History log of /seL4-l4v-master/HOL4/src/finite_maps/sptreeScript.sml
Revision Date Author Comments
# 6fe83575 12-Aug-2020 Magnus Myreen <magnus.myreen@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Add delete_delete thm to sptreeTheory

# 805c5015 26-May-2020 Andreas Lööw <AndreasLoow@users.noreply.github.com>

Cleanup of append thms for SORTED

# e2d0fafd 14-Apr-2020 Heiko Becker <hbecker@mpi-sws.org>

Remove redundant compute annotation

# 3c9809b4 07-Apr-2020 Heiko Becker <hbecker@mpi-sws.org>

Move [compute] annotation for subspt to right place

# 2ff78aed 14-Jan-2020 Thomas Sewell <sewell@chalmers.se>

Replace unicode in previous

# 74da18e6 09-Jan-2020 Thomas Sewell <sewell@chalmers.se>

Improve sptree toSortedAList

Adding run-length-encoding to toSortedAList solves the problem with
sparse trees, so toSortedAList is now respectably fast to EVAL in
all cases. This version is slightly slower than the previous for
packed trees, but it doesn't seem worth trying to fix that.

# 585f56f9 06-Jan-2020 Michael Norrish <michael.norrish@data61.csiro.au>

Make num_map and num_set printing type abbreviations for sptrees

# 64a496f4 06-Jan-2020 Michael Norrish <michael.norrish@data61.csiro.au>

Provide print-only syntax for ground sptree values


> ``BN (LS v) (LS w)``;
<<HOL message: inventing new type variable names: 'a>>
val it = “⦕ 1 ↦ w; 2 ↦ v ⦖”: term

There's a trace to turn it off. Considering enabling it as input
syntax as well.

# 70c6fb7a 16-May-2019 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Remove older of Theorem syntaxes (the one with the quotes)

It's confusing to allow two, and it seems pretty clear that the
Proof-QED proof is nicer.

# 057a3046 15-Apr-2019 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Deal with bad rebindings of theorems under src/

In bag, a name was reused for a different theorem so a name change was
required. Elsewhere, the same theorem was stated and proved more than
once so redundant stuff could be deleted.

# 5420e86d 03-Feb-2019 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Import a number of sptree theorems from CakeML

Most about the subspt relation

# e3821d79 31-Jan-2019 Thomas Sewell <sewell@chalmers.se>

Remove copied unicode.

# 286add3e 31-Jan-2019 Thomas Sewell <sewell@chalmers.se>

Update for Theorem= syntax.

# e6519a8f 31-Jan-2019 Thomas Sewell <sewell@chalmers.se>

Add toSortedAList to sptree.

Adds an O(n) traversal of sptree's that extracts an
association list sorted in index order. The absence
of such a traversal was noted as a major drawback
in the existing documentation.

The algorithm is adapted from the one for Braun trees
(sptree's are Braun trees with gaps/partiality added).
It won't handle very sparse arrays well, that is, it's
O(n) in the largest index, not the number of elements.

# 16920d84 24-Jan-2019 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Start merging finite_map/dictionary theories into one directory

Aim is to also include src/enumfset, possibly also the balanced_bst
development from examples, and a CakeML theory (alist_tree).

With all this stuff in the same place, we reduce branching under src/
and get better concurrency when building.