6.8. Debugging a Remote Board

You can run the Sourcery CodeBench Debug Sprite on a different machine from the one on which GDB is running. For example, if your board is connected to a machine in your lab, you can run the debugger on your laptop and connect to the remote board. The Sourcery CodeBench Debug Sprite must run on the machine that is connected to the target board. You must have Sourcery CodeBench installed on both machines.

To use this mode, you must start the Sprite with the -l option and specify the port on which you want it to listen. For example:

> arm-none-eabi-sprite -l :10000 device-url board-file

starts the Sprite listening on port 10000.

When running GDB from the command line, use the following command to connect GDB to the remote Sprite:

(gdb) target remote host:10000

where host is the name of the remote machine. After this, debugging is just as if you are debugging a target board connected to your host machine.

For more detailed instructions on using the Sourcery CodeBench Debug Sprite in this way, please refer to the Sourcery CodeBench Knowledge Base.