History log of /seL4-l4v-master/HOL4/examples/logic/folcompactness/folSkolemScript.sml
Revision Date Author Comments
# d534a500 07-Aug-2019 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Complete port of HOL Light FOL compactness material

Also add a finite entailment property:

(entails (:α) Γ ϕ ⇔ ∃Γ₀. FINITE Γ₀ ∧ Γ₀ ⊆ Γ ∧ entails (:α) Γ₀ ϕ)

You only need a finite number of hypotheses to get to a conclusion.
This is obvious if you have a proof system, but is true thanks to
compactness if you are just working with models.

# c93afcec 04-Aug-2019 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Complete port of HOL Light material on skolemization

A couple more files to go.

# cfe09cf1 31-Jul-2019 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

More progress with FOL compactness port

# 922e2366 29-Jul-2019 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Progress with port of HOL Light compactness etc theories

# 97dbc36b 29-Jul-2019 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Start port of material about f.o. compactness from HOL Light

See commit


Thanks to John for making this available (some of it is behind his
TPHOLs 1998 paper.)