History log of /seL4-l4v-master/HOL4/src/combin/combinScript.sml
Revision Date Author Comments
# 5c272847 28-Jun-2020 Michael Norrish <michael.norrish@data61.csiro.au>

Add flip as an alias for combin$C

# 44aabdd8 01-Oct-2019 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Add some extra automatic rewrites to do with function update

Also make sure that rewrites in COMBIN_ss are named so that they can
be excluded from simplification tactics if necessary.

# eee03790 05-Mar-2019 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Make equality of "tight" precedence by default

Start to work through knock-on effects of this.

# 782dc480 06-Dec-2018 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Pretty-print the new fn-update syntax (e.g., f⦇k ↦ v; x ↦ y⦈)

With a selftest.

This is the function half of github issue #616.

Finite maps still to come.

# ab2c9d3b 04-Dec-2018 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

First steps towards parsing f ⦇ d1 ↦ r1; d2 ↦ r2 ⦈ for fn. UPDATE

The ASCII version of the same is f (| d1 |-> r1; d2 |-> r2 |) and of
course, the old (d1 =+ r1) ((d2 =+ r2) f) can also be used.

The pick of ⦇ ... ⦈ precludes using the same parentheses for
s-expressions in the example of the same name (hence the changes in
that example). The use of (| |) means that (||) no longer parses as
paren-escaping the || operator (hence the change to wordsScript.sml).

Pretty-printing still to be done.

# 18b6cc8c 26-Mar-2018 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Fix for (new, pretty branch) bug causing computeLib failures with K

# b72e391c 20-Mar-2018 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Move smpp to Portable - get everything up to arithmeticScript working

# 838f97d0 19-Mar-2018 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Up to core types

# 95d60bd3 02-Oct-2017 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Remove -- as an alias for Term parser.

As per comment in release notes this has long been replaced as
appropriate style.

# 1f5dfc44 08-Sep-2016 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Remove "C" from combinTheory.combin_grammars

Currently, combinTheory is set up to hide C from the global grammar when
it is loaded, but to leave C in combinTheory's own grammar, which you
get via writing things like combinTheory.combin_grammars. This is weird.
To make things more consistent, pull C out of combin's grammar
properly (without having to use adjoin_to_sml), and have it absent in
both descendants, and in combin_grammars.

Of course, the standard trick of typing

reveal "C"

makes it visible again.

The code in src/metis/normalForms.sml used this visibility when stating
and proving a rewrite about C. This was fixed simply by making the
statement use the combin$C notation.

# c2ef1d87 15-Aug-2016 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Merge operatorTheory into combinTheory

This was far too small a theory to live an independent existence. It
was included by listTheory so the constant name-space contamination
isn't any different for eventual clients.

# 6b95018c 21-Feb-2016 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Make U+2218 (∘) alternative syntax for combin$o

Also bind C-S-0 0 as Emacs keybinding to generate it.

# d0b76345 01-Nov-2015 Ramana Kumar <ramana@member.fsf.org>

update OpenTheory names for combinTheory constants

# e4576049 11-Mar-2015 Michael Norrish <michael.norrish@nicta.com.au>

Make 'o' map to existing \HOLTokenCompose in TeX_notation map.

Closes #242

# 08d7a558 23-Oct-2014 Piotr Trojanek <piotr.trojanek@gmail.com>

trailing newlines in *.{sml,sig} files from src/ removed

Trailing newlines from SML files in src/ were rendered in HTML documentation.

# d16d4401 30-Nov-2012 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Add conversion updateLib.UPDATE_APPLY_CONV.

# 66d40728 12-Feb-2012 Ramana Kumar <ramana.kumar@gmail.com>

update OpenTheory names for combinators to new standard

# 81a935b9 08-Feb-2012 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Add new rewrite about abstractions and function composition.

This one parallels the existing o_ABS_R. To my surprise, the
simplifier currently preserves bound variable names when this rewrite is
applied, even though the two x's can well be of different types, and
thus different bound variables in a pretty strong sense.

