History log of /seL4-l4v-master/l4v/isabelle/src/HOL/Nominal/Examples/Fsub.thy
Revision Date Author Comments
# ed7a971e 05-Jan-2019 wenzelm <none@none>

isabelle update -u control_cartouches;

# 5385dbfa 16-Jan-2018 wenzelm <none@none>

standardized towards new-style formal comments: isabelle update_comments;

# 17bc899d 18-Aug-2017 wenzelm <none@none>

session-qualified theory imports: isabelle imports -U -i -d '~~/src/Benchmarks' -a;

# 66281660 26-May-2016 wenzelm <none@none>

isabelle update_cartouches -c -t;

# 883895af 31-Aug-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

prefer symbols;

# 6a7662be 11-Sep-2014 blanchet <none@none>

renamed 'datatype' to 'old_datatype'; 'datatype' is now alias for 'datatype_new'

# aff8c6a4 12-Feb-2014 blanchet <none@none>

adapted to 'xxx_{case,rec}' renaming, to new theorem names, and to new variable names in theorems
* * *
more transition of 'xxx_rec' to 'rec_xxx' and same for case
* * *
* * *
'rename_tac's to avoid referring to generated names
* * *
more robust scripts with 'rename_tac'
* * *
'where' -> 'of'
* * *
'where' -> 'of'
* * *
renamed 'xxx_rec' to 'rec_xxx'

# 06329277 13-Aug-2013 wenzelm <none@none>

standardized symbols via "isabelle update_sub_sup", excluding src/Pure and src/Tools/WWW_Find;

# a51f97fb 28-Nov-2012 wenzelm <none@none>

eliminated slightly odd identifiers;

# e4ce7496 05-Sep-2012 wenzelm <none@none>

tuned proofs;

# ca569437 10-Jan-2012 berghofe <none@none>

Removed strange hack introduced in b27e93132603, since equivariance
is working again

# deffbbdf 24-Dec-2011 haftmann <none@none>

explicitly spelt out proof of equivariance avoids problem with automation due to type constructor `set`

# ad9e459c 11-Sep-2011 nipkow <none@none>

new fastforce replacing fastsimp - less confusing name

# 7a4b6a89 21-Feb-2011 wenzelm <none@none>

modernized specifications;

# 077493ab 08-Sep-2010 haftmann <none@none>

modernized primrec

# 2eb87eea 02-Mar-2010 haftmann <none@none>

repaired subscripts broken in d8d7d1b785af

# baea5702 01-Mar-2010 haftmann <none@none>

replaced a couple of constsdefs by definitions (also some old primrecs by modern ones)

# f94fe110 10-Jan-2010 berghofe <none@none>

Adapted to changes in induct method.

# 079cde2d 17-Oct-2009 wenzelm <none@none>

eliminated hard tabulators, guessing at each author's individual tab-width;
tuned headers;

# 7f1644bf 15-Jul-2009 Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>

simplified proofs

# 2a130c89 25-Apr-2009 Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>

deleted thm-attributes "fresh" and "bij" (not used); same features can later be implemented by simpler means

# 121e82fb 04-Mar-2009 blanchet <none@none>


# 6450c0ab 25-Feb-2009 berghofe <none@none>

Added typing and evaluation relations, together with proofs of preservation
and progress (i.e. part 2A of the POPLmark challenge).

# 1ff366c9 13-Dec-2008 berghofe <none@none>

Modified nominal_primrec to make it work with local theories, unified syntax
with the one used by fun(ction) and new version of primrec command.

# 2932189d 22-May-2008 urbanc <none@none>

made the naming of the induction principles consistent: weak_induct is
induct and induct is strong_induct

# 93be4305 17-Feb-2008 urbanc <none@none>


# ffa009b0 11-Jul-2007 berghofe <none@none>

Renamed inductive2 to inductive.

