History log of /seL4-l4v-10.1.1/isabelle/src/HOL/Tools/Function/mutual.ML
Revision Date Author Comments
# 99e3d4c3 06-Dec-2017 wenzelm <none@none>

prefer control symbol antiquotations;

# 3dba35c1 27-May-2016 wenzelm <none@none>

tuned proofs, to allow unfold_abs_def;

# 20bd4bda 18-Apr-2016 wenzelm <none@none>

clarified bindings;

# 9d926c7e 18-Apr-2016 wenzelm <none@none>

clarified bindings;

# c7340223 17-Apr-2016 wenzelm <none@none>

prefer binding over base name;

# 4216bc36 07-Jan-2016 wenzelm <none@none>

more uniform treatment of package internals;

# 952abf53 06-Sep-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

do not expose low-level "_def" facts of 'function' definitions, to avoid potential confusion with the situation of plain 'definition';

# bc3d393f 16-Aug-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

added Thm.chyps_of;
eliminated Thm.cprep_thm, with its potentially ill-typed (!) tpairs (cf. c9ad3e64ddcf);

# a804eb03 05-Jul-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

clarified context;

# 4ed536e2 30-May-2015 wenzelm <none@none>


# 03b64291 30-Mar-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

tuned signature;

# 4b4960a7 08-Mar-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

misc tuning and simplification;

# 740a17d4 06-Mar-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

Thm.cterm_of and Thm.ctyp_of operate on local context;

# 45f9fa0b 06-Mar-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

clarified context;

# 34035ccd 04-Mar-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

tuned signature -- prefer qualified names;

# b7bf58e6 03-Mar-2015 traytel <none@none>

eliminated some clones of Proof_Context.cterm_of

# b8d56fe6 10-Feb-2015 wenzelm <none@none>

proper context for resolve_tac, eresolve_tac, dresolve_tac, forward_tac etc.;
occasionally clarified use of context;

# c7eb8d77 28-Jan-2015 eberlm <none@none>

Fixed bug in bugfix for function package

# e7984da9 27-Jan-2015 eberlm <none@none>

Fixed variable naming bug in function package

# cbfdc100 08-Oct-2014 wenzelm <none@none>

added parameterized ML antiquotations @{map N}, @{fold N}, @{fold_map N}, @{split_list N};

# 147d4ad6 07-Mar-2014 blanchet <none@none>


# db965533 10-Jan-2014 wenzelm <none@none>

more elementary management of declared hyps, below structure Assumption;
Goal.prove: insist in declared hyps;
Simplifier: declare hyps via Thm.assume_hyps;
more accurate tool context in some boundary cases;

# f83d74cd 23-Nov-2013 wenzelm <none@none>

more accurate goal context;

# 5ae4a26b 08-Sep-2013 krauss <none@none>

moved cases post-processing under mk_partial_rules_mutual, using existing bookkeeping information;
normalized whitespace and indentation

# e19b5371 08-Sep-2013 krauss <none@none>


# 5fd3c443 08-Sep-2013 krauss <none@none>

clarified, dropping unreachable bool special case

# f8580d36 08-Sep-2013 krauss <none@none>

dropped dead code

# 68e03336 08-Sep-2013 Manuel Eberl <none@none>

generate elim rules for elimination of function equalities;
added fun_cases command;
recover proper cases rules for mutual recursive case (no sum types)

# 6e401e29 16-Jun-2013 krauss <none@none>

export dom predicate in the info record

# 0928b2db 18-Apr-2013 wenzelm <none@none>

simplifier uses proper Proof.context instead of historic type simpset;

# 62ec754a 13-Mar-2012 wenzelm <none@none>

more explicit indication of def names;

# 476fb08c 08-Nov-2011 wenzelm <none@none>


# 9d72cd6f 27-Apr-2011 krauss <none@none>

inlined Function_Lib.replace_frees, which is used only once

# 6d2612c8 16-Apr-2011 wenzelm <none@none>

modernized structure Proof_Context;

# 8caff1de 25-Feb-2011 krauss <none@none>

removed support for tail-recursion from function package (now implemented by partial_function)

# 14d00fc2 12-Dec-2010 krauss <none@none>

tuned headers

# 046d8672 03-Nov-2010 wenzelm <none@none>

replaced ancient sys_error by raise Fail, assuming that the latter is not handled specifically by the environment;

# 0dc105bc 22-Oct-2010 krauss <none@none>

some cleanup in Function_Lib

# a00eb206 27-Sep-2010 krauss <none@none>

consolidated tupled_lambda; moved to structure HOLogic

# a1f58d52 10-Sep-2010 krauss <none@none>

improved error message for common mistake (fun f where "g x = ...")