For example,

SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [o_ABS_L] ``(\b. b /\ p) o FST``

gives back

|- (λb. b ∧ p) o FST = (λb. FST b ∧ p)

The b on the left is a boolean, the b on the right is a pair. This is
a bit odd, perhaps even a bug. When the types are the same this is
clearly the right thing, but still. The bug, if it is one, will be
in the implementation of HO_PART_MATCH.

# c49ade53 08-Feb-2012 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Remove structure-struct/end bracketing from combinScript.sml.

# 1ceedff5 27-Oct-2011 Ramana Kumar <ramana.kumar@gmail.com>

add OpenTheory name for combin$K

# f8fd8324 02-Oct-2011 Ramana Kumar <ramana.kumar@gmail.com>

add various names to the OpenTheory map

This is in preparation for logging llistTheory.

- Sent combin$C to Function.Combinator.c (same for combin$S).
Another name might be preferred on the OpenTheory side.
- Not sure what bool$BOUNDED is about; dumped it in the HOL4 namespace.
- Put lots of pred_set constants in the Set namespace, but in the
standard (OpenTheory) library it seems like Set is for constants
operating on an abstract type of sets (rather than predicates). I'm
not sure whether we should use a different namespace when working with
sets-as-predicates or just pretend predicates are the abstract type
and do a bit of magic on article reading/writing as necessary (don't
know what that would be exactly yet).
- Similar for constants in set_relation, which I'm currently putting in
the Relation namespace. Although it looks like currently OpenTheory
doesn't use an abstract type of relations (but probably it will
- Sent marker$Cong and marker$Abbrev to Unwanted.id, but not sure if
Unwanted.id is supposed to be polymorphic (whereas those are identity
functions restricted to bool). Similar for numeral$iZ
- sent GSPEC to Set.specification; maybe not an obvious name...
- Using top-level "While" namespace for whileTheory
- dumped numeral$iiSUC in HOL4 namespace; not sure what to do with it
- BIT2 is going to Number.Numeral.bit2; this is in line with wanting the
base library to be liberal, i.e. a union of all useful basic constants
and theorems (so has bit0, bit1 and bit2)... but I think there may be
competing goals for base

# 1af7dc8b 16-Sep-2011 Ramana Kumar <ramana.kumar@gmail.com>

better match intended semantics of OpenTheory names

rather than using strings, now have a type abbreviation otname for
string list * string. it might be worth writing more operations on this
type (like for manipulating the namespace).

# dc4085a7 07-Sep-2011 Ramana Kumar <ramana.kumar@gmail.com>

add OpenTheory name for combin$I

# e6010675 04-Dec-2009 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Add the useful |> combinator to combinTheory. Had to be ":>" because "|>"
is already used for records. If anyone doesn't like the name "APP" then
feel free to change it.

# 4761143b 10-Aug-2009 Tjark Weber <Tjark.Weber@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Removed trailing whitespace from all .sml and .sig files.

This affects over 900 files and was done using emacs's delete-trailing-whitespace
function in batch mode. Building the system with Poly/ML and Moscow ML seems to
work, so I'm hoping these changes don't break anything. Please complain if
they do!

# 168f13e5 01-Feb-2009 Scott Owens <Scott.Owens@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Started moving EmitML code out of source scripts and into a single source
script "libraryScript.sml" in src/emitScript, adding calls to emitCAML
alongside the emitML calls in libraryScript.sml.

# 04aca7c3 03-Nov-2008 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Replaced o_DEF with o_THM in "the_compset". This fixes a problem when
evaluating record updates (and it also provides consistency with srw_ss()).
For example:

EVAL ``<| f := r |> with f := x``;


``<|f := x|>``

instead of

``<|f updated_by (\x'. x)|>``

# 46d9ec8c 08-Feb-2007 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

At the behest of Konrad and Michael, SUBST is now called UPDATE.

