2.7. Uninstalling Sourcery CodeBench Lite

The method used to uninstall Sourcery CodeBench Lite depends on the method you originally used to install it. If you have modified any files in the installation it is recommended that you back up these changes. The uninstall procedure may remove the files you have altered. In particular, the arm-none-eabi directory located in the install directory will be removed entirely by the uninstaller.

2.7.1. Using the Sourcery CodeBench Lite Uninstaller on Microsoft Windows

You should use the provided uninstaller to remove a Sourcery CodeBench Lite installation originally created by the graphical installer. Start the graphical uninstaller by invoking the Uninstall executable located in your installation directory, or use the uninstall shortcut created during installation. After the uninstaller starts, follow the on-screen dialogs to uninstall Sourcery CodeBench Lite.

You can run the uninstaller in console mode, rather than using the graphical interface, by invoking the Uninstall executable found in your Sourcery CodeBench Lite installation directory with the -i console command-line option.

To uninstall third-party drivers bundled with Sourcery CodeBench Lite, first disconnect the associated hardware device. Then use Uninstall a program (Vista and newer) or Add or Remove Programs (older versions of Windows) to remove the drivers separately. Depending on the device, you may need to reboot your computer to complete the driver uninstall.

2.7.2.  Using the Sourcery CodeBench Lite Uninstaller on GNU/Linux

You should use the provided uninstaller to remove a Sourcery CodeBench Lite installation originally created by the executable installer script. Start the graphical uninstaller by invoking the executable Uninstall shell script located in your installation directory. After the uninstaller starts, follow the on-screen dialogs to uninstall Sourcery CodeBench Lite.

You can run the uninstaller in console mode, rather than using the graphical interface, by invoking the Uninstall script with the -i console command-line option.

2.7.3. Uninstalling a Compressed Archive Installation

If you installed Sourcery CodeBench Lite from a .tar.bz2 file, you can uninstall it by manually deleting the installation directory created in the install procedure.