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Lines Matching refs:stash

52  is $@, "ok\n", 'stash: variables compiled fine';
56 }, 'stash: variables';
71 is $@, "ok\n", 'stash: function definitions compiled fine';
74 }, 'stash: function definitions';
93 is $@, "ok\n", 'stash: function calls compiled fine';
97 }, 'stash: function calls';
105 is $@, '', 'stash: valid method call ran fine';
108 }, 'stash: valid method call';
116 is $@, '', 'stash: second valid method call ran fine';
119 }, 'stash: second valid method call';
127 is $@, '', 'stash: valid dynamic method call ran fine';
130 }, 'stash: valid dynamic method call';
146 }, 'stash: inherited valid method call';
155 is_deeply \%mg, { }, 'stash: second inherited valid method call doesn\'t call magic';
166 }, 'stash: inherited previously called valid method call';
175 is_deeply \%mg, { }, 'stash: second inherited previously called valid method call doesn\'t call magic';
183 like $@, qr/^Can't locate object method "unknown" via package "Hlagh"/, 'stash: invalid method call croaked';
187 }, 'stash: invalid method call';
195 like $@, qr/^Can't locate object method "unknown_too" via package "Hlagh"/, 'stash: invalid dynamic method call croaked';
198 }, 'stash: invalid dynamic method call';
206 like $@, qr/^Can't locate object method "also_unknown" via package "Hlagher"/, 'stash: invalid inherited method call croaked';
209 }, 'stash: invalid method call';
222 is $@, '', 'stash: delete executed fine';
227 }, 'stash: delete';
231 is_deeply \%mg, { }, 'stash: magic that remains at END time' if $run;
251 is $@, '', 'stash: autoloaded method call ran fine';
253 'stash: autoloaded method call returned the right thing';
257 }, 'stash: autoloaded method call';
272 is $@, '', 'stash: inherited autoloaded method call ran fine';
274 'stash: inherited autoloaded method returned the right thing';
278 }, 'stash: inherited autoloaded method call';
305 is $uo, 0, 'stash: no undef op before function call with op name';
311 is $@, "ok\n", 'stash: function call with op name compiled fine';
312 is $uo, $uo_exp, 'stash: undef op after function call with op name';
315 is $uo, $uo_exp, 'stash: undef op after dispell for function call with op name';
324 is $uo, 0, 'stash: no undef op before function call with op object';
330 is $@, "ok\n", 'stash: function call with op object compiled fine';
332 'stash: undef op after dispell for function call with op object';
336 'stash: undef op after dispell for function call with op object';