Berkeley DB
version 4.7.25

Uses of Class

Packages that use ReplicationTimeoutType
com.sleepycat.db Berkeley DB Java API
[reference guide] [Java programming notes]

Uses of ReplicationTimeoutType in com.sleepycat.db

Fields in com.sleepycat.db declared as ReplicationTimeoutType
static ReplicationTimeoutType ReplicationTimeoutType.ACK_TIMEOUT
          Configure the amount of time the replication manager's transport function waits to collect enough acknowledgments from replication group clients, before giving up and returning a failure indication.
static ReplicationTimeoutType ReplicationTimeoutType.CHECKPOINT_DELAY
          Configure the amount of time the replication manager will delay between completing a checkpoint and writing a checkpoint record into the log.
static ReplicationTimeoutType ReplicationTimeoutType.CONNECTION_RETRY
          Configure the amount of time the replication manager will wait before trying to re-establish a connection to another site after a communication failure.
static ReplicationTimeoutType ReplicationTimeoutType.ELECTION_RETRY
          Configure the amount of time the replication manager will wait before retrying a failed election.
static ReplicationTimeoutType ReplicationTimeoutType.ELECTION_TIMEOUT
          The timeout period for an election.
static ReplicationTimeoutType ReplicationTimeoutType.FULL_ELECTION_TIMEOUT
          An optional configuration timeout period to wait for full election participation the first time the replication group finds a master.
static ReplicationTimeoutType ReplicationTimeoutType.HEARTBEAT_MONITOR
          The amount of time the replication manager, running at a client site, waits for some message activity on the connection from the master (heartbeats or other messages) before concluding that the connection has been lost.
static ReplicationTimeoutType ReplicationTimeoutType.HEARTBEAT_SEND
          The frequency at which the replication manager, running at a master site, broadcasts a heartbeat message in an otherwise idle system.

Methods in com.sleepycat.db with parameters of type ReplicationTimeoutType
 int Environment.getReplicationTimeout(ReplicationTimeoutType type)
          Get the network timeout applied to the specified timeout type.
 void Environment.setReplicationTimeout(ReplicationTimeoutType type, int replicationTimeout)
          Set the network timeout applied to the specified timeout type.

Berkeley DB
version 4.7.25

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