History log of /seL4-l4v-master/HOL4/src/integer/integer_wordScript.sml
Revision Date Author Comments
# 86935be3 18-May-2020 Michael Norrish <michael.norrish@data61.csiro.au>

Add a variety of rewrites to the stateful simpset

# c2eac914 29-Apr-2019 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Get src/integer to build given tight equality

# e5fc0f36 11-Sep-2017 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Improving naming of bit-vector signed division constants.

This renaming introduces incompatibilities:

• words$word_sdiv -> words$word_quot (this is proved to be related to int_quot for a non-zero divisor).
• words$word_srem -> words$word_rem (this is proved to be related to int_rem for a non-zero divisor).
• integer_word$word_sdiv (this is a new constant defined directly in terms of int_div).
• words$word_smod -> integer_word$word_smod (this is now defined directly in terms of int_mod).

# 14730db5 05-Jun-2017 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Add theorem w2i_eq_0.

# fa30bf2b 04-Dec-2016 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Improve/add some word theorems.

# f9f2c8a1 16-Nov-2016 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Simplification theorems for wordsTheory and integer_wordTheory.

# 90cb4e1d 12-Sep-2016 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Remove Unicode under src/

This problem is now being spotted by self-testing again, thanks to

# 22dff31f 28-Jul-2016 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Fix integer theories in light of pat_assum rename

# 1f63d5fa 02-May-2016 Ramana Kumar <ramana@member.fsf.org>

Add various theorems from CakeML

# 6de47561 28-Apr-2016 Magnus Myreen <magnus.myreen@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Remove cheat that I'd forgotten about

# b74b86ac 17-Apr-2016 Magnus Myreen <magnus.myreen@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Add a few theorems to integer_wordTheory

# aa23933d 29-Jan-2016 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Opening lcsymtacs is no longer necessary.

# c32392c5 07-Sep-2012 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Tweak definition of integer_word$fromString.

# b55f6c40 08-Aug-2012 Michael Norrish <michael.norrish@nicta.com.au>

Move n2l and l2n constants (and similar) into new numposrep theory.

A number of fixes follow on from this.

Also mention the new theories (numposrep and ASCIInumbers) in the release notes.

This is progress with #70.

# d4471915 30-May-2012 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Add a new theorem about bit-vector overflow.

Includes an improvement to the Cases_on_i2w tactic.

# 5cf70d46 08-Mar-2012 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Add toString and fromString to integer_wordTheory. Also, make improvements to syntax files.

# 4cf9fe3d 27-Jun-2011 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Add word_sign_extend to words emit + minor cosmetic changes.

# 4b685909 22-Jun-2011 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Added new definitions and theorems for various bit-vector "saturation"

These operations return maximal or minimal values instead of, e.g.,
overflowing (wrapping). For example:

|- signed_saturate_add 100w 50w = 127w: thm

Also added a new configuration option for printing word literals as 2's
complement values. For example:

> set_trace "word pp as 2's comp" 1;
> ``253w:word8``;
val it = ``-3w``: term

Be warned that this term is actually ``n2w 253``, it's just being printed as
``word_2comp (n2w 3)``.

This printing mode is useful when checking the veracity of machine arithmetic.
For example:

> EVAL ``signed_saturate_sub 226w 100w : word8``;
val it = |- signed_saturate_sub -30w 100w = -128w: thm

# c1ab31ef 04-May-2011 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Remove some Unicode that has crept into scripts.

# f59b5956 11-Mar-2011 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Assorted extra theorems and tools. Added a new constant word_abs, which gives
the absolute value of a bit-vector.

# 15c5338d 16-Jun-2009 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Added new theorems: WORD_EXTRACT_OVER_ADD and some for addition/subtraction
wrt integer_word$i2w.

# d653fb1c 11-Feb-2009 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Implement unary minus (the old ~ still also works). Selftest level 2
passes. Changes in the "words world" were replacing $- with -. In
the two quotient changes, I made sure that the infix operator
that used the - character was part of the grammar before it was
parsed. This is necessary because - is now a non-aggregating
character, mainly so that ``--p`` parses as three tokens, not two. Of
course, if you added -- to your grammar, then it would go back to
parsing as two.

# 8654de63 07-Feb-2009 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Attempt to tidy up (fix) EmitML and finish off the transition that Scott
started. EmitML has been moved to the end of the build sequence. "Hooks"
have been eliminated and all EmitML related stuff has been removed from the
various theory directories. All code for generating ML/Caml is now
self-contained within src/emit. I've not tested the generated Caml code but
the SML seems to build fine.

The directories:


have been replaced by


# 5685b522 15-Dec-2008 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Emit ABS.

# 2efd351b 17-Nov-2008 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Tweak spacing.

# 6ae78cde 17-Nov-2008 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Add integer operations to EmitML.

# effc431b 01-Oct-2008 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Change export_rewrites back to its old API (without requiring an extra
string). When exported, the resulting simpset fragment always picked
up the name of the theory to be the base of its name, so there didn't
seem much point in giving users a false impression of naming power.

# aed05f4e 20-Jul-2008 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

A whole mess of small changes intended
at making simpsets prettyprint informatively
in the interactive loop. Very possibly
I haven't updated all the files in the examples

# 51084aa5 02-Nov-2007 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Added theorems for the signed-word orderings.

# a0c77a1c 23-Jan-2007 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Thanks to Michael's last check-in, index types are now directly
supported by the parser/printer, so there is no need to introduce
the "iN" type abbreviations.

# a31e02f5 27-Jul-2006 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Some minor changes to the code generated by EmitML. DIV_2EXP is moved to
arithmeticTheory, so that is can be included in numML.

Added theoryML/mlton/numML.sml, which supports fast arithmetic when
using MLton.

# acee2670 30-Jun-2006 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Moved DIV2 and MOD_2EXP to arithmeticTheory. This enables the numML.num
data type (wrt EmitML) to be abstract -- without the big slowdown caused
by the lack of numeral versions of these functions when running the ML.

# c09ec44d 14-Jun-2006 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Apologies, have done some renaming:

TOP -> dimword

Also added UINT_MAX and INT_MAX.

word_L, word_H and word_T have been overloaded with

# c64ec72f 05-Jun-2006 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Alter the n-bit word theories to use the :'a itself type, and also add
new constants (TOP(:'a) and MSB(:'a)) to stand for the numeric value of
2 ** width, and 2 ** (width - 1). Using these makes the expression
of several results a lot nicer. As the updated proofs in integer_wordScript
demonstrate, you don't always have to expand these definitions either,
which is nice.
I'm not 100% sure that these are the best names for these constants.

# 2d557c76 28-May-2006 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Some more theorems about integer modulus, allowing a slightly nicer proof
in integer_wordTheory.

# 78ce3292 26-May-2006 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Another theorem, about where integers have to fall to make the sign-bit
set in the corresponding word.

# 2610c9ac 25-May-2006 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

More theorems, including the useful w2i (i2w i) = i (as long as i is in
the reasonable range)

# 996afada 09-Apr-2006 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Start of a theory relating fcp-words to integers.