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1    <refentry id="V4L2-PIX-FMT-YUV422P">
2      <refmeta>
3	<refentrytitle>V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV422P ('422P')</refentrytitle>
4	&manvol;
5      </refmeta>
6      <refnamediv>
7	<refname><constant>V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV422P</constant></refname>
8	<refpurpose>Format with &frac12; horizontal chroma resolution,
9also known as YUV 4:2:2. Planar layout as opposed to
11      </refnamediv>
12      <refsect1>
13	<title>Description</title>
15	<para>This format is not commonly used. This is a planar
16version of the YUYV format. The three components are separated into
17three sub-images or planes. The Y plane is first. The Y plane has one
18byte per pixel. The Cb plane immediately follows the Y plane in
19memory. The Cb plane is half the width of the Y plane (and of the
20image). Each Cb belongs to two pixels. For example,
21Cb<subscript>0</subscript> belongs to Y'<subscript>00</subscript>,
22Y'<subscript>01</subscript>. Following the Cb plane is the Cr plane,
23just like the Cb plane.</para>
25	<para>If the Y plane has pad bytes after each row, then the Cr
26and Cb planes have half as many pad bytes after their rows. In other
27words, two Cx rows (including padding) is exactly as long as one Y row
28(including padding).</para>
30	<example>
31	  <title><constant>V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV422P</constant> 4 &times; 4
32pixel image</title>
34	  <formalpara>
35	    <title>Byte Order.</title>
36	    <para>Each cell is one byte.
37		<informaltable frame="none">
38		<tgroup cols="5" align="center">
39		  <colspec align="left" colwidth="2*" />
40		  <tbody valign="top">
41		    <row>
42		      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;0:</entry>
43		      <entry>Y'<subscript>00</subscript></entry>
44		      <entry>Y'<subscript>01</subscript></entry>
45		      <entry>Y'<subscript>02</subscript></entry>
46		      <entry>Y'<subscript>03</subscript></entry>
47		    </row>
48		    <row>
49		      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;4:</entry>
50		      <entry>Y'<subscript>10</subscript></entry>
51		      <entry>Y'<subscript>11</subscript></entry>
52		      <entry>Y'<subscript>12</subscript></entry>
53		      <entry>Y'<subscript>13</subscript></entry>
54		    </row>
55		    <row>
56		      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;8:</entry>
57		      <entry>Y'<subscript>20</subscript></entry>
58		      <entry>Y'<subscript>21</subscript></entry>
59		      <entry>Y'<subscript>22</subscript></entry>
60		      <entry>Y'<subscript>23</subscript></entry>
61		    </row>
62		    <row>
63		      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;12:</entry>
64		      <entry>Y'<subscript>30</subscript></entry>
65		      <entry>Y'<subscript>31</subscript></entry>
66		      <entry>Y'<subscript>32</subscript></entry>
67		      <entry>Y'<subscript>33</subscript></entry>
68		    </row>
69		    <row>
70		      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;16:</entry>
71		      <entry>Cb<subscript>00</subscript></entry>
72		      <entry>Cb<subscript>01</subscript></entry>
73		    </row>
74		    <row>
75		      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;18:</entry>
76		      <entry>Cb<subscript>10</subscript></entry>
77		      <entry>Cb<subscript>11</subscript></entry>
78		    </row>
79		    <row>
80		      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;20:</entry>
81		      <entry>Cb<subscript>20</subscript></entry>
82		      <entry>Cb<subscript>21</subscript></entry>
83		    </row>
84		    <row>
85		      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;22:</entry>
86		      <entry>Cb<subscript>30</subscript></entry>
87		      <entry>Cb<subscript>31</subscript></entry>
88		    </row>
89		    <row>
90		      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;24:</entry>
91		      <entry>Cr<subscript>00</subscript></entry>
92		      <entry>Cr<subscript>01</subscript></entry>
93		    </row>
94		    <row>
95		      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;26:</entry>
96		      <entry>Cr<subscript>10</subscript></entry>
97		      <entry>Cr<subscript>11</subscript></entry>
98		    </row>
99		    <row>
100		      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;28:</entry>
101		      <entry>Cr<subscript>20</subscript></entry>
102		      <entry>Cr<subscript>21</subscript></entry>
103		    </row>
104		    <row>
105		      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;30:</entry>
106		      <entry>Cr<subscript>30</subscript></entry>
107		      <entry>Cr<subscript>31</subscript></entry>
108		    </row>
109		  </tbody>
110		</tgroup>
111		</informaltable>
112	      </para>
113	  </formalpara>
115	  <formalpara>
116	    <title>Color Sample Location.</title>
117	    <para>
118		<informaltable frame="none">
119		<tgroup cols="7" align="center">
120		  <tbody valign="top">
121		    <row>
122		      <entry></entry>
123		      <entry>0</entry><entry></entry><entry>1</entry><entry></entry>
124		      <entry>2</entry><entry></entry><entry>3</entry>
125		    </row>
126		    <row>
127		      <entry>0</entry>
128		      <entry>Y</entry><entry>C</entry><entry>Y</entry><entry></entry>
129		      <entry>Y</entry><entry>C</entry><entry>Y</entry>
130		    </row>
131		    <row>
132		      <entry>1</entry>
133		      <entry>Y</entry><entry>C</entry><entry>Y</entry><entry></entry>
134		      <entry>Y</entry><entry>C</entry><entry>Y</entry>
135		    </row>
136		    <row>
137		      <entry>2</entry>
138		      <entry>Y</entry><entry>C</entry><entry>Y</entry><entry></entry>
139		      <entry>Y</entry><entry>C</entry><entry>Y</entry>
140		    </row>
141		    <row>
142		      <entry>3</entry>
143		      <entry>Y</entry><entry>C</entry><entry>Y</entry><entry></entry>
144		      <entry>Y</entry><entry>C</entry><entry>Y</entry>
145		    </row>
146		  </tbody>
147		</tgroup>
148		</informaltable>
149	      </para>
150	  </formalpara>
151	</example>
152      </refsect1>
153    </refentry>
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157mode: sgml
158sgml-parent-document: "pixfmt.sgml"
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