History log of /seL4-l4v-10.1.1/l4v/isabelle/src/HOL/Tools/Function/function_common.ML
Revision Date Author Comments
# fad9031b 19-Feb-2018 wenzelm <none@none>

tuned signature;

# db2e05de 18-Feb-2018 wenzelm <none@none>

more explicit instantiate_morphism (without checks for typ / term component);

# aad80dd3 16-Feb-2018 wenzelm <none@none>

trim context of persistent data;
tuned signature;

# 99e3d4c3 06-Dec-2017 wenzelm <none@none>

prefer control symbol antiquotations;

# 5d91fa98 05-Apr-2017 Lars Hupel <lars.hupel@mytum.de>

store totality fact in function info

# cd5814d0 30-May-2016 wenzelm <none@none>


# 68f9ecca 28-Apr-2016 wenzelm <none@none>

support 'assumes' in specifications, e.g. 'definition', 'inductive';
tuned signatures;

# 720969b0 18-Apr-2016 wenzelm <none@none>


# 308c45ff 17-Apr-2016 wenzelm <none@none>

clarified bindings;

# c7340223 17-Apr-2016 wenzelm <none@none>

prefer binding over base name;

# f3be6ddb 17-Apr-2016 wenzelm <none@none>

removed pointless check (see Type_Infer.object_logic);

# ae364dc0 04-Sep-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

trim context for persistent storage;
tuned signature;

# a7d3b0ad 07-Jul-2015 blanchet <none@none>

have the installed termination prover take a 'quiet' flag

# 740a17d4 06-Mar-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

Thm.cterm_of and Thm.ctyp_of operate on local context;

# 45f9fa0b 06-Mar-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

clarified context;

# 34035ccd 04-Mar-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

tuned signature -- prefer qualified names;

# b8d56fe6 10-Feb-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

proper context for resolve_tac, eresolve_tac, dresolve_tac, forward_tac etc.;
occasionally clarified use of context;

# de8e2f0e 19-Dec-2014 wenzelm <none@none>

just one data slot per program unit;
tuned signature;

# 13ddea91 26-Nov-2014 wenzelm <none@none>

renamed "pairself" to "apply2", in accordance to @{apply 2};

# d65030e5 19-Aug-2014 wenzelm <none@none>

tuned signature -- moved type src to Token, without aliases;

# 9067b570 16-Aug-2014 wenzelm <none@none>

updated to named_theorems;
modernized module name and setup;

# 3c4f4261 22-Mar-2014 wenzelm <none@none>

more antiquotations;

# 2c8d6176 21-Mar-2014 wenzelm <none@none>

more qualified names;

# 116fd647 13-Dec-2013 wenzelm <none@none>

maintain morphism names for diagnostic purposes;

# ade011bf 10-Nov-2013 haftmann <none@none>

qualifed popular user space names

# 68e03336 08-Sep-2013 Manuel Eberl <none@none>

generate elim rules for elimination of function equalities;
added fun_cases command;
recover proper cases rules for mutual recursive case (no sum types)

# 6e401e29 16-Jun-2013 krauss <none@none>

export dom predicate in the info record

# 1cdbabc0 15-Jun-2013 krauss <none@none>

export cases rule in the info record

# 9ff0c5fb 27-Oct-2012 Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>

added function store_termination_rule to the signature, as it is used in Nominal2

# 63ef3daf 21-Oct-2012 wenzelm <none@none>

removed dead code;

# 2d7b73b9 21-Oct-2012 wenzelm <none@none>

proper signatures;

# de9fb383 15-Mar-2012 wenzelm <none@none>

prefer formally checked @{keyword} parser;

# 2db8d06d 15-Feb-2012 wenzelm <none@none>

discontinued Drule.term_rule, which tends to cause confusion due to builtin cterm_of (NB: the standard morphisms already provide a separate term component);

# 61c3b64e 29-Dec-2011 wenzelm <none@none>


# 50fe8111 28-Oct-2011 wenzelm <none@none>

tuned Named_Thms: proper binding;

# a309722d 28-Oct-2011 wenzelm <none@none>

tuned signature -- refined terminology;

# 00014899 21-Aug-2011 wenzelm <none@none>

tuned Parse.group: delayed failure message;

# 6d2612c8 16-Apr-2011 wenzelm <none@none>

modernized structure Proof_Context;

# 5c43f40c 24-Mar-2011 wenzelm <none@none>


# 8caff1de 25-Feb-2011 krauss <none@none>

removed support for tail-recursion from function package (now implemented by partial_function)

# 08819991 29-Dec-2010 krauss <none@none>

function (default) is legacy feature

# 14d00fc2 12-Dec-2010 krauss <none@none>

tuned headers

# a1f58d52 10-Sep-2010 krauss <none@none>

improved error message for common mistake (fun f where "g x = ...")

# d19dab54 05-Sep-2010 wenzelm <none@none>

turned show_sorts/show_types into proper configuration options;

# f4dea649 26-Aug-2010 wenzelm <none@none>

more uniform descriptions, which end up in the collective output of 'print_attributes' for example;

# 3e123ba2 26-Aug-2010 wenzelm <none@none>

theory data merge: prefer left side uniformly;

# 7a6b0131 17-May-2010 wenzelm <none@none>

prefer structure Keyword, Parse, Parse_Spec, Outer_Syntax;
eliminated old-style structure aliases K = Keyword, P = Parse;

# f3ff5f68 15-May-2010 wenzelm <none@none>

prefer structure Parse_Spec;

# 4549e8d1 05-May-2010 haftmann <none@none>

farewell to old-style mem infixes -- type inference in situations with mem_int and mem_string should provide enough information to resolve the type of (op =)

# 266cf630 28-Apr-2010 krauss <none@none>

default termination prover as plain tactic

# eb23531d 02-Jan-2010 krauss <none@none>

new year's resolution: reindented code in function package

# da7ff8d5 02-Jan-2010 krauss <none@none>

provide simp and induct rules in Function.info

# 8da7bfa4 02-Jan-2010 krauss <none@none>

more official data record Function.info

# 141c00ff 19-Nov-2009 krauss <none@none>

check if equations are present for all functions to avoid low-level exception later

# dfa769e1 08-Nov-2009 wenzelm <none@none>

adapted Generic_Data, Proof_Data;

# 71c8e360 02-Nov-2009 krauss <none@none>

conceal partial rules depending on config flag (i.e. when called via "fun")

# aa223bae 01-Nov-2009 wenzelm <none@none>

adapted Item_Net;

# 1d67587c 24-Oct-2009 krauss <none@none>

configuration flag "partials"

# f8850b31 23-Oct-2009 krauss <none@none>

function package: more standard names for structures and files