1from xnu import *
2import xnudefines
3from kdp import *
4from utils import *
6def ReadPhysInt(phys_addr, bitsize = 64, cpuval = None):
7    """ Read a physical memory data based on address.
8        params:
9            phys_addr : int - Physical address to read
10            bitsize   : int - defines how many bytes to read. defaults to 64 bit
11            cpuval    : None (optional)
12        returns:
13            int - int value read from memory. in case of failure 0xBAD10AD is returned.
14    """
15    if "kdp" == GetConnectionProtocol():
16        return KDPReadPhysMEM(phys_addr, bitsize)
18    #NO KDP. Attempt to use physical memory
19    paddr_in_kva = kern.PhysToKernelVirt(long(phys_addr))
20    if paddr_in_kva :
21        if bitsize == 64 :
22            return kern.GetValueFromAddress(paddr_in_kva, 'uint64_t *').GetSBValue().Dereference().GetValueAsUnsigned()
23        if bitsize == 32 :
24            return kern.GetValueFromAddress(paddr_in_kva, 'uint32_t *').GetSBValue().Dereference().GetValueAsUnsigned()
25        if bitsize == 16 :
26            return kern.GetValueFromAddress(paddr_in_kva, 'uint16_t *').GetSBValue().Dereference().GetValueAsUnsigned()
27        if bitsize == 8 :
28            return kern.GetValueFromAddress(paddr_in_kva, 'uint8_t *').GetSBValue().Dereference().GetValueAsUnsigned()
29    return 0xBAD10AD
32def ReadPhys(cmd_args = None):
33    """ Reads the specified untranslated address
34        The argument is interpreted as a physical address, and the 64-bit word
35        addressed is displayed.
36        usage: readphys <nbits> <address>
37        nbits: 8,16,32,64
38        address: 1234 or 0x1234
39    """
40    if cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) < 2:
41        print "Insufficient arguments.", ReadPhys.__doc__
42        return False
43    else:
44        nbits = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0])
45        phys_addr = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[1])
46        print "{0: <#x}".format(ReadPhysInt(phys_addr, nbits))
47    return True
49lldb_alias('readphys8', 'readphys 8 ')
50lldb_alias('readphys16', 'readphys 16 ')
51lldb_alias('readphys32', 'readphys 32 ')
52lldb_alias('readphys64', 'readphys 64 ')
54def KDPReadPhysMEM(address, bits):
55    """ Setup the state for READPHYSMEM64 commands for reading data via kdp
56        params:
57            address : int - address where to read the data from
58            bits : int - number of bits in the intval (8/16/32/64)
59        returns:
60            int: read value from memory.
61            0xBAD10AD: if failed to read data.
62    """
63    retval = 0xBAD10AD
64    if "kdp" != GetConnectionProtocol():
65        print "Target is not connected over kdp. Nothing to do here."
