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FLAC++/metadata.h: metadata object classes
[FLAC++/metadata.h: metadata interfaces]

Detailed Description

This module contains classes representing FLAC metadata blocks in memory.

The behavior closely mimics the C layer interface; be sure to read the detailed description of the C metadata object module .

Any time a metadata object is constructed or assigned, you should check is_valid() to make sure the underlying FLAC__StreamMetadata object was able to be created.

When the get_*() methods of any metadata object method return you a const pointer, DO NOT disobey and write into it. Always use the set_*() methods.


class  FLAC::Metadata::Prototype
class  FLAC::Metadata::StreamInfo
class  FLAC::Metadata::Padding
class  FLAC::Metadata::Application
class  FLAC::Metadata::SeekTable
class  FLAC::Metadata::VorbisComment
class  FLAC::Metadata::CueSheet
class  FLAC::Metadata::Picture
class  FLAC::Metadata::Unknown


Prototype * FLAC::Metadata::clone (const Prototype *)
bool FLAC::Metadata::Prototype::operator== (const Prototype &) const
bool operator== (const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata &) const
bool operator== (const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *) const
bool FLAC::Metadata::Prototype::operator!= (const Prototype &) const
bool operator!= (const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata &) const
bool operator!= (const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *) const
bool FLAC::Metadata::Prototype::is_valid () const
 FLAC::Metadata::Prototype::operator const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata * () const

Function Documentation

Prototype* FLAC::Metadata::clone const Prototype *   ) 

Create a deep copy of an object and return it.

bool FLAC::Metadata::Prototype::operator== const Prototype  )  const [inline, inherited]

Check for equality, performing a deep compare by following pointers.

bool FLAC::Metadata::Prototype::operator!= const Prototype  )  const [inline, inherited]

Check for inequality, performing a deep compare by following pointers.

bool FLAC::Metadata::Prototype::is_valid  )  const [inline, inherited]

Returns true if the object was correctly constructed (i.e. the underlying FLAC__StreamMetadata object was properly allocated), else false.

FLAC::Metadata::Prototype::operator const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *  )  const [inline, inherited]

Returns a pointer to the underlying FLAC__StreamMetadata object. This can be useful for plugging any holes between the C++ and C interfaces.
