History log of /openjdk9/hotspot/src/os/linux/vm/os_linux.hpp
Revision Date Author Comments
# 11979:e7203436d63d 09-Sep-2016 rdurbin

8140520: segfault on solaris-amd64 with "-XX:VMThreadStackSize=1" option
Summary: Split the single thread_min_stack_allowed into three distinct values (java_thread_min_stack_allowed, compiler_thread_min_stack_allowed and vm_internal_thread_min_stack_allowed) on non-Windows platforms.
Reviewed-by: dcubed, gthornbr, dholmes, coleenp, fparain, aph

# 11486:3950d1713ffa 13-Jun-2016 goetz

8159335: Fix problems with stack overflow handling.
Reviewed-by: dlong, coleenp, mdoerr

# 10434:687c4d83a4cc 07-Mar-2016 kvn

8150353: PPC64LE: Support RTM on linux
Reviewed-by: mdoerr, kvn
Contributed-by: gromero@linux.vnet.ibm.com

# 9743:d6c6ee9d40b0 14-Dec-2015 stuefe

8145114: const-correctness for ucontext_t* reading functions
Reviewed-by: dholmes, coleenp

# 9737:e286c9ccd58d 11-Dec-2015 fparain

8046936: JEP 270: Reserved Stack Areas for Critical Sections
Reviewed-by: acorn, dcubed

# 9433:149cc1f9f1aa 05-Nov-2015 goetz

8141529: Fix handling of _JAVA_SR_SIGNUM
Reviewed-by: dholmes, stuefe, dsamersoff

# 8793:913d50d94180 03-Aug-2015 dholmes

8080298: Clean up os::...::supports_variable_stack_size()
Reviewed-by: kbarrett, simonis, stuefe, coleenp

# 8575:5916110131c4 22-Jun-2015 stuefe

8078513: [linux] Clean up code relevant to LinuxThreads implementation
Reviewed-by: dholmes, sla, coleenp, simonis

# 7996:3eb61269f421 12-Mar-2015 dholmes

8074552: SafeFetch32 and SafeFetchN do not work in error handling
Reviewed-by: dholmes, goetz
Contributed-by: Thomas Stufe <thomas.stuefe@gmail.com>

# 7235:763abe04c848 13-Oct-2014 sla

7102541: RFE: os::set_native_thread_name() cleanups
Summary: implement os::set_native_thread_name() on windows, linux
Reviewed-by: sla, ctornqvi, simonis
Contributed-by: thomas.stuefe@sap.com

# 7051:0420e825bb3c 10-Sep-2014 dcubed

8057109: manual cleanup of white space issues prior to Contended Locking reorder and cache line bucket
Reviewed-by: fparain, sspitsyn, coleenp

# 7050:03835eaaab2d 10-Sep-2014 dcubed

8057107: cleanup indent white space issues prior to Contended Locking reorder and cache line bucket
Reviewed-by: fparain, sspitsyn, coleenp

# 6853:91eeb8807a03 07-Aug-2014 zgu

8046598: Scalable Native memory tracking development
Summary: Enhance scalability of native memory tracking
Reviewed-by: coleenp, ctornqvi, gtriantafill

# 6687:da4514678bcf 03-Jul-2014 dcubed

8047104: cleanup misc issues prior to Contended Locking reorder and cache
Summary: Checkpoint misc cleanups for Contended Locking prior to first optimization bucket.
Reviewed-by: dholmes, sspitsyn, dice

# 6604:a2f5d920638e 18-Jun-2014 dcubed

8047156: cleanup more non-indent white space issues prior to Contended Locking cleanup bucket
Summary: Checkpoint some missed do_space_filter.ksh cleanups for Contended Locking.
Reviewed-by: sspitsyn, lfoltan, coleenp

# 6032:bb9356ec5967 23-Feb-2014 hseigel


# 6029:6c9332549827 19-Feb-2014 fparain

6546236: Thread interrupt() of Thread.sleep() can be lost on Solaris due to race with signal handler
Reviewed-by: dholmes, dcubed

# 5990:b0133e4187d3 21-Nov-2013 goetz

8028471: PPC64 (part 215): opto: Extend ImplicitNullCheck optimization.
Summary: Fixed Implicit NULL check optimization for AIX, where the page at address '0' is only write-protected.
Reviewed-by: kvn