66        return retval
68    input_address = unsigned(addressof(kern.globals.manual_pkt.input))
69    len_address = unsigned(addressof(kern.globals.manual_pkt.len))
70    data_address = unsigned(addressof(kern.globals.manual_pkt.data))
71    if not WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress(0, input_address):
72        return retval
74    kdp_pkt_size = GetType('kdp_readphysmem64_req_t').GetByteSize()
75    if not WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress(kdp_pkt_size, len_address):
76        return retval
78    data_addr = int(addressof(kern.globals.manual_pkt))
79    pkt = kern.GetValueFromAddress(data_addr, 'kdp_readphysmem64_req_t *')
81    header_value =GetKDPPacketHeaderInt(request=GetEnumValue('kdp_req_t::KDP_READPHYSMEM64'), length=kdp_pkt_size)
83    if ( WriteInt64ToMemoryAddress((header_value), int(addressof(pkt.hdr))) and
84         WriteInt64ToMemoryAddress(address, int(addressof(pkt.address))) and
85         WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress((bits/8), int(addressof(pkt.nbytes))) and
86         WriteInt16ToMemoryAddress(xnudefines.lcpu_self, int(addressof(pkt.lcpu)))
87         ):
89        if WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress(1, input_address):
90            # now read data from the kdp packet
91            data_address = unsigned(addressof(kern.GetValueFromAddress(int(addressof(kern.globals.manual_pkt.data)), 'kdp_readphysmem64_reply_t *').data))
92            if bits == 64 :
93                retval =  kern.GetValueFromAddress(data_address, 'uint64_t *').GetSBValue().Dereference().GetValueAsUnsigned()
94            if bits == 32 :
95                retval =  kern.GetValueFromAddress(data_address, 'uint32_t *').GetSBValue().Dereference().GetValueAsUnsigned()
96            if bits == 16 :
97                retval =  kern.GetValueFromAddress(data_address, 'uint16_t *').GetSBValue().Dereference().GetValueAsUnsigned()
98            if bits == 8 :
99                retval =  kern.GetValueFromAddress(data_address, 'uint8_t *').GetSBValue().Dereference().GetValueAsUnsigned()
100    return retval
103def KDPWritePhysMEM(address, intval, bits):
104    """ Setup the state for WRITEPHYSMEM64 commands for saving data in kdp
105        params:
106            address : int - address where to save the data
107            intval : int - integer value to be stored in memory
108            bits : int - number of bits in the intval (8/16/32/64)
109        returns:
110            boolean: True if the write succeeded.
111    """
112    if "kdp" != GetConnectionProtocol():
113        print "Target is not connected over kdp. Nothing to do here."
114        return False
115    input_address = unsigned(addressof(kern.globals.manual_pkt.input))
116    len_address = unsigned(addressof(kern.globals.manual_pkt.len))
117    data_address = unsigned(addressof(kern.globals.manual_pkt.data))
118    if not WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress(0, input_address):
119        return False
121    kdp_pkt_size = GetType('kdp_writephysmem64_req_t').GetByteSize()
122    if not WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress(kdp_pkt_size, len_address):
123        return False
125    data_addr = int(addressof(kern.globals.manual_pkt))
126    pkt = kern.GetValueFromAddress(data_addr, 'kdp_writephysmem64_req_t *')
128    header_value =GetKDPPacketHeaderInt(request=GetEnumValue('kdp_req_t::KDP_WRITEPHYSMEM64'), length=kdp_pkt_size)
130    if ( WriteInt64ToMemoryAddress((header_value), int(addressof(pkt.hdr))) and
131         WriteInt64ToMemoryAddress(address, int(addressof(pkt.address))) and
132         WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress((bits/8), int(addressof(pkt.nbytes))) and
133         WriteInt16ToMemoryAddress(xnudefines.lcpu_self, int(addressof(pkt.lcpu)))
134         ):
136        if bits == 8:
137            if not WriteInt8ToMemoryAddress(intval, int(addressof(pkt.data))):
138                return False
139        if bits == 16:
140            if not WriteInt16ToMemoryAddress(intval, int(addressof(pkt.data))):
141                return False
142        if bits == 32:
143            if not WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress(intval, int(addressof(pkt.data))):
144                return False
145        if bits == 64:
146            if not WriteInt64ToMemoryAddress(intval, int(addressof(pkt.data))):
147                return False
148        if WriteInt32ToMemoryAddress(1, input_address):
149            return True
150    return False
153def WritePhysInt(phys_addr, int_val, bitsize = 64):
154    """ Write and integer value in a physical memory data based on address.
155        params:
156            phys_addr : int - Physical address to read
157            int_val   : int - int value to write in memory
158            bitsize   : int - defines how many bytes to read. defaults to 64 bit
159        returns:
160            bool - True if write was successful.
161    """
162    if "kdp" == GetConnectionProtocol():
163        if not KDPWritePhysMEM(phys_addr, int_val, bitsize):
164            print "Failed to write via KDP."
165            return False
166        return True
167    #We are not connected via KDP. So do manual math and savings.
