History log of /seL4-l4v-master/isabelle/src/HOL/Probability/Probability_Mass_Function.thy
Revision Date Author Comments
# a4784f6f 09-Oct-2019 haftmann <none@none>

dedicated fact collections for algebraic simplification rules potentially splitting goals

extra : rebase_source : ebbd8d0c13409f8fb536c42910e904c24e43dbe6

# bb368494 15-Aug-2019 paulson <lp15@cam.ac.uk>

new material; rotated premises of Lim_transform_eventually

# ed7a971e 05-Jan-2019 wenzelm <none@none>

isabelle update -u control_cartouches;

# efe4ca34 29-Dec-2018 nipkow <none@none>

capitalize proper names in lemma names

# 09859749 18-Nov-2018 haftmann <none@none>

removed legacy input syntax

# 3241d387 06-Jun-2018 nipkow <none@none>

Keep filter input syntax

# e0e22efa 22-May-2018 nipkow <none@none>

First step to remove nonstandard "[x <- xs. P]" syntax: only input

extra : amend_source : a2e6a2312b63a5ed1947d3302e43341c073c9f03

# b15d33eb 13-Apr-2018 paulson <lp15@cam.ac.uk>

Probability builds with new definitions

# 0c2c1490 11-Feb-2018 Lars Hupel <lars.hupel@mytum.de>

use preferred resolver according to DOI Handbook ยง3.8

# 9cdb4241 22-Jan-2018 Lars Hupel <lars.hupel@mytum.de>

drop redundant cong rules

extra : amend_source : 1974f5021d7fff2ed3f5184e9469a47765225c26

# 1fb195a1 22-Jan-2018 Lars Hupel <lars.hupel@mytum.de>


# a7ccdf43 10-Jan-2018 nipkow <none@none>

ran isabelle update_op on all sources

# 1387b04b 19-Dec-2017 wenzelm <none@none>

isabelle update_cartouches -c -t;

# 1d1ca5f1 08-Oct-2017 haftmann <none@none>

avoid name clashes on interpretation of abstract locales

extra : rebase_source : f524b077cafad9e920061f751ff3126d7a903434

# 37bd3648 31-Aug-2017 eberlm <eberlm@in.tum.de>

Connecting PMFs to infinite sums

# 17bc899d 18-Aug-2017 wenzelm <none@none>

session-qualified theory imports: isabelle imports -U -i -d '~~/src/Benchmarks' -a;

# 3865ea4c 26-Jun-2017 paulson <lp15@cam.ac.uk>

A few renamings and several tidied-up proofs

# 7f0566a2 15-Jun-2017 paulson <lp15@cam.ac.uk>

Some new material. SIMPRULE STATUS for sum/prod.delta rules!

# 9b35a540 04-Apr-2017 eberlm <eberlm@in.tum.de>

moved material from AFP to distribution

# 241de186 22-Dec-2016 haftmann <none@none>

proper logical constants

# 351cc2e6 17-Oct-2016 nipkow <none@none>

setsum -> sum

# fad39d02 30-Sep-2016 hoelzl <none@none>

HOL-Probability: more about probability, prepare for Markov processes in the AFP

extra : rebase_source : f90e6cf5c47f7a2604d0eeacaf0181f3cfe64a14

# 25d17508 30-Sep-2016 hoelzl <none@none>

Probability: fix proof

# 9a8c3fb3 19-Sep-2016 fleury <Mathias.Fleury@mpi-inf.mpg.de>

left_distrib ~> distrib_right, right_distrib ~> distrib_left

# 78a9e4a8 16-Sep-2016 hoelzl <none@none>

move Henstock-Kurzweil integration after Lebesgue_Measure; replace content by abbreviation measure lborel

extra : rebase_source : 0321297c249a436ca0371010a76a1a026dd33222

# 131dfaff 15-Sep-2016 nipkow <none@none>

renamed listsum -> sum_list, listprod ~> prod_list

# 9b9c2176 12-Aug-2016 wenzelm <none@none>

more symbols;

# 14001a0d 22-Jul-2016 wenzelm <none@none>

tuned proofs -- avoid unstructured calculation;

# 48473ab7 22-Jun-2016 wenzelm <none@none>

bundle lifting_syntax;

# aa5fce1c 31-May-2016 eberlm <none@none>

Added code generation for PMFs

# a17d0d04 17-May-2016 Manuel Eberl <eberlm@in.tum.de>

Resolved name clash

# 94ba250a 17-May-2016 eberlm <none@none>

Moved material from AFP/Randomised_Social_Choice to distribution

# 1daf8189 13-May-2016 wenzelm <none@none>

eliminated use of empty "assms";

# a2bc0021 25-Apr-2016 wenzelm <none@none>

eliminated old 'def';
tuned comments;

# 79d3be54 14-Apr-2016 hoelzl <none@none>

Probability: move emeasure and nn_integral from ereal to ennreal

extra : rebase_source : 5f2ac8a84abb43927a58086db8bbe10e190b2e77

# 35f7dccd 23-Feb-2016 nipkow <none@none>

more canonical names

# 6b18406f 16-Feb-2016 traytel <none@none>

make predicator a first-class bnf citizen

# 5ad25152 05-Jan-2016 hoelzl <none@none>

add the proof of the central limit theorem

extra : rebase_source : 493d99e28392771c51f4102a11b90533880e289f
extra : amend_source : 3fb7b7c607104e57a2c3ba7f733dd570eb42fa3b

# 97ac1d28 01-Jan-2016 wenzelm <none@none>

more symbols;

# 8e83c9d2 07-Dec-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

isabelle update_cartouches -c -t;

# ef370569 11-Nov-2015 Andreas Lochbihler <none@none>

add various lemmas

# 3f106d8a 10-Nov-2015 paulson <lp15@cam.ac.uk>

Coercion "real" now has type nat => real only and is no longer overloaded. Type class "real_of" is gone. Many duplicate theorems removed.

