            <summary>
15300            Display detailed information about general Replication Manager
15301            processing. 
15302            </summary>
15303        </member>
15304        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.VerboseMessages.ReplicationElection">
15305            <summary>
15306            Display detailed information about replication elections.
15307            </summary>
15308        </member>
15309        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.VerboseMessages.ReplicationLease">
15310            <summary>
15311            Display detailed information about replication master leases. 
15312            </summary>
15313        </member>
15314        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.VerboseMessages.ReplicationMisc">
15315            <summary>
15316            Display detailed information about general replication processing
15317            not covered by the other Replication* values. 
15318            </summary>
15319        </member>
15320        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.VerboseMessages.ReplicationMessages">
15321            <summary>
15322            Display detailed information about replication message processing. 
15323            </summary>
15324        </member>
15325        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.VerboseMessages.ReplicationSync">
15326            <summary>
15327            Display detailed information about replication client
15328            synchronization. 
15329            </summary>
15330        </member>
15331        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.VerboseMessages.ReplicationTest">
15332            <summary>
15334            </summary>
15335        </member>
15336        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.VerboseMessages.WaitsForTable">
15337            <summary>
15338            Display the waits-for table when doing deadlock detection.
15339            </summary>
15340        </member>
15341        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor">
15342            <summary>
15343            A class representing database cursors over secondary indexes, which
15344            allow for traversal of database records.
15345            </summary>
15346        </member>
15347        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.PGet(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.UInt32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
15348            <summary>
15349            Protected method wrapping DBC->pget()
15350            </summary>
15351            <param name="key">The secondary key</param>
15352            <param name="pkey">The primary key</param>
15353            <param name="data">The primary data</param>
15354            <param name="flags">Flags to pass to DBC->pget</param>
15355            <param name="info">Locking parameters</param>
15356            <returns></returns>
15357        </member>
15358        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Delete">
15359            <summary>
15360            Delete the key/data pair to which the cursor refers from the primary
15361            database and all secondary indices.
15362            </summary>
15363            <remarks>
15364            <para>
15365            The cursor position is unchanged after a delete, and subsequent
15366            calls to cursor functions expecting the cursor to refer to an
15367            existing key will fail.
15368            </para>
15369            </remarks>
15370            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyEmptyException">
15371            The element has already been deleted.
15372            </exception>
15373        </member>
15374        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Duplicate(System.Boolean)">
15375            <summary>
15376            Create a new cursor that uses the same transaction and locker ID as
15377            the original cursor.
15378            </summary>
15379            <remarks>
15380            This is useful when an application is using locking and requires two
15381            or more cursors in the same thread of control.
15382            </remarks>
15383            <param name="keepPosition">
15384            If true, the newly created cursor is initialized to refer to the
15385            same position in the database as the original cursor (if any) and
15386            hold the same locks (if any). If false, or the original cursor does
15387            not hold a database position and locks, the created cursor is
15388            uninitialized and will behave like a cursor newly created by
15389            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BaseDatabase.Cursor"/>.</param>
15390            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
15391        </member>
15392        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.GetEnumerator">
15393            <summary>
15394            Returns an enumerator that iterates through the
15395            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor"/>.
15396            </summary>
15397            <remarks>
15398            The enumerator will begin at the cursor's current position (or the
15399            first record if the cursor has not yet been positioned) and iterate 
15400            forwards (i.e. in the direction of <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveNext"/>) over the
15401            remaining records.
15402            </remarks>
15403            <returns>An enumerator for the SecondaryCursor.</returns>
15404        </member>
15405        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveFirst">
15406            <summary>
15407            Set the cursor to refer to the first key/data pair of the database, 
15408            and store the secondary key along with the corresponding primary
15409            key/data pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>. If the first key has
15410            duplicate values, the first data item in the set of duplicates is
15411            stored in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>.
15412            </summary>
15413            <remarks>
15414            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15415            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15416            </remarks>
15417            <returns>
15418            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15419            </returns>
15420        </member>
15421        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveFirst(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
15422            <summary>
15423            Set the cursor to refer to the first key/data pair of the database, 
15424            and store the secondary key along with the corresponding primary
15425            key/data pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>. If the first key has
15426            duplicate values, the first data item in the set of duplicates is
15427            stored in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>.
15428            </summary>
15429            <remarks>
15430            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15431            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15432            </remarks>
15433            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
15434            <returns>
15435            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15436            </returns>
15437        </member>
15438        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Move(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Boolean)">
15439            <summary>
15440            Set the cursor to refer to <paramref name="key"/>, and store the
15441            primary key/data pair associated with the given secondary key in
15442            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>. In the presence of duplicate key values, the
15443            first data item in the set of duplicates is stored in
15444            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>.
15445            </summary>
15446            <remarks>
15447            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15448            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15449            </remarks>
15450            <param name="key">The key at which to position the cursor</param>
15451            <param name="exact">
15452            If true, require the given key to match the key in the database
15453            exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the smallest key greater
15454            than or equal to the specified key, permitting partial key matches
15455            and range searches.
