History log of /openjdk10/langtools/make/build.xml
Revision Date Author Comments
# 4090:c7f3df19667b 02-Apr-2017 mcimadamore

8177667: Langtools ant build has issues with Windows file separators
Summary: Replace complex, non-portable regex logic for generating --patch-module option with a script mapper
Reviewed-by: jjg, ksrini

# 3745:08e3ce8305c9 02-Nov-2016 ksrini

8166857: langtools build.xml broken on windows
Reviewed-by: jjg, jlahoda, mcimadamore

# 3700:9e9cd74c2787 11-Oct-2016 jlahoda

8167442: Langtools ant build not working after addition of -Xlint:exports
Summary: Disabling the exports lint when compiling the langtools modules until the warnings are resolved.
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore, forax

# 3618:64182008b2d0 26-Aug-2016 jjg

8164887: update tests to remove use of old-style options
Reviewed-by: mchung

# 3597:a2ae58aab802 19-Aug-2016 mcimadamore

8164481: Remove jtreg run configurations from langtools idea project
Summary: Update langtools intellij project and related ant build files.
Reviewed-by: jlahoda

# 3495:751f9032e692 21-Jun-2016 mcimadamore

8159834: Add some support for jtreg test headers in IntelliJ langtools project
Summary: Add live templates to help creation of jtreg tests
Reviewed-by: jlahoda

# 3437:4344c9ad3c9d 26-May-2016 mcimadamore

8157895: langtools launcher.sh-template script is broken
Summary: Add logic to quote Xpatch paths
Reviewed-by: jjg

# 3411:0b233e7be137 19-May-2016 mcimadamore

8157326: Intellij langtools project should use shared run configurations
Summary: Turn langtools run configurations into shared configurations. Fix minor addExport issues.
Reviewed-by: jlahoda

# 3396:fd398d3bb56a 15-May-2016 mcimadamore

8157030: langtools dev build broken after classfile version bump
Summary: fix build to use different source/target version when compiling build tools
Reviewed-by: jlahoda

# 3379:55d555868636 05-May-2016 mcimadamore

8155959: Langtools ant build should support new Xpatch option format
Summary: Switch ant build and IntelliJ project to use the new Xpatch syntax flavor
Reviewed-by: jlahoda, jjg

# 3294:9adfb22ff08f 17-Mar-2016 alanb

8142968: Module System implementation
Summary: Initial integration of JEP 200, JEP 260, JEP 261, and JEP 282
Reviewed-by: jjg, jlahoda, vromero, mcimadamore, bpatel, ksrini, darcy, anazarov, dfuchs
Contributed-by: alan.bateman@oracle.com, alex.buckley@oracle.com, jonathan.gibbons@oracle.com, karen.kinnear@oracle.com, mandy.chung@oracle.com, mark.reinhold@oracle.com, jan.lahoda@oracle.com, vicente.romero@oracle.com, andreas.lundblad@oracle.com, andrey.x.nazarov@oracle.com, chris.hegarty@oracle.com, erik.joelsson@oracle.com, kumar.x.srinivasan@oracle.com, sundararajan.athijegannathan@oracle.com

# 3068:86e463879ae7 22-Oct-2015 mcimadamore

8140333: Tweak langtools IntelliJ project to better support Kulla changes
Summary: Add support for target.java.home option to the idea target
Reviewed-by: jlahoda

# 3062:15bdc18525ff 19-Oct-2015 jlahoda

8134254: JShell API/tool: REPL for Java into JDK9
Summary: Adding the implementation of the jshell (read-eval-print-loop) tool.
Reviewed-by: briangoetz, mcimadamore, psandoz, forax
Contributed-by: robert.field@oracle.com, bitterfoxc@gmail.com, jan.lahoda@oracle.com

