History log of /seL4-l4v-master/l4v/isabelle/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_util.ML
Revision Date Author Comments
# 31acc623 06-Dec-2019 wenzelm <none@none>

clarified modules;

# e2750756 06-Dec-2019 wenzelm <none@none>

misc tuning and clarification: proper check of datatype kind;

# 3c2f0722 06-Dec-2019 wenzelm <none@none>

clarified modules;

# 14c7fb8f 09-Aug-2019 wenzelm <none@none>

formal position for PThm nodes;

# a4bab154 04-Jan-2019 wenzelm <none@none>

isabelle update -u control_cartouches;

# 0ed93039 04-Jan-2019 wenzelm <none@none>

support for isabelle update -u control_cartouches;

# fcc9e542 23-Feb-2018 wenzelm <none@none>

added HOLogic.mk_obj_eq convenience and eliminated some clones;

# 82b44857 25-Jan-2018 wenzelm <none@none>

clarified signature: items with \isasep are special;

# 0bcb05ae 18-Jan-2018 wenzelm <none@none>

clarified access to antiquotation options;
define explicit variants of antiquotations;
output proper Latex.text;
misc tuning and clarification;

# 0ce84d08 09-Jan-2018 wenzelm <none@none>

clarified modules;

# c7cc1919 26-Nov-2017 wenzelm <none@none>

more symbols;

# 8aafd76b 26-Oct-2016 blanchet <none@none>


# bd27a761 12-Sep-2016 blanchet <none@none>

prove 'set' property backward

# 36e94838 11-Sep-2016 blanchet <none@none>

provide a mechanism for ensuring dead type variables occur in typedef if desired

# 14393da9 08-Sep-2016 blanchet <none@none>

made it easier to catch 'empty datatype' exception

# dc32db36 07-Sep-2016 blanchet <none@none>

tuned whitespace

# 28ad8145 06-Sep-2016 blanchet <none@none>

generalized ML signature

# 68b4ac3c 06-Sep-2016 blanchet <none@none>

generalized code (subtly)

# 25f52df5 06-Sep-2016 blanchet <none@none>

tuned ML signature

# 3d9861ee 05-Sep-2016 blanchet <none@none>

export ML function + tuning

# 057633fe 14-Apr-2016 traytel <none@none>

n2m operates on (un)folds

# 049cf95c 07-Apr-2016 traytel <none@none>

(un)folds are not legacy

# 0ec920ec 07-Apr-2016 traytel <none@none>

derive (co)rec uniformly from (un)fold

# 1a96a7b9 05-Apr-2016 traytel <none@none>

single uniqueness theorems for map, (un)fold, (co)rec for mutual (co)datatypes

# 5c914c99 03-Apr-2016 traytel <none@none>

tuned names

# c4b0715f 27-Mar-2016 blanchet <none@none>

generalized ML function

# 4dd3178f 27-Mar-2016 blanchet <none@none>

added '_legacy' suffixes

# 204828b6 27-Mar-2016 blanchet <none@none>

generalized ML interface

# 40b7f6c2 22-Mar-2016 blanchet <none@none>

added timers to N2M

# 830f4f54 22-Mar-2016 traytel <none@none>

document that n2m does not depend on most things in fp_sugar in its type

# e786a3b5 14-Mar-2016 blanchet <none@none>

generalized ML function

# 97b25dd9 17-Feb-2016 blanchet <none@none>

making 'pred_inject' a first-class BNF citizen

# 7cff5a9a 11-Jan-2016 blanchet <none@none>


# 2678006a 11-Jan-2016 blanchet <none@none>

exported ML function

# 4216bc36 07-Jan-2016 wenzelm <none@none>

more uniform treatment of package internals;

# cb97119b 27-Jul-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

tuned signature;

# 46ef1e1e 16-Jul-2015 blanchet <none@none>


# 9a9cf694 05-Jul-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

simplified Thm.instantiate and derivatives: the LHS refers to non-certified variables -- this merely serves as index into already certified structures (or is ignored);

# 0e2b1250 01-Apr-2015 blanchet <none@none>

simplified code

# 03b64291 30-Mar-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

tuned signature;

# 5b8baa9f 30-Mar-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

support for strictly private name space entries;
tuned signature;

# 1426640f 30-Mar-2015 blanchet <none@none>

export more low-level theorems in data structure (partly for 'corec')