15456            </param>
15457            <returns>
15458            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15459            </returns>
15460        </member>
15461        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Move(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Boolean,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
15462            <summary>
15463            Set the cursor to refer to <paramref name="key"/>, and store the
15464            primary key/data pair associated with the given secondary key in
15465            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>. In the presence of duplicate key values, the
15466            first data item in the set of duplicates is stored in
15467            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>.
15468            </summary>
15469            <remarks>
15470            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15471            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15472            </remarks>
15473            <param name="key">The key at which to position the cursor</param>
15474            <param name="exact">
15475            If true, require the given key to match the key in the database
15476            exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the smallest key greater
15477            than or equal to the specified key, permitting partial key matches
15478            and range searches.
15479            </param>
15480            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
15481            <returns>
15482            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15483            </returns>
15484        </member>
15485        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Move(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry}},System.Boolean)">
15486            <summary>
15487            Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair of the database. The
15488            cursor is positioned to a key/data pair if both the key and data
15489            match the values provided on the key and data parameters. 
15490            </summary>
15491            <remarks>
15492            <para>
15493            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15494            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15495            </para>
15496            <para>
15497            If this flag is specified on a database configured without sorted
15498            duplicate support, the value of <paramref name="exact"/> is ignored.
15499            </para>
15500            </remarks>
15501            <param name="pair">
15502            The key/data pair at which to position the cursor.
15503            </param>
15504            <param name="exact">
15505            If true, require the given key and data to match the key and data
15506            in the database exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the
15507            smallest data value which is greater than or equal to the value
15508            provided by <paramref name="pair.Value"/> (as determined by the
15509            comparison function).
15510            </param>
15511            <returns>
15512            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15513            </returns>
15514        </member>
15515        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Move(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry}},System.Boolean,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
15516            <summary>
15517            Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair of the database. The
15518            cursor is positioned to a key/data pair if both the key and data
15519            match the values provided on the key and data parameters. 
15520            </summary>
15521            <remarks>
15522            <para>
15523            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15524            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15525            </para>
15526            <para>
15527            If this flag is specified on a database configured without sorted
15528            duplicate support, the value of <paramref name="exact"/> is ignored.
15529            </para>
15530            </remarks>
15531            <param name="pair">
15532            The key/data pair at which to position the cursor.
15533            </param>
15534            <param name="exact">
15535            If true, require the given key and data to match the key and data
15536            in the database exactly.  If false, position the cursor at the
15537            smallest data value which is greater than or equal to the value
15538            provided by <paramref name="pair.Value"/> (as determined by the
15539            comparison function).
15540            </param>
15541            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
15542            <returns>
15543            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15544            </returns>
15545        </member>
15546        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveLast">
15547            <summary>
15548            Set the cursor to refer to the last key/data pair of the database, 
15549            and store the secondary key and primary key/data pair in
15550            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>. If the last key has duplicate values, the
15551            last data item in the set of duplicates is stored in
15552            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>.
15553            </summary>
15554            <remarks>
15555            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15556            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15557            </remarks>
15558            <returns>
15559            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15560            </returns>
15561        </member>
15562        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveLast(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
15563            <summary>
15564            Set the cursor to refer to the last key/data pair of the database, 
15565            and store the secondary key and primary key/data pair in
15566            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>. If the last key has duplicate values, the
15567            last data item in the set of duplicates is stored in
15568            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>.
15569            </summary>
15570            <remarks>
15571            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15572            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15573            </remarks>
15574            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
15575            <returns>
15576            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15577            </returns>
15578        </member>
15579        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveNext">
15580            <summary>
15581            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNext is identical to 
15582            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveFirst"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor to the next
15583            key/data pair of the database, and store the secondary key and
15584            primary key/data pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>. In the presence of
15585            duplicate key values, the value of <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current">Current.Key
15586            </see> may not change. 
15587            </summary>
15588            <remarks>
15589            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15590            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15591            </remarks>
15592            <returns>
15593            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15594            </returns>
15595        </member>
15596        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveNext(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
15597            <summary>
15598            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNext is identical to 
15599            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveFirst"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor to the next
15600            key/data pair of the database, and store the secondary key and
15601            primary key/data pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>. In the presence of
15602            duplicate key values, the value of <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current">Current.Key
15603            </see> may not change. 
15604            </summary>
15605            <remarks>
15606            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15607            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15608            </remarks>
15609            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
15610            <returns>
15611            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15612            </returns>
15613        </member>
15614        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveNextDuplicate">
15615            <summary>
15616            If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record
15617            for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data
15618            pair in the database, and store the secondary key and primary
15619            key/data pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>. MoveNextDuplicate will
15620            return false if the next key/data pair of the database is not a
15621            duplicate data record for the current key/data pair.
15622            </summary>
15623            <remarks>
15624            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15625            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15626            </remarks>
15627            <returns>
15628            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15629            </returns>
15630        </member>
15631        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveNextDuplicate(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
15632            <summary>
15633            If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record
15634            for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data
15635            pair in the database, and store the secondary key and primary
15636            key/data pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>. MoveNextDuplicate will
15637            return false if the next key/data pair of the database is not a
15638            duplicate data record for the current key/data pair.
