History log of /seL4-l4v-10.1.1/HOL4/examples/dev/Fact32/Fact32.ml
Revision Date Author Comments
# 6acdb5d3 11-Jun-2012 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Updating h/w synthesis stuff so that it works again.

# 927035f4 12-May-2008 Anthony Fox <anthony.fox@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Updated Juliano's hardware compilation to work with wordsTheory. There are
now some nasty parser warnings with "===>", "<>" and possibly others.

The dev/booth example was/is broken (I haven't attempted to repair it).

Have updated dev/AES/word8 and Crypto/AES. Perhaps dev/AES should be removed?

The hardware compilation for Crypto/TEA and Crypto/RC6 are now broken.
Updating the Crypto examples should be straightforward. Once done I can
delete src/n_bit.

# 1f43f91a 27-Jan-2008 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Added propositional logic (pedagogical example)
and updated the README. Some other files
seem to have been changed as well.

# 41bcddef 09-Feb-2006 Mike Gordon <mjcg@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Initial (probably buggy) release of a new Verilog back end. This
generates "behavioral" rather than "structural" Verilog (i.e. the body
of a generated module consists of continuous assignments and always
statements rather than module instances). I haven't deleted the code
for generating separate module definitions and instances for
components (this is now obsolete and I'll delete it once the new
approach has been validated). There is now a single way of linking
combinational HOL code to Verilog:

(* Library associating HOL terms with ML functions for generating *)
(* combinational Verilog. Typical example: *)
(* *)
(* add_vsynth *)
(* [(``\(in1,in2). in1 >> in2``, *)
(* (fn[i1,i2] => ("{{31{" ^ i1 ^ "[31]}}," ^ i1 ^ "} >> " ^i2))), *)
(* (``UNCURRY $>>``, *)
(* (fn[i1,i2] => ("{{31{" ^ i1 ^ "[31]}}," ^ i1 ^ "} >> " ^i2)))] *)
(* *)
(* which will cause both *)
(* *)
(* ``COMB (\(in1,in2). in1 >> in2) (x<>y, z)`` *)
(* *)
(* and *)
(* *)
(* ``COMB (UNCURRY $>>) (x<>y, z)`` *)
(* *)
(* to generate the Verilog statement *)
(* *)
(* assign z = {{31{x[31]}},x} >> y; *)

AddBinop can now be defined by:

fun AddBinop (_:string, (hbinop,vbinop)) =
add_vsynth[(hbinop, fn[i1,i2] => (i1 ^ " " ^ vbinop ^ " " ^ i2))];

[Note that a module name isn't needed anymore.]

# 70372d5e 30-May-2005 Mike Gordon <mjcg@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Added cirDefine to generate circuits in one step. Tweaked examples.
Updated README.

# 7e7a141e 17-May-2005 Mike Gordon <mjcg@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Added REFINE_ALL that uses previous results of hwDefine that are now
stored in a reference hwDefineLib. See Fact.ml for an example.

Various other tweaks and improvements (e.g. refinement combinators
simplified and extended).


|- !n. FACT n < 2 ** WL ==> (FACT n = w2n(Fact32(n2w n)))

and similar results for Mult, MultIter in Fact32Script.sml.

README updated.

# e5af62be 06-May-2005 Mike Gordon <mjcg@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Various recentish changes. Fact/Fact32 examples will be developed
further, but future versions of paper.tex will probably be made in
another CVS repository hosted at Cambridge. Will keep
http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mjcg/proposals/dev/ updated.

# 2e3a1bf2 20-Apr-2005 Mike Gordon <mjcg@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Lots of changes aimed at partially automating the adding of new HOL
and Verilog unary and binary operators to synthesis. Read about
AddUnop, AddBinop in README and see how they are used in Fact.ml and

# 4dda9f88 13-Apr-2005 Mike Gordon <mjcg@cl.cam.ac.uk>

32-bit factorial example now works thanks to Konrad's
improved hwDefine.

# 0577c634 12-Apr-2005 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Upgraded hwDefine to handle decrement-based iterations on words. Now
the factorials on word32 work.

# 87132fce 07-Apr-2005 Mike Gordon <mjcg@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Various tweaks. Added a preliminary very version of the factorial
example that works with values of type ``:word32`` rather than with
``:num``. Needed some messy support for n-bit numerals (``0w``,
``1w``, ``2w``, ... etc).