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24          <th colspan="3" align="center">LPRng Reference Manual: 5
25          Sep 2003 (For LPRng-3.8.22)</th>
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43      <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="AIX">3.3. AIX</a></h1>
45      <p>This information was supplied by <a href=
46      "mailto:nitschke@math.unihamburg.de" target="_top">Dirk
47      Nitschke</a>, as of August 1997, and describes how to install
48      the <b class="APPLICATION">LPRng</b> package on a workstation
49      running AIX 4.1.x and possibly 3.x.x as well. Dirk would be
50      interested in any comments or corrections.</p>
52      <p>Printing on AIX systems is different. AIX provides a
53      general queueing facility and printing is only one way to use
54      it. You submit a print job to a print queue using one of the
55      commands <tt class="COMMAND">qprt</tt> or <tt class=
56      "COMMAND">enq</tt>. You can use the BSD or System V printing
57      commands <b class="APPLICATION">lpr</b> or <b class=
58      "APPLICATION">lp</b>, too. The <tt class=
59      "COMMAND">qdaemon</tt> watches all (general) queues and knows
60      how to handle your job. A (general) queue is defined in the
61      file <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/qconfig</tt>. The format of
62      this file is different from the <tt class=
63      "FILENAME">printcap</tt> format.</p>
65      <p>OK, how to replace the AIX printing system? There is no
66      group <var class="LITERAL">daemon</var> on AIX. Therefore you
67      have to change the default group for file ownership and
68      process permissions or create a <var class=
69      "LITERAL">daemon</var> user and group. We decided to use the
70      <var class="LITERAL">printq</var> group; on reflection it
71      would have been easier to have created a <var class=
72      "LITERAL">daemon</var> group. The user <var class=
73      "LITERAL">daemon</var> exists on AIX but we have chosen <b
74      class="APPLICATION">lpd</b> as the user who runs <b class=
75      "APPLICATION">lpd</b> and all filters and owns the spooling
76      directories. You can change the values for <var class=
77      "LITERAL">group</var> and <var class="LITERAL">user</var> in
78      your <tt class="FILENAME">lpd.conf</tt> file or in the
79      sources <tt class="FILENAME">src/common/vars.c</tt>. This is
80      an example for <tt class="FILENAME">lpd.conf</tt>:</p>
82      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
83        <a name="AEN1576"></a>
84<pre class="SCREEN">
85    # Purpose: group to run SUID ROOT programs
86    #   default group=daemon
87    group=printq
88    # Purpose: server user for SUID purposes
89    #   default user=daemon
90    user=lpd
92      </div>
93      Compile and install the <b class="APPLICATION">LPRng</b>
94      package. Create your <tt class="FILENAME">printcap</tt>,
95      spooling directories, accounting and logfiles and so on.
96      Don't forget to use <a href="checkpc.htm">checkpc</a> to make
97      sure that all the permissions are set correctly and the
98      necessary files are created.<br>
99      <br>
101      <p>Then stop all print queues defined on your workstation.
102      Use</p>
104      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
105        <a name="AEN1582"></a>
106<pre class="SCREEN">
107    # chque -q queuename -a "up = FALSE"
109      </div>
110      for this (yes, blanks around <var class="LITERAL">=</var> are
111      needed).<br>
112      <br>
114      <p>If you have local printers attached to your system you
115      will have an <b class="APPLICATION">lpd</b> running. Stop
116      this daemon using SMIT (Print Spooling, Manage Print Server,
117      Stop the Print Server Subsystem). Choosing <span class=
118      "emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">both</i></span> also removes
119      <b class="APPLICATION">lpd</b> from <tt class=
120      "FILENAME">/etc/inittab</tt>. Maybe it's faster to do this by
121      hand:</p>
123      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
124        <a name="AEN1590"></a>
125<pre class="SCREEN">
126    <samp class="PROMPT">h4: {75} #</samp> <kbd class=
127"USERINPUT">topsrc -p'pid of /usr/sbin/lpd'</kbd>
128    <samp class="PROMPT">h4: {76} #</samp> <kbd class=
129"USERINPUT">rmitab "lpd"</kbd>
131      </div>
132      <br>
133      <br>
135      <p>Now delete all print queues managed by <var class=
136      "LITERAL">qdaemon</var> defined on your system. You can use
137      <tt class="COMMAND">SMIT</tt> for this or the commands <tt
138      class="COMMAND">{mk,ch,rm}que</tt>, <tt class=
139      "COMMAND">{mk,ch,rm}quedev</tt>, <tt class=
140      "COMMAND">{mk,ch,rm}virprt</tt>. The <tt class=
141      "COMMAND">SMIT</tt> fast path is <tt class="COMMAND">smit
142      rmpq</tt>.</p>
144      <p>To start the new <b class="APPLICATION">lpd</b> at system
145      startup you have to add an entry to <tt class=
146      "FILENAME">/etc/inittab</tt>:</p>
148      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
149        <a name="AEN1607"></a>
150<pre class="SCREEN">
151    <samp class="PROMPT">h4: {77} #</samp> <kbd class=
152"USERINPUT">mkitab "lpd:2:once:/full/path/lpd"</kbd>
154      </div>
155      <br>
156      <br>
158      <p>Some work has to be done if have have a local printer
159      attached to your workstation. You have to create a device
160      file like <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/lp0</tt>. The <tt class=
161      "COMMAND">SMIT</tt> fast path for this is <tt class=
162      "COMMAND">smit mkdev</tt>. Choose <var class=
163      "LITERAL">Printer/Plotter</var>, then <var class=
164      "LITERAL">Printer/Plotter Devices</var>, then <var class=
165      "LITERAL">Add a Printer/Plotter</var>. To create a parallel
166      printer device select the following:</p>
168      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
169        <a name="AEN1618"></a>
170<pre class="SCREEN">
171    Plotter type:              opp Other parallel printer
172    Printer/Plotter Interface: parallel
173    Parent Adapter:            ppa0 Available
175      </div>
176      Now define the characteristics of the device: 
178      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
179        <a name="AEN1620"></a>
180<pre class="SCREEN">
181    Port Number: p
183      </div>
184      Option <var class="LITERAL">p</var> is for parallel. Go to
185      the field: 
187      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
188        <a name="AEN1623"></a>
189<pre class="SCREEN">
190    Send all characters to printer UNMODIFIED   no
192      </div>
193      <br>
194      <br>
196      <p>and select <var class="LITERAL">yes</var>! We have had a
197      lot of trouble with <var class="LITERAL">no</var>. This is
198      very important! Expect erroneous output if you choose <var
199      class="LITERAL">no</var>. If you have already created a
200      device file, change the characteristics! SMIT's fast path is
201      <tt class="COMMAND">smit chdev</tt>.</p>
203      <p>Finally remove all AIX printing commands like <b class=
204      "APPLICATION">qprt</b>, <b class="APPLICATION">lp</b>, <b
205      class="APPLICATION">cancel</b>, <b class=
206      "APPLICATION">lpq</b>, and <b class="APPLICATION">lprm</b>.
207      You will find a lot of them in <tt class=
208      "FILENAME">/usr/bin</tt>. Do not remove <b class=
209      "APPLICATION">enq</b> and friends if you want to use the
210      general queueing facility.</p>
212      <p>Now you can start your new <b class=
213      "APPLICATION">lpd</b>.</p>
214    </div>
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