15639            </summary>
15640            <remarks>
15641            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15642            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15643            </remarks>
15644            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
15645            <returns>
15646            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15647            </returns>
15648        </member>
15649        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveNextUnique">
15650            <summary>
15651            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextUnique is identical to 
15652            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveFirst"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor to the next
15653            non-duplicate key in the database, and store the secondary key and
15654            primary key/data pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>. MoveNextUnique will
15655            return false if no non-duplicate key/data pairs exist after the
15656            cursor position in the database. 
15657            </summary>
15658            <remarks>
15659            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15660            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15661            </remarks>
15662            <returns>
15663            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15664            </returns>
15665        </member>
15666        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveNextUnique(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
15667            <summary>
15668            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MoveNextUnique is identical to 
15669            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveFirst"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor to the next
15670            non-duplicate key in the database, and store the secondary key and
15671            primary key/data pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>. MoveNextUnique will
15672            return false if no non-duplicate key/data pairs exist after the
15673            cursor position in the database. 
15674            </summary>
15675            <remarks>
15676            <para>
15677            If the database is a Queue or Recno database, MoveNextUnique will
15678            ignore any keys that exist but were never explicitly created by the
15679            application, or those that were created and later deleted.
15680            </para>
15681            <para>
15682            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15683            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15684            </para>
15685            </remarks>
15686            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
15687            <returns>
15688            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15689            </returns>
15690        </member>
15691        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MovePrev">
15692            <summary>
15693            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MovePrev is identical to 
15694            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveLast"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor to the previous
15695            key/data pair of the database, and store the secondary key and
15696            primary key/data pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>. In the presence of
15697            duplicate key values, the value of <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current">Current.Key
15698            </see> may not change. 
15699            </summary>
15700            <remarks>
15701            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15702            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15703            </remarks>
15704            <returns>
15705            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15706            </returns>
15707        </member>
15708        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MovePrev(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
15709            <summary>
15710            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MovePrev is identical to 
15711            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveLast(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor to
15712            the previous key/data pair of the database, and store the secondary
15713            key and primary key/data pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>. In the
15714            presence of duplicate key values, the value of <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current">
15715            Current.Key</see> may not change. 
15716            </summary>
15717            <remarks>
15718            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15719            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15720            </remarks>
15721            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
15722            <returns>
15723            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15724            </returns>
15725        </member>
15726        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MovePrevDuplicate">
15727            <summary>
15728            If the previous key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data
15729            record for the current key/data pair, the cursor is moved to the
15730            previous key/data pair of the database, and the secondary key and
15731            primary key/data pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>. MovePrevDuplicate
15732            will return false if the previous key/data pair of the database is
15733            not a duplicate data record for the current key/data pair.
15734            </summary>
15735            <remarks>
15736            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15737            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15738            </remarks>
15739            <returns>
15740            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15741            </returns>
15742        </member>
15743        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MovePrevDuplicate(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
15744            <summary>
15745            If the previous key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data
15746            record for the current key/data pair, the cursor is moved to the
15747            previous key/data pair of the database, and the secondary key and
15748            primary key/data pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>. MovePrevDuplicate
15749            will return false if the previous key/data pair of the database is
15750            not a duplicate data record for the current key/data pair.
15751            </summary>
15752            <remarks>
15753            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15754            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15755            </remarks>
15756            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
15757            <returns>
15758            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15759            </returns>
15760        </member>
15761        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MovePrevUnique">
15762            <summary>
15763            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MovePrevUnique is identical to 
15764            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveLast"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor to the previous
15765            non-duplicate key in the database, and store the secondary key and
15766            primary key/data pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>. MovePrevUnique will
15767            return false if no non-duplicate key/data pairs exist after the 
15768            cursor position in the database. 
15769            </summary>
15770            <remarks>
15771            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15772            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15773            </remarks>
15774            <returns>
15775            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15776            </returns>
15777        </member>
15778        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MovePrevUnique(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
15779            <summary>
15780            If the cursor is not yet initialized, MovePrevUnique is identical to 
15781            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.MoveLast(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)"/>. Otherwise, move the cursor to
15782            the previous non-duplicate key in the database, and store the
15783            secondary key and primary key/data pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>.
15784            MovePrevUnique will return false if no non-duplicate key/data pairs
15785            exist after the cursor position in the database. 
15786            </summary>
15787            <remarks>
15788            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15789            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15790            </remarks>
15791            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
15792            <returns>
15793            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15794            </returns>
15795        </member>
15796        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Refresh">
15797            <summary>
15798            Store the secondary key and primary key/data pair to which the
15799            cursor refers in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>.
15800            </summary>
15801            <remarks>
15802            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15803            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15804            </remarks>
15805            <returns>
15806            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15807            </returns>
15808        </member>
15809        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Refresh(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
15810            <summary>
15811            Store the secondary key and primary key/data pair to which the
15812            cursor refers in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/>.
15813            </summary>
15814            <remarks>
15815            If positioning the cursor fails, <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current"/> will contain
15816            an empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>.
15817            </remarks>
15818            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use.</param>
15819            <returns>
15820            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15821            </returns>
15822        </member>
15823        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.SecondaryCursor.Current">
15824            <summary>
15825            The secondary key and primary key/data pair at which the cursor
15826            currently points.
