Lines Matching refs:BASE

7 	Given 2 unsigned 32-bit alder and sum2 (both pre-modulo by BASE=65521) and a sequence of input bytes x[0],...x[N-1].
11 adler = (adler+x[i])%BASE;
12 sum2 = (sum2+adler)%BASE;
15 To reduce/save the modulo operations, it can be shown that, if initial alder and sum2 are less than BASE(=65521),
24 adler%=BASE;
25 sum2%=BASE;
74 #define BASE 65521 /* largest prime smaller than 65536 */
75 #define NMAX 5552 /* NMAX is the largest n such that 255n(n+1)/2 + (n+1)(BASE-1) <= 2^32-1 */
148 movl $$-2146992015, %eax // 1/BASE in Q47
149 mull adler // edx:eax = adler divided by BASE in Q47
150 shrl $$15, %edx // edx is now the floor integer of adler and BASE
151 imull $$BASE, %edx, %edx // edx * BASE
152 subl %edx, adler // adler -= edx*BASE
153 movl $$-2146992015, %eax // 1/BASE in Q47
154 mull sum2 // edx:eax = sum2 divided by BASE in Q47
155 shrl $$15, %edx // edx is now the floor integer of sum2 and BASE
156 imull $$BASE, %edx, %eax // eax = edx * BASE
157 subl %eax, sum2 // sum2 -= sdx*BASE
280 modulo_BASE // (adler/sum2) modulo BASE;
314 modulo_BASE // (adler/sum2) modulo BASE;
374 modulo_BASE // (adler/sum2) modulo BASE;
509 movl $$-2146992015, %eax // 1/BASE in Q47
510 mull %edi // edx:eax = adler divided by BASE in Q47
511 shrl $$15, %edx // edx is now the floor integer of adler and BASE
512 imull $$BASE, %edx, %edx // edx * BASE
513 subq %rdx, adler // adler -= edx*BASE
514 movl $$-2146992015, %eax // 1/BASE in Q47
515 mull %esi // edx:eax = sum2 divided by BASE in Q47
516 shrl $$15, %edx // edx is now the floor integer of sum2 and BASE
517 imull $$BASE, %edx, %eax // eax = edx * BASE
518 subq %rax, sum2 // sum2 -= sdx*BASE
577 modulo_BASE // (adler/sum2) modulo BASE;
603 modulo_BASE // (adler/sum2) modulo BASE;
896 modulo_BASE // (adler/sum2) modulo BASE;
937 modulo_BASE // (adler/sum2) modulo BASE;