# 2942:08092deced3f 27-May-2015 mchung

8074432: Move jdeps and javap to jdk.jdeps module
Reviewed-by: jjg, alanb, erikj

# 2873:57b69e17048f 03-Apr-2015 jjg

8076583: move jdk.Exported from langtools to jdk
Reviewed-by: darcy, alanb, tbell, mchung, jlahoda

# 2776:aa568700edd1 08-Jan-2015 mcimadamore

8058542: Devise scheme for better diagnostic creation
Summary: Add support for generating (at build-time) an enum-like class containing all javac diagnostics, which allows for safe diagnostic creation.
Reviewed-by: jlahoda, jjg, vromero, erikj, jfranck

# 2746:6e0ebc622bdb 08-Dec-2014 mcimadamore

8066889: IntelliJ langtools launcher ought to be Windows friendly
Summary: Fixup file and path separators in project setup stage.
Reviewed-by: jlahoda

# 2710:9144dcb5bd6a 07-Nov-2014 jlahoda

8058489: More adjustments of langtools/make/build.xml to modularized layout
Summary: Re-structuring the langtools/make/build.xml to reflect the modular layout, cleanup of the build script
Reviewed-by: jjg, mcimadamore, ksrini

# 2603:00d021d01485 27-Aug-2014 ksrini

8038732: [javadoc] NetBeans IDE target does not build doclets
Reviewed-by: jjg, jlahoda

# 2571:10fc81ac75b4 17-Aug-2014 chegar

8054834: Modular Source Code
Reviewed-by: alanb, chegar, ihse, mduigou
Contributed-by: alan.bateman@oracle.com, alex.buckley@oracle.com, chris.hegarty@oracle.com, erik.joelsson@oracle.com, jonathan.gibbons@oracle.com, karen.kinnear@oracle.com, magnus.ihse.bursie@oracle.com, mandy.chung@oracle.com, mark.reinhold@oracle.com, paul.sandoz@oracle.com

# 2568:d2b75f318fea 01-Aug-2014 jlahoda

8043643: Add an crules analyzer avoiding string concatenation in messages of Assert checks.
Summary: Generalizing the crules infrastructure, adding a new analyzer to check String concatenation in Assert calls.
Reviewed-by: jjg, vromero

# 2559:ea227dce3324 22-Jul-2014 mcimadamore

8049234: Add support for running/debugging bootstrap tools in IntelliJ
Summary: Add support for bootstrap tools; overhaul ant logger
Reviewed-by: vromero

# 2547:e6e8e286c316 15-Jul-2014 jjg

8050805: Add a target to langtools/make/build.xml to generate docs for test library classes
Reviewed-by: ksrini

# 2507:45882ef4495c 01-Jul-2014 mcimadamore

8048905: More tweaking with langtools intellij support
Summary: Add support for 'jtreg.home' property; fix code width to be 80; disable import optimizations
Reviewed-by: vromero

# 2487:f935f27abaef 24-Jun-2014 mcimadamore

8046451: Add basic IntelliJ support for langtools
Summary: Add new ant target 'idea' to create IntelliJ langtools project
Reviewed-by: jjg

# 2133:b0c086cd4520 15-Oct-2013 jjg

8026564: import changes from type-annotations forest
Reviewed-by: jjg
Contributed-by: wdietl@gmail.com, steve.sides@oracle.com

# 2098:1b469fd31e35 09-Oct-2013 jlahoda

8025087: Annotation processing api returns default modifier for interface static method
Summary: ClassReader must not set Flags.DEFAULT for interface static methods
Reviewed-by: vromero, jjg

# 1713:f3f3ac1273e8 26-Apr-2013 vromero

8010304: javac should detect all mutable implicit static fields in langtools using a plugin
Reviewed-by: jjg

# 1646:578eb3dd111d 19-Mar-2013 jjg

8010315: doclint errors in javac public API
Reviewed-by: darcy

# 1503:22e417cdddee 17-Jan-2013 ohrstrom

8004658: Add internal smart javac wrapper to solve JEP 139
Reviewed-by: jjg

# 1408:33abf479f202 14-Nov-2012 jjg

7021614: extend com.sun.source API to support parsing javadoc comments
Reviewed-by: ksrini, strarup