15827            </summary>
15828        </member>
15829        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats">
15830            <summary>
15831            Statistical information about a RecnoDatabase
15832            </summary>
15833        </member>
15834        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.MagicNumber">
15835            <summary>
15836            Magic number. 
15837            </summary>
15838        </member>
15839        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.Version">
15840            <summary>
15841            Version number. 
15842            </summary>
15843        </member>
15844        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.MetadataFlags">
15845            <summary>
15846            Metadata flags. 
15847            </summary>
15848        </member>
15849        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.nKeys">
15850            <summary>
15851            Number of unique keys. 
15852            </summary>
15853        </member>
15854        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.nData">
15855            <summary>
15856            Number of data items. 
15857            </summary>
15858        </member>
15859        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.nPages">
15860            <summary>
15861            Page count. 
15862            </summary>
15863        </member>
15864        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.PageSize">
15865            <summary>
15866            Page size. 
15867            </summary>
15868        </member>
15869        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.MinKey">
15870            <summary>
15871            Minkey value. 
15872            </summary>
15873        </member>
15874        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.RecordLength">
15875            <summary>
15876            Fixed-length record length. 
15877            </summary>
15878        </member>
15879        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.RecordPadByte">
15880            <summary>
15881            Fixed-length record pad. 
15882            </summary>
15883        </member>
15884        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.Levels">
15885            <summary>
15886            Tree levels. 
15887            </summary>
15888        </member>
15889        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.InternalPages">
15890            <summary>
15891            Internal pages. 
15892            </summary>
15893        </member>
15894        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.LeafPages">
15895            <summary>
15896            Leaf pages. 
15897            </summary>
15898        </member>
15899        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.DuplicatePages">
15900            <summary>
15901            Duplicate pages. 
15902            </summary>
15903        </member>
15904        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.OverflowPages">
15905            <summary>
15906            Overflow pages. 
15907            </summary>
15908        </member>
15909        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.EmptyPages">
15910            <summary>
15911            Empty pages. 
15912            </summary>
15913        </member>
15914        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.FreePages">
15915            <summary>
15916            Pages on the free list. 
15917            </summary>
15918        </member>
15919        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.InternalPagesFreeBytes">
15920            <summary>
15921            Bytes free in internal pages. 
15922            </summary>
15923        </member>
15924        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.LeafPagesFreeBytes">
15925            <summary>
15926            Bytes free in leaf pages. 
15927            </summary>
15928        </member>
15929        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.DuplicatePagesFreeBytes">
15930            <summary>
15931            Bytes free in duplicate pages. 
15932            </summary>
15933        </member>
15934        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats.OverflowPagesFreeBytes">
15935            <summary>
15936            Bytes free in overflow pages. 
15937            </summary>
15938        </member>
15939        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCursor">
15940            <summary>
15941            A class for traversing the records of a <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase"/>
15942            </summary>
15943        </member>
15944        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCursor.Duplicate(System.Boolean)">
15945            <summary>
15946            Create a new cursor that uses the same transaction and locker ID as
15947            the original cursor.
15948            </summary>
15949            <remarks>
15950            This is useful when an application is using locking and requires two
15951            or more cursors in the same thread of control.
15952            </remarks>
15953            <param name="keepPosition">
15954            If true, the newly created cursor is initialized to refer to the
15955            same position in the database as the original cursor (if any) and
15956            hold the same locks (if any). If false, or the original cursor does
15957            not hold a database position and locks, the created cursor is
15958            uninitialized and will behave like a cursor newly created by
15959            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeDatabase.Cursor"/>.</param>
15960            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
15961        </member>
15962        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCursor.Move(System.UInt32)">
15963            <summary>
15964            Position the cursor at a specific key/data pair in the database, and
15965            store the key/data pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>.
15966            </summary>
15967            <param name="recno">
15968            The specific numbered record of the database at which to position
15969            the cursor.
15970            </param>
15971            <returns>
15972            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15973            </returns>
15974        </member>
15975        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCursor.Move(System.UInt32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
15976            <summary>
15977            Position the cursor at a specific key/data pair in the database, and
15978            store the key/data pair in <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.Current"/>.
15979            </summary>
15980            <param name="recno">
15981            The specific numbered record of the database at which to position
15982            the cursor.
15983            </param>
15984            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use</param>
15985            <returns>
15986            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
15987            </returns>
15988        </member>
15989        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCursor.MoveMultiple(System.UInt32)">
15990            <summary>
15991            Position the cursor at a specific key/data pair in the database, and
15992            store the key/data pair and as many duplicate data items that can
15993            fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
15994            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
15995            </summary>
15996            <param name="recno">
15997            The specific numbered record of the database at which to position
15998            the cursor.
15999            </param>
16000            <returns>
16001            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
16002            </returns>
16003        </member>
16004        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCursor.MoveMultiple(System.UInt32,System.Int32)">
16005            <summary>
16006            Position the cursor at a specific key/data pair in the database, and
16007            store the key/data pair and as many duplicate data items that can
16008            fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
16009            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
16010            </summary>
16011            <param name="recno">
16012            The specific numbered record of the database at which to position
16013            the cursor.