# 5244:2e6938dd68f2 16-Sep-2013 dholmes

6900441: PlatformEvent.park(millis) on Linux could still be affected by changes to the time-of-day clock
Summary: Associate CLOCK_MONOTONIC with the pthread_cond_t objects used for relative timed waits
Reviewed-by: dcubed, shade

# 5210:0d59407e7e09 29-Aug-2013 jmasa


# 5209:88c255656030 22-Aug-2013 mgerdin

8016155: SIGBUS when running Kitchensink with ParallelScavenge and ParallelOld
Summary: When using NUMA and large pages we need to ease the requirement on which node the memory should be allocated on. To avoid the SIGBUS we now use the memory policy MPOL_PREFERRED, which prefers a certain node, instead of MPOL_BIND, which requires a certain node.
Reviewed-by: jmasa, pliden
Contributed-by: stefan.johansson@oracle.com

# 5143:4c84d351cca9 16-Aug-2013 stefank

8007074: SIGSEGV at ParMarkBitMap::verify_clear()
Summary: Replace the broken large pages implementation on Linux. New flag: -XX:+UseTransparentHugePages - Linux specific flag to turn on transparent huge page hinting with madvise(..., MAP_HUGETLB). Changed behavior: -XX:+UseLargePages - tries to use -XX:+UseTransparentHugePages before trying other large pages implementations (on Linux). Changed behavior: -XX:+UseHugeTLBFS - Use upfront allocation of Large Pages instead of using the broken implementation to dynamically committing large pages. Changed behavior: -XX:LargePageSizeInBytes - Turned off the ability to use this flag on Linux and provides warning to user if set to a value different than the OS chosen large page size. Changed behavior: Setting no large page size - Now defaults to use -XX:UseTransparentHugePages if the OS supports it. Previously, -XX:+UseHugeTLBFS was chosen if the OS was configured to use large pages.
Reviewed-by: tschatzl, dcubed, brutisso

# 4820:a837fa3d3f86 13-Jun-2013 dcubed

8013057: assert(_needs_gc || SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()) failed: only read at safepoint
Summary: Detect mmap() commit failures in Linux and Solaris os::commit_memory() impls and call vm_exit_out_of_memory(). Add os::commit_memory_or_exit(). Also tidy up some NMT accounting and some mmap() return value checking.
Reviewed-by: zgu, stefank, dholmes, dsamersoff

# 4802:f2110083203d 10-Jun-2013 sla

8005849: JEP 167: Event-Based JVM Tracing
Reviewed-by: acorn, coleenp, sla
Contributed-by: Karen Kinnear <karen.kinnear@oracle.com>, Bengt Rutisson <bengt.rutisson@oracle.com>, Calvin Cheung <calvin.cheung@oracle.com>, Erik Gahlin <erik.gahlin@oracle.com>, Erik Helin <erik.helin@oracle.com>, Jesper Wilhelmsson <jesper.wilhelmsson@oracle.com>, Keith McGuigan <keith.mcguigan@oracle.com>, Mattias Tobiasson <mattias.tobiasson@oracle.com>, Markus Gronlund <markus.gronlund@oracle.com>, Mikael Auno <mikael.auno@oracle.com>, Nils Eliasson <nils.eliasson@oracle.com>, Nils Loodin <nils.loodin@oracle.com>, Rickard Backman <rickard.backman@oracle.com>, Staffan Larsen <staffan.larsen@oracle.com>, Stefan Karlsson <stefan.karlsson@oracle.com>, Yekaterina Kantserova <yekaterina.kantserova@oracle.com>

# 4561:b4081e9714ec 30-Apr-2013 vladidan

8013398: Adjust number of stack guard pages on systems with large memory page size
Summary: Auto adjust number of stack guard pages on systems with large memory page size
Reviewed-by: bobv, coleenp

# 4377:14509df4cd63 21-Mar-2013 iklam

8010389: After fix for 7107135 a failed dlopen() call results in a VM crash
Summary: Call dlerror() in VM thread as necessary.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dholmes

