E q u i 4 Metakit 2.0
December 1999

About these pages

As you can see on the right, this Metakit documentation is presented using a frames-based "browser" interface, which should make it easy to navigate and find specific information (click here if you don't see the index pane).

The Class Index describes the API of all the public classes in Metakit. The Sample Index describes each of the samples supplied as part of the evaluation package. The Tips and Tricks section goes into issues such as performance and gives more advanced background information.

Class hierarchy

The following list only mentions the public API classes (core classes in bold):

Base class: Derived classes: Virtual:
c4_Bytes -No
c4_Cursor -No
c4_CustomViewer -Abstract
c4_Property c4_IntProp, c4_StringProp, ... No
c4_Reference c4_IntRef, c4_StringRef, ... No
c4_RowRef c4_Row No
c4_Sequence -Yes
c4_Storage -No
c4_Strategy -Yes
c4_View -No

The class documentation was generated using [Perceps], by Mark Peskin.


Term: Description: Similar to:
Attached Managed by storage object persistent, on file
Cursor Position in a view pointer, recnum
Property One data-value in a row field, item
Row Zero or more related data-values tuple
RowRef A row, or an entry in a view record, array element
Storage Maintains a datafile database
Streaming Sequential I/O (no seeks) flattening, serializing
View An indexable collection of rows table, vector

Where to find the latest news

The "official" Metakit Homepage is at:   [http://www.equi4.com/metakit/]
You can subscribe to topics in the Support Forum to be notified by email.

Technical support

Metakit is actively supported by its designer (yours truly). If you run into unexpected problems with this library please get in touch.

-- Jean-Claude Wippler <jcw@equi4.com>

  Roadmap   Class Index   Sample Index   Tips and Tricks

© 1999 Equi4 Software. All rights reserved.