16014            </param>
16015            <param name="BufferSize">
16016            The size of a buffer to fill with duplicate data items.  Must be at
16017            least the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of
16018            1024.
16019            </param>
16020            <returns>
16021            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
16022            </returns>
16023        </member>
16024        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCursor.MoveMultiple(System.UInt32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
16025            <summary>
16026            Position the cursor at a specific key/data pair in the database, and
16027            store the key/data pair and as many duplicate data items that can
16028            fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
16029            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
16030            </summary>
16031            <param name="recno">
16032            The specific numbered record of the database at which to position
16033            the cursor.
16034            </param>
16035            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use</param>
16036            <returns>
16037            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
16038            </returns>
16039        </member>
16040        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCursor.MoveMultiple(System.UInt32,System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
16041            <summary>
16042            Position the cursor at a specific key/data pair in the database, and
16043            store the key/data pair and as many duplicate data items that can
16044            fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
16045            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultiple"/>.
16046            </summary>
16047            <param name="recno">
16048            The specific numbered record of the database at which to position
16049            the cursor.
16050            </param>
16051            <param name="BufferSize">
16052            The size of a buffer to fill with duplicate data items.  Must be at
16053            least the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of
16054            1024.
16055            </param>
16056            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use</param>
16057            <returns>
16058            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
16059            </returns>
16060        </member>
16061        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCursor.MoveMultipleKey(System.UInt32)">
16062            <summary>
16063            Position the cursor at a specific key/data pair in the database, and
16064            store the key/data pair and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can
16065            fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
16066            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
16067            </summary>
16068            <param name="recno">
16069            The specific numbered record of the database at which to position
16070            the cursor.
16071            </param>
16072            <returns>
16073            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
16074            </returns>
16075        </member>
16076        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCursor.MoveMultipleKey(System.UInt32,System.Int32)">
16077            <summary>
16078            Position the cursor at a specific key/data pair in the database, and
16079            store the key/data pair and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can
16080            fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
16081            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
16082            </summary>
16083            <param name="recno">
16084            The specific numbered record of the database at which to position
16085            the cursor.
16086            </param>
16087            <param name="BufferSize">
16088            The size of a buffer to fill with key/data pairs.  Must be at least
16089            the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of 1024.
16090            </param>
16091            <returns>
16092            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
16093            </returns>
16094        </member>
16095        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCursor.MoveMultipleKey(System.UInt32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
16096            <summary>
16097            Position the cursor at a specific key/data pair in the database, and
16098            store the key/data pair and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can
16099            fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
16100            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
16101            </summary>
16102            <param name="recno">
16103            The specific numbered record of the database at which to position
16104            the cursor.
16105            </param>
16106            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use</param>
16107            <returns>
16108            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
16109            </returns>
16110        </member>
16111        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCursor.MoveMultipleKey(System.UInt32,System.Int32,BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
16112            <summary>
16113            Position the cursor at a specific key/data pair in the database, and
16114            store the key/data pair and as many ensuing key/data pairs that can
16115            fit in a buffer the size of one database page in
16116            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.Cursor.CurrentMultipleKey"/>.
16117            </summary>
16118            <param name="recno">
16119            The specific numbered record of the database at which to position
16120            the cursor.
16121            </param>
16122            <param name="BufferSize">
16123            The size of a buffer to fill with key/data pairs.  Must be at least
16124            the page size of the underlying database and be a multiple of 1024.
16125            </param>
16126            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use</param>
16127            <returns>
16128            True if the cursor was positioned successfully, false otherwise.
16129            </returns>
16130        </member>
16131        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCursor.Recno">
16132            <summary>
16133            Return the record number associated with the cursor's current
16134            position.
16135            </summary>
16136            <returns>The record number associated with the cursor.</returns>
16137        </member>
16138        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCursor.Recno(BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo)">
16139            <summary>
16140            Return the record number associated with the cursor's current
16141            position.
16142            </summary>
16143            <param name="info">The locking behavior to use</param>
16144            <returns>The record number associated with the cursor.</returns>
16145        </member>
16146        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCursor.Insert(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Cursor.InsertLocation)">
16147            <summary>
16148            Insert the data element as a duplicate element of the key to which
16149            the cursor refers.
16150            </summary>
16151            <param name="data">The data element to insert</param>
16152            <param name="loc">
16153            Specify whether to insert the data item immediately before or
16154            immediately after the cursor's current position.
16155            </param>
16156        </member>
16157        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCursor.AddUnique(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry})">
16158            <summary>
16159            Insert the specified key/data pair into the database, unless a
16160            key/data pair comparing equally to it already exists in the
16161            database.
16162            </summary>
16163            <param name="pair">The key/data pair to be inserted</param>
16164            <exception cref="T:BerkeleyDB.KeyExistException">
16165            Thrown if a matching key/data pair already exists in the database.
16166            </exception>
16167        </member>
16168        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.BTreeCursor.Add(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry},BerkeleyDB.Cursor.InsertLocation)">
16169            <summary>
16170            Insert the specified key/data pair into the database.
16171            </summary>
16172            <param name="pair">The key/data pair to be inserted</param>
16173            <param name="loc">
16174            If the key already exists in the database and no duplicate sort
16175            function has been specified, specify whether the inserted data item
16176            is added as the first or the last of the data items for that key. 