168    print "Failed: Write to physical memory is not supported for %s connection." % GetConnectionProtocol()
169    return False
172def WritePhys(cmd_args=None):
173    """ writes to the specified untranslated address
174        The argument is interpreted as a physical address, and the 64-bit word
175        addressed is displayed.
176        usage: writephys <nbits> <address> <value>
177        nbits: 8,16,32,64
178        address: 1234 or 0x1234
179        value: int value to be written
180        ex. (lldb)writephys 16 0x12345abcd 0x25
181    """
182    if cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) < 3:
183        print "Invalid arguments.", WritePhys.__doc__
184    else:
185        nbits = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[0])
186        phys_addr = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[1])
187        int_value = ArgumentStringToInt(cmd_args[2])
188        print WritePhysInt(phys_addr, int_value, nbits)
191lldb_alias('writephys8', 'writephys 8 ')
192lldb_alias('writephys16', 'writephys 16 ')
193lldb_alias('writephys32', 'writephys 32 ')
194lldb_alias('writephys64', 'writephys 64 ')
196def _PT_Step(paddr, index, verbose_level = vSCRIPT):
197    """
198     Step to lower-level page table and print attributes
199       paddr: current page table entry physical address
200       index: current page table entry index (0..511)
201       verbose_level:    vHUMAN: print nothing
202                         vSCRIPT: print basic information
203                         vDETAIL: print basic information and hex table dump
204     returns: (pt_paddr, pt_valid, pt_large)
205       pt_paddr: next level page table entry physical address
206                      or null if invalid
207       pt_valid: 1 if $kgm_pt_paddr is valid, 0 if the walk
208                      should be aborted
209       pt_large: 1 if kgm_pt_paddr is a page frame address
210                      of a large page and not another page table entry
211    """
212    entry_addr = paddr + (8 * index)
213    entry = ReadPhysInt(entry_addr, 64, xnudefines.lcpu_self )
214    out_string = ''
215    if verbose_level >= vDETAIL:
216        for pte_loop in range(0, 512):
217            paddr_tmp = paddr + (8 * pte_loop)
218            out_string += "{0: <#020x}:\t {1: <#020x}\n".format(paddr_tmp, ReadPhysInt(paddr_tmp, 64, xnudefines.lcpu_self))
219    paddr_mask = ~((0xfff<<52) | 0xfff)
220    paddr_large_mask =  ~((0xfff<<52) | 0x1fffff)
221    pt_valid = False
222    pt_large = False
223    pt_paddr = 0
224    if verbose_level < vSCRIPT:
225        if entry & 0x1 :
226            pt_valid = True
227            pt_large = False
228            pt_paddr = entry & paddr_mask
229            if entry & (0x1 <<7):
230                pt_large = True
231                pt_paddr = entry & paddr_large_mask
232    else:
233        out_string+= "{0: <#020x}:\n\t{1:#020x}\n\t".format(entry_addr, entry)
234        if entry & 0x1:
235            out_string += " valid"
236            pt_paddr = entry & paddr_mask
237            pt_valid = True
238        else:
239            out_string += " invalid"
240            pt_paddr = 0
241            pt_valid = False
242            #Stop decoding other bits
243            entry = 0
244        if entry & (0x1 << 1):
245            out_string += " writable"
246        else:
247            out_string += " read-only"
249        if entry & (0x1 << 2):
250            out_string += " user"
251        else:
252            out_string += " supervisor"
254        if entry & (0x1 << 3):
255            out_string += " PWT"
257        if entry & (0x1 << 4):
258            out_string += " PCD"
260        if entry & (0x1 << 5):
261            out_string += " accessed"
263        if entry & (0x1 << 6):
264            out_string += " dirty"
266        if entry & (0x1 << 7):
267            out_string += " large"
268            pt_large = True
269        else:
270            pt_large = False
272        if entry & (0x1 << 8):
273            out_string += " global"
275        if entry & (0x3 << 9):
276            out_string += " avail:{0:x}".format((entry >> 9) & 0x3)
278        if entry & (0x1 << 63):
279            out_string += " noexec"
280    print out_string
281    return (pt_paddr, pt_valid, pt_large)
286def _PmapL4Walk(pmap_addr_val,vaddr, verbose_level = vSCRIPT):
287    """ Walk the l4 pmap entry.