# dc514061 15-May-2010 wenzelm <none@none>

less pervasive names from structure Thm;

# 0d3b744a 09-May-2010 krauss <none@none>

do not redeclare [simp] rules, to avoid "duplicate rewrite rule" warnings

# 7c7ac3fa 07-Mar-2010 wenzelm <none@none>

modernized structure Local_Defs;

# eb23531d 02-Jan-2010 krauss <none@none>

new year's resolution: reindented code in function package

# 4678ef3f 23-Nov-2009 krauss <none@none>

eliminated dead code and some unused bindings, reported by polyml

# 8d32b36e 19-Nov-2009 wenzelm <none@none>

adapted Local_Theory.define -- eliminated odd thm kind;

# d28e2372 13-Nov-2009 wenzelm <none@none>

modernized structure Local_Theory;

# d4527641 12-Nov-2009 wenzelm <none@none>

eliminated obsolete "internal" kind -- collapsed to unspecific "";

# d75378a4 02-Nov-2009 krauss <none@none>

do not use Binding.empty: conceal flag gets lost in Thm.def_binding_optional

# 346742c9 28-Oct-2009 wenzelm <none@none>

simplified default binding;
conceal internal bindings;

# f8850b31 23-Oct-2009 krauss <none@none>

function package: more standard names for structures and files

# 8518a24a 29-Sep-2009 wenzelm <none@none>

modernized Balanced_Tree;

# a4b600c4 23-Jul-2009 wenzelm <none@none>

renamed simpset_of to global_simpset_of, and local_simpset_of to simpset_of -- same for claset and clasimpset;

# dde326d7 17-Jul-2009 wenzelm <none@none>

compare types directly -- no need to invoke Type.eq_type with empty environment;

# d18d6a07 22-Jun-2009 haftmann <none@none>

uniformly capitialized names for subdirectories

rename : src/HOL/Tools/datatype_package/datatype.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/datatype_package/datatype_abs_proofs.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_abs_proofs.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/datatype_package/datatype_aux.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_aux.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/datatype_package/datatype_case.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_case.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/datatype_package/datatype_codegen.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_codegen.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/datatype_package/datatype_prop.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_prop.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/datatype_package/datatype_realizer.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_realizer.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/datatype_package/datatype_rep_proofs.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_rep_proofs.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/auto_term.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/auto_term.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/context_tree.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/context_tree.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/decompose.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/decompose.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/descent.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/descent.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/fundef.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/fundef.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/fundef_common.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/fundef_common.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/fundef_core.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/fundef_core.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/fundef_datatype.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/fundef_datatype.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/fundef_lib.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/fundef_lib.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/induction_scheme.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/induction_scheme.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/inductive_wrap.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/inductive_wrap.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/lexicographic_order.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/lexicographic_order.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/measure_functions.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/measure_functions.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/mutual.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/mutual.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/pattern_split.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/pattern_split.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/scnp_reconstruct.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/scnp_reconstruct.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/scnp_solve.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/scnp_solve.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/size.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/size.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/sum_tree.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/sum_tree.ML
rename : src/HOL/Tools/function_package/termination.ML => src/HOL/Tools/Function/termination.ML
rename : src/Tools/code/code_haskell.ML => src/Tools/Code/code_haskell.ML
rename : src/Tools/code/code_ml.ML => src/Tools/Code/code_ml.ML
rename : src/Tools/code/code_preproc.ML => src/Tools/Code/code_preproc.ML
rename : src/Tools/code/code_printer.ML => src/Tools/Code/code_printer.ML
rename : src/Tools/code/code_target.ML => src/Tools/Code/code_target.ML
rename : src/Tools/code/code_thingol.ML => src/Tools/Code/code_thingol.ML