Also, it has been moved into combinTheory (even though it is not
a combinator).

Unfortunately, the symbol ``:-`` has had to be abandoned because
this is used in labelTheory.

The new symbol is ``=+``.

Without the use of METIS, the theorems have been proved the long way.

The theorems are renamed to fall in line with the those of FUPDATE
from finite_mapTheory:




Some more theorems (again similar to those of FUPDATE) have been added:


# e582ce4c 02-Oct-2006 Peter Homeier <palantir@trustworthytools.com>


Committing in additional theorems to aid in SRW_TAC's use of the
new literal patterns. Bug found by Anthony Fox.

Modified Files:

# 0d230e40 23-Jul-2006 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Another of my changes to the filter removed what I thought was unnecessary
code for handling the old-fashioned --`...`-- syntax for terms and types.
But it turns out this code is necessary if Parse isn't around. Easiest
fix: opening Parse.

# 5c8f5906 22-Jun-2006 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Minor changes and bugfixes to ML code generation. Have renamed
EmitML.exportML to EmitML.emitML, since exportML is used in
SML/NJ to dump the image. Also renamed Globals.exportMLPath
to Globals.emitMLDir (since it's a directory and not a path).

Also fixed bug in code generated for constructors and tuples.

# adf911c8 25-Jul-2005 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Revised exportML so that it takes a path parameter, which tells
where the ML corresponding to a theory is to be written.

This has been propagated to all the theories that already export
ML, and the mkword.exe tool has been upgraded to also take a
path where it should write the generated ML. This is useful,
because doing an exportML to the same directory as the theory
files will end up confusing Holmake.

# 138d26bb 04-Aug-2004 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

ML code generation for finite_map now added. Also, a whole host
of minor changes and robustifications have been applied.

# 61d5a40a 27-Jul-2004 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Added new combinator called FAIL, which is equal to K. FAIL is used
to generate exception-raising code when translated to ML. For

HD [] = FAIL HD ^(mk_var("Empty list",bool)) []

which is provable since FAIL x y = x. The translator to ML
will convert FAIL terms so that the above is

HD [] = raise Fail "HD: Empty list"

# fadeb16c 09-Jul-2004 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

New entry point in BasicProvers called LET_ELIM_TAC to do lovely things
with lets, whether uncurried or not. They're lifted out of the goal
and turned into abbreviations into the assumptions. Plan is to tack
LET_ELIM_TAC into the basic action of RW_TAC and SRW_TAC as well.

# ce9b6fbf 04-Jul-2004 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Export ML from combin theory. The exported ML ends up in the
directory src/theoryML.

# bb654e4b 26-Jun-2003 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Many small changes, most associated with boolification or lifting.

# 2eaf3bfa 16-Feb-2003 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Prove a cute little theorem about the K combinator. This is a necessary
prelude to one last change I'm contemplating to make record type
definition roughly twice as fast as it is at the moment. The change to
relationScript makes it explictly depend on combinTheory, something the
automatic dependency analysis can't figure out on its own.

# 75372e93 28-May-2002 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Overlay.sml now exports infix declarations for the "standard" infixes,
taken from std.prelude. This means that the infix component of the
standard Script boilerplate is unnecessary. Updated Manual documentation
to reflect this. Changed combinScript and examples/ind_def/clScript.sml
just to show that it worked.

# 77efd725 04-Feb-2001 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

New work aimed at making a single global EVAL function, with
an underlying compset.

# 21d45a6e 05-Jan-2001 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Minor changes.

# 069f20bc 30-Nov-2000 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Made sure that the combinator "C" is hidden by default. This will
prevent surprises in developments that already use "C" as a variable.
In principle I should do the same for "W" ...

# c8540e87 12-Nov-2000 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Kananaskis compatibility; addition of C and W combinators.

# 0058df84 28-Jun-1999 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Fixed to bring it up to date with Taupo release 0.
(Changes have come across from parse_branch development.)

# caf74236 29-Apr-1999 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Initial revision