16177            </param>
16178        </member>
16179        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase">
16180            <summary>
16181            A class representing a RecnoDatabase. The Recno format supports fixed-
16182            or variable-length records, accessed sequentially or by logical record
16183            number, and optionally backed by a flat text file. 
16184            </summary>
16185        </member>
16186        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig)">
16187            <summary>
16188            Instantiate a new RecnoDatabase object and open the database
16189            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/>.
16190            </summary>
16191            <remarks>
16192            <para>
16193            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null, the database is strictly
16194            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
16195            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database
16196            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe.
16197            </para>
16198            <para>
16199            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
16200            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
16201            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
16202            be transactionally protected during its open.
16203            </para>
16204            </remarks>
16205            <param name="Filename">
16206            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
16207            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
16208            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
16209            </param>
16210            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
16211            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
16212        </member>
16213        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig)">
16214            <summary>
16215            Instantiate a new RecnoDatabase object and open the database
16216            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and
16217            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/>.
16218            </summary>
16219            <remarks>
16220            <para>
16221            If both <paramref name="Filename"/> and
16222            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> are null, the database is strictly
16223            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
16224            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database 
16225            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe. If
16226            <paramref name="Filename"/> is null and
16227            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> is non-null, the database can be
16228            opened by other threads of control and will be replicated to client
16229            sites in any replication group.
16230            </para>
16231            <para>
16232            If <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation
16233            will be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
16234            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
16235            be transactionally protected during its open.
16236            </para>
16237            </remarks>
16238            <param name="Filename">
16239            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
16240            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
16241            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
16242            </param>
16243            <param name="DatabaseName">
16244            This parameter allows applications to have multiple databases in a
16245            single file. Although no DatabaseName needs to be specified, it is
16246            an error to attempt to open a second database in a file that was not
16247            initially created using a database name.
16248            </param>
16249            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
16250            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
16251        </member>
16252        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
16253            <summary>
16254            Instantiate a new RecnoDatabase object and open the database
16255            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/>.
16256            </summary>
16257            <remarks>
16258            <para>
16259            If <paramref name="Filename"/> is null, the database is strictly
16260            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
16261            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database
16262            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe.
16263            </para>
16264            <para>
16265            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but
16266            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation will
16267            be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
16268            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
16269            be transactionally protected during its open. Also note that the
16270            transaction must be committed before the object is closed.
16271            </para>
16272            </remarks>
16273            <param name="Filename">
16274            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
16275            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
16276            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
16277            </param>
16278            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
16279            <param name="txn">
16280            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
16281            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
16282            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
16283            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
16284            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
16285            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
16286            </param>
16287            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
16288        </member>
16289        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,System.String,BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
16290            <summary>
16291            Instantiate a new RecnoDatabase object and open the database
16292            represented by <paramref name="Filename"/> and
16293            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/>.
16294            </summary>
16295            <remarks>
16296            <para>
16297            If both <paramref name="Filename"/> and
16298            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> are null, the database is strictly
16299            temporary and cannot be opened by any other thread of control, thus
16300            the database can only be accessed by sharing the single database 
16301            object that created it, in circumstances where doing so is safe. If
16302            <paramref name="Filename"/> is null and
16303            <paramref name="DatabaseName"/> is non-null, the database can be
16304            opened by other threads of control and will be replicated to client
16305            sites in any replication group.
16306            </para>
16307            <para>
16308            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but
16309            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.AutoCommit"/> is set, the operation will
16310            be implicitly transaction protected. Note that transactionally
16311            protected operations on a datbase object requires the object itself
16312            be transactionally protected during its open. Also note that the
16313            transaction must be committed before the object is closed.
16314            </para>
16315            </remarks>
16316            <param name="Filename">
16317            The name of an underlying file that will be used to back the
16318            database. In-memory databases never intended to be preserved on disk
16319            may be created by setting this parameter to null.
16320            </param>
16321            <param name="DatabaseName">
16322            This parameter allows applications to have multiple databases in a
16323            single file. Although no DatabaseName needs to be specified, it is
16324            an error to attempt to open a second database in a file that was not
16325            initially created using a database name.
16326            </param>
16327            <param name="cfg">The database's configuration</param>
16328            <param name="txn">
16329            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
16330            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
16331            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
16332            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
16333            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
16334            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
16335            </param>
16336            <returns>A new, open database object</returns>
16337        </member>
16338        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Append(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)">
16339            <summary>
16340            Append the data item to the end of the database.
16341            </summary>
16342            <param name="data">The data item to store in the database</param>
16343            <returns>The record number allocated to the record</returns>
16344        </member>
16345        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Append(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
16346            <summary>
16347            Append the data item to the end of the database.
16348            </summary>
16349            <remarks>
16350            There is a minor behavioral difference between
16351            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Append(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)"/> and
16352            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Append(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)"/>. If a transaction enclosing an
16353            Append operation aborts, the record number may be reallocated in a
16354            subsequent <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Append(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)"/> operation, but it will
16355            not be reallocated in a subsequent
16356            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Append(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)"/> operation.