# 955d0fc8 26-Mar-2015 blanchet <none@none>

store low-level (un)fold constants

# 2eeb52fe 10-Mar-2015 blanchet <none@none>


# 65c57129 06-Mar-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

clarified context;

# 740a17d4 06-Mar-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

Thm.cterm_of and Thm.ctyp_of operate on local context;

# 34035ccd 04-Mar-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

tuned signature -- prefer qualified names;

# b7bf58e6 03-Mar-2015 traytel <none@none>

eliminated some clones of Proof_Context.cterm_of

# 13ddea91 26-Nov-2014 wenzelm <none@none>

renamed "pairself" to "apply2", in accordance to @{apply 2};

# cbfdc100 08-Oct-2014 wenzelm <none@none>

added parameterized ML antiquotations @{map N}, @{fold N}, @{fold_map N}, @{split_list N};

# 9622cd51 06-Oct-2014 desharna <none@none>

rename 'xtor_rel_thms' to 'xtor_rels'

# 191e6485 06-Oct-2014 desharna <none@none>

rename 'xtor_set_thmss' to 'xtor_setss'

# 7d5fbd1c 06-Oct-2014 desharna <none@none>

rename 'xtor_map_thms' to 'xtor_maps'

# 57c1cff0 06-Oct-2014 desharna <none@none>

rename 'xtor_co_rec_transfer_thms' to 'xtor_co_rec_transfers'

# c54f4f14 06-Oct-2014 desharna <none@none>

rename 'dtor_set_induct_thms' to 'dtor_set_inducts'

# 9665b67b 06-Oct-2014 desharna <none@none>

rename 'rel_xtor_co_induct_thm' to 'xtor_rel_co_induct'

# 73c7c1b9 06-Oct-2014 desharna <none@none>

rename 'xtor_co_rec_o_map_thms' to 'xtor_co_rec_o_maps'

# eb1ed55c 25-Sep-2014 desharna <none@none>

generate 'corec_transfer' for codatatypes

# e05be41f 25-Sep-2014 desharna <none@none>

generate 'rec_transfer' for datatypes

# 8a20662e 25-Sep-2014 desharna <none@none>

generate 'dtor_corec_transfer' for codatatypes

# fce1041d 25-Sep-2014 desharna <none@none>

generate 'ctor_rec_transfer' for datatypes

# 22f3dd87 13-Sep-2014 blanchet <none@none>

imported patch phantoms

# abf5628f 09-Sep-2014 blanchet <none@none>

nicer case names in the N2M case, similar to those generated by the old package (e.g. 'Cons_tree' instead of just 'Cons')

# 3b70a467 09-Sep-2014 blanchet <none@none>

generalized 'datatype' LaTeX antiquotation and added 'codatatype'

# 241c5b8f 08-Sep-2014 blanchet <none@none>


# f4f86474 04-Sep-2014 blanchet <none@none>

moved code around

# 0a4b950c 02-Sep-2014 blanchet <none@none>


# 9c861e3b 01-Sep-2014 blanchet <none@none>

more compatibility between old- and new-style datatypes

# 978db45e 01-Sep-2014 blanchet <none@none>

made transfer functions slightly more general

# 01e96211 01-Sep-2014 traytel <none@none>

goal generation for xtor_co_rec_transfer

# ecce9362 25-Sep-2014 traytel <none@none>

even more deads go to the end (continuation of e3a01b73579f)

# 6fb4e52a 18-Aug-2014 blanchet <none@none>

reordered some (co)datatype property names for more consistency

# 7b8e65c1 25-Jul-2014 blanchet <none@none>


# 0352f504 16-Jul-2014 desharna <none@none>

generate 'rel_sel' theorem for (co)datatypes

# 8ba9107a 07-Jul-2014 desharna <none@none>

refactor some tactics

# 793f1234 07-Jul-2014 desharna <none@none>

generate 'rel_cases' theorem for (co)datatypes

# 109d7354 03-Jul-2014 desharna <none@none>

generate 'rel_intros' theorem for (co)datatypes

# 34b0a47c 02-Jul-2014 desharna <none@none>

generate 'corec_code' theorem for codatatypes

# 6f5ea271 27-Jun-2014 blanchet <none@none>

tuned variable names

# 7bbce892 30-Jul-2014 desharna <none@none>

generate 'set_induct' theorem for codatatypes

# ebf08b80 23-Apr-2014 blanchet <none@none>

no need to make 'size' generation an interpretation -- overkill

# 7e406702 13-Mar-2014 traytel <none@none>

simplified internal codatatype construction

# da328fb3 07-Mar-2014 wenzelm <none@none>

more antiquotations;