# 1223:7245999a0075 07-Mar-2012 ohrstrom

7150579: Moved ant code into a separate package, anttasks.
Summary: To allow langtools to be built without ant, the ant tasks were moved to a separated package. The packages were also renamed to proper lower case package names.
Reviewed-by: jjg

# 1195:cd5ca700da4c 12-Feb-2012 jjg

7144979: incorrect path separator in make/build.xml for Windows when running jtreg tests
Reviewed-by: jjg
Contributed-by: jan.valenta@oracle.com

# 1193:2360c8213989 05-Feb-2012 darcy

7041249: Remove apt tool and API from the JDK
Reviewed-by: jjg, ohair

# 1136:c1238fcc9515 14-Nov-2011 ksrini

7110974: (javac) add coding conventions and style checkers for langtools
Reviewed-by: jjg

# 1044:18002d039806 23-Jun-2011 jjg

7058174: Reduce langtools build warnings
Reviewed-by: jjg
Contributed-by: alexandre.boulgakov@oracle.com

# 971:694ff82ca68e 13-Apr-2011 jjh

7032975: API files in javax.annotation.processing need to be updated for references to JLS
7032972: API files in javax.tools need to updated for references to JVM Spec with editions/hyperlinks
7032978: API files in javax.tools need to be updated for references to JLS with editions/hyperlinks
Summary: Removed URLs and 'edition' references
Reviewed-by: jjg, darcy

# 944:26ea2557214a 25-Mar-2011 jjg

7009599: javac build puts extraneous files into dist/lib/classes.jar
Reviewed-by: ohair

# 872:747a7601b6d6 10-Feb-2011 jjg

7018452: langtools not buildable on Mac
Reviewed-by: ohair

# 841:3da26790ccb7 26-Jan-2011 jjg

7013272: Automatically generate info about how compiler resource keys are used
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 824:19f9b6548c70 14-Jan-2011 ksrini

7011272: langtools build.xml should provide a patch target
Reviewed-by: jonathan, jjh

# 806:dd38bab326a3 23-Dec-2010 jjh

7008869: Debug printlns accidentally added to make/build.xml
Summary: Delete bogus echo statements
Reviewed-by: ksrini

# 804:7c33098600b2 21-Dec-2010 jjh

7008378: javac bootstrap launcher fails on cygwin when called via an absolute path
Summary: Use cygpath if it is cygwin
Reviewed-by: ksrini

# 680:e92ae290fb47 13-Sep-2010 jjg

6978974: [langtools] <findbugs> task should use ${target.java.home}
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 679:80505c2026e7 13-Sep-2010 jjg

6965264: langtools build should use ${ant.core.lib} instead of ${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore
Contributed-by: jesse.glick@oracle.com

# 655:6ef801fa38b7 25-Aug-2010 jjg

6979564: ":" for path separator in dist/bin/javac does not work on Windows
Reviewed-by: jjh

# 609:3640b60bd0f6 22-Jul-2010 jjg

6968063: provide examples of code that generate diagnostics
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 582:224533455888 11-Jun-2010 jjg

6877961: langtools build should allow more options when running jtreg
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 578:d33b91f360fc 04-Jun-2010 jjg

6958802: cleanup and doc langtools build.xml file
Reviewed-by: ohair

# 577:b7fc560217d3 04-Jun-2010 jjg

6958391: add vizant support to langtools build
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 553:9d9f26857129 25-May-2010 ohair