16357            </remarks>
16358            <param name="data">The data item to store in the database</param>
16359            <param name="txn">
16360            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
16361            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
16362            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
16363            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
16364            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
16365            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
16366            </param>
16367            <returns>The record number allocated to the record</returns>
16368        </member>
16369        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Compact(BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig)">
16370            <summary>
16371            Compact the database, and optionally return unused database pages to
16372            the underlying filesystem. 
16373            </summary>
16374            <remarks>
16375            If the operation occurs in a transactional database, the operation
16376            will be implicitly transaction protected using multiple
16377            transactions. These transactions will be periodically committed to
16378            avoid locking large sections of the tree. Any deadlocks encountered
16379            cause the compaction operation to be retried from the point of the
16380            last transaction commit.
16381            </remarks>
16382            <param name="cdata">Compact configuration parameters</param>
16383            <returns>Compact operation statistics</returns>
16384        </member>
16385        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Compact(BerkeleyDB.CompactConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
16386            <summary>
16387            Compact the database, and optionally return unused database pages to
16388            the underlying filesystem. 
16389            </summary>
16390            <remarks>
16391            <para>
16392            If <paramref name="txn"/> is non-null, then the operation is
16393            performed using that transaction. In this event, large sections of
16394            the tree may be locked during the course of the transaction.
16395            </para>
16396            <para>
16397            If <paramref name="txn"/> is null, but the operation occurs in a
16398            transactional database, the operation will be implicitly transaction
16399            protected using multiple transactions. These transactions will be
16400            periodically committed to avoid locking large sections of the tree.
16401            Any deadlocks encountered cause the compaction operation to be
16402            retried from the point of the last transaction commit.
16403            </para>
16404            </remarks>
16405            <param name="cdata">Compact configuration parameters</param>
16406            <param name="txn">
16407            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
16408            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
16409            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
16410            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
16411            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
16412            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
16413            </param>
16414            <returns>Compact operation statistics</returns>
16415        </member>
16416        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Cursor">
16417            <summary>
16418            Create a database cursor.
16419            </summary>
16420            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
16421        </member>
16422        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Cursor(BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig)">
16423            <summary>
16424            Create a database cursor with the given configuration.
16425            </summary>
16426            <param name="cfg">
16427            The configuration properties for the cursor.
16428            </param>
16429            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
16430        </member>
16431        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Cursor(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
16432            <summary>
16433            Create a transactionally protected database cursor.
16434            </summary>
16435            <param name="txn">
16436            The transaction context in which the cursor may be used.
16437            </param>
16438            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
16439        </member>
16440        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Cursor(BerkeleyDB.CursorConfig,BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
16441            <summary>
16442            Create a transactionally protected database cursor with the given
16443            configuration.
16444            </summary>
16445            <param name="cfg">
16446            The configuration properties for the cursor.
16447            </param>
16448            <param name="txn">
16449            The transaction context in which the cursor may be used.
16450            </param>
16451            <returns>A newly created cursor</returns>
16452        </member>
16453        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.FastStats">
16454            <summary>
16455            Return the database statistical information which does not require
16456            traversal of the database.
16457            </summary>
16458            <returns>
16459            The database statistical information which does not require
16460            traversal of the database.
16461            </returns>
16462        </member>
16463        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.FastStats(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
16464            <summary>
16465            Return the database statistical information which does not require
16466            traversal of the database.
16467            </summary>
16468            <param name="txn">
16469            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
16470            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
16471            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
16472            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
16473            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
16474            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
16475            </param>
16476            <returns>
16477            The database statistical information which does not require
16478            traversal of the database.
16479            </returns>
16480        </member>
16481        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.FastStats(BerkeleyDB.Transaction,BerkeleyDB.Isolation)">
16482            <summary>
16483            Return the database statistical information which does not require
16484            traversal of the database.
16485            </summary>
16486            <overloads>
16487            <para>
16488            Among other things, this method makes it possible for applications
16489            to request key and record counts without incurring the performance
16490            penalty of traversing the entire database. 
16491            </para>
16492            <para>
16493            The statistical information is described by the
16494            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats"/>, <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.HashStats"/>,
16495            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.QueueStats"/>, and <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.RecnoStats"/> classes. 
16496            </para>
16497            </overloads>
16498            <param name="txn">
16499            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
16500            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
16501            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
16502            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
16503            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
16504            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
16505            </param>
16506            <param name="isoDegree">
16507            The level of isolation for database reads.
16508            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.Isolation.DEGREE_ONE"/> will be silently ignored for 
16509            databases which did not specify
16510            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.ReadUncommitted"/>.
16511            </param>
16512            <returns>
16513            The database statistical information which does not require
16514            traversal of the database.
16515            </returns>
16516        </member>
16517        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Stats">
16518            <summary>
16519            Return the database statistical information for this database.
16520            </summary>
16521            <returns>Database statistical information.</returns>
16522        </member>
16523        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Stats(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
16524            <summary>
16525            Return the database statistical information for this database.
16526            </summary>
16527            <param name="txn">
16528            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
16529            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
16530            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
16531            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
16532            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
16533            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
16534            </param>
16535            <returns>Database statistical information.</returns>
16536        </member>
16537        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Stats(BerkeleyDB.Transaction,BerkeleyDB.Isolation)">
16538            <summary>
16539            Return the database statistical information for this database.
16540            </summary>
16541            <overloads>
16542            The statistical information is described by
16543            <see cref="T:BerkeleyDB.BTreeStats"/>. 