# 9ad1fb76 14-Jun-2007 wenzelm <none@none>

tuned proofs: avoid implicit prems;

# f86abfd6 19-Apr-2007 berghofe <none@none>

nominal_inductive no longer proves equivariance.

# 95572f33 28-Mar-2007 berghofe <none@none>

- Renamed <predicate>_eqvt to <predicate>.eqvt
- Renamed induct_weak to weak_induct

# dbad4a37 28-Mar-2007 urbanc <none@none>

the name for the collection of equivariance lemmas is now eqvts (changed from eqvt) in order to avoid clashes with eqvt-lemmas generated in nominal_inductive

# 90ca1a3f 27-Mar-2007 urbanc <none@none>

adapted to nominal_inductive infrastructure

# 03f5b25b 12-Mar-2007 berghofe <none@none>

Adapted to new inductive definition package.

# 228c94bd 06-Mar-2007 urbanc <none@none>

major update of the nominal package; there is now an infrastructure
for equivariance lemmas which eases definitions of nominal functions

# bcb8e017 27-Nov-2006 berghofe <none@none>

Adapted to new nominal_primrec command.

# 20a0be49 15-Nov-2006 urbanc <none@none>

replaced exists_fresh lemma with a version formulated with obtains;
old lemma is available as exists_fresh' (still needed in apply-scripts)

# 648c3850 22-Oct-2006 berghofe <none@none>

Adapted to changes in FCBs.

# 7517dca8 11-Sep-2006 wenzelm <none@none>

induct method: renamed 'fixing' to 'arbitrary';

# 53020d12 18-Aug-2006 urbanc <none@none>

adapted using the characteristic equations

# 5ac70c1d 17-Aug-2006 urbanc <none@none>

added definition for size and substitution using the recursion

# 2f44ec19 02-Jul-2006 urbanc <none@none>

added more infrastructure for the recursion combinator

# 7b184ac8 28-Apr-2006 berghofe <none@none>

Capitalized theory names.

# 6aee2168 22-Jan-2006 urbanc <none@none>

no essential changes

# a1a9c03c 11-Jan-2006 urbanc <none@none>

cahges to use the new induction-principle (now proved in
full glory)

# 6fc10121 11-Jan-2006 urbanc <none@none>

merged the silly lemmas into the eqvt proof of subtype

# ed32531a 10-Jan-2006 urbanc <none@none>


# 5ad8f74d 10-Jan-2006 urbanc <none@none>


# 859ca9b7 08-Jan-2006 urbanc <none@none>

commented the transitivity and narrowing proof

# acaf67ed 04-Jan-2006 urbanc <none@none>

added more documentation; will now try out a modification
of the ok-predicate

# 53cde4a6 16-Dec-2005 urbanc <none@none>

tuned more proofs

# 5630fc5e 15-Dec-2005 urbanc <none@none>

there was a small error in the last commit - fixed now

# 96ca2c91 15-Dec-2005 urbanc <none@none>

tuned more proof and added in-file documentation

# 191dea92 15-Dec-2005 urbanc <none@none>

tuned the proof of transitivity/narrowing

# e4fd9007 15-Dec-2005 urbanc <none@none>

made further tunings

# 613a4094 05-Dec-2005 urbanc <none@none>

transitivity should be now in a reasonable state. But
Markus has to have a look at some of the advanced features.

# b874f6d8 30-Nov-2005 urbanc <none@none>

started to change the transitivity/narrowing case:
have trouble with Q=Q.

# e9563eb5 30-Nov-2005 urbanc <none@none>

changed everything until the interesting transitivity_narrowing

# 2f93a07d 27-Nov-2005 urbanc <none@none>

some small tuning

# a2487012 26-Nov-2005 urbanc <none@none>

added an authors section (please let me know if somebody is left out or unhappy)

# 625c0989 26-Nov-2005 urbanc <none@none>

cleaned up all examples so that they work with the
current nominal-setting.

# 143a37ca 25-Nov-2005 urbanc <none@none>

added fsub.thy (poplmark challenge) to the examples