6943119: Rebrand source copyright notices
Reviewed-by: darcy

# 462:96c56220dcc2 08-Jan-2010 jjg

6915152: langtools build failures with import.jdk on Windows
Reviewed-by: ohair

# 449:4011f49b4af8 11-Dec-2009 jjg

6906175: bridge JSR199 and JSR 203 APIs
Reviewed-by: darcy, alanb

# 440:4325b440eb3e 20-Nov-2009 jjg

6902337: fix langtools build to allow forward refs into jdk/ repo
Reviewed-by: ohair, mcimadamore

# 439:243d0be1ba99 20-Nov-2009 jjg

6903456: 6898585 drops javadoc doclet.xml from JDK
Reviewed-by: ohair

# 435:cff85998bf4d 17-Nov-2009 jjg

6898585: restructure langtools build.xml to facilitate more options for <build-classes> macro
Reviewed-by: ohair

# 415:c287d51c57da 23-Sep-2009 jjg

6572945: javah should be written as an annotation processor, not a doclet
Reviewed-by: darcy

# 373:2aa3a1cdb094 19-Aug-2009 andrew

6873059: Explicitly use -source 6 -target 6 when compiling with the boot jdk
Summary: Set source and target explicitly in pcompile task
Reviewed-by: jjg

# 370:71680973d8ec 12-Aug-2009 jjg

6758471: should be able to set jtreg options in langtools build
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 369:8a03f3c7d160 12-Aug-2009 jjg

6870706: langtools launcher issues
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 365:beefdeb352e6 11-Aug-2009 jjg

6870591: langtools build sets javac.bootclasspath incorrectly
Reviewed-by: ohair

# 291:163f5d75f77a 11-Jun-2009 tbell


# 290:47cf04bb80c9 29-May-2009 jjg

6838199: remove support for old javap
Reviewed-by: ohair, mcimadamore

# 285:79eb8795a1de 20-May-2009 jjg

6827026: Change javac source and target default to 7
Reviewed-by: darcy, ohair

# 272:f3d27f02683c 06-May-2009 aph

6837665: Deal with windows ant problem where commas in -D options do not work
Summary: Rewrite to avoid commas in -D options
Reviewed-by: ohair

# 228:03bcd66bd8e7 09-Mar-2009 xdono

6814575: Update copyright year
Summary: Update copyright for files that have been modified in 2009, up to 03/09
Reviewed-by: katleman, tbell, ohair

# 200:e3930187199c 23-Jan-2009 jjg

6795365: NetBeans projects in langtools repository are not NB6.5-friendly
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 199:e6dafbf35355 22-Jan-2009 jjg

6796965: dev-time wrapper script for javac broken
Reviewed-by: ksrini

# 198:d486ac6389d7 21-Jan-2009 jjg

6795030: Files in langtools build can be compiled ignoring java.home settings
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 53:eaf608c64fec 02-Jul-2008 xdono

6719955: Update copyright year
Summary: Update copyright year for files that have been modified in 2008
Reviewed-by: ohair, tbell

# 45:7708bd6d800d 03-Jun-2008 jjg

4075303: Use javap to enquire aboput a specific inner class
4348375: Javap is not internationalized
4459541: "javap -l" shows line numbers as signed short; they should be unsigned
4501660: change diagnostic of -help as 'print this help message and exit'
4776241: unused source file in javap...
4870651: javap should recognize generics, varargs, enum
4876942: javap invoked without args does not print help screen
4880663: javap could output whitespace between class name and opening brace
4975569: javap doesn't print new flag bits
6271787: javap dumps LocalVariableTypeTable attribute in hex, needs to print a table
6305779: javap: support annotations
6439940: Clean up javap implementation
6469569: wrong check of searchpath in JavapEnvironment
6474890: javap does not open .zip files in -classpath
6587786: Javap throws error : "ERROR:Could not find <classname>" for JRE classes
6622215: javap ignores certain relevant access flags
6622216: javap names some attributes incorrectly
6622232: javap gets whitespace confused
6622260: javap prints negative bytes incorrectly in hex
Reviewed-by: ksrini

# 0:9a66ca7c79fa 30-Nov-2007 duke

Initial load