History log of /seL4-l4v-master/HOL4/src/0/Type.sig
Revision Date Author Comments
# 32bf1e49 02-Feb-2015 Piotr Trojanek <piotr.trojanek@gmail.com>

extra semicolons removed from (some) .sig files

# 08d7a558 23-Oct-2014 Piotr Trojanek <piotr.trojanek@gmail.com>

trailing newlines in *.{sml,sig} files from src/ removed

Trailing newlines from SML files in src/ were rendered in HTML documentation.

# 5f99e73a 15-Dec-2010 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

BIG refactor: mainly to allow stdknl to use SharingTables technology.

SharingTables implements hash-consing for types as they are written
out to disk. This can make a big difference to the theory file size,
and thus to theory-loading times.

The big visible change is that Theory, TheoryPP and Definition are no
longer really part of the kernel, and are found in src/postkernel
instead. They don't need to know about secret implementation details
in terms, types or theorems. They do need to have access to


and primitive definition principles (which are in Thm).

Another API change is that Tags no longer use user-visible string refs
to record use of axioms. Instead, the refs are hidden behind a new
Nonce type. This in turn means that the Tag.axioms_of function can
move to be visible to all users after the kernel. (If we kept the
axioms as string refs, users could alter the strings being pointed

# 20851e7a 20-Nov-2008 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Forgot to include the new functions in the 0-kernel signature files.
Also, fix for the Makefile to make it see a dependency.

# 1cba282f 17-Apr-2008 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Rework a bunch of code in the two kernels so that they can share even
more stuff in src/prekernel. In particular, the latter is now home to
a special purpose symbol table that knows all about things being
up-to-date. Also move the final signatures for Terms and Types that
are what is ultimately presented to the user into prekernel so that
both kernels can use them.
In src/0 also move the signatures in Raw-sig into Type.sig and
Term.sig so that {Type,Term}.sml can be compiled in normal mode
against those signatures. I think this makes things a deal cleaner
Finally, witnesses have entirely disappeared from src/0. If we
wanted to reinstate them for whatever reason, they could be stored in
a KernelSig.symbol_table along with arities and base types.

# 0da1be26 01-Nov-2000 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

New Kananaskis kernel.

# e3f389de 16-Aug-1999 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Deletion of "dummy" type. No longer needed because of MN's new
type inference implementation.

# d470aaf0 13-Aug-1999 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Removed references (Link and Stv constructors) as type unification is now
done at the level of the TCPretype in the parse directory. This simplifies
the implementation considerably.

# 0058df84 28-Jun-1999 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Fixed to bring it up to date with Taupo release 0.
(Changes have come across from parse_branch development.)

# 58841e67 29-Apr-1999 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Initial revision