# be9ace2b 09-Nov-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

qualifier is mandatory by default;

# 18551fee 13-Oct-2015 haftmann <none@none>

prod_case as canonical name for product type eliminator

# 5012105f 13-Sep-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

tuned proofs -- less legacy;

# 946bd7aa 17-Jun-2015 hoelzl <none@none>

generalized geometric distribution

extra : rebase_source : 3d6dc06bc53447664547c0ec71b81fc78ceed195

# e2fdcde9 26-Jun-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

premises in 'show' are treated like 'assume';

# 15f23cb8 17-Jun-2015 nipkow <none@none>

renamed Multiset.set_of to the canonical set_mset

# f5d675af 14-Apr-2015 Andreas Lochbihler <none@none>

add various lemmas about pmfs

# 3e14dd10 16-Mar-2015 paulson <lp15@cam.ac.uk>

The factorial function, "fact", now has type "nat => 'a"

# 9e1d6745 12-Mar-2015 hoelzl <none@none>

rel_pmf on equivalence relation

extra : rebase_source : a3bade65cbc32130e74c8bee23179d311f6a904e

# d5ddd304 10-Mar-2015 hoelzl <none@none>

generalized bind_cond_pmf_cancel

extra : rebase_source : 08d9741e0b845d8a4dca59161347836ac2bae1b0

# 08ee2a04 10-Mar-2015 paulson <lp15@cam.ac.uk>

Removal of the file HOL/Number_Theory/Binomial!! And class field_char_0 now declared in Int.thy

# 988c1917 10-Mar-2015 hoelzl <none@none>

add set_pmf lemmas to simpset

# bc6f15e2 10-Mar-2015 hoelzl <none@none>

build pmf's on bind

# 55832464 19-Feb-2015 haftmann <none@none>

establish unique preferred fact names

# c40d91cc 11-Feb-2015 Andreas Lochbihler <none@none>

rel_pmf preserves orders

# 624fc391 11-Feb-2015 Andreas Lochbihler <none@none>

generalise lemma

# 44c356fa 11-Feb-2015 Andreas Lochbihler <none@none>

more lemmas

# 9a1a7dfe 10-Feb-2015 hoelzl <none@none>

add bind_cond_pmf_cancel

extra : amend_source : 3322aef8e4d59aedc9134764992ee218622d3262

# b6c27167 09-Feb-2015 Andreas Lochbihler <none@none>

tuned proof

# 926ac6a8 09-Feb-2015 hoelzl <none@none>

add cond_map_pmf

# b942eab7 09-Feb-2015 Andreas Lochbihler <none@none>

tune proof

# 0b28dc1c 09-Feb-2015 hoelzl <none@none>

introduce discrete conditional probabilities, use it to simplify bnf proof of pmf

# 557571a5 30-Jan-2015 hoelzl <none@none>

simp rules for return_pmf

extra : rebase_source : 6eb5d7d9399aac78051aa3091296a7b7ed6974eb

# 6c7ab2bf 22-Jan-2015 hoelzl <none@none>

import general thms from Density_Compiler

extra : rebase_source : 48a3b47f755d8099564008b93076eae81453a674

# 80f26eb2 09-Jan-2015 hoelzl <none@none>

rel_pmf OO: conversion to nat is not necessary

# 3060f212 09-Jan-2015 Andreas Lochbihler <none@none>

simplify construction for distribution of rel_pmf over op OO

# 10cdb31d 12-Dec-2014 hoelzl <none@none>

rel_pmf commutes with rel_prod

extra : rebase_source : 2e39f9c87956d087ea4a2c473d16ebb812052b50

# 199fb5b2 05-Dec-2014 hoelzl <none@none>

add Poisson and Binomial distribution

extra : rebase_source : 26baade7eecfbe66d3fd85c0be65f2ef0a72fe83

# 2dd36018 04-Dec-2014 hoelzl <none@none>

add integral substitution theorems from Manuel Eberl, Jeremy Avigad, Luke Serafin, and Sudeep Kanav

extra : rebase_source : 8c7131ba8a4f577186bc3393e7116b70e552dd7e

# a7a57d5c 25-Nov-2014 hoelzl <none@none>

tuned proof that pmfs are bnfs

# 85002638 25-Nov-2014 hoelzl <none@none>

projections of pair_pmf (by D. Traytel)

# ce7c103d 23-Nov-2014 hoelzl <none@none>

add congruence solver to measurability prover

extra : rebase_source : 77341231f7d3ba19edd6c5865552541156a3dd71

# 954b7f0a 20-Nov-2014 Andreas Lochbihler <none@none>

add lemma

# 875d8a7e 20-Nov-2014 Andreas Lochbihler <none@none>

register pmf as BNF

# 92a516b8 14-Nov-2014 hoelzl <none@none>

cleaning up some theorem names; remove unnecessary assumptions; more complete pmf theory

# ff53cb2b 13-Nov-2014 hoelzl <none@none>

import general theorems from AFP/Markov_Models

# 61801ce3 21-Oct-2014 hoelzl <none@none>

add transfer rule for set_pmf

# e46f9abe 07-Oct-2014 hoelzl <none@none>

add Giry monad

extra : rebase_source : 3ceb1c0fa2e24cb05e37856566255a7b56f80af7

# 25bfd10c 06-Oct-2014 hoelzl <none@none>

add type for probability mass functions, i.e. discrete probability distribution