Deleted Added
full compact
pr.c (24360) pr.c (37262)
2 * Copyright (c) 1991 Keith Muller.
3 * Copyright (c) 1993
4 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
5 *
6 * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
7 * Keith Muller of the University of California, San Diego.
8 *

--- 1241 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1250 int argc;
1251 char **argv;
1252 char **fname;
1253 char *buf;
1254 int dt;
1256 FILE *inf = NULL;
1257 struct timeval tv;
2 * Copyright (c) 1991 Keith Muller.
3 * Copyright (c) 1993
4 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
5 *
6 * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
7 * Keith Muller of the University of California, San Diego.
8 *

--- 1241 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1250 int argc;
1251 char **argv;
1252 char **fname;
1253 char *buf;
1254 int dt;
1256 FILE *inf = NULL;
1257 struct timeval tv;
1258 time_t tv_sec;
1258 struct timezone tz;
1259 struct tm *timeptr = NULL;
1260 struct stat statbuf;
1261 static int twice = -1;
1263 ++twice;
1264 if (eoptind >= argc) {
1265 /*

--- 11 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1277 return(inf);
1278 if (gettimeofday(&tv, &tz) < 0) {
1279 ++errcnt;
1280 (void)fprintf(err, "pr: cannot get time of day, %s\n",
1281 strerror(errno));
1282 eoptind = argc - 1;
1283 return(NULL);
1284 }
1259 struct timezone tz;
1260 struct tm *timeptr = NULL;
1261 struct stat statbuf;
1262 static int twice = -1;
1264 ++twice;
1265 if (eoptind >= argc) {
1266 /*

--- 11 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1278 return(inf);
1279 if (gettimeofday(&tv, &tz) < 0) {
1280 ++errcnt;
1281 (void)fprintf(err, "pr: cannot get time of day, %s\n",
1282 strerror(errno));
1283 eoptind = argc - 1;
1284 return(NULL);
1285 }
1285 timeptr = localtime(&(tv.tv_sec));
1286 tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
1287 timeptr = localtime(&tv_sec);
1286 }
1287 for (; eoptind < argc; ++eoptind) {
1288 if (strcmp(argv[eoptind], "-") == 0) {
1289 /*
1290 * process a "-" for filename
1291 */
1292 clearerr(stdin);
1293 inf = stdin;

--- 6 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1300 return(inf);
1301 if (gettimeofday(&tv, &tz) < 0) {
1302 ++errcnt;
1303 (void)fprintf(err,
1304 "pr: cannot get time of day, %s\n",
1305 strerror(errno));
1306 return(NULL);
1307 }
1288 }
1289 for (; eoptind < argc; ++eoptind) {
1290 if (strcmp(argv[eoptind], "-") == 0) {
1291 /*
1292 * process a "-" for filename
1293 */
1294 clearerr(stdin);
1295 inf = stdin;

--- 6 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1302 return(inf);
1303 if (gettimeofday(&tv, &tz) < 0) {
1304 ++errcnt;
1305 (void)fprintf(err,
1306 "pr: cannot get time of day, %s\n",
1307 strerror(errno));
1308 return(NULL);
1309 }
1308 timeptr = localtime(&(tv.tv_sec));
1310 tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
1311 timeptr = localtime(&tv_sec);
1309 } else {
1310 /*
1311 * normal file processing
1312 */
1313 if ((inf = fopen(argv[eoptind], "r")) == NULL) {
1314 ++errcnt;
1315 if (nodiag)
1316 continue;

--- 14 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1331 if (dt) {
1332 if (gettimeofday(&tv, &tz) < 0) {
1333 ++errcnt;
1334 (void)fprintf(err,
1335 "pr: cannot get time of day, %s\n",
1336 strerror(errno));
1337 return(NULL);
1338 }
1312 } else {
1313 /*
1314 * normal file processing
1315 */
1316 if ((inf = fopen(argv[eoptind], "r")) == NULL) {
1317 ++errcnt;
1318 if (nodiag)
1319 continue;

--- 14 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1334 if (dt) {
1335 if (gettimeofday(&tv, &tz) < 0) {
1336 ++errcnt;
1337 (void)fprintf(err,
1338 "pr: cannot get time of day, %s\n",
1339 strerror(errno));
1340 return(NULL);
1341 }
1339 timeptr = localtime(&(tv.tv_sec));
1342 tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
1343 timeptr = localtime(&tv_sec);
1340 } else {
1341 if (fstat(fileno(inf), &statbuf) < 0) {
1342 ++errcnt;
1343 (void)fclose(inf);
1344 (void)fprintf(err,
1345 "pr: Cannot stat %s, %s\n",
1346 argv[eoptind], strerror(errno));
1347 return(NULL);

--- 463 unchanged lines hidden ---
1344 } else {
1345 if (fstat(fileno(inf), &statbuf) < 0) {
1346 ++errcnt;
1347 (void)fclose(inf);
1348 (void)fprintf(err,
1349 "pr: Cannot stat %s, %s\n",
1350 argv[eoptind], strerror(errno));
1351 return(NULL);

--- 463 unchanged lines hidden ---