# c4dc0538 07-Mar-2014 blanchet <none@none>

use balanced tuples in 'primcorec'

# 147d4ad6 07-Mar-2014 blanchet <none@none>


# d815b696 06-Mar-2014 blanchet <none@none>

balance tuples that represent curried functions

# b9ba5739 06-Mar-2014 blanchet <none@none>

renamed 'fun_rel' to 'rel_fun'

# 8f53ef93 06-Mar-2014 blanchet <none@none>

renamed 'map_pair' to 'map_prod'

# 433b1b70 06-Mar-2014 blanchet <none@none>

renamed 'map_sum' to 'sum_map'

# 337aab8e 04-Mar-2014 blanchet <none@none>

more caching in composition pipeline

# 908441e2 04-Mar-2014 blanchet <none@none>

renamed a pair of low-level theorems to have c/dtor in their names (like the others)

# 095de857 03-Mar-2014 traytel <none@none>

N2M does not use the low-level 'fold'; removed the latter from the fp_result interface;

# c39b02f9 02-Mar-2014 blanchet <none@none>

rationalized internals

# 5f1d2990 02-Mar-2014 blanchet <none@none>

rationalized internals

# a3a1f899 02-Mar-2014 blanchet <none@none>

got rid of automatically generated fold constant and theorems (to reduce overhead)

# 94bfc55c 02-Mar-2014 blanchet <none@none>

optimize cardinal bounds involving natLeq (omega)

# bbeeaf3d 28-Feb-2014 traytel <none@none>

load Metis a little later

# dd1a06aa 25-Feb-2014 traytel <none@none>

joint work with blanchet: intermediate typedef for the input to fp-operations

# 70ca7611 23-Feb-2014 blanchet <none@none>

added BNF cache (within one definition)

# b7af0cc0 23-Feb-2014 blanchet <none@none>

optimization of 'bnf_of_typ' if all variables are dead

# 2f1f0a53 23-Feb-2014 blanchet <none@none>

added explicit killing

# dd44ffb4 20-Feb-2014 blanchet <none@none>

adapted to renaming of datatype 'cases' and 'recs' to 'case' and 'rec'

# 04523a1c 19-Feb-2014 blanchet <none@none>

moved 'primrec' up (for real this time) and removed temporary 'old_primrec'

# e9c8b8d7 18-Feb-2014 blanchet <none@none>


# 2f309df2 14-Feb-2014 blanchet <none@none>

generate proper 'DtRec' indices in 'datatype_new_compat' for the case where some types are duplicated

# 2a0c4d96 14-Feb-2014 blanchet <none@none>

better handling of recursion through functions

# 63970edd 12-Feb-2014 blanchet <none@none>

renamed '{prod,sum,bool,unit}_case' to 'case_...'

# 34f4cd23 12-Feb-2014 blanchet <none@none>

more liberal merging of BNFs and constructor sugar
* * *
make sure that the cache doesn't produce 'DUP's

# 88a2727e 20-Jan-2014 blanchet <none@none>

tuned names

# e8e169dd 20-Jan-2014 blanchet <none@none>

adjusted comments

# a0868967 20-Jan-2014 blanchet <none@none>

avoid nested 'Tools' directories

rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_comp.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_comp.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_comp_tactics.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_comp_tactics.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_def.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_def.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_def_tactics.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_def_tactics.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_fp_def_sugar.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_def_sugar.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_fp_def_sugar_tactics.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_def_sugar_tactics.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_fp_n2m.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_n2m.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_fp_n2m_sugar.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_n2m_sugar.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_fp_n2m_tactics.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_n2m_tactics.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_fp_rec_sugar_util.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_rec_sugar_util.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_fp_util.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_util.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_gfp.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_gfp.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_gfp_rec_sugar.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_gfp_rec_sugar.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_gfp_rec_sugar_tactics.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_gfp_rec_sugar_tactics.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_gfp_tactics.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_gfp_tactics.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_gfp_util.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_gfp_util.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_lfp.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_lfp_compat.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_compat.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_lfp_rec_sugar.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_rec_sugar.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_lfp_tactics.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_tactics.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_lfp_util.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_util.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_tactics.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_tactics.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/BNF/Tools/bnf_util.ML => src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_util.ML