288        params: pmap_addr_val - core.value representing kernel data of type pmap_addr_t
289        vaddr : int - virtual address to walk
290    """
291    is_cpu64_bit = int(kern.globals.cpu_64bit)
292    pt_paddr = unsigned(pmap_addr_val)
293    pt_valid = (unsigned(pmap_addr_val) != 0)
294    pt_large = 0
295    pframe_offset = 0
296    if pt_valid and is_cpu64_bit:
297        # Lookup bits 47:39 of linear address in PML4T
298        pt_index = (vaddr >> 39) & 0x1ff
299        pframe_offset = vaddr & 0x7fffffffff
300        if verbose_level > vHUMAN :
301            print "pml4 (index {0:d}):".format(pt_index)
302        (pt_paddr, pt_valid, pt_large) = _PT_Step(pt_paddr, pt_index, verbose_level)
303    if pt_valid:
304        # Lookup bits 38:30 of the linear address in PDPT
305        pt_index = (vaddr >> 30) & 0x1ff
306        pframe_offset = vaddr & 0x3fffffff
307        if verbose_level > vHUMAN:
308            print "pdpt (index {0:d}):".format(pt_index)
309        (pt_paddr, pt_valid, pt_large) = _PT_Step(pt_paddr, pt_index, verbose_level)
310    if pt_valid and not pt_large:
311        #Lookup bits 29:21 of the linear address in PDPT
312        pt_index = (vaddr >> 21) & 0x1ff
313        pframe_offset = vaddr & 0x1fffff
314        if verbose_level > vHUMAN:
315            print "pdt (index {0:d}):".format(pt_index)
316        (pt_paddr, pt_valid, pt_large) = _PT_Step(pt_paddr, pt_index, verbose_level)
317    if pt_valid and not pt_large:
318        #Lookup bits 20:21 of linear address in PT
319        pt_index = (vaddr >> 12) & 0x1ff
320        pframe_offset = vaddr & 0xfff
321        if verbose_level > vHUMAN:
322            print "pt (index {0:d}):".format(pt_index)
323        (pt_paddr, pt_valid, pt_large) = _PT_Step(pt_paddr, pt_index, verbose_level)
324    paddr = 0
325    paddr_isvalid = False
326    if pt_valid:
327        paddr = pt_paddr + pframe_offset
328        paddr_isvalid = True
330    if verbose_level > vHUMAN:
331        if paddr_isvalid:
332            pvalue = ReadPhysInt(paddr, 32, xnudefines.lcpu_self)
333            print "phys {0: <#020x}: {1: <#020x}".format(paddr, pvalue)
334        else:
335            print "no translation"
337    return
339def _PmapWalkARMLevel1Section(tte, vaddr, verbose_level = vSCRIPT):
340    paddr = 0
341    out_string = ""
342    #Supersection or just section?
343    if (tte & 0x40000) == 0x40000:
344        paddr = ( (tte & 0xFF000000) | (vaddr & 0x00FFFFFF) )
345    else:
346        paddr = ( (tte & 0xFFF00000) | (vaddr & 0x000FFFFF) )
348    if verbose_level >= vSCRIPT:
349        out_string += "{0: <#020x}\n\t{1: <#020x}\n\t".format(addressof(tte), tte)
350        #bit [1:0] evaluated in PmapWalkARM
351        # B bit 2
352        b_bit = (tte & 0x4) >> 2
353        # C bit 3
354        c_bit = (tte & 0x8) >> 3
355        #XN bit 4
356        if (tte & 0x10) :
357            out_string += "no-execute"
358        else:
359            out_string += "execute"
360        #Domain bit [8:5] if not supersection
361        if (tte & 0x40000) == 0x0:
362            out_string += " domain ({:d})".format(((tte & 0x1e0) >> 5) )
363        #IMP bit 9
364        out_string += " imp({:d})".format( ((tte & 0x200) >> 9) )
365        # AP bit 15 and [11:10] merged to a single 3 bit value
366        access = ( (tte & 0xc00) >> 10 ) | ((tte & 0x8000) >> 13)
367        out_string += xnudefines.arm_level2_access_strings[access]
369        #TEX bit [14:12]
370        tex_bits = ((tte & 0x7000) >> 12)
371        #Print TEX, C , B all together
372        out_string += " TEX:C:B({:d}{:d}{:d}:{:d}:{:d})".format(
373                                                                    1 if (tex_bits & 0x4) else 0,
374                                                                    1 if (tex_bits & 0x2) else 0,
375                                                                    1 if (tex_bits & 0x1) else 0,
376                                                                    c_bit,
377                                                                    b_bit
378                                                                    )
379        # S bit 16
380        if tte & 0x10000:
381            out_string += " shareable"
382        else:
383            out_string += " not-shareable"
384        # nG bit 17
385        if tte & 0x20000 :
386            out_string += " not-global"
387        else:
388            out_string += " global"
389        # Supersection bit 18
390        if tte & 0x40000:
391            out_string += " supersection"
392        else:
393            out_string += " section"
394        #NS bit 19
395        if tte & 0x80000 :
396            out_string += " no-secure"
397        else:
398            out_string += " secure"
400    print out_string
401    return paddr
405def _PmapWalkARMLevel2(tte, vaddr, verbose_level = vSCRIPT):
406    """ Pmap walk the level 2 tte.
407        params:
408          tte - value object
409          vaddr - int
410        returns: str - description of the tte + additional informaiton based on verbose_level
411    """
412    pte_base = kern.PhysToKernelVirt(tte & 0xFFFFFC00)
413    pte_index = (vaddr >> 12) & 0xFF
414    pte_base_val = kern.GetValueFromAddress(pte_base, 'pt_entry_t *')
415    pte = pte_base_val[pte_index]
416    out_string = ''
417    if verbose_level >= vSCRIPT:
418        out_string += "{0: <#020x}\n\t{1: <#020x}\n\t".format(addressof(tte), tte)
419        # bit [1:0] evaluated in PmapWalkARM
420        # NS bit 3
421        if tte & 0x8:
422            out_string += ' no-secure'
423        else:
424            out_string += ' secure'
425        #Domain bit [8:5]
426        out_string += " domain({:d})".format(((tte & 0x1e0) >> 5))
427        # IMP bit 9
428        out_string += " imp({:d})".format( ((tte & 0x200) >> 9))
429        out_string += "\n"
430    if verbose_level >= vSCRIPT:
431        out_string += "second-level table (index {:d}):\n".format(pte_index)
432    if verbose_level >= vDETAIL:
433        for i in range(256):
434            tmp = pte_base_val[i]
435            out_string += "{0: <#020x}:\t{1: <#020x}\n".format(addressof(tmp), unsigned(tmp))
437    paddr = 0
438    if pte & 0x2:
439        paddr = (unsigned(pte) & 0xFFFFF000) | (vaddr & 0xFFF)
441    if verbose_level >= vSCRIPT:
442        out_string += " {0: <#020x}\n\t{1: <#020x}\n\t".format(addressof(pte), unsigned(pte))
443        if (pte & 0x3) == 0x0:
444            out_string += " invalid"
445        else:
446            if (pte & 0x3) == 0x1:
447                out_string += " large"
448                # XN bit 15
449                if pte & 0x8000 == 0x8000:
450                    out_string+= " no-execute"
451                else:
452                    out_string += " execute"
453            else:
454                out_string += " small"
455                # XN bit 0
456                if (pte & 0x1) == 0x01:
457                    out_string += " no-execute"
458                else:
459                    out_string += " execute"
460            # B bit 2
461            b_bit = (pte & 0x4) >> 2
462            c_bit = (pte & 0x8) >> 3
463            # AP bit 9 and [5:4], merged to a single 3-bit value
464            access = (pte & 0x30) >> 4 | (pte & 0x200) >> 7
465            out_string += xnudefines.arm_level2_access_strings[access]
467            #TEX bit [14:12] for large, [8:6] for small
468            tex_bits = ((pte & 0x1c0) >> 6)
469            if (pte & 0x3) == 0x1:
470                tex_bits = ((pte & 0x7000) >> 12)
472            # Print TEX, C , B alltogether
473            out_string += " TEX:C:B({:d}{:d}{:d}:{:d}:{:d})".format(
474                                                                    1 if (tex_bits & 0x4) else 0,
475                                                                    1 if (tex_bits & 0x2) else 0,
476                                                                    1 if (tex_bits & 0x1) else 0,
477                                                                    c_bit,
478                                                                    b_bit
479                                                                    )
480            # S bit 10
481            if pte & 0x400 :
482                out_string += " shareable"
483            else:
484                out_string += " not-shareable"
486            # nG bit 11
487            if pte & 0x800:
488                out_string += " not-global"
489            else:
490                out_string += " global"
491    print out_string
492    return paddr
493    #end of level 2 walking of arm
496def PmapWalkARM(pmap, vaddr, verbose_level = vHUMAN):
497    """ Pmap walking for ARM kernel.
498        params:
499          pmapval: core.value - representing pmap_t in kernel
500          vaddr:  int     - integer representing virtual address to walk
501    """
502    paddr = 0
503    # shift by TTESHIFT (20) to get tte index
504    tte_index = ((vaddr - unsigned(pmap.min)) >> 20 )
505    tte = pmap.tte[tte_index]
506    if verbose_level >= vSCRIPT:
507        print "First-level table (index {:d}):".format(tte_index)
508    if verbose_level >= vDETAIL:
509        for i in range(0, 4096):
510            ptr = unsigned(addressof(pmap.tte[i]))
511            val = unsigned(pmap.tte[i])
512            print "{0: <#020x}:\t {1: <#020x}".format(ptr, val)
513    if (tte & 0x3) == 0x1:
514        paddr = _PmapWalkARMLevel2(tte, vaddr, verbose_level)
515    elif (tte & 0x3) == 0x2 :
516        paddr = _PmapWalkARMLevel1Section(tte, vaddr, verbose_level)
517    else:
518        paddr = 0
519        if verbose_level >= vSCRIPT:
520            print "Invalid First-Level Translation Table Entry: {0: #020x}".format(tte)
522    if verbose_level >= vHUMAN:
523        if paddr:
524            print "Translation of {:#x} is {:#x}.".format(vaddr, paddr)
525        else:
526            print "(no translation)"
528    return paddr
530def PmapWalkX86_64(pmapval, vaddr):
531    """
532        params: pmapval - core.value representing pmap_t in kernel
533        vaddr:  int     - int representing virtual address to walk
534    """
535    _PmapL4Walk(pmapval.pm_cr3, vaddr, config['verbosity'])
537def assert_64bit(val):
538    assert(val < 2**64)
540def PmapWalk(pmap, vaddr, verbose_level = vHUMAN):
541    if kern.arch == 'x86_64':
542        return PmapWalkX86_64(pmap, vaddr)
543    elif kern.arch == 'arm':
544        return PmapWalkARM(pmap, vaddr, verbose_level)
545    else:
546        raise NotImplementedError("PmapWalk does not support {0}".format(kern.arch))
549def PmapWalkHelper(cmd_args=None):
550    """ Perform a page-table walk in <pmap> for <virtual_address>.
551        Syntax: (lldb) pmap_walk <pmap> <virtual_address> [-v]
552            Multiple -v's can be specified for increased verbosity
553    """
554    if cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) < 2:
555        raise ArgumentError("Too few arguments to pmap_walk.")
557    pmap = kern.GetValueAsType(cmd_args[0], 'pmap_t')
558    addr = unsigned(kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[1], 'void *'))
559    PmapWalk(pmap, addr, config['verbosity'])
560    return