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FLAC::Metadata::Chain Class Reference
[FLAC++/metadata.h: metadata level 2 interface]

#include <metadata.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

This class is a wrapper around the FLAC__metadata_chain structures and methods; see the usage guide and FLAC__Metadata_Chain.

Public Member Functions

bool is_valid () const
Status status ()
bool read (const char *filename, bool is_ogg=false)
bool read (FLAC__IOHandle handle, FLAC__IOCallbacks callbacks, bool is_ogg=false)
bool check_if_tempfile_needed (bool use_padding)
bool write (bool use_padding=true, bool preserve_file_stats=false)
bool write (bool use_padding,::FLAC__IOHandle handle,::FLAC__IOCallbacks callbacks)
bool write (bool use_padding,::FLAC__IOHandle handle,::FLAC__IOCallbacks callbacks,::FLAC__IOHandle temp_handle,::FLAC__IOCallbacks temp_callbacks)
void merge_padding ()
void sort_padding ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void clear ()

Protected Attributes



class Iterator


class  Status

Member Function Documentation

bool FLAC::Metadata::Chain::is_valid  )  const

Returns true iff object was properly constructed.

Status FLAC::Metadata::Chain::status  ) 

See FLAC__metadata_chain_status().

bool FLAC::Metadata::Chain::read const char *  filename,
bool  is_ogg = false

See FLAC__metadata_chain_read(), FLAC__metadata_chain_read_ogg().

bool FLAC::Metadata::Chain::read FLAC__IOHandle  handle,
FLAC__IOCallbacks  callbacks,
bool  is_ogg = false

See FLAC__metadata_chain_read_with_callbacks(), FLAC__metadata_chain_read_ogg_with_callbacks().

bool FLAC::Metadata::Chain::check_if_tempfile_needed bool  use_padding  ) 

See FLAC__metadata_chain_check_if_tempfile_needed().

bool FLAC::Metadata::Chain::write bool  use_padding = true,
bool  preserve_file_stats = false

See FLAC__metadata_chain_write().

bool FLAC::Metadata::Chain::write bool  use_padding,
::FLAC__IOHandle  handle,
::FLAC__IOCallbacks  callbacks

See FLAC__metadata_chain_write_with_callbacks().

bool FLAC::Metadata::Chain::write bool  use_padding,
::FLAC__IOHandle  handle,
::FLAC__IOCallbacks  callbacks,
::FLAC__IOHandle  temp_handle,
::FLAC__IOCallbacks  temp_callbacks

See FLAC__metadata_chain_write_with_callbacks_and_tempfile().

void FLAC::Metadata::Chain::merge_padding  ) 

See FLAC__metadata_chain_merge_padding().

void FLAC::Metadata::Chain::sort_padding  ) 

See FLAC__metadata_chain_sort_padding().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: