History log of /seL4-l4v-10.1.1/HOL4/examples/acl2/ml/encodeLib.sig
Revision Date Author Comments
# 8d83067c 21-Oct-2018 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Remove TABs from examples

# 4761143b 10-Aug-2009 Tjark Weber <Tjark.Weber@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Removed trailing whitespace from all .sml and .sig files.

This affects over 900 files and was done using emacs's delete-trailing-whitespace
function in batch mode. Building the system with Poly/ML and Moscow ML seems to
work, so I'm hoping these changes don't break anything. Please complain if
they do!

# 235ce263 08-Sep-2008 James Reynolds <jr291@cam.ac.uk>

Complete rework of the function encoding for ACL2. Usage of the encoding is
contained in acl2encodeLib.sig.

# 0513ac47 11-Nov-2006 James Reynolds <jr291@cam.ac.uk>

encodeLib: Major rewrite to allow encoding of functions with partial specifications.
translateScript: Extra theorems added for better resolution of natural numbers
testEncode: Updated to test partial specifications and some extra red-black tree examples added.

# 1f2514aa 13-Aug-2006 James Reynolds <jr291@cam.ac.uk>

encodeLib: Added two new modes of encoding functions, restricted, where the input domain is restricted (eg. ~(x = 0)), and recursive, where a recursive helper theorem is added to assist with termination in ACL2.

# 2286c3de 26-Jul-2006 James Reynolds <jr291@cam.ac.uk>

encodeLib: Complete re-vamp, can now do PolyTypism, however has limited support for case functions eg. NULL

translateScript: Now uses |= for type judgements, and makes use of some new functions such as andl and implies.

translateLib: Some functions to support encoding which are used in both encodeLib and translateScript

# 05b8d22e 25-May-2006 James Reynolds <jr291@cam.ac.uk>

File: encodeLib.sml

Provides functions to encode HOL into ACL2

File: encodeLib.sig

Signature for encodeLib.sml

File: translateScript.sml

Provides translation theorems between HOL and the sexp type.
New constants are also defined here, which must be slurped along with anything
being encoded.