# 4275:9058789475af 05-Mar-2013 iklam

7107135: Stack guard pages are no more protected after loading a shared library with executable stack
Summary: Detect the execstack attribute of the loaded library and attempt to fix the stack guard using Safepoint op.
Reviewed-by: dholmes, zgu
Contributed-by: ioi.lam@oracle.com

# 4240:63e54c37ac64 27-Feb-2013 simonis

8008959: Fix non-PCH build on Linux, Windows and MacOS X
Summary: Fix the build without precompiled headers by either including the missing ".inline.hpp" files into the appropriate files or by turning inline-functions declared in header files into ordinary functions in ".cpp" files.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, stefank, dholmes

# 3582:fa9253dcd4df 29-Aug-2012 johnc

7194409: os::javaTimeNanos() shows hot on CPU_CLK_UNHALTED profiles
Summary: Add inline directives to os::Linux::supports_monotonic_clock() and os::Bsd::supports_monotonic_clock().
Reviewed-by: johnc, azeemj, mikael
Contributed-by: Brandon Mitchell <brandon@twitter.com>

# 3465:d2a62e0f25eb 28-Jun-2012 zgu

6995781: Native Memory Tracking (Phase 1)
7151532: DCmd for hotspot native memory tracking
Summary: Implementation of native memory tracking phase 1, which tracks VM native memory usage, and related DCmd
Reviewed-by: acorn, coleenp, fparain

# 3348:7432b9db36ff 10-May-2012 nloodin

7165755: OS Information much longer on linux than other platforms
Reviewed-by: sla, dholmes

# 2589:7c2653aefc46 05-Aug-2011 iveresov

7060836: RHEL 5.5 and 5.6 should support UseNUMA
Summary: Add a wrapper for sched_getcpu() for systems where libc lacks it
Reviewed-by: ysr
Contributed-by: Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com>

# 2383:139667d9836a 20-Apr-2011 iveresov

7034464: Support transparent large pages on Linux
Summary: Support transparent huge pages on Linux available since 2.6.38
Reviewed-by: iveresov, ysr
Contributed-by: aph@redhat.com

# 1879:f95d63e2154a 23-Nov-2010 stefank

6989984: Use standard include model for Hospot
Summary: Replaced MakeDeps and the includeDB files with more standardized solutions.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, kvn, kamg

# 1472:c18cbe5936b8 27-May-2010 trims

6941466: Oracle rebranding changes for Hotspot repositories
Summary: Change all the Sun copyrights to Oracle copyright
Reviewed-by: ohair

# 844:bd02caa94611 28-Jul-2009 xdono

6862919: Update copyright year
Summary: Update copyright for files that have been modified in 2009, up to 07/09
Reviewed-by: tbell, ohair

# 763:cf71f149d7ae 12-May-2009 iveresov

6840196: NUMA allocator: crash in fastdebug during startup on Linux
Summary: With libnuma >1.2 explicity use 1.1 symbols
Reviewed-by: ysr

# 462:85f1b9537f70 03-Dec-2008 iveresov

6779436: NUMA allocator: libnuma expects certain size of the buffer in numa_node_to_cpus()
Summary: In os::Linux::rebuild_cpu_to_node_map() fix the size of the CPU bitmap. Fixed arithmetic in MutableNUMASpace::adaptive_chunk_size() that could cause overflows and underflows of the chunk_size variable.
Reviewed-by: apetrusenko

# 235:9c2ecc2ffb12 11-Jul-2008 trims


# 199:f139919897d2 17-Jun-2008 xlu

6681796: hotspot build failure on gcc 4.2.x (ubuntu 8.04) w/ openjdk 6
Summary: Fixed the cast from char* to const char* and tried to use const char* as much as possible
Reviewed-by: never, kamg
Contributed-by: xiaobin.lu@sun.com

# 196:d1605aabd0a1 02-Jul-2008 xdono

6719955: Update copyright year
Summary: Update copyright year for files that have been modified in 2008
Reviewed-by: ohair, tbell

# 141:fcbfc50865ab 29-Apr-2008 iveresov

6684395: Port NUMA-aware allocator to linux
Summary: NUMA-aware allocator port to Linux
Reviewed-by: jmasa, apetrusenko

# 0:a61af66fc99e 30-Nov-2007 duke

Initial load