16544            </overloads>
16545            <param name="txn">
16546            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
16547            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
16548            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
16549            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
16550            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
16551            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
16552            </param>
16553            <param name="isoDegree">
16554            The level of isolation for database reads.
16555            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.Isolation.DEGREE_ONE"/> will be silently ignored for 
16556            databases which did not specify
16557            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseConfig.ReadUncommitted"/>.
16558            </param>
16559            <returns>Database statistical information.</returns>
16560        </member>
16561        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.TruncateUnusedPages">
16562            <summary>
16563            Return pages to the filesystem that are already free and at the end
16564            of the file.
16565            </summary>
16566            <returns>
16567            The number of database pages returned to the filesystem
16568            </returns>
16569        </member>
16570        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.TruncateUnusedPages(BerkeleyDB.Transaction)">
16571            <summary>
16572            Return pages to the filesystem that are already free and at the end
16573            of the file.
16574            </summary>
16575            <param name="txn">
16576            If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction,
16577            <paramref name="txn"/> is a Transaction object returned from
16578            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginTransaction"/>; if
16579            the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group,
16580            <paramref name="txn"/> is a handle returned from
16581            <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.BeginCDSGroup"/>; otherwise null.
16582            </param>
16583            <returns>
16584            The number of database pages returned to the filesystem
16585            </returns>
16586        </member>
16587        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.AppendCallback">
16588            <summary>
16589            A function to call after the record number has been selected but
16590            before the data has been stored into the database.
16591            </summary>
16592            <remarks>
16593            <para>
16594            When using <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.QueueDatabase.Append(BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEntry)"/>, it may be useful to
16595            modify the stored data based on the generated key. If a delegate is
16596            specified, it will be called after the record number has been
16597            selected, but before the data has been stored.
16598            </para>
16599            </remarks>
16600        </member>
16601        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.RecordDelimiter">
16602            <summary>
16603            The delimiting byte used to mark the end of a record in
16604            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.SourceFile"/>.
16605            </summary>
16606        </member>
16607        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.RecordLength">
16608            <summary>
16609            If using fixed-length, not byte-delimited records, the length of the
16610            records. 
16611            </summary>
16612        </member>
16613        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.RecordPad">
16614            <summary>
16615            The padding character for short, fixed-length records.
16616            </summary>
16617        </member>
16618        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Renumber">
16619            <summary>
16620            If true, the logical record numbers are mutable, and change as
16621            records are added to and deleted from the database.
16622            </summary>
16623        </member>
16624        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Snapshot">
16625            <summary>
16626            If true, any <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.SourceFile"/> file will be read in its
16627            entirety when <see cref="M:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.Open(System.String,BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabaseConfig)"/> is called. If false,
16628            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.SourceFile"/> may be read lazily. 
16629            </summary>
16630        </member>
16631        <member name="P:BerkeleyDB.RecnoDatabase.SourceFile">
16632            <summary>
16633            The underlying source file for the Recno access method.
16634            </summary>
16635        </member>
16636        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo">
16637            <summary>
16638            A class representing the locking options for Berkeley DB operations.
16639            </summary>
16640        </member>
16641        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo.IsolationDegree">
16642            <summary>
16643            The isolation degree of the operation.
16644            </summary>
16645        </member>
16646        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo.ReadModifyWrite">
16647            <summary>
16648            If true, acquire write locks instead of read locks when doing a
16649            read, if locking is configured.
16650            </summary>
16651            <remarks>
16652            Setting ReadModifyWrite can eliminate deadlock during a
16653            read-modify-write cycle by acquiring the write lock during the read
16654            part of the cycle so that another thread of control acquiring a read
16655            lock for the same item, in its own read-modify-write cycle, will not
16656            result in deadlock.
16657            </remarks>
16658        </member>
16659        <member name="M:BerkeleyDB.LockingInfo.#ctor">
16660            <summary>
16661            Instantiate a new LockingInfo object
16662            </summary>
16663        </member>
16664        <member name="T:BerkeleyDB.RepMgrSite">
16665            <summary>
16666            A class representing a replication site used by Replication Manager
16667            </summary>
16668        </member>
16669        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RepMgrSite.EId">
16670            <summary>
16671            Environment ID assigned by the replication manager. This is the same
16672            value that is passed to
16673            <see cref="P:BerkeleyDB.DatabaseEnvironment.EventNotify"/> for the
16674            <see cref="F:BerkeleyDB.NotificationEvent.REP_NEWMASTER"/> event.
16675            </summary>
16676        </member>
16677        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RepMgrSite.Address">
16678            <summary>
16679            The address of the site
16680            </summary>
16681        </member>
16682        <member name="F:BerkeleyDB.RepMgrSite.isConnected">
16683            <summary>
16684            If true, the site is connected.
16685            </summary>
16686        </member>
16687    </members>